Fl 4$ One of those who did not hold a special place in my favor was Marianne Doyle, who had been Injured m the machinery of one of the factories and lay in a crowded ward, growing slowly but surely worse every day. Her in. juries bad dUtigured her 1tloekinglrand I, in my heartless love of beauty,avoid- ed the eight of her face as something loathsome,and was in the habit of hurry- ing past Marianne’s cot, though I of- ten saw her sad,patient eyes follow my 'basket longingly. 'One day,in the early falLI was carry- ing the first ripe grapes from the hot- house to the hospital, when I met Ray Hnlfo'd, who turned to join me. -. q was going this afternoon,’ he said, pleasantly. 'trut I can as well go nor.' ‘He sdmired my grapes, arranged in a shallow basket upon fresh green lea-i Ptutrmudmttti-Ga"ii'irioiiir, one. - They-will Mush so - leveled lip,’ he mid,'that I should hats to take “new“! m'llell,tas-or., if 'gelg pursue, and pits: some he 5-“ he has. I in ifa that _’}“"'s was _ has (gAnat f-' kb* mam... 'w', -V--- -vuu-vuuvui DU the hospital was a basket of choice fruit for at that time we Gd the only hot- house, as well as the Urgeit orchard, in Eaton, and I was dlowed perfect free- dom, in selecting and plucking while I wanted for my favorite patientc. 'For I made that mistake flow the iinst, Daisy. I had favorites who had the choice of my contribution, while I forgot that suffering gave to each and all an equal right. 'After trying various telf-imposing plans for doing some good in the world, I tinally concentrated my energies up- on. the hospital and became quite skill- ed in the preparation of strengthening broths and appetiziug custardn, jellies and other dainties. ‘I thought, dear, that my heart was in my work. not realizing how much of my devotion was caused by the desire to win my cousin Ray Halford', smile of approbation, or word of gentle en-l c'0utugement.. Praise he seldom gave, regarding all self-denial as a positivel duty. ' Daisy Gordon was fond of procrast- ination, and here aunt Ellen, in order to cure her of it, told her how she her- self had received a bitter lesson with regard to the same bad habit in her girlhood. She said; q “as eighteen then,Dmuy, as happy and as careless as you are today,“ apt to procrastinate or to tind pleasure more attractive than duty. But during that year there came to Easton a new clergy- manwliay Halford --& second cousin of my mother's, who naturally visited frequently and upon the most cordial terms at nut house. We was ayoung man twenty-six or sevenlnnd very handsome ; a thorough Christian gentleman, whose heart was ia.his work. Little by little,by gentle cotmaefand mild exhortationa,hearoused me from girlish frivohties to take a more actis e interest in the duties of life the duties that I, the daughter of a man of wealth. with ample means of leisure at my dispoaal,owid to the poor around me, and to the neighbors on all aides. 'Une of Whom sun sinks to the earth, In setting. whispering warm goodnight To myriad Itowers, whose blushes bright WM hail the morrow's birth. The robust life of Canada In cherry homes I see. Though gold norjem-Is an the hand. Tis Nature; self has blencd the land, Abundant. tair and tree, [ARC sunshine passed-ai-as. The prairies vast. ot Canada, Where " hitc sails gleam o'er Huron‘s wake O: fade with dying day, Fond memories in my heart awake, Of hamo'» dear dwelling by the lake, With loving eye. I see Ttuur waters stretched in endless chain By fair at. lawrence to the main, As ocean wild and free. Gray trout and salmon sriidi," Tm: bcuulcous lakes ot Canada: Deep in whose murmuriug tide, From pebbly cavern» dimly seed 'Neath leafy studs of living men, o The Crystalstrearns of Canada: The sparkling “mum: of Camden. That nest!) cool shadow; pass. Tbrn