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Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 21 Jun 1894, p. 1

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ac remahing And-id" Rica ot u perfect ki Running the I,“ \hcmlaehes and I," ' curmg maxim in»; -n to millions“ 'd r'," .1 of the India] Eek M'sVon the“ 7-5111 being: W Nth of the pa la cmbracud f Figs. Lt due to ita Pl I Bccturt"h',a m 'WLEDGE ti'cVr: " " Syrup we” 3.:-zntedonovery h ttit '. n;,':‘npof PM in :1. y-1wiIl no. t "i w ell I. mm d ouju rm Property, Dim-dun MN tlie' Sale I Special Value DR |~T|Ili ...'. ' _,._.,-. -- Mun}: trot “WM” aura“ 0111““. w'huu the acme " I' g.-\D¢'nm. MG CE. I. I FETCH [I'- mu t" AQM hm llllll' eabat of - ['11 KP‘ALL h u. mums, Iss4. w'fwrv'n spriam And .11; on Queen moot l I. Ii . miut an” t,ietey,'.tNt to «an m r More the m3 loud to til , who W" cane “a. s 'iaGGGkftort, -- rad im hm x. bu l Il I‘AYIAJR. " VICE- I. PITCH. A‘W u ED. GI i"ytrantt atii muff, who “Wk juylffomop...“ " not. mi 7‘ sltlt_rmiffiil 0- utired. to its pml $.13} snd Pb cabin; and id, , - --_l . a one N Gums. Sui. ' ‘. 3 L'-' tll an» Nf "'r' mentioned h " ood, in the .11.: lands and (rSit"; (m "O . Ont. , part of the A nod accent "for-sud. mm at my Dannie. ', will atiiii ii P“, in: Km-d brick 'ahiuut an u-palr. also pow or If, van [tX oft o e; _ ‘md undq nv-rv- will?» h ucn e bid For turth. KSON' TV» in this rurix and “In of the ofthe Su arm. The " u at. the t "t'C 'It weak. free b. ~mh Con. 'vtsthip of farm. t he A I xon.aud 494, with ttctuartd mummy-e . balance J he paid "l k house, t under: Lone. :ction of north ot our and .mwood. Y Moses m regiar Lot No THE SALE... Be Comfortable. I)()fhT()lilfl, Anyone having Potatoes Bring Them at Once So Bring them to me not later than - - - THIS WEEK. _ Highest Cash Price Paid. GEO. THE BOEHMER co" vo L. XL.-- NO. 25 Some new attractions will be added this week, the hot weather being upon us, we have thrown on our bargain (gountcrs a lot of light dress materials suitable for all kinds of dresses, waists and blouses. Besides the special lot of lri,h Lawn at r2yic of which there is only a small int left. There are the choicest things in Scotch demity, French cambrics, fancy Muslims, Deliins and Sateens arid (‘rinklc Clothes. in Ladies' White and Shirt Fronts l 'omc in the torcnoon and get good service, 111cm are many bargains you cannot see 'd, hum thc store is crowded. ,City Grocer and: For 5cc we sell the latest Summer Corset, built for wear sul comfort, well worth $1.00 per pair. will do well to as it is notlikely any more cars will leave this sta- tion this season. . . GOES, ON Wear, Ready-made Blouses, Waists of Berlin (Limited.) EirEirlTUru PLUG; m WATERLOO, ONTARIO,, THURSDIéY MORNLN G" JO N E 2l. MOI. A BUDGET imam comma- ponmm'rs AND 0mm souncns. All the News at to: (but! and mark! unfunny lull-um and put In. Inactive an... Vote foe Robertson. ill-nu. Mr. David Bait has pprchued tour, IOIPJ of land and reddence from Daniel Ringler. The property lie: about 3 miles north from Elmira in what in known an the “lid hill arctic" Tue wacxt 13m --Lot Wednes- (by proved to be a. truly unfortunate Gy f r a number of our village". Whilst engaged in a football game in the evening, James Hmmuuud had the misfortunu to full and break both small bones ot his right. leg. . . .The train tor Galt was hindered for several hour, by the breaking of on axle of the-engine and the trninmen didn't reach their homes until midnight- While on the return trip two hots a were collided with near St. Jacobi and hath killed. Rev. Mr. Hall was unable to attend his services in Winterbourue and Con- estogo last Sunday, owing to illness bat sufficiently recovered to preach here in the evening ' . . .Tne date for the Union Sunday School ptemie has been tized for July 6 Fares are away down _ 20 cts,for children and 35 eta. foradults. PERSONAL --Mr. Weichel, Mrs. Wei. chel and Mrs. Henry Oppertshueuser are visiting friendsin Michigan . . . . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Geiselpf Eimwood,spent last. week with friends here.. . .S. F. Kilgore of Toronto was in town over Sunday. . . .Annon, Iiragatha, of Dirk- ing passed through Elmira last. Sutur- day. en route for Buffalo. N. Y.,where be will visit his son. ' . .W. ls. Green. eides, of Mount Forest, is renewing sc- quaintances herd this week....The Misses Stickney. of \Vintield, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. W. Ford over Sunday. . .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snyder and Misses Nettio, Alice and Olive Snyder, of Elora, and Mr. and Mrs. Jno. A Mills of Guelph. called on their friends in Elmira his: Friday. Mr, Jno. A, Harper, has been ap- pointed Secretary and agent of the Globe Savings and Loan Co., of Toron- to for this district, and will push that Co’s business during the holiday season . . . .The Elmira football club went to Glennllen last Fridayand played against a combination of the best men obtain- able in several townships. Although 2 goals were made by our boys, the ref- eree dis-allowed them and Grenallen won the $1.3 prize. . . .