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Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 3 Jan 1895, p. 6

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Moved by Mr. Hegey, wounded by Mr MerGru-That the members of thin Council be peid their reepective "lar, iee mounting to 'd10.rsuarruir. Moved by Mr. McKay, uoonded by Mr. mgef--Tut . vote of thanks u undead to the Reeve for the very courteou- and ofhuient manor in hhich he 'ttttttt over this Council dur. in. F, _ ---- n - - ~... the)». yam.“ “m . Council uljonrnd_dm die. ous Arit‘i‘nwnt of a dog, 81; Robert lirecknell, do., do., 81 ; John Miobm. supplxes tor Tp. Hall, 680. ; Wendel E. Shantz, pulling stumps and building when, 35 25 : Ahm. Oberholtzer, gr:- vel and plank, $4.50: J, L. Cowau,grt- vel, 8.3.50; Postmaster as Plait posture to date, $5.09 ", Alfred Kaufman. hun. ber used on Tp. Line,half coat. $24.36; August Stoltz, labor, etc.. on Tp. Line, half cost, $12.15 ; Peter Shark. sultry " Treats. and commission on drum-39‘ money 'l1(1-Carried. _ er, yaw. ici. lo :dn..do ,1 sheep killed ly‘xl‘w. <L'V66 : Chas. Zinc. grant on Tp. Line and Jannage to tield, 827; Ch T. (huh. erroneous asseSsment of ndog " Geo, A. Tilt, 3 months' salary as Clerk, $87 50: William Cowan, erron- out, “augment of a dog, 81; Robert Brecknell, do., do., 81 ; John Miobm. “mum“ c, 'TC. '* BR A‘ -- . -e v"! m y va-nmkorrthat the; 71301? of :11le i,11et/,","i5'ol,uiaetcouns':t £35323? islet _ ' irrr-.; Ir-,, i, il hu' I"' _ _ . , ' . . t't)1 Itttl r "", M ' l ' "l i cn lips, President Cobhan Mmnuirscturing thr. WF'nt, .,ide ot [hM'rmd Ln” in now Co and Consolidated Plate ('iaas Co ru-u and 'drrprru't (Hrriul. ( ' C , 7 w. c, , V . '. Moved Fry' Mr. .s'hotuna)osr, siHcotided _,' 'yy; T1u1,ec,yc, rli,qt,r,5rtoc.,'cy.ttii,,gy by NI r, Mltchnll -'l hat tho foliowirw/ ( ) i) Toronto: 'if éreitrlton , Fit'iiri1ii'.' a.,m:u.u 1m paid and the Reeve grantii. -. t - TS. '". B d Uiiii “I; his /o"der un th". Treviurer for the SEW-l t10J"s1tr)u,dyi'yni1.eg,tv"j,t, forged in E'ra', ‘rnounf-i. Vtit :r01colt(iroir,gril 1' connection with a a er in Canada It " l"rederick Sfuufvr, balance on tin-5,, ill , . d h p ph'l ll . $1 :34) : Mun. Jamieson, overpaid taxes; WI ”inane: :1 “Cw Ian fare Wary] “1,.533130' (ttto ir'astmssissr, taking: suppor ere 0 ". nnsena Ive par y mun-r Lu Yum Iloust, 3" . Thos i',vd= and pohey, the mmonty are men close. Eord‘ do :10 rc'r _ I) 1s'Cia,"nC'ns,C',1,',L", ily, idontitied with the buirinessintereata ber in“) g.) . :1"): K45“? half Jil of10f the country, and they announce that, culver-tVnn‘ 'Tp I itu, L' t“ . Thomas while as beartly as ever supporting the F ' u - - . V . ' , . John-Tun repairing culvert at Strasburg re";',',':,',':,)?::':,.",.':'"::',.':)). '2hzhi,i,,n, 12."): F tstruts S y; No. 2 S . . . , . . f, I, w? 's . lu, , use Of a freer band In political matters, It u . chm). House, for ('Ie'ctmn to: T. f.1. their intention tomake The Em ire th' Sears, part contract. for printing. 840 b .2 a“ In.“ u well " . ri'i'triU Hugh Tt.otnsyovrpiktng bridge at Blair, ll tt po $2.56 , came. Gohl,plmk,$3.98 5Wm. paper. _ Wool“, 1tt?tntr, in tile. new. mad, T T 82.50 ; Mucous Ftitte,srrxneseG - ALL MEN , . . f'/Y 9f tb dog '?l ' Geo, A:ylytp Young, old or middle 3 d, who find them. aml tr: phone accoux:t,$1. a ir, Jos.Mad selves nervous. weak (d'ehl'du',",2',tt; er. :HW. $4.10 1(10-.d0 ,1 sheep killed broken down from excess or ovisrwork, re- Iy.irurs, $3.916 : Chas. Zinn, grant on gnlting in many of the folhswiner Im"*'-" Tr-, [;l\nnn" ‘77 _ -- pang-r to Pupr House $2 : ford, do, do , 8:2: I). w. C ber £26.82 ; Jos. Kaiser, r, culvert on Tp, Lino, $2.42 Johrwton repairing culvert a $12.30; Fruqtnos S S No, School House for oltitiou; Sears, part contract for pr: Hugh Thomsrorvrpikms, brid and amounte, Viz 81.3. Fredurick ti) tt 5-1) : Mrs. Jami Mr. s"moeuiaker--thmt the report of thi, t"trturnirre,,c, on llr,ad, " M lh'i(l":v~a m. tlw west hide of the t i mud “n 01' Us' now rv vi and wdoyh'ti I u‘riml, Nomi by Mr. Nhomnaker, seconded by Mr. Mitchell-That the following Menu.” hp paid am! the Reeve grant his order on the Treueurer for the sev- M recc tt _', tut ttt Pr th it J.' >h'whnkc-r, Hui, [at Deputy P-., t:tr uppointml chairman to pre- sidv "t this [In-wing of Council,and that the um] ls. M, Shoemaker, Esq 'tse and is km} authorized to Sign the said L'y Law in plum‘ of the 1leeve and at tar:, rhwrvtu the Corporate Sui of this 3ltytr-ipuity.--t'arrieu. Mama! by Mr. Hagen seconded by Mr, .‘h-Kay, that it M. Shoemaker.) Hui, vacate the chair and the Reevel take the :reune.---Carried. I "It mu! ll, is lit-TL“) a By Law in tam. Hwy-pt Muniuipdiw Mow-d l, Mr. .‘lvka: E‘H. tuwat, rm lt In Mr to , I‘Pu .1 ',"'rL' ) uuumrizm to sign the said It has been' generally understood for 2y l..t.w in plm'n‘ uf the 1leisve, and at some timeiaat that some change was an, vlmrwtu tlm Corporate tled of this being made in the control of the Em- llunil'ilu slitr--Carrued. pire, and in s'yurday's taper announce- Il m-il by Mr. Hagev, seconded by 1 [unit was made tly.tsisyniieatiot “(pal 4r. lelx’ay, that I). M. Sh.oetteker,lthy and influential mPn had secureda In, , Home the chair and the Reeve‘ controlling interest, with the intention _ ikc the ssutoe.---Carried. - 'of taking an active part in its publica- marlin“: (tion and management, The syndicate Your Committee on Roads land hrid- l is composed of: w. ll. Brock, Ear, of .. {,n the Wtv,t, m1“ of ttle Grand Riv] W.ll.Brock l Co., President Canadian mm“: leave to repgrt‘that we met at General Electric, Co,; Hon. Senator ... mu nmr themidenoe of rurwod//s'anio'rd, President Swfmd Manufae, 'r, 1‘le , reipucting a claim of Mr. 1' “"ng Co.; Hun Sir Frank Stnith,Viee. 3,;th for y ucing stone at the side: President Dominion Bank; Thos, Long, tr tr hill Co widen the mum. l Esq" President Great Northern Tran. l our minimum,- would respectfully l slt Co 3 Col. John I. Davidson, of Ihr :cm'umml that no action be taken inl vidson l Hay, Vide-President Bank of ' t, Mb,“ iCommerce: Warring Kennedy, Esq., A l: or WlllL'll i, x‘isp-ctfully submit-l0f S'amsrrn, Kennedy & Co, Mayor of , Toronto; ft Cargill, M.P., of Cargill; “Hum: Murmur, l;\.l~‘.