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Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 24 Jan 1895, p. 5

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" sth, 50., doe. nd under Cash. 3r (meats, ery description er Suits, hu, I’ Suits, mais, odds, ary --P,efore leaving Watmrloo M r. H.T. Lane, piano tuner &c. finds it necesstry to caution his Inlay customers .3.th intruders representing themselves piano tuners from the’ Gerhard Bahama!) Piano Co , or the Cavity, Winter, "id Leeming; as Mr. Lucia the only to- prtmentative piano tuner from the-e firms coming to Waterloo, he will be here for a few d.” longer. sad in gm:- orders to txtygit Hotel, Mr. an, or this 0 , i: h tion - ted. 'ixii,'i:'il , mu I --The Bancroft: Company of SN) Frmxuixco have established A branch in Chicago, with othces in the Auditorium Building. their purpose being among othr-r tinny. the publication of an elaborate illustrated work entitled "The Book of the Fair," under the att. thorship of Hubert Howe Banoroft, who has also removed to Chicago with hi: familv. “u wen two weeks to obtain snreties to kcep the peace. 'l‘In- Prisoner Hard charged with has”): robbed Mr. D. Pollock of 8125 and a prumiuory note on January 2nd wa, trivd before Judge Immune on Turs/sy nmrning. Hard was found du'-ty and sentenced to the penetenti- My fur three years. --- W.- regret to learn of the death of Mus Annie Laura Qaiekfall, a bright 23ml prumiaiug young lady, daughter of hm- varly rand u-nexpected deatit will be "'setily felt by her family and young companions. ' Mr. m Mrs. Itui.Vuicsdiss, ovaridge- port, on Monday last. Miss Quickfall glad manly completed het Il" yearpnd Ilr. Christian Eby, I gudener, mm; mm the outskirts of Berlin, wss ctmrgml hvforf‘ Mr. J. A, Mackie, J. P., wirh having threatened to do his wife Main} harm. He WM sint to gnol and The South Waterloo Conservative I wuxvutiun will be held " Preston on (I'm C‘th inst for the purpose of nomi- nating " candidate for the hext'Dotni. no“ tu'ection, It is expected that a unmiumn'u ahanty in Noah Weber’s mm W111] was sent up for three months. - k tirv hrwke out in MAckie's block harm, in the machine shop of Mr. \Yme. The alarm was promptly giv- rm Mn} the iiremen were quickly on mm. The tire was not allowed to get much homiwny. Its origin is not snuwn. Lum‘e'r uf cabinet midisterl will be pram-“t. Mr. John C. Green, I resident of Jrurcuo, mwnship for 50 years died at ti,rv residence of his daughter, Mrs. i'olvul, Weston, last Friday at the 2.9- mi ‘1’ yearn, 3 months and 8 days. A wimp giving his man as John \hnhail was brought up before Mr.B. 1mm, J. P, on Monday morning on a dmrgw mi reputedly breaking into a. Il _ A Devin wishes some pupils {yr minim“ iro,eruction. For terms, ttr , M Iy at Mr. lien}. Devitt’a. tf kuuu Tracy, turnkey of Ber- ..u and, has been dismissed by the ~Inrl‘i, churgwl with di obeying orders. \lr Tracy naya that he will appeal to {Kw Huwrunwnt, NN' Thu sprinr,,e'Astsizps, will open at Mm“ on Tuesrssy, Apt-i; 105th, Chief Juan- Armour presiding. WH'K 5 1551.”: 1nd M Steiss and ihoil's, - Wantrul t goal boarderstCpF)1 \Trr NS mu-r, 5': Water tit.-lt. - I '. ”Minn; correspondence came to s-tlil mu lau- for insertion in this '-:FR0ITS:- y - CHOICE - fjGllliMMll0iiflf tt Il-rg. Sruebing Bros., grocers a» Lure assigned. w Snyder of Preston will contest M In tht. Conservative interest mu election. LI H‘A L N EWS, BLIN, r. ONT m d hamniné in overshoes rulr 1 ML boots at the Popular Boot tra, Stun TO ADVERTISERS mum must be left at. this office . tum Saturday noon. The >:. Hum must be left not late in; mum. Casual Adrcrtise. .»pml up to noon Wednesday m GROCERS, --.itTTD---- mono-1mm- People overlook the important, of permanently beget! 