t, send fAifty Advertising is to bg NLY in a mediug cireulstion, â€" charactee wenee _ among those advertisers desire tg terloo nty onicle â€" iterloo County â€" than or six mos. BU‘Ipâ€"_ tise ther pape. ean, tise â€" Liber a Subseriber ? for a Waterloo, s are found in more â€"readers Right, paV OFFICERSy; ~ ALEX. MILLAR, Q. C., Solicitor.........Berlin HL WoKBH, M, D)., Medical Referee. Waterloo W. s, HODGINS, supt. of Agencies.. Waterico A Wonderful Discovery. A SURE EURE FOR DIPHTHERIA. Wy W Only the Scars Remain, Devitt‘s City Drug Store, Waterloo Ontaio Mutual Life. WIHO? WVHO2 WHU To ,":"‘; irm [> ig | â€"<] | M 19| is L3 | (e ‘v i \?â€" w V.M. Berlet Economy, Equity, Stability, Progress. © Among the many testimonials which I f icourd to certainâ€"medicines performâ€" â€" cleansing the blood, etc.," writes x Hupson, of the James Smith â€" Woolen Machinery Co., Ti Philadelphia, Pa., " none tÂ¥ impress me more than my own case. Twenty years ago, at the age of 18 years, BP I had swellings come on d zf my legs, which broke and in â€" became rumning sores. P WfB] Ourfamily physician could | } MkZ3 do me no good, and it was P P fesi feared that the bones ' 4 ME would be affected. Atlast, > my good old mother : H‘ E urged me to try Ayer‘s i w pa] Sarsaparilla. I took three I || Miés$ bottles, the sores healed, v;' Wl# and I\ have not been hutir l ';.- troubled since. Only the zesd scars remain, and the y memory of the past, to + reimnind me of the good Ase~s sarsaparillia has done me. I now £ two hundred and twenty pounds, and a <‘est of health. I have been on the â€" past twelve years, have noticed \rers sursuparilia advertised in all parts + { states, and always take pleasâ€" L1 t 1 what good it did for me." porcie cure of all diseases originating in â€"â€" {jood, the best remedy is Cures others, will cure you 2 br. bo Two Doors East of Post Erb St., â€" Waterloo. AYER‘S Sarsaparilla [N( HEiD OFFICE, â€" WATERLOO, ONT E«tablished 1870, MINION DEPOSIT, = $100,( Says H. RIDDELL, Liberal Conditions of Polictes yaAYS THE OWL.: Skues tuk Best PerruxE®s SkpLs tuk Most Perrtar®s! SzLLs THk NEewEst PerrvMEs Iy peou MERCHANT â€" TAILOR, ind Paidâ€"up Values guaraotes1 en y. 2. All dividends belong to and are o policy holders, 3. No restriction residence, or oce t wid at once on completion of claim he Public :â€"Ed. M. Devitt in force, Jan. 1st, 1894....$17 cover previous year...... 1 HGYOT 1899. .11 cocracsucr ers _ 928400 H4ty 180. .. 22 cseere 8 c+22â€" 2508484 HOVHP IBUY us ce en ons wee 339,440 security of Members, 1893 2,330,981 gVET 1892.. se corarnnreue 12,911 rall Liabilities, 1803, ..... _ 220,120 POVET I8BD: . merrrvers revs 49,811 ecause yon can always deâ€" 1 on getting the best. infroduction of Dr. High‘s Diphâ€" ire that terrible malady has been checked and cured by all those ed it. It has saved many lives; it ir~ if taken before blood golm'lw h» testimonials of about 75 patients en cured are now ready for distriâ€" i s<ingle case lost up to the presâ€" iere it was the first medicine taken. ~timonials, The medicine is put ttles No. 1 and No. 2, in two sizes, z. bottles. Two 12 oz. bottles are any case. Priceâ€"8 oz. bottle,$1.00 $1.50. Address all communications Dr. J. C. Ager & Co., Lowell, Mass. JACOB H. KIN3EY, sole agent, Doon, Ont. <CkyvIvoRsSHIP DisTRIBUTION red embraces all the newest the best form of PROTECTION t money can buy. It has no ced values, attractive options 10Ds uoA S 4ns WM. HENDRY, Manager $100,000 3,004,700 328,450 2,503, 424 339,410 i The report of the directors was sub. mitted by Mr. D. C. Macdonald. 