\Vork on Jacob S. Peppleris residence on Queen at... is progressing very favorably . . ' .Jno.Let- Son has made! a neat addition to his house on Arthur street. . . .The annual statement of The Traders Bank of Can ads indicates satisfactory results, con. sidering the unsettledness of trade dur- ing the past year. After paying the usual dividends to shareholders at 6 p. c., per annum, and four per cent on Savings Bank Deposits, an addition of 810,000 has been made to the Reserve fund which now stands at $85,000 Its deposits now cub $3,375,000 and ea- sete 8p,000,0pt). While carefuineto of management is indicated by nearly $1.- 700,000 of the banks assets being held in cash and immediately available secur- ities. . ' .The Musical Society concert now being arranged for the 2nd of July will be one of the best, if not fer'eheed of any ever given in Elmira, Thou. A. Baker, ot Toronto, the people’s favorite humorilt and comic singer has consent- ed to undertake the"funny" pert of the entertainment The were mention of bid name stsould.dttrw a full hon-e. Mr. W. G. Smith, Huron road, has been renewing acquaintances at his old homoin Prince Edward Illsnd . . . .Miu Num: of Millbank,- spent . few days lut week with her sigm- Miu 1i'.Nurae . . . .Quitet . number from thin vicmity Attended the Mennonite camp meeting in Berlin lat. Sande! . . . . Mr. Ind Mrs. Fred Welter returned on tuturdar from I very phet?redding tomund have quieflljettletidozn taste dutim ii aiided Mi, , . .09 Sunni-y "en. ingr IM‘FII culledinthe Tow mil tttr)."?,':,',", Nels'tho Jt tron [ . a 'pq tttttet/tttill/l -trr k. iliity,",',tttatp.Ir g,' €in It; K NEWS NUGGET S. lay-ville. show-d in :rttt',tt 'i.tre cool d. l" '.iurut. uni 'snPt"f'euT lggw ‘ofADr: M", Mr. 1rtoittttrd, Pte., of the [Sanford Bum Twine AssociMion, "ttrr-ed the f inf briefly Win. ing the merits' MI thi , which in to nid the farmers. . he meaning w: I hiqu b intermstitut d Epic], ind ttte nudi- once listened p et-tly until miduiuht ....A meeting thaiuwrenu of Mr. J. D. Moore. _Beform oandidats in culled for Thuliduy waning. . . .Mr. Alt. Sunder we“: to Mount Fore“ on Sunday on " hietele. PourscxL.--Ust week Mr. J. D. Moore held a Reform [meeting here. Mr. Moore spoke ably on the present platform of his party and of the good work done during the session tint has just passed. Mr. E butt upheld the agricultural interests and Dr. Thomp. son ably discussed the separate school question. Mr. Linton, . acceptably filled the position of chairman No Opposition speakers were to hand - Mr. Sipes, the Patron candidate will hold a meeting on Friday evening. Mr. Nichol has been busy shipping cattle this werk. He had the misfor- tune to lose six head of cattle before they were placed on the car, presum- ably from the heat. . . .The town was almost deserted on Sunday, the people hat-mg gone to Berlin to attend the camp meeting. . ITiie members of the Baptist Sunday School celebrate their "Children's Day" festival on Sunday evening next,. An excellent pro- gramme of English and German pieces has been prepared and a cordial invi- tation is extended to all. . . .The Lutheran Sunday School picnic will be held ‘on Thursday next at Steinmau’s groove. All are welcome . . . . Miss Haeda Schulte of. Cleveland is visiting friends here. . . . Mr. Merino Cressman received from W. B. llittenhouse of Beamsville 30 large carp and '20 swal- ler ones which he placed in his pond. He says they are beauties. --_' HVVJ_ ~777- Tur: RELAY RACE -'ilhe riders in this district were Meyer of Shaker penre, Krug of Tarismck and W. Ernest of New Hamburg who carried the packet from Shakespeare to the ll, C. church. C. 1Velsch of Stratford and w. Welsch of this place then cir- vied the packet to Petersburg. A heavy rain storm passed orrr here just before the boys started off and made the roads bad. On Bender's hill, be- tween Shakespeare and Hamburg, w. Ernst had the migfortune to have the chain of his wheel skip its bearings and besides bending his wheel wry badly was unabie to tiuish I PERSONALS --Miss Jennie Scrimger of Gait, Mrs. Armour' and Miss Min. nie Stern of Jerseyville, and Mr. John M. Robertson, proprietor of the Ontariu Granite Works of Gait, were guests of Mr. H.X. Miller's during the week. . . .Miss Mary Ituefrer has re turned to Berlin aft» r spending a. week with her numerous relatives and friends here... .Misses Susan and Louise. Seip have been spending a. few days at their parental home. . . . Miss Fisher of Detroit is visiting Mrs. Wm. Beilstein. . Farmers are now engaged doing their statute labor here; and instead of road constructlon, ