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Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 23 Aug 1894, p. 5

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uring this month next, we intend g the public the ever bought. Pro- re lost sight of for present. All we t 18 to _'iii'i,i:iitsiiti"i1i"'1,1otti'_: 1e room for our im-. ed stock which ' ll arrive next month. leapest Dry ' if you want eP&Diebel. 000 STOCK Goods Cheap. riCker to about or $12,000 iehel, Our Goods ---A qmnette of our savanna-on, YG. simon Brieker, A.B. IcBndo, 3mm Snyder and Phil Poqnegpnt, Wed the great Reform Dummy tiatat Bmtford on My in bra Itttpioi. Wilfrid Lani-ruse ml- “PM be; 3:33 tith, " Ottawa. _ rPrinting.--Fine printing is an on, Ind when you are having my printing doae you might as well have it well done. The CHRONICLE job printing ieiartmeut does work of the finest (Want): and prices nre always moon- ally. Try u: with your next order. --ltr. w. H. Ridden, Secretory of the Ontario Mutual Life, has just returned, looking hale and harty,_fyom Itwo weeks' vacation, huving visited Gad Rapids, Muskegon, Milwaukee, %e.agn and Detroit, and ending a 'ty eDijable trip by a. day " the -The Herman Union Cheese Fact- ‘ry, nmr New Hamburg, has sold its July Hum-w, of the second half of the month, at 'd," cents and shipped the same on Saturday last. _ an R, Dopp, who purchased the Baden Star a. few months since, re- moval his printing office to the Inde- pendent Block, New Hamburg, where [he intends m publish a paper for the ht. Agatha. Orphan Asylum. u ~Mr. Debs, president of the Ameri- mn Railway Union, ha been offered $300 a night for two hundred lectures under the auspices of the U. 8. lecture bureau. Brmlstreet's estimate of the total cost of his strike is 881,000,000. --Five, promising young race horses trrired on the Seagrsm farm last, wegk from England. They are a. strong, mp urous and active lot of l twoyear-olfi Ind ' yearling, one of which " In” brother to the famous Hnlf1'tttg, ttow Owned by Mr. Seagum. --1l C, Edward Dermal, overseer of the i-Put"', and his army of 40 men are warkmg patiently towards the town and haw reached John Lippert's place on hum Avenue. s-ur.. Laurier has sént a lettee to Mr. E. H. Duval, of Quebec, strongly iemrutwing the attack made by a net IfQueM-c mughs on the Baptist mis- nou and Salvation Army barracks. 5-way u! memd. Mr. Bandy has rm t‘llzftgt'd as its manager. -W,rrkrueu have started toexeavate zip-um nu the new Hospital ground, L11 Wmlnpxllay. The work will be gu-Eml inrwnnl with all possible apeed' -- Thr name " Miss Annie Selma-f, f\\'.n.-rlw Township,was accidentally Maul frn'u tho list of successful 1uriilvrc, at tlu, recent Primary ex. nmmarlnu. “Mn Manda 513:0 annual Sabbath Schoolpic-nic f the Herbalist, Church, Waterloo, a; kw had at, Westside Park on Fri- dy, wiwu u, most enjoyable afternoon STEESMGUUD, 'arrl -Workmen mil nu the Wtathrosday be spent Chocodlates Creams. ll l"'"' Fish a? Waterloo purchased 9'1"! L: thy goods store from J. W. l)' Hf Linwood. Mr. Bandy has ll L1)('.\L N EWS. tm " WHY '? d. A " mnrmuq. We are " [w H sinking fawn TO ADVERTISERS GROCERS. uruket he Auctinncry trade is in- grchyinq daily. 'srrtrsiphotographer was tak. d, m town yesterday mor- c ma? our goods are w ir, sh, and we keep 5..