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Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 20 Dec 1894, p. 7

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SUKERsv’é tpy6 GM SEE To DRE” 'l "iAloihr;iti, s. H, FR0iiHLlcfl, wing [Hid Fall 3'3; yiiThfiif,J?ihf, I Er In. mgmsfun boner '1 bunny-u open from 'ieiigiit= mu] 7 o‘clock in a.“ In?“ to much an - vs it In por-l w and itt't',?iirit,Fiiii T I “I "In. '_--.-, Ink-Iowan! :?itit9, ,y" 'Hb-ti-trd-to ' . m _ In...”btll_l_b“ 'i, _ . THE d Purifier YDER, Druggist, Kf MARKET. ittle Wonder. temr magnum u a or ht I "I “1111!... OFLANDS RB TEA x "gt pong. D. McEachren, ent LLANEOUS Iuctioneee st UNIT HSTS i-“jl)\' Feet wnnde’r at “It -.)‘ water MP s'ir h mull cost. K0 Licenses, ", tm‘. " ‘Il'rvrman. :31 A NuiOL‘SK élax'k, If. F, tTEl Wtl {A max- of uf. I*!:I")VINCIAL Pin unset tad ()n‘jrxo 8etont “hunt to thn Ira-meg ‘msL ti thove mun. h I, sh' HILL}! ot the o, HT sit' -‘ 1me In my}; ”'an mat 1. Bream [on ot “My mud: in m a: it that quaptitr . and get I (of ASURE CURE FOR DIPHTHERIA. Cils1"yr"tityro1iv/st L' 'hrru( urv mm 'uttressurlly t‘hwkvd 'hohM‘c ‘14“de l: Wd "O t' yth if tak, Lu w’ in . The twhm h: hm o tkvn cum! “anon No' " '.irtelu "Canadian hennli)r," \‘IXK‘H .' t' in'rnd'irtion of Dr. High'a Dimi' a 'm '1\\ nrv- um: terrible malady tttue been "icrtsrrly rbw‘k-d and cured by all those '50 :wc 2:411 ti, i: h...- saved many live-1; it m: m» " yu‘: Cs 1f mkm before blood golaqnlng In a" 'rp, l hr twnnmniah of about? papenty h: MW Kwn our» d are now ready for distri- Ztmn .\--' " Hugh: (“of lost up to the pres- 1: Lu. w,'ntir I? ",tgllie ttrat medicine taken. True for fv-funonhd-i. The medicine is put In . At2 'occrles No. 1 and No. 2. in two sizes. w. tml 120:. mules. Two w, or.. bottles are i,'ueyru {or Any Cam). Pricey-A oz. bottleat.00 Ear. sow,- 31.3,. Address all communications JACOB H. KINSEY. h h ' Sole agent, Doon. thit MEWS Savsaparilla It”) on“ E, . WATERLGQ). o." i,-lul-ll~|lelll810. syycrcV l'iii'uxl'l', . $100,1 1" Doors Eastjof Post Mio, A Wonderful Dis'covery. my. V.M.Berlet tario iiiriual Life. Liberal rotgdtttqttq of Policie- "'", s:.,'. Paid-up Values guaranteed on A. _' J, All dividend" belongloundare ". , gm " holders. 3. No restriction . 1'- ml {than or occupation, eat “.4 «U once on compleuon of claim w" 's-V Mimi-ILL. OFFICERS: WILLAR. u. C'., soiicitor-..Berlin - uh. NI. l) . Medical tteteree,wsrerloo 1- tlmlNS. Supt. of Agencietc.Waterlco " town 1 War tttthot Mpeeh, 0311334 'l'll'l%'l"tl'a'ff, seer poem TiG'ih%'G'l MERCHANT . TAILOR. :thers,willcureyou Erb St., - Waterloo. Equity, Stability, Progress. Fiht SALE ,s'tH:rtio1tsttH' [HSTRIBI'TION 'r,-d 1-Irrlrtuusr:s all the newest nu Inn-L form of PttoTKc"rtoN r “lulu-y can buy. It has no uni l aluus, attractive option, '7 Gem (Steel) ' Star WINDMILLS. lwt mm. '. Jan. Int. 189C.. '17,683.029 ro-vmus year .... 1.560,.834 m-n m 1893 .t...... 3.01M.700 “fl t..r.rr._. .... 328A60 "3". _,'r'.'1'_"C.'.'ss,'sE,'ii4" “I: ___sr.rwwr.t.. 339.440 st Hydmnlic rams. Iron force and lift pumps. Hose. belting and All thréshera' supplies For information apbly to W. S. BOWDEX. agent. New Dundee. or no. SPETZEL. Travelling Agent. l /t-'t' 3.: Co., Lowell, Mau- '. IL" sore; healed, I 31:: not twen 2‘1"”. "My tho "~‘ rvnmin. and tho mm)! of tho past, to 12nd Inn ot the good "as' dune me. I IN“! . (:way pwun'h. and V I Lu:- ‘mon an the ' . yum. have iusticvd "w'l'Kiir'd in all parts _ i always {nice pleas- f Mt'mbcr-t. 1593 g/330..%1 '. -_t.w.rr.F._.F. 72.911 Jami. IMG, ._... 