dn -.ii9TcifcaFiiFiiiTq Dim To " s and Dressgoods. to Young Men. a (I'll-Al. New Dundee. Ont. and Breeder "tRG E turritw night and the ".s.rsasuab - amson ' 00., 'erkshires. 93p Gags a {1:1 Furnishings. tit LPH Jlh'l "on Tio 9 o'clock iirri11foiu il l flassihsr, 1-making. N 0V. 16, 3 Store, *a MO " _ _" $2.81 "-v-", ""'Ci'/irc,r' :’ w .5300 , , â€f" C)':' 3.3.75 Lanadlan Aermowl’. t Sale 10 Per Cent Jr $4.50 :7" i reel, b'ttt 'ricirtnly than "Cl NM Iii!“ cps rum, Berlin ;: "e Pm ltt ere an!“ {11E than Whole. at Wanderful Discovery. 5m cum: F6} DIPHTHERIA t -ay h lloars Eastf of '.M.Berlet m tmm l mining: tmrttttt at a. li.ett, 0311:; between During 'ii! km“ “oaths on Queen)?!†HERL'HANT " TAILOR. ioors tast',of Post Mika, Erb St., - Waterloo. l F0st SALE. LI E... JO 43m Mum n. KrNUEY, " ' sole agent, Doon, Ont. "rr" Elli: .Q 41. Sum-nor ........Ber1in it F .Uvdmtl Itetcrce_Waterloo , .:p:. of Aancir-o, . Waterloo AL, WM. HENDRY, Manager zullxlun- of Polk-In 1' in rs ,aved many live»: it aw 'd twforc blood goisoning v H‘mnml‘ of about 7 patients nu! are IIJW ready for distri- ngzr nm- iost up to the are» ' vrngjt. [iret medicineta en. numb. The medicine is put Nu. 1 4nd No. 2. in two sizes. cum Two l?. oz. bottles are “Auk Piutte 8 or.. trottie,8L00 T Adan» all comrttunigatioug iii utual Life. Hydraulic rams. Iron force and lift pumps. Gem (Steel) ' Star WINDMILLS. How. belting and all threshcru' supplies For information apply to or DUST COLLECTORS. p Vnivs, guaranteed on s:rlcud, belung to and are Arr» is. No restriction or occupation. eat on completion of claim n t I ““00. ONT h "t mm. s, L‘clcbmted 'Halltuiy Standard. on of Dr. High's Diph- emblc malady has been and cured by all {twee L12" i;,,'it' 'h Progres s. W. s. BOWDEN. agent, New Dundee, C M TAYIDR. ll cure y JAR SPETZEL. Ir M Iirrrrry I buy. It In AtlrwcLhc up Travelling Agent rip, ape Lad, " it THIflt 817 ARIN?!) ll iy,a n >100 o'a l HUN tti no nous. {In H“ 'Ml " 11 'lhsnefic.'val Exircise it May Give and Bis. ease it May Cause. E 'I",- are m idetrt to ever'yot"'-easy, j rapid xiding without much exertion. Thu uwful rind agreeable features in 1 tiw um- are Culnbilmd in this instance, le trouble is to avoid excess and the I Li-ndency to neglwt the other factors lurid to pri/munly otle, speed. In my inpllliull iapul riding, 38.39 and even l lly kilwnwtws an hour, and, a fortiori, 3 grunt†speed still,00 and 61 kilometres Tau hour has often been done, should {cnrvfuily he avoided. I am quite l aware that an experienced rider going i, at such a pucx- feels no respiratory Gti. lgue, whereas this function is less agree- ', able in a. carriage drawn at that speed; ,hut in this' article I am not deciding ( with these exceptional riders, but write ifur those who use the bicycle as an lamusenient and as a means of taking lechisc. FOB Mill AGAINST BIDYCLING The habit \and abuse of bicycllnz has attracted a. gyod dual of attention re- cently from the xmdical worm. The U“: of the lirile has, during the few years, CHIH'CJ com; lady into cut' dar. .y L'UHLOHIS but no one appcura ::) have Id maiJuu-J “ht-WM this tar-relax: to' good m Ind, up u wiuV-r in the L'cropeart vddiunui the Ncw"York Herald. This machine, tin‘ prudust of our timid sixte- l,, Invenuw y,truiuCappcruvrl to L, wry Uert iul, su.d mu; at. unct- ucceplui with. out tur-hsr qucatiuu. MW lit, and: ciwtviully to to Iixlv, It is ot' the medal