“I; ., FJ 33 The Bicycle with Hangman An we have bad occasion to notice before, the bicycle hns Already nppou- ed in the magazine several time. thn summer, and much ha been said of it-perhaps, in the opinion of those who do not ride, all there u to any. Indeed when one considers the adeer. not enjoy them. We hear much of the " idiocy of the fisherman, who will sit all day among his worms for the excite- ment of a bite or two ; or of the hunt- l er, who tramps through miles of under- t brush, with a heavy Run on his should. I er, to shoot perhaps a crow in his own , cortstield, when he returns home worn- out at night. Yet fishermen and hunt. ers cannot be persuaded to find Ity, sports prosaic. And how much less ll the wheelman ! No waiting for him, .1 no tiresome tramping, but a flight thel awiftness and ewe of which are the more exhilarating because his own , muscles furnish the motor-power. l e-i hind him the miles vanish, and before/ him at every moment is a new prospect;l new trees appear, new streams, new! hills, new valleys. The clouds lie on; the mountain-side ', he looks again andl they are gone. Houses cluster and, then <eparate, and broad fields stretch'; out between them. The road narrowa,l the hmnchm gather overhead, and he isl in the midst of aforest. Surely here is: the freedom " an unbodied spirit, the': actual realization of L'Allegro and Ill Penaeroeo f 1 "a -r-- -" Yet in their August numbers no fewer than three leading monthlies de. wte an article each to the bicycle, and we imagine that these papers will not be the least popular of the contentr. But the wheel has not yet entered Eng- lish literature as is the case with some other and older forms of sport ; as yet no book on cycling, no essay even, has appeared that at the same time ranks high as literature. The quinteesence of the sport has not found expression ; its Izaak Walton is still to come. This is said by non-riders to be the fault of the machine ; being mechanic- al, it is commonplace, they tell us, and admirable as it is, can hardlv inspire poetry. Its qualities are rather useful than romantic. You speak of a century run, and they listen with interest; but a ride through Ireland or France-they would prefer a horse. In vain you tell them how much hetterit could hedone on a wheel. 'lt is quicker and cheaper they answer; 'and exactly for those reasons it is commonplace and proaaic.’ But a priori reasoning is apt. to mite lead. It is the fate of most sports to meet the denunciation of those wh? do tiling page. sad the maltitndin- on: circulars wd catalogues ilsued by the innumerable company of bicycle manufacturers, it would seem that more bu already been printed tbont tho wheel thun even its great and grow- ing importance can deserve. -- _ . . . A W_HL___ -" lint although the literature of bicycl-l ing hardly keeps pace with the enthus-i iasm «a is natural in so new atsport--l, in the three magazine articles before ule there is much valuable intsruction and; information. In the North American,l Sir Benjamin Ward Richardson, M.D.,i treats of what to avoid in bicycling,) and _quch warning is xery timely now) when m many are tempted to overdo" the exercise. The danger of course is greatest to the immature ; and the strain of too severe riding falls chietly on the heart: hr. Kolh, as well as myself, has found that it is the heart which is prin- cirmlls, exrrciserl during cycling. So won as brisk cycling has commenc- ed, the motions of the heart begin to increase. There is not a cycle rider of any “12(- in whom the heart is not inthr eucul to as to do more work, and al- though in skilled cyclists and trained