her of the last E. very 'orcibly that not been slum t, UK! dreary . , every descriptiw Iartcrs for black a beautiful Taf. II wear in all the loc per yard. A nd Stylish Goods e to a [Hamlin cq _ nimmings to sole agents for mic age, Ned Mack tworld. A new: & DIEBEI. oves bud " overflc nods in 1 L'ottons. 1 Lctc. We h Brand 1 Indycd w ning in this de. visited our show ml Saturdaypur the smile on ev- ' it left our store rds of the pleas. mg oroall the lat, ‘ Parisian stvles famed Health n all sixes m 'woolen. _ u ery customer. wc are more than t we have secured departmend _ n; daily. We re newest styled ml seal cape for iaps and Boas at rock Gttom cm & will shings tel of the G been wide "ate it ry Over for goods is In Witerlpo 1lcsandra Kid. qut shadtsxv- Underwear ot Il sires in com- dic, and Lhild- .inc in Gents' Gloves, ete A red out to-dq M iss s Dept. er l'arhidn styles T. This dcp't is mom of Miss pleased to show time ttMit ' DIEIEI. new: a mm d Mantles Itlltrlt ' mm ., {ell-l itate in " & up meat ds tn them, Dress A ship. Tllry 1" or.' residents gem mi 4 DIESQDI‘ Ar, :v:.~:~ u-.~uccessfu1 attempt was we to r» u tn.- t ierinat1 Mills on Tues- ia.; 313' When 'discovered they had 'cm’ .1. v'ivtvr' mm the safe door sud in. -Armi1}npr funnel for the purpose Minty hi 1:. v-cting powder. -)rt.m ll i,', l'vrine, of U000, WIS ecvd 1w. A.tr N with a stroke of par- ).ysv m1 Hn- right side. Mr. Patina. Tlh,ls or» v? the most widely known raidenw i Waterloo county, u 81 2&9 Opel tember I wwcc. ember and w xiv 9d Pter M 'rp number may g mum: um lrtlst Pc"s i 'm- pupils are printed below _ PIA-"o. The Minister of Education ly N w-_': Hue which will be hung in tue 't's,. .umn: Buildings, Toronto ; “3d ths-,, have "been ordered by the 1.rmriwr mi Agriculture " Ottawa, one 9: wtâ€. . aid be sent to Engluxd. Mr. therir,, Photos have round] been " Sued to the British Art Mateo, Lon- iiot.t, Emgr. where none my mama may they possess some sped-l merit., So far is known there we only four PhoY'Mraphen in Gun-d. whose works hue been udenhtqd,-lt ' . 31"8‘4 , -Ber 3&1 w W as" f, -:- Kitehen isttot mm -% lie The GOOD mg. u, [A )('A l, N EWS. ll TO AuVERTISERS “yd run-n be left ist this office '_", . .m saturday noon. The 5 v- â€um must be left not late ' msbr mun. Casual Advertise- rt 'tut up to noon Wednesday UL Improved Vegetable Slicers. i wn.u)w complete without one ' mm m waged to learn :4 lmiy sprtil plain sewers - Mm Croft/ upstairs at J, Ask Your Dealer for it .,', I’nntnyl nil won ir'50 L 1Hr: ot 'tle-y in half .r' (l, Hwy w; used for pay- ', "\E'llN'S . " {mm in we Canada Ga rm "int! service entrance _ wi.', be held at Ottawa, hum-here on Nov. 12th. and be in not later than t umber. bwiu: well was struck It g, lie-rim, on Monday. The mi at a. depth of 172 feet. Ham and pure, but has . puny war. The find my vrnrd. " W. Green has started a ‘.l<m;k which will be known V rut-k Gazette. The first am. has some to hand in ma and is well filled with " uczt'. news matter. It taken 12! and has no party aim. v 1.1.x ting of the ex-pupils of .1. I m Waterloo 8. very good A 1" obtained by our local W, B Shark. The photos F 4ize 10x12 inches and the rr) Library“ Board .