ke REIE'DY Dru.- om tt r ha, " mu minis-ii at. d 'i'kt,10F,l',',= "' mt ptnar. .o9-uni"ic, i?iiriirthiH 'f.ye_iir." “omit mm V. 36“ ttttttt ’11: bur 'deer Karin-7‘ Nana 't p! i _ at" drinking tnet the first mr Gs A v hn' _ to oxchanee heir to full, and 1" ow n pencil? uq Re, ttt u "r, “annulus . vonder rail, hum sent. and A M your first nup- immih, and mi up -ort either In; t start of tence q Hm fred-clothes ml {Ink-din. The m! I.» wvurul at 4 [14. but and, â€Lu; v» that it. 'l'nr. process of "'"un a hit. like u 1.4, perhaps, t, awn a trial. Y' t'i'unrnended, w- grumxnuthem inmlhwrs warm, H" (uni service, Ida it full of t' brook‘but run through - Cur books HM! sprinkle of lime on“! no. And an..." . hing‘llzt. in... " “up: an. o‘ (Animation {'fw'lzrr‘ enriches 17v“. “4»:ng and all who take it. Sore Thrnat, sm.. Emma; Ctm. lsion 1)“ng chm: etit from JI the rest of In nourishi$ almost hum; l ‘1 tlure . It. 'Y A , "mm les tnttse that ping-cough ‘lu wrin- i for croop'. mu a certi h: r And old " '" when " assuniu the,, rm wrung -. method that t uoul years "athed " . mghter and Bod >-ment h vholn'n '1'"ng no. from getter. "T" at has; "“1ld winter , tl"scrnption. 1ayrpsem M! honor to “lump-d brain. fort of ll Haw pu- ure will l them '01 rt of feet. our back; In blue", stlins,r and awe-ma to We have “I in' the eac "a a! I ter and blankem Une bp, " tattt"tiii)t0,ii “an. ' ce. So great was the force of the I“ that large rocks were atria! though the fail houses. The bone. were noon undermined, wrecked and Boatod 900 to sea. with their content. Jltveeything “a at, but the iaubitnaste etc-pod, Ind no lives as new Ittnt. Sixteen miles up the“ in NW; Elven. mocha can, of“ 30m] cunt, the owners occupying them in iummer only. The pie m mug!» ied by .11 mutually high tine, . ch swept over the batch with gag: yioleu- u mu " Terrthty "e-tive Storm That ttnt-rt 1 un- Breton, ll mm. N s, Feb. Io-mu, latest . rr'wrm mien from Cape Breton indi. rum that the T/W. storm has been trn- most destructive experienced in 30 Jr' Sri. Great daumge was done at mm. Agonish and for 30 miles dong the gulf shore. The nineteen housed vud three stores washed away were Milt on a narrow. rocky peninsula k uni 'The "each,' which divides ‘he _ 'L from the harbor. There ere lest than [W people in the hamlet. The beach is very narrow and low, and one aid» bring the Atlantic and the other the harbor it is exposed tothe full fury of the sea when driven in by In easter- ly or south easterly storm. The home. were small ones Occupied by fitshermen. There were three storm and bonding _ houses. Some of the house were ve- This "hows In incrmse during the :mmth uf (icl,i7.8,4.5s, compared with Mm try last Palo' The increase ot the 'm' iit-ir,r, has Lets $7,335,111. The twp-n inure on capiul account to Jan, rl. by“ been $2,633,586, 3 decrease of $373,709 from suns period lat year. l, yr ll, ‘luli lhr brand Trunk“ “mum-I “med "are.. on may to Be ram. ' li, nun-n.1, Feb. 10.- The Grand Trunk coal wurmn is about. the biggest avail- uiy'e-Jmng for no loss than 75,000 tons. l‘t'prvu'htlng saw-thing like $3,000,000 Tm cuntrmct w,“ practically awarded \(‘HU‘HIIL'V afternoon, the successful ten .ivro‘r“ Ewing (hr shipmystw,the. big coal limit-rs (If lretroir, Mich.,and the Erie Railway Company. The price, it is umiprnzmd, is the lowest at which the contrzu-t has e-wr been awarded, and ".vr "mud Trunk has secured a good Mr; UH Tho- duty an the United States , -tI will amount to something like 9%â€th The Grand Trunk has fre. '>x.'