If: _ wlhrl?it?scF'iii,ii'ii'ii, RED CLOVER BEES I mi 'ifit?iitit, 4teterrwt otr " the m _ - - -V- - - -. Tine yrTu" (Martin t This remedy Lemma. teed to cure you. 1'tica,lucti L0ectorteiki. Sold by Simon Snyder,‘\\'aterloo. VOUP town In" containing 'mt:tittttot " ; much. “ammonia: spun. nad mm“ and tmatting on Qua no... C M TAMIL "an; Manx? Coccrt Urn): promptly mu there a'.1 when 'cil Caught, Group In. mama. Hoarzenesa. 2'.?iiiiii' Cough and AMhrra. For Consumption it " no Heap. has tutu! thsu-ancirthtt ,ri.'t (may. you Q tannin C.te. Sold by Drugglato on I gun- nth-(n I'm' a Lame Back or filth “to SHJLCR‘S DSLLADONNA PLASTE Ma. FifrTE' ErdFap. _7G"rj.'f,Tx7s"4tl'l'elrl'fr'd m “I. "Bung “1.1001 monthly. arc yur. shale m. â€an. cry number comma bun- MMU, )'lpl'lr,,SrMtfteFi5t2ii'iiir, with plan. mum 'lk"g12stliet the 'tir0,irfi)iti? A,"; You 831 Bnmnvuy. -'------------------=7-=7l=iL' wat u n n as co.. who hue and may?†_ 01mm In the potent human. tntnTtttui tlom strictly eontMertttal. A Handbook 011n- formation concerning Patents and how to ob. mn than mm. tree. Also a catalogue of mechan- teat Ind sclemmc boots sent free. Puma nun "Around: Mann a 00. receive tttttt notloeln the Wientlllc Amen-lean. an: In In Neath: widely bogged†angle with- l'h',Ue.'2xt. Kley.tP,t3r..._tt l9 mend paper. GGG “mww'"'.é:l;{i“ï¬im“‘tmé° 233.2 I . Ion-t iiFF,'ii17. 'it,'tlltl'i'irfi'ie] "I tn the world. “on. Sampe co a. tent he. Bung t'tN.'tp,tti,,r,; 'il? A your. Eagle Mtt't22rttA2errYEditiiiii'1ily'ii'a? :- _ F and we willm-ml. svuled, by return mail. Puluealed Particulars in nlaln envelope, to ladies only, 2 unmw. Address The Cook (‘nmpanpu “truism. Ont. Canada. A recent discovery by an old physician. Suecessfutlg used munrhly by (h 'uaaada of Ladies. IA the only perfectly why and reliable medicine div ttovervd. Beware of unprihciplml druxgists who A thr interior medicine"; in pinch of thls. Ask for Coohu Cotton Root Compound, take no mchsti~ lute. or InI'Iu-H‘ " and 6 coma in postage in iciier AID COIB MIDI?!“ T tcad :gyerv Done Effective jig LC H'S&CATARR H FDR PUIB HONEY " " t'P.3 e P? L L a in: " Ci) L s er' Evy Irr. Ji. Ayu r x (I) , Luwrll. Mass. FOR SALE. POWDERS "lin rr‘a i'" '. C"ir-y will Jo gnmL" I: " thus of we Sigma-ch, Livur, Vatterloo by SNYDER. Druggist. ()()li'si))llnlloit “taut-um COMPOUND. REMEDY. The: 4ld man had W killed by a bullet :through the hurt. On the hearth at the stove m . little heap, ottoh-soaatten. manque talking he Va maxi . Fr.iytutti tiniaUd big trip, “Indigent. his 'tthe, “(I hockod cm the when. , My“ his ldt and. to.har, and» 813““ Pgred m AY, 1hyrcAtiLtti't nu .---a No. 2 shoe: She had found the old man in the store below and came up with him. The two had :sat down facing :each other beside the table. when I inspected the table I discovered in the dust on its surface a. square rep- resenting the bottom of a. box. The box was not to be found. The two had sat. down to overhaul the contents of a box of papers. In front of the womnn’s chnir were the imprint; of her feet ngnin. _ I T Mr. Swift had had a visitor the night before, and that visitor had murdered him and left the store by the only entrance and exit. That was why I found the front door unlocked. Who was the visitor? I knew the sex before Pentered the room. The car- pet was old and the hall had not been swept for weeks, In the dust on its surface wat, the print of woman's shoes Yes, Martin Swift was dim old man --yd and gray and wrinkled, as I had pictured him. Some of his front teeth were gone, and on the floor beside him lay a pair of steel-bowed spectacles. The room was hot only plainly furn- ished, but the dust and cobwebs and general slosenly look proved that he was not of tidy habits. I could see thebed in the other room, and took notice that it had not been slept in the night before. I took out my notebook and carefully jotted down the position of the body-the position of two chairs at an old tible in the centre of the room, a. pipe lying on the floor beside a stove yet warm and a dozen other things. down on the street, was divided into two roomsth sitting room and a bed. room. Each room mod ttwindow, The door of the sitting-room was open, and on the floor lay the dead body of Mar» tin Swift. There was a gas jet burn. iug at full head, and I could pee plain- ly. A second glance told me that the man had been murdered. It would have been the right thing in me