PUBLIC THLR tice to Creditors. tersttrttrrt hits A BEEN?“- b III Fa" Huron on any 't,S't, "I 'o hnrvhma mom a. nbuymg. Us!) or it!“ th.., a tl Van all!" N ‘OR SALE. , no; "ii-aid. â€lot. I 'ul5't'ieot; Thu. no ,mm to an“ Valuable F; . ’mmyrv'd In ftio M " Ir. “Urn-'1 on or bemthm r~ 'it . /'c which SUN V" "'01va rn distribq% ovrv having Tra b I'm-V: 're ,ha'l then D C UH), H. HUTC W" nd'w MS FOR SALE. BLIC Sm: HF ruunsnAv, snE HENRY " Wm tht l-w' Ianu-nc has made um. , inducer. 'nd 'N Hrrlou. for tho t" 41m.- of the sat"., purm'mt to “.30. In of August. All. at. “my†' good 38th of sedierimr, In Aug-signal --"q Jtt, time And pl , uh- the "tf 'irsttt umwulon 0 t IMt Mr u allcwk‘Y. gtitiilh"l "r, about is out.“ of wuluvmion. 'tt,1iRil ,. "rm is also melt gtii {um ('rnmhi". Lyjiiii rn trvd il miles 1tiiril [vm "‘1‘!†A Kood M.†' lt man 'eet. but h" “my feet, two not“ AWL V _' f L.’ o‘elmkl m of ',,'t,"i"irl'il',t f lot No. 1tidi' I the Q',. 'uwns ip 'l'lN' "T100. u, Yrs, ' "t'tivruiG'.' ."!n H thoro td â€â€1 Mm ml 'Prurur WPle- ' med wm a ". on the 9m men... “ u (w paid on the lass Cl1rtPdiievC1 riarte on henna but Iris Get, yjciiat â€Mini“: ll “11' (Hut “a t", School /"iif,y,i).] rlfrp t imtrict j 3l "Mum ne '83.}. mm a...“ 'rt and I" In , ctr' "trix of I†Pia/I, late " ' Grady of M i, {nu/I'm. vw. Mswhine (a A ', l wrt/vu-. " elt 1:,'yih,t,tt Fl ‘Hhhclso m. 'i"' nf unm- _ m! manyotlof ' If #5 and†with]; crodlt'm (' "V my. ' all hickcum wu’ reset-nu“! ' mmmenoo “B will fftre In In“ - mble Irmce rm u "owat'tt iii' I I:Mnf!r)rd&‘ t'. -e “son 1 W“ c' Wows: _ u. rb, I - A SALE: REF. “m was.“ can hiâ€: ot the 1Mt - Ivy. on.“ ' Sis 00n- *ird (Minn. t _ aim 'Wh‘ .mnhm‘ 7 'tii He. 2:“ Lltiii L. Srmcxn Proprietor. ._ - " 11-.- for . v?e,r':','r.le!lr'ut" " ninth.“ 'vmold do “I. Ir" day of“. Ile Man 115.; .zrmood_ W l w . tlo 1211.5â€.- -..". -' 1_" I,',, 11-fold. I hrriter bu: Jw-n‘ l "can, â€1 "OWN innin- " iuhi in tymresi. drettN b my: n the V‘J" ml ('th 'hius4, I'2't 'nllty m. smurf...“ u-mion. , under, not: n â€"W n on mum. why: In- _ Ptyor . \leu. 4mm. tpuiir" T he moment we et fresh stock in and you can then be our own judge as I buy I,ft1'd',"i'er best and I know the stock will pliant: you. By so doing we think it will b; bentihia) to both puns con- tamed. giving you mcc, heats fruit at a right price and giving us a dtance of disposing ot snmequickly and avoid loss that my. l . GEO; HASEN rat Show you the Fruit. CRAWFORD s) PEACHES ask c "How Many Baskets lv_;€:ming to come in now and we will be getting them in daily, t: :mn growers, in large shipments, thereby getting cheap express _ which puts us in a position to sell them cheap; now we wont ask THE BOEHMER co" In fact we will not take fruit orders that way; but what we do you is to kindly leave your order tor _ VOL. XL.-- NO. 30 City Grocery MOB! OUR DELIVERY can we send you ?†To call on you at your house and I"! ..u: of' Berlin (Limited.) WATERLO1 iiems,iatt-U. circle}! {Hath no left to "°"...‘ stltstti2'tt"lt,t) which '0 " cot- iu; Eon. 21(ltt,','t,1 tom, was one of the W m - In this ing, were the fruits of thin union. Mr. Bowman, who lived a few miles West ot this village, mod for may yen- " trustee audi wu widely known and respected. At the time at his death, howuagrd TBM 6 month and 27 dun. Betidee his children, " -dethiidmn.i M16 unwav- l OutTUAev.--0n Tuesday, Sept. 18, there died at the home of her parents Mr, and Mrs. Fred. Hauck, after a short illness, Mrs. Isaac Good, nt the early ege of 22 years. 