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Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 23 Aug 1894, p. 3

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5 cent mag IO cent plug zocent plug making Tobacco 3-,... xii-sail ‘ERRY /", 9. 1 [AV IS "$133 . i3Fi5uoaeve G'TN=tlltl " E unplu- Vn on! (client. on Inn on talk b an!” Legg'." _ "'it$Flftft" {53‘s a Pang: a: care that the Wampum brood 9W0" .'o-1i.\'tutci, and X. R. tttti: “pm“ " Csnada met " , F" .n building last. niothb, . 'lt horseback in I yet 'r.s' fur the champion“? d i A purse. The eoerdit- 't uo-rv the boat oat 0", li liutre had made 8” to m L when lhe Nut") ttteetiirttk AI tf)'j'jt','.ii';_r,!i_,tr" II LILEtti'i; RBY PLUG "itit'i"d'rt.titA'2' w: my! -- 7 --- _ CA... Eg=9 & nu the. right arm 'e, mil McGuire woe, by m "mun-.16. dimmer“. danish“ um other q-mpcoms of NW .r ,xparxlm will sure Phu hi, may make . gr profit. Whe: th.. way that they hm h-c'n ,,trll in command I" the-y take heart to d) and Cnrry their thew, rchts to b'unLIy-suw] bus, which would not 'tiirvd on before for 30 not induce you to any other m order ‘uonuhhlr. int MONTREAL. 1'". ,Cn you ask, 'iit mm Who eel]: a well u for the man who buys, and in WI! more on the poorer clues, who u" the - most directly interested in gaging the maximum of return for m maimem ot "pemliture. The chap from . media system to e nah yuan might “the some unborn-neat hr I at or two but in the long meaty ' 'culd be bemgited by it. my Mid 'tttatt who one fivudtgi- hope-ted 'iittojail my more“. in“ who fi',,',', tive thousand “in '..-maMttem mid. _ ttrtsriGiai"iliua' 'aaiir, iiiiiG"iii, StiiiGii'i -- - ‘ “$32.7..." Tan-7 tg In an... . am:- at: 'e'htrsteaidiiaa'iaiTi'd . ' i "the Rctornl (hath heeded. ills! ar'itude of the Globe. and thc iscr that lawyers who are supposed to "w alllv to wad the Government', mind willow much difficulty, are taking up m.» llll’wtl')“ of law reform, is in itself i w" lr'nl hint that Sir Oliver Nomi; ll‘fl‘l'lli carrying a comprehensive it"lr'mt‘ for Cheapening and simplifying rim lr‘gul machiuery through the Legi. Uture at the earliest opportunity. This o,ntsunplnted action will probably '.sc, in tht, direction of limiting the mm of appeal, doing away with the prmtivst of appeal books-n costly and vznnecwssary proceeding-wid-ng the pom)“ of county comm and simplify- ing interlocutory proceeduro. All thee changes: will be in the public interest if not emirv'y in the interest of the law. yew. in the division' courts which will, at least, do away with the power to im. prison for debt. The usual legal sub. t“Mia employed to hide this power undvr a mass of sophisms, but reduced to plain English the power t divpion (h'urtjudge enjoys tirimpritron a man for contempt of court u merely the Power to put a man in jail become he gonna pay his debts. The ma is put In prison where he bus no tthams of earning money to pny hit debts with, and is kept there " the ”penis of the mmmunity. Both these things are wmug. Ott a cub buia, sl, hr u mall debts Me concerned " my ate. The credit. Tttia bud for eygryhogy, for the e But no reform of our logsl mscbin T Till be complete without . reform lt ’évould be much better if the busi- _ of tlt country tmud tte trritd,tyl ll 'rs,'litt Wu“: ll lib-1: ' siu-testifral m-rir-s‘ of rPcitnk tl. Lot-'41, Miss Jessie Ala-antler is wioummg in Lhnhighlanda of Scotland itir.dyirc,' Scottish cGracteristies pru- virru, ', _ ruturn to open bur Canndr w v-wvn in tieptemher. She wills,, "il xixit the l‘lllwrald Isle. Juv Smith,' (as his cud states and a he pnaferes to be called) travelling WWW” agent of the Union Ptu.titic, Drilwssy, headquarters Boston, spent a few days in Montreal