ts li-i,.;))')?) NGMGSLEE To DRESS FAY HNMNLRS " Carre. " "W V""' p C'r'll'%l-'.r?'ilritrtiiEirll'l n. tu.7Aiiiriii,tiiieffl an. run buck. W I‘ irre?rf.irft.1ite,rse2"l'ila"ii "idJei,eiiyntt'tge",ui'.i' m D...†w wtttut mu the has. . ’ , t‘ .' [\IIDOI'T "H'r' ' tttC , "upâ€. cutter. ifier9gN',id i' t;". n ml ii'riiiriii.t,r.i',e.5l',l a, Irun narrow. scum. ’v Dulpcr. , bag men. W. uni punt†w celW- ' track. 2 gave) beta. , Sh,', we W. some and; I L «can». chain. rope D , Ind. mains. strut a“. t I ,,1,W,,"u%"ll2. double a: I m. ahoveis boo-I. forks. , - In or qeorgortt. about“. I f, DECEMBER BLIC SAL Tit"? 3.1;: :ood. until". “an: over = "r' nn auvfovod soeuritr. JCTION Sh J " ‘41.; .u.r“. , " _ , _. mUleg‘lovr‘Ju _vrrilrc'sj.' “humid. J.au . . ' '. dauqur grinder " ", t ' 1"Hn~u{hd)'.MI)W .... :.h\'un‘, "O bushels , ,' V6â€. ".146 dog, hens. rd, Mao-3. and a mum "H to manual. - .-- ' prot r" cy Ln Fi SEMI-"W " xv....g1:yeam iik.-bet oi' l ur om. Hood "ioe)I I" “yr-m; c'iyVrifitieh"st phi-s : mane: wareh/d TGU'G "Tau-t" - Implements & NW Effects mle sunblock-5" L: l K STofF, p of Waterloo. an MARTINI .hlmim 1: noon 1m proved " V Ink N n tor n. Admin, N,rsertiber ii: iiiiblie Ftltasst C a: plow. inn 3 ~1u~er. Chow A, half sham Inn power. 231 1112.2 send doal ", Imet"a't", man on of! :;:.-‘_ bunk I 'd My“! XX.“ nut ADM y , 'tUO pltu' . J ' month, 'ond brand tiii.i52Cfgl ' ta. A ,- . 'a, MN old 5'b."m""3'du a) men m Mir m an " mica. " horse mmxh 1nd .; ti, W! lay WK, - _ i'i"'i't."t'" 'IW.).?:. A»: w ‘or ttt ' This week the store is thrown into holiday attire. Counters,tables and every available space is filled with good things appealing to isverybody's common sense, intelligence and pocket book. Tire have determined to make this a very interesting week and the centre of Interest will be the CHEAP GOODS. _ TM? Come in the forenoon and " V0 L. XL.-- NO. .71 AT 1 cent. AT 5 cents. AT 10 cts. AT 25 cts. AT 50 cts The BCEHMER tXVI/il,,.., Faun-y hair pin IVAN, glow Luturrwrs,btrrcy colrAvd lmndker chir‘fd, Jn'pnjLL-sv napkins, fmcy Imir pins. Wm " tine crrlotirl hatidket'ctueth', Indie; purse", fancy tape meaty an“, two fancy pin boxes, Junuwsv muth in» kcts. White thml plum oasels, side comb, gilt an] rilwr hair pins, shopping basis, three all silk ivurllcerchivfs, rum. Hal/mid- ered silk hmulkr-z'chiefs, silk hem stitched Imulkerul’iiefs, Japanese wall I‘m-tots, Japan: Ctit". splashes, isci s,' ties, silk hem-stitched, all silk fringed (worth 500), fancy lunch bask- on. titteen ditFrnt styles of fancy hair pins, perfumes, brooches and cut? buttons worth from 50 to 75e, extra linen embroidered hdlds., bris- tle hair clothes brushes, eight (may hem and scalloped colored handkerchiefs, cream silk bro. cade hdkfs, Pur"""", LuOUl-lu'usnr-, all milk he-m hatslketvi puma» fans, mink‘n tlviwrpirt cushinnc. w H's, xwedle czw's. Une w. down cuuaiorra, men's silk and cashmerc scarfs, qente’ and ladies' all silk initial hdkfs., extra size Japanese hdkis, (worth $50), all linen hdkfs., three-eighths of a yard Japanese silk (worth 75e), all linen table cloths, fancy linen towels, drawn tray cloths, su- perior perfume,fancy wisp hold- ers, bristle hair brushes ( worth 75c), one dozen fine colored border hdkfs., one dozen plain white hem border lidkfs., one dozen drawn do., one-half dozen pure linen hdkfs., special black silk finest dress-goods worth 75¢ per yard. HF t'A il n work hnmlkm " “WWI hair pin r: "url vuhmm'u glans pins, Pear's coup, w. toothlvushevc, m Itt n 1mm h'mdLu-‘rnhiefs, t embmulrrt-(l extra work hav.dkerchiet'g, m-twl hair pin hqurs, vuhmf-rc glans, fancy e, Pam’s ""rp, ladies' tootlvluvshrvc, rnsejnrs, hum Fcuslkvrvof,', Ju- 'jliitihyivtiiritrtt' (!!5trtiimd_tr, I: [0011 and avoid the afternoon rush. Car fare paid to Watorloo customers. ohcs, glove _iiililli)l" pap " sipiilijlllif, AT 75 cts. AT $1.00. AT $1.25. AT $2.00. AT $3.00. AT $4.00. AT $4.75. WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURS,DAY MORNING DECEMBE Silk tidies, fancy stand covers, half adozen genta’ linen hdkfs., ladies’ and gents’ kid gloves, imitatibn seal and beaver boys' caps, special drawn and fancy towels, tray cloths and table cloths (all linen). ' Special wool shawls, silk tidies, draped (worth $1.50), extra drawn towel, ladies’ and gents’ umbrellas, kid gloves (worth $1.25.) Ladies' black satin slumber rugs, silk mixed umbrellas, ex- tra fine wool and cashmere eve- ning shawls, fancy linen table covers, tive o'clock tea clqths, l doz/extra all linen napkins, fancy work baskets. , Special six yards all wool black Henrietta (cheap at 50c a yd.), silk and wool shawls worth 83h, grey lamb caps best quality (real worth $2.75), ladies' silk umbrellas, extra linen table cloths, fancy border tablecloths worth $3 to tu, silk table bov- ers worth $3.50. Benuhful shawls worth $4, one' pr. blankets best quality, gens' silk utnbrelltsir,geaos'beavor caps, all linen tsble cloths,drawn and fringed ladies' heavy velvet shawlupooial black dreu worth $4.50,velveteem dre- worth " Table covers with napkins to match worth 85, all silk shawls worth $6, menu all wool mic (coat, vest and pants) worth 87, boys' ovorcoats worth 85, dress patterns worth from 87 to 810, Down quilts (worth $6.50), ladies' heavy lined jackets, lad, ies'beavy shawls single and double, specinl drawn table cloth worth " ladieo’ latest watdrproof with detachuble cape worth 86,6h yds.beut black (has: goods ctidids of six terns worth $13 yard. AI the News of the County and [mum carefully summarized and put 1mm alum-(Ive Ilium. erh M L'XICIPAL MArrruur-We 1: am that John N. S'prS,tlle rearing wave i, Flie- ly to be a candidate again. It. IS tumor- ed that John F. McKay of Blooming dale will also he a candidate for the reeveship. Both gentlemen are highly respected, - ' Bturms---b'imon Halter while in {he act of shooting Sparrows by some, menus received the charm: of puwdrr in bis face burning One eye bullr---ltu no me crying: we!" wilt milk. .. ' Itov,5lr. Shoemaker, evangelist from Illinois, occupied the pulpit in the Old Merino. nite T church last Sunday morning and evening. . . ' Rev, Mr, Geiger and Rev. A. Eby and others attended the quar- terly meeting held at Conestosao last Sunday....Mr A. Kreahn, [mung obtained a permanent situation moved to Berlin. . ' .Joe Miclws wielded the hammer satisfactorily at thesaleof Mr. Franz. The real astute was not sold . . ' . Mr, A, Good of Blair, and Mr. A. Binkley of Hamilton, made a. friendly call here. . ' ' Miss Bitschey of Blair, 'spent a week at home ' ' . . Mr. A. S. Clemmer has gone west. . . ' Mr, Wend all Shuntz and wife were the guests of Mr. Berry . . . . Mr. John Gole and wife fore calling on old friends last Sunday . . . .Two more issues will witness the close of this year. We wieh all read ere of the WATERLOO CmmxxoLE, not forgetting tho editorh‘ staff, a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosper- one New Year, . it h WELLESLEY. Mr. HrAnry Altmnunmur well known and reliable jeweller, has opened up a branch shop at Linwood and is visiting that pince regularly every week," He has of late received a nice and tine stock of nssortvd silserware, arid jewel- ry which he will sell at prices armlmur- l gins to surprise all and those thit sup- port him may rest assured thut, they will he well treated. . . .Our annual public school examination, took place last Flaturd9 before * great number of visitors and spectators. At nine o'clock the 3rd division taught by Miss Marks, and at half past ten the second depart l ment under the tuition of Miss Wegen- est, were examined. This examinution of this