Ei DESIRABLE farm of IM men. the N. E A isituawd ir gee. M, Townxhl. w, N.5, W. ant†Township. Emmet Co. Mich. for sale or nob-age cn good propeny 'n the County 0 anrloo. vanty acres clear. balsam: wel wooded with bun-mood. elm and maple. A {and dwelling on Tlea Saw mill only one Inner mile dimaint,' An railroad Snags; truodid.cttLGii - Apply to FOR SALEDR EXCHANGE imh for Xmas! V _.‘.mwu m Irma.‘ --H “(an we“: (t,'t'i'i'iil,ii", Munn t Co. We run Winnie . luau-c American. And In no New: widely Woman public m- om an: to t lawman This menu: gm. not! utey.aelifaieiTtu'is:irGr, m m ii'ih?ii'b1 of tt'lUl',t','dlt I"! In the warm. on. Sun 00 as sent than. 'ltt% “(.1001 monthly. mt'. yenr. and. We; In _ r'rti,il."'il?iee,rti4 “no, new Mumsonmg._ugen _ "ttortho A". .- -n-ul‘l‘T "It In: And tn Donut oplul write to 3,l,r,l,'i','..4t, Ei'i'ii.tiitE 2'ted ,'idr."iil,,li,i; we; ox no. man a... mum llargtii'2, unwound. A Handbook at Its. lt on WunnaiP-teuta nod ta to ob. nt. eaten roe. gonna-lounge mach-n- ttli/s).!,'?,'?))).],' boon any not. 7 m j " - .L_, . 713w ynu Lawn-E '! bed to cum you. P114 Sold bv Simon Sn vd M. Simpson of Berlin reg PRICE 25 CENTS \Vururr-z Prompt toact, surcto cure " SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgta 20 "ti'rgrtrts, am) Coated 'r.uurue, Dun- ', ' '.' w inn In the hiv', Constipation, 'l ‘5 Law, bu Imam. Tustay cured and Prepared by rrr.,5. C. Ayn :{ AYER'S Cherry Pastoral toral sun- d tll/r ry Simon Snyder, Wsterioo, a '. e ' '-. "vest '. "',_'c, [1W5 ' I C __"",','-'),',,:,",,:",',),'--;),'--,,"-.),","),,, l j =52 rr'," ' "y M Ye/ _ ’ -=== ' ." F '--', / fy I I 't""*:';'-‘ (,:i:i,,il:)cr,'ry'-:?,i (/Ji', sf / - J'. _',.yft,1,'- 'i-jiri/ii)"")-,?,'-'-':-':',-', f?! } _j,s;'".,t'v'/rr" â€Hf ---' a €44, 'ir-Hit-Cie-c-sc.."-,'!::'::',)?, gr? f/ii i J/f& f POWDERS y-vyul'l. - mm only one [Auk 'iih,aiu'l , mike.) y o f. 8 MAN. 3â€â€de “I: FEquQw -i'o. SN YDER. Druggist, Chronicle once, “Intel-loo 2d {for Life. VERY me: To rum Ib" Ar DRUG STORI.0 we. seem}; iyr " rmlnv. HIM I (hi i Aycr's (hurry Pee. Luwell. Mast hf Jil 'prthayt, 'Ha!' he said, utuiting ferociously from the great diamond-studded box he always carried, ‘I shouldn‘t wonder if that’s Mute: Bertie wattt--rou know my nephew, ttht be when you something, eh 'rtelt, that’s lik4 him. and his:;conndnli;' i Vagabond , T Pahaw, you talk like a fool !' I imffered his temper, for he worth a. couple of thousand 3. ye: me. Presently he beausie calmer, the humor,of the thing dawned 1 his dull mind. ‘How should I know?.' he gabbled testily. 'Do I go round to the taverns swilling gin-and-water with such gut- ter-birds? Do I hobnob with all the half-starved limnerl in Fleet Street? Pahaw, you talk like a fool " 'ot edurse, you wrote it,' said I. ‘Ploue to read that,' be said with forced calm, but considerable emphwis. 'and tell me if the scoundrel doesn't, deserve to be hanged. m dares to mention- my name, d'yee see! To mention me, and speak about my cum ceme.’ Hts! but I wish I had him under my stick !' A meaner man never lived. All similes in converse were based upon his exploits. ‘As mean as old Homing- ham' was a phrase you heard every day at the 'Baetselors' In the countless old stories put upon him, telling how, at the tenants’ lunch in Bedfordshire, he had cried, 'Here'e another quart of cider, and hang the expense !' how he had been seen in Farringdon Market buying his own fish; how he haggled with cabmen innumerable; how he had been stricken with a malignant fever on the day be gave away a sovereign for a shilling-Use was but the echo of the general sentiment. The society prints were hilarious at the mere men- tion of his name. I recollect well his War when a wag said in one of them: is rumored that Lord Hamingham is shortly about tos. give something away.' He was in my office next ,day --a week rarely passed but I saw him - and he laid the journal upon my ta- ble, heating it flat with his stick, and pointing at it with his ample (Inger as though his very touch would wither , the writer. l The -- --_ ---v IAVMIIQII- ing food of expiring leases and forfeited improvements until he seemed to ex- ude sovereigns from every pore in his enormous body, ‘11 ,7. . 