?_.* vmlmnm‘v'd to have the duty r, 'm [pr i, M " would mean a cousidvr- -,.m.- iusitt,c.,v, hut an far without succesx. Th» ursl i, to ha delivvred by the. sun awful tirum at various points along the Wain†during ch ' year, itur “Hf Th BOUGHT 75,000 TONS OF COAL Citizens, generally are warned against rec"iving .300 American pieces without a can-fut exssutinastion, as quite a num- ber have been passed upon merchants in the outlying portions of London.The spurlous cows have apparently a good ring, but their greasy touch and their: gurrmnlly dull appearance should be mat. tictrmt to place people on their guard. Lymus H Johnson left his home in Hal: on Wednesday morning to take the C. and C P. It, train for Toronto. Mn unis log at the depot he was notic- el lsy the operator vo be in distress,and ua~ asked to come into the ticket of. :u-.~, “hm-h he dlu without help,but WM: only emitted in the chairs few moments when lm expired. PROROGUED TO MARCH 25 item , iie Srratford City Council, reduced tlo: rsstru, of taxation from 21 to 20 mills A m-w tire hall will be erected there this Jeur, at a can not to exceed $4,- UUU. The tlax mill, machinery sud con- tents. of Archibald & Mandell, Elora, were burned Inst week. Loes,$4,000 in- .»vuwi fur 82500. SWEPT BY THE SEA. Ill/ARV?!) ANI' F,\PF'a?tHHTUrsri, Mar does it The News of the Waterol BOUNTY AND DSTBDT wetnv‘nt of r't'veuue and expen- ernuuu} shows the farmer County District Gleaned From Exchanges prpvent a dissolution Y $249,407,463 (I A,., _.. 511.; 8,3 30; slit) l 2'et,2,tftLi,' i'rl'T.,,'llrS,'7) an} tirdo'0htsro&trts 'W. chum-tun! I Dun SIRS r--1 think it a duty to The manager: of the local life insur- write you for the bertaiit of all who 300° comp-nice were not inclined to \heve delicate children, end to bake by very much ebout the matter.Mr.T. ‘knovn what Peiue'e Celery Compound B. McAuley‘, of the Sun Life admitted ‘hu done for my girl. She ha been that the Htp1ieation to their company delicate all her life. I heme tried may hed been made, and It“ tut it 1nd medicine, and hue bed ttar under all- been declined on the nee-l Whit. opetbio and mum; anemone. W. M. Ema-y. meager o chasm- with brttlittleuoMk About der f'dLilgmedeeliniht me It mend "oet.iroetsItesattrunA " 'mdetod,ttoyry,eisr,mot- oft-he fl'l'lh'/lll"lff;,'ttlStt :3: and one. leet8itttittteyttttti, new. I he. "a†tMr'itytrtttt,'Etergeyt4/'et- *tr", "rt'rtoe . . 1eitteyeterW.ra, "". Mb tittt, d. elm-1W1 l N o other; medicine in the work; can appliiion had been made, as no" us ‘give the aetisfacwry results from the cm be calculated. to the Mutual Life 'use of Paine’s Celery Compound. It of New York for $50,000 ; to the Sun should be the chosen medicine for every Life foe $20,000 l to the Confederation young girl who is delicate, weak and Lite 310.000; to the Standard Life sickly. Mrs. A. R, Stinehcombe, 19 815,000; to the United States Life William St, London, Ont., writes as $10,000, and to the Coven-at Mutual follows I--- teyuaesttnern Cc. $10,000. _ Wise and prurient mothertr,when any symptoms of danger