cyclists a certain balance is set up which equalizers the motion, such riders are not exempt from danger. I have known the beats of the heart to rise from tli) to 200 in the minute, in the first exercise of ruling-an increaze which, for thetime more than doubles the amount of work dorus--s very seri. one fact when we remember that .the extreme natural motion of the heart al- lows it to perform a task equal to raising not less than P.?.? foot tons in the course of 21 hours; that is to say, over five foot tons an hour. It, Lippincott and Scribner, the pap‘ era lire of a lighter nature and deal more with the advantages of wheeling than its dangeur In the former} monthly, Mr Speed calls attention to the need of a more clearly understood road etiquette, especially " between bicyclists and drivers :In the hater, we have the promised article on the wheel in Paris-the firat and perhnps the most enthusiastic city in giving wide curren- cy to the new sport ; where it hns even in mded the theatre, so that in n play noon to be produced I prominent notor is to recite o monologue from end to and while owheel sud working his prd- .18. ‘Bicycle 1nuineaa,' tests of riding, "bell-ringing and Whistler-blowing will v.fy the mini, " the last words of which the bicycle nod rider will diup _ in the wingef But even in IU/ia no setishcton costume for women riders bu yet been invents? t The height of perfection In: not be n reached. Hundreds of bicyclilu, men and women of impouhtblo lute, no buoy designing â€Insulin that will In better, And the flaw tailors m muggy-0pm “swim tone no ads! tseigrt. bicycle can twit- with so antics the m of gun- in: who will sums I txtqtqttDet It once pimple, Atrtntr, uppmpriste, comfort- i,ri,"iiiia, bug-no; least. not yet worn "errwhem.-- Country Gentle. Inn. she-I wneplaying whist also last. night. It was the flrat meetmg of our Young Ladies' Whiz: Club. m--1 wondered what made you so hoarse.-- Harlem Life. Willie-What does alimony mean, pa? Does It mean all the money? Pa (bitterly)---Yeg, all the money 3 mm: can scrape together,isnd more,too, some~ timea..--New York World. 'The baby did come mighty nigh be- ing named ‘Trilby." said the leen man with the yellow vest, "but I manned to sure her." "How 1" "ted the ht. mun. "Told my wife that we would be liable for infringement of the copy- right 1awc'---1ndianpolU J camel. “Talk about daylight robbery being the height of imposition,' said the man as he shook his fist at the gas meter, "it is not in it with gaslight robbery. bu-Indies Journal. 'Have you read my last poem in the magazine l" "No, but. if it's really your last, just mention the magazine and I’ll buy it,-Atlaata G,nstitution. Csaer-PUt made Mulligan fall off do Uddert Did his fut slip? Reilly-- It did not. Oi told him 5 joke an hour ago, an’ sure he jist.’ now tumbled.--. Philadelphia Record. "Miater," said the stronger who bed wondered acme! the Long Bridge ; "where ore the Potomec flate that I read so much About?†" dor't know ex- ectly,†replied the dejected man who was walking back from the race course, "bat I goats I must be one of them." --Watshington Star. Tommy's Pop-Why is. it the little boy who lives serous the street seems to have no friends? Tommy-NV, his father’t . baseball umpird-Philts- delphus Record. "Willie, have you been in another fight l" "No, mamma. This teller out- classed me, and I waan't in it." Be-You see, the free coinage of silver would inflate priee-" She- Would it l Then youd better let me have some money so I can get in some bargains at once-Brooklyn Life. - Hojtxelr--The, air seems rarer tUuit used to be. Tomdik---Well, perbups it is rarer. You know that a good deal is being used in pneumatic bicycle tire, aow.