$31 p ith) M M eatt on PIA-l.- Imm " - - 23:. Wand-u. was for out..." and hula-Indon- hou â€the. Fe- RED CLOVER BEES FOP? town Iota containing' (warmth of An . acmr each, Mtmsted'ttet%smx Spring “6 Elgin streets. Lad fronting on Qoisen strut \Vnterloo C M TAYLOR. -77 - v ._~ .. - -"""" 'FWql.'r"n.BPB.. "CNN“ ' f Youthful ludiscretlons, Exec-chm Indulgences. Bun. who will send me . plaln dewré'mnn of tlwfy ' l moms. I will send Free. h;{nnr..ltinn of a 1'i'ia'T/d'redi',v/l'gglh of loll- cure.wh:elr, after hang. IWindlx‘d and lmpond upon b y “quark!" ma ttmhmes (Mayan. cured me In a. for weeks. Pleanedon't sen unless as: need it. Correspondence Homily eonttden . kh erythlng sent mun-ly sealed from observmon. A11le.GCO. "on Plats. Toronto, Ont. F.oey!rrFrr'y'iii'it"tr"ii)Mllll,aCTd;; A recent discovery by an old physician. Sucrwcrftt?ly used muulhfy bit t/rouoarttlg of Lzdies. Is tho only parrot!)- sate and rn-ngblo medlvlua tilt (men-d. Bewum " unprim-iz-lvd druuglsm who 'tfer lute-rhu- deIL-lru-s In rlncr. of this. Ask be cook'. Cotton Root $'oauroand,ttrkt, nag-what In", rt lm-h-o- tt and " own“ In postage. In Icttur . In] " " M ill, ,6 ml, st‘uImI. to rrtum mail. Pulitwaied puck-Mum in plultt vuwlnw, to Indies only, 2 stamp» Sulu'rws The funk (‘nnlnnngn it lndwr. mm†Canada. HILBH’S ’YATARRH $ihlsiii',ji-l-i'i'.i-ii.l;l,Wi;rdl:1g), 7'! um- '" -u rrCurrhTh'ttts, AaigG FG; Mu) to cure .vnu. Price. 60cta. Injector“ wot-u. u n wg; sample co lee sent free. Build! Mum monthly. 'at". year. jungle mu. vet can. Every number contain. begu- plats. In ooIon. an! ttrare; ot new house». with plum. enabling "den show the has: tin-lun- and --- m.-.“ . u '1 1:1: (man Comm Cum pmmpdy can. there all ctherg fail Caught. Group In. Tums. Ilcnneneu, Whooping Cough and Asthma. t'ttr Consumption it as no 217:5 tas cured thuuundl,cnd will cut: you Luann: t':.-e. Sold by Dmggiata on 3. mt- utec. Rm 2 Lame Hack or Chat. use bHLLOH's LSLLADONNA nuance. fl. ---_ ...... 7...... “mu-u. mullet - 'rd, t 'lld%"I',"J Pal". Mt CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT f m 3 WN', Answer and an honest f,'ls'a"r'l',"gh'Wtg to _ I". N k co.. who hue but neurlan , years' experience“: the patent blame“. (mummies- “on; strictly 'rortttttent'uU. A Hundbonk or In- formation enm'erumx Paloma and how to ob- tun them sent. tree. Also I cat-Iowa of mecha- ical nod acwmmc Mon pent free. Puenu when [brunch Mum: & Co. receive art-l nouoeln the 'ictr"tute American. And t a are beousrht 'ristely before the public unh- om. can to the lnvenur. Thu splendid rm. tamed "tttlt mummy mutt-ted. bu , u the ham] cm anon oer g'l,Utg',',fdt Tlr) In the . L l .. '"gltu.e,t.g.ei.. 2oiy?hix2Pt.ttrr bent res Sold by Simon sytyderAiiuterloo, Tngnv rum-r" , Prompt mac, L' 4 Ch A‘R’ER’S a - 1erry Ar £10m! Preparml bv] not hmivwn- L, tural a..\cu hcp AND COMB FOUNDATION ths .477: Saved =,,,,,dF)itri?,), 7" ,. (1. ttf b _ ds,, "’mtawx FOR PURE HONEY ll) It SA LE. M Lu Waterloo by POWDERS tel. SNYDER. Druggist 'rnm Sen-oils 1'"le12p, "Ill Manhood. Resy ts ()(ii'sfitt)illl()(t 32¢!â€va Ir' f r, ’A‘nia J COMPOUND. hi6! tArer'.a( DC T., of V.' ..- ‘11 has} __ AER}. - Mt Runaway. 'dr, I f nut-um THE TOP or nu: mu. he'd be after us It thigh nto of speed, and I begun to fear m wouldnt keg» Ahead this Nime, but." " once: thought. mock the I that off-steam nod yelled, tohek to path- the“ and not a thing could be seen ahead. 'There they come,' yelld out Jack be- fore we had gone ten miles. Looking back we saw a shower sparks just vis ible above. the tree tops. We concluded at once that that was Jim and Mollie: father, and that we would have to do some tall travelling to avoid capture. Mind you, Jim carried a gun. The engines were pretty well matched, but, of coune: I was nervous. Just ahead was a heavy grade five miles long, and ( I knew it would be a heavy pull to get over it, but once on the other side of the hill our chances of gettin' away would be good. 