division lasted till noon, Mr. Kuhn, M r. smith and Miss Dnlmvdge l were theexsminers. The programme‘ consisted of reeitationa and singing and was well carried out. The questions put to the scholars in various subjects were also very well answered. In the afternoon’scholsrs in the abnior division were examined. The examination was conducted by Mr, Kuntz and the Miss- es Wegensst and Dalmedge. The ques- tions though difficult were very prompt- ly answered. The very best of discipc line Was maintained. The work done in the three divisions is all very credit- able alike to teachers and pupils. Ad. l dresses were then made by Mr. Kuntz _ 3nd Bud’s. Lochner and Sander... . . Typhoid font. and» but. mil-tine, and rheumatic foul. ore prevalent in our midst but us yet no serious results l have been reported, . . .Mr.John Rein ling has been on the sick list for some weeks but is improving. . . .Peter Ott. msn is also on the sick list. . . . Mr.John Daub is down with rheumatic fever. . Ed. Schsub and J ohnnio Becker, are visiting friends in Berlin. . . .The little five year old daughter of Chas. F. Ottmnn has infhunation of the lungs. Dr. Morton bu his hands hall tsttend. ing the sick which are quite numerous in our town just now. NEWS NUGGETS. The social given in north Morning. ton church, under the auspices of the W. T. M. S on the 10th inst... was not very well attended owing to the inclem- eucy of the watcher. A good program had been prepared for the occasion. Kev. Mr. Grunt of St. Maya P." on address. The music was tumuhed try the church choir and "a very good. Rev. J. W. :Oumerou occupied the l'h for BUDGET PROM CORRES- PONDEN'I'S AND OTHER mURCES. ris h a. mas' is i, com WHERE BRESLAU. tlt BURNS. u-p. l rpvyiu umlm-nwm‘ " hf cumm- .3). Mix , to ndru trd 5 S. M y there a culxple of months nan. All u ill miss theirlwemant facsst Mrs. Ilnur ilton is the. fortunate P"'""""""' of a ttne suprnno voice with which she tie, ligh'el an Elmira anthem-.- rm-ently ; alllncugh ttsw knew that Winterbouvue could lay claim to Mich a strtr.- Miss AiiceCowar: will Lake r.Gruro of the 2nd division of our school during 'l),5, ELmlRA. Lai‘t W‘Pk I nwntionvd thn fact that a social adhering would be lwhl at the Mtthozhst, _ nrsunuzo urdi r lllt‘ autipi can of the Y.P S OE. of the Methodist clivircl: on Friday evening last. Now it " " thin: of the pwst and those who "ttended have nothing but, plonemm memories to remind them of the wry pleasant awning spent mull-r tho roof of the Pow. Il r. Culling uni family. The house, was crowded and all seemrcl to have an enjoyable time. Thr- pro- molings were enlivened by such innn cent Alum-’Inents as a spell ng match, blackboard drawinri in free hsturl, Am, while Mr. ll. V. Clement, Mr. J A and Miss Ilabel Hostwiuk and Ilw C,lee Club tendered mum vocal Nu lH‘Yinns of an high order.- Miss Culling’s piano solos were heartily appreciated, as also was Dr, Wilkinson's recitation "Nun _ more." The best port of the program me (some said, and; (evidently wm-n truthful when saying it, judging from their hearty participation in it) was reserved until the last, viz., refrordr meme in the shape of "doughnuts and cotfee" provided by the )Oung ladies. No doubt this initial gathering will be simply a sumpls- of what will be the rule monthly lmrmfter, and thaw Inna ing charge of it hsve every tumor) to be well satisfied with the successful issue to which the undvrtukiug was brought. We are looking formu‘d to the next with pleasunt anticipation' ' ' . . Hy that time we shall Inn: passed i the time of another municipal electiun. It, is said that the powibility of us hav- 1 ine an elation at all is sin-lat the _ ohl councillors “ith the exception of} Joi. F. Rum (who Will take up Lis w- l 'sidence on the farm recently purcham d i about January lst) will be returned a i long with another by acclnnrniun and ' thus save the annoyance, of inning an 1 election on our regular monthly fair day. Who the now man will be is hard to say. The people of the southern part of the village have been for the ', past three venrs well rcprcscn'ul li'v‘ Councillor lluth, and they naturally l wish a repvrteentatice, in next year's l council. There are a number of good i men in that kaolin), hut it is hind to ', g,ettthem to run. We hope that an l able exponent of the wants ot the South I will be elected to till the vacancy. Nomination meeting in the Minion] " l ciety's Hall on the evening of Dec. 31 . . . .lteierence should be made. right l here to the wonderful improvements being made by Mr. Chas. Psuppel int the Musiml Bociety's Hall. As the work progresses the marked change he- l comes more apparent. Another week i of good solid work will leave but little. I to be done, and then the scene painters . will rush their part of the renovation. The plans for the latter are now wail matured and we shall hope to see scum very nice work depicted in the fore- ground, background. etc., etc. _ A large number of new chairs will be put in al so and no pains will be spared to make the hall comfortable. . . .Mrs. Eli Sny- der had a very narrow escape from sax rious injury on Friday morning last by falling part way down stairs. As it was, she was severely shaken up, but is now almost ooesvalenosnt..Mi" Susie Luqkhardt, who has been visiting relat- ives near Buffalo, N.Y., is now at home again . . ' .We are pleased to learn that "The Signet" which suspended publica tion almost a year ago, has been resur- rected, and will begin with a Chrismas number in a smaller form than before. We wish the proprietor Mr. George Klinck, every success. The paper will be of four pages and will contain all the local news and a good display of advertisements . . . .The special services of’StJames' Lutheran church last Sun- day were very well attended and very interesting. A number of ministers from other points were present and as- sisted PastorShultz in his work. . . . The Waterloo Methodist Choir are, we be- lieve, “ranging a splendid programme for January 1st, to consist of anthems, solos, duets 0n piano and violin, and almost every other kind of selection. We heard them at Conestoga a few weeks ago and they can Ang. No one who can possibly be present. should stay iGUG, if Tien in. Indus. . of the Methi- dist church have secured the services of such Ln exéellent chok- toy tht 'ee don....A subscription listinbehulf of the funily of thelum Premier, Sir John B.D.Thompoonbssbeanoponedntbe W Bank have, the we: ot which, Mr.ruvanrssr,heuenyett?: r"iariGdeiv-1uriirey.oyterhtlt of the "ttrig t-tgor at the fund, 300000.33". Isl-MM 'iraiid'adtuGrtriamtrurti..attteid hawk†that the ttltt "Lityei.rt.te l'tli'g.lrlliitrt u Vii-Inu- '. tiit11,a.ri'kyA.,d.,t' brjtt1ttirit(s,ri(js,y, HE bl, '30, Ili".)), their duty, "t d Po it lihpml'v (34131141 hsz in th" dv-pmM one whose, plar't' in crunv rm was it will h: Lard to ML ' . . Wotulerful.icn't it, u h " c’ At) 1‘4 Cullw, und suddunly m)? S'bce I wtottt van but Mr. J “Raw uni ll, LJ. (Tot) Wrrm, e'udrxnts Ml 'I‘ormm , haw mum and gone a;p,in,hming â€um: mu day with frier (Ia hu-ro, M/, Wm l',ou (kn of the puma vhf." tiptisia'io " the Yuk Iwanand Trust Co. and n: ardent, min iwr of the Singlc T")‘ il ii, WKR in the vil'age a few days Wis wok. While at, the M, tlrodut cimrrh last 'ec/C',',,":',)",': he gavel a wuylu " te rmlns nnd rendered then, in gnu] style and al’drosm d the‘Sunday Sdmnl in the morning. I Unfit rat-cud L" wdl 'sir/st the Memodisc Choir on F, May eveningy nvxt. when that musical hmly arms to Hawksviile to enliwn their Xmas emwrtminment with vocal selvc tions. . ' Spawn: of etttertainments I‘d-minds um. tGttlu, pormns farming the committee " ho ate undertaking the femtival for Nuw Yeal's ownmg, Jan. NEW HAMBURG. l The public school vxamiuution Man' crownvd with success and we congratu- late the teachers on thur etlorts in bringing our school to the front. The visitors were numerous. (Jar schools) have the town's pride. . . .St-wrul nain- , es have been mentioned f u' the RH-ve- i ship but» we.veuture to say no change! will be made. Senator 1lvrnerGvinr.r, 1 fiiled the penition togrlivrnl Smii~fdctlnn l it would therefore be unwise lo nuke a change .... The English Memo-l dist Sunday school will hold their Christmas festival on Friday eveningl next. A large turn-rut is expected. . The names of l)r. Nprty, ll. T. Winn, l and F'. H. McCulluln have been. int-n» tions! to form It part of the St’ln-lll Board . . . .M r. Wm H 'l'urnbull, Ilr, l J. Irvttcr Mr. J, )lrlrow and Mr. Sure. by of Halt, were here (vii Monday. . . . The (lliliuit) Poultrv AsstcGtion will hold their twenty-first exhibi‘ion at New Hamburg comtnrmeirsr on the tirst of January and will last several days. This will bs the l-lr,est show our held in Canada, un'l wi I likely be thr~ last show in the “Wet for some yt‘ars to' come. Therefore poultry farmers do not miss the granl opportunity to \i<it ': New Hamburg and you wlll be more l than pleased . . . .A number of Senator Mernerhs numerous friends lissembh-d l at his reeitlcncn l-n Dec 2lst ,the hien. f utor rtcently having brought to his i home a. companion for lifo-,iL was there. fore. the wi h of his friends to express their good feelings towards the step he had taken. and we congratulate the Senator upon his choice May be live l happy and enjoy life for many years Switzerland and England have always been on fris ndly terms for centuries and in their struggles have, always symp'athized with each other, no doubt the Senator being‘a Swiss wanted to show his gratefulness and could not tive a better Sign than to become a life partner to an English lady A most en- joyable evening was spent and the company broke up at an early hour by singing God Swe the Queen. I‘d-minds um. tGttlu, pormns farming the committee " ho ate undertaking the festival for Nuw Yeal's evening, Jan. ltare ottingfovth stumuum . Harts to make the venture a hug P1196158. A PROGRESMVE an~Your report, er paid a visit to the furniture factory of Mr Louis Hahn, and WM short through the factory and ware rooms The factory is run to full capacity, and Mr. Hahn employs the host of work- men, and finer worktmsnsuip cannot be found anywhere; inside of its walls are to be found every kind of machine re quimdfor tnnntt%starirtg And n11 d the best. His ware room' nre filled with the ttnest and latest aby'cs of fur- niture at prices within reach of every- body. SAD Bt-iam,',-- A very and occurrence took place at tlr residence of the late Mr. David Ferguson, 5th concession Wellesley, when one of his sons, Will- iamson, in a moment of temporary in. sanity, committed suicide by taking paris green on Wednesday lost. He had been poorly for six weeks and was dir posed to btmelyyrholy He. had built a new housh and barn on the term giv- en him by luis father,which were finish- ed with thei'exeeption of one day’s work. On the dayiiu queition he left the house at the old lt'omeiadpxbout four o'clock and it supposed to have taken a parcel of paris green from the driving shed. He went to the new house where he in append to has ' a dose of pori- green. He mum-nod to the home " the old homestead when they were linking sad took 3 hot bun sad the part of It. He then went back wthe new home and Mama! about six o'clock ud-idtbobuuhui quojaim lick advent whorl. 1'e,,tttf,id2l tg,1tgatttgt1tgtd teat vomiting-Upon . was“ unabi mused luvingbkcnthm or tour iiuGuitvriirhti"yy1eytt.rei' '"e. Dr.gotuiatrmaMiiitmatk,- â€with. with. amidhe huwhblihndbnphlu fiffiatutMy-u-im'tt""'s MILLBANK. WHOLE XI‘IMREH luluum ONt'l' ll)" :1va 1.