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Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 16 Aug 1894, p. 5

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ng this month ext. wie intend the public the iebel. rr bought. Pro- lost sight of for esent. All we l to DUCE com for our im- sto ck which apisst ty Goods Ott wadt ~ods Cheap. icker Our n-ive next onth. ‘ t hu, about $12,000 O STOCK an kin t'itv Tribune: The Waterloo Bmi mi Waterloo, Unt., left for home yvstenlay {Friday} morning. This is tvrtailliy the tinest organization of the mud mm has ever visited the city. -1'he-, North Waterloo Fall Exhibi. a) mil Ur' ixt’hi at Berlin on Tuesday, Irethwsdivy and Thursday, September 151i1.'."1'i1 and 27tlt. Intending ex- imituh \hnuld address, Benjamin 1mm, wv'y, Waterloo, for prize lists. W~ congratulate Mr. John Letter ")0tt obtaining jointly with Mr. Geo. Schlev the contract for the mason work oithe llerh'n-Wuterloo Hospital; .130 Mr. Moves Bauer upon obtaining the contract for the carpenter work. Beth of these gentlemen are hustlers. -.1lr, Ska-mam of Guelph has secur- tt any cunt’rEums for castruction until Wet the nm‘e‘ssar'v legislation has been PKWY,» wlnsn he will goahead with the it». _t I K _ - _ a n " . a and tiocksot' Hum a visit on “Signing *pent a verv pleasant day 1 which the the picturegqhe scenery tcet A lit. Irvine is noted. They m ted haying tle later than was P'C',','dd; the swapped horses after 0 stream. TM Waterloo 31. S. Band went to "MP1: nn Tuesday to fill an engage- 319m at [In-:Exhibition Park. The rain 3:.Arrwi Xho- attendance. The Pr?" :ramun-. i-ver, was gone on with about min“ ulwlocl: but Jas cut short work and push to cginEIetion as quickly " pmxihlr. d ' . tn --1 number ot Waterloo iassie, Bérlin laddies paid the _eeltrbrated. D. l . -- _.', m tfiilfistiMll," GROCERS. _ "Mr. A. Weidenhammer, the eflie. but [Weber of the 2nd Division of the %ter'.oo Central School. wss offered the pr in.eipalship of the Forest Model ML by wire on Mondny. Not haw Ittt sutticietat time to procure I substi- me here before the opening of the an In... Al ".. t _ - - -- - t 00111 ass i 7 Mr, 'ilesrman of Guelph has secur- Al a 51" yrrars' franchise for an electric "JEN railway in Guelph. Re will not - Mr. Phil. l’wluegnnt has present- V; t '. L.u:l.h1(‘ silver pitcher to be com .ml {w by local bicycle riders and I van " handicap races will be arrang’ ill-r in the near future. (WIN, Hill" oVlock but Ya. sham-r before ten “1n. the offer hau"driis' -uriiniiE m Etna-law, we understand, v“ to be a was A' mu 1w meeting of the Board Hmtr. an animated discussion took ”Hz. the allhj‘ct of Compulsory Chocodlates Creams. We?“ ad 'letr [Ur yrlxv lists of the Wellesley a -w arr Imw printed and may n' "1 xpphcutiun to the secretary, tr ., lh-ngcr, Wellesley, Ont. H." Inland Revenue Examine, f-w pnmmtiuu take place on the If Auc,rur,t. ..ml last .5 days. Mr, Jw’iJntUll of Waterloo will go up " Ex vruiuatiou. Li M 'Al, N EWS. at WHY ? (l l'r' On Sunday morning about In isurnt Hogg & Habbick's mm- at the wood yard. The not haavy. TO AUVERTISERS tl 'Vito of alleged defamatory A411: by Mrs. Klein against 't HE Preston, was brought to io at Galt, Thursday, the J, tiic,ruissed. The quarrel was inn-Hts over the guardianship il i livuvus,relical church, Ber- r' mH'rLCLl into a dwelling ln' trt' a must, be left at this offiee .11 “nudity noon. The .ngw-s must be left not late ”Hun. Casual Advertise. ml up to noon Wednesday timery trade is in.. ning: daily. ‘f the late Mrs. Wm Avoid too late for in issue and will REMOVED TO ToRoNTo,--3Ir, Walter Coggeshall, for some years in the edi- ploy of Reichert & Co. as foreman of the wire mattrms department of