out. fur-Eur qucatxuu. [in :L. tln: prvsynt time,an (‘\CI'Y- Indy tut-s Llu- pedds; when short skirts an baggy (mum-rs Ame npucr-d lung â€Haws tO admit of wmut'u mounting the, auul humps, wry much to the de. u inr 11: mi muslin tic, and gracet'uluvss; who vuupclddn-u and fold pttuous mu t,tizv.tl with the contagio of this Luv luszMtf lucmln-tmu and submit cimrfully to the lrardeltjpm of burning to Iidv, It is time tlust the othtr side hi the medal should be shown and that tist: dieiulcrrtstage. uf bic,c'e riding ~1muld he, opposed to its u.:doubtcd good points. T1513 11u~atiun is now calling fur tloods Hf cumruvmsy, as it ha; burn brought up before three lam): 1l s "six- it-r, the Ass, cinLuH Frwc zinc gum NA 'ivauctr. trwntrlus SCL‘HCLH, the Hygimi: Con. gruas at Uudupwth and the Academie dc Medicine do Penis. To work the‘machine the high mus- eles are of more service than those of calf, and since the bar of the bicycle is managed by the arms and shoulders, and the muscles "are forced to work, even those of the chest, by means of deep inspiration and expiration. The muscles of the back also come into play in maintaining one's balance, and there is no better proof of the fact that All the muscles of thebody are used in bicycling than the general fatigue and stiffness felt by all who begin to use the machine. On this account some physicians have feltjutstiiied in "rcoauhtsndinibieycling in many forms of neurosis and for all diseases in which physical exercise and open air life are indicated. The bicycle is an apparatus special- ly adapted for progression. When hu- man beings walk they do so at the ex peruse of considerable etfort at each step: the centre of gravity of the body has to he raised, and through the fric- tion occurring when the feet strike the ground a great part of the force exert- ed is lost, The bicycle, on the con- trary, nmkes use of all the exertion, transforming it into horizontal work , it only comes in contract with the ground with the smallest possible sur- faces, wherebv friction is reduced to A minimum, and, the latest mechanical inventions, such as the pneumatic tires and others, have reduced this friction still more. It is furthermore an appar. atus with the equilibrium, and the fev- orable results produced in the orgons is in seeking to maintain equilibrium are quite well known, it having been noticed that the clowns and ncrobats in a circus are always the best built men. It is also in his endeavor to insin- tain one's self in equilibrium that must be attributed the charm that the adapts find in the bicycle; there is a special sort of fascination in trying to succeed in persons seeking to master the ditli. culties in the wily of their attaining a condition of equilibrium, so much that they often forget everything else. o THE DRAWBACX TO BICYCLING. There no two drawbacks connected with this form of examine. The bicy- cle demands an apprenticeship and a. long series of effects to “main tmffioUrtt skill to ride withqut fatigue. The variety of accidents thee mey be caused by bicycling in great, and they an be divided into taro groups, thow affecting both machine and rider, and those concerning the tlatter only; (glide-e angrsrous,iiowisyer,thtut tho-e from horseback, extremehnd ungovern- able speed, which mum of 00pm be avoided; accidents to the moshing in which {regiments may wound the rider, but which can be “aided by earehtillr inspecting the bicycle bolero nonm- "l'll is' 1lsVAN r At UP THE '.llt"Yul.is' Waterloo County Chronicle, Thursday, December IB, ttKMu-Patre T. lated tor them. Lung troublrs' are quite common, and it should be remem- bered than nothing is unsier than to each cold after active (xwrcim. ' Muxcular and nervous exhaustion} can readily occur. as the fascination of! ibis form of exerctiie leads people to overdo it; this', is also the case with less (f ilesi,with lack of reconstitution l of tissue, Which when persistent makes it necessary to give up bicycling. ( Several cams were -rccently reported to the Aca'ivude de Mrdecine de Paris in which 5" Hon death Lad occurred during hicydv vxvrc‘se, Lin-y wereme- exer,' cases uf heart. disetse, and it is customary to warn such patients against bicyling Consumptive pa tients have had haemoptytsis from the samn caus", will it is quite certain that they had suljected themsolns to a greater "ifort than than tlu-y could stand. Sinite. it is so ditiiculsto ole tain moderation Itt bicycling†is better in such inhuman; to forbid it altogeth- er. hummus PRODUCED. Bicycling cm: ulw produce disordcrs of the urinary duct, and of the veins of the lvgs; it can muse, indmnnution of the knee Im-l hip joints, muscubu' lesions and "prtulicitrs, Women, are disposed to (lxsorders of the genital or. guns, and young and growing people to palpitatiun and deviations of the vertebral column. _ The outcL-uw of discussion before the Academia de Paris mu than a mdical examination would be wise before tak ing up bicycle riding, which thould be forbidden to everyone showing any tabercuhu. or csrdiac disorder. Other- wise, and with exvecirtci'd persons, moderate use of the bicycle has no hard etl'écts on the heart, and it can even be said to be a useful form of exercise for the respiratory functions. It should, nevertheless, always be re- membered that all forms of trniumg while learning to ride, going up hill, or in any other way, nra dangerous, Leav- ing out of the consideration racing, the really critical period in bicycling 8p- pmrs to be the apprenticeship. In spite oi all that has been said and done, the bicycle is unquestionably a precious inverviotvsnd even iijt werea hundred times more anti-hygienic than it is,it would be of daily use,“ it ans- wers a detrideratum of a feverish life-- to attain speed. I am not such an en- thusiast as to believe that bicycling is indicated in the treatment of the great- est variety of complaints, but at the same time I have no desire to accuse it of too many misdeeds. Ithink at once that critical apprenticeship period is over a moderate amount of bicycling can have no injurious effect on the health. Young, old or middle B ed, who find them. selves nervous, weak 'dlfSr1'l1ll'," who are broken down from excess or overwork, re. sulting in many of the following s mptoms: Mental depression, premature old, age‘, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams.dim- ness of sight, palpitation of the heart emis- siOns, lack of energy, pain in the kidne s, headaches, pimples on the face end body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scro- tum, wasting ot the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfuluess, deposits in theurine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and fltrbby mus- cles, desire to s eep, failure to be rested by sleep, eonstipation, dullness