“ but the best on :4” must, be left at this office 'lmn Saturday noon, The tunes must be left not late "Y mum. Casual Advertise. plml up to noon Wednesday Cressman, of German u-nlytic stroke early ' We are sorry to Ciirttew W? hyt 3'“: '",1.to an gt‘win - -, ii I ',j,ijFoitii2) 'aj,iirt.lit,.f --Liobahere -omx, a week we pay our wage biil-eaah. Once 1 month we pay our paper biik--matt. Once 1. you we ask our render. to ttAY their thutriptioa--mah-tby ttttit all do so. The most offhesrn and if you-sm-l-ttPellet"-., my more of this. Thaw: will pies-e take . " 1i 0 - liw eddrele ttttht, top} cube a found " fine. Mr. Bowman,' C. lil., will examine the line more closely. take proper lays]: and submit s full report in due time. it become . reality. They ex- smined the river crossings st Preston and Frugal-t ef link they Jule --Mestmr. T. M. Butte John Fennel], Jno. Eden end R. J. Bowman, C. E., went down to Preston on Tuesday on n inspecting tour to find 3 until- factory route for the Preston end Berlin Street Rnilwey should yeste’ any in Waterloo he has won the esteem of 1 wide circle of friends for his splendid business end socisl quell ties. He was I. noted cricketer and hockeyist and the boys will greatly miss him. One end ell wish Mr. Barry sueces in his new sphere. Mr. F. G. Boulton, of Morrisburg. succeeds Mr. Barry. --The public can form a slight. idea how much fruit com into this sta- tion by oxpress when it in shown that Geo. Haunting, the enterprising Citv Grocer, bu received newly 3,000 baak. ets of huckleberrries since the middle of July and the season in not over. He is still receiving small shipmenu every other day, not counting the daily shipments of peaches which run from 13 to 40 buckets daily. -M r. Vernon Barry, teller of the Molsons Bank here, has been trang. ferred to Moptimli During his tyo ---The first annual district picnic of the I. O. o, F. will be held at Weat. side Park, Waterloo, on Thursday afternoon, Aug. 23rd. The Distrust includes Fergus, Elam, Guelph, Galt, Preston, Berlin, Elmira and Waterloo. From these towns over two thousand Oddtel. lows and their friends are'expect'ed to spend th gala time in our lovely park. - ---Murtses Martha Ind Anna Florence Snider entertained a number of young people at progressive Crokinoie on Monday evening last. This novel game proved very entertaining and " the close Miss Clambeli Webb and Mr. W. A. Raymo were the winners, the "booby" prizes falling to Miss Ed- ith Hodgins and Mr. J. S. Lockie. An impromptu dance closed th very enjoy- able evening. --A very pretty wedding, took place at “r oodstock on Tuesday hat. when Miss Ada M. Perry, granddaughter of the lrateSheriff Perry, of Woodstock, became the bride of Dr. Wilson of Plattsville, formerly teacher of the County of Waterloo and medical stu- dent of our townsmun, Dr. Bingham --The popular material for ladies waterproof garments is Priestley'e Cravouette, tine in texture, exquisite in finish, comes in all the new shades. Impervious to water but porous to air, you cannot, tell by its feel or appetrr- once that it is rain repelling, but when it is stamped "Prieistley's Cravenette" and rolled on Prieqtley's Vanished Board you can depend upon it. ---The success of the Gslt and Pres, ton Electric Railway, the opening of which was recorded a few weeks ago, has been so marked that.' the directo of the railway have decided on excel}: ing the. line as hy; ss Hespeler. A new road from Berlin to Preston is also u nder consideration and thelconveraion of the Hamilton and Dundas railway from steam to electricity is talked of. -.There. will be no more election protests. The time limit for all con- stituencies not already protested ex- pired .last Thursday. Twenty-nine proteata'have been entered in all, " against Liberals, 3 against Patrons, 11 against Conservatives. The protest in West Lambton has been abandoned. l --A serious decide“ happened a the .G.T.R. station, Berlin, 0| Month] night. Night watchman Sdbufer wu lowering a semaphore when the board slipped a cog and struck him 3 terrible [ crack on the side of his head. He fell -At a. meeting of the business men and manufacturers of Berlin, on Mon- day last, it was decided that the mayor call a public meeting of ratepayers at an early date to discuss the advisabili- ty of making the firm of Williams, Green it: Rome Co'y a loan to enable them to continue business. -rAt a. meeting of the Council of the Board of Trade, Waterloo, held on Tuesday evening, a. resolution was adopted, favoring the deep waterway scheme of the St. Lawrence and op- pointing a committee to go to Toronto to take part in the Convention to be held there Sept. 17 to 20. to the ground mteonscioua,li found some time sham} Fomi I.