'll‘ill xuu'u f make pn'tence of solving it. There I We're but two princtpal actors mention- [t-d in the argumonL. and, iudred, it 5’ might. fairly'be called a. one-part play. I Tim chief pPrson concerned, Lord Har. I ningham, I had known for many years, lit, was a man ot whom d biographer wrote "tlut his long and unblemished career was a credit to his county," and 'ss u»|....-. .‘ t t .. -. _ pa ( roltlortry and of mistery in which a l highly moral people revel. Thwe are l hm dinners Ht the! lieftL to thou: the linmrr life must remaiu hidden. No ( physician, hoping to cope with the " , fection, should turn oithrr to gossips or ito sial.drtrrs; for hi, diagnosis. Leg lllliu get down into the cums of the f trade, give his ear to the truer Lana-L I tire vsh ch the jewel dealer alone cm l write for him, and he may hope forma- trwialaml fursuccest And if he he I wiw, he will study both the cmnmlyl and the tIN,'etly:whivlt such an inn-sti- gution will bring before him, “lid will by "this means alone set himself up as u. specialist. It is to such a one, that I would re- commend perusal of the following case which I rc-cord here as â€he of the com- oliex, of my note book-a story of numnnoss, cupidity, and stu- pid cunning, I doubt if there be any philosophy of medicine which Could make pretence of solving it, Therm Meier». " â€INF gou-rningacquaintancws in the hum-Init- nhuw "ver a quart pot and tin- I’oTuu- 5vws, gets no little, in. sight into tlit'rhyvtalopinctrtoe the Soc. ial disaster which trends often upon the heels of jewel humor, as thnr wad thaw "-xtravugatttly ornate reports of rollers. and of mum.†I., "rr.'.) - 44mm: which Illakl's nieht of the lines .rL plays up ‘n; and flourishes men-vei- mg prrfirdtro m the wry heait of lrugcdivs. For ’Ihe matter of that, the tluukeys, who study in th0itctteu--ae, the gum: Minter has told us-the, chats acler, of Hu-h‘ governingacquaintancw in the hum-Init- hhqu "ver a quart pot and tlu, I’oTuu- 5vws, gets no little, in. sight into tlie (h-wlupzm-nt of the Soc. ial disaster which trends often upqu the heels of iewel hm. or n: tr,., ....,H watery uf 'nyster.v of mryrwies, la IU’I'I‘IHK. I have manner of duubr, furl have scan it in "ll fot.ms--atnaiis,ruatn '4an which main-3 hid): of thr, lives l I do not know if there be any drug in Up 1'lraroaccpvia, or any clearly d, fi "a) medida) treatment, which may en'r hope to grapple tfhNitvely with the strange (liwnbc of jewel llunzer,but if there be not, I have much pleasure in recommending this most singular ill to the notice 0f n Ii-ing generation of phy sicuarrc. That It is a branch of that I â€1.31er " Investor of "mum-i»: L. e to read that,' be said with am, but considerable emphasis. me if the scoundrel doesn't, to be hanged. m dares to 0F THF. JEWELLED LINKS , became calmer, sad thing dawned upon HE FO/VIEDY don't know who iiiiiiuiiiirC Cii2 l year to ‘Ea oociriit ' ruby bracket si.,, ',',',',tttgltpuosiGiuiiiCiirs 9* Nah!“ .)I __ .' '.‘ '1. ‘.‘Did h-wf erCtol-Hal.h‘i “Johnna f/';tt,t"efi'ti it"igE1tiiiFit.iiiiii7i"is' -rehig ‘Vo ,V__ - â€v... w Elva me for u wedding present. 33k! he ark you to show him myAmedcsn tickers, by thew-y? I shouldn’t wonder it be Tr,'.tf, me with a bus: clock. and " with 3 in. pot in iet---lte', than enough.“ _ ', ', 'W bought ' may Mt hm mm- dAw- -'r__.'C_t, I . I said that the thing was possible; and for his own sake ventured to hint that it was even probable, an opinion which he took in no good part, sucking his stick silently for a. while, and then lufghing with a poor little chuckle that seemed to come from the top of his heed. _ ‘Well, he exclaimed at hurt, “his dev. ilish rough a a. fellow to have a mu. tion of that 'ort, isn’t it 1--a positive disgrace to the family. I wonder what the old bltyrkguard is goingto give me for a msddiGi, moo-n" ‘4 L, . _ a“. --vuuu:a "vaoue, and thought he looked glum enough , but he came to me on the followin morning for a dmmond tigretto, Lug although he couldn't pay for it, I let lum have it. was new met the young lady’s father, Lord Vernley, had consented tolet the wedding be, and to trust to Earning- ham's better sense when the time of the aecomplulunent came. I saw Watts one day driving with his fhsneee neu- the Achilles Statue, and oLA.._L; L - , . . _ l A week passed. There was no defi- nite announcement of any postpone- ment of the arrangements noted by the Hyde Park Gazette, nor did such part of society as is represented by the tongueeters. hear that Bertie had per- suaded his uncle. The thing was a kind of a deadlock in its fimuteial as- pect, until at. last. the world of Belgra- via knew tlvst the young lady’s father, i Lord Varnlev. had nannnnfml ' M ct, - r. -w-..