'nces only, _)' 51:67:56- 'i"", -fitTttt)tlltllll.i n for Sale. I Mn $.21", 1.5;: gm. â€may. ""re nor not“. Semi " sh h Mm" mm In“: V, we tnd hereafter ttt d stock of goods er and Breeder 7 o 1,Btr.rs.ltir'es, I _llllr?IitIapirttiiig N») a My that the MM“ than " u .'itiidiiiitiiii'tltt 5.x. Tum-n ttrl by] ‘5. g nâ€. m A: -3, .. ",,etid,',"aiel',','= R SALE. IS WHILE. , ' 1. _ " '& b WW" 5 .t, 1 I... b “9"" I“ rtt.t n OTICE. ploo, i; "ml IGirr" MTiairimns, - mm; m the wrvetiw " 'vrjsAser, will 59 - !“ i, rr." ",""" IW 'V‘ l, _. "rt .i,iistjjiui'iosd. “Tc - sltr', nthrr bu . , .W3‘hqw' In the Town“ I!" h, - r- Arucum‘ EDP" tit IH;: sicLr:orrTCE, Waterloo- Aid TICE. to Creditors llh- un 7 pie LAUNDR‘ WM MEXGEE; HI rd Lam of I†- “merino tor, ttlt [ nothing """'11nts-t 4 to collect the bani... KUEHLI'ZR. “nu-x100. On; Jed " arm, ._V.._... . mud l', lo M†inhgu was! our-C" Wm] ot customm yu,'linst--ami . 1m "antneum too 1 oce . My, beginnitE “i We goods aid u .t' his baker s:tuated on " frontage of mud tor two x for dwell. m right man. her particu ‘4) to on t elotU, it? , ing 056 1'“er or the tt I" in the will oiter, ’3 Gr It. “diam 'sur-s merit and I; We I ---' VOL. XL.---NO. 5:2; t V- 'ii-i, weâ€: of st1Ulliatr, "onveued . claim. . N day he an! e dx“' 'l lf Shem under he w D ad i; he F. GEO. ‘HASENFLUG. or the great holiday on THE BOEHMER 00., GOOD VARIETY “my Grocer argrtatiriagitit.-r_, a t It - jtlt Ir,"; sum , _ jtjtrtiijdu it a tt 'err.' . 't"Se . Velveteens Serges Black Goods BOEHhfERS'. NEW Everyone in town knows we are headquarters for the above and we have made special efforts to have a Terms strictly Gas}; and one Il?rgtrtttiit GOODS Extra wc Black and per yard 1: In Black quality a More clioi cs Iowan" Carlicr', I in the wor than ordir, is our 'ill; them outs pricé to all 1C: A†I) of Berlin (Limited.) udA. :.1:‘ ever. l'ttus. ! the lowest eqta the best J. lower prices mods. This " cannot 't this store OCS'. Spec oriccs. at goods iv. t from 25¢ , WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING AUGUST 16, 1894. rengement- hove been completed for or mind end valor she dieplnyed under toast telephone connection with the such exciting end dnngerous circum- Bell line " Bt. Jecobe. Five imtruo stances for had she failed in her ef- mentl ere spoken for It preeent. Mr. forte it is bend to Iny What the result Geo. D. Dehmer will get the centre]. would have been. A person who was -----_------- on the mad end new the bone euros -t-rgr, 1th1tgeAttutu2g'it'a't','t,'; Mr.Jeoob Becker we: remainder: Mr. Boomuntonoeturned the one ta"60thbirthdqhrtheBPreottruxsh tg2ggLtl'i'glrt',',d.,t',trclt choir who - on enjoyeble‘eren- Weâ€. . Junhthedriv- in; " hie reddenee....lr. Wm. er. we. toned to be ooneiderublv mwwlma. jureturned t,t,,tt2gll'gt,tgr2'Tdt MOM!“ whip-unwed tuneeinHIMto tlphwee, 'S1l'd'l1Je'lG'if,'l',rl'dtri'l'?o"l7. 'myAddi,?eotiryeytittys " 19e hy an»: My» thozm‘ ke-tttttees, 11r,Pet ttth te: A BUDGET PROM CORRES- PONDENTS AND OTHER $OURCES. Mrs. John Mulloy, widow of the late John Mulloy, died at Yatton on Wed. tiesday of last week, She was up and wound in the garden in the forenoon, as well as usual, and was a corpse in the afternoon. Mrs. Mulloy, together with her husband, whom aht, survived only a few months, were two of the tirst settlers in Peel township, where they hewed out a home, building on it one of the finest residences in that township, together with comfortable outbuildings. She leaves five sons and one daughter, who are all well-to-ao, to mourn the loss of it kind mother. The deceased, at the time ot her death,only lacked a few