We have secured from a manu- facturer who was overloaded the balance of his stock of superfine all wool blankets at a great sacri- fice on the cost of production, bought for - Spot Cash, Mdhing to keep you Warm during the cold. frosty nights at This Interests You! DUEBING BROS, Trimmed " Hats and sold at Dry Goods Profits Cheap Cash Store, 1- Halt-Pull. SMYTH BROS' Splendid Assortment Millinery mo ter. 3mm. from tull and up. Cheap Cash Store. WATERLOO. Rev. Mr.Hobbs and hmily of Brant- ford spent New Years day at Mr.’ A. Bowman’s. . . .Mr. J. W. Hilborn left on Mondnylfor Weatervilln,0bio,whero he purpose. "tending the Otteroein University. . . .Mr. and Mm. Allison of thut, spent New Year's dar at Mr. Kiefutrer'a. . L .Mr. nnd Mm. A. W. Hilborn of Bloomingddo, Ipent a tm. day: of Int 1roes,k 2,ttr, friends but. ....Ouryohng o migrant rt in skating, the 'dll',',','] All our ugh. excellent txtetditittat..i. . Ron. thaw, gm. u Mid, "tpeed resident of our will-gem on Saudi mom- ing Int. She been unwell {new man). til _ mil linking G. 'ddt,t. 'lt a: I','i' this W- n . 35m $01â€! pity of It. in mutt, lb ebb a: have! t. mung: . J. . What wtis probably the greatest wrangle we ever had in electing school trustees was experienced last Wednes- day, when trustees were, eh cted for the ensuing year. Through some cause or other, church matters were being mixed up with the affairs, and a poll was de- manded which was granted,snd caused no end of ill-feeling amongst our citi- zens. We think it a. shame and disgrace to our town to have anything like this turn up, and we sincerely trust our townsmen will profit by this experience and another year let peace and Gr. mony reign which has always charac- terized our place in the pest. .Messrs. iiiits," Hill and Wegenastof Wateiloo passed through our place on New Year's day on their bikes . . . . Mr. Geo. McKay our esteemed agaistsnt Station Agent, has left our midst. Before his departure he was presented with a purse of money, which was presented to him hy‘his many friends. George was highly respected by all who knew him, and we. wish him every success in his new position. He has been promot- ed, and in future will be found attend- ing to his duties in Merriton. . . .Our band was out trerervulirtg on New Year’s eve, and their tinanees are. in a better standing since . . ' . Amongst those that spent the holidays with us we noticed : Miss Mary Zimmerman; Miss Ids We ber; Mr. sud Mrs. Cranston Snider ; Mrs. Joseph Mus-elm ; Mr. Sidney Shelley 5 Mr. sud Mrs. Adam Mayor, Waterloo; Master Orlsndo mug, of Toronto ; the Misses Snyder, of Flora. dale; the Misses Thomas of Cleveland, Ohio ; Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Snider and Miss Marti Heller,of New Dundee; Mrs Adsm Broghen, of Cairo, Mich. ; the Misses Honrichpf New Hamburg ; Mrs, Alennder Foinley, of Toronto. . Mr. Colin Gingrich spent s week in Nsttsws Visiting friends. . . .Owing to dull times our woollen fsctory is for, ced to stop operations for a few months noxhinations were made all good level headed men and we no doubt will be represttnted Ly the brains of Woolwich Now, that the holiday season is past, we have decided to increase our lines of staples, such as: Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets. We have sold some fifty dinner sets within F the last couple of months, and we f believe by buying in still larger quantities we will be enabled to give you‘still better' value. The trade we have established speaks volumes in our favor, for low pric- es. Remember two hundred sets all told is what we have sold, now we think we should be able to do at least half:as much