1t read as follows : To the Members of the London Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Canaâ€" da : This is the 35th annual report of your company, and the directors take pleasure in chronicling the fact that the volume of business has increased during the past year by the largest issue of po‘icies since the estab‘ishment of the company in the year 1859,thus showing that the confidence of the public in the ‘Old London Mutual‘ strengthens with age. No fewer than 15,962, policies have been issued, insuring property to the amount of $18,042,906 42, which added to the sum heretofore insured amounts to $45,597,436.62 at risk on the 3lst day of December, 1894, and covered by 41,940 policies, This may be salled the bright side of our report, ‘ but we must now turn to the other Our table of losses, which have far exceeded the average, amounts to the sum of $126,734 57, of which $117,640 87 ocâ€" _curred during the year, and $9,093 70 that was carried from the previous _year, either not baving been reported or inspected or fallen due at the end of 1893. The table of losses appended hereto, together with the inspector‘s reâ€" port, will point out the causes of fire as nearly as cou.d be ascertained. It will be found that lighrning has again been a leading factor, the claim from this cause amounting to $24,498 25â€"nearâ€" ly one fourth of the whole bill of losses, It is a remarkable incident that the yearly claims for loss from lightning have for the last few years approached so closely. In 1892 we paid $25,266 39; in 1893, $26,817 08, and for 1894 the figures stated above, while for 1890 the lightning claims amounted to but $11,â€" 698.02, which was then sonsidered a high average _ For 1891 they bad inâ€" creased to $16,218 52, but the beavy increase occurred in the years above stated. Our experience in this reepect has been that of all other companies, but as we carry many millions of dollars more insurance on farm property than any other company we suffer corresponâ€" dingly, Lightning claims may therefore to a great extent be the principal reaâ€" son for farm insurance becoming so unâ€" popular with all underwriters, many withdrawing from the business altoâ€" gether, but other causes exist, as set forth in the inspector‘s report. Many of these, however, are within the reach of prevention, particularly in the close inspection of risks by persons specially qualified for the task, and your, board have already experienced the good reâ€" salts by falling off in losses in agencies that have been gone over, and this in such a marked degree that the board feel themselves justified in continuing the good work. Your directors have not lost faith in the idea that farm inâ€" surance may yet be afforded avlow rates with profit, and with this conviction they made and an arrangement of a satisfactory nature with the Agriculâ€" tural Insurance Company, of Waterâ€" town, N.Y., to take gver the farm busiâ€" ness of that companyiin Western Ontâ€" ario, the principal object of this arâ€" rangement being to retain the best of their risks, to we?‘.quc those objectionâ€" able, and permit us to apply the prunâ€". ing knife to our own, and, with a comâ€" } bined, select class of business, to inâ€". crease the average so as to equalize the: losses and expenses, and afford insurâ€" ance, if at all possible, at lower rates in the future. Thig applies not only. exclusively to the farm business, but. also to general insurance as well, our experience baving shown that with care the latter can be introduced with proâ€" fit. I Financial Statementâ€"A full finanâ€" cial statement of receipts and expendiâ€" tures, assets and liabilities, is shown in the tables annexed hereto, and here it is perhaps as well to draw the attention of the members to the fact that for years past nothing was collected from the members at the time of insuring, but was held over until the end c:f the second year.: This necessitated the borrowing of money in anticipation . of the assessment, & method your board found met the disapproval of many members. So a change was wisely deâ€" termined on, and now a sum of at least oneâ€"half the probable cost of insuring will be collected within the first year of the policy, Abe change couio ï¬â€˜â€œ no prmi“l MM ygat. oW month by month the premiume»will be coming in, whidk: will wipe off all existâ€" ing liabilitiés and in the end meet All demands without the necessity of borâ€" rowing monej. The 35th annual meeting of the Lonâ€" don Mutual Fire Insurance Company was held in the company‘s offices, Rich: mond street, on Febranry 6 n. Year by year as the London Mutaal goeâ€" along it improves its standing both financially and otherwise. L st y+ar, as will be seen by the appended reports, the losses were far above the avernge, but the company issued a remarkably large number of policies, and thus counterbalauced the pull on the treaâ€" sury.. LONDON MUTUAL One of the Country‘s Most Subâ€" stantial Institutions. THE DIRECTORS‘ REPORT. y.. The change coald have /. effect.. lask: yesr. ?"