'Do your best Jack, and keep up steam,' I yelled over to the; fireman, Mollie was restin' in my arms as quietly as if she had been sitting on l the linircloth sofa in her parlor, her lips half open and the wind blowing her hair all over my face. All of a sudden we heard a whistle, and I jump- ed up in dismay and looked' hack. There was Jim, less then half a. mile away. comin' like a house tdire. Mollie looked too, then her eyes fell on Jack whose wood Was gettin' low. and who had rolled a ball out from the back part of the tank and was trying to bust the head in. tke slld out of my arms and holding onto the levers, got down he- side the fireman. The first I knew ot it, was when I shaw her fishing out big fat hams from the barrel and pass- ing them to Jack, who was feeding the furnace with 'etu. 'Bully for you,Jack.' Tyelled, as the steam gauge jumped up again. Well, that did the business. We reached the. top of the grade with. out Jim gaining another inch, and then we began to slide downward. Great Jupiter, how we did drop down that hill! The noise was territhe and the old machine rocked like a cradle. Looking back, 1 saw Mollie standing on the tank holding on by the brake, her dress flrtttering, her hair blowing, and her eyes shining like stars. -1'll never forget that night I knew that as soon on Jim lgootl ith' it might be, but in tho-3e digs fit was a sight wot'Ne. The tracks were ,lild with the old fashioned . rail on itiw five foot apart and spliced with fish. plate When the whm-ls struck one [end of Llw mil the other end tiltvd up, iand I oil you it mado a. nemous mun lscasiulx' the: iirxt time la: travelled over ’thut line. We had no telegragh wire .ilutl so could do wry much as we iplcased around Colunihizt, the superin- tendent bein' luCKtieKl at Charlotte. ‘Muny a time we used to get an engine Iout utter dark and tivlie a ride for fun. "fin- only trouble was that, as Tilli li.\;(:l.\'lis mam-z on: no ltlt'Kl-I'I‘Y, they couldn't stand much. They were wood hurncrs, and nowadays would 'lool: top heavy with their little boilers and big stacks Who one of them l2“ :1. move on after dark, I tell you it Hooked like a running display of fire. }works, the stack throwin' out sparks and chunks of hluiu’ Wood like u. vol. won. C) (1 man einhith, that is Mol- lie's father, didn't like mo near as well 1m he did Jim, but svein' that Mollie (preferred me, I wasn't cztrin’ much Inhout her father's opinion, It was no luw gettin' spliced in Columbia, for lowly body knew that her father had ini‘derd her not to be seen with me; so .‘tho only thing for us to do was to fwutch our chance and go of? on the jiiuiet to some place along the line. I thought it over for xrveiul diys, and lgot the whole thing in shape. I told _ Mollie to come down to the round. lhouse about seven o'clock one night Land I would give her a. little ride on gtho engine. She afraid l Well, I guess flu dont know her. Why, she had run the er gine herself many a time. I [had given the hint to Jack, my fire. Ilium, and he was on hand when I back. ed out on the main track, leavin' Jim's engine in the round-house. Mollie was awaitin', and she jumped on . the tank like an engineer's sweetheart ought to do. Just as we were pulling out Jim ) came around the corner. His eyes} opened, I tell you. 'Where you goin', Bill .†he shouted. 'J ust out for a little ride,' I remarked coolly puttin' Mollie up on the box in frout of me so I had to put my arms around her to l reach theJevers. I saw Jim gasp and start on a run toward Mollie’s house, i where he knew her father was. In t two minuteq we were spinning, in three humming, and in five minutes we were tearin through the valley Jike a 5 cyclone. I I "High old times were they," said a veteran railroad engineer the other day to d Chicago Times reporter. "Give me the good old days when we had [wood burnin' engines, easy schedules, ’with long stops, and no telegraph to bother um We could run precty much to suit ourselves then, and it gums with Hut, sayin' we had lots of enjoyment. Take, for instance, the fun Jim Lark. ins and me had Lotte night about fifteen years ago. You Ree, Jim and I were cnurtin’ the same girl, both hairs' Cts. gimm“ on thu. Wilmington, Columbia. and Augusta road, between ColumlG and Cnulnttc. Ever been down there! Wcll, own now the mad ain't quite as Hut Race fora Pretty Bride. IT WAS A PITCH [HRH NIGHT. ‘We may have some rain? ‘Judging from the general humidity “cliche torpid condition of the atmos- pheiss, I should say that we may soon expdct nu excess of precipition.' The farmer gazed into vacancy for l time. TVa he replied '. -- 'ffllt"lt, you’re a------; Get up Y-- F Cine of his friends tells a. good sGry on D’alton McCarthy, who, when he 'usn'iat his law ohVe or in his place in the Commons, is a farmer near Barrie. 12hn, had returned home after B ha I week’s work and met one of his constituents who was driving into town with a load of faryingtofucts. ‘Hello, D'alton,' sail the other pull, ing up. , 'Hello!' 'tline day? . tsa.' lk Spain in costs {$20,000,000 to maihtain the army and only 2300,- 000'to educate its children. It is the exception to find a Spanish farmer who is able to read or write. M,rite--"How people gaze at my new drew. I presume they wonder if I've beet: shopping in PLis." Husband- "Mare likely they wonder if I've been robbing a bank. ti) the sixteenth century' no lady wad considered in full dress unless she hadéa mirror at her breast. lt was oval in shape, about fohr by 6 inches in size. 1lhe catacombs of Home contain the remains of about 6,000,000 human beings, and those of Paris about 3,000- 000. The latter were formerly stone quarries. ' to New York city it takes people from twelve to sixteen seconds to get Into and out of cars. In London it requires 30 seconds, London bridge is 020 feet long, 56 tea wide and 55 feet in height. It hat; five semi-elliptical arches, the een. trd Being 150 feet, (One half of the wealth of England is in the posseiision of 1,000 individu- als. Over 1,000,000 people in the United Scams live upon the wages paid by rail- road companies. A Russian is not legally of age till he is 2b' years old. There are less than 300 pure-blooded Gteenlanders, per ye Dr. Pierce', Pellets permanently cure constipation, sick T headache, indi gentiou and kindred derangemeuts. Loan and lank, He’s such a. crank; l My stars 1 I thank I'm not his wife; l’ Hell make my life _ A scene of strife. Stop, lady, Sm p I his liver is out of order. "Hel, just too nice for any- thiug," his wife says, "when he is well," livery wife’s husband should, if sick, take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- covery. It puts the liver and kidneys in good working order, purities the blood, cleansing the system from all impurities,from whatever cause tu'isrtng, and tones up tho functions generally. (;tutntuteetl to benefit or cure, or mon- ey paid for it refunded. What l,ecome of Jim? Why, the firol actually run right straight ahead all night, till be reached Charlotte the new mornin'. He was the worst sur- prised fellow in the state, when he fou.nd we hol given hin, the slip. Then the suprwmtendent wanted to lcnnw what he meant by taking out his new engine without orders, and the end of it all was that Jim not only lent his girl, but, was discharged as well." tet: He jumped to the wheel, Bavitut ADeqerter.' I t, lullie helpin' him, and in a. few miu- . C"'"-"'"'" tea we had nearly stopped. ‘J umpl Mgny incidutl hue been g m own, quick, Jack, ' and open the ' showing Presidnnt Lineolau kin a?†WW», I said, I'm goin' to run “P the I of heart in pardoning military 0 od. hark sidin.' In less time than it takes I err, in the Union army, who were pon- tlo tell it we, were on the sidin' the demoed to death. The following u iwttch reset for the main track, tusd both new and ttuthentie:--- " i hen I run up in the woods and A prominent public man having an WOPPPd- We shut cff ttll lights Md appointment with Mr. Lincoln noticed waited. In a minute or two we heard l as he approached the Executive Maus- h faint rumble, which changed into in ion a forlorn middle-aged woman globh. roar, then we could distinguish the ing couvhlsively near the entrance. blickerty click of wheel's parsin' over Touched by her grief, he naked if he the ends of rails, the rattle of machin- could help her. try apd the hissin' of steam, while the ‘I must see thepresident,’she exclaim- futlin’ of the exhaust was so rapid as ed, 'and these men will not let me go do blend into hollow thunder. A in ! My son is to be shot this after. whirlwind of sparks became visible, l noon for deaertion. Three daysI have thud then with a hop, skip and a jump been here begging to have a, word with Jim’s engine passed like , streak of the president. runaway lightnin’, the occupants never The who'e story was soon told, lHer rtrear%i' we worein the sidin’. We husband had died in battle. Twouotu; hunted up the nearest preacher and had also fallen. Her youngest boy had got married; me, with my face all enlisted and had deserted from aheer lxlw-k and grimy, and Mollie without homesickness. He had been arrested any hat, for tho wind haul blown it while on his way to pay a visit to his 1 away. Jack waswitiiescGnd I leth'm mother and had been tried and senten- i kiss the bride, for I thought he deserv- ced to death. The execution was to 1 ed it. We got back to Columbia about take place that afternoon wherever his midnighond next morning I took out regiment might be. I the express as .t' nothing had lmppened. The poor widow had made a friend Nola for the (‘urinuv Europeans pay 3, 350,000,000 taxes tree dry? Itritiptt In)" hare tn Ivemgeof ix you you ', 'at', D‘anol You‘re- n-Fool. Stop. Duly. Slop! woeda"ittt, 'fit',. it user life ha Gi, given to Ur." aine'e elery Compound an and will do thumped work tor nit who Katy It in I conga-magi» an. um and; . -"" "V -- .-'- M...r.T. vat», “W“CUO The suffering wife and mother provi- dentinlly had placed in her hind: e re- cord of cumend wonderful restortstiong whealrh effected by Pnine's Celery Com- pound. That very day the procured two bottles ot the mervelloui medicinr, and in three weeks time Ihe felt tbat the had a Inc found the we] to health. After Ming men bottles nho In hale sud strong l every truce of disco-e Ind been banished. end to me her on Angston, Ont. lady. the mother of a. large family, suffered for many years from kidney trouble and neural- gia. Medical aid and numberleu medi- cines failed'to remove her troubles. She became very impatient with medial ef- forte ; tsht) clmfed and fretted because her little one: could not receive the a tention from her that they needed. ' There is no virtue in patience when pain and disease torment the body. It is a crime against Heaven and our fel- low mortals: to allow disease to gait the mastery when help and cure is at our very doors. FOUND It iN PAINE’S CEL- ERY ctMPtl0NI1 A falling barometer wlule the north wind is blowing indicates snow in win- ter and rain or hail in summer. Lincoln had no more painful duty than that of sealing the fate of desert. ers. He wan humane and merciful to a degree that was subversive of dieip. line in the opinion of military men. But ho knew how to be just. A general order was telegraphed to all army headquarters. All executions were stayed. The young deserter was trueovered and pardoned. 