' "" a-aa, min. -d8'20gmr-setniaihm. 'u0ttitut8-druoatota, ot66,iss.ai, at “an: on lOOpumt. Oeth& 4 'isoii ngnts must be recognized, and the rightaottheoctholiaeotho (all free- dom of their schools u ukuowledgad. There will be no “pm And no - (no that atnasd. Archbishop Langevin of "Boniface, delivered an address before fully 6,000 people in the Church of Notre Dame, Montreal, Sunday, in which he referred to the attitude of the Catholics of Man- itoba on the school question. He de. clnred that the Manitoba Outholiel, having certain rights granted to them by the constitution Aid endornbd by the highest court in the realm, than rights molt be Sir Isaac Pitman, the inventor of shorthand, who was reported dead, may n.0w have the curious pleuure of reading thawing poet morteat tribute. in the American pie“. The beat thing that can be said of Sir Isaac is that he has lived up to his obituary notices. Hou. Timothy W. Anglia has been appointed by Sir Oliver Mowat to the position of Clerk of the Surrogate Court, in succession to the late Sir James L. Robinson, Bart., who'dial in August, last. The salary of the ofh'ee is 82,000. The Dominion Government in trying to tloat the Hudson Bay Railway pro- ject, would aim: 8:?.,500,000 of the Petr- ple's money. At the recount in Quebec West, Thomas McGreery was declared elected by a m-ojority of 7. Renew Your Subscription Look at the label on your paper tnd you wrll know just when your prosent auh~cription expires. If the lubel is marked 1 J sunny, 96, or another per- icd, you wil' know that the dune repre- aem: the ‘i'hw to which you have paid. We ask 'mrg,"rw oi our subscribers to cor:- sult th .H-v-l bearing his name, and it not trr .. k, tl in advance to remit u! prompt, y. Sub-u‘rwtmn ".00 per mnum In advance; £1.50 If nut ~u paid. Hum "ltss,. pnutmg. English and German.†Bll IN firmwhw. A/tv,rjrttintt Rated remmble.md will be Waterloo County Dhroniole. A We -'( y Vawsp'uwr Published every Thurs day morning. agar. Thnruul Cementh W, Fear & Co, Are you BuyinguJ. Utfelmtusn. Bisclrur--C'.L Henderson. Miracle-ltr. WilGrnU Plnk Plus. For Salty-Chm. F. Human. Prie,,tlev',, Superior Dress Goodsr- Price',, 'rorusc-U'ure. Diamond Dyes- Houd's S‘rsnpnrilla Cure,-. Paine', Celery Compouud--- Notice, F. Cuuluhuun. Mortgage SslewBowlby h Clement. Notrce--Isaac Hoiftmur Spring Arirusurreemettt-gmyth Bros. Deutitstey--L, Van Camp, Berlin. Annual Meetirur--Wm. Hendry, mln- Advrtrtcrriit Raced rommble. tad abur know u on at cumuon. Auction Sale Spec-inf Sale-SR. Ernst, Berlin. Undertaking &e.--iar, Snider, As Pull Down the Blind-R. D. Lang & sxgnee. For h'ale-, New Advertusements this week Merchant Tailor. Agency SUN LAUNDRY. f Scotch and Canadian Fancy Vestings and Punting: in great variety and choice. THURSDAY. MAY 2nd; 1895 DAVID BEAN, Proprietor, 1VC)RSTEDS E.B. YOUNG, a in" placed in stock the ch oioeo lino of p'lin and finer E. B. YOUNG. EDITORIAL NOTES. Ever shown in Waterloo. Merchant Tailor, TWEEDS P. Stnrwumsn,Berlin I J. G.Wiug. /J.C. Hallumn Bicycling is assuming such pro r- tions in Canada that in every LtlllT. hood there sre young riders who give promise of developing into speedy 10ers, besides scores of 'tetttntainatio wheelmen who ride for plenum, not for speed. To ell these interest will “tech to the sa- nounoemenc that the " Thoma Bit ole Club, are "eomroidmt-it not the otd--.ohntin theO. W.A. willheld s - meet. so a. Qrsee.,n 8mm†i. In 1882 the (handing man's Ai. seclusion wss one“ t. Thou-g, end this the Agst “this“ ttl in the my at seyels gtthtehstt deb hes Ieee slnes “a Prtdoas. A; 'attUtey.yt)rt,treer.tiiit.Tiiis, ii A subscriber went. to know how it is that hogs commend A better price in the neighborhood of Elmira than in the vicinity of Woterloo. “an bogs were bought at.Waterloo for to. and Ho. buyers were paying Hts. It Elaine; and when farmers around Elmira were receiving $4.75 Ind $4.90 tnrtne.m Mound Waterloo were only receiving 84.50. m alto “ye that furthers might jut u well have bid $4.75 to 85.00 for their export cattle, bed they not been in such e hurry to sell, and thet time Mr. Groff stopped buying that farmers do not get the prices they formerly got or the prices to which they ere entitled. Mr. Geoff is prepared to pr be for My hogc--Ahsrn l A very large proportion of the man- [ ufsetttretm of this and every other city in the Dominion, says the London Ad. vertiser, favors a taritffor revenue only. They say they can compete with their neighbors if given'free coal and free raw material. Thus the independent manufacturer, like the intelligent arti san, laborer, farmer, is everywhere sup. porting the policy of trade freedom, economy and progress. The steady progress of the country for many years to come will be guaranteed byachange in men and methods at Ottawa. The people desire that not a cent shall be collected in taxation that is not needed for the economical government of the country ; they desire that honest and not peculating administrators shall hold sway; and they demand that every man shall have a right to make the moat of his earnings without payment of tribute to the millionaires who have managed to get temporary control of the rulers of the country. Instead of hurting any legitimate Industry a, change of of rulers at otiiSa will give new life, new hope, new opportunities to prosper to the people. The Prohibition Commission pre- sented its report to Parliament last week. The majority of the Commit sion ore averse to Prohibition. One member, Dr. McLeod. I Prohibitionist, presents a aepnrote report. Alummnry of the majority and minority reports will be found in this week'aiaaue. The report is I voluminoul document Innk- ing nearly 1500 page. of typewritten matte r, apart from the prtnted evidence. Principal Grant, of Queen's Univers- ity, does not Approve of the Borell Government}. remedid legiuletion (or Manitoba, and he looks for hard t“ throughout the whole country while the piper is being paid; just " Englishmen had to sweet after the battle of Water- loo. Hit vie-is that we ere now pay- ing the price for the Curmn Bridge, the Toy Com], etc., "in the diminution cf our purchesi lg power, and in the con- sequent enormous delieit with which the year it likely to end. As long as we borrow'ed money, or extracted it in. geniously from the pocket: of Ahe peo- ple, to make a few millionaire. in Mon- treal and Toronto, or to corrupt con- stituencies, there seemed to be Abund- ance; but that sort of thing cannot lat. We shall hove to pay for it with many years of scarcity. 1 do not envy the next Government of Canada, whe. tber it be Conservative, Reform or coalition. PROHIBITION COMMISSION. woethort-iatpoeotd by Onurio, ï¬nd the contained paid $167,771.37 duty on it. It in “the: 'ignithtaatt that on illuminating oil! of 3 {may durum-r coating month-n 30 cent. a “lion, then: collected i.lmethanoetettrurttt the duty col'ectod on the common broad in common use. On $96,603 worth of lubricating oilo, eompkrd wholly or in part " petroleum, A tax of 857,333.44 was collected. A CHIN loot in " Thomas Wants to Know. The remainder of the report is taken up in discussing at length the laws re- lating to the 1squor trtulie, and describ. ing the different' methods and, workings of prohibitury laws. He finde on all counts in favor of the contentions of the most ardent prohibitionists, con- demning the lieenseusystem, theGothen. burg plan, and asserting that the pub- lie sentiment of Canada is prepared to support and enforce a prohibitory liquor; law. In " deliverance Dr. McLeod tirut devotes attention to the existing conditions. He declares that nowhere has there been found a license system that really regulates the liquor trtufio, that the restrictive features of the license laws have not produced the re- ha claimed for them, and that license laws do not reduce the volume of the liquor ttaffie. He cppOses high license as a remedy for the existing evils, and declares that high license laws do not reduce the volume of the liquor tndfie. He opposes high license as a remedy for the existing evils, and declares that high license has made the saloons more important, more attractive, and more dangerous. Moreover, in his opinion, high license has created a sentiment in favor of the saloon as aaource of public revenue. It has had a bed effect upon the moral sense of the community, and has aided in corrupting 'tus public coo. scn-nce. Another charge against the high license plan is that it has increased the iniiuenoe of the liquor traffic, and given it a maximum of power. On these aspects of the case Dr. McLeOd's conclusion is that as a remedy or even a check on the evils of the liquor traffie license laws of every kind have been a stupendous failure. mt 00111anan PLAN. ‘The result of his enquiries into the Gothenburg plan are equally unfavor- able. Although designed originally to increase the drink traffic, it has, says Dr. McLeod, degenerated into a system to satisfy the greed of shareholders. It appeals to the cupidity of shareholders, and that large class of the community that see in the revenue derived from l the tratiic relief from taxation. "Wu. ada," continues the doctor, “has noth. ing to gain by the adoption of the Goth- enburg system. and has nothing to learn from it, except that no system of license under whatever name called or con- ducted under whatever auspices, inter. 