As dren. A copy of of the work of tl:giapihl'umtwsnynd. years, Children from all parts of Ontâ€" ario, whose parents cannot afford to pay for medical attendance, are cared for free of all charge. When parents desire to pay for treatment, for $2,50 per week they secure the best medical attendance and have every want supâ€" plied. The Hospital is a Provincial institution in every sense of the term, and is recognized as the leading hosâ€" pital for children in the world, 1ts acâ€" cident ward is open day and night, all the year round, and children sent in from the country, suffering from acciâ€" dents or deformities. of any kind, are promptly attended to. Ambulances are sent to all railway stations on due motice being given to the authorities. The facilities for all kinds of surgical work are unsurpassed,and a telegraphic or telephonic warning that the ambuâ€" lance is on its way opens the doors of the largest and best equipped hospital in the world. There are one huudred patients in the Hospital toâ€"day, Last year about 530 were treated inside the building and 2000 in the outdoor deâ€" partment, In the summer the children are all sent over to The Lakeside Home for Little Children on Toronto Trland, which is the iargest children‘s sanitariâ€" um in the world and tho-o-tgs-bedy equipped, containing beds for 150 chilâ€" The Toronto World is authority for statement that the elections will. take place next March,but that in the meanâ€" time Sir John Thompson will be sworn as a member of the Privy Council and will become a law lord ard resign the premiership, Sir Cbas. Tupper is the most likely man to succeed him. On Friday, Hon. Joln Haggart, at a meetâ€" ing at Niagara Falls, admitted that the elections would be held inside of a year. (ne of the most important" of the public institutions in Ontario is the Hospital for Sick Children, in Toronto, contains accommodation for 175 paâ€" tients, ranging from two to fourteen Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. The Commercial Bank of Newfound land, has suspended payment owiog to the failure of several of the largest exâ€" porting houses to respond to their liaâ€" bilities to the bank. Other banks are involved and ten of the largest busiâ€" ness concerns in St.John‘s are crippled in consequence. P Count Ferdinand de Lesseps, the builder of the Suez Canal afl’z the proâ€" jector of the Panama canal scheme,died last Friday in his 90th year. Subscription $1,00 per annum in advanee $1,50 if not so paid. High class printing, English and German, in all its branches, Ady made Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral. â€" Wood‘s I‘nusphodineâ€"b’. Soyden Ayer‘s Sirsaparilla. Perry Davis Pain Killer, Seott‘s Emuision } Dr.Pievce‘s Golden Medical Disce Hood‘s Sarsaparilla Cures, Cottolene. Menthol Plasters. Sunlicht Soap. Waterlog" County â€" Chronicle. Local Sh«w This 500 Elec: Christmas Newsâ€"The Boehamer Co Fancy Gomnlsâ€"A L. Kumpf. Shoe Competitionâ€"J.8. Roos. This Interests youâ€"Simyth Bros. 500 15. Cook Stoveâ€"J seob Conrad. Electro Pratersâ€"Remis & Roos. The Merchant Tailor. Agency SUN LAUNDRY. New Advertisements this week THUURSDAY. DEC. 13th, 1894 DAVID BEAN, Proprietor, W Scotch and Canadian Clipper Grinder « WORST EDS E.B. YOUNG, has ertising Rates *s«sonable, and will be known on app.cation, .