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Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 16 Aug 1894, p. 7

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{VHF ',erloo 5:) LrrFICE, MONTREAL, 32,000,000 Rest,3l,100,~, IERAL BANKING BUSINESS TNT ATTHE ‘ng Skillfuly and PM" mended to. ‘ssued on to the people of Wand“- MEAT MARKET. Plt AL, $200,000. enlarged and MW uwly painted. D 05mm: ms. H. m Cooduired In E RCANTILE tntolesau and Ltait ew Refrigerator. _f_lllfl mmiii' Fischer, 'REjBEL’ arles N. Ro "Id Sign I'airtter Md Paper In thetimefor' _ E SHOP ATERLOO s of loch, Sum" ". all kinda a specialty. Licensed " "Ir corn-y q L years - MARKET. :A NSACTED.: NSI‘RANCE co l ELLI-IRY. MA MUNDS, SILVERWAB‘.‘ Waterloo. C, r L r'- on wean] damn a H "I IIIIMPIILKI. .-,...(~ C" " ttn-rloo Branch. Them“ H. "l', DUERING. Butcher all Principal Points, wee to 'icinit 131:0615 p. In 'l4 , U Ulranteed. it "UUEGsar, Wank. m Prices English m zrMhesmau, rm-rnu~ automat- , [r..'iprsl that, in ‘11, burst. Iwi urn 5mm 6 oclock luvk m the even- TVarrv, La Mather aeisego during the put trod owner“ , "oiliry to at.“ Guarar, F.}‘.\f:T.\1E.\'T. b tne MI 3‘ i! that I h... , Laminar )K'S h an em: “adjunct- 'our ac coon JOB cuiii'rkiiiiiiii, M Wilcox & Whitman Bierges, Ch, in h ' Li . Bra-15¢ c'yllutg ha A'd'tm'; the“ “you a... LLriiiiGi """ G'iTil"i 'ue1'"t'h'l'.t,iili?il?L [iiii?ii'? Repair Shop mm?“ ", Tan 1il,ttlturn and Cocoa Cream 'i'sitt, le, "Canadian Aermotol’. " Irtyrittstn h A German secret. from the Het "4berg! vucrqry' Ontario Mutual Life. Economy, Equity, Stability, Progress. H. w TH can: 3::ncrs.will cure you A.' w you; jil'tift' P09. ,- Tf. . $3 'toil 'ipo' _ jst-et?', .. .r'.t I, jf‘y-‘E'ZR’S. 'i-eir!'iji:f,VrsilVti Lt In " II) 0} I'll It. . “HITEILOO, ONT Didi-Minn"! "te. IAIN y Ci lvl-Il'osn‘, . $100,( oFFIl'EIlS: N MILL Ylt, Q. I'., Solicitor...., ....Berlin W! :z!-:. 'l. 11.. Medical Referee.WMerloo _lliil)rslNs.tiupt.otAgenciee..wsterico " kill’M-JLL, WM. HENDRY, *r-vrmasrv. Manager v, REPAIRING. was? ”$332. 60 c e th1nagpithiptt. 3m “In-ml (‘umllllonn of Pollelel 'lj,:"',", h Big Day 'icar'sf3i2rtttarilltt Mr. Herman Froehlich. tmtsoritu rvrrtit,ivaterloo, htwthtt solo rigkgt srl {own of this preparation. It IS rrr mm! harmless toilet preparation .1\ _ and rvmovea T.m. Blackheads. Redness of the face. m1 nll other imperfections of the rm: it, m, white and smooth. mn- and yon will use many more. lllil‘llV FICILICI. . boido the Post, Ofttee, C Waterloo. (ic/i'-), ""'bt',tyea,.'t'"ad' "C--' Gem (Steel) ' Star _ WINDMILLS. Ladies. . FOR ALL KINDS or l Paid up Values guaranteed on .K All dividends belong to and are n» ivy holders. 3._ No restriction "utve, or occupation. t. Death u once on completion ot claim tit' Lft hrrvv, Jan. 1 TH bl ARK trrions, I' 18102 -"l EURE55 M OtSHVoRhiftiP DISTRIBUTION d muhmccs all tho newest L' lust form of PROTECTION tummy can buy. It has no " ' nines. utrractive.upuons, My opponent thinks as statements Gem (Steel) ' Me vague and inaccurate. E, especially wants me to be 'honest'. In his re 1 WINDhHLLS. I hope he will not be like the sick tl,'. Hydraulic rams. Iron tor who refused to take hie own medi- torce and lift pumps. cine. J I will try to be 'sufficiently ex- plicit to come within the comprehension DUST COLLECTORS. of an Ex Grand Master. ‘Ho never new. belting and all condescended to tell us’ etc. is the com- threshcus' supplies. plsint. Like 'Davy Crockett'. ooon' I For information npply to Prom mm to come down to tb level w s BOWDEN. with my opponent m his personalities. Amine New Dundee, let, I never belonged to or made appli- m, 1t.s'.F"UTHFHt, cation for membership in no? secret " , TriwellinirAgent. lodge. 2nd, I am working in the ‘in- Ll) m" tereat' of His Kingdon who 'was mani- ' fested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.' 3rd, I hove no salary, dim . . except that of with, to whom God gnve was): his "Daily Bresd' in his -.--.-- own way; Aaf I iruifioierttly explicit to be understood? If I hsve missp- plied seripture, as I am accosted of do- I, Cream ing, would it not be mifrg'Christ-lilre ----- to correct the error thsn to leave so ---- groves charge without even the sem- Fort THE --_ blsnce of proof? Lesving personalities mun secret from the Hel- I come now to the only point in my opponent's article of the 9th ult. that man kroehlieh, Masada] touches upon the merit of Oddfellow. 3:833? ph/tyer/r,?." r/Rt, ship, sud that is the claim of beuero _ JiT,1d"i,',i,,toi" preparation lance. This is not s new point in dia. shcads Redntsgof the “we cussion. and the writer gives ‘o few miér imperfections of an; focts' todisprove my former stotements. , white tutd tsmooth. Accepting the 'Nea' precisely as he on willuge ttttutr more, gives them, he nukes a. worse showing 'r?, f‘cnuf‘.‘ m for his lodge then I have ever chimed. "Mac the Horst enigma, Let us analyse the instances of sweet r,-,),-,",-,------"--" charity that he presents es specimens _r', Altk _ t of ‘imtancea without number.’ There I ', ore five "tetMesates given. The tirat I Shots is that of a poor men nwoy from home sick. ‘He wss not in good sanding LL mm or being in srresrs,’ some brethren paid kIRING- his does, also his sssessment in the Ite. -_-- . lief Aaaoeiation.' The required amount of money being paid in, the sick men dachines was restored to his standing in the trio Bend, lodge and his insurance woo renewed. thuttstnithintr. His shading in the order wss the some Eta. mate. so that ofapr other member. When GUARANTEED. the son died'tho loan owed m ,rlder- -- ed mother' or. ',,'ettgtt'jt,t't2t the li . t was _ on , & Whitmer, it 'l,,h"dl,',ul that “one” T, .19:on l9 KingSt. Berlin. C ’ntmmww ',ltit',9/ti'; " Piy3,,,,...,,.. nhilitiCh. 181M, 29 -6m ken or of Muubcn. 18113 Vim“ year ftt in 1893 .. A y er & Co., Lowell, Maga, v,, l haw nus'ezinmm ““4"! “but. N112!“ mo m. completoeure.' at. 189t Afr. It'wim‘m man Ill t ‘Izmuny m talcm..' -------riiiiiuriiFAiyiieihait was; a ' Lyman Thohreib h _ I '. (il,,-,')'),)):!:! W-3-k- (i',!t,i1ttt';')!i,'s)'iil,i)i, $100,000 '17,683JY29 L.5008U 3,001,700 F 328,160 , 2.593.428 339.4(4) t 2.13:”.981 , 72.911 . 