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Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 16 Aug 1894, p. 3

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he that the retailer mot induce you to {any other in order he may make..a L: profit. its Fren t ; cent plug {cent plug cent plug od of modern lruxincuu asker, getter and BMW. Morin-awn to all thepeo- 'sur,. rmd to new”. [tar tht. incrouse of buai power controlling that , but to catch custom- y , s matte When ion BY PLUG Wm! '11 Cumin. ( 2ecepotiit mt )1rlds pure gold mt start" and keep"radtr "Uouti the place and at» ttttser. omutunicatiug items of . awake people. " Inc-usage to intelligent Ix scum-r and receiver. {Why Co able medium to sttcce" augment. . to prosperity In bull- " nit-usage to intelligent IX smut-r and receiver. I puhhc benefits we de adicious Implication. t bung: best returns for Ara III”, oe of the Temple of For I " -. Expreu' on the road a of progress in tho march mi rcr Us and E iikiikTl? ing Tobacco MONTREAL. 3th MAR that propels Ppinter toc'. goods wi futon“ ttes l ask for. PONUt in r"- .. -. .,.-. WW.-- Fawn“, Jno Bowel for plank a Martin't bridge, iGhii Fm. hum, for work, $15.00 ; Michal tkhM,tese gnvs trl on Town]ine,$5.13 ; WM Ag!" ealtural We”. $20.00; Wmmo t“whip, foe halt of A tttlt Lieorte Scum on _ tn. Total £309.79. The men a... may: to, as 11in " tit.' gdiiG JGiTyTeiir - 7‘; f0?! 'ur at otsttttsee act a ' set “wry namuto vel " 1893 sud W, 82.40; 1'Mlt,',' my, for plank, ”5.12:3181dmm k Simmons, balance on bridge contracts, $128.00; John ileyedor work on Waterloo Townline ‘34-‘31 :C. C. Delionmtmg' ducal". _re-"eeination he, 311.00; Daniel ti. “Hun. bonus for win ham. $3.90: "i-fret-tr,,,.,", '". nah-#34 Yamaha-QM' 113;; The lleeve, C. S. Weber tsnd Aaron “1+," were appointed a conlmittre 'r, nv'et a Committee from thi. tOw'nshlp of Peel in hard to "per/uv..,, the Town line for . short. the. tance North of the third line of Peel. slso to make Arrangements to expend 5:33-00 on Townliue South of the third hm providing Peel township will grant the Snme amount. NO person shall be allowed may bon. Irs f0r wire fence, unleu he man tirst ”My to the council for some. The followidgw; Ittrrrfreitirn, 1 1he late Dr. McMichnl, Q. C, "ho dial a: his home; in Toronto lutvlylacml 7;. mu . son of thr, late Albert Mc )hclmrl, of Cataraqq', and WNtt hm” a...” m 1506 “a Ind . brillian; an“ n King's column. (now tlm l'ui wrally’ of Toronto) where he won and and ,[lwr medals, yum-ting in lr " and men entering the practice of law. Among his law partners in old times were Hon. Wm. Cayley and Sir Nat, Ule Crooks Cameron- Dr, McMich- sei Wm: otferM the Chief Jus'icvship of Manitozm by the late Sir John Mac. donalnl and {ISO refuted a judgeship in ”Mano at one time. He was a. singu. lnrly brilliant mun until his great mm- m pow-n began to fail about tr tl 79,"; Ag... G peat deFrence WI', , always Wu him by the presiding jadg" m cuurt The deceased was twee mun md tirst in lll.5t to Miss Wedcl, racy of the wife, of the late M. C Cmmon. 5hr died in [564. In 187.) Dr, Mc Mll'lHr‘l was again married to Miss lulu“, slitt‘r of Lady Wilson of Tor ”mo. Helmws a an" and dssurhtis.- "Y ll“ {list wife-A. u, W. MCMH'I‘H-n‘: ml Mr, Cook, the ssiie of I',arcc:rr Wt, 1' wk mum AND DISTRIGT The News of the Waterloo County District Gleaned From Exchanges. lr, kw No. MU lo 0le alwl r~',..‘1 I l L I. " line of mm H) icet Widt' .. 1} s " .ml 7 of the c, C.T.in the townn 'p of Woolwich was rem a first :6." ( I and third ttme and pasard. 3 it, ~.w No 411 to open and m". .' "', up) ' 111w Hf road 40 ferot win ' 1.1r ‘1}; and 113 of the G CT. in 21:5" “may ul’ Woolwich was read it is ~r, ml ml thud timv and passed. _ II: .th No, Hi, in buy zmd sag-as: musing) of Woolwich for County l ', 'l‘mruhip purpose" for thv y rs; 'i, w .. rem! a tirst, second and 1:11.21; necimtion he, “LN; Daniel S. tin, bonus for wire hoe. $3.90; A.Scewnrt,for vaccine poinil,$5.00; l Boycott toe 3m}; 11mm r. " Hw-ve in the chair. _ Hm members present. r- minutm of the previuu rv-url and adopted. tur Nu, ll Lto hwy and 0:31-13: hundred and fifty (lolhrs in , "v equrel to Govrnment gain; 4t' Schools was rvud a first, a _ I (hm! tinn, and passed. 'A' No. HT), to mama-x the “Yard , Minna in the tov, uship of Wooi. r." the ymr lt104 wns read a that mrl ’hird time and passed. 