« just placed in stock the choicest line of p ain and fancy EDITORIAL NOTES |beran. uick shine Stove Polishâ€"Alpha (Chemical Co., Berlin. . B. YOUNG, rimes &eâ€"W. H. Becker t1 Ever shown in Waterloo Merchant Tailor, Girinder «eâ€"C. L Hender [son, Berlin )tice â€"Alpha, Chemical Co. [ Berlin ewspaper Published every Thurs day morning, [ WEEDS stings and Pantings in great and choice. »lden Medical Discovery M ver Co Miss Elle Lutz of Freeport is staying with friends here this week.... Mr. Fred Meyer and family spent Sunday: with friends in Berlin.... Mr. Elam Snider of Waterloo spent Sunday with his parents here . . . . Mrs.Lehman Shirk is on the sick list. Under the care of Dr. Bowman of Waterloo. We hope to hear of her speedy recovery ... . Mr. B. Kenyon of Washington is staying with his brother Henry Kenyon at pre sent.... Mr. Williams would like the man who borrowed his ducks to return them at an early date. No interest to pay....Mr. Joe Lee of Bloomingâ€" dale was staying with his sister Mrs. F. Meyer last week. He is slowly reâ€" covering from an attack of pneumonia. The Modern Mother Has found that her little ones are imâ€" proved more by pleasant laxative,Syrup of Figs, when in need of ths laxative effect of a gentle remedy than by any other, and that it is thore acceptable to them. Children enjoy it and it beneâ€" fits them. The true remedy, Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. ocly. On Wednesday last at 7.30 a. m., Miss Sara Rie anod Mr. Wim. Sutton were united in the bonds of holy matâ€" rimony. They have taken Mr. Atchiâ€" son‘s house We wish them all happiâ€" ness in their wedded life. Mr. Wiederholt, of Phillipsburg,and Mr. Allward, of Waterloo, visited Miss Wiederholt in town on Monday. Mr. Coutts, who purchased ths station hotel a few weeks ago, has handed it over to his brotherâ€"inâ€"law and is moving up town again. Mr. Weir Atcheson has returned home. He has rented Mr. Upton‘s house on Main St. for ladies for the winter term. Those who wonld like to belong should begin on Thursday evening next, in the baseâ€" ment of the Preâ€"byterian church. > Mr. Maitland‘s vocal class was well attended last Thursday evening. Hius terms are $1.50 for gentiemen and #1 MILVERTON. Miss Suttoï¬'f Trowbridge is visitâ€" ing Miss Rae. 4 . ... Mr. and Mrs.Ed,. Shearer of Michâ€" igan, are visiting relatives in this locilâ€" ity. John Robinson disposed of his farm stock and implements by public auction on Frid&Â¥ afternoon, Dec. 7th, He has rented his farm to Joseph Snar of Berâ€" lin, for the term of five years, Much |regret is expressed at the removal of Mr., and Mrs. Robinson from among us, but they will be followed to their new homs wherever that may be by the best wishes of their many friends in Winterbourne. ... Mr. and Mrs.Veitch entertained a »umber of their young friends in royal style, last Thursday. evening. Most of the guests were from a distance b it all expressed themselvesl as having epent one of the most enjayâ€" able evenings of their lives....The concert which is to be given by the Foresters of this place on the evening of Dec. 21 t, will have for its principal attraâ€"tion the celebrated comic singer, Jim Fax. Don‘t fail to hear him .. ;. It has not been fully decided as yet whether the Metnodists will ho d their annual Christmas entertainment or not. dress on application the ‘The Secretary Co lege Screet, Toronto. .GERMAN MILLS. WINTERBOURNE. LINWOOD. Wegenast & Co..... J. Kalbfleisch.,...,. 8. sn’d‘f.-..--.‘.. George Hoffman . . .. Iraac Bechtel & Son Waterioo Mfgz. Co, Hohmeisr & Leitth,.»«.......... Dr. Webb, Medical Health Officer, Fire Depitn4Bt.>..:1:@}+: .40« Nicholas Schneider......... ... ... SEWER ACCOUXTs. ge?rze Suggitt, pay list....... * 21, PCY PPVUTNDLGcer ces is es iee J. W. Feat £C0.....:+@:+,+..11, C. Kreutziger,accounts ‘93 & ‘94... Joseph Hunsberger,.............. J. R. Kaufman............2.22.. y dn As: iredinnint Sliadhtrices iedA ie B ied 112 00 0 Geo. Suggitt,acc. $1.50 pay list $15. Waterloo Mt‘g. Co............... J. Kalbfleisch, account,........ a+ Colquhoun & McBride.........;... J. él_mr_.\d. ROCOUNE: 2 +2Â¥ xxas 2e 0sns C. Kumpf, Postage............. O * Treas. Salary.......... Hohmeier & Leitch............. Bell Telepnone Company...... .. Wegenast & O0..:vrrrsrrrer+3, George HofMAts:.++:+:+++,.. Honry MSiQF, s «+x+««cxr«rsrree4 A. L KUMpF+.:+..«x+«+rrs es John Straub................