1’6J20 , 19.811 leaving 90113-3 n to Hm n to (x- :rlryxz‘g m I I had hoped for much information from one indorsed by the craft as its Grand M aster, and I am coniident that your readers will join in regrets that he is so poorly equipped for his work that he feels constrained to hand " opponent 'over to the terder mercies of 'seven experts.' , How one so poorly furnished should yet be considered competent to guide, instruct and defend a Provincial Grand Lodge, is one of the 'mysteries.' As to the seven gentlemen whose names he gives, I should be pleased to make their personal acquain- tance or to know them by correspon' dence or through the press, and for my opponent's sake, I hope his seven chosen friends, will not be like unto the ‘seven spirits,' . whom another dusmtufied dweller took into his 'empty, swept and garnished' house, who proved to be more devoted to secrecy and sin than himself so that 'the last state of that man was worse than the first.' I shall make no attempt to purify the"inky liquid,"in which my opponent has been plunging in quest of a sub- stantial idea, but respectfully refer the question, of whether the fault is in the article complained of or in the ability of my respondent, to your intelligent readers. Neither do I propose to leave the question' at issue and follow. the trail of my antagonist otf into an in- quiry concerning the state cf an unre- pcntantfJddfNlow after death. In his communications lying before me the writer twice admits that the system has in its Lodges. 3 Christie” 'rorship to placate jewish animosity, and accommo’ date rleistical worshipers of every faith or creed. If my opponent has doubts about the post-mortem condition of those who, ‘t'rame mischief by law'- who reject Christ, and have 'trodilen under foot, the Son of God', I have no disposition to enter the realm of specu- lation with him. I am tratiuied to take God's Word and he says, they ‘ahall be turned into hell.' Dear sir :-In his article of July 9th, Rev. T. W. Jollitre disavows my ot- fieUl position as an Oddfellow. When be opened the discussion in your issue of Dee. lst, 1892, he appended "Grand Master" to his name. I am glad to: know that he is stepping down, and trust that he wiltitstep on! of the Order, as scores of honest men are doing. I regret that he persists in making per- sonalities the burden of his communi- cations, and so largely ignores the real issue, I frankly concede. that if per- sonali/iex are sound arguments, andthe repetition obmy name twenty-four times in a single article gives strength then the Ex~Grand Master has won the palm. [In lnnertln loner: trom cormqtrtndetntrt it munt. be ihnfe/ro'll', that in no up. will we hold ourselves reopen-due tor the millions ex- pressed bv thero.-RttrTort Cukomcm] Reply " Rev. T. W. Jollllh 2 'o the Editor ofthe Chronicle.. COMMUNICATION. SECRET SOCIETIES. . The multiplied pertsotmlitim, and the importenoe of the single point introduc- ed, that in germane to the queetiop, in my respondent's last nrticle he: divert- ed my purpose of giving your reader: on inside View of Oddtellomhip at work on the mw material ot on uninitieted, ‘cowen'. I shell be planed " on only date to comply with the requeet of my opponent. 'Pleue give us All the light you can] and leave tour readers to tie. cide whether ‘Mrrs. knows no more of the 'initiation "est: men in the poon’ or not. The " to oouvfx 9' the public‘thet the initietory ceremouy 'ti' moat beautiful and iritprimritxt,'in to put on your. mu and perform your {with rite. in pronoun {Index urging public stall the dt6resms) tttgl: T h',,", Fiil,',i),ii'ii'i?iii'i'i, ' b I 0’7 m . ( Then permitted. tir mie- M. one 'le am tole) . 