~purpose s iot of new books within l 13h 0r two. Patrons of m- kindly invited to leave f "l heuks they desire to v. -m the shelves with the and of our dmuld take notice that ~11 io ducks in from Sep- l’ecexkber 15th; partridge, ii“. tn il, Plover, grey and _, and hues, Sept. 15th lam, dumber 15th to De. uNlay, while Mr. John ‘Luployec of Wegenast & .1ng a planer a belt broke round his neck. He re- ;‘y cut on the neck and , rtumto indeed in escap- it , haw just received 3 MN Mind‘s. Ming to the atsessor's .. have a population ot "TV " P. n BY ml Waterloo Philhar- l†mm? for practice whim; at 8 o'elock, str" wlll be present IS lying very- low at BERLIN in Malia. m at . year have panned and - L in six ofthcm,JIme, Jihad A being the only month! excepted _ it than hr. This in D "iernarkNt M and one that bu not but: dupiitmdrd, so far a known. The but Inow Gull last. ya:- on October 14. --Following are the - in “as Western Footbdl Amocistion '. Scab†-C)n or before Oct 6--Berlin Mecha- ica vs Galt; Oct. 12-4Ult “Human; Oct. 19--Huroms " Mechanics; Oct-26 --Galt " Mach-nice; Nov. 2441mm- " Galt; Nosr.9-Meehanios " Huron. Intermediate-On or before Oct. 5 or 12 -Woodatock 01. " Berlin Royals; Oct 19 or 26--Royit VI Woodttoek C. I. Club mentioned first to hue choice of ground, and rule 9 q. C. rule to govern waiting club. I Summon k Lamar: COAL-N ‘w in the time to place your orders for] beet hard coal at bottom prices. B " b Hnbbick. tt APPRENTICE Watmm.....-Aa intelli- Rent youth, about 16 years of aggwith afair English edutastion, to learn the printing trade. Apply in person " this othee. Losr.-A large, black, tuned cover of mill waggon and a bag ot wheat, be. tween Waterloo and Hamburgmu Sat- urday evening. Finder will be reason- ably rewarded by lowing them at the Union Mills, Waterloo, Ont,---" . Tm: U. B. CHURCH CASE-The ap- peal of the Liberal wing of the U. B. Church from the decision of Justice Street Was argued before the Court of Appeal, this week. Eminent counsel WtWh employed or. both sides. Judg- ment reserved. THANKSUIVING DAv.--An Order in Council was passed last. Saturday " ing Thursday, Nov. 21st tssrThtutktrgisr- ing, Day. Last your the date fell on the fourth Thursday. Thanksgiving Day in the UnitedStatea is one week later, viz., Nov. 28th. Mums“ oPEtuNG..--The ladies of Waterloo and vicinity are cordially in vited to attend the grand millinery opening of Doering Bros. On Friday and Saturday, October Brd and 4th. The millmery department this year is in charge of Misd. Wells, of Elors-1t ELOcUTlox CLASSES. - Mr. A, O. Mounteer will meet both junior and senior classes at 4.30 o'clock, p. m., on Monday, October 7th, in the High School. The junior class will take up the same work as was taken up by the class last spring while the seniors will engage in work that is more advanced. A PATRXARCH Goi-Mr. John D. Shoemaker, of Bretlau, ditsdp.n Mon. day at the advanced age of 94 years and f) months. He was one of the pio. neers that came from Pennsylvania early in the century and lived to mt. nose great changes in this country. He was widely connected throughout Wat. erloo county. Tsunami AssocrArros.--Mr. Wm, Scott, B.A., Vice-Principal of the To ronto Normal Behool will attend the County Teachers’ Association which is to be held at Berlin 2'l the 10th and 11th inst. He will dreu the public meeting on the evening of the 10th. Subject : "The Training of Children," During the day be will discuss: 1. Some points in School Mmegement. 2, Induction in Teaching. 