¢.. Wins PelHlZ.errsrsssssrssrrirrsrs John BESCr+@sirrrr+rcrsesers Estate of Henry Urstadt........ F. Colquhoun, Clerk and re lists. waterloo County Chronicle, Thursday, December 13, 1894.â€"Pago 4. Following is the reportof the Finance Committee submitted and adopted at last meeting of council: We note our churches are making great preparations for their Christmas entertainments and have provided themâ€" selves with dialogues, recitations, d&c., and will no doubt have a programme in the different churches.... Mr. Geo. Miller has recently made great invest ments in silver ware and jewelry suitâ€" able for Christmas presents and New Year‘s gifts. > was done by Mr. Emil Huber of Berâ€" ’lin is a masterly piece of work. Mr. Huber deserves credit for the fine work he bas done. They bave spent about $600 and npow have a well finished church. The committee is well pleased with the work and presented Mr. Huâ€" ber with a ten dollar bill. Mr. Huber has now three more orders to fresco churches in the spring....The annuâ€" al Christmas tree festival will take place heve in the Lutberan church in the evening of the 25 inst, a splendid programme will be prepared forit..... Mr. Ad. Steiss, general merchant has received a fine stock of goods which he is showing in great style, his clerks know how to make a show room. HEIDELBERG. Mrs, H. K. Hahn is still unable to be around. She is suffering from a tumor. ... Uur public school examinaâ€" tion was held on Siturday forenoon, Several teachers were present, and quite a number of visitors. Miss Perry assistant teacher is leaving.... Mr. Mike Schweitzer has sold his farm conâ€" taining 209 acres, to his son Daniel for the sum of $11,000.... Mr. Joseph Compass sold his farm to Mr. Jacob Busch, and has bought the adjoining farm....Mr. Wm. Kuhn took unto himself a ‘better half....Quite a numâ€" ber from here attended the funeral of Wim,Doering a weck ago last Saturday, «... Mr. Smith of Berlin gave an Art: exhibition bere of the Birth, Life and Sufferings of our Saviour which was fairly _ well attended.... Mr. Geoâ€" Huehno, farmer, has been unable to leave the house for two weeks on account of rheumatism . . . . The Methoâ€" dist congregation will hold their quartâ€" erly meeting on Sunday Dec. 16 and at the same time, the dedication of their church will take place which has been repaired and greatly improvâ€" ed They got it painted inside and outside. The fresco painting which ‘The Premier Dead. _ LateR. He suffered from fatty de: generation of the heart and was also afâ€" flictel with an abdominal malad y. He was fully aware of his condition and consulted a London specialist as to his wilments. The pbhysician gave him to »nderstand that he was in no immediâ€" ate danger and being thusâ€" reassured he afterwarcfls made short visits to France avd Italy, HMe returned to London ten days »go. The news of the death of Sir Joln was conveyed to the Queen who was greatly shocked and expressed herself us extremely sorry. The inquest will be beld toâ€"morrow. The jury will consist of members of the Queen‘s Council. The luncheon of which Sir John wase partaking when he was strickén was served in the Octago room of the castle. He was with Lord Ripon, Secretary of the Colonies. e ce Custle, where it will remain until wu inquest is beld. London, Eng‘and, Dec.12th, 1894.â€" Sir John Thowpson, Premier of Canaâ€" aa, died very suddenly at Windsor Castle while at luncb. The Queen bas not yet been informed of his death. IMis body has been removed to Clarâ€" Sir John Thompson Expires Sudâ€" denly While at Lunch at Windsor Castle. TOWN COUNCIL. wlh...‘...