7.!th “were”. lr. A 133-333;» fi ll"; Sagerfeizizn Grand Lodge is the of- w cm 188 0 this banain or c lle tin and distributing firm, and 'tfra.',',',',.,'?,' _ ASHING f? titslyy State Grand Lodges with the ----m"e"--e="---"----'-""-'-=er"-'ere=es-ersL-ue.eseue Loifil Lodges constitute the body.Each " s' tsubordinratelodgeurboth theereatureand , “1 dependent 'il'C',y'ge,','; acting under 'ar / instructions ' en therefore the lad e "a" , ' dues are not paid or the Relief 1'd,'2t ,iy,,1,i,'iii,', "'1',elie1g,1gi.,r tion assessment, is in arrears, (as ifthe irti(r) WHEN 5" ' A 's', D I case given above) the insured has no .tRur THE b8; U'. Ml valid claim, and hence the agent has no =G'=""---a'rraa=at-"ir-.----u---=at.-tc---aqa-s-,cc.-a-iar.; warrant for paying out the firm's, mo- ' . . ' . . lei,' It if an tt',U,t,':'t.htirer, tuadnot 'tt,:,v,t,h,ele/iir/i,?,di,ble, whieh " o enevo ence on t 18 art of the a ent. . . V l He simply' betrays th: trust resgosed WM; 'ee. pgrsznal esteem and a in him. Now take the titat of the four sense 0 gra am e. or your continued cases fora sample 'mone w . ' courtesv: I am, sincerely your fellow t y as given to the widow of a poor man (not an student m quest f, knowledge, Oddfellow) by rate of the lodge.' If the Boston Au ust 1:316:85: Stoddard. money was her due, the act was simply ' g ' ' . pa ing a debt, and therefore not oharit . .---- A: IT. "C-'- Ifyit was not in payment of a valid The lawn" Rim. [ claim, then the appropriation by Fair of At another tune B fellow member: of the lodge, Was simply embezzlement of the Commons had to take a trip and he the firmU money. It was an act of in- was somewhat cramped In his fimuuseg, tidelity or breach of trust, a violation 'How much do you want, Billy T of the covenant bond of of Oddfelbw asked D'Alton. . ship, and otticUl rebellion against its Ten dollars, willy . sovereign authority. That u, they I'll let you have ten dollars Billy. either paid a debt owed by the firm or All right. . stole the money, and this is charity? If D'Alton took out ty roll of bills Irie a boy takes a dollar from the till of his ed one of the notmr goodbye and hand- employer and gives it to a beggar men ed it to the other. call him a thief,hut when a subordinate In due time Mr. -r.- returned lodge 'taps the till" of its employer,and from hit: 'trip ted meeting D'Alton votes the stolen money to the relief of handed him a bl,” some poor widow or suffering commu- Here's returning that ten you let me nity it's all sweet, blessed charity. If have, D'Alton. . the boy iis thief, the lodge is guilty of D Alton took the bill and began to no less a crime. It may be said, 'the ehuehle. ' . . . lodge that voted the money out of the How did you get rid of it, Billy? treasury firtrt paid it in. Suppose the Wlmt? . boy had bought a suit of clothes from . Thrten I gave you. I tried to get his employer, and paid in the identical rid of it many times and couldn’t. But dollar which he took out, does that I thygh1y.ou could do it, Billy. No make him any less a thief. Individual thanks, Billy. Come "intl when your members pay their money into the Lo- pinched. cal Lodge for certain privileges and - m-------------- _-_------------- _bssntstit.i! whith they are to Slum? in com- SmLon’s CURE is sold on a guarantee mon witliptherawho havepaidlike sums. It