'dhtttr 3nd were satUtied with tar-alien: notion; but now that it in tttttll,', man this 8 p of lac-mun onto i,1iitlet.j?i'i, .;. t','iii'i5iki'i':'i wlich , not bra Int 1'l"lii; in: A leading member of the Liberal Branch of the U. B. church bu receiv- ed news from Illinois, to the Aeet that the Supreme Court of that State bod just pronounced its decision in the teat case for that State finding ell the qua» none in favor of the Liberal View of the cue. This coming after the ndvene deci-ion of J ndge Street in the Ontario we, infuses new hope into the Liner sh, here and the cone is being pampered for hearing in the Ontario Court ot Appeal with great expectation of enc- Another Victory for the Liberals. The choir of the Methodist church was hoorpitably entertained at the pars- Onlge on T buredny evening Inst. A moat pleasant evening was spent in 800- ial conversation, guinea, etc Mr. and Mrs. Manchlnn left nothing undone to remote the pleasure of the members no the host and hostess were accorded a. hearty vote of thanks for their kind- ness 5nd hospitality, Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Good, of Can:- a, Kane-s, arrived in town on Wed- neaday morning and will visit their old home and their many friends in the County for . short time. Mr Alvin Cress ot So Jacobs spent, Sundsy in town with friends. Mr. Hugh Rennie of Newton gave the20uuoxlcu: otliee a friendly all on Wednesday. Miss Rachel Conroy who was spend- ing the put-six months at her home in Elmira, returned again on Tuesday. Tur, WATERLOO MtrrvAL.-.-The thir. tyseeond annual meeting of the Water. loo Mutual Fire Insurance Company was held here last Saturday. All in. surance companies doing business in Canada have suffered severely during the past year, and the experience of the Waterloo Mutual-was no exception to the rule., Its turairs, however, are in a highly satisfactory condition, as the timuscial statement found in the report of the proceedings in another column will show. The total number of policies now in force is 20,306, cav- iering risks aggregating 820,600,341, After providing a reinsurance reserve of $83,809.10 and for the adjusted and unadjusted losses at the end of the year I the balance of asset: above liabilities} is $265,464 31, a very satisfactory state l of tUfisirg indeed. The Company iatb. l ly, safely and economically managed‘ by its Board of Directors and Secretary, Mr. Taylor, who has been with the Company as its manager since its or- gantzatiott. The eoniitienee of the in.. suring public in the Company is twi. denced by the Urge increase in' the business of the Company during the past year. , l Tur: FARMERS’ MUTUAL _..1he. twenty- 'first ’annuul meeting of the North Wat. erloo Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co, was held on Tuesday The reports submitted were very satisfactory. The leases by fire were somewhat in excess to those of previous years but. still com- pa.ratively small considering the Urge amount at risk. The total number of policies new in force is 2071, the a- mount a: risk $3,760,266 for which the Company holds premium notes to the amount of $190,465. The Company " stillgrowing in popular favor,having in increased the amount at risk $309,176 during the past year. its affairs are well, carefully and e? omically ad. ministered by the Jlic'ii'i'1"1d'a1tle', and board of directors Our readers: will find a full account of the proceedings in another column of this issue, FooTi,ALl.-The semi-annual meet- ing of the BPrlin High School Football Club was held in the high school hall on Thursday, January thh, when the _tollowirw otticets wtrrtteleeted: J. W. Connor, B A , Hou.Preiident ; D,For. syth, Pres; F.Sheppard, lat Vice-do; Louis Doering, 2nd Vice-do; C. H. Unehmer, Captain; A E Rudell, Secre- tary; ll.Ledermsn, Treaaurer; Max "rytxnt,Curator; H Quirmbach, Assist. Curator; F. Rebel-xky and F. Coiling; Committee, A. U. HEW, 4th form; C." Himburg, 3rd form;, B. J'risch, 2nd form; A Hallman, lst form. BUY THP. STANDARD 1hcTrosARt- The tirst volume of the standard Die. tionnry has‘made xts isppearnnee,Therts haw, been .eugaged in its production 2ri'oaice editors and specialists and nearly 500 renders for quotations. The volumes still contain 2:300 pages containing nearly 300,000 words. Pub. hched by Funk and ngnalls, New York. A. Kern, agent, Waterloo. 