again in the same [length of time. To prove our version we are going to sur- prise the citizens oi Waterloo County with our low prices. Our glassware department has been somewhat neglected, but in the future youlcan depend that we are going to still further your interests by offering you such unheard of low prices in glassware that you will be more than astonished. We are going to keep a full line of the best American makes as well as Canadian goods for you to choose from. One thing for you to re- member, is that we make a spe.cial- ty of China, Crockery and Glass- (ware, Webuy in larger quantities than any other house in the Coun- ty.- Our goods are all of the latest patterns and purchased from the best makers. We handle no sec- ords, but sell you firsts at the same price you pay for seconds elsewhere. .Take advantage of the hard time prices by making your purchases from. John F. Beck, b No. 4. King St., Berlin Next door to Hoffman', Drug Store. For many years Berlin has had a large hat store. The owner sold out near- ly two years ago. He has again opened out and if you want to select a hat from a large and varied stock fro to Peter's Hat Store, Berlin. Continued From First. Page qet.t.ttotor%iq nstrtimxlestatss wk. M our new 'yettm"?Gllhas.t. Mug.†tt-hrtt. “Iguanas all my Lt?1ef.rt.tPftetth'FttViGGT. haw-mum “up. “r29. My 'rtutitis. the village, snd' do it economitu and end well. At the close of the meeting the clerk d, clued Mr. A. H.Erb elect- ed reeve of Elmira. for the Mth time in eucceeeion, by 'utttlnmi)tton and the sanounoement we: received with duh outing applause, All of the dumbed present nude short, 'eeend were well end Attentively I toned toe the: which ex-wlrden J.LmtttiotttoUt the floor end expl'eued bk plenum st b.. irtirr-ntUritegi an aeolian. vHe complimented the My“ Society on theirttne hell end Wicked ï¬lthy Hep" PT Yurég..And hulls con- H. Erb, there were nominated for that position, ext-councillor, J .P. Luckhsrdt and ex reeve, Michael Weicbel, both of whom declined the honor, after making very appropriate speeches on village matters in general, and thanking their movers and seconders. A baker’s dozen of our representative men were nomin- ated as councillors, including all the members of the council for Si, Messrs. C. Frrglerimnr, Winger, Hy. Dunke, and Joe. F. Ruth, the latter of whom however, will not be a candidate, on account of duqmuifleuion, owing to removal trtim the village. The other nominees were, Messrs. John E. Bow- man, Peter Msttusch, Wm. Brox, Moses Burkholder,Geo. W.Schierholtz, Geo. N. Klinck, Daniel Stumpf, -.Geo= Ratz, and Sol. Laschinger, of thee Messrs. Burkholder, Schierholtz and Klinck declined to run, leaving 9 cat» didates still in the fleld. Out of this number the electon should certainly u able to elect a council tbe '95 this, would carry out the best inure-ta of Good bye, old/94, schlafen sie wohl ! Welcome ’95.What wondrous chang- es will take place before thou too,shall be numbered with the years that have preceded theel And now I remember that it is the time of the year when all are expected to make lots of resolutions and turn over a nee leaf so I will be- gin b resolving that I will not make any this year. Tis better thus, and then I won't have to mourn over the breaking of them, as I have often done in the past. And that reminds me of the many promises made by candidates for municipal honors at the beginning of the year, bat which are unheard of during the twelve months of their oc. cupancy of municipal positions, They are wise who, like the candidates for councillors for ‘our village last year, make no promises but simply say they will do their best, and who can do more l O . . . . Last Monday evening I spent a couple of hours in the Musical Bociety's new hall, where the ratepay- ers had sembled to nominate candi dates myths municipal chairs for 'M, and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole proceedings. Besides the present in- cumbent of the reeveU chair Mr. A. At a. meeting of Baden Submis- tion, No. 1038, PO I., wonwing otfieerg were elected to menugé the " fairs of the lodge for the coming year I Alf. Kaufman, Pres. John Heldman,P.P. Jacob S. Hellman,"Vice P. David S. Shantz, See, John Schink, Tress. Henry Zoeller, Min. . r Herman Slmntz, Dem. F.W. Laiskuu, Guide. I Math. Baeumehen, Sen. At a meeting of Court Wilmot No. 185 C.0.F. the following oitieers were elected : , Ati; usfman, C.IL Herman Klein, P.O.R. Moses Fischer, V.C.R. F.W.Leiakau, Chap. John Heldman, RS. August Schultz, ES. Ernst Fiauaus, Trees. Christ Miller, S W. Henry Nauman, J.W. Steph. Hfoele. S. B. Adam Seip, J.B. . W.R. Nichols, Court Pby. The above ofticers will be installed at the next regular meeting on Wednes- day Oth Jan. by Worthy Bro.W.H.Er- bach,D.D.H JR, Waterloo County Chronicle, Thursday, January a, tttStL-Page th and Andrew H, Peering, idiimriljorg. A Hoppy New Year to all renders. . t. .Mr. Barney Eichler ha secured the eontract for filling in Mr.rIolwell'ts lot. He commenced Monday with three teams. . . . At the annual meeting held in the school house lust Wednes- dsy,Mr.stid B, Shantz was reelected trustee for the next term . . . Ahe nom- inntion took place in the Wilmot Town Hall as per statute. There was some wrangling zsbout this and that end particularly the roads and it was plain- ly evident that those outside the coun- cil can give the plan but the execution of the same it l they were in the same position onnld doubtless not be any better. On the whole the majority of .those present seemed iratitsfied with the working of 1894 township fathers and they were* consequently reelected. The council for 1895 composes the following gentlei men, viz:-ihusob S. Hellman, reeve; Joseph Kaiser, lat deputy; Josiah Hellman, 2nd neputy ; CAoyhttitrtrusr ELMIRA. BAD! w. “00mm ".dra.U". oseym1 â€at In “an; in PrattsoNau.-.carra. May in spending her holidays with her daughter in Brentford. . . .Mr. Joe Pugh of Allen- town, Pa., returned home.. . . Mr. Frank Willa: and wife of Chatham no the guests of J. F. Shoemaker. Allen Shoemnkor in on the nick list. . . 4M9 AStongle went West for a In! yeah. . . .091- gbninl Mend r . r l] * “on, nightmntor, bu gone M, " _,'ltl't,i','t'cPt Mun... . . " he ot.Eent 00., w’ "l have ?il!ii'i"di'i extended tour of Wan-Ibo no! oiling“ coun- ties...-.Mr. may a! Mufti-ton, in vodka. Iii-Mud.†idth tits you, onddl‘nnd Phihn Bitch“,, I. moaning Philip 33555123; ' Christmas was observed by old and young alike. Services in the morning and Sunday school in the afternoon when prizes were awarded. . .A skater recently broke through the ice and got a. cold bath. There was five feet of water. . . .On Third-y morning Int Mr. Peter Reist’e team which wee standing et Barnett), mills took lrieght at a passing train,mn wild up Mill at, turned the corner on Main at. and left the carriage at Main st. bridge and went home without doing further dam- age . . . . In the opinion of the little folks Santa Claus will always be . bigger menthol: the Governor-General will aid them very much in their good work. . ' . I haven't room to write more, We are having lots of visitors from far and near, the names of which I would like to mention but I haven’t had time to get there, and no one is suppohed to know who the