their upholstering establishment has severed his connection with that firm and re- moved to Toronto on Monday last. He will represent the Canadian Enter. tainment Bureau of that city and his work will qonsist in making contracts for the Urge number of first.elatus artists in the employ of the Bureau. During his, five years' sojourn here he made many warm friends by his sunny, genial nature and his many excellent qualities of head and heart, who sin. cerely regret his departure but wish him every success in the new sphere of work upon which he has entered. Mrs. Coggeshall will also be much missed in the social circles and especially by the Presbyterian choir where for some years _she hes been the leading alto. --The, barn of Mr. John Burnett West Montrose was burnt last Thurs- day night Six bones and scolt, a number of pig=,eight calves, a quantity of hay and some implements were tuso consumed. The Root Bron, who were going to thresh there on the following day, lost their aeporntor, four bones and harness. Mr. Burnett carried n policy in the Waterloo Farmers’ Mat, uni and the Root Bros. in the Hope- well Creek Company. The origin ot the fire is unknown. Y. P. A. ENit:RTAiNyiENt-- The members of the Youn" People's Alli. ance in connection with the Waterloo Evangelical church, gave a very suc- cessful musical and literary entertain ment on Tuesday evening. The at- tendance was large, the body of the church being well filled. The chair was occupied by the pastor. In addi- tion to the chorus singing by the Alli- ance Miss Brodhecker and Mr. L. Kuehner each contributed a solo, a quartette was given by the Misses Brodhecker and Wegenast and Messrs. Linke and Umbach and Prof. Links of Berlin gave a number of organ solos in a very effective manner. Mr. A. Steuernagel spoke eloquently on “The Power of {gusicf’ Miss Doddsireeited "Mona's aters" and Miss Anthea gave a a reading entitled "The World we live in." A beautiful organ has recently been purchased by the Y. P. A. and a collection was taken up in aid of the Organ Fund. ---Mr. Geo. Diebel." the energeth Sumter, of the c.o F. Demnutntion Committee, bu rreeived e number of letters from visiting brethren sincethelr return home, speaking in the highest terms of the trentmeut given them by the Iocnl Coast. The welcome given them In: 3 "Ugnitieent one and the generous hospitality accorded them seems tr, have been thoroughly appre- 'ciated. A Mouser Droiasn.-The clerk of the township of Stanley, Huron county, wrote to the Seaforth Expositor,stating "if you wish the minutes of Stanley Council, send stamped envelopes and f will furnish the minutes." To this modest demand the Expositor replied as follows ..-."If the Council of the township of Stanley are getting so poor that they cannot Alford to pay one cent for the publication of the minutes of their Council meetings, they had better sell out. In many counties the local papers are paid tor inserting Council minutes. In this county the papers have been in the habit of doing it gratuitously and now Stanley Council must have its postage paid ; soon it will be asking a. premium from the newspapers for the privilege of publish- lng the minutes. N o, gentlemen of the Stanley Council, if you want your minutes published we are willing to do it gratuitously if you send them to us; if not, the readers of the Expositor in Stanley will know the reason they are not published. The obligation, what. ever there is, is all on the side of the Council." The Rev. Prof. Tefel of Urbana Universitv, Ohio, will conduct Divine Worship in the New Jeruulem Temple, Berlin, next Sunday, in Ger. man at 10.30 sun. and in English at 7 o'elock, pan. Seats free. All invited. Subject of the evening sermon '. "The two Olive Trees.” Zachariah 4 '. 