- wuuvv wr . moment believe that my of our citizens are deliberately Vining that “if 11ommmett than“ default init- pecuiaq W600. or that it. Inn-bl m should ho v a “Hunâ€; "r'frtiru6vtbx tions to see every particle of different. ial duty in favor of refined sugar strict. en out of our taritf law. If, with all favor now accorded the sugar retining interests in our tariff laws, it still lan. guishes to the extent of closed retineriea and thousands of discharged workmen, it would soon: to present a hopeless case for reasonable legislative aid,Whatever else is done, or omitted, I earnestly re peat here the recommendation I have made in another portion of this com- munication that the additional duty of OBe-tenth of a cent per pound, laid up- on sugar imported from countries Pt ing a bounty on export, be nbrognted. Our new tariff policy, built upon the theory that it is well to oncournge such importation, as our people need, nnd that our product. and mnnnfnctum altouht.itnd markets in every part of the hnbitnhle g'obe,in consistently lup- plomented by the greatest possible lib. erty to our citizens in the ownership and navigntian of ships. m QUU'HON " CURRENCY. I cannot foe A moment believe tut my of our citizen. In tHits-ts. So hr u a); giédule is concerned,I would be glad under existing aggrava- f;nnc on an» Ant" . - 1HlANt.Es IV I'm: rm The Twill" Act passed at iron of the Congresx needs amendnwnh if it i, to be- e factually and certainly. In I such necessary numndmvuts change rates of duty, I am decidedly in favor of puma; iron on the free list. Un tho pvnxion rolls are Jr; increase: of 3,3552 during the , ll Six hundre-d milrion 'rt:t'e.t', of land I'LL mam unopened for settlement, out ow- ing to the unavoidable scandals and un- fair practices the lands will hereafter be m " and not thrown wide open to st/tthum. Thrée new(i)8ftlvship~ are wanted to place the footing. -.. “anus mt: coming year. The strength of the army is given at 20,000, and is recounncnded that it bo, increasml to 25,000 men. Th Postmaster Gene-ml reports a. de, ficit of a. quarter ofa million more than the 'mticiirumleight millions H" states that this deficit is ur"1Teessary and may be ob, iatml Ly modib'cuion ut the law regarding second class matron- FINASFIAL STATFDit:NT. The report of the Secretary of the Treasury fa given in detail,ThJ, revenue decreased $15,959.674 this your. Dutiableimports fell oirr?l4tib'o0,(y25 and free goods '?tri,74s,ct-, A dsfeit of $20,000,000 is anticipat- ed during the coming year. A modus vi with Russia a rmkeries not award. j k -_ -..\,;-.u5u(b Over the Moatluito tvrritory. The present Government of Samoa has utterly failed to correct, if indeed it has not aggravated, the very evils it was intended to prevent, and I invite an expression of the judgment of Con. gress on thr, propriety of steps being taken by this Government linking to the withdrawal from its t-'0k"dg'ements with thv olhm' powers. The Governnmnt will not consent that Armenians may be imprisoned or punished for having acquired American citizenship without consent of the Tur, kiah authorities. Affairs in Hawaii disusissed with few wc fields incident is dealt The Pt esiderst says th; alien interns.ts arrayed gun in these transact largely American, we l the rightful aovereignt Over the Moatmnn torr the regulations estal, award of the Paris tt tion. Early in the present year an agree- ment was reached with Great Britain concerning the instructions to be given to naval commanders in Behring Sea for the protection of seal