(lault, of Gault Prros., Montreal, {mammal} 3 President Dominion Cotton Mills Co; Moved by Mr. McKay. wcnndnl by: {I M‘orrlce; of D. Morriee, Sons ‘QVCO" l Shoemaker-th," the report of the) . o‘utrenl, It, A. anus, (if Lucas, 5‘99 mnii'rw-i on linmla 1 all Ill-idem; n. [e A. BMW» Hamilton;I‘rank J. Phil. [ . WPst All]? of the “Find Ilrttu, in now lips, Pregident Cobban liar-,,,,.;.,,.. MGR-d by I!) Mr. “sh to gum an ton l “wriin puma --Car Alt', 'Shoemaker, that it is hereby de, clarsul tint tho municxpalCounciI of the corT4arion of the Township of Water. loo iioi opinion ler the Preston and 1:9er \rrwt Railway Co ( [mm It com- pany im-nrpuratwd by Letters Patent undvr the Ontario Joint Stock Com. pany's Luau-3 Patent Act, subject to Um provisions of the Strum Railway Act, with power to construct a RaiL way in the 'taid municipality, should have pnwo-rs of expropriation for the pr v Post' of building that part of its rail- w ) numb“ within the Quid munici- p» lt, mum-~11 ('wntreville and the cor- pormtnm Rim,- ot' the: village of Ihvaton. Mowd by Mr. Shot'maker, seconded h} “It MsKay, that By-Law No, 753 y, L',t'trvl "tt_riviles,rs-,- to the Pres- :ou l lirriin Street llnxlway Co.(Ltd.) 'e Cttw wad the third tune and passed. W Curried. Moved by Mr, McKa Mr. Shoenmkpr, that it clareltlrst tho municma Moved by Mr. McKay, seconded by Mr. llagey,t}mt the collectors who have Chmpieted their work he paid their re- apw-‘wp sia'aris, and thaw who have not be grantwd an extension of time until the 2lth day of December.--; tied, l T - "'"----t and to declare and prescribe the condi- tions upon which such Street Railway may be constructed, maintained and operated he now read the tirst and sec- ond time. Moved by Mr. McKay, seconded by Mr. Mitchell that Bylaw No. 753 to grant certain privileges to the Preston and Berlin Street Railway (Limited) and to declare and prescribe the condi- tiom upon which such Show: Inch... WATERLOO TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. The Council met at the Township Hall on hUturday, Dee. 15th, pursuant to statute. Members all present. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of preced- ing session read and adopted. I “I tl nird tinn- and passed by a of this Courueil,to “Reva be tr, Ir, ttj' tho oehair and Unit '-o‘u.n.kvr, Hui, ' Deputy McKay? stconded by ay, w-condul by the report of the l “a “riding cn h'i2hgaMe, r". tstd ""r-M-".'-l. - " 1tr'ltasitioudmioittruiiri2 "att Myrna» M“ to rich gttgt diabetics.» can! Mother“. Beau: it uh. go but: - to plum-h with...“ It-ttes.--" ' 1;..."m'. In thigh; - m consequent: Thou whit MESS “uncommitted in . mace, my ttlt Td'r'i,'hgg,1s r't'iiti'i?ili'ii'is, " in "I" 1'taftt."4 15% to In, at lulu]. . . 24 Mound Am. Tel-onto. Ont. M tty ”Elli p it m u L'vezy bus: '1)” And WM , N ulx'. C. Fm whine " and: {my d with , e-v ry 3”er of “Xll'Ipl-w of, lanm '. I (IVI I‘l.stLu.-n Any hunk“ of Whereas, now There's always a chance That I may get there Later, it not sooner. To run, to win-ict temptin', _ But then, to lose ," No, airee, Bob! Not for Joe I Guess not I [ Guess, __ Eh ? V Nominated 3 Who ? Me . Great Scott I ' Gee Whiz .' Will I take it? Would a duck swim? Come on now with your old ‘fogy Martens I Where’s my speech ‘? Gimme my hat! Now altogether ! Hooray ! ! Y nee! 