3. A fire that caused conaidssrable dam. age broke out on Wednesday morn- ing at 1.30 in Berlin in thebuilding on Queen street, occupied by Messrs. A. Bricker, blnckamith and carriage build- or ; E. Bricker, livery and H. C. Bar- loot, undertaken The fittt was first noticed in the undertaking deput- ment on the second flat and the am. age is princintlly or.uieed, to this y and tttls roof of this building. Mr. Bulews loo: consist. of optfina, trim- mings, lumber and pain“ to'tho nmount. of $1,700.00. Insurance in the Hand-In-Hond $700 tad m the Waterloo Initial 8300. Mr. A. Brieker's lo- on the building issbom. $3,500. Timur-n00 in thes “Ellington, 81,500; in the Bylin Enemies}, $1.300. Mr. ll Bristol’s loan it pd!» cipdb an canes, Elana ' 7 r' irGraii" Hiram at tho thin: New Church Services. Bitt Blaze In Berlin. Mr. John H. Roos returned to Chie. ago, Ill., on Monday last after a visit of four; weeks under the parental Miss Bowman of Greenville, Mich, is visiting friends in town. Mr. Fred Colquhoun spentafew days with his brother in Hamilton during the past. week, Mrs. G.F. McFarland of Toronto spent a few days of this week visiting heriparenta, Mr, and Mrs. Washburn. Miss Edna Erh of Berlin and Miss Gertie Unger of Waterloo left on Sat- urday 'for A few weeks' visit with friends in Toronto. Miss G. Matheson has gone to Shakespeare where she will spend a. week before returning to her home in 85min. Miss Anthes is visiting at South. ampton. . Mr, w, s. Hodgins, Superintendent of Agencies of the Ontario" Mutual, re- turned from Montreal on Welinesday. Miss Mcl3urny and Miss Edwards from Stratford are visiting ftieuds in town. I . Miss Emma Anthea spent Sund with friends in New, Hamburg. Miss Carruthers, Toronto, spent a. few days with Miss E. Moyer, Berlin, during the past week. Mrs. Bright and daughter Miss Sarah and Miss Bright of Listowel spent the past week in town the guest; of Mrs. Geo. Doering. ' Mrs. Dr. Party, New Hamburg. spent a. few days with her mother,Mrs. E. Ruby, during the past. week. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Smithville, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McLachlan this week. The Rev. All. Mitchell B. A. and Mrs. Mitchell, of Almonte, are renew- ing acquaintances in Waterloo. Prof. A. S. Vogt of the Toronto Conservatory of Music and organist and choir master of J nrvis street Bap- tist church, spent Friday with friends in town. Miss Nellie Doering spent last week with friends in Weilesley. The Misses Livingston of Baden were in town on Monday. Miss Emms Weber, Elmira, is visib- ing her sister, Mrs. A. H. Levitt. Miss Florence Haehnel left on Tues- day to spend a. month or six weeks with friends " Stonewall and Morden. Manitoba. Mrs. Wahl and Mrs. Schmidt of Rochester attended the funeral of Mrs. Braun yesterday. Mr. C. W. Schiedel returned from his trip to Kingston on Saturday. Mr. C. K. T ylor, manger of the Waterloo Matt: 1 Fire Insurance Com- pany, hit on ueedsy for Mammal). where he will a nd his holidays. Mr. Milton Devitt and Miss Ella Dewitt, Flondale, spent Sunday and Monday with friends in town. .M r Leon Poquegnut, N ew Hamburg, gave the CHRONICLE a friendly call on Monday. Mr. and Mm. Flynn, Shakespeare, spend Tuesday in Town. The St. John’s Lutheran church, Waterloo, was the scene of an extreme- ly pretty wedding, on Wednesday at 4 p. m. when Mia Hermine Schade we: married to Mr. Anderson Stricker. The bride was gowned in cream cashmere and trimmed with lace Ind ribbon and wore the conventional veil and orange blossoms and looked charming, wearing an elegant plumed fan, the gift of the groorn. The bridesmaids, Miss Mary Wegfahrdt and Misc