3. Ques- tioning es . means of .teachinsr-c. G. FRASER, sser--lt DEATH or AN OLD lustDrmt--.on) Tuesday one of Waterloo’s oldest reai-' dents passed awav in the person of John F. Knatz. He had been ill for a few weeks butts stroke of perelysie I few days ago hastened the end. He was born in Great Dreulzen, Prussia, on the 7th December, 1819, and emigrated to this country in 1853. In 1858 he mar- ried Catherine Gnhl of which union there were born nine children, three boys end six girls, of whom two boys and one girl have died. He raided in Blenheim, Oxford f.'ti: tor e time, then moved to Elmwood, moo Co. About six years ego he come to Weterloo. The funeral will take ee, from the resi- 3denote. Albert wrest, on Fridq, Oct [4th, at 1:30 pm. , _ COST or Gmom'rmo WAIaMr--uua. Woods, of Humiltdn, has been gather- ing fuck and figures relative to pue- ment laying in other cities, end in ot opinion that Guelph’s pun in the oheap eet and beet he has yet seen. There the citv takes out' ten inches of oath and puts in u concrete sidewalk orf1ve inches of coerce gavel, threemd e hull inchelofednd end chuminpmpot- tiooaot4to1, Lie0nuuiedtiel! of (an: mixture downwind tttes total out ie " â€an. 'ttot on residen- tinl street! and " u. men wnlk inquired,» _ . _ ml at! iGrrett?t3t1te1tjet $28.2 aegis-eh ' w†My “New addict! 't2hllet, nae-bet o! . LedgeorOonrt. '_Ieieuidchetehout to of " doctor- heve signed the agree- ment prime-ed. The matter in I Inim- one for my member. of the “lick beesettit" moieties. but it is chimed that in the event. of e strike try the city physician Oneida medic-l ntén will be brought them. _ Mr. ‘AdinIBul-kbolder, Detroit, Mich. 8‘79 the Chronicle . friendly all on Monday afternoon. Mill Rollo Sims donghter of P. H. Sims, Iceman-y of the Britiah-Atrusritsa Assurtoce Gompmy Toronto, is “tend- ing the’Miu Louder Bonding School, 2718 St. Catherine'. Street, Montreal, Que. . Moran J. S. Lockie, G. A. Bruce, A. B. McBride and Ed. Seagull), were in Toronto this week to hear Irving and Torry. Mr. tad Mn. Hutchinon of Hunt:- ville Muskoka, Messrs Bert Hutcbilon and Fred Killer, of TororiTo on; in town owing to the continued illness ot Mr. oat.' Hutchiaon, whose condition is critical. Mes-rs Arthur Hilliard and Wesley Huey left for Toronto on Tuuday morning where they will Attend the Ontario School of Dentistry. W.H.Davis, assivtant editor of The Belleville Sun, formerly of the Chron.. iole staff, was renewing old sequin:- tuteett in Waterloo last week. Mr. Jake Peppler, the popular ctr conductor. has returned from a. week's holidays in Lintgwel. Dr.W.Boardman and Mr.H. B. Lutz of Lancaster, Pa., are the guests of Mr. Geo. Wagons“. Miss Bowman, lady superintendent of the Hamihon Hospital, and Mina Allin and Bert Bowman, are the guest of Misses Ann: Florence and Martha Snider. Miss Linn; Seyler is visiting friends in Petrolia and Port Huron. Mr. I Wegenast of Toronto in viait. ing at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Keil and family are spending some time with friends and relatives at Port Huron and De. trait. Mr. Charles Mueller leaves for Chica- go to-day (Thursday) A Urge. number are taking advant- age of the cheap rates to visit. friends in Michigan. - _-, The Rev. Mr. Mm, formerly of New Hamburg, was inducted into the putomte of the Lutheran church, Pree- tou, on Sunday, 22nd September. Messrs. Hunter and Croesley, the evangelism, will close their meetings in Guelph oh Oct. 15, and will leave for the Maritime Province: end the Ber. rnudu, end will be absent from Ontario for nbout a year. $60,000 FOR CHURCH PvRPotna.-- The late Mr. Mellanley of Port Col- borne, bequeathed 820,000 to the Me. thodist Church, 810,000 to the super- annuntion fund, and . like amount to the home missions. Each ot these bunches of the Church the other day. received a cheque for $8,000 on oc- count, the balance to follow. The rm. idue of the deceued's estate, supposed to be worth $40,000, was devised to the General Missionary Society. pol, in developing Into It? c clever music“ autumn. 0 Band dio- oouhed "not made it intend! during ( the dar, which "I highly appreciated.