life. An un- derstanding has also been reacbrd for the payment by the Vnited States of $425,000 in full satisfaction of all claims which rmy lm made by Great Britain for (larnngi-s' growin'g out of the controversy as to fur scale in Behring Sea, or the seizure of British vessels. Thus far,onl_v France and Portugal has 8' aignified their willingnvSs tn nrlhnrn on ,, v-vv " "Au“ unnu- ---the grave considerations' entailed by the war between China and ana n-the offer of mediation prior to the outbreak of hostilities and the still open offer of nid for the honorable termination of the conflict, " The first paragraphs "iii',",.' to the for- eign policy of the Admistmtion-.how events in Brniil were watched --the rarifieationotthe new tree ty with China -- OLA Ar.--..-, . q - see every particle of different- in favor of retined sugar strict. tour taritf‘law. lf, with all w pic-corded the sugar Ttining in our tariff laws, it still Ian. - ‘L, _ . _ - _ guy amerlcan, we cannon challenge rightful sovereignty of Nicaragua. 'thm hr,,,,......, - '. the 1rinaacdiraiHiiii."ie. Washington, Dec. 3.---Pre4 Clevehsndii message was presence read before the House today. 'm,,, a.“ - . _ PreaidenLCleveland Deals With THE MESSAGE IN CONGRESS re In Hawaii and Mexico are ed with few words,but the Blue- Icident is dealt with at length. ‘sidcut says that although the tongs arrayed "guns: Nicara- these transactions have been American, we cannot. nhnllnnnx of duty, I at; still favor of putting coal vivendi has been concluded to restrict poaching in sea! A Included in the Paris . wnungrwss to adhere to 18 established. under the Paris tribunal of arbitra- if: 1""ITeessary and modib'cuion ot the " class matter. hips and 12 torpedo the navy on a war r: Hmâ€: ed at the last sei- needs important " executed " In addition to re 0:315:43 the Year, HS as wiil not still very was presented and adhere to . ---Prem'dent and Elephants annoyed by flies, have of- ten been known to break of a branch and use It a I tan. Rnlvaumx Oman ttt A J2ar.9outat and Nam-Ammo ,'.i'lt/ghf2',g,'Ut; Pt,', 8 g Ita lotion upon the system in mm. 'tlghttii't"t Juana.“ ',"t"ti't"lJiiti,ii'ivi?li.', Tlthttl warmth“ a. 500nm Soubymu Marty bird-hove the What-ab ling dongon the pound thud of a qtoetart- in oedk to - Earn†from 'bale nub. uvur mun " has been proved that Arora Sar- sap-rm. stands alone among medicine. as the moat reliable tottic-altertstivt, in pharmacy. lt stood alone In the World's Fair. A zenulne tthost-story bu you to untested but not So a genuine ttioodouritier, over and over again it has been proved that Arer'a Sar- sap-rm. stands alone among median»- n- .h... Although on land a clumsy animal the seal is wonderfully quick in the wa- ter, and in a fair race can generally catch leoat any huh, How to Get a "Sunllght Pirture. Send 25 "Sunlight" Soap wrappers wrapper bearing the words "Why Does a. Woman Look Old Sooner Than a Mobâ€) to Lever Bros , 43 Scott St., Toronto", and you will receive by post a a pretty picture, free from advertising, and Tell worth framing. This is on easy Way to decorate your home. The soap it the best in the market and it Will oply cost L, postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Writq your address carefully. Ir, l This real word from the Irish langu- ng'euwhich means ‘transgessions,’ was too much ewen for the spec-ml know. ledge of the bright Irish-American boy, 4nd ‘Dooly, Michael y went down with the rest. Tho committeemen were convinced that they had a schoolmaster of wonder. ful erudition, and capacity. "Fa-ix, ye shall have ut,' schoolmaster. 'Spill and tit bhfoitdarnhnuibh.; J' w-aun-n A u â€C puttin' ye a wurrud in the Oirish lan, guage? L's a brogue ye expect of me, la 1t j,' Michael’s freckled features lwtv'ayed a grin, though he tried to suppress it by keeping his lips shut together very tightly indeed. Tho master qnnckly perceived the knowing look in the boy's eyes. 'An whoy do yeluk at me wud the earner o' yer oi, Dcx;ly,Moicbael , he exclaimed. ‘Is it that ya think I'd be reCPnt settle) of the schoolmaster’z tionalitv. word dom. Peter Brown stepped forward-trem. blingly. 'Phat is the pleyrul of the wurrud 'fat"," ed f On the occasion the master examined his school from the spelling book before the committeemen. He always called the boys by their last names, pronounc- ing their Christian names last, as in a roll call. schoolmaster went the rounds from disv _ trict to district. Ot him many stories are still told in the regions through which he traveled. He did an ekcellent work on the iehole, and trained in the "three R’s",many men who afterwards became prominent in public life,but bis broad Irish accent was the occasion of many laughable scenes - between him I and his pupils. J'eter had no knowledge of aify such ard as 'fut,' but he answered at ran- In the days when teachers were few and far between an old fashioned Irish schoolmaster went the rounds from mu, Bl ‘Brown, Payter y I As a step in. that direction and as a means of securing a more elastic cur- ' reucy, and obaisting other objections ( to the present arrangement of bank cir. l culation, the Secretary of the Treasury presents in his 'report a scheme modify. ing present banking laws and providing for the issue of circulating notes by State banks free from taxation under certain limitations. The Secretary ex- plains his plan so plainly and its advan- tages are developed by him with such remarkable clearness that any effort on my part to present argument in its sup port would be tnoperfhtouis, I therefore cement myself with an unqualified en- dorsement of the Secretary’s proposed changes Mr. Bartlett (Dem., N. Y,) had the honor of introducing the firat bill of the session. The measure is very hriet,,pro- viding simply for the repeal of'the in- come tax sections of the income tax law. I tion in iinnrte.itu, centres, who}: it in most needed in' other parts of the coun- try. T The Irish Schollmaater. V9 ut,' said the and defoine me the master shout- Again,the proprietors of Hoody, Bar. upuilla. chin) that Hood'. Samplin- cur... Upon the mm of this chin: depends the moon of the exiotnoe at the mammoth lubontory and the mu. on for the immense and ever manning Idea. Once lion let as min. this hub. Any “out“ Person who!»- given 'tttttthy gnu“: tmttiraititt i The proprietors at Hoodu Baretspar. illa claim thut it bus: the Urg1nt sales in the world. The truth of this state- mentpuy be veritied 'by any pemn who Will make a fair inquiry of wh'ole. ssle druggi-ta all over the country. what does this fact meant 8 that the business which but been up by the demand for Hood’s S: will; in of immense proportions. Has my traveller ever seen, any- where upon the hoe of the earth, the 'ig1 of Hood's Sarnparilla Labora- tor No, it cannot he found. Then {but does this fact meant Simply Hun H“. ls. ..:..--_ MU . . . _ _ W: The proprietors of Ho?i'triUrtmpa. rilla have never made a claim concern- ing this great medicine which was not backed up by absolute and indisputa- ble proof. They claim that the labora- I tory in which Hood's Sarsaparilla is prepared is the largest building in the world devoted to the proprietary medi- cine buslnese. Is this statement truet Look at the facts. In Lowell, Massa- I chusetts, situated within a few feet of the tracks of the great Boston and Maine railroad system in plain view of thousands of travellers, stands a brick building ilve stories high, sixty feet wide, and four hundred feet, long, and this entire building is devoted to the business of Hot d’s Sarsaparills. 1'trar we mav show your m rre'lou, powr'a When tune b hugs on our dyeing hows. In vain have speculators tried To m rt' [by worth. thy fame- deride; But \uvnr-nn’s he-rrs w warm and rum, Forever loyal we to you. Shine on 2 Shine on l ye aura of light, Ye Diamond Drs so in; and bright, Yexems of true (mommy, , Mny millions yet tr. b css‘d by thee. Forever in on That we may When Luna b . Am: Bossms, Doox. O ! Diamond Dyes, ye (rulers fair, Prrp'u ml M itn seicntstie c"I'r', y,. f ' " PV rv woman's hcurt, From our lo\"d homes, oh, n'cr d Yv are our (Junior. our iov and m l as It is announced that the greatest our hotel on earth Will be opened in New ions York, November 1, 1897. It will 'cir. surpass the Waldorf in size, and, while pry its interior may not he more fountain], lify- it will be far more imposi g. This ling superb structure is to be erbcted by by John Jacob Astor, under the personal der supervision of George Bpldt, the pro- ex- prietor of the Waldorf. It is to stand 'an- upon the ground now covered by the uch Astor mansion, at Fifth avenue and on Thirty-fourth street. Mrs. Astor and up John Jacob Astor are now building a ore house at Fifth Avenue and 8ixtrfltth en- street, which, it is expected, wil ‘be led ready for occupancy in about six months. As soon as Mrs.Astor mom 3 he the old homestead will be torn down he and the work on the foundation of the NF new hotel will be started. The hotel ‘n- will face 100 feet on Fifth Avenue, w. and run 350 feet or; Thirty-fourth street, and will be from sixteen to twenty stories high. While it will adjoin the Waldorf. and be under the [ W management of Mr. Boldt, it will be l h run entirely distinct from that hotel. l 8- Under his contracts with both the Ar 1 as tors, Mr, Boldt had leases for both the I h hotels, which cover a long period of t rt xyears. To a New York reporter Mr, 6 Boldt said '. 'My whole aim will be to a make the hotel the crowning glory of s the greater New York The rooms, of f course, will be larger than those of the 1 Waldorf. The dining-room will face Fifth avenue, and will have a seating I I capacity of 1,000 people. The cafe y and lounging rooms will be much larger 1 than those of the' Waldorf, On the p; , second lloor,on the Thirty-fourth street = . side, I intend to have a ball-room 100 feet square, without a pillar in it. Of course this is going to be a great piece of work for the architects. No high T: building has yet been erected where wl this amount of flqor space has been " clear. Henry J. Tsrfenbttrgr, the ar- ha chitect of the Waldorf, will draw the lh plans for the new hotel. He says the l'? ball-room can built as I have planned. L.'r There will be assembly rooms and eog apartments for germans and small re- hen captions. In short, I intended to have ly [ a hotel, the capacity of which will qut meet the demands of social and politi- hes cal life, In the new structure" there bat, may go on at one time on the same ans night, a ball, a banquet, a lecture, and W" two or three assemblies without a clash. dist There may also be 1,000 guests in the but hdtel at the same time and no one be ardt disturbed by crowding or sounds. tton Ill Mg Ill) DIAMOND BYES A Plain Statement on Plain in our homes, abim up largest um: on Earth; joy and pr die, , n'cr, (199.111. i233 an béil't Sump- tie. In the uiira.iiiiijiiiiiilii"iii7'wih, Teak Jerry thanked God for the breaking 9f the use. [ "_" “5-7- ""r"t'.' had not been in the least unpaved T_ AL - I . " . " the cream of [ Cod.liver Oil, with Formerlv uni-d """tatltt is tot, --------- on . I So ttft ' t, j CHEA. IQ on he hula! c ' "rertehitta. _ 5 93.? Rude Last: Christmas Mr. Cartel] made his wife a present of a handsome and costly pair of maps. The other morn- ing the husband was bringing in an armful of wood and struck one of x the vases "uui knocked it: to to floor and broke it in to a hundred different pieces. 1 married life of a. year' Mrs. â€Cartell never spoke to her husband until some dais ago. lb] a word of welcome. Taking a. pencil and tablet from the desk, she began a. written conversation, as though she could not speak a word. Cartell pleaded the uselessness and foolishness of such proceedings, but In vain, as his sweetheart Positively refused to utter a word to him, She is very devout, a member of the Methodist church, and was firmly impressed with the idea that if she would'hreak her rash vow ', God would punish her by striking her dumb, when she could speak to no one. She was constantly on her guard for fear she might speak to her lover, bringing this terrible visitation upon her. The courtship proceeded with pencil and paper for several months, when they were joined together in the holy bonds of matrimony. During their married life of a. year Mrs. Cartel] him a loving, forbidding messagg. Overjoyed at, the luppy termination of affairs, he hurried to the home of Miss Fannie, where he was received warmly and affectionately, but without Mrs. Jerry Cartel], of near Trimble, Tennessee, has just broken a. rash vow which she made over twelVe months ago, and which she sorrowfully regrets having ever made, says the St. Paul Dispatch. About eighteen months ago Mrs, Cartel] was Miss Fanny Bramney, a beautiful young lady of eighteen years, and Jerry Cartel! was her favored suitor. But, as is general. ly the case with two young lovers, a quarrel arose between them, and in the heat of passion Miss Fannie angrily bade her lover to leave her presence, and vowed before High Heaven she would never speak to him again. The disconsolate lover took his departure, but as he fairly worshipped the girl he ardently set out to effect a reconcilia- l tion. At last, in answer to a pitiful, pleading letter, Miss Fannie penned ' m... A imam, gy a . , ,. consum tion is what a Sad case of Catarrh means. Don't take the risk! The makers of Doctor Sage's Catarrh Remedy agree to cure your Catarrh, or they'll pay you 8500 in cash. , --------- An cons what of Ca Don't take tl makers of D Catarrh Remo Myra [anteeing it. What this medicine has done for thousands of delicate women, it will do for you. At the two critical periods in woman’s life, the change from girlhood to woman- hood, and, later, the “change of life," it't an invaluable tonic and a soothing nervinc, which can produce only good results. It cures nervdus prostration, insomnia, or inability to sleep, and many nervous disorders! due to derangement of the functions. 1'9? iaiir, Siiditr ./ . ram: yon? " RETURNED _ A if you receive no benat from Dr. PLap, u......:.. EP__, 'm .. - . ood N o LongerW; M11}; An invitation to ' rim 'at-oct-tit", iitThTi,' ’. [Chm-lam Ro'ckel 'igy nun-manna» H EyrR'v1tttLthlliqllririiiytuia , Annual-gm M9 at WHO. mum-um! m “if†Mona-wom- MN“ MI. pawn-dz!“ " â€out.†A 'rttertrtnid iirria '_‘ ,el'ip3lllllll=ra-. CHEAP MEAT General Dry Goods, (=== Men’s and Boys' Ready Made 1 _-__-- Suits and Overcoats, I W. Hats and Caps, lite. mm KING STREET, Agll East of Market, month BERLIN. Kin.dly invite everybody to call on them when in Berlin, and - examine their stock of A Uressman Mailman 3a.. "amid Fiii7/u"rra"0u"l'd "““ '0: wholl- most. M! all; ttttttttt piutttiiei Wag†",eiiiaiiiieiiEii'iii'iWTeuu'1'Nllr. Irgg WATERLUU MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPOREED IN 1863. Total Assets 3!;Dece n 'M, $349,734. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Geo. Randall. Esq., Waterloo. John Shula, Esq.. " Chas. Hendry-, Em" u I. E. Bowman, Bum. M, P., Waterloo B. Snyder Esq., Waterloo ' GOO. Diebel,Faun., tt ' William Snyder. Esq., " I. D. Bowman, Esq., Berlin. J. Is Wideman. Esq., St. Jacobs. John Allohin, Em., New Hamburg. Allan Bowman, 1%an Preston. P. E. Shanta. Preston, Thomas Gowdy. DN., Guelph. Junes Livingstone, Esq., M, P., Baden. Thomas Cowan, Eaq., Gait. OFFICERS: . George Randall, President. John Shuh, Vice-President. C. M. Taylor. Secretary. John Killer Inspector. Messrs. Bowlby " Clement, Solid Berlin _ oollinds Call here for your l Paper, Books and Simon Snyder, Druggist, WATERLOO, ONT get anything bitter than BERLIN Coughs, Colds, Stationery, "- by E. S. Baum You Can't Hoarseness. lonsumption FOR Clement, Solicltre, 1. that! W. .nhvggfgioa: 9.9.3.. madam. t,?,ifltilifi'il'i1rlri',iit'l'iii s1lt'frlltpt/giy,,tyt 'htJ5t2tii2fiiiit' iS'iNliroiii 333 "A, ones... You-mm Office in the Oddfellow’l Block. Waterloo, Ont Fred G. Hugheer.D.S Will visit Baden mus' Hotel), the ttrnrt Thursday And third K'it,',ti) of each month. Will visit III-In the Fooond Thursday and hid: And fourth Thuwdn. and Friday of each mom; (Thursdnv noon, to {may noon). ODONTUN DER. lll't DR. C. T. NOECKER. MEDALLIST OP TO Rom ['niversiny. Licentiate ofthe Col, lege of Physicians. Surgeons and Aocoucheu of Ontario. Drama“ or EYE AND EAR TREATED. ottttae--New residence. Albert ttt root. Wgter loo. a. short 4istanms north of the late .Dr. wudon'a mideqoo. I; -- PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND Acco , Da,,, and rpgidenee--Two doors non i dance formerly occupied by the late Dr, 4 on Albert, primer, Waterloo. I Telephone communication. Waborloo far. ik f OMee-tn the rooms formerly occupied hs I W. Wells,L, D. s. over Mr. Fish'p store (Boll ( ipgen). Night calls answered at 03166. Tele I phone communication. DRE. D. S. k G. I! BOWLRY. Pm'slcuxs. Summons. ETC. Dr. D. S. Bowlby. Coroner for the County De G, H. Bowlby mats diseases of the [wee throat and our. Omeetttnd RetridentNs-irohg treat TWO!» oomGiaioatsem. w. A. . Roars, vnzxguAgv amazon. Special attention" paid tini,, and Chronic Diseases. U - , BirrrirteTciiriCt't2uis, Nota _ ofthee-torner King and Erb Streets, loo. over old Post. Ottlce. For the painless Iggy-mum: of teeth. i (Am Coroner County of Waterloo oMtse.-At his residence on Erb street. Telorthotu, communication. GEO}, H. HUTCHISON. Barrister. S Public, 'ConvtrandG.' ctr. (Money to loan Conneyancer. etc. Ofticir, Upstairs in Street Wgst. Berlin. R. A. F. BAUMAN w ELLS. L. D. s., C. W WELLS, D, D. te., DINTMB, wareruoo, R. ARMITAGE ,,-, .. ...., oittee hours. 9. 30 R. m. to 5. p. m. Ottttms. Killer's Block, Waterloo, W unnl‘lBTKHS AT LAW Solicitors in all the courts, Noutrire., , Conveyancers. Money to lend on Mung» lowast rams. 0ttilCourl Home, Bern. W. H. Bowuw. M.A., LLB., 2 C., Uounty Crown Attorney and Clerk of th as E. P. PHI-urn"- R. HETT, \OLQUHQQN , MCBRIDE H. WEBB M D., E. P. CLEMEXT. DENTIST LEX. MILLAR, Q a OW’IIBY & CLEMENT l'alCIAN. Summon AND Accovcmtmz tot? King street east, Berlin, DENTAL MEDICAL. SURGEON AND Atrcovcmevrt, AkrVLiisr, Solici torn otary "hr. n! n LEGAL. 'htte?rs. mirth}! reel BAttltitrrrr.Rtt AT LAW the courts. Notatrios and may to lend on Mortgages iCcACourL Home, Berlin. Economical black.5 King Solicitor, Notary Public 'atarrh. Asthma Pi of interest. A. B. Menuâ€): Notaries, &e '. was}. V. Water. has: KIWI†mus-noun“ . thp,ef,,ttdSefi) my â€WEN“ vide- " sputum my brother can f.tt.'ttt.i'tPi2jt hook- dnrtngthe Ir, u ae-rand, aahiar EiNEiiiti?t,ei'l,t?E'iri.rlu'trte attr thi. (mm “and. 'tot2a.m..1agto&u F . V 1390:3330, ' who; Eamon i"irGiiiG"iGT ITS-Rim ,5 “ammuvbmnwlrmgdl'l M tmutans, open mm M Bil. mm um 7o’olockin mover CITY MEAT MARKET. bv 'HMW I“. SIMON SNYDER, Druggist, 08081 or call at the shop N. Iva Es teem-.0- te my “new“ tee".', 3rxK All pram-lion! ol an etticivnt", mud and l ing "stent,bvinti mm For particulan addr,., 2nd. It " the wtrnd, such a mm'l boil, r. u~ of fuel. r-hould hem sl, up the heat no quile) This hot Wain hm} for the following n-mu Ist, It is the HIMHK‘ equal Capal‘ily) m the The Little Wonder. ' Saws conducted lrt Y “OFFICE ATTHr: x " Land Sun , Draughlxnm. Gruriu of Practical Scum-c. l York T'p Ifngimu-r or lie Work,,. and the .-u I amply?» of Toronto. POEHLMAN'S BARN! I: _ Opposite H10 Mark An easy shave. n c; In!» (my). an exhilirminu _ l I) II Waterloo. Unt., rum. Mutuul (‘umpanim l Vince. Maury to Jun D. Bucxnxmmru; Licensed Auctioneer FOR TIE (0| "' '" “l".lm :mox sxx'mm "0ittee-At Mall .5 in}. an vxhlln'mir die-f and children' omee-Poioti'd omee-k"ddii'i i515 7.11 kind,. of cm Charges mmlvrn' mercial Hold. Blood Purifier OHN L. WilneM IN 7 You can huy Sow at ALL Duv- HOOFLANDS ERB TEA TETERINA RY ' Ont., Human veterinary (hum CHAS. H. FRCEHLICH. Sole Agent. WATER L( )0 ()NT L'C'KBHPJUH'HH KI Fire and Arm [rt ERBERT J IVERY AND fl.\I 'H Spring and Fall M1SCELLAyEircs, THE it's the best Richard in the USE H1)W.1.'iN McEachren, " n, I LM A VHOL‘SI furl. (ilk ou, Mi k a Ln‘ennez, If. (but. Clay H. h. Hm {TEL an"? .11 Pena. VIN _"vot'tpd ia.! . On: " ItMInd Pun "policy. , AL. r. In}! to pom} [. Ih'el. roman.†he paid at 01M [ILMILLAM id [WEEK V. l, LIHODGIN.» r. I ERIDDELL, Intario llfutua' - qtFF"F, . " A l I u FAlnhll-hul um Illness in form. .L Mere- over 3m l Immern MM: ber-e overlrft' "s, Doc. 3m, 1x9" Increase over 1H", -tor Mcunt} t [W owr In- -rverrrl'iLtal" â€so over DU. . â€Your FHA m new 0111mm 1 -. \nd n 2m 1.. [WHEN'I 1lr,rrr "ed by Dr. J, C A was others ittoyl"iy", in we best " A (or the pa" "I. summ- u Unit“: St Canadian Aer I Guammm .: M comm my ormeeureor a†v.."r v ,, tun blood. {in . r , ': YER'S Sawsa g tclimp wl 6 SURE CURE FOR B l Woiaerrul Di “MRI ('IdeII-m- ot " I“ the Grodurion of M1001: that 1crrubic in y tacked and t'1 I n min. It ha, sur, I‘ve you it ukun befor min. testimonial» o', than cured are no, b. Not uingh- m IE ' 'th,tt', it mm the hr: tot imam-nu. The two bottles No. l and l Inuit! oc. bottles, Two ttor hymn-1 Prim- litmus. ism. Addrc» a! I-ly GON DE! Sunnparnl tld I Icon Eastjof F "I' St., - W: .M.B “pumm- NN Equity, Stability, “35 Gem (St , WIN 5'. " FOIL S. "I I“ I “I JACOB H. LN] Hsdraulie n force How. bchi (In For intor: tram ,willc {M DUST ty or Sole ti Axum W M,