3 months and 8 days. About a year ago the deceased was married to Mr. Imc Good, of this place. The funeral, held hurt Thurs- day afternoon at the Evangelical church here, was very largely attended. Rev. Mr. Hoist offieuud. The choir, of which she had been a leading mem- ber for a long time, bought . floral an- chor to adorn the oodin, in token of the esteem of her fellow-members. Be. sides her parents, eleven brothers and listen ere left to mourn her loan. to whom we extend our heartfelt nymph~ thy. i OBlTUARY.-Lut Thursday (Sept. 20th), Mr. Levi Bonn-n, one of the pioneer- of this county, paused to his rent otter e short illneu. The deoeued we. born in Bern County, Peon, on l Feb. 24th, 1816. and emigreted to thin country in 1825. On the 26th of Dec. 1839,he merried hugdaleuaBurkUrd_ who died Sept, 15, 1884. Six eons end nix daughter-toll ot whom ere ntill liv- Ingals Carleton acting for a wealthy New Ybrk syndicate purchased a block of Windsor property last week trom Hiram Walker for $297,000. The pro perty consists of 87 acre: known is the Walker farm. This makes $1,024,000 worth of Windsor real estate purchased by the syndicate since Sept. 1. John Ferguson, tb Csledon Grmer who sued another John Ferguson, of the neighborhood, fox damages for the seduction of his daughter Betsy, got a. verdict of $1,000 at the Peel Assi- zes. Last Thursday I number of the eiul. dren and relative: of Mr. John Leslie, an, met at his home, Glenwillimns, to celebrate the sixtietn anniversary of his wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie are still enjoying fair health although both are over eighty years ot age. Mr. Les. lie has thi origin al deed from the Crown and hue lived tor over seventy years st his present home, and has lived to see the fourth xemsrution-usomething unusual. . The G. T. R. taxed McCarthy, M.P. $140 for a. special train from Bellevihe to Brockville. The hotel employees neglected to call him " the proper time and he missed the regular train _ Mr. Walton, postmaster of Clifford, has been suspended on a charge of tampering with letters. Mr. Watson of Stratford was â€placed temporarily in charge. The town of Woodstock long ago acquired a reputation as a goo-head town. The following shows how such a reputation may be acquired and maintained without exceptional inconvenience to anyone. On Tuesday night the council struck the rate for the year at 20 mills on the dollar. This rate will raise only $53.440, while to meet. current liabilities will _require 870,500, which would mean a rate of 23 mills on the dollar. The. council purposes to ask Parliament for power to issue debentures ur' the extent of $7,000 a year for the next ten years,so that the rate need not by raised over the 20 mills until after 1904. The scheme was passed through with the opposition of only twtrrnembere. It is ngreat plan in making posterity do sowething for you. - The saw mill of Richardson Bros. Elem, was destroyed by fire last Fri- dsy noun. Lon pretty well covered by insurance. AM the News of the Con-I7 and District carer-n) luau-med in put Into attractive Inâ€. A BUDGET FROM CORRES- PONDENTB AN D OTHER SOURCES. NEW; S 'NUGGETS. tht. "eotrtt, jg, QNTARIO, THURSDAX MORNING SEPTEMBER 27, 1894, Mr. S. memos-ll erected nvind- mill on the when... adj-cent the Gittrttier+mitt....Mm.hde-teuoa wwatholo. Bound bad wrt-tthr-trot' consumption to: who. Gimmick! forty-cu- '.edtru"ultt"h. I“! Bu- Ptmrrc--The Lutherans held their 8.8.picnic on the In": of Mr. Louis Seip on Saturday Bept. 15. , There were many prenngboth old tad young but on, Account of the wind and min. shelter had to he taught and the a. mammot- lor the afternoon were end- New Dundee. Mr. Loves and family moved to Gslt on Tuesday. Mr. Oliver Bergey now occupies the, house v "rated by the Lvyea fomily . . . . Mr. John