-Hoitor Iiat.--.A. Strick- land, B. CtmrMsns.--Paae 1iat--A. Bish, L, Brodrecht, N, Cook, M. Fear. D.' thlioh, N. mintheeher,' C. Bilborn, M. Kern, o. Kuritq L. 1411?): Iasrm, ld. 1lttet c. PM A. 'rqrrtat, Man you “any. when active or WWW WW F Mew ttt Fonx II-Honor hut.-....' Tavern, M. Brynn: and R Morley, A. Huhnel. .-.Paaa list-"A. Hilborn. H. Hymmen, C. Lamont, E Mohr, E. W. Snider, N. Sudduby. J_._M. Welker. Tun PHONES MisrAKrh-.Rev. Silas visiting friends in the County. Cressman’s child died in Owen Sound Miss Lizzie Doerlamm of Milverton last week. Mr. Cressman telephoned is visiting friends in town. to his father, who' lives a few miles . . north of New Dundee, asking him to Mrs. Wilson, near Berlin, left on dig a grave, make necessary arrange- Monday for Woodstock to at?“ the ments for funeral and fetch the corpse wedding of her son, Dr. B' ilson of from Petersburg station on Wednar Plattaville, to Misa Ada M. Perry ot day. The treacherous phone, either on Woodatock, mischief bent or thinking things were Mr. Chas. A.Winter, Supt. of Agen- not as they ought to be, sent the mes- cies of the Dominion Life, spent Sun- 'Ihr within Geo. Trussler It,?, the child day in Preston. o r. hos. Trussler, of arr Bound, . had died. Mr. Trussler her: bad a Miaa L Adamson, who has been the . guest of Miss Bella Moore, returned to grave dug, employed the sex-Vices of a her homei T to reverend gentleman, completed all n oron ' lpreliminaries and drove to Petersbur Mr. math“. principal of the Bets. lfor the "iirrmymaina. He then mung forth Collegiate Institute, is spending w his mistake and notified Mr. Enos his holidays with Dr. A. Ir. Woodward Creseman who thus far lived in peace- of mwksville. ful 1gnorune6 of the aad event. Mat. Mr.J.P.Luclrhart of Elmira gave the tera were "995““? straightened out CHRONICLE offitte a friendly call on and the remains deposited beneath the Tuesday. sod on' Thursday. Me Edison has _ _ evidently brought the phone to a Mr. .YTr Brown, teacher " Nat. dangerous point of perfection, It will they will attend the Ottawa Normal never do toallow it to remain there. Yyol thU tisll and Mr.' J. Martinson Now that he has developed it into an will manage the school. electrical talking machine with an Mr.O.S.Clarke. manager ofthe Bank inherent intelligence, it will be neces- ot- Hamilton, Berlin. left on a “Id, to go on developing until he has holiday trip and Mr. B. 8. Ambrose of ad ed a oonaeienoe,or it will be of no Hamilton will be in chargeofthe oIioe use! outside of this: United States. An while Mr. Clarke is away. in ligenee wi out a conscience is .' . not tolerated in Canada outside of the tyuy.dar Night: mm Atn.r iht!Y.y House of Common-Dundee Cor. a: Bfrlm " the t'llt',', S,filg,. Jet ------_--- acean, one o oron s rt Berlin High School. may lagies. Miles i'rurhr.ip'lt, has - ‘n stu in un or r. . . Schuch The following pupils were successful during thypagst two years, leaves for in their examinations during the past Chicago next month to continue her half year. Many of the names have studies under Mr. Kawoski. already been. announced but are repeat- --u-u-- ed so as to make the lists complete. First 'tet, was that failed must, if Uttttrtsn "T"' ‘ they " be promoted, in - [ arithmetic and algebra, at an dell. J,',',',',,,',,',,"? Mr. Abandt, gator or, tion to be held on the opening day, the Bt..'