‘ Aleogether the show we: e great sue- ceee, end it u expected that the gate receipt- will exceed than of former years. Mention mm eleo be nude of the Elmin Band, which, under the 'sthoUnt letdouhipAof Mr. J. M. Rup- ' Personal and Social Emma Fall Show. The Churches. win- lemon: Will find a rich assortment of Fall Dress Goods, Fall Underwear. , Fall J aekels, Capes, [ Hesieey& Gloves at the popular store of J. -1-lft.le-a-'l1..1) YOUTHS’ --..-------------" CLOTHING. We're Set in our Ways. Put a hen on a nest of eggs, Ind sh -'11 teach the avenge business mm a lesson. She’ll show him that it takes time, patience, judgment and determination to hatch any sort of a. scheme; she'll teach him that the only way to accomplish a task is to stick to it, We are set in our ways. We have made up our m nds Io accomplish certain results by certain methods. We never \‘arK from those methods, we stick to them wit the temurty of a. bull dog to a. tramp’s aitu. ation, with the patience of a. mild eyed hen on a neat of china. door knobs, our determ. ination is to build up a big business that will reflect credit on Berlin, that will draw trade from miles around to Berlin; our de. termination is to do this, ,and to obtainithis result we employ only one method, Do you ever find anythigg that we sell, as cheap anywhere cl e? ever. Will you ‘ever be a le to bny goods of anybody else in Berlin or out of it for as 1 ttle money as we sell them'. Not if we know it, can W,' go into any store in Berlin to-day and buy Remy-made Clothing, Genta' Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, as cheap as you can bu it here. You will find that we nre building business on a settled foundation. Set out to our store early. i BERLIN Stand 20 to 24 King St. Dust, 2 doors )west of 1leville's Drug Store. impair as de1Npsttior the school here ' " . A number of our community spent last Sunday in Floradale to be present at the opening of the new church of the Evangelical Associatiom ' Mr. Thomas Dobson has returned to London to resume his studies at the Huron College. t . . Miss Lena Large has returned from her summer- vacat- ion and intends resuming her duties at the Mammoth More. . . .Miss Annie Hemeworth spent Sunday at home in Eli-towel. . . .The Independent Order t0ddtelloms and Canadian Order of Foresters are hsving their Hell enlarg. ed Ind remodeled. Mr. Peter Helm hes secured forty-seven prizes for fowl this lesson at the three following shows '. Mornington, Wellesley and Streti'ord Who Siiops SELLING GOODS CHEAP. TCiLTG't Aime se'rvices were held in Grace Church on Sunday last. Toronto .....r. Brenna ....... 'tt'2tlisii-.:: e rs .._ _ 'snr-ttnut' tltgatfotd...... a Gut and Elmira Branch. S. BRUN K & co., Latest Designs in All the Varieties, Fabrics and Styles Railway Time Table. Wand Trunk Railway some EAST. MILLqANK (JOIN G NORTH. 2:23: 8 u ti ii 16 a coma WEST. GOING SOUTH ito 1130 no 2001050 “we: H43“ Mlllti 0001157 IS . . ". ' . . DEFT. £01- Fantcgncfl ?l'i'it'rafi1 Chil fzgii'ptettit.i1tg,',t; ' ms. or . as an _ n’s the “WM " Pt? hrhli ttttd Underwear, Tam o'Shanters, Mittens, and a great MW" ttae Mt beeitapetted We? of othergoods at veri close $111098. Fit. thk 8-tt, inter Kni ing in full last one but the - beet yarns used. Also Custom Knitting done to FOR GENTS & BOYS :lorder'. My Stock is now complete for fall and winter wear. Fine navy serge, 2 piece suits, $1.25, $I.75, $2.25. A fine all. Wool Tweed Suit, 2 pieces, $2.50, $2.75; $3.00, $3.50, $3.75; 3 pieces, $4, $450. $5. $irw,$6, Good Value and Fit Guaranteed. Boy' odd Pants and Coats, black Worsted