Kouti'mdn left on Monday for Parry Sound, If the north- ern country suits him his family will follow. Several others are preparing to investigate Parry Sound district with a view to locating there. . . . We are sorry to learn that Mr. Harry Cop- ley, who recently had a rib broken during a football match at Plattsville, has taken a relapse. We hope for his speedy recovery . . . .The firm of Shanta & Clemens have employed as apprentice clerk, Mr. Alvin Clemens, of Neuatadt. . . . .Mr. John W. Grob of Gaylord, Mich, visited relatives and friends about Dundee last week. He reports injury to crops by the summer’s drought... . On Thursday last the Plattsville football team visited Dun- dee and worsted the home team to the extent of 4 to 0. The game was a good one throughout and the victors 1 gained their honors by fair lighting. It ‘ is but fair to the Dundee boys to men- tion, that they found it necessary to substitute several strangers for their regular players who were not able to be present. The Dundee goal-keeper who was so seriously injured recently was not able to be out and his absence materially weakened the team. We all enjoy a. good, fair, scientific game and since these two teams have got down to business we hope to see them ': meet oftener. . . .Rev. J. S. Hardie of Ayr occupied the PreahyterUn pulpit on Sunday evening. He administered sacrament. The attentvnnco wns very good. . . .The committee appointed to investigate the Weber affairs, renorted It a meeting of creditors on Fiidny. An offer of 20 on. on the dollar wu made but not accepted on the creditors were not all present. Mr. J. U. Cle- mons was appointed assignâ€, In the event ot the creditors not accepting the 20 on, a tale of all eireots win be made. . The sale of the lute Mr. Weur. schmidb’s ell'ects took place Mauday, 24th inst., at. Walden. Ic was well " tended and fair prices were realized. The real estate had been previously purchased by Mr. S. Thompson. . . . M r. Kaspar Oberer is having an addition built to his house, which will make a decided improvemot. . . . Mrs. H, N. Miller who has been sick for some time 18 still under the care of H G. Lackner M, D., of Berlin. . .Miss Elms Schweit- zer,whom the doctors have had encased in a plaster of Paris jacket and leather bandages, is still lying in the same position in which she was placed live weeks ago. It is said she must. remain as "she, is for three months and then wear the jacket for one year. Dr. Min. chin of Berlin has the case and the family have great eoniideuce in his skill and treatment. All here are sin- cere in their expressions of sympathy for her. . . . Mr. Henry Lipperc,weaver, was very successful at our township fair at New Hamburg, having won 7 lat and 2 2nd prizes. PERSONALS --Mr. E. W, B. Snider left the other Tue-day on business to Iowa, Dakota, and.otber “am. He will stay slaw weeks....Mr. J. W. Hickuon, G. R. of the Roy:| Aroanu'm for Ont.., was In town last. week.... Mr. Ed. Holliuger left but week for Listowel where he has â€cured employ- ployment. . . . Some of our citizens took in the Fair: at London and Guelph last week. sud Rebeccn. His tirat wife died in July, 1876 and ten year- utter be mur- ried Mary, widow of the late Henry Rittmnhuus. She it Mill living. The funeral was held on Wednesday forr. noon at the Meeting Home at. Martin's Comma. Peter-Inn. auaeriuaai-ittrhtiia fresh v'ui . " Mr. B. tkhmidt'a....Mr. J'd'gtu,u'fieu"l'dtTaiiii,'d,t unborn)! Mr. John L Kids 2,tht r....1!utxuelhu- his mother {min tys1rirtiriiu,%reas Mm. W. Bieluoin, Hummer, is staying with her mother, Mn. L Bids, tor a couple of weeks. . . . Min Emma Schmidt, of Pukdnle, is