CHRONICLE corraspou dent is,(tliough I guess some do, for /imurder will oot" you know,) and so tell me “all about it", so I won't at- tempt it isuifiee it to say that our vill- age is in a. holiday mood, with nice weather, good skating and expectations of slmghing. Bo, wishing everybody a Happy and prosperous New Year. I am sincerely yours, Cnl'istnms is coming and remember S. Mny- xrlms " good nasortmunt of cunm- s and nu 5, wmeh h is svl ing clienp. Min-d candirs 4 bs, iot-2,5 '. and Itt Also paying 24;“; for new «id Bug» I cannot tell you about them, satisfactorily to myself, but one thing is certain, when the choir sings one hears music, not merely sound. The distinctness with which every word is pronounced is their great specialty. They chartered a special train and came up in full force, accompanied by a. large number of VSatei-loo friends. The ladies of the chu a have reason to be proud of the success of their New Year’s Festival, the proceeds of which the stage fittings and a slight re-ar- rangement of the seating- he build- ing is now lighted throughout by elec- , I tricity, is comfortably seated with new lob-ire, has an entrance stairs six feet . wide with easy slope. Bran new stage scenery is now being painted by Mr, Albert Trato of Chatham, who will have a good part of it complete for the reopening concert to he held by the Elmira Musical Society this(Thursday) evening. when Canada’s prince of en- tertainers, Mr. W. B. Ramsay, will ap- pear with his “Tour Around the World" illustrated by the latest Lon- don comic songs and the world's best scenery.The}papers wherever he holds an entertainment speak well of him and those who have heard him with whom I have spoken during'the past week state that his aplenditreomie songs and humorous descriptions of his "Trip". cannot be surpassed. The Society has undertaken the lease of the new hall for a term of tive years, are expending l a few hundred dollars in fitting it up and want the appreciation of the pub- lic in a monetary way, and you who read this and are within a reasonable distance of Elmira, on the 3rd inst. (to-night) should encourage the Society by filling the new and beautiful" hall to its utmost. One of Mr. Ramsay’s songs, sung in his inimitable manner, will repay you for the outlay and time spent In coming, 25 and M cents. At the time of writing about a hundred reserved seats had been taken, and the rush was just Commencing. Don't fail to hear Ramsay l Now don't l Enough of that I think this time. My predic- tions for a bumper house will have proved true before I write again . . . . But before I stopulet me record the fact that the Waterloo Methodist choir charmed the audience on New Year’s evening, Such a crowd came in from all points that the friends of the Methodist church had to hold the musical part of the entertainment in the Musical b'oeiety's Hall, which al- though not as well arranged as it now is, was titted up temporarily for the lirge gathering, and there the long varied and interesting programme by the Waterloo choir assisted by Mr. H. t Brooks was rendered to as appreciative audience. I can only say on behalf lot the Waterloo choir what I leave before ' written, that they have to be. heard to be appreciated. . BR ESLAU. A QUILL Dmvm East Buffalo, Dec. 29.-Cattle--121 cars through and 7 on sale; market op- ened slow but steady, with sellers firm but 'buyers holding off'; prime steers were quotable at $5.50 to $5.60; good, $4.80 to $5.20; medium, $4 25 to $4.65; fair ho good fat. cows, $2.25 to $2.85. Ho --19 cars through and 25 on sale; mar et stronger for Yorkers and steady fqr there. Saltu----Yorkcrs, good to 011014;, $4.55 to $4 60 mostly $4 60; "mod ,8 ofFigI. It. 