-v "£1th " so dear to the sight [of parents and of guardians. Even he, however, could not foresee the strange thing about to happen to him, or the very cui'ious op- portunity which was soon to be his. in phEuses of which the chief argument, was appalling curses and maledicciona. He declared he would have the whip." hand of him yet, would make him pay handsomely for all the trouble he had put people to-in short, behaved like a. man who was absurdly in love, regard- less ot that fiuaneitu prudence which isi to ensue. Bertie Watts-, they said, was going about like a ravenous beset, seeking what financier he could devour. His opinion of his uncle was expressed in phrases of which than ohh,'-.,.,, tl IN hen 'm left “owl rim-ct that day, - crying at, my dour, 'rio I'm going to 0 give mmething muy, um 1?-lust I " ain't, Sutton, I "itr't'--iutd walking " . us though he lml iounrt satisfaction in l the negative thus cgnveycd to me, I ' picked up the paper, and read again tint young B-rtve Watts was at last - engaged to the, Hon. l'a'ralo'etiley, and , that the wedding was to be celebrated : in a month's time. Everyone in town . said that old Ilat'nintr,,rhLu would do something for Watts when the time for the marriage artunlly come; and it was gossip in the cluhs that her people 11nd given their cousvnr--foy they were historically Poor-only upon the sin- cere assurance from their daughter's fiancee that his uncle was really very fond of him, and would present him with a handsome check on'his wedding _ day. But here was the announcement of the wedding,and the old%rmudgeon [ had just said-being readier in speech 1 with me, perhaps, than with any one l of his few aequaintinces--tGt he did i not mean to gwe'tho young people a. t halfpenny. It did occur to me that t possibly he might have bought the ruby r, bracelet for the exceedingly pretty girl t to whom his nephew was engaged; but t in this I was mistaken, as' you shall u presently see, and the interest of the I whole problem deepened when I learnt u later on in the smoking-room of my u club thaf the marriage was likely to be b postponed, and something of a scandal hi . s.) uidui his J-wl hunger " prodi,rious, Ai; the gt ms th I --warch s, m c%acu's, Harm, and 1m ash pius--u,ustv, um UHUE to the gun“, safe in " and tisewe iunmm-d No one them but hiunwtf. Jlisnvive, Whom Wcrc dew], bud marvel _ the possession of a b u'muid’s I ’Thu push)“ pf lhl- collector 'hungn'l» I' after :tu:u-<,a'mmt1 him. ir/ all hiamvaumosu, the, must coisurmpti'ole'---tlrisl fair treasure frmn tho light, it on-this gross handing of l things for mu: Mum‘s selfiC ulcuL. _ 'Yes, you rum} it,' he gaspcd at hrt, 'aud a tine tale too, M h)‘, what's he not l-four hundred a war in White. I Gli, and What he tirdraw out of me (--r/ot,much, Il C, Sutton-not much' I hed no duuht of that, but I kept my face while he went on to mutter and to chmtle; mu] I showed him a: bracelet, ot' nub es, which he (It-airtd in $3.11th to purchace I had put a price ofd.'l20 ulrui in. inhlndi-vg to nucf‘pt. I .5300, NO that SVt' huggh’d for tiV.s hours I by the clock and l-ml thwn done busi- m‘w. IL: hm}: 2hr ruhm-s away "uih h Ill, whi e [mum-d the furlhw all " to he sot "gain-t his“ in the hymn" \-.hvre alreUly the-w "t rv w many unpaid iu-um tuulev'll:s n Lie. lie trad In} £5,UUR)1LL (he hunt, hut, I could Int, [)I‘U~s the 'c'teour.t, m' shuu'd bar. 1an l him; and W'UI'EI Mauvufzcn aura 'mw , Mu] for lack nfkthc “whey, I Jinan" I that I should a“! it at, his death and Ven- dvad, Md suyrc'eiycenjoyed gossiun of a b u'muid’s jeuveilvry. stisrt hf tius murmur, of the t' after "tonts,a'rniv,t consumed " all hiyxnmumosu, .this was C, coiuiempti'ole'---tlris hiding of Lszme frmn Hm light. it lived up- 4 grass bonding of beautiful 'ot, um: man‘s selfish my»)? hm; I was often Sum 'mm uthc mm'wy, I kuow I '.y't ir at, his death, and "in-WI huhgm' This Mit,' Ai; the gt ms that f said ,L'iihtut’s', Harm, bronchvs nilm-\x'4-m tummy-d My u! Irml Liven (lune busi- : 1hr ruin-s away "with tuv,d the further. nu n to his“ in the hadgo~n\-.]1vre \Nt r!