Lizzie Schade, wore dresse- of cashmere and lace and each asrried handsome bequeta. Mr. Duncan McLaren. of Crouhill, and Mr, George Schade acted as groome- men. The ceremony was performed by :the popular peetor, the Rev. Mr. Arendt, and the bountiful church was crowded to the door: with admiring friends. ' Amongst the visitors from n dist-nee were noticed '. _ Mr. and Mrs.Hnrry Schuia, 'oE Kin- oerdine ; Mice Veronica StrickerJnger- otrll ; Mrs. Lydis’Stricker, Linwood; Mrs. Martin C. guiiii,' Sleepy Eye, Minnesota; Mr. and, Mrs Lsiri Strick- eb, Linwood ;Mr. and Mrs. Stricken end Mr. and Mu. Reichert, Bridge- port- A number of invited guests then mumbled " the residence otNse, bride's puma. Mr. Ind Mm. Martin Schnde. King street, where t Inmptaone brook- ttat we! when of. The present- f'rom the bride’s friends were numerous #16 :tteiife Organ“; with her many frien 5. one. oorttrratatutioe" "to Mr. And Mm. Stricken Ethetuallr yet tetlt, when native or tnqiotihornrham Mblood u impure or “mi-h. go way “I" pineal 'soak/tsod,' _ _ to which the, “do”: and Hui to I boldly 'ustieitr,urittGrt irriutirtqor Irratqpi, Uttt than,” and 5-4-05“- O“: oi1Peer. "Smut d Orange Blossoms. To - the Sync- . " yet 'rulr, {in youths or ay The procession was headed by a white :harger followed by Marshall Brandt and the Waterloo Band ;Court Enterprise No. 73, Waterloo; J. Uffel- man’s Goat; Guelph Lodge; Baden Lodge ; 29th Battalion Bend, Berlin ; Court, No. 72, 113 strong ; Lis- towel Baud ; Tavistock Band; Tavis- sock Court ; Galt Band ; Galt. Court ; Brantford Band ; Juvenile Cadets, Brantford ; and Brantford Court. The sports were attended by between 4.000 and 5,000 people, and furnished a good Mteruoou'is tnjormytt. -. A baseball match between the Tor- onto Crescents and Galt resulted as fol- lows ..--G'tut--15 runs, 20 hits.5 errors; battery, Burnett and Cockman. Cre- trcenta---1 run, 7 hits.7 errors ; battery, Ward and Swarthouse. The quarter-mile track was hard and in good condition, and on it the pro- gramme of sports was given. Mr. J.H Ilooe, of MUterloo, being othtGl C, W. A. referee, and Mr. G. A Bruce. of Waterloo, oft'uGl timer. The bicycling results were as fol. Iowa:-- 1 mile, open ; first hest-H, Tolton, (:alt B. C., l l J. Englcrt, Waterloo B. C., 'P.', A E.S chmidt. Waterloo B. C, 3. Time, 2.49 Second heat-H. Tolton, Gan B. c, l: J. Engiert, Waterloo B. C., 2, It. R. ldeFsr. lane, Stratiord B. C.,. 3. Time, 2.42. One of those immense pared" for which the Foretstertt' celebrations are noted started from the rmsrket square in the afternoon for the beautiful oth- letip grounds of Weetside Park, where the'giunes and sports Were held.r The procession was made up of many courts of Foresters of Western Ontario, sev- eral being in uniform, and the local courts of Berlin and Waterloo who turned out in large numbels. Boys under 16 yen-l, l mile-F. Dunbar Stratford ll, C, I, N. Sang-mm, Watarloo, 2; R, Moore, \Vsterloo, 3. Time, 3.25. Tmile handicap, T." to Wtsterloo Coun- tr-CH..'?)., Gilt“. f, Rankin.) gly- (iladv, Wateriiso B. c. 2, t Englen, wit- erloo, 3. Time, 8.14 2-5 . The foot races resulted u follows,:-- 150 gg; open-F, Fisher, l, J. McGregor, 2; L. harlton, 3. dar, Aug. 13, the load Forectenlbe longing to Court Enterprise, No. 73 hnving the mun-gamut of it. The town was beautifully decanted with bunting streamer-I, evergreens end dog. which gave it a guy holiday appearance. The proceedings opened in the morning with the reception of visiting Courts, bonds end visitors who poured in by rail from all 'reetiomr. Our exoellent band made the town lively in the morning and the 29th Battalion Band made its appear- ance and marched through the town followed by crowdl from Berlin. Prof. McDonald performed -on a high wire stretched across King street from the Alexander House to John B. Suider's Factory, doing many difficult feats. 