'r, To runbrnot to run? . That's the question. Whetluir it's better to go a gunning for a bird in the bush, Or to hang on to what I've got. To ran/to wiet-perehartee tolose! Aye, there's the rub ! For in that storm of votes what gale: may 'blow. M " be a hsv'ring wind to viet'ry's harbor. ' - Perchance an avalanche to bury one. And if the latter then farewell-.. A long farewell to dreams of great- '--:humtrtn,ituast- i. yrn"trdttrdomiieGiiiii'; :, postal “we, or pm f 2-3 t'ttttr, in ‘11] 'lt. Ma, < ' wid we“ A Business-Making Book. Hamlet’s Solitary Revised. I AMONG THE FARMERS F 7 V ,, _ a -_,. .__r.. mlnrnni g. IR chumvrs illus. tttrr, humlr d plums, presuming f (fictive 'vulvtu"isetrtentir, wi h vmdi g “when, circulars and Ir r, l s tut. p344! bum al‘oul. t _ mm g mutton, circulars and c r, I s tht. pm.“ bum ELIIOUL I up ttras In» ffatv. nwthpds. um Cumuw wuo will, bend lute. m- pmazlzu smmpA to the nu, in luv Trade Company, wid l‘L‘C-H'L' Inc (wok by pze- The Fatrpire, lated Plate Giass Co. Esq, S:. Umburiues ; li.,Toronto,. H.J.Scott, Creighton, Publisher, is undoubtedly the - "on I- m M- -_'-'- m'"."-... a -,7T'" bk I Lii wag-Immwamm 'ie'iii".l'ii mh I . :2: does . you, Mtfttmty M, _- - gtegiq" l min. t [Egg lot" . nib !iili'tyrt1,'d'u' 'e'eiiliji y -___ ”PM. F' T."?"' 'I had used the Diamond Dyes be. smut fore with greet success in a smaller ===- way, and so I determined to see what - could be done, with the view of saving so large a sum as fifty dollars. My lh ehildrenu garments were not torn or and very badly worn ; they were simply babi faded, dingy and old looking. I can Scot mood with an overcoat to test my tion skill, and succeeded in dying it a lovely give dark shade ot brown. I pressed and and f1nUhed it in such a way that it looked thus like a new garment from the hands of a tailor f ‘Meeting with such great success, I tried the other garments and achieved wonderful results, and the total cost of the work accomplished was only seven- ty-five cents _ _ l ‘My boys and girls were astonished, l is a and were quite as well pleased with mote 'ithe muted garments ,as they would tissm have been with brand new ones Very ful r, few people around me were aware of m" the fact that I had used Diamond Dyes Cough 'to renew my children’s clothing, add WWI tit it for another winter’s wear. Ot Sad/I course I toldpome ofmy friends how I “M 'gt,tr,, Btt'r dollars, and they are -.---- ing new and» "etmiit . "in" tttiattmtd Dyes . y r ',-r L'y:'eMyhr1ririiirraatu- ’91 last and handy-ethane“ easilynve ' an}? 1tt.tuastty1sdsati/tGiUi"eUi'i"2',,":C, ~‘ - 'Last autumn I found it was neces- sary to provide new overeoats, suits and dresses for three boys and two girlie, The materials: for these garments and the making and trimmings would cost fifty dollars. This was a huge sum to expendjuet at a time when we were making great efforts to build a new house 'For two days I thought the matter over, and after carefully examining my ehildrenU garments,the question strong- _ ly presented itself to my mind, ‘can I] make use of the Diamond Dyes l' i IT L»J‘,, 'o "' ' A wise, careful and thrifty wife and mother living about tive miles from a large and. flourishing Ontario town, tells how she was enabled to save fifty dollars by thejudicious investment of seventy-tive cents. Her story runs as tollowsc-. . A Lady Saves Fifty Dollars Wisely Investing Seventy- Five Cents. was and