1laocLoarros.---ru, mlyor bu ia- iued a. proehumstion forbidding the children to ride behind or upon my passing sleigh or other. vehicle within the town of Waterloo. The practice u a dangerous one and it is necessary to avoid accidents that she By-law be strictly enforced. _ Personal and Social. The Mayor presented n report recom- mending the following landing Oom- Mn-se-lk-. Susi“ (chin eel," Ericka, mqiki Hut-thou. At the evening session the following gentlemen were appointed a committee tostrike the various landing oommis teee foe the your, viz: J. Hupeler, J. B. Kaufman. Henry Meier, C. IE. Freehlieh, the Mayor, the Reeve 5nd Deputy Reeve, said committee to meet end report forthwith. Council Chamber, Jill. 2tat 1895. The firat meeting of the Council wu held at 11 Ban. today when the follow- ing gentlemen duly took the oath of odidis and made the necessary declare- tion of queblifieation.. Simon Snyder, M uyorgGoorge Suggitb, Reeve; Henry B. Duering, Deputy-Reeve; Councillors: North NGrd--Ahso. B. Hutchiaon, C. H. Freehlich, Wm. Cour-d; South Ward-J. Hespeler,' Frank Bauer, Aldred Snider; East Ward-g. B. Bricker, Geo, A. Bruce. J. R. Kattt. mnn; Went Ward-Henry Meier, W. A. Kumpf, J mob Uffelmaeus. PrtESttYTEltIAN. The Waterloo Auxiliary of the W.F M.S. held their annual meeting last Wednesday afternoon in the basement the Presbyterian church. After the devotional exercises, conducted), Mrs. Colquhoun, and the closing of the year's work, the reports from the vari- ous committees were read, and which showed a great step in advance of the previous year. Our auxiliary heldduts ing the past year 15 meetings, four of them being public meetings, and were addressed by three missionaries on fur- lough---Miss McWilliams of India, Miss Walker of the Northwest, and Mrs. Sickafoos, who formerly labored among the Chinese, on the Pseifie coast. The other was addressed by Mrs.Wstt of Guelph, vieetessident of Presbyterial Society. The latter was on the day of our Thank-offering Ser- vice. The thank-offering was hearty and liberal, amounting to $44.70; $8.25 of which was sent to the Knox College Students' Missionary Society, the remainder going into the Foreign Mission Fund. The Visiting Commit. tee enlarged our membership by nine members during the year. The ' Liter- ature Committee sent to Dr.hi6itst lit erature for lumber camps and also sev- eral sailor bags for our lake mission, The Helping Hand committee packed and shipped supply of clothing for the Northwest, valued at $42.10. The to. tal amount raised for the foreign work, was 8101, The year’s work is 1very encouraging. and they look tor. l ward to still greater achievements for the present year. After the reading, of reports, etc., the election of of%erts l took place, and resulted " follows: Pres.I Mrs.Habbick; lst Vicedo, Mrs. McNair; 2nd Vice-do, Mrs.Brock: 3rd Vice do, Mrs. Davey; Mission Band Pres, Mrs. L. Bricker. CHURCH ori%rar.Asm Hereafter Church of England Ber. vices will be held regularly in the " terloo Presbyterian church, every Sunday, commencing at four o'elock in the afternoon. The Rev. Mr. Stoen of Bar- lin will oflieiate. The Sunday School will be held at the same place, com- mencing at 2.46 pan. tf SALVATXON ARMY General Booth of London, England, will give an address in Zion Evangel-. ical church this afternoon at 2.30 pan, Street car will leave Waterloo at 1.20 Inaugural MeatttrMr--Appotntmarnt of Standing Committee- and Town or- ttoorat for the your. The Gsuneit then adjourned until 8 Waterloo County Chronicle, Thursday Janqary 24, ttttMU-Page B, The Itt.1tev. KW. Tuerk will preach next Sunday morning it 10.30 o’clock in the New Jerusalem Temple, Berlin, in the German language. The subject will be the continuance of "The Wheat. and the Tues.” In the evening at 7 o'cloek the Rev. Louis H. Tafel will lecture in the English language. Sub- ject : "Hour are men raised from the Dead. and When t" All areinvited to attend. The Reerouis H. TAM of the New Jerusalem Church, Berlin, preached in the Presbyterian church, Elmira, last Sunday evening 'in the German lang- uage. The church was crowded, and the subject. "Where and what is He.