-mrper's Bazar. Lueleiirh-WGt makes you think young Phether Waite is a drummer for a bicycle concern , Chumleigh-'-Any. body can see that. m carries samples in his lsetsd.--New York World. She (in the art gallery) -I wonder if my hat is on straight: merymxly stares at me so. He-Naturally ch y do. You are the most perfect pioture here. And now the cards are oi1t.-iiladelphia Record. Bass-Do you know that Fenderson is a regular lady killer? thum-I MMV peered as mach from what he said about the woman in the big hat just in front of him at the theatre the other night-Boston Transcript. Mrs. McBride (entering the kitchen) ---Bridget, didn't I see that policeman kiss you? Bridger-Well, mum, inure an’ yez wouldu't'.hev me lay meailf opin to arrist for reaistin’ an ofticer, mum. Doliy-1 told Mr. N icefellow that I bet Reggie twenty kisses our boat would win a me at the regatta. Daisy --Well, wasn't he shocked? Dollr--No I let him hold the stakes.9aton Globe. Mas. WINSLW'S Soo'mmo SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers tor their children while teething. It disturbed at night and broken ot your rest by a sick child an "in: and get with pein of ce,)?'.'.,,,',,'.'"), sen at once en get A bottle of C .. rs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will relieve, the poor little sufferer immedintely Depend upon it mothers. there is no mistake shout it It cures Diarrhoea, minutes the Stomach end Bowels cures Wind Atlio. softens the Gums, reduces Iniuattnation and gives energy to the whole system."Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" nor children teething is pleasant to t e taste Ind is the prescription of one ot the oldest and best female physicians end nurses in theUnited States. Price twtsatrttre cents a bottle Sold by all drugrists throughout the world. he sure glad net or "Mas. WINSLOW'S WHO YRUP " It may be better to be horn lucky than rich. All the suns, it’s mighty unlucky not to be born rieh.---ihtdge, _ Immune! cum lee A 1ue.-etrutgt AmeHoan Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism 3nd News“. My one: In I to I (by: 1taaeotimsutiopthe - in mu.“ t'lTffgt."gh It remove- " once the com an O m m dis. The Int dose may bandit gleam by Id. I but". Drumst- _ ‘Give me . down fried oysten.’ rry, air, but we're all out of shell- tu , except eggs! Rm bl an Moi.-- I“ and Budd: “In. 'iiiliai'i1r2,t,,qkt,if ktto “ti-Low “LAM , For Over Firtr Years FRESH FUN. I. Will“.- " London,Aug. Is-m", Home of Cour mons met. " tw o'clock this gunman and the mambo: were " once summons ed by the mber itt the Black Bod to the Home ot Lords to am the reading of the Queen’s speedy. u The war between Chino and Japan, which was in progress at the opening of the last session has been 'brought to a conclusion by a peace which, I trust, will be enduring. I have observed strict neutrality during the war and have not taken any action in respect thereto ex- cept such as appeared likely;to be favor. able to a. termination of hostilities, '""icriiiilrGa re memble st four o’clock when the dehste on the address in leply to the speech will begin. - _ -- . r I AL _ n_x__ " “Tie communications which I receiv- ed from foreign powers assure me of the continuance of their good-will. I am happy to any that no international complication has arisen in any quarter that Is calculated to-end -nger the peace of Europe. “Ur-"m" ___.