a year. l Having had a really pleasant and prosperous year and having met with every show of kindness at the hands of six hundred or more farmers I called on during the year I wish here to thank them till toi. the courtesy shown me and will close my year's scribbling by wishing them and the able trtut'of the Waterloo Chronicle a Merry Christ- mas and a Happy and prosperous New Tell: about the Apostles of old hav- ing the true Christian spirit in them, There are. still some left at the present day such as Moody,Crossle’y and Hun. ter, Kaufman and Brubacher who also haw the true spirit and the delivery that will draw even such as the writer out to hear them, May they live to be an example to other preachers of the ‘word. I Ar Cmntorr---mving spent the year among the farmers of the Uounty. I T thought It no more than right that 1 should spend the last Sabbath of the year at church. A dear old Menonite couple invited me down to hear the Rev. J. & Kaufman of Indiana preach ' and I can assure the reader that it was the most interesting and pleasant t English seryice we have so far heard. The minister took for histext II Cor, ' 18, from which he preached a very insturctive and easily understood zer- mon. The reverend gentleman is un doubtedly the ablest preacher among the oldlMennonites. He has in elequent how of language and seldom hesitates for a word, and has a nice mild delivery that impresses the bearer with the idea that he means what he says. He is not personal in his rehulws of the hy.. poerisy of some professing christiuns but still delivers, himselfin such a man- ner that for whoever the erspt' s he can wear it, A grand feature in the ser- vice was the beautiful' singing in the English language. The singing was really beautiful and sung as if their hearts were in ir. The last hymn led by a young man who has the tineat ( tenor voice we'ever heard was very l pretty and greatly pleased my old 1 friends, Fred. Lake and Dr. Mussel- t man. I was also pleased to see sever- al medical men present and a great man'y from town to hear this talented ' i evangelist. l llll THOU LIKEWISE. "ttever' ltd " VISITOR. By -,' i _/rv ANTED footy 3C0: DO" ' Th and ,Lun Com al with: Cd's: Amounts. Id,",',?,',": t'l,','d' Wnitittg mum. of cum _ Sad/WWdo’a W15Ma’ua. Mr - “In my. um “a. a a. is a coristructive food that pro- motes the makin of healthy tissue and bone. £13 a wonder.. ful remedy for Etttatsletittet. General "Father," said the boy, "what is in. st?lvent'f'. "Insolvent," was the reply, "is merely a long word used to des- cribe a short eondition,--Athusta Con- stitution. and all mothers who are nursing babies derive great benefit from Scott's Emulsion. This prepara- tion serves two tarpon». It gives vital strong: to, mothers and also enriches their milk and thus makes their babies thrive. r "This telephone is like I woman ; it tells everything it hears." "Yes,tGt'g so. And it’s unlike a woman, too; it tells tubing just af it hears it.--- Lite. Kitty-Can I put these f1owerg in any place where the will look pretty? Tour-Not while you stay in the room with them.--Puck. Weak Women A wonderful new combination is R. Stark’n Headache, Neuralgia and Liv- er Powdersynioe to take and perfectly harmless. Mrs Mary Keats, 88 Main street, Hamilton, says: “For yPar8-. in fact all my lite-I have been troubl- ed with severe headaches. I have tried all the remedies I could get id, and have been treated by many doctorg,but, with very little good results. A friend recommended your Headache. Neural- I gin and Liver Powders some time ago, and I have found them to be the great- est blessing to me-in Get, I can truly say they are perfectly wonderful. I would not be without them tor more than I can tell.’ Mr. Flock, stationI master, Grand Trunk Railway, Hamil-l ton, says . 'They cured my most se- vere hCuiaehes, which I had for at least three yeara,' Price 25 Cents a box, Sold by all medicine dealers. l Another Japanese Victory. London, Dec. '24.---A despatch re- ceived here from Shanghai says that the third Japanese army is reported to have landed west of Chefoo and to have captured Lai Chow, a sea port town of China in the Province' of, Shang-Tung, on the south shore of the} Gulf of Pcchili. It cures Catarrh in the Head-r-heresy and per- marlently--- Dr. Sage's Ca.. tarrh Remedy. - - V___ - .vup. l ' In recovering from “is Grippe," l or in oonvalekiinee from pneumonia, fevers, or to build u needed, flesh and strength it is indicated. It’s a bled-purifier that has stood the test of time. For a quarter of a century the "Dileovery" has num- bered its cures by the thousands. The manufacturers prove their faith in it by guaranteeing it for all dia. orders arising from bad blood; in Scrofula, Eczema, Tater, Salt-rheiim, Erysipelas, Bails, Carbuncles, and every kindred ailment. If you receive no benefit you’ll get your money back. What offer could e fairer? Em ulsion, I the V liver in in- f, h [ “the and the // blood in disorder.. / Look oat for . (l “breakers h / ahead” b uttin t 0 liver andy {load trd a healthy condition. You’ve only to turn to the right remedy to make ourself secure from disease. Dr. ifi'l',.C','l,1 Golden Medical Discovery prevents as well as cum. Take it, as you ought, when you feel the first symptom (languor, loss of ap smite, dullness, depression) and you’ll save yourself from eomethin serious. In recovering from “in Grippe,”j A LONG STRING A LONG SWING [a 4 . of discuss 1 'iid "r "h follows a V 'ig g "run-down " J, arm): when a V iver in in.. f 'f ive and the u" od in disorder. T In 1/ A oat for . (l makers / ad 'l b uttin the r andy {load sin a l’ m J ollln Fiédler. It: of all kinds sham, Large, New Mitmar, has been enlarged d im row. ed and newly pant}: p of service to the punk of Waterloo MEAT - MARKET. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPOREED m 1863. Total Assets 3gDecembe ’93 $349,734. THE Jhrhffiiflltt MUTUAL OFFICIms: thyorTrtfRartdtul, President. John Shuh, Trimrpredteat, C. M. Taylor, Sect-emu. John Killer Inspector. New." Bowlby A Glenn BOARD OF DIRECTORS Geo. Randall. Esq., Waterloo. John Shah. Esq.. " ChasJHendry, Em. u I. E. Bowman, Esq., It. P., Waterloo B. Snyder Eau., Waterloo Geo. Diebel,Esq.. " William Snyder. Esq" n I, D. Bowman, Esq., Berlin. J. L. Wideman. Esq.,8t. Jacobs. John Allchin, Esq.. New Hambum. Allan Bowman, Esq., Preston. P. E. Shantz. Preston, Thomas Gowdy, Esq., Guelph. James Livingstone, m,, M. P,, Baden. Thomas Comm. Esq.. can. 2O yi,rs aMthtNNtt6 h Ian-gay 'dlli"li' SIMON SNYDER, ' iiiiiiirgist, OFFICERS I. E. Bowman. M. P., President James Lockie, Secretary Alex. 'iMilltsr, Solicitor. T. A Gale. Inspector Elihu Hun Oman. . . anmo. thm BOARD ir DIRECTORS I. E. Bowman, M, P., Waterloo. John Shuh, Waterloo. J. H. Webb M, D., Waterloo. Geo. Moore, Waterloo. D. S. Bcwlby, M. D., Berlin Robert Melvin, Guelph. E. W. B. Snider, M, P. P., St. Jacobs FIRE INSURANCE co. Incorporated by he: of Ontario Legismur mindrii)m,E tdlads WATERLOO Simon Snyder, CAPITAL, $200,000. get anything better than Druegik, WATERLOO, ONT Blood Purifier HOOFLANDS ERB TEA You can buy. Sow BY ALL Dauaaxsrs. Coughs, Colds Sole Agent. WATERLOO ON You Can't AN D ' Homeness. Spring and Fall 3- ttttrr-asus, 6. it's the best FOR ‘onsumption (Dammit, Sonata 5, in the USE Vii m #1175631 V DENTIST- Office in the Oddfellow’s Block. Waterloo, Ont. Fred G. Hughes oaii V V"- -.....uuu,v ul own [DC Will visit Elmira the recond Thur-min Friday and fourth Thuwdu' and Friday T month (Thur-ad" noon. to tiiifa7 noon). Will visit Baden fRraut Tgumday and third Thursdl DR. c, T. NFECKER. MEDALLIST OF TO Rnh'ro University. Licentiate ofthe Col. t1,rrt of Physicians. Surgeons and Accoucheu 0 Ontario. . . . manage or EYE an EAR Thumb. OiBee-New residence. Albert street. Water loo. a short distance north of the late Dr. Walden‘s residence. thorloo 236:1;; Dr tr, H. Bowlby treats diseases ofthe throat and ear. __- -- - r, VETERINARY SURGEON. Pmrsmux. Summx AND Acoty "6ittee and rpsidenee-Two doors ttort dance formerly oct'upied by the late Dr, on Albert street. Waterloo. Telephnnoccommunicauon. DR. AdMrTAGE PHYSICIAN. SURGEON AND AccovcrrEvrt office-rn the rooms formerly occupied bf W. WelN,L, D, S. over Mr. Fish's more (Bel ipgeesy, My", calls answered at omce. Tole phone comm Mention. Telephone edmrminioauon, " P),ifri,iiiir.iiirtrGalo'me, Dr. D. S. Bowlby,iirrdiiG for t . R. mmmaox. 0.0.3. Philadasiphu, is.a/té."la'gJiiiitid at the naturd teeth ii,'i,it,hliiii'i,1ittiit of "am...“ 'llhTr,g,', he pile. at and... mu. when . 91.5: '4‘ one. t roars BLOCK. - um ' ""ert'.t50nc'itors, Notaries, In: Oimee-Corner Nina? and Erb Stmrb. Water, loo, over old Post 0 ce. Money to loanat lowest rates of interest. anm RICK Comrnorx. A. B. Mchmn _ Coroner County of Waterloo OfBtse.-At his residence on Erb street. Talanhone communication. Por the We. ligamion of Meth. RS. D, 5.329: n Bo_W1.mr " Solicitor. Notary Public, Ct1n.yerutper, etc. 0moieUfsiaTA, in Economical blook,5 King Street West. Berlin. - DAKKIISTERB AT LAW Solicitors in all the courts. Notaries I Sonvcyuncem. Money to lend on Mom?! lowest rates. Uttioe-e--couii" House, Ber i: W. H, Bowrov, M.A., LLB., Q. C.. County Crown Attorney and Clerk ot th ca E. P, Cr vuvv-r OfBce hours, 9. 30 mam to5. p. m. omees. Killer's Block, Waterloo, ' EQUAL. - mrrmwr. 'e 'ublie, 'ConvcrandiF.' etc. (Money to loan Sales conducted in Englhh and'Germun. "OFFICE ATTHE ZIM MERMA MHOUSE =r=c==ttr-------- MISCELLAI ------------ ------------, ucxnmmovan a an J), Fin 3nd Accident Iterloo.0nt.. represendn‘ Mutual Companies doing bi hnoe. Money toloaaa low D. Bummvan. ------------, ERBERT J. BO a had Surveyor, i Wham. Gmdumo I of Practical Science, sud In! York 'PY, Fund“-..