- ven t" seemed to enclmin the eager at. tendon of all. The choir of the Berlin Society attended in a body, and rend- ered the music with a fire and zen] that contributed much to the edifumtion of the audience. The ntxt meeting of the Waterloo Young People’s Christian Union will be held in {he Methodist church an Friray evening, February 8th, com- mencing wt 8 o’clock. Everyone cor. dually invited. TOWN COUNCIL. NEW JERUSALEM TEMPLE. EVENING SESSION. The Churches. a t'e " We recently called on Mr. Anon Weber, reeve of Wealwich. Hie two lsrgeferms are eitueted between Bl. mira end Floredele end ere models ot their kind. Severe] lerge gavel pits on term No. 2, supply the whole neigh- borhood with gravel for the mode. In fact they fetch gravel here all the wey tor the towoehip of Peel. where they have no gravel. The stock of oettle and the fine herd of Shropshire sheep‘ ted ontheeefeme ere'ell of the belt end ere well 1ooeedahee by the three sou who will evegtpellyeome ieto (all The executors of the estate of the late L. Breithaupt, Berlin, will sell by public auction,~on Saturday, January 28th, 1895, at 2 o'eloek, p. m., at the Railway Bridge, North Ward, a num- ber of thte houses, and some of the beet building sites in the town of Berlin. Full particulars on application. One. tenth of the purchase money cash on day of sale and enough to make up one- j quarter of the price within thirty days. _ The balance in ten halt-yearly instal- menta with interest at 6 per cent. per annum, payable hali-year'y. A most pleasant and happy event took place at the residence of Mr.E.W. B. Snider, ex-M.P.P., St. J ecobe, Ont,, on the 17th of J enuery, at 12 o'clock, n.m., when their eldest daughter, Clare W. Bnider,wtu, united in merriege with Mr. Alfred Snyder, merchant, of the some place. After partaking of the beauties provided for the festive occa- sion, a. pleeeent hour of social eater. tainment wee spent, after which the happy couple left for Eutern points on the 2:40 train, amid “showers of rice” and the good wishes of their, friends. A specially 'interesting feature, of the occasion wee, that all parties present were Sni(y)den with but two or three exceptions. Their future home will be in St. Jacobs. 10. Thou shalt not keep lute hours in thy neighbor'ts house, nor with Ins mamservnnt, nor with his maid ser- vant, nor his cardn, nor his gim, nor anything that. u in" neighbor’s. ---Phrenological J carnal, 1889. 9, Thou shalt not swallow thy food unchewed or highly spiced, or just be- for_e_ha_r§l wor_k pr ilttdtttt. fried 5. Six days' shalt thou wash and keep thyself clean, and the seventh thou shalt take a great bath, thou and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy man-servant, and thy mtsiduerspnt, and the stranger that is within thy gates, for in six days than sweats and gathers filth and bacteria. enough for disease, wherefore the Lord hath blessed the bathtub and hallowed it. G, Remember thy 'sitting-room and bedchamber, to' keep them ventilated, that thy days shall he. long in the land which the Lord, thy God, giveth thee. 7. Thou shalt not eat hot biscuit. 