wind, where aborted came sleep Through l ennui meadow ankle deep In clover-blooms and grant. Dark pine and birchdropped low: The stately elm. the maple tall, The -turdy beech. I love' them all, And well their forms I know. Tee forest weath of Canada: The choppers' blows resound Through the crisp Air. while oooland still The Snow's deep cloak o'er vale and hill Lies white upon the ground. The sand old Vooda of (hands. Bow cool Bod din below The shade of their sweet, rustling “even! Bwittatttaateintr web. the sunlight weaves Where ferns and mono: now. The giant treee of Canada t " AX om rowing: my favorite contributions to to Easton 3 new clergy- iford --& second cousin who naturally visited upon the most cordial who did not hold 3 y favor was Marianne been Injured, In the of the factories and ORROW. CANADA. Dit. Drawn“ TOR. E. i ' l ' '5’] baton Imba- m hr thaWut, 'rttemh. ant WM MM. mumuaw up)â€. “What, hm†â€. “WW 1ettttiirrstraiGu" tteeuuifuiAik"iG"G'iGT. 'But my wont iGiiuiiiiU'i ur in Rafa utter withan of all on“. “a m W dung-nae “a kind ht tiemtr io.intt w m has us We left methen, to attend to more pressing duties than my comfort and I wentihome saddened end crushed,know. ing that I bud lost the respect for the men I loved,end who had loved me. It we: pert of my punishment the next time I visited the hospital to hear from the matron how the dying girl had watched for me,the grapes seeming like life-giving refreshment to her fevered Imaging. And even when it was dark and the getes closed for the night, she made the metron promise to give or. ders for my eduineion, nying: ‘She hes been detained but she will l be sure to come-became "she Gaiii.l q think then thin he pitied me,for I grew dizzy and failit with the sudden shock, and would have fallen but for his arm. He led, or rather half carried me to the waiting room,snd tanned me until I felt my strength coming back. “I had no idea she won so ill,' I aid. Wo ; I understand she was not one of your favorites,' he answered, with e stern emphasis upon the last word ;hut she was a gentle, sweet girl, purified by suffering, end has gone, I hope and be. lieve to e happier world than this one has been to her.' ‘You are too late. Mariannewboyle died half an hour ago. She expected 'try/trev." . ‘I went to the long ward with my basket and at the door I met Ray Hul- ford. There was no smile upon his lips as he saw me; no pleasure In his eyes as he glanced at my bash t. Never had I seen his thee so stern ; never had I heard his voice so cold as he said ' far more of my unfinighed embroidery than of the suffering girl I was going to visit. In the vestibule ot. the hospital I met the matron. who detained me to ask for some old linen for two new cas- en in the accident ward†and then hurt ried on to prepare the operating room for the doctors. 'It was quite late in the forenoon when I took up my dainty basket and started upon my walk. As it was not my "regular visiting day, I had only Marianne Doyle’s grapes to carry. I walked along very leisurely, thinking ‘My broken promise troubled me but little, yet in the morning I didst%olve to make amends to Marianne Doyle. 'I took a small basket into the gtxrd- en, and made a beautiful border of lea- ves and late flowers tilling the centre with both purple and white grapes,with one large, yellow pear in the middle. It was tasteful and tempting, and I was well pleased with my work as it stood upon my bureau,while I dressed for my long, hot walk, over the dusty roads. I could have had the carriage at any time, but I liked to fancy my offerings were more acceptable charities if they involved some personal aaerifiee and in, convenience. I dressed slowly, debating the point with myself, for my promise weighed upon my conscience, though I tried to think of it lightly. I was tired, I ar- gued with myself,a.nd the grapes would dojust as well the next day ;so I spent my afternoon in embroidering a. dress, and the evening in receiving some call. erg, l “It was an oppressively warm day, and I had been twice over the half-mile lying between the hospital and my home. So after dinner I took a nap, waking refreshed and cool, more ready I for a fresh dress and acme tride of new C ing than a. second long hot walk to the! hospital. 