1 fares permanently with the liquor tmtfio or diminishes its inevitable-evils.†am. cerning the advocacy of light liquors, the doctor concludes that the use of wine is not a habit to be encouraged with a view to_overcoming alcoholism, and its train of vices, and he adds that all the facts show that it is too late in the day to cite the experience of Ger- [ many and France as justifying the en- I couragement of beer and wine. Att IFFIC'I'IVI SOLUTION. Coming to the question of prohibi. d tion pure and simple, Dr.McLeod says. 1 m-"Uport this point your commissioner l must express regret at the conclusions l expressed by the majority of the com- mission. m believes that a c‘reful examination of all the evidence "t1ottlirtn-ottGCia " ashes somebody clear the adv . l prohibition as applied to the 1 Mo, and that thoroughly an I prohibition would u an “the sole- , tin of tbs-Mammals. Bo .. I Ile, canes, Dominion Government, $7,101.557; Provincial Government, $942,662; municipalities/ $429,107; total, 88,473,316, leaving a total aun- ual loss of $134,785,400. Oct-we, Ont, April 25~TW with the "die of the majority of the Prohibition Oommimion,eno£her report of similar ditmtesiorta, Mouth, perhaps, of rqnnl int-mt to the public. ha been presented to Parti.irvsni. Four ot the commissioners agree that. who paw-go ot n prohibitory liquor luv it inadvis- gble, but the arm, the lbw. Dr. Mo. Leadl of l?rtsdertoton, N. B., present.- ooncluuionp of on entirely dsfrere.nt no I ture. He enters into a. discussion ot' the effects of the liquor trusfhe, on Ill interest» ".atred hy it in Canada. He hauls with the question of pauperism, diseme, inseam] and morality, inani- sy and iaiocy. Then he takes up the question of the responsibility of the 'itufier the coat of liquor: consumed, cost of prisons, loss of labor, shortened lives and miedarected effort. mum‘s Dam: BILL. Canadui’s annual drink bill he iigure. out as follows»: Amount paid for liquors by consumers, $39,879,854; value of grain destroyed, $1,889,765. Coat of pauperism, diamae, inoanityfnnd crime chm god to the liquor ttuffie, $3,149,097. Luau ot-productive Inbor, 876,288,800, Loss through mortality caused by the ttMic, 314304900 Misdileoted labor, $7.748,000. loud, 8li3,'258,716, . Rev. Dr. Matood and: In . M3 'Gt MII PENN]. e Will be of ulna to the world by illn- tneing the in tomcat: in the mech- nnicul um Jlre'l,,'l,'l'll pttrkt%" will tall you that the pun-ail undid“! menu. ha been otiOnt ill-pertains, And as. 1'ettytetitig MW in: "'rr'" "T" - â€In“. w "anâ€, Illa tome otfm'r points on their vsy home from the 1%tftio the Mr. Scott return: home on Wed- neodsy evening. but Min Scott re- united with friends in the Northvect and will not be hGUuaiGiiiir, one Reporter. Return of the Australian :Pu-ty Mr. Robt. and Miss Mecgregor, Mr. J. C) , Mrs. and Miss Dietrich, of the Gait party, who left early in January last on a trip to Austrslia returned home on Saturday evening. Mr.Roht. Scott remained over in the Northwest on business, but is expected home this week. The party had a very pleasant and thoroughly enjoyable trip and'were more, than delighted with it. They were a little over a month in Australia. spending most of the time in Victoria and New South Wales. They sped of the country as being very fine, but not any improvement on our own Ontario. The people are hospitable and liberal and spend money more freely than Canadians, although they are now feeling very much the efbeta of the hard times. They no in greatly tor pleasure, are very fond ot sports, having more time to devote to these things than Canadians, their working day only being eight hours. The pres. pests toroade between the two coun- tries is very promising