.o n s Lutheran Inch, aterlou, 30th inst. 1etittl 1ftettly,"ett Pto1r'fe/r b'ocuc-A quiet but very pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr II J.Graeett-, manager of the Can. adian Bank of Commerce, Waterloo, on Monday, Aug. 20th, when Miss Kate Hogg, sister of Mrs. Grasett, was married to Mr. John Arthur Wood. house, lately of Bolton, Eng., now sec~ retary for the Ambrose Brewing Co, Port Hope. The ceremony was per- formed by the Rt,' Rev. E. Vicar Stev- enson, Toronto. The bride looked charming in white silk, richly trimmed with Brussels lace and worea beautiful sett of pearls and diamonds, the gift of the groom. She was attended by Miss Gibson of Spring Valley. After a delicious wedding breakfast they left for the Eastern provinces and the States on their wedding tour. ROYAL Aitcuscsi.--Having secured the fifteen members necessary for or. ganizntion, Mr. J. W. Hickson, of " ronto, Grand Regent of the Order, in- stituted u Royal Arcanum Council at St. Jacobs on Wednesday evening of last melt. He was assisted by Mr. W. lt, Travers of Berlin. Messrs H. Gildner, H. Hymmen, H, Zapfke, and J. Gerbig, all of Berlin, were also pres- ent. Mr. J. T Ellis was installed as Regent, sssisted by an able staff of offices. After the installation, the members of the St. Jacobs Council treated the visitor: to a fine lunch " ter which Messrs. Hickson and Travers made short but able addresses. Tue I. o, 0. Ir.-.) number of I. Walmsley of town spent a few days of U, O. F. of Waterloo took a. run up to last week at New Hamburg. Elmira on Wednesday evening of last Miss Maggie Miller of Remover is 'pt'hte,rlr, 1B001visiting brethren visiting her parents at Berlin. rom ater oo er in, Guelph, Lon. . . don and 'iiCiiiLnTiiii lodges arrived at 11.13: Emma. let"',',', 0: Elmira was Elmira by the 8 o'clock train and took “a Ing, in town ee . part in the dedicntoryr services in the Mr. Robert M. Brnce, accompanied new hall in Dunke’s block. A candi- by his cousin, Mr Puns Middleton, ot date Was initiated and at. the close of Chicago, are spending a few days in regular business a. lunch tras partaken town. of. They all report having had agood Miss Priestmnn, of Toronto, is the tune. _ mm... " u- __.1 M-.. n - ‘17,“, Benn!) thm--A week ago Friday night the Inge stone residence of Mr. J .Knufmnn, Philipsburg, was bur-fed to the ground. All its contents, with the exception of an organ end a. few ether pieces of furniture, fell a. prey to the flames. The inmates being sound asleep, were roused by one of their neighbors and barely escaped. How the tire originated remmns a mystery. The loss is estimated at about 82,000, of which $1,200 is covered in the South Easbhope Mutual. l "t'amrs--ar- Good A Gha- . Per-one! In“. Ueher IMpped on Thursday. lost 1 cor ““ . Iced of sheep to Toronto, end 1 car load Mrs. Billiard and Mr. Thou. Hilliard, of hogs to Hamilton. manager of the Dominion Life, end . ---i-- Mrs Bean and Mr. David Bean, editor B03330 thm-h week ego Friday of the CHRONICLE, left on Fridny night the large stone residence of Mr. hat on the excunion to the Falls, and J .Kaufmen, Pbilipsburg, was but-fed to ore spending a week or ten days It the ground. All its content; with the Grimuby. 16me. , o/_,), li" 1 in“ (,j.""i'aC., _::.'", ' ". _ "lf': F, arloo Coqnty _onhturalti,iiinrtltw August 28. "tMu-Pt- ts. I”. F “0qu or . ' [ . ii'". _ . 2 “1°!" 'tl'iliiidi'iltti1ri,r,irtir"'i' "y. '_ ( The Rev. Mr. Ahrendt, iator of St. John’s Lutheran Church, TCd',', netted lest Subbed: nt the reopening services ot St. June: Luther‘en church. Elwin. For n number of weeks put tdt',',','.,",', Lutheran church he: been an ergoin renoution end repairs, which hug ouimiGted in asking the interior the head-0mm in the mun. The “than skill displeyed "Nota greet audition the designer, Mr. J no. R. Rrsppet, iho enjoy! an envinblc 1sprttttiuet. of imminent nothing but bibqrli" work. Spoil service. were held both morning end evening last 3094! ' end gt Leech Denice every 'et1'till, an! we'- taken. SKEW eeytt 1T.Ftttltto7 a? iii as. tA- ,rii9ai,ltttlitij.attiiie,i,h.s' iroiitiiWih Mr. Harry Brown, teacher " Nat. they will attend the Ottawa Normal School thia full and Mr.' J. Martinaon will manage the school. Mrs. Wilson, near Berlin, left on Monday for Woodstock to attend the wedding of her son, Dr. Wilson of Plattaville, to Miss Ada M. Perry of Mr, J acob Smith; son of Mr. Henry Smith of this town, returned on Thurs. day to Dayton, Ohio, where he holds a. position as clerk iy a large dry goods house. ' Mr. Henry Schnarr of St. Louis is visiting friends irrthe County. Mr, Fred Fleischhauer who has been clerking at Mr. Jacob Uffelmanu left on Wednesday for Dayton, Ohio, via Detroit. He has secured a position with a large dry goods firm in Dayton. _ Mr. Edwin Snyder, St.Jacobs, spent Sunday in town. Miss Trumble, of Windsor, and Miss Stewart, of Walkerton, were the guests of Miss Carrie Bechtel on Fri. day hurt. Mr. Chas. German of Waterloo ss- sisted in stocktaking at. Mr. J.W. Barr dy's"'Corner More," Linwood. Messrs. Geo. Wegenast and W. J. Fear of Waterloo sped away on their bikes on Saturday at l p. m. and toured through the towns of Woodstock, In- gersoll, Aylmer and St. Thorpu and returned on Monday morning. They were the guests of Mr. and Mits. J. W. Fear of Aylmer,over Sunday. Miss Ginter is visiting friends at Mitchell. Miss Priestmun, of Toronto, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wells. Mr. Anderson Stricker and bride of Waterloo spent Sunday at Linwood, the guests of Mrs. Lydia. Stricken Mrs. J. W. Fear of town is visiting Mr. and Mrs.W. J. Fear, Aylmer. The Misses: Kate Urstadt and Rose Walmsley of town spent. a few days of last week at New Hamburg. Misses, Ida and Nellie Hagey are spending their holidays at Sebringville. Mr. Gus Werner of Elmira, gave the Chronicle office a pleasant call on Wednesday. Mr. Arthur Sanderson, of Hamil~ tan, spent Sunday in town. When Steven-on invented the first locomotive somebody asked him if it would not be awkward if e cow got on the tuck. The reply woe thet it would be "knmrd--"tor the ooo." NeariU. ottle peter-do, a. cow not on the truck oodue multthirteen “and the locomotive were demiied end two men were killed. No mention in mode ot the fete of the cow but in keeping with the ttttser, of thing: the should have out . look of indignant reproach at the derailed train nod then quietly gouge about bet - Mine. of chewing o Mud knocking tiieatttr herb'ick withhel'uil. , London, Ont, Aug. 21.-A young men med Grunt. arrested e couple of days :30 on e charge of emu, while on hie way to the city this morning from Sanchroy in, chm-go of e con-table, jumped from the thin. The train we: stopped. and the constable hurried heck along the tnck. No word he- been received of the fugitive. On Wedneldey, 12 imst., at Germen Mills, Mn. Meyer‘ relief. of the late John George Meyer, passed peacefully end hopefully ewey. She had been sick for about e your and for the lat seven months had been oonfined to her bed. Mrs. Meyer survived her husband only e your. Forty-six years ago, with her young hushend, the landed in America and the meat of her life wee opent in this vicinity. She was one of the moat highly respected of our may excellent. people. The tuners] took place on Friday to Eby'e burying ground nee:- Berlin. Seven lane and five denghtere lnrvive her, The teltsgraplrpolee on King street are now being painted which adds to the town's appearance. The old Gold- en Lion on the Dominion Block is either to be fixed over or to be sent to Ottawa as it is to decorate the &snatorU Cham- That the CHRONICLE has a large cir- culation is shown by the huge number of farmers and others calling at S. Sander * Co. for their winter clothing, having seen his advertisement and not. ices in this popaur huaner'e paper. lac Cressman, near Germ'an Mills, be. ing the latest victim) it becomes the sad duty of every man to have his will made and his things around town in shape. MAKE YOUR Wrras.