assaiis their girls, invariably use that grab brain food and tleelrbuilder,Paiue'i Celery Compound. This wonderful medicine enriches the blood sud gives it free and healthy cir- culation ; it braces the harves, gives physcial strength promotes good digesw tion, and gives .sweet tutor-l sleep I not of the mum, dppepcig, liver mu... tad otUe hum of dines-o, bring quite an army of young girls to the grave every year. i I Mothers are to blame for the unhap- ' and ‘dangerous‘condition of their girls. They strongly encourage their daughters in one direction-canons: the brain-but neglect to warn them of the rocks and quicksands on which many precious lives are wrecked. The"; results are often terrible. Headache, nervous PTetr_tiotr,debility, '.,iiiiitr,f,i) AJA_ - A1 - . . A _ V WOS! and sum-mug. Thousands of young girls are suffering today. They may he even going to and coming from school Their sallow, bloodless faces, their attenuated or lane forms indicste disease U»erscudy in school and in the home contivmnenc for hours each day in bad.. ly ventilated buildings, and a. too rapid growth of body,verz_often promote dis- Paine's Celery Compound The Great Brain Food and Flesh-Builder for All Young Girls. V Mothers Not &illkiatly on The Alert to Guide and Counsel Their Daughters. We See Sallow And Bloodless Faces and Attenuated and Lank Bodies. OVEBSTUDY AND T00 RAPID GROWTH OF- TEN PROMOTE DISEASE. l (MI YOUNG GIRLS Sin has many tools, but a lie is a handle which tite them all. most difficult of aii -ipanGerii' knowl, edge "V vâ€"vâ€" an“ WIN!" inge. with their coup-nu “had " 810' 000, went, u did those of South Agon- Uh, being "wept out. to see with alt they conteined. At Middlebead end other places along the count. iLh houses, hate and 1irltutg gear were destroyed. The wind bled with hurricane force, break _ in up the voters of the St. Lawrence} on the enter!) up; from eighteen inches to two feet hi her then the higheez spring tides. Ile whole islend of Cape I Breton in blocked with snow Ind wires no “more completely proeteated.' The scientific gpudy of “on. In on the bench. ine, with their comm. T; Poor lune my: I u "__-"'-'" kiiu'itaa ='"-".t'"?' r. i' ngll 'lt"s'1ilri;l;"i,t, ttt be’ ttytdtyti1. ' I "A"? mm is the The-e build. The manager: of the local life inwr- wwwrflmm iii'#a lace companies were not inclined to M ny very much ubout the matter.Mr.T. Hood's "I. m ther all. MI. Mb B. McAuley‘, of the Sun Life admitted "t-"is't-tt"erttatqtmtrtirs, Ms Enquiry in Montreal showed that appli-a‘.ion had been made, on not: us can be calculated, to the Mutual Life of New York for $50,000; to the Sun Mr. Hvams accompanied his wife to each of the insurance (Mines, and ad- d vised her as to the best system After- wards he returned with his lawyer and asked for the return of the applications In each case this was refused. The poli- cies were to he made out in favor of Mrs. Hyams’ heirs.) Suhsequently Mr Legere called upon Mrs. Hyams and" she then learned for the first time, the: e amount of insurance which had been _ applied for. She at once became alarm 1 ed and consulted her solicitors, Horn - l Barrett. She declined to return to t Montreal with her husband,and insist- , ed that detectives should he engaged . to remain'at the house of her