‘" The total losses passed, skow an inâ€" crease over last year of $15,652,82,but the business of the year showed a corâ€" responding increase. The losses from bad chimneys and stove pipes helped to swell the amount on dwellings, which largely increased. I would ask our agents to carry out the company‘s rules and . closely inspect all chimneys and pipes when insuring, keep them in good order and thus reduce this enormons fire waste. BUFCU crr2ilrsrararsssircs On R&lS. .â€"ssressritssszererss On House of Industry...... We used to have a large percentage of fires in cheese factories from these causes, but since we enforced our rules the losses have fallen off, not one loss occurring in the year. COLOQ... .c c:s conaricryrarsarrrs ce ncers! On dwellings and contents............ On commercial risks................... On churche« and parsonages.......... On school hOuses ....................... On threshing machines specifically inâ€" The amount under the head ‘unâ€" known‘ includes, as usual, many fires whose origin is too well known to the assured, the real cause beiag concealed. The losses from lightning, though not quite so hesv‘y as in 1893, are still seâ€" ;ere. Incendiary fires and losses from lamps and lanterns show a slight falling off, but too much carelessness exists in using coal oil lanterns about barns, leaving them on barn floors and halls where borses and cattle are running _ ‘The tramp and steam thresher have done a little more damage than in the year previous, I uotiged last summer, %ï¬ï¬ ‘their ‘old" carelese w wad firkd began extending into the \ ter months, Our losses on f Wmm_nodd_flluo I also found our losses : On outbuildings and contents amountâ€" loose. â€"lï¬irshy losses of this© kind have & suspicious appearance. _ . a deaf ear to the question. Now that new blood has beeu introduced into the House by the election of Patroos of Industry something may be done, as also with the question of regul«ting the ruoning of steam threshers, etc., and we hope by auother year to have someâ€" thing favorable to report on the subâ€" ject. during the drought; when great danger was a&p'u'nt, ho thresher losses took nlace but when tain came the threshers lighLnING.::s:rrresres2:22treks «08e 21,740 10 125 from animals killed by ligntning. 2,758 15 Or 223 in all from lightning ............ 24,498 25 25 from incendiarism ................... 9,220 25 29 from lanterns and lamps ........... 8.378 2 9 from other burning buildings........ 4,901 75 18 from MatChes â€"......c.sclscl205ceoce> $,796 11 7 frOM EPAIMD®. ... ............22.....2...3,509 75 6from steam threshers............ .... 2,845 50 1 from a burning ftump................ _ 650 00 1 from cat getting on fire and going in 1 from a coffog PORELOP..:ir.s.:slasr+24s 1 from a running fire....;....1,.112:.., 1 from ash barrel near dwelling........ 1 from wooden fire board in climney.. 1 from heated JOUTNAL ssirsers:c2s23ss+e 1 fFOM @&8 JOb.. . ..c66e.2 062666 e c kess e# 1 from & lighted CIga® ....:1â€"ss11s111021 pipes and sparks................... . $34,144 61 60 from unknown causes............... 