2g6,120 rv.rr.....t.. {9.811 DUST COLLECTORS. Celebrated 'Hnllad! Standard. did for we.” . uses originating In 'ucdy is WM. HENDRY, Manager O I TAM ‘1;23‘i:: ing Sores -h ccncrntid . "nd i' “.13 mother aim $100,000 m") on The Ftrtrt r.mrua ”IMO Ever Fri-led In amerien. ' Boston Post : The tirst Bible print- ed in English In Amy-4:4 wgs the 'Bsy Psalm Book,' primal in 1640 Prio'r to this ttme every copy of the Bihle in this country had heed brought to America. by the (3ny settlers of Vir- ginit and the Pl‘grim, F‘thers of New Enelumt, for the colonists could not print.tho Eng’iah Ruble without being subjskt to prosecution from pnréona in Great Beituin who published it under the pram of 1he c own. Dining the year 1040 a version ot' the Old Testament was conspired by Mr. King, who mailed himself of the} assistance of Rev, Drnhis O'Sheriden. l No portion of the C) d Testament exist- ed in the Irish language until the ven. erable Bishop Bedvll undertook to pro- cure the tranalation. Although appoint- ed in liiiyJ to the awe of Kilmore nnd Ardsgh,he was an Englishman by birth and acquainted with the Innguage of his new diocrue. His iirst step toward the aczomplishment of his important de. ign mu therefore, the acquisition of the Erse dialect which he com nenced to study at the age of 57. His measure wa. to secure the scrvi- '; cos of a native'Irish scholar, and, with l, t the advice of Primate Usher,his choice " fell on Mr. King,who hid been omploy- I. ed by Mr.Daniel while assisting o'Don. I' nell witlFhis version of 1602. Mr.) King br'ing ignorant of Hebrew, first) made the translation from the English l version, but to Bishop Bedell the He- ' brew and Septuagint were as familiar! as the English. for the Scriptures had i F for years been his Gvorite study. It' was hm custom, ssys bis biographer,‘ ’ everv may after dinner to have a chap-} ter oi Hula Bible reyi at. his table, arid at such time a Bible was placed before each perspn present“ V AN INTERESTING RELIC. The Bible in Hebrew and Greek was‘ then laid before him, and he compared _ the Irish translations with the English. l At the same time be compared both the English and the Irish with the Hebrew l The Septuagint, he compared with the Italian version of Dioduti. Every por-l tion rd the Irish Bible was then tested i' by direct comparison with the original , text. For this arduous work Bishop Bedell was peculiarly qualititsd, having resided many years at Venice ea chep- l lain to Sir Henry Walton. where hel studied Hebrew under Rabbi Leo, the ', chief chechm of the Jewish synagogue. 1 For some cause Mr; King incurred the enmity of Archbishop Usher, and some opposition was made to the trans- lation. The venerable Bishop,then past. 80, sank beneath these persecutions,yen remained firm in his determination to publish it at his own expense. While he was making preparations the rebellion broke out, his palace was attacked end UFUKC qu. Illa b"""""" u..- w--..-,,,, he Was sent a prisoner to the castle of Lockwater, whence he was soon after removed to the residence of his friend, Denis O'sheriden, where he "pslosed his career of usefulness in the year 1641. An original idea in the way of club: has been conceived in Stmaburg. A number of people in that city are said to hnve formed themselves into I locie- ty whose principcl rules requires that each member mall make the meat of the cathedral spire " least once a dcy. The club is thus comprehensively enti- tled : The word is certainly an admirable one if-aa may be paumed--rit has been designed for pronuncittion by members during the meat. ' ,lllgllg Nolan In the 'stsrstsoaMttirnes a roarttw,trumintt wand. are caused by oatarrh. that etoeedlngly dlu agreeable and very common (mouse. Lou of smell and harks also result from cum-r11. Hood's Sarsapar0la, the great blood purifier ls a peculiarly tumoulul remedy tor this (theme. which n cures by purifying the blood. BOOD'S PILLS are the best after dinner pills. Basia! digestion. prevent constipation. His Father-Johnny, I don't want to see that mun. Go down and tell him I am not at home. J ohnnr--/ litre. . "h'ii"Fitheca done. You’re going to tell the lie. According to the best authorities. originate In e morbid cqultion ot the blood. Lactic acid. caused by t a decomposition ot the gelatinous nnd albuminone tissues, circulates with the blood end attache the fttmtue tissuee.particuler- ly in the joints. sud thug ceuaee the local muni- iesunione of the disease. The back and ehould- are the par" usually effected t2rl'fl'gt'l"J) and lbejoime at the xneee. en es. hips and wrlattt are also sometimes mauled. Thom-lids ot people have found in lood'e Serene-rill. e