- r'-it many unpaid luv. Ite und IN} '1, hat, I could lot, ur' shuu'd bar. 1mm to give an id be ask 7- ___ - """_PM" su mu "l tnem, Thi, tot of these words upon him 's'rtb- but their smote“ ornament was the was so cunous that for some moments heâ€: superb enamelling, worthy of Jean I thought he had spasm of the heart. PM tin or Peumt, with which all the gold Starting up in the chair, with wild og- Wag covered. I ' 2160 for these eyes and hands clutching at the arms of remarkable ornaments; and the old to rest upon them, he made several at. . man struck, like the artist he waa,with tempts to speak, but not a word came; ith the perfection of the ‘workmanship. to his lips. I endeavored to help him Ile, iixed.hU greedy eyes upon than, ml with his didicnlty, but it was to little ill; was persuaded. He protested that PM?†_ IT that they were too good, tkr too .good, ‘It seems to me, Lord Harniagham, at for such a worthless ingrateas his no- I truggerted, ‘that you have only "to let phew, and that he ought to keep them write a line of explanation to your in hia own collection; but it Uat he msphew--aud there's an end of the le; ordered me to send them, with his matter.’ ' int card, to Lord Vunley’s town house, ‘You think so , he cried, eagerly. on and went away ouiittir at his own gett- 'Why not,' said I, since he returned ng erosity, and as he avowed at his own the jewels to you , en stupidity. 'But he didn't,' he interrupted, As I saw no more of him for a week. clinging in the chair at this confession ot The wedding had been celebrated, and of a lie; he didn't; and he'd pmgecute 1 Master Bertie Watts had conveyed me; he hates-me, and this is his op- 1 ' away quietly to Folkstone as pretty in portunity, d'ye see , i. English rose as ever flouriahea in e 'Do you mean to say,’ I exclaimed. , V? glare of the West. lord and Ink Luz-A , . - __ eVt't' Ntiri' , both of _ "V ._.v __W Y""'""" " you: .Ommoe‘w in. [but how au my“: 'IIT. to. M'- ;tl1ltttttiftti.iilitiii,i tttH/tee. lyaeyi-'riK" bi - - . --- -.%. unnu‘ WU week utter the M1180... hning out the very numerous wedding present: to their bunks-l; and today would have forgotten the ,rtsouhoinUsitit had not pad to disc“ the important quetstiorv.,-.Bow were the you; people‘ to an in thQIWGhupduy ml 1'f2yet.trir,eyaiiiiijara" I A-“ __ - ‘uo you man to any,’ I excl-timed, ghreoftheWeat. se,',':),?),?),.?:?,?',] . . to tandth . . Vunley shut up their house durinx the tttttt tttet? ye, t.titetiyt, -ML -.s, ‘l - . - 1m I listened to him patiently, and in the end persuaded him to buy Watts an exquisite set of jewelled links. These had a. diamond in each of them, but their gmtest ornament was the superb emailing, worthy of Jean tin or Fatima. with when. .11 um nu d "J m"“’ “P l his mind; and he did not cease to re- I bake me for that which he called my IE1posterously extraventinsintustioti,' 'Fifty sovereigns t. a hundred sover- eigns y he kept tacoltiming; why, man alive, do you think I’mmude of many 7 ey? Show me something cheap, some- thing that five pounds will buy, d’ye see? my bit of stuff is good enough for ajackannpee like that.' 'But not for your Card on Lord Vernley’s table,' . ‘Why what do you mean , _ ‘People who are uneharitable, you. know, might say that it was a curious. ly inaufh'dient preaent.’ 'D'ye think they'd say that l' ‘I am sure they' would.' _ 'Paluw.c-ao um I , that comes of be- ing thought a rich man when you’re as poores e person. I am quite a. poor 1 may, you know, Sutton.’ l I must have showtn him quite a hund- red rings, pins and watches, of all val, ues, froth fifty pounds to five hundred, before he could. in any way make up hie ",G,A . A-) L, J! t A that, society would make if his card did not lie on Lord Varnley's table, when the other presents were shown. In this bargain .he displayed a meanness which wan triumphant even for him. HI 'Then, what's he want to do it for' Thinks he's going to get something out of me, perhaps-out of me, buthe ain't --not one Sixpence , not if they hadn't enough to get to the, station with. Ha, ha! I'm not such a. spendthrift as I look.' He talked in this strain for some while, and then fell to haggling over a gift. He told me the custom of giving wedding presents was the insane tash. ion of an insane age; that he content. ed to follow it only m view of the fuss that, societv would lnnlrn mm mm: mm a smile. . ‘Uf courscI can do lese,’ he said, sr,avrulouriy. 'I Gun give him nothing at all, d’ye see; not a brass hulfponny. 'Look at the use maudling about the, first pretty face he sees over: a dinner table, when he might marry money twenty times for the asking of ic. Did I make such a fool of myself when I was his age t' V I assured him he did nothing'of the sort. ‘ - _ - _ C-'"'"""' sympathy “11H: was rim-ere enough nu the part of every nun who knmv him The date. of the ssedding was LOW fixvd, new; the 21s: of January. to he \wll :Lh-n-d of Lent I saw "5stts,. wry frcqm-utly during the following ton an)», he cumin; wil upwind, ('rrsistvncy to ask me if Lis uncle had hot bought him anything, and remain- disappo,nted almost to tlw very ew- of his marriage. In fact, the wedding WAS to take place on the previous Mon [Any that Lord _llnn:i.wuluun usecmlwl Hny siairs, puillug and blowing, and. in u shocking lulnper, to make his "put'- ..x... . c - A 'sul) thin chum of u. present. ' 'Sutton,' hw sand. “his is the greatest mmfm-lm'y on earthi -that _\uuug rascal is Lying to wt tuarrird afrcp "ll, and I sum) M: l'll haw. to give hhu sume~ I told him tlntcwa. i‘luwsaibie, and be wrnt mmy “nth tlroigterte in his pocket, um] n wry umughtful look upon his bum. Before he aid so, bow. ever, he had utter-rd the pious wish that: his uncle might v'ie of some tur- outing vititvion, and that,he, might be alive: to dun Fe on the Gy of the fun. eral. I must my than I sympa'hiym _witlt him, for he, was a gondrlmakiug and kiudlylearted 30m g tuiluw, Mu; fur many Jelrrs had lr t n In] 10 lmlicyt- that his relations would do rummlmxg for him; and who mu about. lo [w syienousiy disuurti,ted, Nor could I {urgvt that hr Wm In nraried to "tle of the pullout, girls In toyu--aru, fur , hvr who (â€jg/ed a Lind. of tu/lectwd ; an extra rnattdrtid, tind go babes? I feel like something desperate.' _ ' T . I I I . -I on can scarce do les,' I said with a __ "W vhat's he want to do it for? k going to get. something fRt _uxps--out of me, buthe ain't Sixpence , not if they hadn't l gee to at, station with. IU not such a. spendthrifc ',iris In toyti--anrl {Cr ed a Liml of tu/lectwtl h was rim-we enough nu VHS was weaning, 3nd v“ cure that I ‘thoglld not hive ported with them. T, mum send Mn . cheque ugulnat 'tttdar-ond than» 000"“ looking I, 'tvy!.irrymyrttGiiiiii' use into -A.oip.,- I“ h _ _ __ - Q‘Yes. yel,’he mumbled, ‘thoy were ttttttl, such work! You ‘know at work they were. I luv them at the wedding, tad v“ sure that T ttit,etrtfi1ajhiiririii"i ixf'& In , Wm. 11"ttiiit/,';ttt';t that n 1 ‘Your nephew gave it you, no doubt, but he must have forgotten it, for he's advertised the loss of this crescent at, Scotland and, and there are detect- ivos now trying to find it. I am cau- tioned not to purchase it,' I said with a. laugh._ ‘Yes, here in the green case. as you he sold them. Do] surprise you, eh? . Well, I'm g,ning to give Master Bertie r? a. hit of a. cheque and to keep these in things , hut one of the stones is offcol- 1:5 or-I noticed it at the wedding-end W I must have a new one in. d'ye see 1†h. ‘I thought that you had already ft handed them over, I interrupted, quite, disregarding his last request. te ‘So I did, so I did; but a man can a take his own back again, can't he? g Well, when I saw them at the house, I. I concluded it was ridiculous to give a t. boy like that treasures, and so~ ttt 'You spoke to,him , d 'Hemd. that, is, of