of hearin , loss of voice, desire for solitude, eXcitabil‘ity of temper, sunken TIt surrounded with LEAD. sxcmcnes, oily ooking skin, etc,, are all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to tmy unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function anes in consequence. Those who thrmwh abuse committed in ignorance, may be ger- msnently cured. Sen your, address an 10 cents in stamps for book on diseases G'gt/. to man, sent sealed. Address M.V.L BON, 24 Macdonsld Ave. Toronto, Ont,, Canada. A couple of neighbors were visiting the room in a museum where a large collection of various instruments of tor. ture were on exhibition. - "No/Gs replied, they haven't. I don't see nothin' of that squeaky old clarionet you practice on every night. I swan, Bill, said one, they've got 'em all here, bavea't they l. _ b'napp---Weli, I dou't know what you might think, but he seemed to me to be I. regular picnic. DANIEL RITZ, New Hamburg Dec. " /93, says: I we: tsuffering from Dyspepsia, and other troubles. I took a. few bottles of Shiloh: Viulwer and it cured me. I sincerely recommend it. Bold by Simon Snyder, Waterloo. , 1y. Jinks (enusring)-p ello,old man? you look blue. What's up 1_ _ "- Was there a. party here to look at the home? Bill lookéd over the ieolleetion very carefully,and ah99k_ hit head. . - 't%"i'i'G'GhWGiira' m" . HEM" --__ -ftFttFii ttatt tt-tits than. Bomb! Ml How he the vs- no one did know, Till one unlucky dey, . She stepped upon the slot mechine And‘gue hand! . Weigh. -iiiiiri(gioimur)-1-ooai.----NewYork Weekly. Rum-nan ovum) IN A Dag.-aouut American Rhomtio Cure tor Rhemsdsm and Nauralttia, radically euros in 1 to in†In mom can the system in with†and angel-ions“ I ty2Eey/Yatt once a can at -- . -a8tdhlo and»; tw-eve/Sty-ttdie/ire. hot â€W's autumn. been!" tt ALL MEN A Ill-Ins Out. The TorontaBacdung In verstitgaticru Toronto, .\'0\'. (EU. The {aiming evidcucu was gum; tsi, 11m lmodlung in. vestigation today .--, _ l, Fwd. Column“ [add Ald. Bailey 8200 and $800. 2. Fred. Coleman made a draft of 87000 tttl George. Everett. 0f this sum he paid 85000 to John Lays, Ex ll L, A., to secux‘n the lutter’a itsthience with certain aidvrumu reg uding the contract for pr?ritvuwttt'psvemeH. Mr. Lvys did not purchase the inlluence,hut kept the $3000, giving his note for the amount, The note is not 1ut paid. 3. Fred. Coleman paid Tommy Mc- llroy 8750 (stakes on a bet)which was to go to Ald, Gowauluck if the Kiely- Everett, syndicate got the irrnchise. Tommy McIlroy got a pair of diamond set sleeve buttons, but Ald. Gowsnlock swore that he did not receive the 8750 or any portign of it, 4. s.11. James swore that Fred.Cole- man told him that if the Janes-Brock. Cox syndicate paid $40,000 they could have the franchisu Coleman entered the box and tesstitied that this was a fiction and his author a porjuror, liar scouudrol. _ 5. Ex-Aldermw w. J. Hall admit- ted that he was paid $2000, or perhaps a. little more, by representative Burr of the Edison Company, under a signed agreement that he was to reveal to Barr all tenders sent in to the Toronto.Street Railway Company lower than the Edi. sou tender, before the contract was let. Witness said that he was not an alder. man at the time and he accepted the money merely as a. commission. You must do something. In the earlier stages of Consumption, and in all the conditions that lead to