- 'C"" , " In the House of Cowman: the Hopi. Wodehouse Legh, Ornservative, eldest non of Lord N cannon, will move the " dress and his moliun will be seconded by Mr.T.Herbert Rbbertsoo, the new Com servntive member for Hackney. The eommiaeiqn to read the Queen's speech consisted fof Lord Selebury. the Lord Chancellor: the Duke of Portland, the Earl of Lathirrn,Trueount Cross and Lord Balfourmf Burleigh. All were " tired in their schrlet and ermine robes of odiets, Lord Selebury read the speech while Speeker Gully and the members of the Home of Commons stood at the bar. When the reading we: conducted the Speaker and "other members of the of the House of 00mmons retired to their own chamber. The upeech was as follows '. My Lords and Gentlemen , ... gigs-3181;; of Lords the-Duke of Marlborough 'iii move and Lord Amphthill will groom! the nddresg. - - -_- " l" _ Al _ " 4.. 'I‘ I deeply regret to say that most atro- cious outrages upon it body of English missionaries have been reported in the Province of Fukien/Chimc In reply to an earnest representition addressed to the Chinese Govern out by my diree. tion,wetive measures which I trust will prove effective, are being taken to pun- ish the murderers and all who were in any degree responsible for these crimes. Internal troubles which have broken out in the Armenian districts of Asia. tie Turkey, have been attended with horrors which have moved the indigna- tion of the Christian nations of Europe generally. and my people especially. My Ambassador and the Ambassa-1 dors of the Emperor of Russia and the President of the French Republic, act- ing together,hsve suggested to the Gov. ernment ofthe Sultan the reforms which in their opinions are necessary to pre- vent the recurrence of constant dis. order. These propowls are now being considered by the Sultan,a.nd I am an- xiously awaiting his decision. A resolution has been passed by both Houses of the Parliament of the Cape of Good Hope,proposing that the adjacent Crown Colony of Bechuanaland should be incorporated with Cape Colohy. I tsignified that I was willing to consider favorably an Act for that purpose pro- viding it contained proper safeguards to my interests and those of my native su b. iects. especially as regards their lands, the liquor traffle, and the maintenance of their own system of justice.I received satisfactory assurances on these mat. ters,aud an Act has been passed by the Cape Parliaments whichI have every reason to expect will fulfil my require- menu. Gentlemen of the House of Com. mans: The estimates for the service year, which were not voted by the last Par. lament. will be laid before you, My Lords and Gentlemen: At this season of the year it will pro- bably be found more convenient to de. fer until another session the considera. tion of any important legislative mat- ters, except those necessary to provide for the administrative charges of the you. There was th large number of the members of the House of Commons at the reading of the Queen's, speech, but there were only . dozen peers in " tendisnee, The U. S. Ambesaador,Mr.' Bayard, and MmBaynrd were present. In the Indies' gallery there were quite a number of spectators. Victorie, IMI, Aug. 14 --Ounrtsddi- t'umtudisaaters caused by the norm of July 25th ere reported trom the south end west of J open. One thousand fish. ermen of the singleProvince of Setsumo are known to hue been drowned. tiimertm._ M “humble". 'seat-tr-ttleo Hannah-am; In. In“ “an.“ . Three etamehipe were driven uhore and few ot their new! end peuengell seeped alive. Sever-l Yin-gee on the see coat have been literelly destroyed by the the flood. The line of death u outed by the enthont‘iee will exceed three mound. [ hide-oomph!