last week. Mr. ,imiclr, who has been one of the must. popular railway men on the continent of Algeria for over forty years. and who is brimming over with good humor 1nd quaint shrewdness, ie, responsible for tln- ioowingemrd:--"Frotn a bush, pi of earn a distiller gels tour gallons " w'uiuc'uy which rvtnils at $10. The- govi‘rhllv‘ht gets .i.t.3 60, the firmer who mused the corn gets 41) cents, the rail w,“ :vts .cl, the manufacturve getsi: " oe' n-(m‘vr gets $7, and rhe consumur we drunk." The above is printed on we M9,; of all Mr. Smith's cards and arm-w L a fluid of mformation and a of whis lawn.“ raised t mu crtt adi mi llev, Dr. Dawn", is now comp'eting his .33.}, years' editorial superustend. wcy‘ of the Christian Guardian, Toron. to, snd it i4 rumored that he will re- tire. MW, Dr. Ross of Bruntford, rate of Woodstock, is spoken of as bis suc- You BOUNTY AND DISTRICT. The News of the Waterloo County District Gleaned From Exchanges. the l for?" for V fem: or \t trr,. police court. on Wednesday on. \‘nxlihsn‘n, hotellreeper at Bright, an cr,tvrsrel by [Aluor Licence Inspm- "rl' Jlcli xy with selling liquor on Sun. xy, August 5. Defendant mlminul w c" “we and paid the tine mi A20 and Arrnv, Aug. 1t;.-The. nwrturninq ‘-m unmi’nm here. yPscerduy, fillvali 1w pnwngc-rs on their way to (WI FLOW r-.,uited in four persons bei:c,'l, ured, no of them seriously. It was I Him-.1 rig and rolled down an em- I mummy: Nun-ml foot high. Anna ‘ ll:h:“l'. " CFITlIIHPF-V owner of long swim; lxvrn, was hurt so badly as to) ces,;- the amputation ot one of; " ieet below the ankle. and Mr. A. l Mdvrwn. of Egremom, will probal'ri 'y,. bum-d for life by breaking tus lvgl vd'y 1lrs. Handing of this town I'm-ll ts H-mnmn of Sanford sverf? hotly ulg.‘ hrulsed and a little child slight-L i: mm], The driver and anothorq i " r-raped unhart. The homes bv. , " t' irclitened and run away. “N, J. H Pope, D.D., preaidenr, of. ,Jznthh Wesltttrt Methodist Con. 9m... sails from England this week .(‘Hlmip‘ to "ttend the General Con. mm of the Metuodist church, Lon mt moral " The lode to Tune levelgc. Paris, Aug. 18.--The Figaro profes- see to have speciel information as re- gard: the plans of the Spanish Anerch~ ista who formed the plot to kill Heir deut Dupuy. All members of the Ber salons group, it gays, heve been sworn to discoursge haphazard outages tk g-inlt society and to devote themselves to the destruction of the new lawn a- geimt Anarchists. Dupuy was select, ed to be the first victim. The Figaro says the leaders in the Bercelonis con- epirecy ue been arrested. . , , try than in the'city? Little Piek--fkmtse not. . , little Dot-Then why dd hen m thick clothes and silk hat-in the city, and then, when theygo totha country. puts on thin clothes and straw but Premier Dupuy’a stomach trouble bu grown steadily wane during the but 48 boon. m murertevere pain and is very weak. , 1111s for Pale People. I said to my hus- unrl. "In the name of God letU try Pc. Williams' Pink Pills. W'ell, before the tirst box was empty there was an isrwoveatent. She persevered and when we had tinished her fifth box she was ' etTctly well, and there is not now a stronger young woman in the townhead ot Glasgow, though at one tjme she was a fiving skeleton. You can ask any of the neighbors. . said Mrs. Dunstan in e delusion, "or any in the street and may will cotstirm.my story." "I am stronger than ever I was in my hfe,’ added the daughter,"yet I can hardly describe how ill I was. 1 was certainly dying. 