'l \w. HT, to authorize the t at S si. No. 2 to raise by "ar 1% «um of $1,200 00, and is: r'st' r l little Debentures for :he mum for the purposeof building V-noul house in the said section ul a thut second and third as»: St uni“ Iu-h Tam whip ("mun 0 .\iumclpal nonncll of trm WW.- “bulwich met at St. Jacobs in why of July A.D , 1.80; yar- will tuljourtuuent from Just ."r <rd IN 0C J. l H to levy a specid rs? Humble property of llw su 'u'nizc Schools in tlw co" “:iwich to raise the ,UP.I m. grant to the several Ps minus for the year 1‘}? Irs: wcmxd and third if: Ouncil of rl, i; The above is summariud from the statements made by Mr. and M ri.Bow- cu to the Standard representatite, We I will give the remainder of the story in l Mr. Bowen’s own words. He said: l "l e were both terribly run down and _cornple,tely discouraged at seeing dollar ',,xt'ctstr dollar go for medicine. that ldid not seem to do us any good. We :had 'coout given up all hope of ever getting , well again when my attention was call. lcvi to a wonderful cure effected by Dr. , Williams’ Pink Pills. I had nearly lost all faith in medicines, and' had ‘zunde up my mind that my wife and ;;.yself were past. human aid and would :.;-.ve to endure our surl'ering. We were l repeatedly urged by friends to try the i‘ml; Pills and at length consented. At. ‘ber taking a couple of boxes we did not ssc any noticeable benetit and were .inout to give theu, up, but were urged to persevere with thrtn and did so. ““Illeu my wife had taken the faith box ‘I dou't use what buineu a: kicker he on earth,' aid the irrihble mu. Oh,' Ttrtied the phi1oedthir, 'he is ‘He as” you upped-tithe people who no sad-unreal , Second Bor-Ns I nin’t ; but if I fight You my mother'll lick me.' ‘How will she find it antral: , ‘Sbe’ll teqtha doctor goin’ to your house.' First Bqe---'You're 'traid to fight, tut's wut.' Dr. Williuma' Pink Pills are sold on- ly in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark and wrapper (printed in red ink) and may be had of all druagilts or dit. ectzby [mil from Dr.William’ Medicine Compsny. Brockville, Ont., or Schenec- tady, N. Y., " 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are I. speci- tic for all diseases arising trom an im. poverished condition of the blood or a. shattered condition of the nervous for- ces, such as St. Vitus dance, locomotor ataxia, rheumatism, paralysis, sciatica, and after effects of la grippe,loea of ap- petite, headache, dizziness, chronic ery- sipelas, scrofula, etc. They are also a speeilie for the troubles peculiar to the female system,correcting irregularities, suppressions and all forms of female weakness, building anew the blood,and restoring the glow of health to pale and and aallow cheeks. In the case of men they etfect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of any nature. 321-: began to feel a. decided impfove. them. in her health and I decided to keep on taking them. The seventh no); marked the turning point in in) Jil"-", and I have continued to improve war since, and to-dey, as you tee, we we both enjoyinfi excellent health, " most twsgood as we ever did, Many times I have thought we would t1eser have been well again and I cannot tell you how glad I am that we tried Dr. iVilliams' great medicine. I an: T now 'xvole to do a good dayU work without feeling the least bit tired, and my wife can perform her household duties with- out an eilllrt. I consider that I have received hundreds of dollars value for the few dollars I spent on Pink Pills. We always keep thean the bowie now although we do tie/t need to use them, but think it gafer to have them on hand in case they should be required.' There a no longer reason to seek for the proof of uttPiPculfy1t orng effect,- ed by the use of Dr. Williplm’ Pink Pills. We have hard of numerous marvellous cure- tallowiug the one of this wonderful medieine,aud have been succeilful in obtaining the hurts tor publication in one‘oi them. Mr. And- pew Bowen, on employee of the Cumin Cotton Mill we: taken ill shout. three years ego and compelled to give up his position and cone work entirely. He was suffering from rheumetiun which wan: followed by a complication of dis.. eases, and in a few months become a helpless cripple. His wife became thoroughly worn out through waiting ou him and in a short time she become an invilid and their plight we: most pitiablo indeed. They secured the best medical advice within their rencb,spend- ing a large amount of money In medi. cines wluch failed to give them any per- manent relief. This went on for near. ly three years and during that period tney suffered untold ugouies. " AFFLICTID "iiiiit ' an to anus. “II, - of In” similar It“ Kuhn-no- I. I‘ll- VIu It. --t Ptatm seam of hurls. From the Corumul Standard. ‘How t' A line. Huh the all About RESTOR- " IA “our. Pills no 'mretrAiiatsT, an my.“ “lawman“ It» i"airttrtgirtBettaiuatsstrsmtth,amtdoes mlookp-lo. woman he ta w Ibo tooid'sBarsiHNatsitttaadomaormstrtt (other. Wenordher one u pothtttq M on. may . W. Wrarr, a Mhgioet an“. MM Ioemtto,0ntaHo. EB. IfrmdmsMetotaumtod'st-. 'trt_donotbstmttsosdtrr1mrmrotur. ' Sold one We: Post All Holp and madame to send her to the ‘Home " 1tteuraNetg.' But I said as long " I could hold my hand up she should not go, and thou: this time o kind neighbor cameinand asked me to getabottts of Hood's 8arsaparilU and try it. We did so and she has taken the medicine regularly. She I! getting “long, walks Around, is out dotted every day; he: no trouble with her unmanned no cough. and her heart new: to be all right min. She has . Matches appetite, Peach stem-s tind a ready sale to he used m munuhctming pethnses, tim- oring extracts and prunsic acid. [lfriTiTai) Lost the Use of Her Limbs mdlower part of body, and if she lat up in bed had to be propped up with pillows. She would gown days without a movement of the Dawes: All medicine seemed to do her no good. she would have spells when her heart would pain her, and then, with the outside door open in mid-winter, would mm away. Physicians, after holding a. consultation, An English syndicate owns 3,000,. 000 Acre., of Texas pasture hsnd-a larger arm than some States cm boast of. “Four years ago while in the old country t England ), my daughter Hannah was sent. away from the hospital, as the doctors there could do nothing to help her, and said she would never bonny better. She was in a very low condition with consumption of the lungs and bowels, and weak action of the heart. The trip across the water to this country seemed to make her feet better for a while. Then she began to get worse, and for " weeks she was unabletogot ott the bed. She grew worse for the months and \Vestminster Bridge, huiit in 1750, was. the tirst in which the foundations museum by the aid of Cassions. Two-thirds of the cotton consumed in the world is grown in the United States. . Bl r. Xalhuul Mortonson, I well known citi- zen of isluremintt., Mich., and editor Superior Posters, m ho, tor . long time] suffered from tho mos: excruciating pain: of rheumatism. was cu rm. eight years ago. by taking Ayers Sum. puma. having Fever {on a twinge of it since. Fifty dollnu, uir f Fifty donut! My retainer' fee you know m n hun4red. You have been very unprofessional. [fut he Mid titcy'wt" all he had. Hum! And yell took in? Good! Very profusion“, my boy; 1ery pro- fessiouul. I.“ iOilte iNeti. -Re, rd NM” 'r that We!” but!» a hilly". Ono ’ (by “Macy Entered bin ttttiee and the stark aid t r, Mr. 34- wu heme to re'hin you. Did ha “y he would comm Axum? No he took a retainer. Bright boy". What was the. retain- er Wonderful Results From Taklng Hood’s Sarsnparma. In Verv Low Condition With Consumption Physicians Said She Was In- curable Like a Miracle ttarssapari'liit POWDERS _" Mus Hannah Wyatt Toronto, Ont. HERE iiFiiriitiG." T" -- _ ___ 1'1!“ka THE 7 “mum ' limits! and Marble Works; SIMON SNYDER, Druggist, When two or three years in force it is "oevforfeitable, even for failure to pay renewal premiums, remaining in all force TILL THE VALUE " EXHAUSTED. Your choice of all sound plans o assurance ofered, no other. THE ‘, Dominion Life Assurance (he, Head Mtitar, . Waterloo, Ont. Equality between policy-holders is secured by insuring in three cltunrer-. abstainera, general and womett--erivietg each in profts the true bang/it ofita own longevity. The RA TES compare favorably with auxin theimrld. - __ - _ Authorlzed Cnnlul31.m.ooo. _ uov't Dem-ll " ottawa $50,000 Slum ' I Ilnul I all!!!) t 'r., t, Paul up Capital $61,400 JAMEsleNES, M. P., CHR. KUMPF Eaq., PRESIDENT. Vito I~PR “was The Policy ofthe Dominion Life is a straight promise to pay-like a bank draft, almost uncmuiitional. No ra- striction on travel or occupation. AGENTS WANTED. Apply now for choice of territory to THOS. HILLIARD Manamnz Director ft provides a legacy certain instead qf th law suit possible. fl - - -- A Ell-b Street, opposite Markos: i w'A'mnmo ' you have lost slaved on. duh-oft ( diqttt ‘- 1tft We. at htttd to th - o! the 1t1t2't,f b "with; “awe “all In dmgnu specimen- nd duh-min mu. Badman em. all Quota you 1et#riardtruootork “the In Guam THOS. HILLIARD. MANAGING DIRECTOR. [aw ArrivalsL Down the street through the busy way A lady passed on marketirg day; Who, pausing at a grocery store, Stepped quickly in at the open door. With bated breath and anxious mien She queried l "Uve you COTTOLENE?” lhe grocer, leaving off his work, interrogated every clerk l , But none up to that time had sen An article called " Cormusim." "What is It?" said he to the dame. "That answers to this curious name. What is it made of? What's its use? My ignorance you’ll please excuse." _ "You're not the merchant for my dimes. I see you'" quite behind the times. For COTTOLENE, N have you know, ls now the thing that's all the go, An article of high regard; A healthful substitute for lard. its composition pure and clean l For cooking give me COTTOLENE." As from his store the lady tied, The grocer gently scratched his head- On his next order, first was seen. "One dam can: C0TT0LENEP Made only by ‘ , N. x. .FAIRBANK_& co., SHAEFEB BROS. . WATERLOO ONT. wellington and Ann siasid,- MONTREAL. A SHORT ENING. Blood Purifier , You cad buy. _ SOLD BY ALL Daueals'rs. Spring and Fall Ask Your Grocer for It 'lliegfls ichroniere Sole Agent. it's the beet in the USE David Bean, In You a Subscriber? Jlif ANTED If not, send fifty ioooolgords 3°71“. tir , Tritil , _ W001). Advertise Advertise Productive Advertising is to he found ONLY in a medium of wide circulation, character and ilghBigg, among those whom advertisers desire _ to rcach. Ill these requests are found in the Waterloo County Trip for six mos. which has more readers --F'OB--- _ in Rtia% County than Soap - Making w other paper. - AT - --aBTrt--- Waterloo, Ont. . Liberally ':s'rrti Bight. Farmers' attention) fact that we are pre brick and tile for all Thechady Made Clothing Business has made wonderful prog- rcss the last few years and it is a matter of fact, we have a wonderfu, output for these goods, and what is doing it, is our Extra Values,which our close buyers are observing daily. We buying for spot cash is a great advantage to ourselves, as well as to our customers, who we en- deavor to benefit indirectly. in all our previous efbrts, We as we have for the Spring Trade Call and See the wonderful bargains at the Devitts Oily Mg Store "lisyot the clothes, that make the man," but they help] SUITINGS. Insppction is invited to the Nesx Lines of The Ltest invoices include thy tine; of American and Foreign Fabrics. The prices are consistent with quality of material and workmanship. Ready-Made Clothing 1 " best Scranton Coal in Eng. Stove or Nu size. We would advise all to order now befar an ad mm» in price taken place. The “rehab! lities are that money will be "tved by ookin orders at once ' We respectfully when rot patronage. Orderslnft at our oth'ee M the co yard or at J. W. Fear $420.1. Hardware Sun will have our careful attention, -: PURE :- UAUSTIU SODA IVE are now prepared tt!,fill ordm-a for th but Scraplqn Coal jn lung, Stove or Nu Waterloo Goal hd, c0hLl_, Scranton Coal Bhht HEIGHT] we have thdlargast and best assorted stock of GREAT MONTREAL BANKEUPT CLOTHING STORE TROUSERINGS ‘and WATERLOO, ONT. John Ritzer. "Ati' HOGG & HABBICK. Merchant Tailor. King St. Water,' Sign: Rod, White and Blue Flag, King St., Berlin, OVERCOATINGS BL ' SON, is directed to the rind to exchange kinds of wood. donnkildlol le were never able to ' secure such values, o lo (rlRtrP0BLIth 'Uressman & Hallman BERLIN 3 Wall Paper, 1' Books and F l? yards, tut N o. 3, 25 yards, tut No. 2, Three extra special numbers in gray cotton bought within the last two weeks at prices never be. fore quoted for the same quality of goods. Cheap Cash Stoe, Note the following Prices '. General Dry Goods, Men’s and Boys' Ready Made Suits and Overcoat; Hats and Caps, Em. KING STREET, This Store Closes Every Evening at 7 tr'.. clock except Tuesday and Saturday. No. I, Kindly invite anybody to call on Formerly carried 4m by E. S. Hallman CIDER 85 C Bargains. ' 3 The verdict of all who have ten these goodsis that they never w their equal {or the price. 5 Came and secure bargains at them when in Berlin examine their stock of t 12% pals, $1.08 SMYTH BBHS. Call here for your K ING ST. BERLIN AT Cast of Market, BERLIN stationtets, B1108. Ct

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