“ "loess-so, dl'fltf'a",e'ttu'g2t."g'gtt Mud . $000 lives but. lo-utmhlow- t In - WIC- of Tokio, Aug. " J-ate is forâ€! in the J spun-o than“; Count Ito, the Prime Minister, in oee.ted' alumni: without his knowlgdgo. Wttint' him- self plwed in s in!» positionhe refuse- promotion while comm of bin bolls-gnu rem-In tttthooorvd. He has left the osp- ital and will not return until the ques- tion is settled. . Count Yamsgutn, the wnr minister, declinel the title of mu- quin for similur rguonm The treaty of peace betweqn Chin: and J npsn agreed upon at Shimonuki on April 17, was Atifud at Cheefoo. Chin-.013 Msy 8.The r.tilled treaty wu a -ia'iiruitia of the original one, for the lapanese oommissionaries. Count Ito, for the Prime Minister, and Vis- count, Mutiu, the Miniature! Foriegn Affairs, had yielded to the demands of Russimhscked by Germany and France, and restored the whole of the Leatong peninsula,to China. The splendid way in which the war was carried on, the complete overthrow of the Chinese Empire and the final conditions ot - brought out by Count Ito and his asso- ciates in the cabinet, were forgotten when it was learned that, at Russia’s order,Jspan’s representatives agreed to give back the conquered territory. A revolution has been threatening. It may be that the Emperor has tried to extricate himself from a difheult posi- tion by shelving a Prime Minister dis- credited by the people by givinghim a promotion in rank.Connt Ytsrntsgtstts,tl"s present Minister of Wanis said to have planned the campaign in China, while Oyama reaped the glory. Oyama was Minister of War. He Mid down his portfolio to take the field.Field Marshal Yamagata. seeing the' Port Arthur cherries he had planted about to fall in. to Oyama's basket. fell sick and was called home. The Emperor made a con- fitUnts of him and made him Minister of War. - The chtern City Seems Likely to Get the Men-Dr.'lluuell Alive Philadelphia, Ps, Aug. 16. -It has practically been decided that H. H. Holmes,the alleged murderer of Minnie and Nannie Williams, B.F. Pietzel,and half a dozen others, will go to Chicago for trial for the murder of the Wil. liams girls. This is said was the out. come of the long conference held in this city last evening between Mr. W. A. Capps, of Fort Worth, Texas, and District Attorney Graham. After the conference Lawyer Cappe said that he had urged the district attorney to al- low Holmes to go to Chicago.and that ( Mr.Graham could hardly refuseto grant l his request. A "worm†ALIVE. Grand Rapids, Mim.,Aug 16.---0ne of the supposed victims of H. H. Holmes, the insurance swindler,is alive and well and practising medicine in Grand Rapids. His name is Dr, T. T, Russell. Chicago papers have recently stated that a Dr.Russell had disappear- ed from Englewood in 1892, and that it was believed that he had been mur. dered in the Holmes castle. Dr.Rusae|l, l who settled in Englewood in 1892,rent. ed rooms in theH olmes castle,and remain- ed there twoaud one-half months,when be left for another field of labour. He met Holmes a few times, but was not intimately acquainted with him. Corbett Marries Again Asbury, Park, N. J., Aug. W-Che Corbett cottage was the scene of a. quiet wedding this morning.C%unpion James: J. Corbett. was married to Miss Jessie Taylor, of Omaha, N eh. The bride is known by the name of Vern Stanwood. Corbett returned from Buffalo this morning, and made up his mind to get married. Corbett invited his friend: at Aubury Park, but kept the marriage so quiet that awn his manager, Wm. A. Brady, knew nothing of it After the ceremony was over Corbett duped his bride in his amu and kissed her a. dozen times. . Congratulations followed. Mr. Ind Mrs. Corbett left on the 10 10 train for a wedding tour, which will embrace Niagara. Falll, Sax-30033 and the Thous- and, lslande.