in some lines, bat in others the outlook is not so bright. The manufacturing industries ot the Australian colonies are yet very limited and for some time to come they will have to depend on other countries for their supply. They require a lot of stuff that Canada manufactures and there is no reason why our manufac- turers cannot compete successfully tor _ 'that trade, The boats stop a day _ ‘aoing and coming at Honolulu, Sand- _ I wich Islands, and at Souva, Fiji ‘Islands. the only two places of cell bo. tween Victoria and Sidney. The Gait party made good use of the’time " their disposal at these points and saw everything of interest] They were greatly delighted with Honolulu‘and think it a very pretty spot. At Fiji many interesting things were seen, but the eluate is not so pleasant as " the former place. Very little rough weather was experienced, and in what they did meet the steamers behaved splendidly. These steamers of the th P.R. line are flmbota" in - respect and evfery attention is paid to the com- fort o th â€on The rt stopped to; at ,1t,"lfl"jnd'lleg',7'd ' odious in oherge of the law of the ', United Suites. ', GENERAL CONCLUSIONS . The general conclusionc "rived " . on prohibition ore, tint, that the Gen- . Minn Parliament was quite right when it deoUred, no it has none on never-l , occasions, for prohibition. The doctor l concluded by finding that the effect of I the liquor Home has been and in eeri- ounly detrimental to the more], social, . mud materiel Interests of the nation; that the meuurel employed to license, _ regulate, or prohibit. the trail'to hove been of value end effective only in pro- portion di, they were upproximeted in their operation to the nheolute pro- hinition of the tratfie in intoxioatiug liquors; and thet the revenue require- manta of the country, should notbe considered . reneon for the continuance of on admitted evil, end, moreover, could be met without the oontinmsnoe of that evil; that the endorsement:- which the electorate of the different sections of the Dominion of Chanda. have given at the ballot box to the principle of prohibition wherever sub- mitted. as well " the many petitions memorial, and declarations of, the chur oheourta,teatperooe organizations, municipal councils, and other repre- sentative bodies, make "ihiently clear the: the majority of the people of Can- ode ere in favor of the total prohibi- tion of the liquor trtUhe; that, it would therefore, he righg- and wise for the Dominiom Parliament, without further delay. to carry out the promise and give ssffeet to the principle stated in its several resolution: by the enactment and full enforcement of is low pro- hibitory tothe manufacture, importa. tion, and sale of intoxicating liquors. except for medicinal, sacramental, and tsoientitie purposes, in and into the Do- minion of Canada. Nags Wu?!“ H think: “yo-Id bt renewable ioriurpAt better a “It. foam u luv onion-d under the Cum-di- " political Int-up than hom I In " ministered by othtttsrs to directly anon Able to pohtioul sentiment u no the Worm-noun»... Irt,rqtetqtttem. tie A 'uhs u/ if? 130.000 but £21 _/sr.' I, I aow_m_w;mmo BY .' 4 The {beat and cheapest cement manufactured in Canada. Used on all the leading Government and Munich? Works of the countryh Specmlly adapt- ed for t e following kinds of work: I mavens. FOUNDATIONS, MILL DANS, CELLABS, alumnae. STABLES, We. CONCRETE, BANK BARNS, The "Soo" Canal Used 17,540 bbls. Thorold Cement [ The St. Clair Tunnel used so,ooohbls Thorold Cement, The New Welland Canal used a bbls. 1tr."tld, Cement. The G.T.R.haitmtsd 50,000 ttttis, 'l,'tiii'iiii,i,iiii T. Wm. Gibson, M. P., be: used tttore.than, 3tha'tttttt& Cement,TheTownofSuniausedoqer 2,000 1tdl'h", Cement tnl W‘wotk. The Town of Mauser! (?l1'i'it'i,'dtti2,itlt tttj; in new wk. The. “Electric (in " a,tmtt'tihu I?,t,t,tt,l,'dcetnertthttheirhuiidft"ii'i"i't" eterboro for fifteen years. That speaks for itself of the grandeur of styles and novelties. Dress laces and insertions a specialty. Infants' headwear, of all sizes and descriptions. American hats arriving daily at KING- ST-, BERLIN, ONCE Our Mil‘linery Opening Great care is given this department. A largestock of Under- takers' Supplies always on hand. Courteous and experienced attend. ants and at prices lower than the lowest. Remember the spot. Remember we are selling at "Hard