to rush downstairs and out and give the alarm at once, but I did not do so. I leuned against the door casing and carefully took note of everything. rows of kegs and barrels. Near the rear end was the stove, but it was cold, Close to the stove was an old dusk mth papers scattered all over the top. Five feet away a tlight of stairs led to the second story. I found the second story divided oif by a plank partition. The west half was devoted to empty bottles and cas- 99, while the cut half, which looked There are.certain buildings which re- pel you, just as there are certain peo- ple, This building “as one of the sort. ; It u'as dingy, unclean and out of place :amuug its betters. As a hewspaper } man 1 passed it twice a day for nine Hear: and never caught, sight of the l, proprietor. True, the dam stood open t in summer as do the doors of other. I business, houses, but Mr. Swift was not In be IM‘CH. in the right-hand ('s,1v'/'r..1:','u,, was a pyramid of jugs and "leo/johns, in the ist a pytumid of i brandy lugs and lottlea. tio far as I could observe, nothing was ever changed, nothing an r (rimmed or dust. l ed Una could look through the open (tloot' and see rows of btwiels which j doubtless contained <nirir< lmr h n taM For upward of hfteen years the cor- ner of Bronson and George streets was occupiPd by a two-story budding used as a wholesale liquor store. The name of ‘.\Iartiu Swift' was on the Sign over the door, but of tte thousands who daily passed the place no: one in a thoumnd ever saw his face or had any idea what manner of man he mu. _ l Mlislt Queer Glue C l N) , fur was and "ttts' In 100 dentists how many do you suppose rank as firtst-claaat .I mean those patronized by wealthy people. Not even tea. The murdems must be well to do to patronize a. firrssclaaa dentist. As one photognpher will recognize mother photogrnirhur'. work, so will tb dentist. When I had visited six dental ottimt I we: tore the crown was made not itrtho city. In a. weak I had the met 1stlti, leading dentiatr, inAhyton end Welpbio. In m; week!†lghost do than had but] I made no move [until the detectives dropped the case. The clue was in that bit of gold. They might not have found it all out, or in finding it may pot have regarded it as I .did. The tirst thing was to take the crown or -Gp to a. dentist. He looked it over and then said: ‘This was made for an upper front tooth. lt was made for a woman, of course, had I. should say she was young end had a. pretty mouth. It's th neat piece of work. The dentist is a. first.chaaa one, whoever he is. ed as a. plain, straight case. som;, one suspected the told man had money up- _ stairs, invented some excuse to get up ( there and then shot him dead. Doem't it occur to you that it would have been more natural to kill him down in the store, where he would not have been on his guard, and that inzleaving a man would have locked the door and taken the key to prevent discovery as longha possible? A woman wouldn't have thought of It, but a. man would, especinlly one who must have planned and plotted for days. Five arrests were made by the police, all the sus- pects set at liberty after a few days, and.in the course of a fortnight it was an 'old' case. There was no clue to work on, and in a month the affair was out ot. sight. - When I Gteied and left the store in broad duylight no one came forward to say they had seen_me. It wail regard- Did I give the alarm? No. I said not a word. I ptussed down and out into the street in broad daylight, and no one gave me a second glance. As Martin Swift had been my mystery in life, so I meant he should be in death. The wonder was that some one had nut discovered the murder long before I did. Indeed, as ‘T may tell you, I had not been gone but fifteen minutes when a customer entered to.pay a bill, I mude an , investigation, and the alarm went :out that, Martin Swift had been! murdered. I don't say :that it was an easy case for the detective to work,but they missed nearly all of the 'signs' that I have spoken (of. I obliterated nothing. The position of the two chairs and the marks of the box on the table signified nothing to them, They found no footprints in the dust. The finding of the 8500 in the box satitsfied them them that the murderer had be- come alarmed and fled before securing any booty. The murderer must be a man, of course. Before 9 o'clock that evening three different men ‘had been