'I ‘could neither go up nor down stair, ', I was afraid to walk on account of the tiutterirv2 sensation at my heart. I took Dr, Williams' Pink Pills as my mother has described, and feel that they saved my liie." Miss Wood the Lady who drew the :eporter’s attention to the case. said that the parents had their doughter's photograph taken, for they thought she would be awn sleeping in her grave. Lizzie once visited her,aud was as week mat she had to carry her back to her house. "The change,” aid Miss Wood in conelaeion,"ht" been wonderful. She is now a aonsie lass, and Dr. \Villinma’ Pink Pills have been an instrument in God's own hands ' color left her entirely,and she appeared to C,., as weak as water. One Sunday morning she said. "Oh, mother,I can!“ .35: :o-Gy,' and before she had got out :39 words her whiteness became like 2n? nf a. corpse. and she fell away into '. isint. I sent for the doctor who said a I" had heart disease. When he, saw my main she had grown worse and the dr-tor said, "The poor lasaie is very far ri_vu,glt." We expected that poor Liz. , .:', would not live long. There watno : "w: in her face. She was wasting mun'ner cheek bones sticking through < if it would break the skin. Her scvcssnd legs were iust bones. The doctor. said, "Lizzie nuy stand the win. (, ', but if she does tlut will be all." '.v.t' day, however, I chanced to read of r, wral cases in which dying persoun l. sl been restored to life by anew seieir :i,3; urethod-some pills, not like other 'redicine, nut altogether of extraordin. 13V virtue, called Dr, Williams' Pink “Tim is the Inssie,’ said the mother. :1 «Wu knows that a miracle has been wrought upon her. Eighteen months ago Lizzie began to pine away. The Arriving at “20.5 Stirling Road. the t""ootter was conducted into the pros- 22:32! of Jltu.Dunean by a rosy checked you: woman. who proved to his Miss Dim-an, who looked in no way like an c:v,shtl. away by inches before the eyes of her parents, and her and condition seems to has c heen known to a number of peo- ple. Consequently when she was found to have escaped the threatened death, and to be, apparently, as well " any. one: in Glasgow. B' tremendous impetus wa~ giver to the prevalent talk, and an Cho reporter was directed to make i ~2wxr:hing investig “ion, with the result cm: thisrstrange story was entirely con- tirattd. 40w. The lain: in that of Min Lizzie human, I young woman who has been snatched back to He. She was in Mm is termed a "deeline"--waatirtg u 's In.» wu heal-Ind ops-Mm to rain- ing spells and lo." TeoetUte--gtoetors mm Bravery Wu nt-tMe--. Won- ' Artful story. r". o 7., the Glugow Echo. Tau case of"Littie Nsyll,"whose mira. ci.oas cure w" reported in the new:- papers, with a subsequent letter from the New. Samuel Ending, in but one in a series ot, similar cm in Glas. A SCOTCH LASSIE SAVED BY A CANADIAN. .21 '/ Little Dot-Us it hotter in the coun- 'iii-tiid , For [meow mam! ic2.5 He Was a Mere Skeleton. He had no appetite, and it was hard work to make him eat enough to keep him alive. A few weeks later we had his hip lanced, and follow- ing this five other eruptions broke out, miking eight running sores in all. We did all we could for him, but he grow weaker every day, al- though we had three ot the best physicians. As a last resort we were prevailed upon by relatives who had taken Hood's Sarsa- pariiiu with beneficial results to give the medi- cineatrial. We got one bottle about tho first otNareh,i.802,attdlie had taken the medicine only a few days when his appetite began to improve. When he hud taken one bottle he could move about a iittlewlth his crutches. which he had not been ahie to me tor the re- ceding three months. m, continued Jhlllit with o'od's Mrsatparl1la, and in 6 months he was Able to Co Dressed and go about the house without the crutches. He has now union 1Iood's 8arsaparilla regularly for eighteen motttlts,ctrd for the past six months has been without the crutches. which he has outgrown 1:". seven! inches. The acres have all hen ed wt the exception of one which ts npidiy closing. only no mm and Ill, oecnakmai limp remaining as reminders ot s annexing. Hood‘s 8arsaparinaht his case has truly done wonders,and he is dally gaining In tttmtg and good color. Ho rum about and plays as lively nsmchlld. ‘We feel an ine . hum our boy restored 't1"ret1'tlP2lrtt, $3333???