'Ray walked home with me,a.nd ttow Mad he been so gentle end tender never had I seen the love of his heart in his eyes so clearly as I saw it that day, for the last time. We parted at the door, and I had just time to lay aside my hat when I was summoned to} dinner. 'You shall have their: this afternoon,' I said, and ofter a few more words I left her, 'Her poor, patient eyes brightened with fevarish longing. 'You are so kind.’ she said, 'l should like some so much' so, much.' v _-. , V‘V - - - villa]. 'l tun sorry that 15y grzpes are all gone, I said ; but I cm bring you some,if you would like them this after- noon.' ‘I wu nab-med to linger as he mov- ed toward the bed, evidently expecting me to follow him. The poor girl looked surprised to see me voluntarily coming towards her ; but I spoke gently. q u: tony your grapes in nll gone,' lhe uld,u he glanced " the empty h- ket. ‘I wanted one bunch for n patient whose needs will be very few in this life she in fut leaving.' ‘Who in it' , I asked. ‘Mnrinnne Doyle; the most patient of sufferers ; whose lips make no com- plaint over the greatest "ony.' C'Attysisanrtutnsruaut-d, emptied, and I lingered by the ooh, Ming to mum! chatting to mother, jotting down mt- to be Inppliod ibuar and happy, though full of “pithy. when Ray, who had - nod mom painful duties to perform, joined me. I The saving ind thnfty housewife,» l the use of Diamond Dyec, on save many dollar, each year. Mehy article- I of wearing apparel, such so dunes, Nouns, wnpu, jackets, sluwll, 00th, vent: Ind pub that have become Med anddtaettlitmd, an hometolopk u igoodn- new, if dyed with debuted _1hutnoa'd Dyes. Forthcwuko‘homodyeinwth-t you“ only the Diamond Dye-s they we the Intent and but â€loam “Home; loam the only a," M an be and with pox-bet noon- I your or and but." you “than. In large business centres, trade is dull, wages have been reduced, and in order to live comfortably and look well, certain economies. must be pncticed. , The great study in the-verge house hold " the present time ishow to econo- I A gentleman dying, left all his er tate to a monastery, on condition that l on the return of his only son, who was l then abroad, the worthy fathers should i give him ‘whatever they should choose.' ) When the son came home he went to i the monastery, and received but a small share, the monks choosing to keep the greater part for themselves. A barrister to whom he applied, on hearing the case, advised him to sue the monastery, and promised to gain his case for him. , In arguing before the court the ingenious lawyer said, 'the testator has left his son that share [ of the estate which the monks should choose; these are the express words of his will. Now, it is plain what part they have chosen by what they :keep for themselves. My client, then stands upon the words of the will. ‘Let me have,' says he, 'that part they have chosen, and I am tsatisfied,' , This plea gained the suit. HOUSEHOLD IiMlMlliIT DURING THE HAM TIMES. DANIEL RiTZ, New Hamburg Dec. 15 /93, says: I was suffering from Dyspepsia. and other troubles. I took a. few bottles of Shilohs Vitallzer and it cured me. I sincerely recommend it, Sold by Simon Snyder, Waterloo. A writer in Womankind says: q would rather leave my children the re. membrance of hours let, together