arrested Inisusphiion, the woman must have been waiting for him. As he did not smoke on the street, de must have lighted his pipe as they went upstairs. Eight o'cloqk would be close to the hour of killing. The i ' , .1 ' ,. -- - - Rune burned svit coal. The five was ail out, but the iron was noc yet cold. The body of the old man was cold and r gid, and I might figure that he had been dead {since o or 10 o'clock of the night before. He did no cooking up there, and it was for me to find out where he boarded. I had three cheap restaurants in mind, and within an hour I had learned that he had taken his meals in one of them for the past five years; yes, he was there at supper time the evening before 13.15. He al, ways closed his store at fl. At 7 o'clock he had finished his dinner and was ready to return to the store. He would reach there at 7.12 or 7.15, and i R00†She She table, I was inrvsti,vatine for at least an horn. befum I was ready to go. The --e__ -___ mt- ..-- w...“ .u. “may. Had anything been left behind which could be made use of as a clue to unravel this mysterious murder. The chair in which the woman sat was an old fashioned splint bottom. Clinging to the splints I found a. few threads of blue dress goods. That only corrobor- ated the footprints, however. I got down on hands and knees and crept back and forth across the ihoor, and under the stove I made a. singular dis- covery. I found what I first took to he {some sort of toy, but which I soon figured out was a go'den crown or cup for a human tooth. It had been made to slip over a tooth and be kept in place by cement. It could not have belonged to the old umn, hut did it be- long, to the woman who had called! Such things lire :sometitnes lost, but it would he strange lenough if she had lost that crown there. As near as I could hgure, she had simplv taken the box and walked out and downstairs as the sitting room and into his bedroom, but nothing seemed to have been dis- turhed. On a shelf in the bedroom was a tin box containing some 8500 in mob. By the light of a match I saw that it had not been moved. His trunk had not been opened, and hang- ing from a nail was his gold watch. His murderer had not come for money. wa, as satisfied that he was dead, had not euteesd the bedroom. had gone no further, than the Mt m', 1t mmbdii; 1'l'iitt;'ii,;c,'p'p1cii'f'ir rloo County ChronfiiU; Thursday, August fe, itttu'.ucPiure s. From Harper's Young People. What is steam? If you look in the dictionary you will find that it defines steam as "an invisible, elastic, gaseous fluid generated from water under the inihsence of heat." I imagine that there are those who will be inclined to take exception to the word "invisntge" contained in, the definition claiming that they can see steam pouring from exhaust-pipes on buildings in which steam power is used, and from the whistle pipes on steam-boats. Never- theless steam is invisible so long as it ’is eonfined. To prove this let it be supposed that we pour Water in a clear l _ glass bottle until it' is about half full, then tiahtly cork it, and place it ovu- an alcohol lamp and allow it to remain there until the water cm be seen to boil, Now their is not the slightest suggestion of steam or vapor in the bottle, yet we know that all the space above the level of the water must be filled with steam because the water is boiling. Now if we pull out the cork and let the steam escape into the at- mosphere it will turn white because the cold air will maidens. it proving that what some ha I mistaken for steam is only s mint a not the real snide. This coming _ steam has parted Rith iU f i It "a'a'in merit-5A.! Delicate diseases of either sex, how. ever induced, promptly, tlaorbughly,end permanently cured. Sand 10 cents in stamps for Urge illustrated treatise, sent securely sealed in plain envelope. Address. World',, Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main Street, Buffalo ' “Henson's whole pleasure. all thejoys of I sense. Live in three words, health, peace. and com- petoncc." '80 says tho port. Competence counts 1 for little when’ one is sick and peace is disturbed when health " upset, so that the poet rightly places health iitst, To have good health you must have pure blood. From the blood the system re- ceives all its material of growth and repair. The best blood puriiier is Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, which is world-famed and sold every- where. It is sovereign remedy for all diseases due to impoverished or impure blood, as consumption. bronchitis. weak lungs, scrofula, old sores, skin diseases and kindred ailments. SOMETHING ABOUT STE. That is lull, I have lost the number of the house-the name of the family. 