8. Thou shalt not eat thy meat 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any pies, or put into pastry the likeness of anything that is in the heaven above or on the earth beneath, or in the wat- ers under the earth. Thou shalt not tall to eating it, or trying to digest it, for the dyspepsia will be visited upon the children to the third or fourth gen- eration of them that eat pie, and long life and vigor upon them that live pru- dently and keep the laws of health. 3, -Remembir thy bread to bake it well, for be will not be kept sound that tststetlrhiis bread as dough. 4. Thou shalt. not indulge sorrow or borrow, anxiety iy Jrain, A 1. Thou sGlt have no other food than at. meal time. The application of the Public School Board for the use of the Council Chamber was referred to the Town Property Committee. _ The application of Mr. Wm Snider, assignee for Wegenasc & Co., for a. re- duetion of taxes on the estate property was referred to the Finance Com. mittee. The naual grant of 8300 was donat- ed to the Free Library Beard. A new set of books was authorized to be purchased tor the Town Treasure}. Park Board-Jacob Seyler and Jacob s. Boos for a. term of three PPP. - - _ Free Library Board-... Chas. T.chk- er {gr a. temp of threg Plt? Relief-The Mayor,' Reeve and Deputy-Reeve. On motion the report was adopted. By-Lw No. 150 was then pmed, appointiiut the following officers '. Antht6ra--John Pearce and F. J. Schnefer. Fire, Light ind Water-ttvalid, (chairman). Conrad, Hutehitson, Bruce, Snider, Ufalmaun. Bewer--S. Sn) der (chairman),Brick- er, Bsuer, Ducting, Suggitt, Ksuf- mum. (eUirmur), Maier, Conrad, Snider, Brace anfi Kumpf. AMONG THE FARMERS. Ten Health Commandments. ExecutOrs’ Auction Bale. Town not. And Rout“. Wedding. ttttre, in. m an, a and} 'dns',',',',',', {new}. In Saturday. I u we believe intended getting 'ld'),") supply from here oremtions to have begun tacky but for: the thew” . We ttirterstand that Mr. O. Scholar, “M timrof My! * Sol-91mm Waterloo friends spent Sundny at Mt. J ohn Ottmnn’e. . . .A, W. Barlett bu op nod up en undertaking camb- liehment in the shop lately occupied by the Mine- Feer. . . .The entertainment in Dietrich’e hail on Monday evening leek was good, but uttendnnce slim. . . . Mr. N. Dietrich procured, and stored n tine ewek otitt on Seward”: Elmira. Many farmers have asked me the l distance to the vicinity of our proposed - new colony. I just received a. letter dated at Sault Ste. Marie on January I 17th and this is the 19th, in which my u friend says that the letter sent him . was postmarked January 14th, and he ' received it of the 15th. So you can tell your friends that when they come here they will be within 24 hours of rail from home. Pennyfather Town. ship is twelve miles further and the land will only cost lit) cents per acre. It we put in three years’ work on it, put up a shanty, and clear 15 acres you can have a farm of " acres foe 840, or a 160 acre farm for $80. Sore. ly this should induce all those who know how to farm to take up some land, ere it is all gobbled up by tor. eigners. I shall certainly take up 160 acres myself even if I have to hire a heathen Chinee to clear the fifteen acres. Chopping wood is a little out of my line, but there is no telling what i a man may do when he gets desperate. I am now keeping a list of all those who have agreed to go up and see the country early in spring. If a hundred will go, each with a hundred dollars. you can spend several weeks and come back and Own a 160 acre farm besides. I will guarantee you all this offer, as the agent ot the C.P.R. is arranging to give us a cheap rate. I have so far 2 butchers, 3 woollen men, 4 saw mill hands, 13 farmers, and 6‘what you you might call “jack of all trades," and 5 old maids, a pretty good start. All jst these will give the scheme a trial. ‘The Chronicle will have notices and an advt. of this great country shortly. Thwe intending to gocan here descrip- tive catalogue from me by asking for them. The people up there are appar- ently very social and want company and are willing to share a portion of this earth with