visiting friends in our 'ethrg,t,'ttiidti pound 'hmidts --- limp-tad, sud in the excellent concert to be given' under the direction of th., Musical Society on that evening. Secretary J. B. Winger states that the G.T.R. will issue tickets at single firtsscltelftsre on Wednesday, Oct. 3rd, which certainly tttKeir.', a large attendance from poin nth . . . . Messrs. Weber & Erh one of our foremost business firms, and who are always at the front in adver- tising their business, have in course of pnblicetion a fall circular for distribu. tion in this section of country. Both members of the firm are enterprising and pushing, know the wants of the community like a book nnd deserve a continuance or the patronage they have rweived in the put. Mr. Bawdon,of Toronto, is in town this week in the interests of the York County Savings and Loan Co. . . .Dr. Ullyot leaves on Monday next to take a special surgical course in tin Post. Graduate Medical School of Chicago, which will extend over the whore. of October. "The coune includes twelve tvenirytyetytsvdl illustrated,the rogu- lat college clinical course and Cupitslop- tsrtstions.on thobrain,intestines,elu. per~ formed at theschooland variousho pita‘s All modern appliancesund opera: not.» are exhibitedand the amountlof instruction called for by the prospectus indicate that the course wilt be a very valuable addition to the knowledge of all those who avail themselves of the opportuni» ty to attend, During the Dr’s absence "Dr. L. F. Cline will attend to his prac- tice. . . .The funily of James Roberts, engineer on the, Galt train, move to Stratford to-morrow. Mr. Roberts remains here for a few weeks but will go to Stratford as soon as some changes on the G.T ll, now in contemplation, are eifeeted. Our citizens are all sorry tolose Mr Roberts and family, who, during their short stay of a year and a half, have won the esteem and respect of the entire community. At the Methodist Sunday school last Sunday morning a very nicely worded address was presented to the family and Mr, and Mrs. Roberts. Mr, Robertsbeirg unavoidably absent, Mrs. Roberts replied briefly and thanked the school for their kindness and expressions of goodwill during their stay in Elmira. ....The phonographic concert last Monday evening was a success in point of interest, the programme being w ry varied and well rendered. The attend: auce was not as large as might have been, the inclemency of the weather,, doubtless, preventing many from being present. . . .The Misses Olive and Allie Snyder, of Dora, called on El, mira friends last Friday ' . . . Between forty and titty attende the garden party at the residence of Mr, George Wright, Co.nesstogo, last Thursday evening, and had a splendid outing. An excellent programme was attent- ively listened to by those present, The spread was-one of the:best we have, seen, or partsken of, everything being served up in firsst.churi, manner. . ' . Elmira Fall Exhibition comes off next Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct, 2nd and 3rd. The nirectora are making splendid progress in preparing a better programme than ever before, and for the benetit of visitors from the south a special train wili leave Elmira on Wednesdsv evening at 10o'clock. This will allow outrof-town visitors to take Puommmas FOR NEXT Wavy-za- DAY-Oct. 3--A good Fuli Exhimcuuu during the day and an encelltmt enter. tainment in the Musical Society Hall in the evening. Mr. Thomms.A.lhker, humorist, Ehnira's favorite, will give the larger part of the programme, assisted by local talent. Athuisrion 25 cents. Reserved seats 35 cams. movement will materialize in the erection of a. large industry in our midst. All we want now to make our community a thriving, y.yo.'