-As, many for the past. few years have been suddenly stricken down with Paralysis, Ar. Js- Fon Mhut.-and"now as the sea- son is advancing we have been asked wholis to be Berlin's next mayor. We have much pleasure in proposing Geo. Lang, Esq., or if he doeta't accept, I would propose Mr. Jack Lang. Either of these young men would fill the posi- tion ably and well. These men were born and brought up in the town of Berlin and have for years conducted a very evtens-ive and successful business, employing a large number of, men and have never asked the town for any par- ticular favors. It is only fair that either of them should have the honor of becoming our next Mayor and it is to be hoped that their religion will not be made an objection by anyone and I know true Protestants will be willing to share the honors with our Catholic fellow citizens. Mr. Harthmuth, the German archi- tect, is already doing a. large business. His fine designs in architecture, of public and private buildings, can be seen in Messrs. W. H. Becker & con windows and at Mr. Kumpt'tr, Water- loo. His advt, will appear in the Waterloo County CHRONICLE as soon as he gets permanently located. l The pulpit of the Presbyterian church, Waterloo, has been ably tilled, _ the last two Sabbaths, by the Rev. A. E. Mitchell of Almonte, former pastor of the Presbyterian church here. Mr. Mitchell is a. great favorite, not only amongst the members, ofthe Presbyter- church, but many from other churches are always pleased to hear Mr. Mitch- ell’s stirring and evangelical sermons when he sees fit to come into our midst. The services next Sabbath morning and evening will beconducted by the Rev.Mr.Little of London Town, ship. ' speaker netd his Lara; iirdiiii to with much interest. . TheRew. Jul. Munchkin, I. A, LLB , pater of the Methodist church, Wekrloo, and the Rev. John Scott, M. A., pestor of the Methodist church, Berlin, exchmged pulpits on Sabbuth but. The Elev. Mr. Scott is I forcible Thmgs Around Town. M mum Jul)“ Pro- a hula. Death of In. Meyer. BERLIN Onsmvza. shoes. In three styleb of lasstts,'Opera,' ‘Full Opera' and 'Common Benae.' Button Shoes in town. Equal in Style Ladies' Dongola Why do you pay 500 for same goods ? Noted cheap cash store. J >11. CLEMENS ' 00. Call and see them. SILKS and DRESS GOODS we cannot be beat. We sell that CORSET We are Leaders in Ladies’ [lanes ' and Mantles. J, U..GLEMENS ' 00., BERLIN. Our Scribblers, Exercise Books, School Bags and Tablets are the finest ever shown. Our aim being to give Good Value for your money. All Public and High School Books kept in stock. Orders by mail promptly attended to. all home made and of the best material can be had at INFANTS' ROBES and CNCER,EI.. TflTR,Tr5r" SCHOSESfI: 70300“ Ladies' Voelker _Bros., J3ECKER'S BOOKSTORE. HE I BEST $2.00 FANCY GOODS STORE, KING ST., WATERLOO W ')s, 'i' at 39cts., KING- ST-, BERLIN CHILDREN 'S PI NAFORES, J. ll. Williamson ' (h, KER&:C FOR FALL tBTTm?tB. Warm showing a. lovely range 0 For less money than you ever paid for yours, youll marvel at your own short-sightedness. Tweeds, Serges Worstedsi, Perhaps you will read this and buy your Clothing elsewhere, but someday you will run across a friend looking as dressy as your- self or dressier, and finding that he gets lus Clothing made at the Double width, All wool. Plam and Fancy Cloth and Serge Dress Goods at Former Prices Ranged from We to 90e. Our Special Line this Week Every one claims the biggest stock, choicest varieties and best values. We leave it to your good judgment to de- cide whether or not, it is w your ad- vantage to buy from us. There must be l Mistake &mNhm, Beauty Medal Seheals. Wyndbun * Menu“ screen, a llluittiht a Drop in and limped them. Is about a dozen pieces of GUELPH. 25c it V!" a

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