around the library table, of books we have read, of walks we have tukeiand of drives we've enjoyed than I would leave to them simply the legacy of be- rurlled petticoats and elaborately worked dollies. Lite is full of unwrit. ten melodies, and we women areas yet learning only its nursery rhymes, yet in their jingle there is a rhythm which dances between the sober lines of every day prose. Then often many a stubborn fact and brim with sweetness many a disappointment." ' ' Young, old or middle aged, who find them. , selves nervous, weak an exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, re. snltin in many of the following symptoms: " 'i'ilrld depression, premsture ol age, loss , of vitality, loss of memory. bad dmms,dim- ness of si ht, palpitation of the heart emis- sions, 155‘ of energy, pain in the yep: headaches, pimples on the face and be y,‘ itching or peculiar sensation about the scro- tum, wssting ot the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitchin of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, 1'llllf/'L'/l',', deposits in thenrine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and Mbby mus- cles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, eontptipation, dullness of hearinf, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitabi ity of temper, sunken e mi, surrounded witthAD- ENCIRCLES, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to Emmy unless cured. The spring or vital orce having lost its tension every function new in consequence. Those who throuph abuse committed in ignorance, may be per- manently cared. Send your address an 10 cents in stamps for book on diseases peculiar to man, sent sealed. Address M.\'.LUBON, l 24 Macdonald Ave. Toronto, Ont,, Canada. 1 'And I,' said Daisy.quickly,‘will learn it from your own experience and your lips,and bold it precious in my memory too.' ,_ -- -""re"'"'"l". varlu '. 'And so, Daisy, through Sitter re- mane through years of loneliness and 'utr""',,",)), I have had stamped “pen my heart for life, the proverb: 'Never put off till to-morrow what you can do today.’ ' you still, only I dorm! not uh you to lime my soared dune. after you had broken a positive promue to I. dying worn-n. I might hove been too hush, and I uh you to forgive me now, but I won druid to trust the many care: of I camcientious minister’s wife into comic-s or thoughtless keeping.' I A _.‘I _ _ .. . _' _ ' life's Uuwrmen Melodies. ALL MEN “our Pie-dung. . ember that the .Wa M IS war? You, 1"rtiuTd [lav _ q f.ai .- 'n Flea! 1y. ruperrhtxmtftsesit, i7,t,'l2l1ft'Lt, - ‘A'u‘ = A I‘VE in the result of a. healthy physical oonditiott. "Beauty is but skin deep†yet it greatly depends on a clear complexion, free from Wrinkles and hollow ch'eek's. Health always hing! wealth of beauty. A healthy state of the syn-V tern comes with Dr. Pieroe’s Favor- ite' Pmrrjptiind' It's a medicine prepared ftirorimaitr, aiimenter.-it cures those derangement: and miak. ne=ueoLrhioh mks woman’s life In Corfu sheets of paper pass for money. One sheet buys one quart of rice, or 20 sheets apiece of hemp cloth. The hair, when not properly cared for. loses its lustre. becomes crisp. harsh, and dry, and falls out freely with every combing. To pre vent this, the best (Imaging in the market is Ayer‘s Hair Vigor. It imparts that Silky gloss so ttirgetttml to perfect beauty. But the-Chinaman differs from the snobbish American in particularly one thing, The unobbish American admir- es anything that is English, and striv- es to imitate that nation in all their iashiong,frorn walking shoes to five.o'., clock teas, while every little Chinese boy is taught that the English are de- ceitiul and wicked, and that every- thing they do is wrong, and" that the way to he right in all things is to