-etnploying municipality is Lina mstnulihnetst of u. few mssnutiustories. There " plmity of land in close proximity to the railroad suitable for the building of factories upon, and an abundance of labor can be had Without: trouble at fair wages. Somebody make a move! , Pt9,l$M.?r ‘EEI‘r'H‘w - UT" w‘ (mr. f""" I '7' T w†T _ JTH, _ /" F I C 'T . 'p a, . "'5 n a - illi'i' that; 'e. R) t'ltt"'grt,t,t1 ttttttie neighbor- hood. atria-ad mam dmdhbuhdva on Who haul-dune “who wind-ad “byâ€. not . in“ miles “butâ€: Whit-â€hi. Twenty eight yum; ago, e man by the name of Christian Feick who. was conducting e blaclomith'ir trede in the village of Mennheim. suddenly left a peeceful and happy family of three young children-two girls end one boy --tsnd e kind and obliging wife. The young wife, " might be euppoeed, was prostrneed by the sudden departure of her huehend. The borne bed been the home of peace and no reeson whatever could be "signed for this awful act, No word wee received from the tether, end not e line was eent to explein the ceuee of hie feithleu conduct towards thoee committed to hie charge. No fintrnoUl eid ceme from the huebend and ell wes dark. The breve mother kept the girle under her one end they grew up to be worthy young women. Not heerine from her husband, after men] yeere Mrs. Feick married egeie and now livee in Perth county end in in comforteble cireumetenoee. The boy wee tekeaby hie grendmother, Mrs. Mergeret Wick of thie piece end on reeching menhood met-tied. But eles , he followed the We!» ot hie tether and eleo duel-ted hie young wife, it be- ing eminently bred in the bone. _ -A - week- eqoeuen etyling him. ..u Em C. Wuotme-il1t Si?) York, who ie the Heastieral Chi-idea Wmmu’t. BELL,,, -t)ne, of those pleasing and interesting, I“ Pliti to the ladies took plums u in» Si. (leimbnm R Ch church on Sew Irirh, when Mi,, Louisa Brenner of Linwood and Chas. LOgel of the some place were united in the bonds of matrimony. The Rev. Father Gehl otlicGted at the ceremony. The bride looked very prerty dressed in brown silk with the bridal wreath and veil, and carrying a boquet of roses. The bridesmaids were Miss Julia Brenner, dressed in brown trimmed with pale green ribbons, and Miss Log. ei, sister of the groom,dresaed in brown trimmed with yellow. The groom was assisted by Conrad Gin. The presents received were very pretty and costly and too numerous to mention. The foundation is being laid of the Presbyterian church. Dan. Ritz of New Hamburg wan in town on the, 15. . . .John Koch of New llmnhurg sold his hay "we to the punk Brewing Co 'Waterloo. . . . While working on Um house of Ernst Flumus Gus. Liehtspiit soun- uiuriatic ur'id on his lrt'c In; and burnt it severely. . ' . Hubert Bernhardt, of Strntfuvd is in town calling on friends... .Mis Los. vn'z Win in Berlin on the 110.....109. Winterhalt, Cigar maker of JJenn,wos in town on the 19....Mirs Mary Kuinpf Was in New H-nnbur: on the 20. . . . Miss chliirhardt of hit, Ag uh» spent the '20. in Bide-n . . . .F. G. Gard- ner"s three piano wagons Nu rnuh' to thellamhurg show ptosed thriough here on the 20, They made a good adver- tising procession. . .A number. of Wst. erloo sportsnwn were hrre on a bind;- squiriol hunt on the 21. They scouted fourc- on. . . .Ph. Schmidt. killed tr," first, Pio for this mason on Um lst, li. Geisie '2nd on Sept. 20. . . .'1 he Baden Carp Fish Co. had on rxhihiu'ou at New Hamburg, A cirp measuring 22 inches long and weighing tio pounds. They have some weighing ovvr scion pounds and plenty ($5an I was to sell. This company consists of five man and Olin