Suits', Blouse Suits, Vel- vet Suits, szy Blue Pea Jackets. Boys’ and Youths’ Overcoats As I have just opened this part of the stock recently, my purchase is entirely new. Goods bought be- fore the recent advance in prices 'ull stock of Sizes of all Goods. WALPER BLOCK Gents’ Furnishings, Hats and Caps, Boys’ and Youths' Clothing. Sugarman&00’s Owing to scarcity of space in our More necessitating some changes in certain de. ptsrtmeyta we are force greatly reduce our entire stock in a limi time and in ' rder to do no we will for one month make sweeping reductions in Ready made Clothing Dress Goods compr ing the leading shades in Cashmerea, ', enriettas, Shrub Sages, Storm Sol-gen, Di 2,'l do. Bingalines, Sauna, Royals. em, wil 1 reduced 15 per cent. during this sale. l A beautiful lino of, Filench Delsins. new designs and coloring' only Me sold else. where for 40a - l _ - -- _ Dry Goods and ling' Fu+nishings A Urge range of male '31. for light sum- mer Rating: and itd,'llr',1filrt Spot and Swiu Muslim, C amb'tyl, Ruiskinga,Delainettetr, etc, to bgegually rgduced: ... . "Elsi a; tGo.v%tripei Silk fr blouses, worth 75c, 301(560. ... .. "F,iaG/-'./ijite best quality of Mxlaneae Silk in black and dplggeq worth 40_c, P'Y ly. Hooierv nnd Underwear-Lures' Cotton Vesta half sleeves, 4 for 26e. Ladies' Cot- ton Vests, half sleeves, heavy, 3 for Me. Udietf I Mural IU1triggtut, half Ileevea, at 18e, 20e, Me, 30e and 35c. 1aAiea'Apotton, Hose, fast black, I3 pr. for Me. Ladies‘ Cotton Hose, {an blwk, worth 20e, 2 r.for 25c. Ladies' Cotton Hose, 'lr'ldl'iji'rri"/'l, " lik, 18c, 20e and Me. Iadiea' Lisle Hose in blelt tnd my, aplgndid value Me. a?rinta--We are safe in [saying that we haw the Ingest. and best selected stock in town, over300 pieces of the leading English mtrnutLsturtrt 60, 7e,8eJht, an_d 12c. Cottomr--NotwitUtanding the recent ad- venee in the price of cotton we still sell at the old ttt having been fortunate in lay- ing in a urge steak. Our 50 cotton surpas- ee anything sold et 6e and hs. Exeeptioval velue at 40, 60,70 and Se. Reedy-made Clothing-lt'" â€unpo-ible to quote prices of our unit- to give my idea of the greet reduction we ere mking during this sale. For our mutual at infection we invite you to eellnnd enmine our stock end rioee and you will be convinced that we Km the but suite at the lowest ttet We only hurdle the output' of relish a maho- tuna. We guanine all units over " u to workmen-hi fit and material. We cheerfully relun5_ money [if goods en not " TEE-""7; reduction} "V inpnoel' will onl at,M2tulfll'f. Ian only ed! 'l'lll equilibrium no. his" use for sale.- GREAT CLEARING SALE. . J. Woollard, BOYS’ and Mgarmatrllt th., Hosiery. Shirts. Ties. Sean's. Handkerchiefs. Wool Gloves and Mitts, Undershlrts and pants, Night Shirts. Collars and Cuffs, Kid Mitts and Gloves, Sweaters; Cardigan Jackets. Braces and Belts. Silk and Wool Mufflers. " ' WM, Berlin. In J. 'M ' Soda WWI†g2; 'ti, 'i"h(AL1; PAPER! ' WALL PAPER! CNrrER,Eil.. Cr'ii1CEt,TUCiir'"Ei9 WE have just received a new stock of Wall Paper of the latest designs. These we intend to dispose of at very low prices For a very little money you can have your house papcred with tasty and artistic Wall Paper. . W.H. BECKER & co., Booksellers GROW & - t ( Mlllillllillil RELIABLE GOODS Millinery I Millinery l. Jackets and Capes! he Goods and Dress Making. Our Stock. iS'Very Full. . . Groff (il, Hymmen. always desirable. We are nous) All the Latest Makes. See them. Fancy Goods Store, KingSt., Waterloo. Furs I Furs I CORRECT STYLES. NEAT and STYLISH. of our Special Departments. RIGHT PfICES a2tkAt, a: r1