“oo...o..oa. z®® 000 6 000 n 00 6 0 8 o s o n o e C WELLESLEY,. +1@*00 00000 0 6 e o e o #e 0e e 0e 00 6 0 a0 a a n o s ACCOUNTS PROPER, weesacesees ce e "t 39 16 151 99 16 50 $ 6 10 125 00 8 17 14 45 16 18 3 15 2 18 9 75 Â¥ iProf. Gre ï¬:u to "This stagea) At the regular monthly meeting of the Toronto Presbytery on Tuesday of last {week the second stanza of the National Anthem was considered obâ€" noxious and itvuog:d to be elimâ€" inated from the new . byterian hymâ€" nal, "flloï¬olloihghfhol@hn: + C Waterloo, Dec. 3, ‘Q4. All of which is respectfully submitted. Signed on behaif of the Board of Health of the Town of Waterloo, ___We also wish to say that the Medical Health Officer haa done his duty faithfully and weil to the satisfaction ofthe Board,and the same may be said of the In:pector, Mr. Hoffman,who has done his duiy unflinching ly and without fear, whoever it may have concerned. We wish to congratu‘ate you on the conâ€" struction of the much needed Trunk Sewer and hope that the council of 1895 willspecd» ily complete the rest of the work so as to be in operation before the warm weather apâ€" pears, . _ We also report that the formercomplaints of the Catile Byres have been abated and a substantial retaining wall built, so as to re.â€" tain and prevent the pollution of the creek from that source. f We also wish to have is understood by the citizens at large that a Board of Health is a great friend indeed, it being a safeguard and prosection to all. We may here say that we have introduced a feature for the better working and carrying out of work viz, the confidential information auyone wishes to make to the Inspector without his name heâ€" ing made knownâ€"and by this means had a much better control of the sanitary state of our Town, 5 We have held roï¬r;:'l“s_rwx;;;;;t'hly meetings during the summer and also when occasion demanded spâ€"cial meetings. aar u) W 1 . 9 P erleo, > C " GEXNTLEME®,â€"We hereby as heretofore vesent to you the annual report of the gosrd of Health of the Nown of Waterl6o. The public heaith has been most satisfactory dure ing the past year, a noticeable fact being the small number of contagious discases as comâ€" pared with previous years (as may be seen from the report of the Medical Heaith Offiâ€" c‘r). Whatererthe ciuse may be we are not prepared to say suffice that we have eudeaâ€" vored to do our duty as well as we pos:ibly conld under the circumstances. 1 oo Som en oT UV Y s + 4‘% J. Kaufman,account .. Daniel Jacobi, account Canada Pipe Foundry, bal J. W. Fear & Co......... To the Mayot and Council of the Town of Watâ€" CR i EKING 8T., BERLIN., ON‘T Great care is given this department. A largestock of Underâ€" takers‘ Supplies always on hand. Courteous and experienced attend ants and at prices lower than the lowest. Remember the spot. Remember we are selling at "Hard Times" prices and will positively give you more for ï¬our money than you can get anywhere else on eart We also wish to again remind our many friends and customers of the fact that we manufacâ€" ture the above lines and that wheu buying from us you are saving the middleman‘s profit. .__ _ If you are thinking of buying Furniture make no mistake and do not miss examining the largest and best assorted stock in the county. We are continually showing latest designs in BEDROOM SETS, SIDEBOARD S, _ EXTENSION TABLES CHAIRS: HOLIDAY # BARGAINS Waterloo Board of Health. That Obnoxious Stanza. On thee our hopes we fix God save us all,‘ ‘Oh, Lord our God arise, Scatter her enemies, And make them fall 3 ; UNVDERTAKLN GC. ANNUAL REPORT. FURNITURE. Jacor G. Sewron, The SIMPSON C0., (Lid.,) Chairman, 37 50 49 69 ing rooms, A goos Kasy terms of 1""lvplnnm and post free, offers for sal Wd threeoxl.ou :fl:hu“t:d“ :: ltreoth.QMooc There is a frontage of amail shope " eeieie‘ oo i6 artnoged for two ing roome, °_A good chanoe for the heni es T iesd cobepanntones Phan the Galt es8 &n 0 and u All Oommorcu‘l*o ““21"’“ umght. Fully eoiont Seetens Sootodenont Students who us b Poei one. _ Call at school or send for circulars oratie Business Education, THE BERLIN REPAIR SHOP 12 King St, West C, L MENDERSON, Telephone 134 7luhlnllt and Prop a specialty, Razors, saw and skate grinding by steam power. Gun smithing and key fitting Klectric belis and enunciators put up. Fine lathe worznnd lath jobblnf) work of cver“des- cription Give us a call Prices right. rstâ€" class workmanship guaranteed Having just put in another new machine.viz: & Clipper and Shear Grinding Machine. we are now prepared to grind your old, dull clippers and make them cut equal to any new pair, Price only 75¢, Furniture Manufacturers, A.L. Kumpf‘s Clipper Grinding! The Latest Styles in Delicate Pink and Blue at FANCY! GOOS Barbors‘ and Tailors‘ Shears To users of horse and barbers‘ clippers. STATIONERY. FOR SALE Booxstors, FANCY ROCKERS, ETC.. ETC. CALT BUSINESS COLLEGE, Galt, Ont: IN ABUNDANCE. HENBY KOEHLER, _‘ * ,_ _ Waterloo, Ont, WaTERLOO. Bricker & Dicbel, From now until the 1st of January we will sell the balance of our trimmed and untrimmed Hats, also Flowers, Feathers, &c. & i" fact everything we have in our Millinery Department, at exactly ONF: HALF the former price. Ladies, this is your opportunity. 20 Very Fine Mantles worth $8.00, now $300 MILLINERY! MILLINERY! la test styles worth $6.00, now only $3.75 the Cheapest in the County. all styles worth from $5.00 to $8.00, ‘all to be sold during D¢é cember at $3.50 each. fit for a King to wear, rmgingafrom $6.00 to $10.00, l marked down to $5.50. If we have one suit left by January 1st, 1895, at these prices, we shall be very much mistaken. Coat Vest and Pants, sizes 27 to 30 to fit boys from 9 to 12 years, worth from $5 to $7, going during Dfec};ezfpber at $3.50 each. Thelike was never hear of before. â€" _ ranging in size from 22 to 27 to fit boys from 4 to 9 airea,rs, worth from $2.50 to $3.50; going at this sale at $1.50 each. A great Chance to make the little fellows look warm and smart for Xmas. by Offering Unheard of Values in . lines : We commence our Great Annual Sale on Saturday Morning, December 1st, DECEMBER SALIL 100 Men‘s Good, Stylish Tweed Suits cpoalts 100 Men‘s Very Fashionable Frieze Ulsters, 12 Ladies‘ Mantles with Derby Collars, a0 Boys‘ Knicker Suits o0 Children‘s Suits en & ~ a myarn® 7 n eP nc ie e m o s en e t en 00 Boys‘ Overeoats, MILLINERY! MILLINERY! GER.AN T the following â€"â€"â€"Mr. HMicl Waterloo, wl l.n.s been doil iness in Ne# Mr. John Sc â€"The boy Oppet injured by a fall a so far imprm‘vd on mit his removal L parents at lmira. â€"A hands aims, Longf: & euitable umpf‘s bool Last Suncdal\ and the lies umgod pullnx-. Mrs. Wm. Po: ed to Waterla dence on Her» CB _ _â€"Alexander Wildf man who fared so bad case of Saturday even Berlin, is doing as wel pected under the circu â€"The tiuy d on Kivsg n and mad â€"At the li )001 B:l&'(l â€"â€"W.IBH. 1 genuine e\ t gives sa eir new ic . CHOICE â€" pEQTHION â€"â€"NMr. «!8 e Doersan 00] Bom&t C | rtin and M yced to ~30 ‘pf's â€"Who is ahead thi pha Quickshine Stove abead in quality, brill bility. Try in lt by the Alpha Chem Ont. ‘ pTuesday ! pte accepte â€"â€"BSt. .A HQt Art loan y School r What is n stmas pree * Kee tho 4 â€"The Waterloo _ ies‘ Aid Society desi €riends of the Music LOCAL *~P O erw 1 s( ber and sale of useful a in the Oddfellows‘ H ing, DecC. lith, &t â€"The Journal h the awmount spent it present year in new provements. Th spent was 21 i],0UU creditable sum inde * Ewentyâ€"nine canc ‘ lin and twentyâ€"th _ sults will be mad To AUVER â€"The bankers Berlin have form« & view of puttin of the two town Mr. J. Hespel« comic singer who eert at Winterbou cember, is down w ronto, He is sup tracted the diseas â€"The annual e students for 3rd « place in Galt and l)U‘ lk ® THE ten days â€"â€"Dr. P. H. B Â¥incial Health L lin on Friday ar tion of the shod« *to see that the s is thoroughly dif sger of discase re ice 1 rreal mt ( §1 1 rOCILRS M Grasett, it wns 0 1(8 tA M\