brother. , in-law, in close view. She was afraid , she might be kidnapped or some worse disaster befall her. The detective was , engaged and remained in the house sev- _ oral days. The young woman is still hysterical. She has instituted an action for alimony gainst her husband, says the World. Mr. Horn wrote to the various companies. asking for the can- cellation of all policies. The alacrity with which several of them retsponded , was partly due to letters received from ', Mr. Legal-e, in which it was intimated.. l, (i)Oit another woman u. boon en- , gaged to per-sonata Mrs. Evans in the l applications; and (2) that the was a i 'very bad risk; but the New York Mat. l ual Life, however declined tocancel the l policy, and a writ was issued to compel l them to do so, and return the note givl I an in paymenton the ground that Mrs. Hyuns had no intention of insuring for 1 treynountofthepoliey,andentered into I the insurance under misrepresentation. l ,,,- __ ... _ F.'r.. unluullln' irl"Utttrte. we Hf’t' . H â€a“ now preps dr ird hi, 1 I J -~ o, W. Legere, manager of the French s d H Lit um; nmkv 'i..h,eLu'r1'fdtuu"c"h; "lu) "J/it dupartment of the Sun Life Insurance ave er I e Price only llc,' Company, came to Toronto with his an. t --- Ban . , sistant. Mr, St Marie, and Mr, and Surgical Operations and “menusâ€? and Tamils}: Shears! .. . n . 'E h, Mrs. {I} urns. As a. result of tnmr 'Y" Be“ Medical Treatment :ylvnegï¬zi-nnbgï¬r‘cgdcan)?\1))'i’2]),;in‘gsupdoklsglfllgé . '1: an (inure "to .7 " . i " :zzsscrizmzz 33: 0:022:10; L rm _ sawmw . , _ . , In iive Us; u Co min-s xix 1t. ‘um- life of Mrs. Hymns, aggregating no less An Almost Mlratcutoua c are by an“ workimuarhip “u"mnwed a. sum pm $300,000, as follows: T How, thtrsttpariiia. THE BERLIN REPAIR SHOP _ Equitable Lie Assurance, $80,000; . . - P, 72 Riuc tit. West yawn] LEE? of how" York, $50000 ; 'ttiif' ag, Yi _. , ti " L. IIENI’ERSO‘- Sun Life, b-0000 , Standard of Edin. fj'7 Me, 5333'» 2‘» A A Tvlerhonv13t Machinist and Prop burg slo 000 _ Standard of Iliirthure, 'll " Cr 171330"?! w Q; . V. ' y _ T ' " Mr, T," L ' ------------, additional application‘ 875,000; run if, pr, ttiii) " j, -----------, ed States Life t?20,000;yiutual Rnserve . ar; 'City "s'-its,'l 'd B . & R Fund, $25,000 ; Confederation Life, L sir',',.:',,:. f] UP" jig?) / em1s DOS, $10,000. The applications in each in- '_'," "ir','-.':?,-,),'.:.?-,--:;' {'43: Jius'irfi' " ij Th Bl t 1 stance described Mrs. Martha Wells rt/i-fit-litre))).'?-' [475%, t" 6 ec rop enters. Hymns, of Montreal, born on Much fg'iï¬ï¬j‘rï¬gw ji,rli';,)lijier" , Ara now ready to doany and all kinds li, 1870, at Somersetshiro, England. 'iriift.tti(iticiii.'tii" l A(-'Fc',vy?te,:rtisi) J " .l,rl.,, c, But to begin at the beginning of the , story: Nine years ago, Dallas T. and Harry P Hymns, Hebrews and twin brothers, arrived here from New (Jr- leana. They had considerable money, which it was given out,had reverted to them from their father. They started a. warehouse in Colborne street. In their employ wags. man named Willilm, Wells. While making repairs at the‘ foot of the old fashioned freight hoist, one day in January, 1883, the weight which balances the hoist became un- hooked, and fell on Wells’ head killing him. Wells carried $35,000 insurance on his