27,202 69 98 buildings burned and damaged by for the public good, a ti e marshal with experienced detectives under him »hould be appointed to check the inâ€" creasing crime of incendiarism â€" This officer could be attached to the Departâ€" ment of Insurance, and thus make that office of some practical utility; but bicherto the Government bave turned Economy in Managementâ€"As in the past, it has been the »im of the directâ€" ors to promote econo uy «s far as posâ€" sible, and a comparison with other companies, taking into consideration the busivess done by us, will show in our favor. Your board cannot close their report without referring to the death of their late viceâ€"president, Daniel Black, Esq., which occurred on the 6th of Ja uary Mr. Black was the last survivor of the original board of directors. He died at & tipe old age, retaining his fidelity to the company, and it was bis constant boast that in over 30 years â€"exceptiig during a brief visit to his native landâ€" he had never missed a board meeting. His familiar face will ever be rememâ€" bered by his old colleagues. Your inspector begs to report that during the past year he has inspected and reported on 520 claims against your company. Twenty of the above claims amounting to $2,006.40, have been reâ€" jected by the board, and two, amâ€"untâ€" ins to $1,690, will come before this meeting, leaving 498 adjusted (after reductions) at $121,442 02 ap to the 31st of December, 1894. Of these I find 115 from defective chimney, stoves, â€" T. E. Rorsox, President. D. C. MacDpoxaLup, Secretary, FIRK INSPECTOR‘S REPORT. The report of Mr. Lachlin Leitcb,fire inspector, was as follows : To the president, directors and members of the London Mutual Fire Insurâ€" ance Company. GENTLEMEN ; It will be neeesmryuto elect there diâ€" rectors in the place of J. H _ Marshall, M.P., Angus Campbel!, Esq., and who are eligible for reâ€"election, and to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Black. All of which is respectfully submitâ€" ted. Legislationâ€"In previous years‘ reâ€" ports we pointed out that not orly in tbe interest of insurance companies, but Waterloo County C iÂ¥e been inspected, and I feel if .$62,120 08 . 54,006 24 _ 2,649 31 & 1,231 73 . _ 843 00 10 00 hronicle, Thursday, February 21;, 1895.â€" HOOD‘S PILLS cure all liver ills, biliousness, jaundice, indigestion, sick headache, 25¢ Messrs. D. McMillan, J. A. Leitch and George C. Elliot were named as sorutineers, and the nominees were deâ€" clared unanimously elected.. THE NEW DIRECTORS, The retiring directors were Messrs. J. H, Marshall, M. P., and Angos Campbell. Through the death of Mr. Daniel Black, however, a third had to be chosen. Mr. John Morgan of Adelaide moved that Messrs Marshall and Campbell be reâ€"elected, and that Mr. J. W, Cameron be elected to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Black. _ Thanks were expressed by Messrs. Cameron and Campbell, a hearty vote of thanks was tendered the agents, several replies were made, and the meeting adjourned, The reports were adopted without furtber discussion. Are the goâ€"d qualities possessed by Hood‘s Sarâ€" saparilia. Above all it purifies the blood, thus strengthening the nerves; it regulates the diâ€" gestive organas, invigoratés thp kidneys and livâ€" er, tones and builds up the chtire system, cnres scrofula, dyspepsia, catarrh and rhenmatism. Get Hood‘s and only Hood‘s. â€" Those who hope for no other life, are dead‘even for this, > > The fin«nci«l state ment for the year, as presented by Mr.D Macmillan,showâ€" ed the company‘s excellent standing as follows : Balancedue by agents.... ............. Bills rBOCIÂ¥AbIG.,:#++:mrskcra ces are, Office furni Ufe:::silsissirrise reores. City of st Thomas debertures, per value $22,600 00, market value 10 peF CONL:: :sns iresrsarerrirrracccre, Town of Tilsonburg debentures, par value $6.500, market v lue ........ Oniario Loan wnd Deventure Comâ€" paby debentu es,par valus $13,260, +0 Murket value.l..........2..2222.2. Huroâ€" and Erie Loan and Savings Compa :y deben‘ures, par value $13.260. market value ............. Accrued interest on debe itures...... Office building and real estate........ Due from other insurance companies, I have examined the books, vouchers, and all accounts of the London Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and find the above statement correct in accordance therewith. London, 5th February, 1895. Amount available of p; mium notes.