do them in exactly an opposite way to which an Englishman does them. If a Chinaman is insulted, he does not challenge the man who has insulted him, or shoot him down. He goes a. way and kills himself, reciting verses to thh effect that a wretch who ' has been insulted ought not to remain on earth, And instead of being supposed to become angelic when you die, you are presumed to to be demoniac. And a baby in China is nlot thought to be born full of original (in but to come into this world without any sin at all and to acquire it atrhe goes on. We all khow that they write from right to left and turn sheets of paper over at the doubled edge, And we un- derstand tnat they mount a horse on what seems to us to be the wrong side. They consider in polite to tell you that you look much older than your aaemnd among them kite-erin, is a pastime for aged grandfathers in big green goggles, while young lads sit seriously by and admire the sport. The great point in their music is to avoid anything like melody or harmony. ' 1 Quite the Reverse. The Chinese are as much our anti- , podes metaphorically as they are geo- graphically. It seems impossible for them to do anything or think of any- thing as we do, Ont would fancy that the points of the compass would be the same any- where, but even this is not so with Chinamen. They tell you that the wind is 'west north' and 'eturt-trouth;' and in explaining their compass to you they say that the needle always points south. ' Don’t be deceived by Substitutes! Scott a Bone. Bullevillo. All Druggiats. ac. " .; t, " __Vv....._, """'"5"ot Colds, Weak Lungs, and Wasting Diseases. Physiciacc, the world over, endome it. the Cream of cod-liver-di, enriches the blood; cures Anaemia, Scrofula, Coughs, should he rich to insure health. Poor blood means Anaemia; diseased blood means Scrofula. “w; u-v ounurlul. "r-"----------------., Scotes $10.00 REWARD. al-k-ai-tgit-ttw -- . ymgï¬nizhmmmazrm mu Sl on maggsaaussarmmgwï¬m iron-.1 ------_, _ ,7 - ‘A pNinTy FA " VIEW-03.1009,» can Blood L. to _ Alteman s, the Joweller. _i,iiliht In; Bring your wt!“ and cinch wint- 'Nr ttii- jump-in no J. AIM View I _ , In... " -dAL- A; - _ -- um“: _ - L 'r1yttpt1on's 1'lfflr"etoett-t9gmtilm fedesdtrnaauid%iii'i'Giiii Suit-bk â€tides in great "that, ot ""amseanahiaru"itiiiG ". FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORHED m t863, Total Assets sist December '98, $349,734. THE WATER IMI MUTUAL Wedding P esents Empie Tea Co. A large and well selected stock of China, Crockery, Glassware, Silver- ware, Tea, Dinner and Toilet Tets. Our 97 piece dinner sets at 87.50 are beauties] We shall be pleased to see you or hear from you. Goods delivered to any point C. O. D, Is a riser, Pure and always Fresh _ OFFICERS: George Randall. Proaident, John Shah. vioe-Prxsaident. c. M. Tube, W. John Killer Inspector. We Are up in the trade, understand the business, do all our own blending, and guarantee you satisfaction. Our teas are delicious, our coffees fragrant, possessing a rich aroma peculiar to our Own blends, Premiums with every m. OUR OWN Baking Powder, P. K. Shun, Preston, “was aowdr, Esq., Guelph. "mm Livtntmtomr, Esq., M. P., ThomtN7trwe, Esq" Gut. 1. IA new. Esq., Berlin. J. It Wideman, Esq.. St. Jacobs. John Allohln, Esq., New Hamburg. All": Bowmm. Esq.. Preston. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Goo. Randall, Esq., Waterloo. John Shula, Esq.. " . Chis; Honda. ESO., " I. E. Banana. Esq., M. P., Waterloo B. Snyder Eat., Waterloo Geo. Diebel.an.. " William Snyder, Ear, " I. D. Roma, Esq., Berlin. SI_1_1_'e to please you. and MOCHA and J AVA For a. trial order of our and CEYLON OTICE is hereby given. that the stream known as the '.'Ctiryrquitei e," but been eased by the undersigned and iE,',',',' from and including the farm o Geo. Holtz worth “bout 5 miles north of Elmira.) to the farm of John Brubaather, including all the intermediate land over which it tio-wie, Fishlnlson the said stream is prohibited. and a raw: or 510.00 is hereby offered to any one giving information leading to the convic- tion of Trespassers. GEO.