2-mile, open-H. Tolton, Gala B. C., l;J. Englert, Waterloo B. c., 2: A. E. Schmidt, Waterloo B. C., 3. Time 5.49 4.5 150 yards. open to Foresters oaly--W, Hunting, Brantford, l, D. E. Frame, Crou- hill, 2; W. Kraus, Baden, 3. Bald Heads-J. Keyhoe, 1 I B. Baker, 2; R. Gilpuly, 3. During the afternoon Prof. MeDoa, nell gave another exhibition of high. wire walking st the park and crossed the wire on n bicycle in fine style. A tug-of-wnr between Wellington and Waterloo Counties was won by Well- ington. The Brantford Cedeta won the Juvenile drill competition. A mag- nifieent clock for the best-drew visit- ing oonrt was won by the Baden Court who eppeered in eplendid uniform cur- rying a miniature woodmon’a ex. Ber. lin won the first prize for the Ingest visiting qottrb--a tine silver tilting pig. cher. Fssrmer'Gee, 1-4 mite-F. Fisher, 1 l J. Comm, 2; J. Cantu, 3. Bsndmen'a race, 100 yards-W. Brandt), waterrioo, l, ' J. Bruegam, Waterloo, 2 ' W. Raymo, Waterloo, 8.- Girls/ me, GO ytsrsh---Mj" May Poor, Mina N. Merner, 2 ', Miss R. Ziegler, 3. of the Canada, Order of Fomten of I . District No. 2 was held here on Mon- .1 by, £231.2f; .125. .EUPEBFOR Fat menu nee. 100 ,tsrda-rW,Prtittrieh, St. Jacobs, 1; H. Johnston, Taviswck, 2. Juvenile Foresters. 100 ysrda---L Blainl. G._Benwe}l, 2. - .. -. -.. _ - - In the evening a. bend concert was given by the Wetorloo and visiting bands at the park and e magnificent displey of firsrorka by Prof. Rand. The beautitnl park was illuminate by electric light. The merrrgtt roulpd,rnini- store Ferri- wuel,i1reworkvaiswds ,of good-nutnred plunre-uekergnnd loads of exoellstntibtsnd mic made up e mem- onble and enjoyable evening. _ ll. t. F. BlllttlfgtgM!BE A meeting'of the Foreste're District 1?emonatruion committee was also held and the repreeentetivee ot Ar court: Vere present. Mr. Mark Mun- dy, Chairman District Committee oe. cupied the emit ; D. B. Woodr, tree- enrer. W. M. Mean mercury, of this committee were also’ [than The re- volt of the Committee that had the Woodetmk éelebretion in head bet ttt2tT,tl,- rifggrt,t', lx, 'dl',',',t a . we. I opt- ed “13%;. The election of elli- tsee.theooiioirodnnd malted in the re-electidn of the ,diqttasnerted - _rt new “with next fko. u. vum WWW”. mun: my. ,'.ht,ttt,ttN in ht.rls . 1111895311; mrh‘ atiditi m t mod I?” cpiigi 69.4.31” ocu- 3|!»th The fourth sun In! demonstration of: “I 'al J, L CLEMENS ' 00., . BERLIN. We are Leaders in Ulim' Capes _ and Mantles. Raymond,“Ni Wheeler & , Call a?! see them. SILKS an DRESS. GOODS we cannot be beat. We sell that Wheeler t Wilson Extract from "Sewing Machine News, January, 1894." G. A. Wanless, Why do you pay 50c for same goods ? Noted cheap cash store. admitted to exhibition in the Wo- man's Building" at the Colum.. bian Exposition, Chicago, 1893, was executed on the in town. Equal in Style and Finish to $3.00 shoes. In three styles of laaias,'Operas' ‘Full Opera' and 'Common Sense.’ CORSET It in our peinful. duty thin week to chronicle the death of Mrs.Emil Brena, of Toronto, daughter of our esteemed town-men, Mr. Peter Gleieer. It the early ego of 23 years, 3 months end 20 days. Mm. (Brena we: born " St. Jacobo on the 22nd of April, 1871. A few yen- latte her perenu moved to Weierloo. On August Ptly. 1893, do. Embroidery Voelker Bros., KING- ST-. - BERLIN. Most N otablo Exhibits Art Work Ladies' Dongola cooper! wu mum}: Mr. Emil Bruin of oronto. I About but weak- Ego M Bruin took sick and utter . than ul illneu she m relieved from srueeeintit on Send“ Aug. 12th. _ A fawn} took, pinge_on_ Wedge-day to bluish Inclusion“ been unmoved or My to St. John’l Lutheran church when than to Mom We WWI-Wilm- duna Muhamm- aiiatNtqrittM_roe tho 'dig- J U. CLEMENS ' 00. ARTISTIC MERIT and an; only Sewing Machine moon ft,'t tsie father'. W. 