days of being 78 years of age. The funeral took place on Friday last, and was followed by a large con- course of sorrowing relatives and friends to the Elmira Union Cemetery. of whom we might mention Messrs. John Schopp and erie Heipel who wrote for third class cc rtiticates and were successful in obtaining them.Miss M. L. Morton, passed her entrance ex- amination in '92 with 680 marke,beiug second at Berlin, with Master Hamil- ton of New Hamburg, first with 688 marks. In '93 she passed her Primary examination, aged 14, at Toronto, and this year she passed her Junior leaving examination,at the age of fitteen which no drubt speaks well for the teachers and pupils of our school. . . .A number of our villagers attended the C. o. F. Demonstration at Waterloo on Monday. Among them were Wm. Forler, Jacob Farmer, Emma Omaha and a number of others . . . . Geo, Stahloy inholidaying in Woodstock. . ..Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Diugwall spent Sunday in Berlin- Mrs. John Wiegand of Berlin, was visiting other father’s this week. . . . Miss Nellie N nah of Berlin is spending a few days with her cunt MmBowmsn . . . . A goodly number of our Methodist people were at Elmira lest Sunday at- tending the qmsrtm'ly Iervieee. . . .Our school will open next Monday . . . .Ar. rangementa hove been completed for no toget telephone connection vith the Bell line It St. Jacobo. _ Five intro. menu ere spoken for It present. Mr. Geo. D. Dehum- will get the centre]. do. All the News " the: Conny and puma can-full) lI-IIII'Iled and put Into tsttrnettvet shape. The ladies of this place and vicinity showed their kindly feeling towards Mrs, (Rem; Kirmls by presenting her with an a'ddress and a. very handsome purse containing twenty-iivts dollars in gold. . . .Last Friday night two young men left our midst for parts unknown leasing behind them a few bills unpaid as a memento of their sojourn here. . . In a recent issue of the CHRONICLE we noticed that Hamburg laid great stress coming out in the entrance examination which is no doubt a great credit to both teacher and pupil. However we do not want to criticise him in the least but we can also boast of having some very able scholars turned out of our school Mr. James Goldie, of Guelph, at the meeting of the MtllerU Association,read a very interesting paper on chattel mortgages on farmers’ grain. He gave his experience in a suit he had with a. farmer, and where he would have had to pay for tlw wheat twice Pxeept for a technicality in the mortgage. As the law stood at present, the man who had a mortgage on the wheat could nuke the buyer PV for It even it the farmer bad been paid. _ _ Profit in Pork Raising -....A Toronto contemporary states that the pork pack- ing industry has taken a fuan hold in the regions north of that city. The farmers tind the industry profitable, They sell the pigs at from iu to $4.75 live weight. Instead of disposing of their wheat and barley at present low prices, they are feeding the grain to their pigs and com erting it into pork. The farmers claim they, get one dollar a bushel for all the wheat. they feed to their hogs. The business is waking up all over the country. NEWS N UGGETS. IV cumin tonal-go. NT; and other places.» AMr. C. Henrich, tin smith, has been a resident of Ham- burg but a short time does a first c‘aan business. . . .Mr. C. F. Ernst, returned from a business tour from Illinois, Indiana. to Michigan . . . . Mr Arthur Peqnegnat and Ralph Chamberlain, of Berlin were here " seven o'oloek in the morning on Sunday with their bicy- cles and return'ed home in time for church. ...Mr. and