“ 'ue, 'Ntit terms of Hood's a.” us. in: '. Exeter, New Hampshire. Y ll Museum Hood's P III. are prompund amount. m my in action. Sold by all drama, ate. I hating a! M. _ Ont-not): "iGimaihtn w” so "Were and unieigned um than I “out her Majesty feared that the dat. , pressiou it brought in its train might ' necessitate as medical viait. During the Idinner hour-cu Sunday her Majm'y re. I furred seven] times to the dreadful loss iot life in the Tufr Tale: Colliery arci- I do ttt ; and when, tfoot: after her MAjes- esty httrreturned to her private apart mans, the telegram containing the dreadful ne a of the President', being stabbed arrived. the Queen became so low and diupiriwd no to occasion those about her teal nnxiety. No woman is more svmpuhetic than Queen Victoria. "I teannotpraise, Howl’s Snrsnpariiia ennugh foe what it has done, for my boy. Some tour years ago, when six years old, George was attacked by hip disease in his right leg. We had to get Min a pair of crutches, with which he was able to move about, but became yadly.d.etprm.ed. We had tohnvo his right leg: lanced Justabovo the knee. In a few weeks a second sore broke nut. both discharging freely. Awning pains aMiid him, he could not bent to moved. his growth was stopped and "C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowdl. Mara, One remurk made by the Majesty shows how thoroughly she appreciates the character of the French nation. " am deeply thankful,” obsereed the i2ueen,"tGt the mincremt was no sub- ject of mine, and I um extremely sorry that he is an Italian, as the two coun- tries are not od perfectly good terms " Then followed her Instructions as to the exact terms of the message of con- dolence. No words can be truer. Then don't you think you ought to stop calling so often, andAgive some man with income enough to live on a chance to see me alone' once in a while? 11685 R0od'sitgros Cureé Hip Disease Perfect Cure, Happiness and Health Given by Hood's Samaparlila. Another 80):: Life Saved Health Blighted by Scrofula and FOR MOB pr lnexpressible Shanou say you love me? He-With my whole soul. And are anxious only for my h/sppi- inc-eon “can“: ee. T , A The grief, 9f ls, oeauirr- _on _ ‘- PO' _i-arj',iiiiiiivrid P you have lost gloved one and duh-oft "outlaw tMttutetttaitbotioatto th 'u'lfllf,'h"ti'dnUJll'lllt th on?“ he Wave and can w lull “and Tl,pAll.'llla1'thrfallhl'l'lll'Mfl menu. Mm” 0%..“ quote you ti-ftprinrstruotmsrhdttttertit 0mm ttFntngtta. ; 'tmterl-tmtehtrueteed. When two or three years in force it is ,um-forfeitable, even for failure to pay renewal premiums, rqpaining in Equality between policy-holders is secured‘by insuring in three olaommr--. abstainers, general and womms---giviter each in profu the true hene.ht of its own loewvity. ' _ Your choice of all sound plans o assuramre s8ered, no other. THE WATEBLOO _ Granite and Marble Works. The Policy thhe Dominion Life is a straight promise to pay-like a bank draft, almost unconditional. No re- striction on travel or occupation. The RA TES compare favorably with auxin tlusyxrrld, - __ - - SIMON SNYDER, Druggist, JAMESHNNES. M. P., CHR. KUMPF Esq., PRESIDENT. VIC E-PR taxman It provides a legacy certain instead (2ft: law Iru)t passiblc.