§252,727 11 Amountdu~ on assessment No. 32 .... _ 2,604 31 Amount due on assessment No. 33.... 18,789 08 Amou t due on first as essment NMo. Company debentures.............. Ontario Loan and Debenture Comâ€" pany dobeDUUPES::» .>>rerrireerr sls CIOrEES ... ooohnencrmenpamennsreu‘rs DHrectere‘ fGe8.....................6.... Ganeral pOSLAGOG....::....clsirsrril4, ARGNtS‘ POSEM@®L.........2222.6 k60 2..4 Printing, advertising and stationery. LAW CXDONSOS: :1 :. .ssrssnryaaran n sÂ¥eve Roâ€"insurance on large risks........... Returned promium.......0%.1,0,..20+% TAROS.s22stm iss nascrsrensarerher cisee Fuel and H&LE:.>+:s:+askcssanrsr42230+s Discount on stampssald............... Sending annual reports................ Ontario lcenge f08...:..â€":â€"//:â€"/:s:2r1e Dominion Government inspection.... Expenses re Agricultwral trans(er.... Potty expenses, tclegrams, water, telâ€" @phOn6, OLC.>1.)) css1 ssrressravrerss Overpaid premium returned.......... PHlg rCOBIYVADIG ++1crrsrarrirrarra22222s InLCFOSL . :iscl 9922522 rrenvrenerrs2aras Real CBLALG > . :12 =â€"ressrerrrecgnarsive Rewards and graiuities............... Bills pAYAbIG.: is y2«1y32sâ€":sszrrrre204 .0 Cash in treasurer‘s hands ............ Huron and Erie Loan and Savings spection of our risks,good results would | ~He who recklessly injures his health follow. This has been doue in some does not prove | his unselfichnessâ€"he districts alrea :y, and a good many bad simply curhilf his powers of doing good. risks c.nceled and over insured ones reâ€" | And he who injures his character by duced to a fair »mount. ! welcoming evil jiufluences is thereby inâ€" Ali of which is respectfully submit flicting a still émtu evil upon the comâ€" ted. ' Imunity.â€"-Exc ange, renâ€"Uurance .......... Cash in treasurer‘s hands Cash in treasurer‘s hands... Balance in Molsons Bask.... Received from agents....... Assessments ................. BillspaÂ¥able........:....... .. J @700E sssssres frrismconces Transfor feeS. . : s2 cciseecnree EKxtra premium.............. Steam (thresher license...... Assesâ€"ment in advance...... Rent# sryise2l rrucl.cerraaeres Bills receivable.............. Reâ€"InsUFRANCGG. . ... .cssclll sns Old Assessments............. Cancelled policies............ Moisons Balik::...::2::â€".... City of Hamilton deventures Li0B§GA .1 sa en en e d ces one en es cess sn ie of Bank COMMISSION. :siazee css cersaasees Loss,inspection and isspector‘s salary Agency inspeCtion..................... Commission o agents................. Salariesâ€" Officials, _ auditors _ and it Losses adjusted in 1894, but not due UpHH: 18051 > ss=2ls rrvne ommmerrne vinto e B.lls payAble, +/:.s22000 iszrere erazee, Due Molg ns B&NK ... rrzririrllle.. * o if were posâ€"ible to have a complete inâ€" | Health and Morality. TOUAL:s rars«s Total Total Balance Total THE FINANCIAL SHOWING qheon Beyond Comparison DISBURSEMENTS. LIABILITIES RECEIPTS ASSETS. Joux OvVERELL, $3 Auditor. $361,903 41 $243,274 16 €213,274 16 $126,734 57 48 97 2,552 ol 1,167 12 19,148 50 3 115 2% 18,000 00 2,584 94 $ 24,384 10 $337,519 31 24,800 00 13,260 00 13,260 00 493 35 14,110 81 202 16 117 45 135 43 2,582 95 10,920 00 115 25 3,649 57 62,901 60 93,489 66 65,000 00 2,991 43 331 17 60,000 00 701 95 1,565 11 9,716 23 1,019 45 1,186 01 7,150 00 5,460 00 5,460 00 8,707 21 1,237 35 1,202 90 581 08 2,075 05 1,393 44 682 01 24 00 3,534 36 100 00 400 00 70L 95 378 05 372 i 365 19 421 62 103 05 148 83 100 00 67 28 160 95 Why didn‘t you come when I rang ?‘ said a lady to lg;" servant. . ‘Because I didn‘t bear the bell.. ‘Hereafter when you don‘t hen.rlthe bell, you must come and tell me so." ‘Yes‘n.‘ Vexed wife,â€"There is no calamity can befall a wrmu.n that I hbave not suffered t Amiable busbandâ€"‘Wrong,my dear, you have nqv:j been a widow. I said calamity, sir. Clara (after| a tiff)â€"I presume you would like your ring back ?} dose; 25¢., 50c., and $1.00 per bottle, Bold by Simon| Snyder, Waterloo, Georgeâ€"Nqur x'n'imi; keep it. No other girl I kkow could use the ring unless she wore it on her thumb. ‘Is it true that when a wild goose‘s mate dies it ngver trakes another?