course, man. tt Pshnw! You’re too inquisitive for a n jeweller; you ought to have been a 8 lady’s maid.' ' 'He laid upon my table a green vel- _ vet case, of the exact size, color and , .. shape of that which had contained the l u links, but when I opened it I gave a t ) start, and put it' down quickly.' The t . case held a. crescent of pearls; turquois. l , es and diamonds, which answered a, I I actly to the description of the one c ' stolen from Lord Varnley's house on the day of his Gughter's wedding. r _ a ___ v .e-‘....i,. There’s some mistake here,' said I, 'you evidently left the links at home,' ‘with which remark I put the jewels under his very nose for him tosee. He looked at them for a. moment, the whole of his flabby face wrinkling and reddening; then he mined almost to choke, and the veins in his forehead swelled until they were as blue threads upon an when and colorless counten- ance. 'Good God y 'I've r “Veil; but you can't get them back now,' I remarked with a smile. . lie took snuff jwrously at my re- ply, and then said .' 'Man, you’rs wrong, I've got them in my pocket.' I must have expressed my astonish. mum in my look, for he went on quickly : ( ‘h/s Iabout those links I gwe my n'ephewl,' Le said at law. 'Thrcv're far too good for him, suttcu-and they're too pretty. I man-r saw better “wk in my Me, and mud, have been a fun! when I let, then) go out, of my pyser sion-dye sens 'l' I Pans its.wtv, known t,hrvuclithe Gil. f papâ€"Ii; th -L tlr re hat In an n mbhrr‘ _ at M. house in Cork Stunt, of n greet ' velvet cave, containing r. n-weul. 0 pmâ€!!! Iurqu'uisrs mm] dimnwn ls. Thi was :Jpruwut from um- hf H.1- Emlms 54's Lahxis dvnughtvr and 1mm, mil th, wpnrtrs, have Imam ubslrmud from th, huuseklurin: the [was and (tuthsltm of tlu, irt'cvptioti.' Lulo'r In the after. mum] rcceived an advice from Sut- LIAN] Ymd, cautiuuing Im- Hgali)\tr the, purchar:u of such u grin, and in-ilin'b i-I‘medimw cotumunicatiou if it “Wt off, n-d me. The Unit of \wdrliug prcmuks isnso cnmmrm that] gave little haul m the matter, and “as already innumsed in other 1min.†when Lord 1)aruiitc,hau, was anmnmcod. Mu wowed rather fiduety in his manner, I thought, and hummeJ and hawul can sidnmlhy before he “Quid explain him tisiott to nukmur lint. question in 1 timei-iliuugh in die, women ignm’aut as any of them. 'd Gnuritrout ii, Ibis war. co morning that Lord Varnlc Paul's. inwax known throucl l [Kinny H Av, Ill-11 Clarivusly enough, " W ttttir.?- one. _l,',b1'lN1t'i'iif2'g mm may enough, I was akin myself " lint. question in Hum: day's 5h ar die, momenta I w any of them. The, n. I taken the wrong ‘nnd mud, mil 1h ubxlramd from th was and (:uufuwn .uu-r m the nite; 10m. The, mutlrr a'. On the wry ch the daily lt It rt)lo'rn-ry t, of n green Hamelâ€. of It‘nis. Thi, this, Emlyn» 1N, mil 1hr 'We’re going to change our gun-tern, . uncle, and, will begin by liming to the beet haul in the pines. That poor girl moped to death hirre,and now you’er go- ing mlpsy for our bo-tran-dit domn't matter. do. it old gaunt The old mu. com ‘W' n this, his mouth wide open with the surprise of it. ‘Whnt’a tutr be mutbelx 'WUt're you going to dot But I inpereJ to huietrisiukts and in In hour we whim down ton In t, dinner Lambda â€their, tttstty-- " ling pent aloon od the hotel in the pheaDln'nx the tha K.aa, We returned in silence, but directly we were in the lull the young man call- ed for ttia biil,tnd making in an almost boisterou- tone, cried ' --.,...... """'"""""" I wlemn tone act. ed the part to perfection. 'Uncle,' ht said, 'I would never have believed it of you. But this is too ser- ious a matter to mention here; let us go to the hotel.' .o-nug wmumme the noses upon the cheekso f a brute. When Master Bercie new as he be. came as sedate as e Methodist minis- ter,end commanding I solemn tone act. ed the part to perfection. 