Mrs Bricker of Berlin " here the guests of Mr. Joseph Bricker. . . .Mrs. David Millar,of Wiar- ton is visiting friends here. . . .Mr. and Mrs. P. Alteruan returned from a few week's holidays at Hamilton. . . .A couple of our young men are practising rope walking and are doing exceedingly well; the performance can he seen in front of Mr, L. Peiue’s Book Store.. . . A number our citizens took advantage of the Waterloo Demonstration and were more than pleased with the fine programme,consi.ting of mmitpro. cession and sports of all kinds. Good order prevailed nohodftreeaned to have lost control of good humonwnh the ex- ception of ouh'policetmsn who acted rather harsh towards visitors. Such actions should not be tolerated by any society. Kindness will go further even with animals than rebuke. S. Voyer, balsa big stock of fruit jars which he sells cheap. Imperial pint at $1 15 per doz. I imperial quart at 81,2.5 per doz. l and the h gal Sl 45, also fruita and sugars cheap. ACCIDENT TO THE Misses Boosrrt--- What might have been a very serious accident occurred near here on Monday evening about 8 o'cloek. The Misses Addie and Jennie Boomer of Berlin, and Miss Edith, their sister of Lin- wood, were returning in a buggy from visiting friends in Elors, and when within about a mile of their home, the horse, a very spirited animal, suddenly shied on seeing a woman in the moon- light walking by the fence and the mddbed being very high and rounding at this point, by the sudden spring of the horse, Miss Jennie who'wu driving and her sister; Miss Addie, were thrown violently into the ditch, the buggy partly overturning. The horse then ran away with Miss Edith still in the buggy and the lines trailing upon the ground. With great presence of mind however, she made the most strenuous efforts to calm the hone and recover the lines end it was only when the" horse had run fully half a mile and a few rods from home that she succeeded by the aid cf the whip stock in room- ering them and soon had the horse in subjection. Too much praise cannot be accorded her for the presence pt A few more days ot" good weather and farmers will tinish housing in an- other harvest. The copious rains helped the oats to till well. . . .Thc grasshop- pers are now making a raid on rum bagel: . ' . .Tho roof will be put on the school house of S. S. No. ll, this week . . . .There was another successful raid on hams near High Bank lately. . ' ' Wood choppers have started chopping again. . . . Winter apples are scarce. Plums and pears are it fair crop, also fall apples. . . .Some monyter black bass have been caught north of the village ot late. _ Callat V. R. Berlet's, Merchant Tailor. where you will tind a. large assortment of Suitings and ()vercoatings just received. Good bargains are assured. Prmsossr,s--Mr, Chas. Nahrgnng of Philadelphia was visiting at Mr. Klies ' . . .Mr. Menno Shunt: and wife of Berlin were visiting at D. Bricker’s. . Mr. Ed Stein, of St. Louis is visiting at Mr lilies. ' . . Mr. Ephraim Schiodel and wife of Berlin were visiting friends in town . . . .Mr. Joe Zeller and wife of Oil Citv, Pr, who were visiting at the homestead the past week have left for home. . . .Mrs. Smyth of Mildmay and Mrs. Keller of Berlin were the guests of Mrs. Klie . . . . Mrs. and Miss Burnett arrivedin tho Old Country after a pleas ant voyage across the water. . ' . Mrs. Lena Mayer and daughter were visiting at St. Jacobs. . . . Mr. Scott, of the Bell Telephone Company was in town this week looking after the interests of the Cmmpany. Linwood. llreulnu. would not be serioug‘and that She would soon be around again. Miss Addie in falling, had been caught by the hind wheel of the buggy and was drawn completely under, the wheel passing over her almost} lengtlxwhe. Altogether, it was a very narrow es. cape, and it may not be ungenerous to state that their screams for help failed to move the being who had uncon- sciously aid no doubt without any fault on h 'sr. part, been the cause ofthe accident 'll'. she trod on, more anxious, apparently to get home than to render any assistance to her fellows in dis- tress. Pmtsox.iu--Mrg. Eli Thomas and family of Jfloomingdnle are visiting at M r. Itobt. Jtowe,'s.--MisrGrendnn and Miss ij"Jt2jiiii',,',' of Berlin spent Sunday at "Pophui Dell House."-2lisses Jean and Editl Boomer ape)» t Sunday at Elortc--1t v. Mr. Crowle and family left lust, whk for Hanover. They put" pose vuitit'ag the lake for M r. Crowle‘s health. [ We wish them a pleasant time and lope Mr. C. will return very much ')'lJ,"iridi by his trip.--Miss Crooks is spending u. week or au- with friends i in "Wnterloo.--/I'he, Ilissvs Boomer'spent a (buy With their sister, Mrs ILT Grimm, at Milverton.- All“ B Block is off on her holidays up the lakes-Mrs M, I Grimm of Miierton is visiting her parents, Mr. at d Mrs A. Boomer â€Miss Minnie llundy is the gueit, of Mrs. T. Ovens, Waterloo, tit. Jacobs. Do not forget the excursion to the Falls on Friday, Aug. 17. There will be e large contingent from this place accompanied by the band . . . .On Tues. day, Henry, son of Mr, Fred Meyer of this place, while working on a. farm near the village, fell and broke his arm at the wrist. . ...Alex. Robb, who hes been spending a. month with his uncle Mr. Copeland, returned to his home in Toronto last week . . . . Miss Mary Stick- ney of-Guelph we! visiting at Mr.Fred. Keller’s lest Saturdey. . . . Miss Ida Wismer of Elmira spent Friday with her grandmother, Mo. Henry Snider. . . . . Mr. and Mrs John M. Winkler of Toronto Ire spending th few weeks with relatives in town . . . .Mrs. Lems Meyer and Miss Tillie ah, of Breslau were visiting at Mrs. Henry Snider’s this week. . . .Mrs. Bonham of Copetown ie the guest of Mrs. Wm. O'D. Robinson. . . . .MinWyntt, until lowly of Alma Lsdiee’ College is " Dr. T. M. Robin- son’s st present. She will attend the Berlin High School this tell. . . .The following were in town overrthtntur.-- Mr. McDoognl end daughter of Galt, and Mr. Edward Kinsinger of Pare. dnle('l‘oronto) " Min. Kindnzer’e; Mr. Iavi Hench end Mb! Adam of New. ton-tut. M Buck’s; Mr. J. K. thhtnVt on! bully don-these a Mr. , T III-In- iiiiiiii'ih-w “gamer: IMnoipi1mqtee-1prfherrtter Road‘WMa-bos Web-day atom-added, mu. an. mammal. new!» as,» when» mam-3mm teftt.wyrettft1"eAz:: --Mr. find Mrs. Henry Ward of Ayr are visiiing friends here.-We noticed the familiar face of Mr. A. B. Smith of Wellvslpy village in town last week ~A Wu. Hmridfl. Mllllmnk. Preparations are being made to im- prove and decorate tho interior of the Methodist Church. Service, in the meantime is to beheld in the Hall . . .. The parsonage of Grace Church ie un- dergoing repairs . . ' . Rev. McKibhon leaves on a month's vacation to the low. er provinces. . . .Mr. John Mclime is reported as having had a parul) tic stroke. . . . Mr, Peter livid is reported as co hing to reside here, having pun chased Springbank Villa from Mr. Rolit. Campbell....1\lr. Wm, Reid will carry on the farm. Naturally the necessary help will mature to ns~iat him. . . .Mr. Sam Marion has his new house nearly completed... Air. and Mrs. Thompson and Mr. Sam Gillespie were the Millbtsnk representatives at the I 0.0.141. at Kingston . . . .The maj- ority of the Third Concession Presby- terian congregation attended K nox here yesterday. We welcome them heartily. . . .Notwithstanding the con- tinual dry weather, the root crop is as- tonishing. Corn is also progressing. . . . '. Mrs. Dr. Morton and daughters of Wellealey were the guests of Mrs Wm. Rutherford. ' . . A horse belonging to Wm. Donley “as killed on the rail- road track. Mrs. /t,,'1ilt,fl1y of Newton, is the guest (if , r. A. Rennie',; "1fitple, Hurst."-.) N. I. Vernon spent, last, week ati his home in St. Mary‘erV-iss Etta MbIntyre of Watevloo is Whiting friends here.--A few moments previous to the accident to his daughters, Mr. Boomer received a message unmunciug the death of his Sister, Mrs. Spright. of Acton, 'and left on Tuesday to attend her funeral. 'rWstPaW.y,t,'f,t,lr.r, ( PERSONALS --Mr, A. Y. Vow, of iToronto, went a few (my: "mom! bis lold friex d; l.ere. . . .hloe, 5 i non LC~ compunied my her ymndchlltlu-n Harry Mud Elvrln Luckhart 5, ent two ttf'f ks ‘Witll relatives in Hm township of Gur- lrie. ' ' . Miss Schwnlm of Gveipls is Hm uuvs' of M in! Sarah, Nichol. . . Jim Maria Winger of Aston is dating friends, here. . . .The family of Mr. I'll: .Snydpr “we hwu'vd with a slu rt rrsll Elna: work {mm Mrs Sruvll'er of Harris- 3 bum, Mich,, and Mrs. and Miss Snvdvr inf Dom. . . . Mr.D..\l. Cunphell, of the lTrum-rs Hunk “all. has returned after itlwoe \weks’ holid'ws ut (Norman l, lily. Mr. It T. Clement. who accoln lpanivd him will return max! wvek . . .. lThe Dominion MVights and Measures 1 Iimptcmr ":2d the Inspvctor of the Fire I Underwriwls Association “PIP in town i last week in connection "ith their sev- l oral lines, last, was move l1rmfly‘ anemia! ILA" tho fair In July, but there waa very little money in circulation, and thom who cama out hunteuei home to push their Grvesting operations in order to be ready for the civic I‘olidny on Aug. 17th . . . .Quarterle services wrm held In the Memo list church here lust Sun: day. The Conestoga and Wittterbourne" appointments were .well represented. The regular meeting of the quarterly board was held on Tuesday afternonn. . . . . Miss Lily Ullyot is visiting friends at, L'tampton....Nissts Smâ€: Mud Gretchen Heather at Watkerum are spending a few days with minivan in town. . . .The funeral of the late Wm. Delion, whose death occurred at Listo- wel quite suddenly on Friday Rum, was largely attended. The funeral eurteilt? left the regideneo of his mother on Ar thur street at 2 o'clw‘k Sunday last nnd proceeded to the Union ceuretery, the Rev. J. Frrnc‘l olfieittitu.r, The re- latives of the decrease}! have our luartv felt sympmhv in their bereavement. . . . . Mr. Wm. ripple, forhu-rly of ly, min; but now a resident, of New Jer seygpent tfew days in town lust week, . J. .Mrs. Edgur ott Owen Sound and Mrs. Chambers of Chatsworth are. vie. iting at the home of Mr, Jas Roberta. 1.Nttthtriiiif)'t,t'l,'t,tit Do 9 removea his 'printing' phat to It,1n'g','r,'gif. . .Ambtooe Krame- mnil pi to " for . tri ....H.A. '1Lht,1"3rd! wont 'd Berlin.infmbour....03H.Amoldm In last. week’s issue ihe item, L. A. Noecker moved into Mr. Dietrich’s new house, should have been, Mr. Thdmu moved into Mr. Dietrich’s house. L. A. Roach}- moved into Mr. Lmmta's house beside the post. offiee....Mra. Smith ', but] returned from her holiday _trip..v.Juytryrad Leaving here at i) AN. V Conung hack ttt Pt 15:1. l',e sure and he tlt hmni. “hm The bugle cali,. It is hoped that Hm lTih bring Civic Holiday, wid be oot.erxcl tit' such and thus give the nmchmns a much-needed holiday Don’t. disturb their holiday by