life. This was made payable to his sister Mart! a, who shortly after coding into poswtssiort of the money, married Harry P. Hyam’s brother,aban» cloned the Colhorne street warehouse and opened an otiice as finaneial bro- kers. Later Mr. and Mrs. Hymns re- moved to Montreal, where the Hyun- are presently engaged in the manufac? ture of printers' inks. Two weeks ago. Came slur-had, engaged a lawyer to se- cured! possible, the canélmciuu of a I the policies and had a detective em- ,ployed to guard her night and day.The ‘isswpuce of a writ by Mrsars. Horn Jr Barrett, barristers against the Now York Mutual Life Insurance Company, to insure the canceHanon of a policy of $50,000 on the life of Mrs. Harry P Hymns, the wde of a Toronto broker, mags public the 'totr, Toronto, February 8.--Thtrietrtl" peat ten dnye, guys the World.the men- Ilm end menu of every compel), in the city have been discnlsmg one id the moat mnrkeble cues, which bu We? developed in Canada-a one ini which nu “tempt o insure the lite of " young married woman, twenty-four Jearn of age, in various companies for 8300.000 One half of the insurance h d been placed, when thy woman be A Strange Story that Comes From Toronto. To INSUBE M $800,000. corroborate. the Above. "a I. an? Cts, Lowell. mu: "Dear ..-a an drTttttshreandtiavesottt I Won“ of Bood’ _ iitt,i1,1'irtlflhtto'.it5'lrifE1l, a... 'il2lti cine Whilst}! a saeAiitrTdii,GGre 19 King St. W,, Berlin. - I'JP1r'tlNtrg'ltii', Aft'/gttg,lrggan Also Speaking Tube and Bicycle sup~ comma. the Abe". plies in stock. Repairing of all kinds "a I. 821.05, Lowell. mag... _ _ done with promptnesu. i Was Getting Better and the abscess had already began to discharge less freely. Itelt stronger and had a terrible appetite. Previous to this I had given up to die. When I had taken the second bottle I was able to si: up and accordingly I was not taken to the hospitaiand the titial operation was deferred. Now I have taken six bottles and the abscess has entirely healed. I am Wed and {to every where. M thte, think Ili' a 11rig 'hfl have iii'iri'eii'/, haul V . “on younger L'h'Mdtttet'dti2)lLirij I Pod .- Tm Ivor "lditttttrtttortdmrtgtt- no mambo heaviest in my lite. I do o big day's work and am gainingin strength every day, My mother worried and worked hem)! almost sick in ear- tog tor me. she has since taken Hood’s Sana- pnrlila and it has done her much good. We praise Hood's Will: to every Ody, tor I Know it Cam My Life. I am 27 you: old, tad I stranger to look " me now wouldnouhink I ever had B do 'a sick ness. Even tho doctors no surprise! " the ( success ot Hood's Sunni-ill; in my can. Mottterandtnrsesit oominuew take an medi- l Hood 3m". Cures ARKBEPAIR SHOP, l Pelvlc Abscess In My Side. l tttet an opcratrop 1 dld not improve. the atv use.“ continuing to discharge Men mam freely almnlwfurn. Jn twommtlzs time three opera- JJns ll 3m pertbrtucd pm! tum-J insertedmcurry r.T rm impurities. but all in vain. Finally it was decided that my life (It-pended upon another )prrntiou and that I must. be removed to the Jasmin; About mm wcéks previous to this I hm! notiv‘od an ctlvtTtrwmout in the Daily \‘uws at "ctw where Hood's ticzrszxpurula [Ind :m‘uu lr [my sumvwhu sludkmly Rimmed in tl' F man. h. l., and l (in. 1mm] to m"ve It a mu]. Wu: tthe, tune .ru:e.ile.d, upun tor he to go to the htsspi.t'riarcivcu 1 had beentalhug 110mm Sar- saparilla about two weeks. ( I. .'y, >11 I: Co, Cove c1]. Mama: _ (35 COPPE R ' “in-(:Lmtzvg iii l M'u'mx'y, '02, I was very sick Have your old, worn tn blewr, re re or two months. tiiowly I got better hut wag I ted I k d od _ manned to my bed. A physician sum I hm] a p 3 to oo an wear as go as new. .frf'r'trr'tt)f" 'ttl 7" -r':".