9 The groan ne gave at this would l have moved a man of iron. I saw tests 7 standing in his eyes, and his hand shook l when I left him so that he could scum , put it into mine. Yet he came to the . station to meet me in the afternoon, and by six o'clock we were in Folke.. I rtgue, at a. shabby second-rate hotel called "The Cock and Lobster,†inquir- ing for the bride and bridegroom. Mr. and Airs Watts, they said, were out on the parade; but we went to look for [ them, and surprised them coming from the Lees, as handsome a. couple as you could look upon. She, a. pretty, brown. haired English girl, her tresses tossed over her large eyes by the sharp wind that swept in from the sea, wss close under the arm of her husband, who, st that stone, fearing to lose her touch, seemed engsged in the impossible at tempt to cover her entirely with one of his arms. And in this pursuit privscy come to his aid, for the breeze wns fresh from the Channel at the beginning of night, banishing all loiterers but those loitering in love ; and the lamps flicker. ed and went low in the gusts,“ though fearing toillumine the noses upon the Q cheekso f a brute. l nt to as (LS 'Lord Harningham, there is only one thingto do, and for your sake I will make myself a criminal participttor in the conspiracy. You must go to Folks atone with me this afternoon, and take your cheque book with you. C' I put this into my pocket without " any delay, and vent over to Burning» e hum’s house in Park Lane. He had - been up all night, they told me,and the i dcctot. had just, left him ', but I found him suffering only from an enerva ing r four, and white as the cloth on the y breakfast table before him. 'Well,' he mid, 'what is it, what dons I he say? Will he prosecute me f' I handed him the telegram for an- swer. and I thought he would have swooned. He did not know that I had l in my pocket another letter from his‘ nephew, in which Master Bertie in. formed me that I was th'e 'best chap in the world," and I saw no reason to mention this. Indeed, I listened with infinite gravity/when the old man told me that he was irretrievably ruined, and that his name would stand in all the clubs as that of a common thief. Jewel-hunger plainly accounted for to- counted for everything he bad done; but it was not to my end to console him, and I said in a severe and st1ifr 1 ciently melancholy voice v-- I thm inexp'msibly slmckmi nnd pair ed, but thd haw must take: its courw.’ I wrote Lo Fohrestone a later, the prv rise contents of which ate immntenu} but the response to Mulch was in the form of a telruram “(mind as follows: mm.“ 't"'o 'rtl him down the back stuns to a “la,“ith tsprrs'itivy nwumnve tlm' J would not ccmtuucicate with Scotland Yaldfl‘hezn t -. " Inn“. .Hnuum'hllr, In“ “A (keep ttut uflhe w"y,for , ‘lht‘ taut 1114301: might Lo nrrvmld.’ I Ile Law a rowan: m, H.i-, um] tl F' perrpwntiuu rullnd trom him,fulliuu in mm" drops Upon the carpet. 'tlu, Lord:. he, krpt mutating, Rh, Hut 1 would huh [wen such u cnmmuluait: fem f all), IivaVrn her 1m 1 To think of Mr -anu' “but it will um; I couid try, Sultan __-- cry like u child,' I animal him with (lillicul'yumd In] Ht him Inf It, Wuh this intent, I played my ('lltvt card Ail]; nt‘cI'ssm‘y lmdurss. L'mlunfuh-dlythe our MUTV uni Ills [for you,' an“! I 'spp'treuitiy v. :11: r) mim- (icy, 'tsud i: is n.udu the mow wriuux- Hun tht blluillt'd H hum... diamâ€; In _ 'mrn Jour "ephtw and _\uumvlf. You kt (1w [he MW, I doubt Lot As weh an I tlo ; MM that (.me n puswutiun la, turn iniliuch at ScuLTnnd Yul-J. it is opo.silpe to. withdraw wrthout a trial. Mr, IN alt“ mignt gtt into “Hum trou- lol,, f, r v unwound; ;g a fvluuy ', and I lulu?†hulk-1' "ith him as “we in the m'uniyir "y. b'ut I mum; uhu‘ I “I“ 'prosecuted lin Ind he chmeu, Khuugh the probability ofhitsrrtitw a counc- tion was gnu]. But in “as very evi- dvm to me that here Was the boyU up- pul'luuity, and that in thr, interest of his pretty vife I should make the best of w Wut, [his intrort I ..1....1 _. .V tr Immune . 'ant’ro In , bt But I [1&ng to a, , 't’ 'PdiitaatGiriii $41. run to I an I) dinner Pd 'ml , not M, the - C Icon od a†'iiiii ta For "in: the In the my... pr. At , l? M tT? "xt's7 '7'"; "i?i'ir TTr, ' ya 2 (it! ' h?" r344» 'pi,, tli'i"ii'(a' -- V .1 't ï¬Axgï¬Jaï¬d 1 "m. QUICKLY -rtiF-a"rait= WWW,www.cml‘smwas; M to Lin, tow hula: )(‘u to falI’L til-guiw It HUG rounl! Dr n l m 2.a'gg'"'suuN-Y""mu"". 