it,Doctor Pierceu Golden Medical Discovery is a. certain remedy. This serbfulouss Mfeo. tion of the lungs, like every other form of Scrofuln, can be cured by it. In severe lingering Coughs, all Bronchial, Throat, and Lung AffeetioM,tu1d every disease that can be reached through the blood, it is the only medicine so effect. ive that it can be guaranteed. It it doesn’t benefit ofeare, you have your money back. Nervous proatration and debility are conquered by it. that you stand on-with a cough or a cold, and your blood impure. Out of iuet these conditions comes Consump- tion Life. is real, life is same“, Bat it seems a frigid joke When they try to heat the furnace With a lot of burned-out coke. A wonderfull new combination is R. Sterk’e Hetuhrehe,Neutalgits and Liver Powders, nice to take ; perfectly herm- lcse. Mr. Wills,Chief of Police,Wood- stock, says l "A sure cure every time." Aid. 1rtwmer,Nrrister,Hamilton, says l " experienced almost immediate relief from their use,for sick headaches.†Mr. Mercer, contractor, Hamilton,seyl '. "I consider them a. very valuable remedy, and far surpassing many others I have tried." Mrs. Gaston, Hamilton, says: "I have derived great benefit from them having been a long time a "fferer from headache, bilioumear Ind ntsurtslgitc" Mrs. Grist, Hamilton, says: "No medi- cine or doctors did my daughter my stood until we used Sterk'l Headache, N eurelgis and Headache Powders; they have tylfected a complete cure." Mrs. Kente, Eemilton, guys: "Your powders have been the greatest blessing to me.†Price, M cents I. box. Sold by allmedi- cine dealers. The obtuse domestic thought: 'D-n,' And proceeded the doors to tel --n. When astonished that she Very mad seemed to be, She answered with spirit '. ‘I -as.' According to the best authorities» originate in e morbid condition of the Mood. Lactic acid. caused by the dstooptposstiop of the [animus and albuminoue menus. oil-cunts: with the Mood that attacks the throne tiasuoa.particular- Ir in the Joints and than comes the local muni- xeeulionl of the (Home. The book nod should.- m the pure one“! elected. nil rheumatiun. end thejoinu st the _ en en. up: um quilts ere use t2,'tl'tnt,'ltetl; Thousands of people hove hand in co"- amp-mu. e Emma ed permanent cure for I'm. he: bed telnet-hole new in out-Inc the most novel-e tttttMNC no new» or in mm " in the hath-t it stuck-at once the new at W2'lgtfl M, t'lf'S', out» are 3th- " p e u w no u . in. em Man of when JU it as In. hon Enomyttsttemkati" “and The run of lieu-tus- I": Dangerous Ground --Philsdelphia Record, --Detrttit T rib une Tommy-When I'm a man I'm go ing to be a soldier. _ -- _ _ 'slower-what, and be killed by the enemy? Tomury1--Oh, well, then I guess I'll be the eaemy.--Ytsle Recorder. o', “Edmund Dyvr', yo vlvs fair, PM parvd uim sch “min an“; yr. j y It' u; l\‘ woman's hwn‘t, Fran) (-u: lov'dliouseu,oh,rr'rr, dcrrsrt. NVuritatwsr'rrucr , our joy t nd p: ide, Forum†in all? innâ€: 5 mm», That he mu' ~huw yum m ll‘v'lnu: powr'to, W,urtt tinte b iwp on our dyeing bums. In WIN h um spurulutnn‘s tried To m u' by wmtis, (Ly {mm d-tide: Bur, “N m -n‘s Lewis m “mm and hue. Fulcwr mull zuc to van. Shim-Lon '. Sdill“ l n ! y" mars of light, Ye. Dlnm'nui Dy ,3 FO I'm-I um] buigill, Ye will†of Inn: , mummy, Mo oiilirns.set Ir buae'd by the _ t?she---Yea, arid the diamond on top is lysvegly. _ _ _ Ile-This ring, you know, is the em. bltm of Eternity: _ - - He-Bit the ring tlut'.eomea later will have no diamond. She-io. Isuppose the heavenly part/will be over by that time. An my describing r EAFNESS really genuine Cure too O Mammalian!