- Be will return the In of Beptember and go Into active train- ing for Fitzsimmona fight. prescribe" Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil and Hypophos- phites because they tind their patients can' tolerate it for a long time, as it does not upset the stomach nor derange the digestion like the plain oil. Scott's Emulsion is " much easier to digest than the plain oil " milk is easier to digest than butter. Besides, the tititr. fittasteid taken onto! theoti, and it is ghost palatable. The HOLMES FOR CHICAGO minnow-I'M. Physicians THE WATERLUU MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COM ANY. mcoRPoR"7rED m 1863. Total Assets Bist Decembe '93, $349,134. MEAT - MARKET of service to the people of Waterloo. has been enlarged and improv- ed and newly painted. ' Large,New Refrigerator. loops 1"ko of Matt, Summor Sun- pg" of all kind: a spacinlty. John Fischer, CITY MEAT MARKET hoop. oonetanttr in atmtk Down the street Mud: the busy way A lady passed on marketing day. Who, pawns nt I grocery store. stmjeiiquichlrlttntluoirendotr. With bated breath and anxious mien She queried t "have you COTTOLENE?‘ tiiiiilin The grocer, leaving off his work, Interrupted every clerk,. But none up to that time had seen An artitltt called " COTTOLENE." "What is itt" said he to the dame. "That answers to this curious name. What is it made of? What’s its use? My ignorance youu please excuse." "Ymfm not the merchant for my dim 1 see you’re quite behind the times. For COTTOLENE. I'd have you know. is new the thing that's all the go, An article of high regard; A healthful substitute for lard. its composition pure and clean; For cooking give me COTrOLENl." As from his store the ladytled. The grocer gently scratched his head- On his next order, first was seen, “Ono luau can: CO TT0LENM Charles N. Ititite nd “a W Cure SICK HEADACHE and NW in no "mu-r... also Coated Tonguel Dud- Ltmstr,.B.iy?usnety Nia in the Side, Conmpuim Torpid Llver, Bid Breath. .To any cured Ind maul-ta the bowels. v-nv mo- ro ran. N. K. sriiiiffiiiik & co; Wellington and Ann Susan. MONTREAL. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Geo. Randall, Esq.,_ Wisteria John Shah, Egq., " Chas. Hendry, Esau " I. E. Bowman, Esq.. M. P., Waterloo B. Snyder Esq.. Waterloo Geo. DieNst,Eaq., " William Snyder. Exam. " I. D. Bowman, Eeq.. Berlin. J. Is Widemen. new, St. Jacobs. John Allohln. Esq., New Hamburg. Allan Bowman, Esq.. Pr when. P. E. Shana. Preston, Thomas Gowdy, Ear, Guelph. James Livingstone, Esq., M. P., Baden. Thomas Gown. Esq.. Gut. 'att Iedqrmqttsrstttr mm 1 oecttoitt. tktyrlt which as $14 charm out OFFICERS: thsorTreahutdtul, President. John Shuh. Vice-President. C. M. Taylor. Secretary. John Killer Inspector. Messrs. Bowlhy & Clement, Bolicltos, Berlin PRIOI " CENT. ar DRUG STQRIOa A $HORTENING. rod II and ttggTddrg 8 'l,l21t THE SHOP " tITT?, a 20 years ICLIDOI'I'IAIII. Rum-Inch." manhunt "mgthqub-flpu- mum-mum hymn. a. |wthom downtown! ro- nlr and.“ and M h the POWDERS WATERLOO Ask Your Grocer for it. mum Ann-nu. Nude only by n. n. ngnnm. Waterloo. Ont. BWWSEWKE akiiiriiiiia __ in†--- EST aiwaa --- low-until. (f1tS't.g,'gi'iidii2?iSie W.B.Bomr.l.A. LUB., 0.. i5aiiii7iiii;r"i; Agar-w __" mimic. ,Convenn'cer. one. F V __ -. (Money to Imus) otBoehours,tt"0sm.tolkp.m. Since inlet-'5 Block,'.Wuwrloo. ofBee-Coenerr flg, and Erb Sweets. Water 'oo, over otd Pout co. Money to loan n lowestJ-am of inure-L 3‘31»an Downtown. A. B. Momma: - mo King “not, out. Berlin. Broad Attention aid to Cntarrh. Asthma tn Chronic Diseases? DR. AMITAGE