- __ ac, _ - IOLQUHOUN & MPRRIDE. I BarristeGi.gnaiertii;s, Notaries Hr.-- n7 --. R. 1IETT, been! Intention paid to Catarrh, Asthma Chronic Diseusei. _ H. WEBB M D,, POEHLMAN 'S BARBER SHOP. --e----- -. W" n rn-JVUVUIAL M land Surveyor, 'i'ie Engineer and “human. Gradumo the Ontario School of Practical teienee, 3nd late assistant to the York TLEnxmeer on the construction of Pub. 2t,'d.tt 'ple. Lhte sub-division ot lands in the on ur o oron o. OiBoer-otrurt House. Berlin. “anon SNYDER. i i __ b Innuer a Marriage Licenses. othtxs--at his Drug Store. Waterloo. EO,. H. HUTCHISON A. P. BAUMAN LEX. MILLA R, QLC .. .wnuo.um.. representing the but 3633f; Mutual Companies doing business In this Pr Vince. Money to [on a lowest cum: at“. D. Bummvan. B. E. Bum-:1. Licensed Auctioneer F0. TIE (‘OFNTY ot, WATER“. Opposite the Market square. An 'ey 9139352. , ptyliah h OWLB Y & CLEMENT, W... -- "mu-nun dies' and children' I m FiGFiri'urru, Licensee. omee--Potrt omee, BL 'lgl'Lt?/dt VETERINARY SURG EON, MIL Ont., Honorary Umdume of the Veterinary College,' Toronto. P. CLExEx-r. 'OHN L. “gummy; LLB L .3. GWMnna. D-,wararttoes. -- __ __.V....... , Flu tad Aoetdeut nuance out Jerjot, I.ti.i.r),1siirifiiii'ii'ar an. beg: 8:33 u: CHAS. CFidiieitnf 1 li oisiFi,y,r'itiiif/ii"a ooomuuozi mT,l?,eryyratyLtprcrrrsru w TT nu; outlaw cums or the 11092. Ir. omeetand Residence-got, stree t 109 King street east, Berlin DENTAL F, Summx AND Acoovcnlvn. MISCELLANEOUS. MEDICAL. Richard th Clark: BARRIBTERB AT LAW all the courts. Noumea and Money to lend on Mortgages ottioeucouii House, Ber in. Birrr%iit - __---.,. a", u] . med»: of each manta. LEGAL. 1%ttl), .the thyt awa ”nu, all). for the County. '3olitritor,rNotars north of rel " Dr. Walden N EROYINUIAL liCounty KEEN“. cace David Bean, On mil; Are You a Subscriber? Chronicle Waterloo I“Uanadian l Ill these requisites are foundn 7 the 'Produetive hdm'tis'mdis lob found ONLY in a moduli of wide simulation, Charade and irhiaee among thou whom advertisers desire in reach. Advertise If not, send flfty cents for a Trial Trip for six mos. Advertise if! which has more readers in Waterloo County than any other paper. Waterloo, Ont. ~BIT'I' iibs Right. LO'; 9an Liberal 1 t, Cash and I whwliry. 2 bid only 10 run '31.?) 15113." Kd." i ' n? “and " ox. homo. a'1 . 'tttthet bomb. T, -- _ {tartar can. Pm LIX. MILLAR. Q I' Pt; u B. TAcluVy"i1'"irll '. B. HOI’GINE. trupl, o.' A; t ERIDDELL, NV 'he 'er-ar rLTCh' mm qs' “urea. \ud A than” ME Dd. Gum.“ mnnce» in tore Increase Oh 1-.“ r'-t w Assunmn-r- 1.” Ina-eye Ot vr PI ”mum. 319. 1-1: Incremc (n M IV; nerve tor mu .' 1: heme orrt 1- mvel. rennin“ I" Ir,' hm paid at oncc on Iplns over a) Increarc co t L Imam-l liberal an INC! the introduction I that“ Cure that term M11117 checked and ttttat and it. It' hae Iv. youn lt Lulu-n l _ I‘ll. The testinlolu. MW been curve are . Not . ninglv can: * wbm‘n “mime ' - tttr _tastrtimonitsbs. SURE CORE FOR run} with? A , l Wonderful tario Mu :NIOX lJlii'tn my, Equity, Stabil D on " L. . n “I! I‘mlnlvH-In‘d liq Seer Ian-3M] 1 ondllluun ol , Gem (1 WI of?" O I! JACOB H sole For info} Hydra 1lore Addres- or DUST Av"

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