“ in Ear - -____‘. &c. no manor how severe or how long-Sundial. will be non: poet free.-- Artitkial ‘andrums and will" appllmoea 'at,,t',taegrti,r,,1: Address no...» Kenn, Vic C mbers,l9,SouthAmpton Building-u. Hottrttrn, London. We st'r'e requested to public]: the following letur. Editor. _ Dam MR. Eamon: Will you kindly Inform your renders through the medium of A"a?'t; obie other. that I will Sign? and Inc to trutrematrtg from Nervous bl it .Fniling Man. hood, Lost Vlgor Banal 3â€...sz produced by unnatural rains on the system add the re- sults ot yontMul lolly. Pitkihtg of 300an ttl ttttt cure. Tit,' mar Iwing swindle: on mposed Al n or your] nooks on t'lSdlllt'"lflgnt, in o few wool; I have nothin use" or give away but would be please: when from any sufferer anxious to obtain a 'ir,rg,t for " oomphlnt to whom I thi""" tu y the moon: by whieh I was on . Applicants for Information will?“ enclose stamp for reply. and oddroel oon donut“). D. a. OWEN 1.3mm: m.. fox-onto. Ont. A GENEROUS OFFER ' , l our choice tad complain line of Nursery stock and ', _ Luca pontoon. Highest, salary and oommlasi n paid weekly Wham permpnent poemon 'iriiGGitiiiriiG"d moons- u- nwed to good |from;e arch] humans; to beginner“, on ,n . n widow 'd'y'rr'i1'l'r"s1'r'lf3jltl'Jlll't17i4lil'l trims. qifhlfrfBfit,jf:'i7,i, iii'iii7i5, WARE! 'ifT0filrtTC.tlI.' AN 011E TI) DIAMOND DYES. at?) o y"rviisr.Npi ;_’f 'st':?..:'::. o PLAST ER [TY/ILL DISPZL T15: PM}! DEE 1Wilti. Ekeyto my†leiortofr., 'e "raht my Adwce Mia lwrit on germ tliiodk Ziggy: 5itde if:- 5tes .. -'s-m. v. I. "jitjiiiiiiiii; ii'ir?tdi'sffi CHE AFFLICQTION For Sciatié imPWm-I. Roche-term. Y. @Neu'?é'fg1§ A11::liosxml)oox ENERBEI'IC KEN toyett Pains d Ist. I am a bounty in design. ind, 3rd. My oven is lined with cold n/lcd s,'vry warp. 4th. My own is UNII'it lung mid \ stick ot wood 2h' in. long but I cat wry ion wood than my sisters bccavscs heat pave» quicker than iron. If you wich to yCtt mu L and enquire for I am Vcryproudiof myself I want to go and live in your home and cook your calws. 1 prouiw to lir'l"Y you faithfully until death (will us diside. At phat-11L 1 an: Wing at. WOOD COOK STOVE. HOHMEIER & LErrcrrs, We are st present in the midst of great value giving sales. Jr. he great throng at our counters daily tetrtitiets that they are receiving the godds " ad- vertised, and who as represented. Remember, Saturday ir our busy day, nude so by the many special bargains for that day. _ We hues large Stock of there Goa, for the Fall and Winter Trade. Men's Tweed, WorstedandNtsp overcoata/t3, $3.45, 84, $4.35 up to 810 Meh and Young Menu Ulster-s. " $6.45, 87.35. -. . - . . . . . . . .up to 88.45 Boys’Overooau.8235,32.65, 83.35.....................-....upto84.95 Toistu'tbeiooata829li, 83.65;“...........................uptot'l.85 Mbn’lSuibSZSB. “.95 J.......-...-..........-...--? Ymh’Suihu70.83.35. 85.......................--......upto88.46 Bor'4hsita8i.60. 81.76,8r.... ..-..c,-,...,.,.,,,-.-itttq0 mam tg'mr.tht4ta8t.lnctli"1kl8letd up. r.e .'oie ..t, ' c. . ' 'vfdllfillg"l'i'ilt Bunch, Ovet‘llls, Gonu' Furnishing, s Inge variety to The Great BANKRUPT STORE, CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE DEPOSITS OF 6LOO AND UPWARDS RECEIVED, AND CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST ALLOWED. INTEREST ADDED To THE PRINCIPAL AT TH! END OF MAY AND noun-In In new "AR. ï¬nch! Ahortftttrt given " the Councilor: of Commorclnl Pap». and Farmon' talc. Nous. .. . -... A GENERAL BANKING BusaNEss TRANSACTED. FARMERS' NOTES Duacoumao DRAFTS ISSUED PAYABLE AT ALL POINTS IN CANADA, AND THE PRINCIPAL cmEa IN THE UNITED STATES, GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE, BERMUDA, he. IOTAILIIHID "or HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. CAPITAL (PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS REST I I - p I n a " â€You can Deposlt tho Money In Your Bank or with tour Postmaster to be paid usyttter you are CURE!) under a mulch Guarantee! MIAMIâ€. Erevsxrs and Blow] Iliww.‘ hum wrurkw! tlo. Jim-p- J 'l..m~:m-i- " Y' and middh-auod mvn, Thu farm, tlu, mun-Burp. Hw NHMm WNW, Yul-“1hrâ€. l) .ioaa--tul have in! virtimm “Hwy m 1'1. if \<I'l ‘htnv In-wII irvl.i- 4, Ir‘wurv n! (I Middle aged mrn,yuu nrv-xrtrwing xvrrmzmxm) tvr:'riyy.iul “M, irrsl \I'AH'\H) and 1,1 Lkeuait'iusboforittooraw. N0 NAMES us D WIMOUI “LINEN sQN‘aLNT. Col TIt Jlnljltlltl'lEQiarc-s) WUHHBIIUI iMim Yulcocele. Emissions, Nervqus Debility, Seminal Weakness, tilect, -e Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder Diseases Positively Cured py BIPOBETRh a m" T.P. ro, VHS! ly, READER! Arvrrursvitim? Huxnuu] 1m: . nun: Haw yum Ill uxl bun-u (hm-H New Method Trlutnwnt will run- botl. ll hat it Lar, (swans GUARAN .1321) on N01? I6 Years in Detroit. I60,000 Cured. No Risk. Consultation Free. No mnttar who hm troted 31m, Free of charge. (‘hurgss reumnnph». Books Free - "ri, trated), on Dim-mum of mun. lm‘luew posuw. 2 rum». Sealed - ___ __ -- ,A l.-. n tAlI‘IIAII' \IIIJIT'I‘ strum: Tnm'rn‘u‘ broehl. nu lin-rIL-Vu'w _.. ...» ... ..., -_"_e_ , “T ' - _ tar Mr-LS UShD WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Pm. vA'.?.rc.NfhoN/pd1ii"c'u,Y sent C. o. D, No names on boxes or 'bnvel... op... Eggfymlng contiaenttal. Queatlon list and cost ot Treat- rTiUiii, #REE’. HRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, S. A. TONTUN VARICOCELE. EMISSIONS AND S‘A'PHXLIS CURED. ERNST & co., ' MISS C, RA N1) J E W F, L. main. do: Show; rt-xu‘ Imam!) rum "When I (w little hop“. mun! imyros' norvvs hora" Ll,, "l Seminal 'Neat., iulietr. 'l') A Nervous Wrcc'c-.A llsppy Lil T. P. Emcrwn “a: a Narrow Escape. I SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT B, E. WALKER, GENERAL MANAGER. Pletlzéggmsalg- WATERLOO BRANCH No mutter who has than“! you, writn for an human opinion nmblv. Books Free :- 1'l"lse Golden Mambo!“ (Illus- this Dominic . ' 1 dcsir;u. cud h COld yoiled , mm large and i) 'Ne::.rcnctv, Int-r0; Varicoccie Cured. In H. ,UD. wan, w.oo.-...-........ IM..................-... o.-...-.......-.." o .".y.r.C,ir..C.,C,ry..1.'y, 55de up.»- .m. .z.: ,‘ l Llls, Gonu' Furnishings, I. Inge rpr I) N? pruplc Dominion IHE 1i for the Fall and Winter Trade. H. d. GRASETT. MANartrp, tilaid i, 111mm No. I48 SHELBY ST. DETROIT. MICH. Arts 31â€] r'otstet'ni)rxtitu.r mm. lluw you an) \M'ukhhhs,’ Our for others " Will do for Fou, 1W tt 1111 the ll 1.?â€le 'l UKATM K37 In h Jest 36,000,000. 00,000. f yuunu mun a Hm profits. xf MW Yuluru I mac-loan} cuntidential, x1111] plate. J: crack or I can cat u. I burn less uu‘n sidcs & Leitch's or “-3523