Boye, viz, --c. HPldmun, H .Held. man, J, Heldmm. N, Cressman, C. Lpdvrmnn and E, H. Boye. . . .A. Leu. Grdt and II. Meyers spent the 23rd in Atwood . . . . Miss Lzzie Ari oid and Eddie Arnold spent Sunng at Snakes» pane. . . .John A. licii'uwier moved to linden on SPpt. 24m. . . .Mrs. XONkPr wns in b‘mlin on the '23 . . . . Brls, Wit- te is bartender at the “Ms-n Hotel. Fraser, were busy cutting corn dur- ing the put, week. It. ii a full“ crop .. ' .Souse tine strings M Mack Inns Were caught t par Cum-alum). . . . N!" M. Guessman has anuuummh cucum- ber of this year'e growth measuving 6 feet 2 m in length, Ye tuarket Wet'- d-nets, this is I record breaker. . . . AJur fashionable dressnmkvr, Miss Davin. is home from her holidays. . . . Mr. A. G'ricker and family, of Berhu, were visiting at. home... .hliss, Sue Shanty, "peut Sunday at home, , . . Mr Oliver Moyer, of Toronto' is Rpmndiug a few mdznlis at home... .Rmu If. Bowman und wife of Mannheim We're Visiting at, Mr. J, L'erry'e. :It will pa} you to uk Simon Mayer the price ot human and coal 011 before buying ehrewhere. Wilma! fell"! Brenna. muiert WHOLE N UMBER. 2065' than: iarvutid imanrtlrad Ate out him . k'.T'li"7ami-io-sr,t,s, main. Borrower given liberal priviL 'e u merttet of [16.61.]. Arrangements have been completed to loan a lugs amount of private and Companr's Funds on ....Mr, Mid Mrs John Vollnmr and Mr. and Mrs. H. Zinlnwruinn lvft law, Saturday for (Trunlnmk Mil Port ls:. gin to visit friwins for a week _11 rf. Phillip SehaMer and mm» nmznhyrs of him family from Ayn-I 'ttr. visitinv, friends here. . _ . Mr. J. G. llulm wan taken sick wry suddtudy lust Thurs, day night but is Hill" to be around Fi- gain . . . .The contract for building It new bridge wtil he let mm Saturday. at 2 o'clnck pan. . . M r, U, J, Stein attended the Wrulvrn Fair for wverul days last week . . . .M in; Emma Kreut, Ziger intends taking a cows" at the Guelph College. . . . Mrs. A, Eckstein is again on me sick list . . . . Mr. H. N. Huehn has been to Lonrlou buying hardware. ' ' .The eider mills of Mr. Brnendle are not an busy this year no former years. . . .Mr,Geo. Schaub is on the sick list. ..Mossru. Suidl-r & Brick, er of Htswlrsville have put a Windmill on the farm of H. Schufeley to re- place the one torn down by the worm some time ago . . . .The mason are busy at work tiniahtng Wm. Sattler‘s barn. . . . . Rev. H. Priscilla; lou, purchased a new piano. . . .Mr. C. W, b'chierholtz is preparing for a school enterttsinment. Fair. Miss Eda Wehor has returned home from Grimsby Park sxhere she had been staying for row-ml wreka. . . . A lnrge number from here attended the funeral of Levi Bowman In! hhsturday. the low rate of 5 to 6 per cent Trams were sent out In the neigh horiug villages to brine ll) 'uld chunm,y who condemn his past course but who yield to that which app: 315 to the stomach and with “ennui lugs of hwr to wuah down tlu/r â€val, a grand Hum “as spent on Sunday, be“, mm. CA Fl P ETS, Roller Blinds & Lace Curtains Floor [hi-Cloths Call and see their. suck “f Prices fr: nu " Lang&00., Hue just received a .hipment "o"tnmtir-rcvr, Shmx‘h J“ _'st,. T MMMOO'N‘AA th “06060606.. Leeaitu_stesdhPrs8lf00try QMOOOWOOOOâ€â‚¬>°OOGQ . ....VVV‘.V- . Plnie il‘ by " punk.» I . 'slit-li, v, legs. Tun-run. Ont, nu "h'rr,.t _ v‘. l t't, UnquestiomsMy Cancers Greatest Com. mercinléchnols. I I'_rit ',t', Ir.-t Mm:- hun tlrisr.uprr, Mun A i wl _'., Pr, xvu F. NOTICE- Mr. J; Weis, attended the Gurlph Town Property Farm Property Hf choice paw-rm and colors MONEY TO LOAN (Continued on 8th Page.) 288 per yard up. Two Ton BERLIN PER CENT. Nelda-Hum --NT- tni Business di- 0 L)fl :12] in