Pmmcux. Summon An Aooovcmn. oiBmy--rn the Roma formula occupier? w. Wolls,L. D. 8. over Mr. Fla 'g store (Be _ lagers). Night calls answered a once. Tole phone communication. IP A, P. BAUMAM Purqxoux. Summon AND Aoooucalvn. once 3nd rstridenee-Two doors north ot reel- dence formerly occupied by the Inn Dr. Walden on Albert street, Waterloih Dr G, H, Bowlby mats abuses ot the? that and ear. ' D33. D. B. & G. H BOWLBY. PHYSICIANS. SURGEONS, Ere. Dr, D, S. Bowlby, Coroner tor the Count manna or EYE AND EAR Tan-rm. oiBt3tr-New residence. Albert street. Water too, 5 short distance north of the lute Dr, deen's residence. DR. C. T. NGCKER. MEDALLIST or TO Rom Unh’erslty. Licentiate of the Col. lege of Physicians. Surgeons and Accoucben 0 Ontario. Will visit Baden (Krsus' Hotel). the first Thursday and third Thursday of each month. Will visit Elmira the Peoond Thurman; and We! mama law-ms: mam each many and fourth Thuwdnwd Friday t moat). (Thursdnv noon, to day noon). E. P. W. Fred G. Hughes D.D.S. DENTIST- Office in the oddfellowu Block. Waterloo, Ont. 11:0. 3. HUTCQIEQN. n. .. “mung“, W U. D. B., L'hiudelphisiio, L. D. 5.. Toronto, 1892. SPECIALTY. Pmrstmvarros of the Natural Teeth including the Iuoumin l t Artiticlts1 Crowns on Sound Roots and 1R5 imemon of Bridges to supply the place of Missing Teeth without using n plug. Ofticts,. CANADIAN BHOCK, - Berlin, always open. and YOtiT'S BLOCK, L VAN CAMP extracts teeth without pain . by the use of a new remedy. The best thing over dltsoovered, He u still making those beautiful and lifelike teeth which everybody ls so delighted wu h. Gold and Porth lain cm“ :15 inserted. L. VAN CAMP 18--2lyr M) Queen short, W, Berlin - Coroner County ot Waterloo. tMtotr-At his residence on Erb street. Telnnhono communication. livery. hie and Exchange in“... Hut-clue use and ood rellnble homes. Two end three tented when Always in rendineee. All cells pro?!†amended to And abuses modern“. o co and Livery in rear ot e Zimmerman House. Entrance on King street“ next to Fischer's butcher ehon. 2jefifiigiii.t I.“ W, Ctett â€'1an qgtd i,htsitilfksi'ili,9, 2Putuhttia','e 'lt a." I Betgtgsqer a: the con-tn ti of fi1,,tlh'litls' ttt-bdhGGii 1'8."l'ld fat n__ Jug». are and London: lulu-min t t,'tie1'o2,tt' was»: tho beg, 'tttqi,a Qf,t. Honey to 1ttast It lowest cumin. nun. on L WIDE“! I';','.'-',',,,'.?"'?").,,,,,",, Telephone communication. Pre'"" - -- Manor. own-n! k Cu.Pq%T.e. m o UHOUN & MCBRIDE. I ut Barriatmpo1ioitom, Notaries, aw. Telephone communication. -""r .unui-Iunnw mhgymomxmu For the painless Extraction of teeth. Waterloo Nov. lat 1898 u 7 i1 LrftFoTiiGaih",7Grte'Ltor. All. .t9eoAtyy.tyteet gout-aux tm land. D. Bumucn. B. . GGG: ittiiAiiit 'shift-L" - ' -.. H. WEBB M D., Irma: AND “9mm.- 3141mm Jmr,,9yfr9.y20aeat 11mm. VETERINARY SURGEON w ELLE. L. D. B. c. w WELLS. D. D. 3.. ;liiririyjy,tiitu. - -- _ "isTitiiViiG7G"iif it'Mr,',lt. Iriitefiin WiLKiNtON' DENTISTRY. MISCELLANEOUS. w. A. KUMPF, omoe‘and Betddenee-Joh sweat ODON TUN DER. Elmira, open every Monday .and longer if neoc>sary. . Llffiiiaaeqttar. u.. MEDICAL. LIVERIES. i;§2W. EROWUIAL DENTAL Miler. Solicitor.’ Notary Dam-131's, Wn'znmo. iiWthuiE au" "in. War. Notary Paw. IBM block,‘ Kill Advertise 1helin Productive Adi'eniisingu oi i iound ONLY in " i of Wide einnuin, sin and 'nllunet aunngl W whom advertisers hit reaeh. Aligthese mpifhs are fail the Waterloo County Chronicle In Youa fust David Bean, If not, send fllt cents for a Trid Trip for six 11105 to which has more I in Waterloo County any other paper. --T2TTT-, W aterlOG Bi 1-“ --- . 