Times†prices and will positively give you more for I.our money than you can get; anywhere else on eart We also wish to again remind our many friends and customers of the fact that .we manufac- ture the above lines and that when buying from us you are§saving the middleman ’s profit. . BEDROOM SETS. SIDEBOARDS - EXTENSION TABLES, _ CHAIRS,', If you are thinking of buying Furniture make no mistake and do not miss examining the largest and best assorted stock in the county. We are continually showing latest designs in (llllil.jl_l,illil IF TltiNi%iiNiMlll)aliaitiit tp. Mrs. C, Steuernagtyl's, FURNITURE. The SIMPSQN a, (Ltd.,) GREATEST SUCCESS ffl B D gHOROLD DRAULIC CEMENT Furniture araiutrtustGrs, THE FANCY ttyiiitPa for this week: F ETC, ETC MILL Imus, STABLE, BANK Ruins, told Campus} 'u' Th. WATERLOO S! thw Hillinen an working slm0A 'tItrhttnd dny to keep up with W “on. t ' All 'd'ttt vere dUappointed let “to w l.aottoerursodate sure thi' Never lil'ace we came to Waterloo ha them been such a rush for our Ladies' Hats _ Bonnets. Aiio arrived today, Dress Steel, Dru: Shield, Grns Cloth, Febrim (hangs, Hair Cloth and every other article required to make up rout Dru-e- taperfection. - . In conclusion, every lady thinking of Irving a drgss should nee our: iirst.. in all the desirable lines in the mum Yacht Watch Spring, Magnetic, Quebeh, (The B & C), The Queen, The Modimed. Children‘s Waist: Ind Comet. of all kinds. ere the beat. We Are the only house in town where you can get these " bnted goods, every yard gunreuteed. perfect dye and finish. Priestley’s Black Dress _ Goods worth 20 And 26e, nicely colored They we selling fast, must beyeeo m be uppreciated. _Auo N ew patterns, former price 20c, 25 pieces Mdihl Cotton Pongees The World Keeps Moving h, Bricker Nowfor 121-2c ne/t nrmrk---ahre st YO†Sateens," e,---" Corsets Diebel. 50 pieces, Now 12 f-2 mi yt Iihl Ihmntssso, FOR me~Tim . Mic! Department bass, i “wing the close 941850 h, BC. â€not be caught ow te Mar 10 and June 30: ml Yuma LIBERAL CLUn.--'rueso 37- Pix this date in your mi do not miss the next regular tat the Young Men’s Liberal I! hold in the old council cht “To" Bill, on Tueedny ev 't it Uttt The progri “in; 0 short addresses. my Mind muIiC.wiH by \urid tetu.e. All young Liberuh BMApr-il 15 to June lh: Ascii/rr/it/ii/iii',, â€we Shxttniuet." 15to May has . -dvifite, fiah, from No». h'.') Then-e of firearms, 1 Cum to catch or kiili w- Per-on: convicted oft hh' will be subject to a fi, Ihryyeiv' tad :11 informal -airtonrel Banner: Mr. ll, Y, Waterloo, bu rented space m m’ elevator for the purpose ol [and packing eggs for bhimel ll nuke thin point the centre labor of egg gathering turns- th [district which will be putup1 s-Mr. August Rsthman, mam pSimpson Furniture Co, of l I married to Miss Magpir V Elmira, on Tuesday at Hunt b Rev. Mr, Froesch, pasta: ( Mann church. They left furl d Chicago on a wedding trip. -oe poor ye hue nlways wit poorperuongpoor goods and po " But occasionally you on nothing rich nod one of the mod ethy bits of richness in Water,) . in the lines of ptuatsolr, hmiel mu " J. Uirelman's. "-The undertaking irusit,- o tr Wegonut * Co.wi11 he cm Pun and vest maker oqray.--E. ll. Young. 'r-The ludy that want: Nu paged to an Angel will plan: her Dune to the Mice a: a gu good Uith. tie “do place as heretofore tun Klippert will be funeral .03 BAt.n.-.Old eetalditslitsi, in picture fume, artist's mm hacy goods business for SI G. Opposition of tlo no N chtnce for good man or i 4tlatsittmtion, low rent, Beak “an anyWu bhuAprn] lie-awn hthepn] 1maattarhiteti ,0tt, Them LEN-In- to my“: _.l./9_c x L A F, w W.A. MeetJuly TO ADVERTISERS loco! change: must be left at , I" later thsn Saturday non copy for changes must be 1.111 mTuudny noon. Cusual A - aooeptod up W noon NI 1 each week. " once. I] i'uvited. 2. not complete without O) catnce tor good man u I. Iituction, low rent, It u longed for one or J. P. Suriname, box 37, 75a Ask Your Beale: 10 King St., E The 6001] MT g. Mom!) orHEArnii - Hum. met receritlv MN 'r. au.. A. Huehnel at in», and Mr. w. H . The other umne b Mean. C. M, Tu , ' Char. J. Alteman Improved Vegetable Slicers. 'gAxUFACTUliEls h) Ni“: Dr. Webb Me W M Hoffman h. Mr. Hoifrmsn “column toinhtsbr him in s proper iit1tit,ii/o?i of, " to hone Rh!!!“ every tr Itat with the I model no" - :- Di dour it ll, B. Yo ast an L