cures incipient Consumption. It is The Local pay8 to the Grand Lodge, the best Cough Cure Only one cents (li;:':,):, in turn .pays to the Sovereign dose; Ma, 50c., and $1.00 per bottle, Grand Lodge of the world, on the same Sold by Simon Snyder, Waterloo. principle. so that every dollar diverted I from its legitimate use, is robbery from Better a tool slip than the tongue. the Banking and Trust Company of Beware of the geese when the fox Supreme Grand Sire and Co., who con- preaches. gtttute the firm. The lodges that voted Tun RESULTS OF NEGLECT.-A slight to pay money to outsiders, were guilty attack of cramps may bring on diarr- ot 1x9venant breaking, embezzlement hoes, which is in many cases followed and contempt of 1odps, authonty. If it by inflammation of the stomach and a " tsaid that. the Iascdl Lsftret raised the dozen other dangerous complaints, any funds expressly for the objects to which one of which if neglected will cause they were applied, then they were no death. All such disorders are danger- part of the tirtn's funds, and the firm one in bot weather, and should in their in that case would not be entitled to infancy be treated with the best-known credit. Ths bust IN, the system pf Odd- remedy. The merits of PaanvDAVIs’ fellowship agrees, on the performance PAIN KILLER are so well known that it (grill-gin ttttte,',',, it: help. io, f,',h'l is recognized all over the world as the rs, n n nny is row - . . te,f,.tt.,r2t',rg,t,o tge,'d',t, paid Sign“ r',tgt,',1et',itattrdttn,igd ttit the cranium and to /,'l"lt,i,"t'"l't't', 2t t7,' adl2,g1te,tc,"',1ttl"2gvf,oft't iiieiiiii‘cf 1ln,'leelt2u'li,"e. Only Me. for large Inze. malfeasance, on the part of disloyal or PM" suffer a. great deal than do a ignorant agents under guise of Benevo- a little one. 1 lance. " my respondent as he my: he Scrotula humors and all diseases caused or 'could' goes 'on multiplying instances pro.motod by impure yt"htr, low atato of the without number', he will be giving evi- trrttem a“ cured by Hood. “Mm dence of the ignorance or hypocrisy of It is computed that. every P'" the those whose acts he assumes to defend. 'sarth receives about one hundred and 'Now' in his own words I ask my op- forty-six billions of shooting tstars,) ponent, 'arill' Mr. J ollufe 'have the which fell on its surface, thut, slowly honesty to say I was mistaken.’ Will adding toita mass. he take his own medicine, or further Ru!" Itrtmr Homttr.-thrtgmtttn “an” confess his dieeomfiture by remaking {fiffiqufiggmv’ngfihnmfifugffgxg silent or withdrawing from the discus- fih5tiultt, ',',r,gtgh',Ntggttopa1t' sion. last him take 'either horn of the and!“ Rimming" in whom pain in the dilemma’ and not complain even though )',1,rt'li',i?il',/tiil,'iftt,i,ttsk'i'iir1 /lg'htt'tiuf,,tve his own medmne should produce nau- gang's! hw, 1n,dpittit,Mtgttnthett,t, sea, or perturbation of the brain, an. is 'r'lri"idldl'r". WMQM 'di?rtt"rfg'l't't',' l mit/iii/G), doilii'i';il%lia This ia bed enough but what remain- is still more diaoreditatge to the Order. The four other cam given ere analogous and any proper!y be clused together. We are now dealing with fltsuuxsa, in the are“ bul‘ness firm of 0ddfelloir. ship. Thin firm is thoroughly organized tend otfigered for its work. It has a code of laws covering every monied tran- saction, in the entire compact, end em- ploys numerous agents, to whom large Iums of money are entrusted. These agents are not left to make appropria- tions at their own discretion. They have covenanted to obey and not to dictate to their superiors. the Jem'lm not of and» ‘who give“) liberally auto .11 men und upbnideth not.' To know how to_'duamntr1e is the knmledge of kings--- Righelieu. Antonius say that the tongue of woman in smsller than that of man,but married men regard this statement with grave suspicion. ) . mum? ”has." in male or “mule. It; relieves reheat on of waiter and pain Mtr,1'ig it almost immodhtely. It you want an! an“ and cure an: in ppm remedy. Said try M, Devin, Tun RESULTS or NEGLECT.-A slight attack of cramps may bring on diarr- hoes, which is in many cases followed by inflammation of the stomach and a dozen other dangerous complaints, any one of which if neglected will cause death. All such disorders are danger- ous in bot weather, and should in their infancy be treated with the best-known remedy. The merits of PnanvDAVls’ PAIN KILLER are so well known that it is recognized all over the world as the 'tandard trpecifle for Cramps, cholera morbns, cholera, diarrhoea, and dysen- tery. All druggists sell the PAIN KIL- LER, and directions go with each bottle, Only Me. for large size. With high personal esteem and a sense of gratitude tor your continued courtesv. I am, sincerely your fellow student in quest of knowledge, James P. Stoddard. 'How much do you want, Billy l' asked D'Alton. Ten dollars will do. PII let you have ten dollars Billy. All right. D'Alton took out a roll of bills kiss- ed one of the notes good-bye and hand- ed it to the other. D'Alton took the bill Ind began to chuckle. How did you get rid of it, Billy? What l The ten I gave you. I tried to get rid of it many times and couldn’t. But I thought you could do it, Billy. No thanks, Billy. Come again when your pinched. SmLon’s CURE is sold on a guarantee It cures incipient Consumption. It is the best Cough Cure Only one cent a dose; 25c., 50c., and $1.00 per bottle, Sold by Simon Snyder, Waterloo. Dost YOUR _ WIFE _ _ Do HER OWN WASHING? - Ts-dir-'-;"."? - xV INWaySa Tih THE a SFP, " ”a ' i a 31‘” I, "h, I 1/: W /i'yt. I iit/t l t RI MAME BACKa2ac; NEURALGIAPLEU RiSY.SClATle‘. AND RHEUMATISM 'l"ih'12fi'l'iii,?"'c'1 CURED EVERY TIME m; L". MENTHOL PLASTER ulsi, TESS “SAW, R In: Thousands of hopelea and dupeiring hearts in Canndn have been glad and filled with Ixnnhine. Men and women who hove I treed for long your: and who but?” given up u incur, sble, hue n restored to vigor and health by {kind} Celery Compound. IF she does, see' that the wash is made Easy and ' Clean by getting her SUNLIGHT SOAP, which does away with the terrors of wash-day. Experience will convince her that it PAYS to use this soap. NEW Line I NEW HEALTH 1 STRENGTH! THE GRAND l RESULTS. She Wan: Induced To Try Paine’s Lelrey Compound. SHE mgr WITH MANY FAIL- Illlg AND DISAPPUINT- " MENTS. -Mother (to eighteen year old dtsughter)--"8o you’ve enjoyed your walk, Kate. Did you go all that dis. tance alone l" Objectionable young brother--iThen how is it, Kit, that you took out an umbrella and brought home a. walking stick l" ---Mrs. De Pretty-"Horrors I That woman who has just; passed is a. young