'di,la'l'lJffdhtsp,,,-,t, hi autumn 'r.toVeeptattuam1puats- e"?tttrtrsu,thpmeirhimramrtmtr tmsathat We! a Teg', h. m.’\m m .m ;i;i'iii',ii,'ii?iiiil',ei1iiiq and tuna â€a“ " l If ti , _"yisgyttoBaiseitsi'ivnitiiaGii'"i Peortttt - may"! a than!“ Deposit ,grigAty,','i"/,"f,; Notes diseouttted. The collectlo sale notes a specialty. Money transferred to all points at. lowest current rates. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Interest allowed on all sums of $1 and up wards remaining in the Savings Bank depart- ment 50 drags or over. from date of deposit to date of wl drawal at per annum. compounded half-yearly. Special rates on large sums to be left tor stated periods Capital Paid-up Reserve Fund .. Deposits......... MARKE T REPORTS y KNOWLEDGE _ comfort and improvement and ten to personal enjoyment whoa nigh pad. The many, who live Ire." ter other: and enjoy life more, with Ian upendituro, by More promptly "ifiiiiiiiiii, world’. but products to the . of phynicul being, will “out the no to health of tho pure liquid 'tye frinciplol min-good in' the THE TEADEBS BANK 90years and tmonths, F Hm “Tr-om Tturscrr-rn Kossuth, on Dec. 26, Mrs. Adam Truseh. ' Jvurrsur-In Heepeler, on Dec. 27, Robert Clifford, son of John and EliTeth Jar-d- ine, aged 2 years, 9 months a d 7 days. Ktyprr:ert:- On Dee, 3lst,at Wsterloo,Henry Koehler', aged 62 years, 4 months and L3 days. V RvNsrErrLER-Neur Linwood, Sarah Mary, infant child of Hubert Runstettler, aged 1 year, 2 moan. and 9 days. BoRDsrAs--On Dee. 19, in Hawkaville, in. fant son of Peter c.. Bordman, aged 6 mpnths and 3 days. Brio-In Doon, on l)ec.24, John Engaged Mvrra--0r,n-0n Dee. 19, by Rev. August Senna, Henry Math to Martha Matilda Old, I" of Buffalo. McCsmsEY--Drrna-At the residence of Mr. Wm. McCarley, Waterloo, by thd Rev. 1o1thfe1Gir, B. A,, on Dec. 24, James McCarley to Miss Ellen Dill, both of Drumbo, Oxford Co., Out. DEATHS. 8prtAruir-Cr Atrrsm--At Philadelphia, Pe., on -Dec. 20, Robert Henry Speere to Mettie ‘Cllrke. both of Preston. t'e,.a-s,itee,eirocug the relidenoe of the bride’s parentl, on Dec. 25, by the Rev. Dr. Sn der, Otto F. Sager to Miss Eliza- _ beth bionieon. both of Preston. 1li'iii',U7,'iii'C.'i'h', Dec. 27, at the residence of the bride's rents, John. K. Rahe to Mie- Ardlllltr"s1'rl',' both of Waterloo township. Zrsrmm-FcHwooB--tht Dec. 27, Edward iirtt1mer',of?tsrlin:to Susanna R. Schwoob of (Bridgeport, at the Lutheran parsonage, FiGi'Gf. 'rme-Rrrssoa-On Dec. 26th by the Rev. J. H. Steekley of Bethesda, Mr. o. W. Gowdie of Toronto to Mrs. A. B. Reeeor, ( Markham. l WpursrzR--:Mcuus--At the residence of Mr. Charles stark Waterloo, by the Rev. John McNair B.A., on Tuesday' Jenner I let, 1895, Mr. Abner Miller 'Lil'lfl22 l Whitimsr to M lea Annie McLean, both of Hespeler. I scrrwrsrr--FrsEitscuAvrat-on Nov. 28, by; Rev, 1). Loehner, of Ivelruley, Christian I Schwind to Anne Flcischadee, both of Poole. ( IameaN--At Berlin, Ike. 26, the wife of Align-t Lehman), of a deughter. Ptstttr--At Berlin, on Dec. 28, the wife of Reinhold Pinko, of . son. Prtpptrtt--At Berlin, on Dee. 28, the wife of Henry Peppke, of n son. ScmnnwsuIn Waterloo t'p, on Dee. 7, the wife of Adam Schumann, of A son. Ztrtatass--In Pro-ton, on Dee. ll, the wife . of Albert Ziemann, of a daughter. CaItruepr--rn North Duintries, on Dee. N, the wife of June! A, Garrick, of a. Gugh- tar. THREE AND A HALF PIER TENT. ELMIRA BRANCH. MARRIAGES. L. P. SNYDER. Manner. ' X8M8 3.840000 5.660.000 MING»: North Water ' gigantic fdPd hold in '8Mt'g,ttg',' mum, on Friday & Saturday, In. . & 5, 895. Mao-nuke from th on.