foul the end permanent cure tor rheumeusm. t has had remukrhie new. in curlnc the moat swore wee. The eecret of ibn eucoeee lies in the {not that it Attacks at once the can” at the disease by neutrelmns the lactic we end puriiy‘in. the tygtof, ”dwell " easemen- nuu pun- In uuv --'""-'vr"" 7 - in: J'v"e'pr"tiiiGGit of the body. Students of nature have never been able to explain the cumeleon'a change of color. I q pet. 15 n9.8, Something Like 3 Kane. The m- or lieu-nu- TI. Garii you never told the l The men whom one must depend on pot" l in the dark hours of life, [when illness ted land sorrows and losses depress the innl l most buoyant nature, often possess in hop the highest degree the power of cheer- ring ing-physicians, whose mere presence iep- l seems to bring healing; lawyers and he l clergyman, whose help glows with the the _ unaffected goodness of their sunny net- gue. l ures;. and others, weighted with the rred l exacting cares of business life, who and i yet have a. pleasant word and a bright ante- l smile in the darkest hour of their trou- ptut i btes. Blessed be all, of whatever age, i,yet " sex or condition, who are "in the cheer- l to i mg-up business !"-Selected. tr. Wheat the hard times began last year it was reported that a. clever wo- man declarvd that if she had to earn her living she would becomes. "general sympathize,” goingl to anyone who l wished in your out her troubles and worrzes, listening and comforting for a fixed sum per hour; the interview to be strictly cordidisntial, and the profes- sional symputliizer never to allow her- l self to have pains or trials greater l, than those of her client. This seemed l an odd little fancy, as impructiceble as original, until a. short time ago, when reading over the lists which a. Wom- iau’s Excha 'ge preiares to meet the l wants of its pn3r0ns, the eye fell upon F this item i "ln the cheering-up busi- l, ness. A lady who has had successful 1 experience, will read to or amuse inva- , lids or eouvulescents," Then there is ' such an occupation after all, and one i which this cheering lady has made suc- l cessful as well. How does she manage“1 sl her delicate work l by what cunningly leevised menus has she bottled up the ', sunshine which cwries its brightness I into the lives of those who are strang- ers to her l and from what founts does - l she draw sparkling. exhilarating l 1lpyyt/1"' and who, after she has a l spent her day in "reading to and amus- - l ing invnlids and cotivssletseents," cheers . [her when twilight gives her back to '. i herself? Waterloo County Chrohicle, Thursday, Decefnber _ Yet while as a. means of gaining a livelihood the business is undoubtedly I no iv, it is really an old, very old voca- ltion to which from time immemorial l women have spontaneously devoted' l themselves. In the home neat, as daughter and sister, a woman learns to I express the sympathy oh. loving heart, 1 and in the. new relations of wife and imother her opportunities increase im. l measurably and unceasingly. Upon ', the so called weaker partner has ever ‘fallen the duty of lightening by her ) l ready, responsive cheerfulness the bur- _ l dens borneby her lord and master. In the Cheering-Up Business. Young, old or middle a. ed, who find them- selves nervous, weak (2fl'/,"di'lUi',' who are broken down from excess or overwork, re- "g1udi in many of the following symptoms: Menus depression, premature 01 age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dresriU,dim. ness of sight, imlpitation of the heart emis- sions, lack of energy, pain in the kldms, headaches, pim lea on the face and y. itching or peculiar sensation about the scro- tum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitchin of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, 'lllhhll'i', deposits in theurine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and s ine, Weak and flabby mus- cles, desire to slgep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of heel-ins. io" of voice, desire for solitude, excitsb‘ ity of temper, sunken e es, surrounded withmD- ENCIRCLES, oily I,',',',';.,",,' skin, ete,, are ell symptoms of nervous h','llll'; that lead to I,t,7, unless cured. The spring or vital orce having lost its tension every function sues in consequence. Those who throth abuse committed in ignorance, msy be ger- manently cured. Ben your address on 10 cents in stamps for Jrook on diseases wallet to man. sent seeled. Address M.V.L BON, 24 Macdonald Ave: Toronto, Ont., Gouda. The an0w and severely cold weather has stopped steady progress in finishing up outdoor work on hundreds of farms in this latitude. The snow is now gone and many farmers are trying to finish. husking, digging potatoes, and haul corn mover. We are hauling the last of our smver today. Another one of our failures is in getting caught in a snow storm before our fall’s work is finished. _ . . l We are taxing to nuke a business of farming, u: fiad it takes about 310 .dnys in mush year to keep things mov- ing. This only tdlowa the obsenwoe of three holidays, to be sure, but even then, we must do certain kinds .ed work, a well on Snndnys. In hurt, taming should furnish daily hbor of we to“ all the'yeu round. Just. no oiher-tionqdp. Thanhme ényhy HV. further in geutty,y We have Iota to do every day, and, no matter what the weather is like, we shall keep at it all winter, tusd-. all next summer also. As our plans are laid, we can see no time ahead, in which' we can enjoy a vacation-or hardly a "day ofL" It is work, worn, all along, each day (except, Sundays) and yet we are glad to realize it. It is by means of working steadily, constantly, that we hope to attain the ends sought. By means of herd lebor, controlled and directed by intelligence, thought and skill, we daily see good results from our efforts. Thisis what we ere other, and thereby we are much encouraged, Preparing for Winter. ALL MEN Y 0U will 'find that it will do what no other soap can do, and will please you every way. Look the country over and you will l find very few of our energetic, intelli- gent, practical farmers who have noth- mg to do all winter, except a few chores. , When you do find one, he is very generally of that clues who has in. herited property, or had it given to him outright. Either the land was given him, or the money tobuy it with. .Such men start out in business for themselves out of debt or nearly so. All they have to do is to live, and save what they do not use. No interest to pay, but usually a little money out drawing interest. Dow LET ANOTHER WASH-0A r 60 " WITHOUT Wm; There are many men of this class, and they are, some of them, among our best and most progressive farmers. They are usually, an honor to any far- ming community, and an example, in many ways, for our young farmers to pattern after. They can afford to lay by active or manual labor for the win- ter, and we do not blame him for it. But we farmers, who started heavily in debt, with no inheritance, gift, money or property, must keep moving, and make every move count.--). H. Brown in Michigan F armor. A wonderiult new combination is R. Stark's Headache,Neuralgia and Liver Powders, nice to take; perfectly harm- le " Mr. \Vills,Chief of Police,Wood- stock, says : "A sure cure every time." Ald. Ftuaer,Btsrrigter,Hstnilton, says l “I experienced almost immediate relief from their use,for sick headaches.” Mr. Mercer, contractor, Hamilton,says I "I consider them a. very valuable remedy, and Gr surpassing many others I have tried." Mrs. Gaston, Hamilton, says: "I have derived great benelit from them having been a long time a isuff'erer from headache, hiliousness and neuralgia.” Mrs Grist, Hamilton, says: "No medi- cine or doctors did my daughter any stood until we used Stark’s Headache, Neuralgia and Headache Powders; they have effected a complete eure." Mrs. Keats, Hamilton, says: "Your powders have been the greatest blessing to me." Price, 25 cents a box. Sold by all medi- cine dealers. A remarkable present has just been made to the 1Giier--namely, a. pair of scissors, but scissors so exquisite as are seldom seen, and valued at S80. The giver, a steel merchant at Sohling- en (where all the beat German steel comes from) has had the tsci8aortr-rmul- ufactured, of course, oat of the finest tsteer-engraved with a portrait of the Kaiser, with historic buildings and other things; the engraving alone topk a practiced worker five yesrs to com- plete. Oh ! may angels vigil: o'er her deep, With their guarding wings outspresd Protecting from danger my darling’s Jsep-- She sleeps in a folding bed. Shts-Are you sorry that you kissed met 7 A - _ -rie-s, but it's, better than being sorry that I didn't.-Boaton Gmtte. t ‘CArAxum anvm m 10 TO 00 Mttrtmttg.-- On 0 short put! of the truth through the Blow- or. ggrfft,' with etch bottle of Dams's Catarr Powdormmue! this Powder over the surface ot the nml WI'nt, Painless and tits. lightful to use. it rel eve; study. and perms.- nently cures isatarrh, boy fever. colds. bead- who. sore throat. mama. and deafness, 60 cents. At Ed. M. Devin). irtusk--Did you kick one ot the tel. lows on the other side? - _ --- - -iiGL-kht the other side! Why. I kicked him all over.--Pettoit Free 'You have a bad cold,' be said. q have,’ she replied, ‘huakily. q Im so hoarse that if you attempted to kis- me I oouidn't even "ream.'--New York “You have a. bad cold,' be said. ' q have,’ she replied, ‘huakily. q nm Barred Ptr-tlt ihttrks, White Pirmtrtrth so hoarse that if you attempted to kit;- Iioola, Blaok and BMW" Ughortte, me I oouidn't even "ream.'--New York Indian can“, Partridge Cochin, Inf Pratt _ ' mm Min Butane.- . The natural lite of in elephant is Bend orders early and secure the best. aid to be 120 yet-rs. It is, however: Prices Reasonable. Satisfaction greatly shortened by Itaptivitn . owned, The mole in An excellent civil eu- ginoau He always secure- " omf safety by having sevenl entrances to n JI mam - _.. M A A The lowest order of mind me id: found in the microscopic je11rthh . It id; simply s minute drop of gel-Adam:- mot-1 his dwelfing. The outer layer of tilu alligator" t,et,TieGioouttalisruttrje"itet- “addict. ttaooittioharditeisdthis It is Easy, Clean, and Economical to wash with this soap. . "unable Pair of Sela-on. 'ii'iiiitizais" . s"la. S'rlltlilBlilUS, iii --Paclr. Some time ago we drew attention to the dangerous and regrettable tendency clearly seen in the columns of the Pat- ton’s Sun toward the soft money craze and other discredited fallacies of Pop- ulismf The Globe has' seen the direc- tion in which some very unsafe guides would lead the farmers of Canada, and in able articles last week it has discus. sed the currency question. These art- icles should be widely circulated among all classes. Goldwin Smith has also l sounded a note ot warning, and none ltoo soon. If the Patrons want to be l buried a hundred fathoms deep, they will allow some of the irresponsible cranks and faddists who have recently been monpplizing the columns of The Sun, to guide the policy of their order order. The leaders of the order would do well to remember the recent exper- ience of the Western and Southwestern States with the wild dreams of political lunacy. Our own belief is that there is too much solid sense among the Pat- rons to listen for a moment to the ad, vocates of an irredeemable or inflated currency. But it is clear that a warn- ing is needed. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. And it seems that eternal discussion is the price of sound politics. "tmeCllllistttmrSlMlMnuarits ' l' ‘Nowmthetimetor (i, Cheap Barat 'ii/iii-i,",,.)'.)')':;')':;::-:,',';,, SHEEN KKK) . a\ 1\”“’ que, " .\:\x* _ ~> _ "'""' , 'ri'ifiiili(i)j:c'-r'tii', (3.13%: tk .e?;li;iitii)etH:rt commzncmm .).il)f, ircryr' or AN ATTACK mm "il: ld, ii) 5 TEASPCONFUI or "visii;'PE- DAVIs' It's no because' I'm Scotch but you canna smoke a better Cigar than t ' nos Mt," They cost lit. Rob but I get sax of them for tt, quarters,. _ New Hamburg. _ Breeder' of minor Fawn Fine Cockerela and Pallets for Fall Exhibition, of the following varieties: . G. Pequegnat, - TOIACOO 09.. Iowans; No Ila: Baby for Canada. hh There WOOD COOK STOVE. Ist. I am a beanty in design. 