hunting lhrm up to make a sale of 5 cents' worth of tooth- picks. That can wait until the next day. Ho! for Niagara Falls. Tomor- row will sue a. monster oxenrsion en route to the Fans. tn fem :-- lenryJunly will he thw, ' ' Don‘t forget to (11115021 hair, And take in the emulsion To Ni-ag-'raJur.s.: The Shamrocks of Ayr are expected to play a game of foot-hall with Hu- Stars on Friday evening. The Ayr tum have won many honors during the mason and an inwresrting game is an- ticiivsted. .. Rev. ti, B, b'tepbans, m: ex priest, will brain a series of revival meetings in the u, B. church herv cm the evening of the 25th . . . .Threshiuu has begnn in this vicinity. We have not heard of average yields of wheat, but peas have been reported to turn 25 bushels per acre. . . . School opens on Monday next, . . . Rev. W. Backus of Berlin preached n wry able sermon in the U. B. church on sunday evening. . . . . Mr. Charles Meyer has purchssed the Hunaberger property from Mr. J. U. Clemens for the sump! $1,100. . .. Mr, W. S. Bowden, sole agent for Gun- ada for "Spetzel's Hurricane Dust Co'- lector" has just completed a tour through Western Ontario appointing subagenta. He reports a wry BuceeBiv ful trip and claims that perfect sstis- faction was given wherever the collect- ors were tested. Thresher: should ex- amine and test the" mills and if they prove successful no thresher should be without it. d indy's 1300*‘1‘29. ', Stot Inn-moo. 1flihhlft.'J,'l',',S2. wid be give the WHULE NUMBER- L-ant-treset-it-ntl))) “rd; Bat-rover given as“! privil- aguurest'dlwm‘ . irc 'ie?s'i,'.i,'i'il.ru'rll'l1'lii"r'rs'/ qOpt idty. ’2 rirtuiirartit_rdtroreririo Window Screens Screen Doors Folding Damp Steels. 25c each, Ll, LANGMQ'S, for $1.50. Roller Blinds at the low rate of 5 to 6 per livmed by a. cent "ith acconmnnit-xl by a MG) . . . .TLi-s' morning Mm big lwzn' amused Hu- Kaufman win-v nmn- ~L ority m1-r (mmpvm- IN pg Indurtrial H.011 tured let. prize for l, and lst for Archiv clumicul Drawing entries for the Tom: will also enter at L flttawa and Nun-hr: wishes Adam. _ , ..h moved into his hon»: your c1utesporu'inr l-ml Lu i-wmroi, man from thir lnc'iii'y failml lo uppeai in the Lviilitnlv'i‘: lor the list tw, )mmths, but in: vsill Mulcavm m can tinue reporting as Usual . . ..'1'ln: crops io this vicinity are fair: hay is a medi um crop, fall wheat mun], lurk-y fair, oats rather short HI stt'rew but samplr fair, roots up to the " \(‘lil "tte, look, in: well but in nod of a good rain. This weekpvith prm ailing film wvalhm' farmers will safely house "ll iln- grail. 'crup. BARN Rummy? Last Thursday night the barn of Mr Julm Burnett my; destroyed by fire. Happilby (ml) nine loads of hay were lrurned,' tln grain being all in an adjoining barn on a rented farm. Ten horses mm colts, R calves uml u number of chick- ens were consumed in the flames. Four of the horses belonged to Host Bros. Arrangements have been completed to loan a large amount of privste and Company’s Funds on by Mr Thomas. . . J visiting in town. . .. of our town's ywupiw Forsster Lodge In tin at, Waterloo (In the 1." QQOâ€..0999¢'WM00¢60€ ote '..otes.tose- 4o ' y?» hq AM.‘ Good quality complete To (it any ordinary window, 300 each. With hinges complcie, “win; to cum lege, Tam†(Mg 'l', Unquestjunnbly cams.) mcrcinlxmmla. , [ BESTETS. NOTICE- Town Property Farm Property MONEY TO LOAN (Continued on 8th Page.) WIRE PER CENT. " rxl v. --AND-- b-id-ad. 500 each. n t raw th in†lie (3'le . ink “nun“; Au] and Mt Las, made him Imlu~lriu| and III“, Kingslulv. ', Um" Rev hand cram (Tc w: , Luv! mm and a . . .Adan. cen hupvn \Vinni " t