“ . “hflm'ykï¬tenpm'wwm i0iniirfoaGFiiariii' rdiiTd [EST-clans winter . Ian at dim: vulc- F 't3i7'l'l'lJ"lrbttlP.'gfdl ProduooCo. at 21tit 3259139339 9.T.R, Sutton. __ ._--_ n... _r_9_m..Pm. no In... Uni-I'll]. Punks wishing to puvchue In] please can at the wmhouse or " JM. Sally's Ottitte. of of of Hind od'on'en tar ale " - T 1'g',1t',','fit"S the. Ion mud on King street. Went-loo. There is O Mice ot ts feet and the place can be arranged to: two small shops. Eight, rooms crutch-u for dwell. ing rooms. A good chance or the right mm. Easy terms hty,ptgt For further union um apply on e premises to at one o'clock, thm., to receive the Annual Ite. port, and 1ilect Directors for the your 1895. and also to elect a tit and propenperson tore resent Division No. 7 in the Council of the 1Trt'li'fN Bl & Arts A<sopimion of Ontario for the emu- inglyear as provided in Sect. 42 of the Agricult- urn & Arts Act1887. BENJ. DEVIrr, GEO MOORE tMteretartTtsaurer. President. 1 Agricultural Soci'éty kih" tji/uid Tti"iiii', Town Hull.uer1iu, on ‘ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18th, I895 The North Waterloo Agricultural Society Tmf 1tyy,t.e.l...lle1iy.ttttl.,e,,N,ortlt mm,» Annual JEeeting VOTICE is hereby given that Mathins L chenmat andlAdam Klipwrt Carrying on business at the said Town " Marlo.) undo the style and turn) of Wegontrst, & Co., Manu. (acumen. haw nmdo an assignment to the for the general benefit If their c editom under Chapter let. R. s. 0.1887, and amending Acr, and a moctin: of their credit he will he held at the Alexander House, in the Town of Waterloo, on the Hill. on or JANUARY, I895 at owe o'clocki I the afternoon. for th" trppoiut: ment- f i sputum} and giving direction» with refprenoc In the diyyosrl otthe EFLIIIE. co mum: a: Mtmiiffk." """is'iCr', 11c. LQ Wade-r100 Sol-ciwrs' A tor Assigwco. 1 4t Dated at Wrrterloo this 2nd day of JMMJSSM Creditorz- are rlot.itied to file their cl dtns wich me. dwy verified by timiasrit, giving a man;- men-l. of the nature and value of the security (if any held by theqhot.t or before tht, ttrat dayo! Fe . hummer which date! shall distribute the assets of the and estate amongst the plrtiea entitled thereto, having regard only to vlaims than proved as provided by as duct. M. -s.F.VevFFFW " -- “Mama SKI-Wm In Me math'r of Manx, Wetcertast f Cm, of Me Tewn a] Waterloo, Mattiturers, frraahrnts, at the hour of I?. (1(1ka noo l, in the Cnmpnm 'a ottitte, Waterloo. for the purpose of receinng the Annual Report and the election of four. Dir rectors. By order of mu Board. Notice of Assignment FAR! 179R SALE. l wdusAilhrrriGriiiiriiiii Company will be held on THE TwtTtrf)rsuAnnutrtMeetimt of the North - Waterloo Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance ANNUAL MEETING. North Waterloo f'mws' Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Barley.........., Eggs..,...,...... Butter.......... Dried Applets... Harperton..... Potatoes......... Htunr.........,, Shoulders per b Tallow...~....,.., DressedHogn... Applcamer bbl Sheepaklns ..... Farmers' Institute. Middllngs Bhorta.... Bran. ..... Oats. ...., Spring " ... StraightFlour Fall Wheat pigs, $4 " to $4.50; good mixed, " 60 to $4.65; mediume, $4.65 to 84 70; no prime heavy here, quotable " $4 75 to $4 80.; roughs, $3.75 to $4 ; stage. 83 to " " Sheep and lambs-Offer- Ings were 54 can, a good percentage of which were rather common native stock, with a umall supply of poor Ca- nada sheep and lambs ; market opened with a fair demand for good lambs†and best Canada- brought (uno, most- ly $4.40 to $4 50; good to choice, 84 to $4.25; prime sheep, 83.75 to $4.25 ; common sheep and lamb: slow; market closed weak. with a fair clearance of of stock ; Monday’s market " likely to be a fair trade; Tuesday, being I. holi- day, is uncertain, but prospects for the balance of the week are good if the run is not excessive. 