2nd. I hare a drop hearth plate 3rd. My oven is lined with cold rolled steel, therefore cannot crack or warp, 4th. My oven is extra large and ventilated. tith. I can eat a stick ot wood 28 in. long but I cat very few of them. 0th. I burn less wood than my sisters because heat passes through my steel oven sides quicker than iron. If you wish to see me call at lluhmeier & Lcitch's and enquire for MISS GRAND JEWEL. I want to go and live in your home and cook your cakes. I promise to serve you faithfully until death doth us divide. At prttseut I am living an HOHMEIER & LEYTCH'S, am very proudlof myself because people say I . this Dominion. The Great BANKRUFT STORE, We are at present in the midst of great value gisung sales. The greet throng at out counters daily teatifies that they are receiving the goods an ad. vertised, and value as represented. Remember, Saturday is our busy dey, nude so by the many special bargains for thet day. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE We have». Luge Stock of these Goods for the Fall and Men’s Tweed, Worsted and Nap Overeotst,s, $3, $3.45, 34, Men’s and Young Men's Ulswrs, 86, $6.45, $7.35 . . . . . . . . Bop' Overeoata, $235, $2.65, 8325...... .... .. . ... .... Youths' Overcotsta82.95, $3.65...... ...... ............ Menu Suits82.85, $3.95 w....'...........-... ........, Youths' Suiu82.70. $3.65, M.......... ..'.. ........... Bors'8uita81.l50. $1.75,$2 ..... o......'...-......... Men’s Rubber Coats $2.50, 85, $6.50 and up. Vesta, Cardigans, Smocks, Overalls, Gents' Furnishings, a owosns or SLOO AND UPWARDS RECEIVED, AND CURRENT RATES or INTEREST ALLOWED, ttqYEREWr ADDED TO THE PRINCIPAL AT TH: can or an" “In havens“ IN EACH YEAR. Spool-l Attention than to the Collocflon and Fcrmcro' Sales Ions. J FANUY GOODS The latest Styles in Delicate Pink and Blue at A GENERAL BANKING Busmzas TRANSACTED. FARMERS' NOTES Duscouureo DRAFTs ISSUED PAYABLE AT ALL POINTS IN CANADA, AND THE PRINCIPAL CITIES IN THE UNITED STATES, GREAT BRITAIN. FRANCE, BERMUDA. ac. A.L. Kumpf's The Molsons Bank. Gwlhl, 82,000,000. Red. 'hi00,tt00. {GENERAL ammo BUSINESS ESTABLISHED I867 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. CAPITAL (PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS REST - - - - - - - - TRANBACTED.'. Drafts Issued on all Principal Points. huge-t. allowed on sums of. Pour Donn wdu ward-In T '10" ".76 w .l..eV9PTe. - -._ _~V*V V dertett 3 tribune of motion to .ttt lion»?! tefliN,ti'2't one“; Fgrai,'tggt/g,1"tt,llte undue nun ho mum,“ my Ind deals-nun ta, tEi.aMat- 0%.. And quetto you mmmnuumdmam Gm iiF-ua. ”Winn-abod- THE WATEBLBO Granita and Marble Works. " Highest current. nus on special deposit: m smut, opposite um . wummoo "I you In" last slaved one Ind dutifu- __ - ‘M‘__ an... all "h-Heart tn tht STATION ERY. HEAD OFFICE. MONTREAL. sélect tian. Booxs'mnn. SHAEFEB BROS. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. IN ABUNDANCE, ERNST & co" JACOB lawman. We: Waterloo Brunch. THEY SELL ME CHEAP- SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT B. E. WALKER, GENERAL MANAGER, Cldthing Sale. WATERLOO." WATERLCO BRANCH [3,60, 00.59, ¢:.ou........... $3.35 . ....................... f.....,....-............-. m..........-'.....'-"""". .... .......’.......-.....-.... MEAT - MARKET. has been enlarged and improv- ed and newly painted. of service to the people of Waterloo. mini?jCiFnu: asuaaJi"ird lbs a... ""tllttfdlthl'l'2'lT.'. V" John Fischer, Waterloo. Ont. 1noorporatat1 by Act of Ontario Legmuur Largo,New Refrigerator. Him Orncl. . thwo. 0n. BOARD OF DIRECTORS l, E. Bowman, M. P., Waterloo. lob}: s1yy.hyeteysloo: ifHJWcllb M. D., WIlerloo. Gee. Moore, Waterloo. D. S. Bcwlby, M. D., Berlin Robert Melvin, Guelph. E. W. B. Snider, M. P. P., St. Jacobo. OFFICERS I. E. Bowman. M. P., President, James Lockie, Secreury Alex.5Milla.r, Solicitor. T. A Gale. Inspector FIRE INSURANCE oo. CAPITAL, $200,000. THE SHOP H. J, GRASETT. MANAGER 20 years WATERLOO am of commorclal Papa. the best baker in $4.35 up to $10 ......upto88A5 ......upw$4.95 ......upto87.85 ....,uptot13.81, ......isptot8.f6 ......uisto84.00 Winter Trade. 66,000,000 00,000 large variety to

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