“. i‘ml'llmxi, l (m Sunday his lu-‘ur " 11 a wry liouvlilnq trilmh- in lli Ilm'v-m I und pointed out many lwmuu Iv) lw- lw- rim-d l trom tlie Hill (AHA A', â€warm-11m? ll"! mania K riietrtir, In tl I' a) Sir John 'J'lmnipwm. , Tle l) F. (4:1: ttui-r." 1hith' well and “lily carried nut anti an" ba'isfnc. tion to all. The l'v'Y. Mr Gunn pti l (led. . . . The annual Xmm tree celebra- (tion Will J. llf‘ld in the hall on the (evening of the 20th . . . .Farmers are 389i†ploughing. . . . Mrs. J35. Rae. 13tl tWeilesley is ill of typlr id ion-r. . . . Mr. H. G, Griffin held wrvins in Hip Meth. ludist church last Sunny. . . . Herbert l Magwood,a cadet in the military school lQuebecju on a visit to hiq ping-nix, . . . 'ttur popular member Mr.JaInt-~' Hrieve lr. P., was in town and truly f, l litig- _ ly and in the highest rvxpm-t Hf the late 'leader of the Home of Couunrms. . . . (rue I. U. l). F. comm inplutv le‘in: an 'organ in their lodgv. . . .Mrs M Mo l Cormick mom’s to Linnwe-l this m-vk l . . . . Mio, Jane. youngest (burgh! " of l Mr. John Thompson, 3rd of NN t l.l Ji‘y. lwns united at her fulhtr a res,irrrira, no a Mr Mattlivwa of Mnnirobst. w,, m in}. them a prosperous and happy lifr, . . . Peter Reid has purchased a tts-rdrrice land will Boon umw how.... Iimtlmr [wedding on Xmas (lay will Udn' “iw >‘I’}»~' by sirit,s, the im mm.» srl: 'i' Carpets and Curtains, Window Shanks and also furniture EH]. kiic,iii.til 60’s tsltook put"' on F, ill/9'1 gum-NH. He hm Lrig‘. bu" hill! in hie, Was hm gem and highly rmpq-h Trare' of int, Ili, tlt', ST JACOBS We wish you, Mr. Editor. and all the patrons of the CHunx'lr'LL, a merry Christmas and a prospvrnus New Year. . . . .Christmu feetivtsls will be held in both the Luthenn and Evangelical churches on Monday curing. . ' .Mr. John Campbell of Teeswator spent a few days with his mm in law. Mr Wus llrulmclmr . . . ' Mr.Moses llvmnrlln- and Il r. h.W. (lingrivh spun INNS, ll l.“ in Toronto last weeli,s4elevtitiur pip» lmoks for the scholars of our Puhiir sonool, for attendance during the pm! war. Our school ranks swung tlu, first for attendance and we are surv that the distribution of prize hooks is helping towards this end. We congratulate Mr, Braendle and Miss Porter on the excellent standing of their m-lmnl . . . . Mr' Daniel Hollinger left this week for Hepworth where he has ht'carwl a posi- tion in the railway (Alice. . . . Mr, limo,- nuel Weaver of Muterloo, spam hiutr day visiting friends here. . . .Mr and _ Mrs. Aldred Snider of Waterloo, spent l Sunday at Mr, E. W. B, Snider's. .. . l Our station agent reports quite a boom TB E ELI N 7 "9066:.oooooooouvMove "to-oss “to," . hAn .J...‘ Uur HWUIUU "ii'""' Ier- -V. I- ,. the last week. Two hundred and fifty tons were forwsrded from our station, done, the receipte thereof netting four hundred sud flft' dollars . . . . Mrs. O. J. Brown, of Richmond Hill, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. T. Ems. - -- . I L,,L__ -_J . . . . Mr. Peter Mutcheubtusker, An Mutebenbwher, of Roe-em 1 are visiting in and wound town Mr. George Horns. .ot. Moon l? 'ii;.ii"iiiii'l7riGik of Mount Pom hubecn o.1ling on‘hil 11130th EEtCDTtcSTu"i<='Ca"uT".rrT lege. T» tsr', a... 1 ' v. Uno.uestirrrus"i? tanndu‘sum mercrat.i'uii:, , _ "iiiiG'iEwaiiue'"'" " BESTKv T1BlitH)0)E AU I F7uu3ihqoeo' 'RICE ' 'ibFh' ma- --n a-..Etsyhe%hP. , Ohm†uuuuou WI! ',irr2iiiiitf, - '.'l,1,51alilii'liiti?i'ii, - â€"7...“ r1 trig‘lt pru-pct Was M111†MIMI In rq-urm-UHL an! Wt li, [Ix-VHF [in l',' l‘hYH'l' I... (mum , pn'nr 1:111 a to H) doc-mm 'l V "svuimto M“ 1W :II‘ Ar, Hwnuav â€iv '.o th- aft tral Bu item: it Era-£15!!! tl " Il town.... wus ‘EHHIIk (is he- inrelli. , [335:3 "