‘ __ - - - - V THE Dominion Life 1amna Un’y, Head tmu, . Waterloo, Ont. -utl force TILL THE VALUE" IS EXHA USTED. V AGENTS WANTED. Apply now For choice of territory to THOS. HILLIARD Manamng Director Author-[led Capital 31.0001)”. Gov‘l Dena-It at Ottawa $50,000 S ul'nrllu-d trtpittrt ty'.?',. laid up Capital 864.400 SHAEFEB BROS. Erb Street, opposite Markos. THOS. HILLIARD. MANAGING Dmnc'ron. alllllllllllttl ew Arrivals w Blood Purifier You can buy. BOLD BY Ar,tc1hamaums. WATERLOO ON T. Spring and Fall OOFLANDS ERB TEA Sole Agent. it's the best in the USE WATERLOO David Bean, i Bull mm. ' son, Waterldo, Ont. . Waterloo Ont. Advertise All these requests are found in the In You a &IBMh? ?' .W ANTED If not, tdnd fifty l 1'0090Fgords 1'rtfor/"rial WOOD, Productive Advertising is to he found ONLY inc medium of wide circulation, character and 'nllignet 3 among those whom advertisers desire tn Nuh. . Chronicle Iihiisi, Waterloo County Trip for six mos. in Waterloo County than which has more readers any other paper. ---iEBTrt---- Liberally Bight. TheiReady Made Clothing Business has made wonderful prog- ress the last few years and it is a matter of fact, we have a wonderful output for these goods, and what is doing it, is our Extra Values.which our close buyers are observing daily. We buying for spot cash is a great advantage to ourselves, _as well as to our customers, who we en- deavor to benefit indirectly. in all our previous efforts. We were as we have for the Spring Trade. , Call and See the wonderful bargains at the “TisInut the clothes that make the man,” but they help] SUITINGS. I] evitls City Mg Store Farmers’ attention is directed to the fact that we are prop-ted to exchange brick and tile for All kinds of wood. The latest invoitteis include the fineds't of American and Foreign Fabrics. The prices are consistent with quality of material and workmanship. M" Rt'6 now prepared to fill ordam for th best Scranton Coul in Egg. Mom or NV size. We would advise all to order now befor an advance in price takes place. The graham lttics are that money will be saved bf‘ ookln orders at once . We respeettully no icit yOL patronage. Ordrsrslett at our olllce at the 00 yard or at J. W. Fear 5: Co.'s Hardware SL0: will have our careful attention. -: PURE :- CAUSTIC SODA IruTeetion is invited to the New Linvsof Ready-Made Clothing Waterloo Goal Yards. COAL I Scranton Coal I Soap - Making We have the Largest Gs best assorted stock of GREAT MONTREAL flklGlllPr (Limoll STORE TR00SEMltls and : OVERCOATmcS WATERLOO, ONT. John Ritzer. s,'iiiiii':1i','t,",i,i'c,','i'ei)fglfTlN iilllllll HOGG & HABBICK. . A WORD 'Ni, THE PUBLIC. Merchant Tailor. King St. Waterloo vF'OR--. Sign: Rad, White and Blue Flag, King St., Berlin Q? iFormerlv carried an by E. s,Rallmat: l, Wall Paper, l Books and Three extra special number, ;in gray cotton bought within the E last two weeks at prices never' be- 'fore quoted for the same quality {of goods. The verdict of all who have seen thesegoods isthat they never saw their equal for the price. “I Come and secure bargains at l This Store Closes Every Evening at 7 o'- clock except Tuesday and Suturdly. Cheap Cash Stoe, KING ST, BERLIN. .17 yards, $1.00 No. 3, Note the following Prices: 25 yards, tui) No. 2, General Dry Goods, Men’s and Boys' Ready Made Suits and Overcoats. Hats and Caps, Eco. KING STREET, East of Market, BERLIN Uressman t Hallman BERLIN Bargains. ' Kindly invite anybody to call on them when in Berlin, and examine their stock of No. 1, UDER, <32: C never able to ' secure such values, Cheap Gash.Stoo. SMYTH BROS. Call here for your 12% mils, $1.00 AT Stationery, 'gl,rt?i9.fis' ft "

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