man in disguise." Husbssnd--"Well, well I How do you know l" Mrs, De Pretty-en looked " my face in- stead of my dress." --Employer-Now Patrick, I shall expect you to work from sunrise to sunset." Pat (at the close of the day, watching the sun set looks over his shoulder and sees the moon)-"Begorta this is the greatest counthry I iver saw. One sun don't go down until they hang up another." In Chitngo--Mr. 1'Granger-"Htsve you no orphan" asylum here I." Mrs. Granger-N hat do we need of such an institution? If nder our liberal divorce laws every child has more parents than he knows what to do with." --A dentist never uses profane hut. guage, nor gets locked up for assault- ing anyljdy. When he feels a bit bilious h just waits 'till a. customer comes along. When once he gets' the circular saw at work otl that custom- ers molar, he allows the fire and fury of his wrath/to have full play. k Hamilton Ul/s Story --A professor of theology, speaking of Balaam’s ass, said it was very wrong to doubt but that the ass had been able to speak like a. man, when they every day heard so many men speak like asses.” are well taught. --An advertiser in one of the papers states that he has a cottage to let containing eight roohrs: and an acre of land. --"The pudding tell," said the young wife, apologetically. "I hope it didn't break anything," replied her husband thoughtlessly. . A fair bromise makes a fool inerry, Bachelor’s wives and mtdd'slehildren 1EEi.rErEif, can I. I "induced to we Broader of Fury Powls Demand. 1g'ttt , ' . ik m "m" tigst _ m 0mm: nd 1letifor l ' 39mm” ‘nd em sr4lil','i'sli1'l'l'l t"dl1'lllplll'l' nriotip: “and. I an MI, -", “Fm. _ ?'te,W. t. a". .M_.. M. NEW. Pleauuuttrits USED. L. G. Peqt . J,,,,,,,,','.',':")',,','-,) J.W.- Fear lil, tk'y Building - Hardware SPECIAL REDUCTION in EAVETROUGHNG. Something NIN' in STOVES, call and see. PLUMBING, Gas and Water FITTING will be promptly attended to. Leaveyour orders for IIAIununu-z and secure right prices at " CASES GRANITE WARE imported direct from the makers will be sold CHEAPER than EVER HEARD of. Also a large stock of FAC- TORY-MADE TINWARE way below others' prices. My own make tin. ware I have also GREATLY REDUCED in price. STILL to the FRONT. "i')1ri. DEPOSITS or SLOO AND UPWARDB RECEIVED, AND CURRENT RATES or vmrnu‘r ALLOWED. Murmur ADDED " TH! PRINCIPAL AT THE can or an "no "qtfttMB" m new Yul. A Spool“ Attott%tet given to tho 'NMeqqth", at Commorclnl Paper. and Farmon’ Oslo. Not... CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ' JACOB CONE A GENERAL BANKING Busmnl TRANSACTED. FARMERS' Norse Discmunt thtaFrtt ISSUED PAYAM AT ALL Pomrs IN CANADA. AND THE memo”; amen IN THE Uturep Suns. GREAT BRITAIN. FRANCE, BERMUDA, 8: IOTAILIINID It!” ' HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. CAPITAL (PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS REST - - - " - - - - on}: Msi/Method Treatment?'""; '/,yjie, a"u',j,Y J,l,ty"t,d mety, _ "rrvt, " u-ns Mn N I . , :..1 drains and Ion-rm paritims the Mood. (mm um Dram. band: up we L,',"/ei, "ci"'.':,:,.-; system: and remorse but titality to the body. We Guarantee lo Cure Nervous "runny. Falling Manhood. ',"ai'll't'.urpt2tgg"i"i .trtcture,Guerrn, l'nnnlurnl Ibluchnrgeu. W " [unwind All Kuhn-y and “ladder ulueasea. ; Prs. 1iorusorly & Kay-m urn the binding: 'rperialiFte o.’ Amuricm 'l‘lmy gum mine to cure or no pay. Thur rti'u- tution and “Hum: Mun of husmw- are m Stake ion runno rink. Writo them for an human npiuin l, nu matter who Hound you it um: “v. MMI years of rest“ um] summing. (hm-mes re:rsoaalshs Write for n tE ' t' . v . , . be? ff - - Ck is: a I - 'iit :iiiuii', 'IIN, M, iii Ill IF..'. 77 Cr qs 'ish " Mt?, tli (:5: , , "Lt ll Wars of nee I lvnvnvi " bad lc,'cl1 wrlir‘l nlmost ruinwl - um. lhcvmm- “mums and “mnk. Ms Inn-k tturrP.rirulv.v. Icumd Kv, shawl 1m ozI-v1l(:x:. ‘HI-tnl and U.1t' lwrwmv 1ltllt Dream»; and " t . , druius n! night \rrnkwnod my. I ‘llHltiPu Muin‘ul ann. Llec. .4 ”v (j: trio Bulb. l’ulrm 1s'r.rlsctue, um! ll‘zn'ml) IJW'YUD, Hm) can: we . 1'2; , Do help. A irirnd :uinxwl nu-{uirp Dr-.,. lirm.m1y A lu-rrnn They " 'c... 77 EN sent me nlu- mnnlL'n t Hump“! "ntiit cured mr. l mum! tet'. " -gr, 533/ tttstsvlt 'crtiniis,r “wry thy. ILr.r Ata, Elihu! Irmrmml rum utuu Cureu m (my m “A? all Cl" jam ' The: have cuxul mum) of m: fiic.’ld:," Dr. Momma. ""cse?t WES GU“ mm IF WE? MUM /"'"c,i"i'it; 'r'il1lilkP.ylii Il) ' e P ""iiiiil, Lillcd mu AHA-r u “lulu the tFr I’m-um: inn". pains it: 1 ml». 1.3m L . lots ol Lair, clrmu's ttlit ruL oh- I. 3/ Ketittotlrvk lirsruem's N'mv \I-le l '3’ lull no h' mylnxm- fur 1w lr an». 'ref. _ . dw‘h'r. Xiu anilv rl-mn'u-ml " ts, :1 Cum; 0 )(iulausu. ant/mu tt lt uill cr,ulicustc Nu pm , Captu'ewnrrsrul. Ir: w: l no nu nn'rnn Thousands of Mum; and Mo iv Ayn! Jim through nru-ly imlw-r tion Id bun-r mur- .. Dim Men have ruined Iml wreekour -- llfo' of ll) npy ot tho {allowing Shapumh; N, rum» .-l.\5 1 how Mommy Poort Envy F tixucl; Lug: s,'t ths hum: Drew»: and Drains Itt Night: lim- ThroM; Hrrir lpusu; Ptsius tr, ”My: sunk”. ' Baer 1y and Sin-HUM). On: Ann Arts had fruit/M: and sewn“). Ihl8.mltltili1lf & KEBGAN. 1hlfilll(,iiiifl)loiji::'stlls'rgrijl Mill Ch 3: . P R , to PF( " tt attention Lint and Book F cuau iritu%, C1EiirNrrEirUirTr?Eii1 Their l5 YEARS IN UETEOET. [50.000 CURED. Read What (UFO-u c wagginat,‘l SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT a?“ No Names Uscd Without Written consmt of Patient. Prices are the Lowest. mm; and MM Je Ayn-rt Jim mm :mmth 'Wt",-? to " promruure gram lion 'd Inter luxur- It. So if Mun-1 mm Cor, sritsuo.aal 'liovd ml wreekour u " of mun) u t nun» pg yang nun. Haw you "mum“: .'icrrouriiri.u' 1)v,vouo. ", In. .1 m Morciug: No Amt". mmy e' munch Luna»: :~.rm iv x..1-n-, lu'set, lilur‘ Pimple on I Drains M Night; inn-z "F--". H i"?. m “mung; mun-2...“ Sure mines v. “H.131 mmken Luv. L... HA, 1Jimtrustt d and Luck of Our New A's; Ind Zreulnmd MU ba m hm up mama“). piqued-1.7 B. E. WALKER, GENERAL MANAGER WATERLOO BRANCH " KENNEDY k, KERGAN F, ptr' r a GO TO THE A. L trattitiyt'tt CABTS and -_: FISHING TAGKLE '.- Express Waggons, RELIABLE Ice. GO mum So Consultation Free H. J. GRASETT. MANAup u] min-1a eoaotitutiot.e1 blood 'rj.slr'uil,ts, Mtsreur.vtrlmo" h “my; appeared. Ttirout i (non. blotxtbtts, eyes rod. "divul friond udvhed I)". m. It run-d me,trnd t have nun-rind and Ig,rt Ar a //,tiv/itii,/ie/rlijie'disedi,l, I48 Shelby St. Detroit, Mich. ",OtJ0,000 00,000 y gave me 5utg They Mum} feet cum tstun Have] Done: V: it #3 ll

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