1 might find the street again, but for what reason? Murder should be pun- ished, but some killings are simply retribution. Plenty of men deserve killing for deeds we know not of. ‘Tbis is the only clue,' I said as I laid the golden shell in her hands 'Well, 1 don't deny it was mined Wut it; carefully away. My work is finished-good Gy.' 'llut-bu.t----' 'Nice wmter weather we are having -good dart Wes, I Shot him. He was my step- father. He married my mother when l was but five years old, and because she would not put me away from her. and surrender her property to him he i beat her and shut her up. I have the scars of wounds he inflicted upon me. My mother's only brother was a de. faulter in a bank. lie mu away and died in u. foreign land. There was no seahdal because mother paid up his de- fault, but Martin Swift had letters and made threats, and for twelve years he has levied bhwkmsil on us. My mother is old and passes for a. widow, but she was lega ly bound 10 that old wretch. I went there to plead with him. He took down the box contain- ing the letters and gloated over" them. Instead of haviniiuy on us, he vowed that the blackmail must be increased. I had gone armed to protect myself,for [ he was cowardly enough to strike a. woman. It came to me all at once to shoot him, and he was dead before I realized what I had done. Yes, 1 am his murderer. Call the police!' He recognized it, at once as his own handiwork, told me the name of the young lady, gave me her street and number in Boston, and two hours later I was followmg up my clue, Thirty hours later I sat talking to ,the young lady herself. The lust crown had been replaced, but by a. new dentist whose name I did not get with my list she had no idea when or where _she had lost the old crown. She had no idea of my errand till 1 told her where I found it. Then she turned as white as death, came near falling to the iloor, and it was five minutes before she got strength to any : _ UJid the young woman for whom you made this crown ever advertise for it? 'By George!' he exclaimed as he looked at the shell of gold, 'but I Lhoyght. I pu_t that, on to stay? - aitstrqr, n ' that my iiti I walkea'i’u 'ish asked: Three Wan!» p to that city to'f1nd 906qu my Jhtfrtuos 'oi1iee'oriiruay and M N ext to love, quietness. No fool like An old fool. l: No mun i worst for knowing the was at him-ell. _ j. ?tr)ir.e't religion tur'viv'et h}: por- It iou run after two horses, you will cstch inesither. It l a poor heart that never rejoices. N dusky dispense: with decorum. Never oak pol-don before you we we- cased. l, never, It they do not tuimire,ths.heart will not dbire. A broken frieudnlnipynay be soldered but will never be sound. A close mouth catches no Bus. A at may break, but an old horse A bad workman quarrels with his tools. A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk. A blithe heart maketh a blooming visage. HEART DISEASE RELIEVE!) m 30 Mrscrvs.- All cases of outwit: or sympathetic heart diss cm mlloved in 30 minutes and quick}; cured, by Dr Agnew'a Cure for the hurt. no dose i;aGlae.' Bold by Ed. M. Devin. - For idler: and ne'er-do-welis-uoU, cake and fritters. For trtunPs--aponge cake. For greedy ohjldretr--urtomach ache. For m/ryPger-bop---gintrer-snaps. For isolitieuna---eLetioUcike, and plqm-cake. bles. A profieitsnt crook has an eye to var. iety and suitability. Even in the mat. ter of cake she is careful to suit all tag. tes: Thus. For tysrtnerts---hosretae,truit-aurean" seed-cake. For pugiliata and "rpenteta--pound cake. a Manâ€) to Lever Bros, 43 Scott St., l Toronto, and you will receive by post a. l a pretty picture, free from advertising, I and well worth framing. Thus is an. easy way to decorate your home. That soap is the best in the market and it 1 will only cost le postage to send in the l, wrappers, it you leave the ends open. , Write your address carefully. ly. i No Waiver. no thief. Send 25 "Sunlight" Soap wrappers "wrapper bearing the words "Why Dry nAW'omnn Look Old Sooner Than Netlee fall out with ritur bread Ind "We t'ought for dat we could get something party nice. fer de kid." "Yes, indeed. Come.this afternoon’, The boy went away undeceived. Uncle John, as he wired together the green strand:I and the rich clusters of bloom, again reflected, and his reilec. tion Was that the gates must be ajnr for such 'kids.