1*“ which, by I lucky turn “I .Iwhgps by the mgrnuuty ol tee? have become khnul 'ro" the world, and haw bun-z - of filling the pocket, ham 1ol M" Ind their reprr'si'ntnt1v"', . it arould 08901 as if ins, " Ill’Tl " china Ind been Gr lu-ml then skilled mechanics and 'als'd'tU .3011." spent months uni yum â€ping elaborate nu luv 1sllim in. io proportion to Ylw an â€my d done, the lot of thr n“. :l'mx .. W is more to l, ' (l"r‘,l"l 11M q tbe nun who spr xui~ :1» a†k“, life over an eial, In. hum u 'nM merits of which tstr' ',rs,rll'v,' minim“. perhnpa,unnlrt1,o< A nyt' N )WW " ttings "ee"", I ' a“. Trt modern M. we ,m“.'*’“ has, wqich Were {am ist' ond between the .mlw a L The plan pruu " v) tthe firmer fuund “he pbuyiog three pun mi r would sutfrua, Tl,, n. #3 shout this timv " “am "ritts nu eye to hum“ ps lad on the old man to Em INK]. This Was drum ll, L000 and SIOUX“ t \‘h‘l THow‘much of trus m :! iUnot known, but it ls the promoter :01 11.. . record at the pail , the drawing of tlor ll tad on Jan C, rscs, iwboll, of Turner, Mr other timiiar Jtist t.' agent deal of HIM! button fastener for sl, d introduced by 114:" cc, R. I. At tio. (:1... I tine invention, f button was (‘HUHIAUM It hIE graduaily '.r'l" since its intrudut-Uu . now very few mm " xx manufactured man-Lt 1 P'"T"" . . - tr, through worry and Fit' Woodman to enjoy Hm, oil. It would seem aim “on of small oltjects " hue not, as a rule, r... by profession. They i,, “moat. part person: th “we Itumbled upon an i; My else has recuguizid Without the eugng (t' My else," who " Uruid rergiuythe great id, a.“ ft H rarely grow to ttla't,rs' m current Bl the ‘HT M of In old farmer ti', i ttii1dsssts of the old in , other children beme ', away of kicking m. 'v, "hoes. The {SHIRT Ss 'th on turn of mind, and lr. Mot copper strips 11,: I A/ree of the importance .w‘n‘. ctn bevfolund thats “was " the 1 mmd Maw M writes the Wtushmg Mont of the New Yor "Na-tm “ to be SPF“ certaity , t comparatively gimp t the shipping 1325 m l will!†to-day were nu t The chief troublv “m, '0 the “most un-il' A of tht tying hole nf rt' I? "rived It its destitstiirii. rd re.enforcemeut, round i Id) dide of the tying MM t was necessary to makv I ktag O success Tid, Ma' eh examines uppllcutluxr I“! toys and puzzles rm" ',St ttmtaieatiotsts in rugam ', u teta perhnps than any , '.," B of the diviniw» tw '., " oiruGls have to duh Sk t' 'tttont. The chivf t h 'll .‘ I hon of toys cite, 112.1.) " fortunes lmw- 1: wt; :1 , 2 Mod similar 0mm. '1' me puzzle had a \qu‘1UU\,’U.~‘ Pater Crnndall, put l'. Km l *Pefore the patent Mi 1m I. ttt fact, even 'H' bod f,-- ttle, "ycognizirr,: tht. \umn 4 ttion trom a tina, w.“ 1 T M â€mmnies and in;\1, 1 _ing the puzzles in mm I"; h mu Crand:u1~ in: x I them out. (Wanda. W. WaMedforhierich's , 1 '. '.,' “function. TV 17.43“ I' a ce, which is u ", m'bich tries but“. r':. dtspartment and tls' ( I' ha, unfortunate ', 1,tr I 11 was that m , .v Vii over breiorit: UM " , Wed. This is u... F s' F qdventod [hr fumhu blocks, with Am. Is', I such a run MM .. _ y. Thr tihmm i . [ Outed, and the Cr lo "sraustion in new»? Several pt‘uplr C "si.' no of a Mr Helmwm. a, who has made u to "Icky five minutes n! In IO division of the put .dlin our} I of ,ruU-vr. v til“ " “1‘1 other an}. hm some here in tlu r â€d popularity wsm-h l Dal-060,000, andit is ma hm: punt ht: now ex _ 8 re6nd tin athrr, Mons that Have Yield Inch Honey. m LITTLE THINGS. remade byit for I; Ind mostuof the 1" by the m nufnctur km “11.1 W00 " I pot Um rslu' palvhl (.2 of Hm HAM (1, hi‘. by "mer, hits, at imam. :1 :rsons who in r upon an idm W Beuzniz’d as n tags in use Ns, O' were made a po the b of Kl] ll " e R'I’E ll ll tht IL ll pat he I