‘WEGENAST. 17-. - Secretary. v - 7 I. Bolie is com local-lad in k tv bus . L éonvoynnoer. etc. We aim our mag; calamari for past pat. ottuir- anulrl in Beam rouge and solicit. a. continuance of the tune. Strut. West. Berlin. Yours respectfully. _ C. NW3'gRhtu shop _ C . r n ' _ " Kink St. West. 'ill%l.' Tesla?!) on a IN GEO" H. HUMISON~ ' Burris“ Bicycle Sundries. pun... M-_____--_ A. ooflands -9 mung-l. _ IIA‘BVVIIIIUII" will null " am the wheel. ha- m. Att'llr,drrpt to. mu, m I " V Ion-Io- In“. M. Raw lave. hut-o, In": I. d a lo- fed-I "all. ire"AG"'G1i mien. We 011mm View "In! Worn when. - Plummets Indra-a w u- muos from no up. 'rlgU't.'ldgllri'tgttt chase wheel: will mike no m'l'//a"e"l"ll', seeing our sample. and price. before placing " order. Hoarseness. Simon Snyder, an; Repairing miGGiiGi' get anything better than Tea and Coffee Specialists. Coffees, Druggist, WATERLOO, ONT Call up Phone f24 Bowttfr & Clement thighs, Colds . At 30 ets. a 1b., You Can't Teas AND Vonsumptiou FOR Pure INDIA Bolton» s, m WENT J. BOWMAN PROVINCIAL a land Slum. Civil Engineer And Lt1een,et9mdGikot" the 0am School CA2f'r1hakti1iei' as! w wanton? or on em Imbquzzgé 'etfdgtrtaiiiiia ot 1nd. in m on u o otBet.-0ourtrttiiiu.metin. UCKBERROUGH t BECHTEL. JI Fire Lid Accident Immune; Agents Jh'lglit changing-I d bus“ 'l,',', "if 'tthe, m can “:09. Money to Marlowe“ current nan. D. Bvcxnumoonn. B. E. Baez-tn. VETERINARY SURGEON. MILLBANK. Ont.. Honorary Grahame ot the Ontario Voter-buy College. Toronto. tErrLi'iliftifi,i,t' 'fifi,i,itii?iiiiii iiiiiiiiiiatkt - __ _V...-- -..- mun-sea “VII! "I “In“ An all. your] Minded to Ind ch. moderate. tltaPfL25,ii,T in mar ot S: Zimmerman . mace on King at!†' next to Fischer's butcher shop. Livery, Sula and he...“ Gables. Pimt<suat, He: said ramble horses. Two And three mud cal-rm: “my: in Ween. All ml)- mrs-trole -»-_;-a .- ,7 . . Inez-oral Hotel R. WILKINSON. D.D.S.. Philadelphia. W' . L ".s., 'l‘oronw. Spectrum“ Preservation of the natural teeth inc uding tho moungng ot wad-v crowns 0 sound roots and the Insertion of bridges to sup' ply the place of wishing teeth. without a plat te Ottiee : YOST'S BLOCK. DENTIST- Oftice in tho Oddfellow’s Block. Waterloo, Ont Fred, G. Hughes D.D.S. Will visit Elmira the Pccogd Vi‘hursday and Friday and fourth Thuwdav and Friday of each month (Thursdav noon, to Friday noon). Will visit Bun. (Kl-nus†Hotel). the first Thursday and third Thursday of each month. DR. C. T, NGCKER. MEDALLIST or TO ROXTO University. Licentiate of the Col. lege ot Physicians. Surgeons and Aoeoucheu of Ontario. Insmsns or EYE AND EAR TREATED. Oftieo-.New residence. Albert street. Water loo, a short dintnnce north of the late Dr. Walden', residence. -- u-u. spun-urn ' r'ropnewr. All kinds of conveyances command . on hand. harps moderate. Stables in rear of the Com. ‘nm "I Hnml W. DRS. D. S. & G. R BOWLBY. 1 Pavelcuxs. Svncxoxs. Ere. Dr. D. S. Bowlby, Coroner tor the Conn tr, Dr G, H. Bowlby twang diseases of the nose, throat and our. 133ng y. Off1e.e and residence-Two doors north of reaf- dence formerly occupied by the late Dr. Walden on Albert street, Waterlon. For the painlaq Extraction of teeth. Waterloo Nov. hat 1893 - - PHYSICIAN. Summon AND Accovcnxvn. thttet-rtt the rooms formal-lg occupied tr. W. WeIh,L. D. S. over Mr. Fin 'g more (Bel . ingerA, Nitrhr calla answered at omce. Tele Phone communication. IVERY AND EXCHANGE STARLES I n_‘ rt__, . Telephone communication - Coroner County of Waterloo. t, Omoe-At his residence on Erb street. Teo/moms communication. we King street out, Berlin. greets! nttention laid to Oman-h. Asthma an Quanta Diseases. 3l-tf Telephone communication. COLQUHOUN & MCBRIDE, _ ' BarTisters,Boliesitoim Notaries, are. ONee-Corner Ra and Erb Streets. Water loo, over old Pout ce. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. FREDERICK Commovx. A. B. MCBRIDI P"tNie,tconveranoTr",' ia"" ' W (Harpy to loan.) once hours. . w a. m. to 3. p. f.l8E7p"t,'grgt,h,, Emmomieat block,5 King Strut West", Beetin. _ W. A. KUMPF, VETERINARY SURGEON, omces. Klllor'n Block, Waérloix R. A, F. BAUMAN It. ARMITAGE m 5114' mwnmwnomxogrm and 7mm. [my on on o l “trams. w0ne.-A9ourt 'fld'ld,"EStr ', W. H. Baum. M.A.. LLB. Q. C., County Crown Attorney Q n am--, tad Clorkotth one. MISCELLANEOUS. TT ELLS L. D, B., ' C. W WELLS, D. D. s H. WEBB M D., PHYSICIAN. 8!:me AND Accovcnxvn. LEX. M11443. 040.. Richard c. Clark DWLBY I cum. ODONTUNDER . the “a“ Mrt1ttAettyute_ro1 nu- OtBeeUnd Residence-Job street 3mm SHOP. LIVERIES. DENTAL 'trir, Um m .Bt. magma MEDICAL. Dawns“. WATERLOO, Ir.te.irjirr, 8olieitorJN only u" u“ U I n nuns n. 8009511. prom-jaw!- 361mm. Notary Public. Elmira, John Fischer, tte “Wind: of Meats, Summer ". ago' of All kinds a specialty. WEB, New Refrigerator. has been enlarged and imprtm ed and newly painted. J. STRE BEIG, Cheap Barnet'? of service to the people of thterltt, MEAT - MARKET. My business rm.- mr rtvirs, a being unable [man s" vision I have appomu-n n Ducring. who kept my mm seven Sears, as book k. w I wilWhdeavor tothe In _. I ty the wishes of my cmmm Open trom, tito 12 am ' 1 H. I Ibex to announr l' F whose" Euppnrl hr order to nocnmmmm‘ have my place ct bu 1n the mornmg u: ink. _ 7 CITY MEAT MARKET. Waterloo, Feb. 1591, my; Interest allowed and upward~ in Hello There Drafts Issued on all Priqcipal Pair,“ A GENERAL BANKING Illltltitt Capital, $2,000,000 James Loyluc. 5} 6lexc.Mshar. N111 T. A (Salt. hum HEAD OFFICE. . BOARD C)? The Moléons Incorporated by Act of (m miniri1iihu John mm, wi, j. H. Wt-ii, M Gen. Mont, IN' Repairing skinny I Hi he,: current m 8 THE SAVINGS I I BEG to anno: Waterloo and full nssontmcn! of WATCH ES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY. DIAMQXM‘ SILVER WARE“ " bolton: Prices. ARTHUR PEQUEENIL Waterloo, "III-1' It?†House and Sign Painter "W and h Waterloo, - NF“! THE SHOP was conducted in Entrust "OFFICE ATTHE ZIMM Now is the time for All Work and Good, G A‘RTHLVK Pf 20. years HEAD OFFICE, MONTREA; Th. Wholesale and La, by“. Charles N. FIRE INSURANCE CO CAPITAL, $200,000 WATERLOO CHAS. ll. FR a Lit-Anna ypuai, Arn Licensed TIE COI'R‘TI' TRANSAcaaa: THE Waterloo, Ont announce t smllfuly and PMâ€, attended to, M I) JACOB llhl'lul .umm: \‘.]m- Fl kn. IN vic Auctionâ€, . or 'rats 111' HUNT “at: Rest, SL100,“ af, lain “an HERMAN)!“ utkgx " Rock; u; the pi. ".‘uhif.’ " an em", Batik be we: td, toe wr, 11¢! Peon; '0ttt Repai Assurtnvcu in Incrcznv o yew Ann: mn Increunt' (v ARM. Dc". 3 lncreau-r o Recorve tor a. lucrcmv L Snfphlr m er; Increum o l. Cursh and I out; policy. 2 paid on!) 10 ya. on tru'el. tttid, chimi pend :11 "peru. Ontario "t"d_ohI" I? " Igt My... Univvrrit: -_.r.R. In!) "ll Ol 'htitGG-iriir' H moft. “Inboun- and ll IIJSIA DOMINION Eviexjon ir It tier; The brrrar Pouu‘ m u “it texture». and :- txndisvrm1Mrrs equal. (yuan-L: and llbenm LOIHI ALEX. MILL Hi Q J. H. “WINK. 'C. 1r. W.s.Hotrtsi.N, W HAUN‘H For La Cocoa “Canadian gummy, Eqult bt cures cite We 7",an MEN/M ENERGY f a?) SKIN "s, PLOOD ttrr ISA†on" ru) Lululq MINIoN Ill-1‘1 Aye Ps I: Sak a“ I,?, sii)ivoi,);"iii, REP its. Tan. Mam .Ifll 9nd "il ol Lturral ' un “6:131:19 h Elec Wilcox " ABi Wt', IV. Mr. He 'irurt, " an tc IN n gi. JOB Ctill l m i, Ack m oF