6i--0t TUESDAY, JANUARY 22nd, I895 FOR SALE. --AND- Meeting of Creditors .AYraaato Ma8Mikrrt. WATERwo. DEC. Nth. 18N. APPLES. wxmmoo 9360mm co. HENRY K0E.TLE_R, LEVI STAI'FFER. Mapager. WiiG%Jis, Ont. I irifiiLUhirure" $054 sun the Public ..--td. A. M dour-thou.» you can an! " Namath!» but. - um own sum†Wno Sun nu Burr Pumas! Wao SILL: m: M on Pawn“ Wrto Sun um anm Punt!!!" Gum“: West Ward. briRBSéke‘rT 7.11}; my except Mr. Gmlyblll. who bu left ttw mun†mun. are em: hie for reflect I" n. Wish WArtrr--Et the old ('onnm'l I numb" Market Housc, U. A. Hamlin-l, I). Luv; H0111†1110mm. he following are the retiring rum; Tm" Gem-Norm “ad. Mr. "'htrrle" Stark: E", Wad. Mr. John shuh; South ward, Mr. ler1 01171;“); Eye l'hrd, l)r.Noecker: all of when WHO? W110 ? W HO? 15m wanD-Ho " H bun-ks 'm~ w“ street. Au61.Htrbbiek.Iieputy lugunrnm “1919'?- 50m Warut-otttoe of the W Morn-w Woo. Ion Conan. King; street. Goo. 1mm"- Dgp'uty mun-hing l nicer _ Nokrirwi Gr-'iGririii,'ii.i'ii'o/ / i Chm-lea: Noeckov. Deputy limurmm: Aer 1vyJtJy-ir.h.r " H bun-ks , 533w hour of half past amen o'clock in we on , H mm iiid -- Meat. Mu Vital-100. thin 15th December. INC In one a poll is domAnded the am: wil) b! held at the following plum in thr rctr,tr"'r'_I' 'ryree onc'fotttuy, January 71h IN NOTICE is hereby ghon lhnl a I the Electors of the 'I own of " A the ‘nomina' ion of mndiduxm for m. MWOT. Reenu Dr‘pu'.) -llecvc. Cout,, School Trustees for said Town of St .1 be held It the Town Hall, Mann-I 1h MMdathe 3Ut day of December. I“ Teacher at Piano and Organ Reeldence, on Wednesday. Jan. 2nd Thu (Avril-u“ , mercial sohool has rm-vnth rumowd 1'," large. tine building udjoini u the Hun Ix. ancc building and in tlttsi up With vvrry r em cxrnvcnienee l0 add to Ilu. comfort am; veniencc of th" studvnls. ELECTIONS MI 1895 Galt Business College at the hour of l o'clorkp,tu.,ut of the Company. Tom: of SS, purpose of receiving the Ann election of Directors'. Py order Waterloo. Dec. Nth. lam , Waterloo. Nov. 9., 1894 MISS ANNIE BEAN, NOTICE is hereby wir of the Murmur“: pan)" that tho Annual M will be held on Cheap Harness J. STREBEL'S, Mercantile Fire Insurance a Notice of Annual Meeting. Te, best stock in Canada of " and Yorkshire. Their mu m never beaten as prize winrscrm. _ Berlin this year. The dam mum I She is even bettcr than (he m 1: I reasonably. (H20. 1 Covr2,r.erolii,'ot,t't storey brim corner of Moore's Aw-nm um Eight rooms. "oft and hard wah r, w Apply u the Factory to Bauernttesundmeriin Jourrr muy News copy, Waterloo. Dre. mm. 1894 v ' 'v' " the hour ot 12 o'clock Doon, 1n the will Ottioe. “'ntnrloo, for the Lurym calving the Annual Report and thr. we“ tive D rectors. By order l rm 141mm UPIL of A. S. Vow of thm Toron vabory of Mung. late of Llewn THE thirty-second Alumni '31....†Wtwrloo Munml n... 1...... 1 w'diisHariiiirao' my will be held on ANNUAL MEETIN . SATURDAY, JANUARY 19th, It: Waterloo mud; Hello There SAYB THE OWL- Saturday, January 26th. l895, 5t-4t Pigs for Sale. Town of Waterloo. “I STREET" WATEIIAMI N ow is the time for Winter Session and Shorlhond Instit I'nlerloo. "In. Fire lqsurnnco th/y TO LET. HTH F. 90114qu v31 [who tt' Fire hay-u! mun: of H will oonnm F _ -"V ' “In Fire human“ umur m In: Loam JAE. Lurkâ€; G Fit) M. wrys'r'.sit M. TA Yum Albert St the. deOym A " Yb " “mm AMI " hows Hr. ,nd :- l 'i9 _ GE SEE OUR '1 " cant BO nderw VOL. TH w r