“;."’ "1‘" ffs7diitittf)it, jg 'i;i'sli'_?,,,,i:ii,is:li:r,r) ,I Are now read iilri2, ititTkif flora/4&3 ', . 2': i?,;gi"dfris7scsm1"re ",i:yvcu:i'titt,l'i(, c 'es'i'iiifi) 'i,ttt.,ji,t'tj,l'atr J. Cr:).'; 1i.it1 I w 'iir2tiur:ys,a'isc(vui' M. t N éxï¬wgzkgsévm \\> GOLD t 117t1ftf1'i,lfl'; w"? =‘:/// ‘SIL' .5 / bir',rir'ia-aiiTti;ifiyi: , / / ---- Lord Rosebery recently visited Lord Spencer, and during his stay attended with his host the parish church at Alt. h mp. The preacher seemed to be in- spired for the occasion. for he took for his teat . "Art Thou He who should come, or look we for tuiothet,--Ntsw York Wald. .r'~ _ 37-73)." "fgt9 ' dliBlt 'd'. e (ty' Iik'i {333% 9." t ' t in; " M It/iii '?o, i?',' . . “4,â€: t)i: '* , . " L', is'rtr' t ' k (e, "rt/a'))'" it?†lax-{3 til 1 j?)iij:ic.c,,'e: 'r.' aw ‘%222/.3 K; J r",',iiriii: \§~"é‘- P, (i2 - il t2,Ctr'iii'r-e, 1.: ' a . ., _ l Leiisrdrsciireu.d'yL hp, ., (Luv/:,i, l There a great many reai miseries in life that we cannot help smiling at, but they are smiles that make wrinkles and not dimples. ' A Kansas editor pathetically des. cribes his location as "80 miloa'welt of a rain belt/90 feet from water, several miliou miles trom, heaven, 50 yards from the devil, and 300 miles from a. trtuoon."-New York Recorder. Well, tspi--- E Fliegende Blaetter. Teacher-There are three kinds of poetry. You have mentioned two--. lyric and dramntio J now what is the third 1 looks as if he had a dim-1; Jinp'cL'r'z: an' as I'm a bachelor, I will resign in his hsvor.--Tit.Bits 1huaner-It you want work I'll give you a job. Wiggley Muggyts--wen, I'd like to take advantage of your offer, boas, but I see a man comin up the road that L image, Illittuis liege sud ‘3‘“... Elsa. - Epidtsmitr.--- 'd TI.ule (mm Cpt".- Oifiee above Simon Say der's DmgStnre 1v'rc0siv-'iertedtoey.rry - In vain. Finally it Waterloo, Nov. 28th, 1894. â€" "v: _ v """""""", 19 [no tm, m, - BERLIN, Mt. BIIPSOR'S’ iiiiiiii'i'ifiil,i,lji ---- 38. m. Electric Bills Hello There! _ Cheap Harness J ole,, t,jiij,),ty's, _ _ ... r â€â€œ4. _A'F88 uuuuuu; in"! KP." mum kloctric b lls and enttrciators pm In). hm lathe woxk nnd huh jubhing work 'dit'."', do, criptiun Give Its " Cu“ Prices right. his! class workfnmahip gum-um red anlngjust put in anwther new mar-hirw.viz: a Clipper and Planar Grinding Machine, we an» now prepnr d to grin d y ur old, dull Munch nnd makv them cut equal to any new Pair, Price only 750, Clipper Grinding! Work Guaranteed. ff, the New Shortening, instead 0! lard. And this is in itself. rah Ion why "the looketh well" in another sense, for she eats no lard to cause poor digestion and a worse complexion. COTTOLENE is , much better than lard for all cooking pur- poses, as every one who has tried it declares. Have you tried it? For sale everywhere. GEO. WILCOX To more of horse and barbers' clippers, "Ned many tPsatisthctoir 