you. This is quite a contrast to some people we know of who would like to own the whole of this earth and leave the rest to swim. While on this subject, Wellesley has no railroads yet and there is a. promo on foot to run the electric railway from Waterloo to ‘that village via Erbsville, Bamberg and St. Agatha. I believe this would pay better than to run to Elmira as at G.T.R. is already there. If the Welle lay people are in earnest I would advise them to have an engi- reer run a lilac up and then tind out the cost. For power, perhaps, the wa- er in the lakes near Bamberg could be utilized so that the running of the road would cost practically nothing after once constructed. As this line would not follow the public roads no objec- tion could He made to an electric plant being puton. After the engineer has made his preliminary survey a stock list could be opened and no doubt the people of Wellesley would subscribe liberally. Once the Wellesley people receive railway connection. the town will no doubt boom and the villages begin to grow rapidly. Mr.Ferdinand Berdux is pushing the scheme. years to come yet, and may outlive even the writer. The reeve, like the writer, doesn't believe in giving up our public roads to a private electric rail- way company to run their cars on and frighten horses and kill people. It these corporations want to do business let them purchase land and run their machines to their heart’s content. But to utilize the public roads. which the farmers have built is a. little too ch eky and will not be tolerated in the town- ship of Woolwich. Our holiday trade was good but our stock was large. There is plenty left, You can make a neat saving by trading now Everything from a tshoe. string to a wedding tronenu T is the time to push things and so we make a After the Holidays HAWKBVILLI at J. lflftlnaa's stx'ron. MUST 60 hf ONCE Sale Otten’e Carnival week, from Jenn- ery 21et to 26th next bide “it to eclipee ell Winter Carnivals. lutyeer Quebec evidently thinking that Montreal should not have n monopoly of the need iii-w. and Promos by the a- PM of the Meserqsetliib 'tAnit- out“ tltrsUttar. 1ty%inivetrr greed M Quebec our” 'dttho pl» The Cumin! lover is evidently enh- giort"he inhale. and m We I The wet-age attendance at the pub- l lie school in over seventy . . . . Mr. John c, Albert filled his ice house last week with ice got at the Gnnd river. . . . Mr, Isaac Harte] found his little hound It Hespeler. . . .Mr. John C. Erb would like to tell his term near the Township Hall. . . .Mr. George Latech bu quite . number of sales on hand. . . .Wood, choppers are complaining of the deep snow. . . .We trust that the new cone-s oillon will not upset the by-law in re-é gnrd to the Berlin-Preston electric all f way. In our last we mentioned the serious illness of Mrs.William Mitchell. And now we must record the worst. She passed away on Wednesday at the re- sidence of Mr. Nelson Hewitt. The _ funeral which was a large one took ‘plaoe on Friday to the cemetery here. A husband and two small children mourn her loss; although the sympathy of the entire neighborhood goes out to them . . . .The annual business meeting of the managers of Chalmer’s church was held on Thursday afternoon. . . . Mr. Shantzis about to put in a port- able engine at " chopping mill, the water power not being 'ruff-ut. . _ . Mr. Joseph Taylor is visiting at Mrs. Carrie’s. . . . A load of our young people attended the S.S.:entertainment in the U. B. church at West Montrose on F rim day evening and report havmg bad a good time despite the inclement weath- i er. . [ The Sabbath school reorganized last i Sabbath morning. The officers elected l are '.