‘ asks a young widow, ‘Yes; but don‘t worâ€" ry about that. The reason it does that isbecause it is & goos e.‘ n(:t.&i:‘ftoaell or give away, but wouid be pl to hear from any sufferer anxious to “1‘“ a remedï¬ for his complaint to whom I wlrga‘xplaln fully the means by which I was cu Applicants for information will piease enclose sta.u':p for reply, and address oon&enually, E)‘. G. OwWEN, 13 Metcalf St,, Toronto, Ont. the executors Waterloo, Nov. Brtmon‘s Curz is sold on a guarantee Tt cures incipien: Consumption. It is the best Cough Cure Only one cent a Wintor Session Galt Business College ‘How doth the little busy bee? Well, if you meddle with him much, you will be apt to find out how he coth. A GENEROUS OFFER We are requested \to publish the following letter, _ Editer,. PrEAR Mr. Enrrox‘]: Will you kindly Inform your readers through the mediuin of i‘our valuâ€" abie paper, that I will %l:dl{ send FREKE to sufferers from Nervous Debility, Failing Manâ€" hood, Lost Vigor Sexual Weakness produced by unnatural drains on the system and the reâ€" sults of youthful folly, particulars of a certain and speedy cure, w)’lch after being ewindled and imposed r:xon or years by iumcks and bumbugs, cu mo‘}n a few weeks. I have nothing to sell or give away, but wouid be She : I don‘t see why women should not make as gqod swimmers as men. He :Yes, but you see a swimmer has to keep his mouth shut.‘ An easy describing ]]E AFNESS | m}y genuine Cure f o a ness,Singing in Karr _ &e..no matter how severe or how loni»standlnz. will be sent post free.â€" Artificial Earâ€"drums and similiar appliances antirell_{ mgemeded. Address Thomas Kempe, Victoria Chambers,19,Southampton Buildings, Holborn, London. . Fine Cockerels and Pullets for Fall Exhibition, of the following varieties : Barred Plymouth Rocks, White Plymouth Rocks, Black and Brown Leghorns, Indian Games, Partridge Cochins, Buff Cochins. Pekin Bantams. Send orders early and secure the best. Prices Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. but I get sax of them for a quarter. you canna smoke a better Cigar than ‘"AOB ROY," Rob mg old B;m Devii.gt homestead in the _ Town 0 ripo. e propert; nsists ten acres of land on whlohpis & br{cmonu. rn, ote. Possession can be given almost imâ€" xdiately. For further pu'tflnhn apply to They cost 5c. t‘s no because ‘m Seotch but . G. Pequegnat, EMPIAE TOBACCO CO., MonTrcaL. Breeder of Fancy Fowls. For Sale or to Ront. _ WM. SNIDER, Waterioo P. 0. or â€" SAMUKEL SCHNEIDER, ol 1 O Atlat : 04 L W M New Hamburg, follows: All first class meat, pork 9 cents per 9 cts, per pound; best cut beef . ypon, io Sm per toaal CHEAP mc t k pated vente pas, bous The latest invoices include the finest of American and Foreign Fabrics. The prices are consistent with quality of material and workmanship. The Great BANKRUPT STORE, SUITINGS, We are at preseut in the midst of great value giving sales. The great throng at our counters daily testifies that they are receiving the goods as adâ€" vertised, and value as represented. Remember, Saturday is our busy day, made so by the many special bargains for that day. Inspection is invited to the New Lines of IF you have lost aloved one and desire‘t erect a fltting tribute of affection to th memory of the departed one. Kindly favor us with a call and we shall be g{leuod to shew you specimens and design® in onuments, Headstones etc., and quote you figures for any style of werk cither in Grapite or marble. First class work guaranteed. Waterido, Fob. 1ith 1804, "Tis not the clothes that make the man," but they help 4 We have a Large Stock of these Goods for the Fall and Winter Trade. Men‘s Tweed, Worsted and Nap Overcoats, $3, $3.45, $4, $4.35 up to $10 Men‘s and Young Men‘s Ulsters, $6, $6.45, $7.35..............up to $8 45 Boys‘ Overcoats, $2 35, $2 65, §3.35.....L.. .. sizancovrscaaraeanup to $41.95 Youths‘ Overcoats $2 95, $3.65 ... ... ouie na se n he aalus ie x is on 2i s up to ©7.85 Men‘s Suits $2.85, $3.95 