3E ways. For instance, to-day the ths using [ . But her way: are not always tuetss. In fact she has du. 2't Soldabn’i; iiiitt",rii7tt7fGit 2ot1tetthtii,reievieifkiFa does, but, particularly in aim. 32312-3??? "f he! household." SILVER, e NICKEL _ &COPPER It you are looking for Now Is THE TIME Fon . K. FAIRBAN'K & co.. Wdlinnon and Ann Ota., MONTREAL. u ttt ttttts-rosa Lpiiketh Well dt plating in Made only by Charges Reasonable. vai‘éflaiÃ©ï¬ iili'ii(i'iil'i, 12"itt, "Ittm, 1'li up COAL I Scranton Coal I Waterloo Goal Yards. hréc't imam; JisuttoFiGWa." giiiiTii'ctTiG" guaranteed. Prices to can the tit-ca. Apply or writ» to _ SIIOEB, "new & M., --"_-"'.- - m V. Last Year 'Jg2l"%'G'ft'it4i'h'J,'.'t",to'at,.y' llel'le/t,/itf . Th8L.Year Snider, Brieker&00. Bold in Waterloo by Bucker & Diebel Manufactured only by W. W. Walter: & Co., 492 Queen st. w. admitted by all who use it to be the beat in the mu]: goes In fur In three of my other and dom iu work better, lady pun. Nobody should u without. it. People's Baking Powder Every Housekeeper in Wateroo a call. and lasting quality, combined {with stoves correspondingly cheap. complete with my OWN MAKE FURhHTUith'; a good Baker heaviest stove made ttrday. It posuesaes the A 500 lb. Cook Stove Berlin, Jan. 30th, 1805 S. SAUDER & CO. Saturday, February 2nd, 1895 Ready-made Clothing 4 SAUDEH’S 91% This very pold Snap will make you your feet warm and dry. A General red; 9vershoes, Rubbcrs, &c., at the Popular I lar brands, no seconds, (seconds are shock Shoe Superstition No. 2. HAW“ "ILLS. “TEST FROM For all kinds of Hardware, Tinware, wishing to have beautiful light ptstry during the. new Giganoie, Gash Dost Price, Clearing Sale The Popular Boot t Shoe Store. An old Sign any: that if a young mum is mrrele" of his shoe lacing, he will neglect his wife,-' but on the ooncnry, if he lace. them tight he will be very stingy in his dealings with her. By the way if a you“: mun it going to see his sweetheu't ind stubs his right tom he may know that he is to be welcome; but if he stubs his left one he may as well turn around and go home, because she does not writ to we him. Again if his lacing: keep coming untied his lady love is ulking or thinking of him. HATS dz; CAPS for 15 days commencing with Copper. Reservoir for $25.00 JACOB CONRAD hnwksvllle. 0n Id Snap will make you, think of something to keep dry. [ A General reduction in prices of all kinds of 's &c., at the Popular Boot & Shoe Store. All regu- tde, (so-rw/Ae, a-.. nLnJJ-» _.., , N TIME WEIGHT . S- RODS- --OF. all the late†improvements All other FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. MfJll1tlts,ftgtoh,,ttt4.ta:tttpt. But Illilljfllrgh ' SUN. Our Aim f',',,',,".)'.,': t"vtft",t/tc'u/e,r't,':t,,',rcue mu Brick. Bruin m. Md Cellar Tile Furthermore le' The Marsh of Progress. are shoddy goods) Should Use Only The In the market Come and - IRP um (quip! from time to mm " smpmvvnh uh mazes: themtcrveacor the dmmmd the trade require 't Plumbing, Bastitting, ke., give me in the msrket. Us: Spooxrm. We do hm {ofhm' We LII m ttir: mu We ndard m our equipment a I c" pumnt kiln u a an- trotting in A new Dir. wtuxrmur and Elan: gum: . '. Gunnteed shoo- Add to Gui"', lj'HDllIelll at. w. Toronto uni He ter; the our inn-hum. to year moor stock may ' of