'I shall not be balked by red tape !' he exclaimed. ‘That boy must not be shot. I shall suapeud all military ex. ecutions for forty-eight hours until you can ftnd out where the boy is.’ President Lincoln was a. very deter- mined man when his heart was set on tumhing, The President found it impossible to to ascertain where the deeerter was un. der arrest. The oitieials told him that it would be impracticable to obtain in. formation in time to prevent the exe- cation. 'Your husband was killed in battle y he asked. , Yes. You have lost two sons already in the army. Yes. This is the only one left? The only one. _ He must be pardoned whatever he may have done. I will go at once to the War Department and see about it. She Would Not Be Patient Then she repeated with moans and Bob: her story, The president listened with intense sympathy. A few ineis. ive questions brought out the few de. t Lila which she had to give. SHE SIHHED FOR HEALTH. C) Mr. President, save my boy !tave my boy ! You alone can do it. ' What’s the matter with Puvnotlterl' he asked in that simple, homely way that was characteristic of him. The poor widow had made a friend who had the wit to serve her. He bade her follow him into the Executive Mansion and to wait for him in an ate- te room while he was pleading her cause. Joining the president, he told her glory. 'Wh, re is she y asked the president. Behind that door. 1 will see her at once. -e Opening the door he saw the white. faced widow trembling from nervous- ness and ready to break down at the first word. He strode across the room and patted her, gently on the shoulder. The who'e story was soon told, lHer husband had died in battle. Two‘aons had also fallen. Her voungest boy had enlisted and had deserted from aheer humesickness. He had been arrested while on his way to pay a visit to his mother and had been tried and senten- ced to death. The execution was to take place that afternoon wherever his regiment might be. ‘I must see the president/she exclaim- ed, 'and these men will not let nip. go in ! My son is to be shot this after. noon for deaertion. Three days I have been here begging to have a, word with the president. A prominent public man' having an appointment with Mr. Lincoln noticed as he approached the Executive Mana- ion a forlorn middle-aged woman gobb- ing convplsively mm the entrance. Touched by her grief, he naked if he could help her. an“ T; " We: new new othz‘wl; '"eatutumamattmraoeastmmmnow. A in“ Feature Of Booth ear-ttta is that while it purMea the blood and land: it conning through the "In. full of richness and health.“ duo imparts new “found - to "dry function“ the bony. lee, ‘0'me to often has“! t "Moody, The mean, temperature of the whole earth is about. 50 degrees. Rum Is 81:: r',1g1i,gtta'dhtps,tnx'q Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved in six ours by the “NEW (“can Sour" AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE." This new remedy is agreat mun-he and delight to physician! on account of its ex (seeding Ill,',",',',,"),'."',',, in relieving pain in the bladder. idneys. back and even part of the 'h'/gtir, passages in [rule or female. It relieves reheat. on of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. It you want quick relief and cure thigh: our remedy. Sold by Ed. M. Devin. Dwain. In 1775 hailstones mid to weigh 20 ounces fell at Mercuria in Spain. The high cirrus clouds are believed to be formed of tsnowflakes. The principles of rainfall were fwst correctly set forth by Dalton in 1757. HEART DISEASE RELIEVE†IN 30 Mrscrrrs.-, All cases of organic or sympathetic heart dig. ease relieved in 30 minutes and quick}; cured. by Dr. Agnew‘s Cure for the heart. ne dose convinces. Sold by Ed. M. Dewitt. More than one thousand forms of snow crystals have been observed and copied. _ A BOON 'ro RoRtsesesr.-. One bottle of ling- lish Spavin Liniment, completely removed a curb from my horse. I take pleasure in recom- mending the remedy, as it new with myster- “ions promptneas in the removal from horses ot hard,' soft. or calloused lumps, blood spavln. splints, curbs. sweeny. tstities and sol-nine. George Robb. Farmer, Sold by EdDCDeviti. Markham, Ont The average annual amount ol dew In England 18 eljual to fwe Inches or ram. u. .wu nucl'c was a xrost m ling- land, July 1, that destroyed nearly all the vegetation. And the ofti::e expenses of the Lieat. tstunt-Governor of the Northwest, paid by the Dominion, foot up to 8l8,000. The messenger aexvice while Parlin» 1 meat is in session costs $10,000, and _ the permanent service a further $10.- 1 Thirteen Cabinet Ministers 303: the people of Canada $92,000 It year. The salaries of eight Lieutenant-Gov- ernors amount to iyir,000 more, The military college get! away with another seventy odd thousand. The Senate involves an annual cost of over 8140,000 The _Crovernor-Genetal is responsible for a yearly outlay of $100,000 of the taxpayer’s money. Superannuated officials draw $202,- QOO from the Federal treasury every year. . 'T'he law costs of the Dominion amounted to $140,000 in 1393. The Northwest Mounted Police ab Barbs t?615,000 per apnum. The cost of legislation at Uttmm is $900.000 a year. When The Axe Can be Applied SHXLOH'S Cum-2 is sold on a guarantee It cures in.cipient Consumption. It is the best Cough Cure Only one cent a dose; 25c., 50e., and $1.00 per bottle, Sold by Simon Snyder, Waterloo. Saliva is the last bone in the body to crumble into dust when a permn dies. A watershed is a piece of land over- hanging the water, A desert is a gram tract, of Crees. A desert is and open forest thickly wooded. A volcano is a mountain with a hole in the top. ' 1Iernory's wssll is the part of the head that remembers things. County buildings: Court house,opera house, stationisilspei street schaoi. County tuildinge: Poor House, Mol, sons Bank and posten arice. Days of the week '. Monday,TurwG.v, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saris» tied. The 'County Buildings' are Varied and numerous : County buildings' are : Pmto‘iice, Hay's shop, Broadway school and‘Ccn- tral school. The direction of Dundas street :Dun- das street runs down. The banks are: CounLy of Oxford Bank, and next to the County of "x- ford Bank, and then the next to the second to the County of Oxford Bank. The three banks of Woodstock MP: River bank. sea bank and ocean bank. Bank :The one in front of our school (h pupil of broadway whom.) 19 IAlr there was a frost in E Another: Mr. Fuller's bank, Mr, Char!es' bank and Mr. Hunter',, bank The banks are: The red brick one, the white brick one and the one farther up V kL'yi.'r," J ’ I. Jeslhirsiu, _ “4...!" y I 'terr' -,._I g... , . b n: w 5: C' 'Ari! Cf BEhkY . 'p, li ' a! . .. .3: M 'ggi g 3% P. 'iisil'jy, ieilid The answers io the question, 'Name, the banks in town,' are nunwrous. wr The locompanyiug answers, says the Woodstock &sntttie1-Review, are some of the absurd replies received to ques- tion asked in the recent promotion ex- amination papers. Many of them are intensely amusing and wiil help the reader for " few minutes at lung: to think of something else than ‘:~.'orms. tombs and epitaphsd Promotion Examinations (From the Toronto News 'kas New! i At no time is man socurv from an tacks of such pdnful and dangerous disorders of the stomach as Cholera, Cholera. Morbui, Cramps, Diarrhoea, and Dysentery; but. these complaints are particularly common during the T heated term, when it is douloly danger, ', ous to neglect them. Perry Davis Pain Killer" in a. remedy than has never l failed when tried, and the severest any I tacks have been cured by it lt leaves Ina evil when, an; invnriably tttings ', relief tothe 'tlfut!tir. Every reputable, Ritual“ ‘in the bountry sells Perri lD-vil’ Pain Kubr., ’IArge size New '. -Vrfrt." ‘ ’7 _ , ard 'ti1setitr9rii.'1rs [ttc. i,PQ tt, \ )Xs i , c',',/ttir), 'l P.'c1!i"orMl,lui'u't.Y,1 he "i Sr,),, PM?! u: Sl2r. a A-. ' BF% . , u n l ' b" “Hal 'P',, , a THE D.&L.M1 D33? Pain KIWI bottle, price 25c.j ' i The nineteenth century will not and till midnight of Monday, hm; JilsL, l 1900, although the old quarrel will i probably again be renewed as to A hat [constitutes a century and when it l winds up, and thousands will insist on ( a premature burial of the old century l at midnight of Dec. 31st, .690. l The average duration of human life l is about thirtrthree years. Hm- quar- l tey of the people of the earth die In:- _ fore age six, one, half before age six I teen, and only about one person out of {each one hundred born lives Lu age _siixttdive. The deaths are calculutml 3' at sixty-seven per minute, 97,700 per lday, 35,630,835 per year; the births l at 70 per minute, 100,800 per day, ‘ and 36,702,000 per year, Persons who believe in luck and sigm will doubtless agree that it is unlucky to be struck by lightning an Monday, or take bold of a circular mw in mo- tion on Tuesday, or :41va downxtnirs with a coal scuttle on Ivfdnesday, or be hit by " cable car on Thursday, or fall overboard on Friday, or marry oO Saturday a girl who swings teh pound dumb bells, or be one of thirteen at dinner on Sunday, where there is fund for only ten. Hm the Island of Java the muffâ€) tree begins hearing at three years, is mature at scum years, and lives unal- ly from thirty to forty years and from its climate and soil the tree thnws best pt an altitude of about four thou» and feet, when'the average yield is two pounds of the gerries per tree. Seventy millinn peoplr in Europe wear wooden shoes. According bo the latest reports then- are in the, world 140,344 nautical nules of sub marine telegraph cable. 1tt' this total the various Government, own 11,180 miles of cable and 21,3!30 of wire ', the balance is owned by prix ate companies. ‘Uh ." replied the visitor, arily, ‘that meant. ‘Mighty sorry couldn't coused I should think that was plain enough. 'Now min: you speak of it,' said his 3 courteous hostess, q do wish mask you t what M. S. C. C, stands for, I can t I imagine and I can’t find anyone who 1 has ever seen the abbreviation used f’ l 'Ol', yes.' Well, I was all right, then,' said the young mum in a tone of much satisfaction. 'l thought I ‘shouid hit it in my answer.’ please t 'Why.’ Eeplied the hostess, without a note of surprise in he: light voice, 'they stand for the Fund: phrase, IL Ha his return to the city, after the party he went to call on the lady. and in the course of the conversation asked “By the way Mrs. Clam), when did lou mean by R S. T. P. at the end of the invitation you sent me l' He was to be Jutof town at tLe (inn of :le party, and so was umm- to " cept the imitation. At the foot of tlo, card he read the letters rl. S. V, P. and Wm; much perplexed as to their menu: ing. il omwer he was not Mug dauntvd by his ignorance, and wrote a. note de dining the invitation in as forum: and stilted terms us he could corrunund and after signing his name added the 11th! _ M, S. C. C. A lady tells the story oi " young 1mm who luv] come from the country to my city in which she lived, and in ‘. -l.mt time fancied himself equal to any sCtiul enivrgency. He never asked advice- upon quellion of etiquette, and in Cetll wqucnce he "Jude many mistakw. Ar em: time the lady issuud cards to t dancing party, and among the invitvd guests she included this rather commit ed und awkwurdyoung man. Milt" t'suauuuuuuiauagguuuuuauauuuuualuasncc, / c, uil couspltiit.---Atyswer if you 'ON WHICH n L GOODS AHEWRAppED.~ ceedcd m1 all hands. 'I we I American ladies prcfur i‘LZC are now making for than. charm oirvi.srs in a prvcti1siar v, hirh which M C, :3. we} ' - , New A obrtsviation Cunaisls in a priuliar riding: and Mfrs: (-naiylns them to dram: in the Gamma with it is the dream of All tasteful \vuzmu to " furious Facts, H "itsamtrr,raimrmrmmvmmmtriramtttramsmvm :"'hai,.".tttitmi0i, PLESTER In [banana run i: is :he (in: this materidl (in! will mic-nun ELECSS st u lays aâ€?! lady who hi.- at nil 81!":in “mars this., Pundit)"; LL (mulls are tlv. but that T's! Tvi,... ladies " I maul P,rr.u z: i".i"Ml,lui'u't.rC11.U, 'trimass Fil ii1lylj'j'lhUiTlSj"i/i ri "FC"h P. iestfey's-ss D2. F. lixmm Co." ., -., â€w 7.; M , H- have and your R dAII's S V tiif(ii?iijii)';iiii'i, 'g, "ii'iiF,l"i'l, li,u'"l,t,v/a 'f lumen " -v¢r u "l Sours truly, . Armani-“I l . l‘rlcc .1 per Bunk. “38an try all DWA, or “an! Dr. w. J. KL‘NDA 1.1. c0124)". , dg'g/, rm r. l Mutant . 39km!“ tmy hnmrxlf: m '.:.n.h v-vh. unlmnlwrs.» u Wfdrf.' g'/ihiTtr,.'. yd,." “PM in " rum norr and I M“. "een “Rand F5trfrrrtue \anu- hum t only In My: ulna weeks. so I got $111 tor at" I! - 1atnttatl't lnvu: Cure, --- ' Yours trutr, i.s.auel'u alum? smi'vf "ch!!! nu... ylvull [Ml-v"- KEIDILL’S SPIVII CUBE Bumm r. I N Y Jan. My“ Dt.. Fr.g. Er t271rs' oar] y Un Jammy l3, fruxv 13ml .1: Moscow bode" a Im 'U. m: new; oxvlunm "Wha: C“: you “wan by ride "t,e'::irrl a horse likn- "WrC.vou see," 'darl"" "luckry this time I gmu bone. 'nrnkvn, but on \Ut likevo Lu .14 a doctor "l well, In ‘T'm seam of jun little “full“ hr ire,gan to and va.r,uf,ei' by tipphc 'si, and lpélliug out both trt a The doctor humpmi feeling himself all owr I was in ured. The (Lu-(m to " fest, mmmmsss. x. " P '.blg1ii,1CK [i',iy(ljj(ir:iCar' (ii?,':' and sylrlzed a h, the di':r.=L'y of hi dun, ~22 .9.- a New thi, 'ompan THE .087 SUCCESSFUL RENEW tytln Slur: 1 Thr, DERBY PLUG FOR MAN on BEAST. Carma m In effect. um never busters. Read proofs below: - -- Here’s a Pointer " 1'Ef tr' 'btliii)), Smoking Tobacco be sure that the retailer does not induce you to buy any other in order 'that he may make a layger profit. 5 cent plug 10 cent plug zocent plug snot-uncut "Lu. " mg up, "lie T '% pretty well." Dru-hm "jumped dvose MY. Th, ‘73" sense of ~11 '3f EU: on alloy: , c. clergyman “3w“? L-lvr‘gyx l Ike todrirt {an of tlu an V sum“. “23:1' f :5: t' is; Dress . Jimmy a _" Tiff; Fabrics Hck‘l‘ngzluHJhH . orericok it (ink nee frtl loot. m, Doctnr,~ Sari,', Dot-Mr and I'urum .rmngs Wt't't last century al When you ask rain fa L. 11; ma. Jun. 'ot tl m a! ltrN 111:: ' vv New“ O >11 Lt mm IS USED POPULAR been dismissed 1 Home and Gove have. taken warni every dollur apen the People would 'rttrttt of work to The open conf mae will avail th I . Ina-n: of ev " “minder; of has so addition mt from otfice. been dismitw,dd in "I! Connolly be Shir full time In in le'yl and nu John Thonqmm Ipveu three )rnr, m mallt- the P! not tokay be nn)% 000 in cm mun" - und [Won ot tUt the roll!" " Coelrtection With Curran bridgr " the wetcknvms, " meat in dunJh: l Yaw CULI :. with the ' cost nearly it should I been prere stopping tl ll IIIUEX " (use Um: right 1uliU to whi I: it had run fui “(know inmginu "r detsl u in gun h to UN Subou Man") hole"; lseontd,auiod 'Ptttttiettaue,i In“ worth 1 U'Oytodm 'hmobau1 I all,“ le. Ittet tl Pr'ts ly mun If (hm llll'll assimmd rd at a“ nut J. c Eaton A tf Yong M They "l trial, I r! const‘n act Hf pu how wait Tor Sand 25 C) Um “W \Vhilr perfot um pickt" k wanlri i,' Walla rt thur, “It was brok latest m hope of I Andre" Hat driving hi», Ha! evening mm “1 dent. Sony-H. med [must mm the shaft. Wt prongvd (luv M iumped lo l, sci/rd inu. f t sum ad by (NP Lotrs nbrust for HOW. column! similar lotie 1 The BOUNTY “Lapin. der u..- that tl" was ur) I’ntlirk John Fly: " runes hnnte of MA H int HIV I has“ O H, harm County " 5 “Sunli betting 'omsn L ru U! IV