ram ne s ks wie hi ma k se is se is is Â¥is s vis 2 +Up to $13,.85 Youths‘ Suits $2.70, $3 65, BB sisle ie on rists w cis n in air s rivies ie es s up to #8 46 Boys‘ Suits $1.50. $1.75, $2 .... ...........................up to $4.00 Men‘s Rubber Coats $2.50, $5, $6.50 and up. Vests, Cardigans, Smocks, Overalls, Gents‘ Furnishings, a large variety to select from. The Latest Styles in Delicate c‘ink and Blue at Capital, $2,000,000. Rest, $1,300,000. A GCENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Interest allowed on sums of Four Dollar and upwards in THE WATERLOO Granite and Marhle Works, A.L. Kumpf‘s The Molsons Bank. Drafts Issued on all Principal Points. FANCY GOCDS beposits or $1.00 AND urpwarps recsiven, aAno cuTE\-r RATES OF INTE ALLOWED, _ INTEREST ADDED To THE PRINCiPAL AT VHE END OF MaY NOVEMBER IN EACH YEAR. ® 4 Special Attention given to the Collection pf Commarcial Paper, and Farmers‘ Sailes Noter. H. J.JGRASETT. Mawaaeo CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Erb Street, opposite Markec. WATERLOO THE SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. 4@ Highest current rates on special deposite JACOB HESPELEK, Manager Waterloo Branch. A Generaur Bankina Business Transacted. Farmers Notes Discounten DRAFTS is8UED PAYABLE AT aLL POINTS |N CANADA, AND THE PRINCIPAL CITIE8 IN THE UnuTeD States, Great BRiTtAi, FRance, BERMUDA, &0. Resss ® a £ )64 £* °. rlllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllll“ll"lllllllllllllll.llll.lllIllllllllllllllllllllllIlIll.lllllll.ll * HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. CAPITAL (PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARs . £6,000,000. STATIONERY HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. N be of a Waterloo butcher. On and after this date I will sell maat cheaper as Dr.Laviofett@es The finest Remedy i SHAEFER BROS. Cures Coughs, . Grippe, Croup, Whooping Cough Booxstors. John Ritzer. Merchant Tailor. King St. Waterloo. IN ABUNDANCE TRUSERINCGS and TRANSACTED. ERNST & CO., f @ The finest Remedy in the WIOlettes World for all Affecâ€" up of tions of the Throat & weeE (!" . Fungs. )& . OVERCOATINGS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT B. E. WALKER, Generar Manager Clothing Sale. WaTERLOO. WATERLOO BRANCH . Turpentine uy Nemy Wenooiey C CCV colece siece sls in a‘% $3.35 SIt) y an ol in win m n s in s in ols w bie o in wie â€" Fae vane‘s sie Es aos s ria ts un aie in ain ain w54 k k y e n w y k w w un e ue w en e e e e n n e e d «o w w w k w w ue k e e e e e e 6e n n e m n n n n e e ® kok k uk s n e e e n m n s e e e e e e e n e e e n e k imne Charles N. Rockel House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Waterloo, â€" Ontazie Just opened toâ€"day a large shipment of meu‘s Flannelette Top Shirts purâ€" chased at a great reduction on cost price. Think of it, a man‘s top shirt only 25 cents at * SMYTH BROS‘ We bave still a few Jackets left and if you want a cheap garment call at Bwyth Bros.‘ Cheap Cash Store. We shall clear out the balance at prices which will astonish you, Come and See, Stock taking for the year has just be>n con:luded and we would desire to think our Hosts of Patrons for the very liberal patronage bestowed on us juring the past years, and hasten te infsrm you that no effort shall be spired on ou. part to make it still more interesting and profitable for you to do business with us during 1895, We are now busy opening early shipments of Spring Goods, and shall soon be in a position to show you & full line of new Spring Prints, Dress SMYTH BROS. This [has been the most successful season in this line in our experience. The goods were of superior quality and workmanship and the prices are exâ€" ceedingly low. We have a few Coats in stock and will clear at prices to satâ€" isfy you. If you want & cheap Overâ€" coat for man or boy Come and See. Men‘s, Youths‘ & Boys‘ Terms Cash and One Price, Cheap Cash Store. Mantles and Jackets Spring Purchases Cheap Cash Store, KING ST, BERLIN. Top Shirts ENT RATES OF INTEREST Ulsters t $A