'da'ii,1rd'd"t ht a Jersdid bay horse poms . with. . Ih".fm'dlflc Lurul. Ille Aravtei re. Tb. Vivi: " your " I I 'rgfift,f'i, actuary fl 'o'IT"aT'nt, "art Md Iâ€). W s, m ROI. 1 ur " "uttdisgi26iiiiitS' em. . You-- my, w. s. than". , mom $ltlmlt 008E ttmm?ii""iii'ii'i'iiit cunt - -- -_-. H..-“ "k my“ ...... (F.'LfNrTs v, Four rest by a sick child hunt‘rlng and rams with pain ofCuLUn Tenn prnd‘u 0th nnc get anbottle of "Sh-s. “UL-lo“ " Mom!“ tisrup for Children chthing. II “h: anu the ppor little sufferer immediate , Jwpead upon ll mothers, there in, no nix-mkr about lj It cures Diarrhom, rwuhm _ the Mum-M. tot". Bowels, cures Wind Colic. porten- flu Gume, reduces InGmrmuVm, and brlvts on: no :01“? whole t9ytem."Mrti.Win,ani '. 5001mm c.s â€I! nor ghiidren teething is plosuau! m r!†1M1? fnd 1: the prescription alone of tht, my v and trest female physiciannand ntxr‘w‘ m Yuri L154 States. Price twrntr-tive cents a botluz 30:4 by all churns throughout the world. i t “I" game! ttt or 'ahtts, “lesww‘u 5001mm 'RUP ' '. J. I o,.""'", mm. Dec. N, Wk t hTt we}: yogr Q,e,,'",'tllu'rtro',2 fh't Milt Unmet; ft,'We"'cehttgd.t"'"" , ', You: In)?! AI‘GL‘I'I no“ I. Prion per Bottle. ‘r â€his by In Drunms. or Add!“ Ar. B. J. KENDALL contrary", . umvuu nu... m. THE ' .087 SUCCESSFUL REIEDY '0. Matt on IEAST. O0hentrt_ttaetreeu and never bum. _u_ -, “uproot: bdow: uy munom or mother- tur their l may. I. “hm was; gamma in mm "nd mm a yr?m11'.rsst.sr'r, Enormxn SYM'H by lexlhonx of mother. tur their l h ...-. w--- .. .. A - Of rye the poet, loves to vim. O'cr barley much ML. we trake. When is n proud commercm. 'dnng, But buckwheat aims). lulu-S the cake. not puny, pan†Hood's barmparilla â€a": m by ttivl: 1; vit, Lln- “mayâ€, (Tuning tho hand. It m rrclt, pubsuasvs the prmh er the mast \mudcrlul xw any tnvdlcir.e In Chl) is now in Madeira sum}. -1Max Pemberton, in ' unrated Magazine. 1C11U11', I 'Ori-ve 11.1 t ' Iquitr Obiniu'du to ll, st night.’ l Th? shot utrct l 1.4111" t 0011er nt my tau". r; {it for bOHH' whxlv. 111.11 "I' l between Smuzoaks MIN t', (His rvtumk mu 11mm I'm : vincnig, for he r'xchsiv_ » Iain-Wm.» nothing in 111! Cl ll to bluzvs With tsll.jesi', (sided, and camc- with 1:11: 'l rooms, where he wrap» " eight thousand pounds m with considerable “Huber-1 was hardly dry, hos, Hier dropped heavily upon she lay prone in a fit, The shock of partir 'd mom-y had been too un, Mr. Nvumwn ca/, forgetting.’l)o yuu k ham, that if.1utir,ur my, 0511' (In Us.†" Blest be the tie that binds E'en though it costs a do'/ar, If it but lacks ambition To climb above our t-oilar. hll ttt “ " Milli-(1| Ian’s Flu tlu, (min I ttt-tt r “Pp“. hrldu ht th, h Th'w a bu murm- hm] clsr th m look: rvnmrka but NN quisiunormu I hut until “P \\w tlrat the lu‘uu'i h sted H mm! I list", I continued It New: h (Ni d ar' th Th PM H al For our lam inr- "rs Il “Ru-n umâ€. tan - Chi Icago Inter" new d “it! I In A: In: 'lit‘d hi, hi tho dour m In ts-ut H0 Our r gripe ill It HmIv --Detroit Free Press " Hm ' 1nd H lt WI {if n Deed u hm IL 'roytr bud He .ut “at " alt FL he beetrtseti ship siuct ed by all eye in with " csrtrifs pit-Yew: taken ..: the Mr ship of 27th It In! W .stor of l] Elmira. T ,“rs of 8‘." ide 6 ullot from" erivo/ l All 1 Ilevrc ix The n were rm Tlm t, from t L9 " mat heal a, SCH“! VN, " at" let. a Mari and 1 Ch The derttl mat of C" tl Ill Iildl err county l) From up. about tlu, ', to u alum Mr bers run. tl is 3ir Tin them up, my this the yieCOt M tlu, Ns' est" viu' "t tit. Jut the I; othcrs in lr. Wm mad gush} Cioutwtilors 'rt.', ' _ . turning Uthcere for Ibiivinionl in the Viola for the yvsr I second and Nani ': livluw 3â€,: JI' the Fectrt Health tr Board tor third " m Wools 00m The Trvmuxvx lect from th, tru sum of $4" is, (3' Bylaw .\7 21"- and inn v. ' t":, , new who“ Emu ' ll " Km Cr, for l Y The fol, law: Let.., John HCA/ tr. Joln. l Butt " FO: Js [ Bowman. r‘ Henry 11-};li 't1.5tr. Hun Elton. 820.i, 'Y Heibein, E hr new mad, iii] 8t3.7tr. Plum Mar no Shuntz,dn. tl lawman, (in. Friedman, $13.10: Jone h K. Lebum Mes, tht, Jan. l .Trdustsel, cement, 1 7-8, driving piles but " Ploredait Nes' tl MI IN cur y UN fthe xN 'c In u T I 'tl Mk“! ntit I I NB rv tit, sh 'ete