'hiohhermsinlhdbeon unmoved EEE L" BEST AND H‘ONE OI? m Death of Mrs. Braun. $2.00 Yaw Home" And _ tum Sowing Inchinea, DEALER IN at 390ts., Button Shoes Waterloo. " P33 niiruycr:1iii1i', GOODS ':" ' we shall for' the next 30 days sell off Hammocks, Fans, Tennis Goods, Lacrosse Sticks, Waggons and Baskets, all home made and of the best material can be had at at adiscount of 12yf per cent. This is Genuine. Ask for l WALL PAl'ER---Fine Stock, Beautiful 1,'attcrns, [Prices l, INFANTS' ROBES and li0MflfMliM8 ClluCER,Eiik TflTR,r,C5iirEi1 Ladies’ _ ? White i i _UNDERWEAR, _,' x TRONES, ik VALISES, Y, SHAWL-STRAPS. X LUNCH BASKETS, X ETC, ETC. ETC, Also Headquarters for , First-Class harness. Light work a Sgwialty. The Elmira Musical Society will run a. special train per G T.R. leaving Good picknickirig accommodation. Music will be furnished by Elmira, St. Jacobs and Conestogo Bmds. For further particularj see large posters and hand-bills. . WESTERN -:- FAIR Henry Maier, 533% (hcl',','," M goo s, 6 l a m l . Btsitielberg616 a m n ay, Waterloo, 6 28 a m l August 17th. Berlin, 6 M' s m, Returning train will leave the Falls at 8.00 p. m. Direct connection st the Falls with the Niagara F alls Park & River Ily. whose cars run to and stop an every point of interest on the Canadian Side. Return Tickets from Elmira $13751 St. Jacobs 1.75 Heidelberg 1.75 CHILDgEN Waterloo 1.50J Half-Price. Berlin 1.40 All Tickets good to return, Satur- day, August 18th. " ALWAYB IN {THE FRONT. " with.“ your "can“ and any. you . imam" Stock-ad Prmitrr.Berk.t8th. hon-lad... other we. Sept, Ith. _ EX A.H. EBB. LP. SNYDER, LONDON- . September lath to 22nd, MW. (mum's ",iiri7,ar,,,,, “a Run 'g',Tat'd"r,tParJlttl'lllh In an “August! t'ltatlhh'tgt'/"gl ” med .lil,tiiititalf.9'i'ikr,tuzt'it om a.tr,tqtat= #riiihiirC, ”307* W. H. BECKER Niagara Falls. are requested to ball on me for Cheap Pres. E..\I.S. CUirmnn Advt. Com Second Annual Civic Hollday FANCY GOODS STORE, KING st, WATERLOO HOLIDAY CURSION Opp. Zimmerman!) Hotel . H. BECK? t BECKER Sr; CAD, KING Sit, BERLIN- Mms A. 3mm. In order to make room for CHILDRENS PINAFORES, flniilhss -:- Prices 4 pieces lovely Delaines, rvgulm price 25e, selling at 10c. TGt price has been in the sice. " Days Clearlng Sale, Saturdny, Aug. 4th to Saturdny, Aug. llth. Cost doesn't govern price in our Dry Hoods department during the can), 1 piece Black Storm Serge, regular price 60c, reduced to Trc, A coin conxer that. tft.?') -.. Nady-1. Mn; rL1UlgtPgi 'haul',',-??,'.,' or the F "t than I an: Page: I, J. ll, Williamson ' (h, Hut sale of remnants still continua at enormous reductions from regular prices. A harvest of bargains. Who will be the reapers? 1 piece 1lopsaelring at 90c, now tsel ling at 250. About 40 pieces Indxgo Print war ranted absolutely fast color. 390 yards Black and Fancy Fine Striped Worsted and Tweed. To be made to order in pants at $3.10. 3 Men's white collars for Mc. Lat, est shapes, ssme linen as the 2 for 2.hc, Ballnce of our colored front shims al A strong statement but simple in its truthfulness. $21.00 to $25.00, to be cleared $17.00. GREAT PANT SALE. Scotch Tweed Suits. Bounty Model Schools. liydmulic pressure was applied there Special Black Worsted Suit 31‘00. Special line to order an SIMS ERIaNnddhltCmtrttr MddgtHietMtoUwftt *yunnornhe tminiittrotNrdCUa. Wyndham k Mtuxionnell streets, HALIFAX SUITS. LION- & CO'Y. GUELPH. AT THE at "

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