--president, John H. W'ismer , l sec’y,Nelson Lutz;treesurer,Miss Krem- piene. Teachers for the year are :--M r, Wiamer, W. Hilborn, Miss L.Hllborn, Mr, Heaverly, and Mrs. Hesverly.The school is to open es cry Sabbath morn- l ing at half past nine o'elock. All are lwelceme to come to this school and bring others with them . . . .There were no services in the church here on Sab- bath evening. . . .The revival services will still be continued during the week. All are welcome. ...Miss Cowling of Berlin, late of Williamsport, Penn,, was visiting in this vicinity last week. She is assisting with the special tservie- es here. She very acceptably lead the Y.P.C. U. meeting last Friday night, The subject “Christian Problems" was very ably handled by her. Owing to the inclemency of the weather few weré present, but thou few were amply re- paid . . . . Mrs. J. ‘Hilborn‘ accompanied by her daughter, Miss Mary H. and grandchild, Wattie Dobbin,all of PM ton,spent last Thursday with Mr. Sam- uel Hilborn’s. . . .Mr. Alex. Howes of Erbsville, spent last Sunday with his sister. Mrs. Hy. Gimbel....Mr. and Mrs. J on. Heaverly, spent last Tuesday With friends in Kossuth. carry a. large stock of book for $1.75. Kern the market. Prices at We take Urns opportunity of thanking you during the past year. Allow us to remind You Happy t hosynu New Year. A HAPPY AND ' PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. MN u Cuudn's Capital. MRS- CE%liiRar5iir" We Wish All Our Numerous Patrons a WINTIRBOURNE. CENTREVILLE ge stock of Blank Books uni Otfice Supplies. Agood 1000 letter ,75. .Kerstone Ink, 7.5c a qugrp. This is one of the best inks in FREEPORT BOOKSELLERS'. KING- ST., 1i%Bia?taur:tT- our place you " always find right ' BECKER & CO. Wishes her many cutomers of thanking you for the liberal support given ul us to remind you that be. “(My armed. People talk 1el'lu"au'll'lf. Itmtobo intuit. 'bteesu1nttoeteitua,tut 'toyehrttlteyekhmnotntaeist 'o26utmMstotttslmtgtmmetrttteskdiet 'ttonnalittr"riettiatoer. um. and the monei keeps steadily pouring in to defray the expenoeu. lee ensues, forts of ice to be defended by the militia, Indian ettctsmptmmta,itor- trotting on ice, hockey muochet, snow- Ihoe noes, skating noes. fitscy dating tournament, curling bonapiei,tobt-E. ins and bob aleighing, carnival drive, diagorictl can, tandem sleigh dri . mow.ahoe club concert, ball, hung? men's shouting, and d boat. of other " tnodom too am. to mention on is in the throes of mighty preparations, which bid fair to out do both the qutinb old city of Quebec, tad beat the but that Montreal bu done. The people we worked up to s high pitch of enthuui. Toronto ...rt.. Brealau ....rr. Berti,....... Peter-shun ... Baden".....-..... NewHambnrg Stanford ...r.t Stratford ___. Neanmburg Wain...“ e rs urg... Iterttn...."...., Bream“ ._..... Tomnto....... Ties, Ties, Ties. The Brttrrt mnment to b. found in Berlin. For the ftnest lh suit tn the county can on us. We make ll he Scotch Tweed-n from fs' up. Canadian LEM” up. We can't be beat or Bite ordered do a. m. m . J. Ann a LF.. We have Ind received a large wortment of silk scarf: which we are Rel " " whole-Jo mm, having bought them feet, This is the t present. you can buy tor hut: no, brother ouerteefrltt'.s tyotpl.iter. for the mung. _ _ Waiver Bitrek: "siiiriiGa'Gi'iUt'ii.""'6i" 635;): '"Ch? and with us_the that ogllectjon. Wear the English Glendew and Grand". the most rely collars. best vnlueLat so to the ia laomin abs. Sold irtRCsusrlito . an th DR. SIMPSON S ,liti,tic1te'ir.r?11'tfii:' - ”it ' I r . .. il “ADROIT 5013 hby _is',('?'iii.srtt,:eii., o: t ", . . i! P5395?" £55033?“ 'c','rTil'Pae. ---- or. Simpson A Co., Toronto. FOR XMAS TRADE Railway Time Table. Grand Trunk Railway 'f . L f , I; _ 1‘. :_ i'i",r2,'l'.i) 'iiiii3s l I. (it t /iialltiiitrrilii,;;?ss?t SILK SCARFB- DR 82: CC), COIN G WEST, GOD“) EAST. 1130 820100 425 2&1058 no 650 2121110 an 709 2261124 an 722 2341132 us tm “01137 as: 73.5 3081205 no 802 610 6.35 am ---t005 8w 83012201100 921 I ruggist. 7461M?) 510 444 'tit Kertin. fti't

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