â€~Chicago Record. Unclé John gathered togetlwr the coins and counted them. The total was 70 cents. . "That's too bad." "Say, mister,d0 you make dam " hues Ajar' t'ings for to put on comm 1’ "Yes, sometimes," "Well, t'e boys have chipped in for one, and here’s de stuff," And he op- ened his right hand which was heaping full of pennies and nickles. For repotuewiee-eake and jum- It, was a week later when the dooy again opened, and the same tuttermi boy, his fave unnammlly clean, eunu- in and once mure found Uncle John a; homo. among his flowers. "Mister." ' Hello, hero! The boy that bought the row, How's your partner 3" "Dat's what I came in about. He". d/rd." ' - Uncle John picked but the rarest and sweetest rose of all and took ths. penny. The boy went away with the great nodding Mnssum hugged against his turn waistcoat and Uncle John was left with the reflection that there are some things in the won ld as beautiful as flowers. _ ,‘No kiddin, mister. I ain’t weatin' flowers. It's for me pardner. "Your partner?" "De kid dat's always been wid mu. He’s out in t'e hospital, and I t'ought he'd like to have a rose." Be saw Uncle John back imaging the flowers and said .' "Mister." "What is it ?’ “Say, I want a rose," and be Mid out a. penny. "For a cent I" "I)st's al! I can blow." . "You'd better let me give you a car- nation. Ir looks just as well in a gm- xleumu's buttunhole,’ with a. smile. The front door opened slightly and there came, through the crevice a very small boy, much numbered, as to clothes, and having streaks of the town dim across his face . 10.1. n "ARI Uncle John Thorpe stood among his tlosers one morning and thinking how better they were than the money that bought. them. Howto Get n "Sn-1mm Pleturr. Popular Proverbs. workman quarrels with his like» for Every body. Are, Nor. A ' QUACK 'sosravsi.-tLrku Powder. cure nervppa or sick headache nentll'h and bili men. They will any“. 1111:? l . It a mm were. feet.NiAaed, _ y M. not give him but“: In“. _ am not I curb-g“. This†. â€name" Mr tot a. gm“ aunt.“ Ollie . Stgrk’l if†r: can, tthdrout Puhttsr6tiiyy nad ', stt,ltr, H "a-.tt!ei,ate.', t'?,,'f lv', " ,i1,t,r':it's Na For a cough,' boil one ounce of whole ihsxsreed in a pint of voter, stain and add n little honey. the juice of two ham: on and on ounce ot rock candy. Stir together und boil tstew minutes. Drink hot. , I Hood's Pills are the Ups: after-dinner {All Mst digestion. prevent donstlpation, Intelligent people who realize the important part. the blood holds, in keeping the body in a normal condition, tln4 nothing strange in th,. number of diseaécs Hood's tiarsapariila in ahh. to cure. So many trodbles result tram impun- blood. the best way to .treat them is through the blood. Hood‘s Minx-ma vitalim the blood. _ Then the elderly man leaned and in the most kindly manner y "Have a. cigar. "That they should dress pretty mm the same 'f' "Yee." [ "And, perhaps, carry canes ?" ‘ "Yea." , up, nuuuimuuuuou. A law sleeping t C cars were in use at that titne, hut they l were wretchedly crude, unwmformhlv ',i%raivs, In1859 he bought two oh] [coaches from the Chicago and Alton a 3 road and remodelled them on soni- f i thing like the general plan of tsleepin: _ years of the present day. They “we , 5 put into serum on the Chimp ( l and Alton and became popular at l ‘once. He saw the possibilities of the l business but had great dMieulty ini' [ inducing capitalists to join him. “is: j l propositions were laughed at, however, l {and in 1863 built the fivstsleepingcar, l l resembling the Pullman cars of to-day. i l ltcost t?ls',000 dollars and was the: I Pioneer. After that the Pullman Pal. l ,ace Car Company prospered. It had} l shops in different cities. In IS80 tho ! 5 the town of Pullman was founded by l (Mr. Pullman and his company. Mr. l I Pullman lives at Eighteenth and Prair» l, lie avenue. His family consists of "l 1 wife, two sons, and a. daughter, Flor- l ence. Another daughter, Harriet, is} Mrs. Frank J, Carolnn. His wealth) is estimated at $25,000,000. l I "You believe that women should do about the same as men in nearly awry- thing, don't, you ?" _ W A lauded; Tonelwtion Two of those woinen who believe that women should have the same privileges as men everywhere, were talking uwr the matter in a our recently. Pretty soon an elderly man who had been but]; amused and exasperated by their "ad, vanced" ideas, turned to the one near est him and said '. RIIEUMATISM CURED IN A Uni? South A merioan Rhcunmlic Cure for Rhcunmli-m and Npurahtin, radially cures in l to 3 dtt.xr. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the can-c am the disease immcdia disappears. The rim lye. 'Jr5"rtu%rtita. V nu Sold by Ed. M Donn Drug ', _ " .7. - ....u c.r. u--\ a... IE Vllllal, WIIIKL'I IN us Kim; being widened by the state. Hr Wits suceessful in this, his inventiu mind applying to the work met-hunk a} primiple never before usud in that ll ay. in ls.58 he came to Chicago and (up guged in the business of moving and mining houses. This work Mas imwl he]? then he was quite successful. A: thi< time the dbicoudott attendant un tvavelling at night attracted his aim: tion lie 'reasoned that the publi; would gladly pay for comfortable sin-p- ing accommodation. A few shaping The life or Pullman. This brief account of the rise n} fleorge Mortimer Pullman is from th, Chicago evening Pout: Mr. Pullnm: was horn Murchil, 1831, in Cli'let-w-yx; County, New York. The paxhns mm pmrand his education was limited b What. he could of the rudimentary bran ulll‘S in the district school. At the am (if fourteen he went to work as a drill fur a country merchant. He kept (hr place three years studying at. night. When 17 he went to Alhiun, X. Y. “ml worked for his ln‘ULheI‘ “ho kept " tuliizxet shop there. Fire years lam he wont into lousiruv; for himkelf a» mutracmr for moving buildings alum-4 The line of the Erie Canal, which IVlts EmmimlnuIimmwumnuummzlmay"!mmnnmznnumnmmnmmmmmmnm: 'ONWHICITIHE scans ARE Wanna. Lndids who dress well Ire now Wcariz.g they: wanna; cloaks, wraps and all over garments. No other 1: al x; is 50 mull are Raintiroof, Porous, Durable, Stylish. Healthy, c When askmg for them ladies should be sure to say " I Hulk)â€: (inn may {SHED BOA HQ Solid-g Strange. Tm: 'a'auliilEllik'lt rm“ Priestley's "m Cravenetee:s The limited Express' on the raw success. An in Ikp-ilxsable tnedis:, and business enlargement, A heipmute to prosperity 11888 i'pln The power that starts and k: upstrw in motion. The electric poiver controlling trsdr An infu'lible bait to catch cuainm The cornerstone of the Tvmpll- of tune. Thur, “Mfr: booms Hm [mm and '1' riches the advertiser. A means of communicating mm J interest, ’0 wide-awake peopir An foreman): message to intelu:Tr: people, profiting seruhe and rrrel‘" Personal and public benefits are OF rived from its judicious npplimtmx,‘ A notice that brings brat v-wurns 'Y (hm loan money. ,. neis " A lower oi trade. The mine that yieias pawl mud large rdiihhandr, - The, key note of progress in [kn-"w to success. The dauivrs' sun: road to nun» A medium for the mun-ate of Du DERBY PLUG Th Here’s a Pointer " TE! w Iii... Hood of modern 'su/tw,,, mun"? maker, getter And sum he": of infmmau'un to a; 1th Smoking Tobacco buy any other id order that he may make a larger profit. be sure that the retailer does not induce you to 5 cent plug 10 cent plug 2ocent plug What is an £33115 mm 15' WEE isT.u>mreatwri" a?" - [I‘ILRHQA no BOWEL 'ltf,i's,', Turns emu m gge'l'yat When you ask fort, mum: 1liiihu POPCLu BOUNTY died 77, d on Townnné,sa ,Utnnl Society, trmattirs, for hal: [use Schill on ought r. scluu/, l, L0 l’u'm ond and school, 5 wich fr, second In ( “y lash Trustee, m of loan 1H! the It. t ' " said amour a new Wm was read a and pitssru't The Jim \. .1“: der P,o, 11.x“ “rm tee to exumme tis ilton’s hum, u ith mg. chip of Wo 0nd Ind th and l The Remy, (' S “Weber wen "IT lo meet a the townshiy of Opening a... Town mace North of Yin auao to makr arm No person shail In for wire fence, Opgly to the count 335.11) ship of IN the yrlst I want flu: sion. tow! Ml Tht In)“; their LIIY‘41 Uid brfuw ' WHY- :u‘cu; t 325.00 on Tounh hill, providing Pa the same amount. “5.12: Meldruln In bridge contmi “Wonfor work as “4.61 ;C. Cl Deli '6meteitration &c, M, bonus for p. Anumut,tor w m Huh A n Thiee dl polling DOC ions held is, - Tin follow}; “any Hamilton. Iru,' 82.40: Abe ‘ WWI I“. Asm, 813,00; M $15.00 ", M} The Ile All tLe The mi war? I‘l'hd h! ion The hm: 1n, M 1.heixGiiirts pm n Bt. " TI 9 News 0 County Di: H tout at Ms honm day at b' tt "ol " M From E: EH av July for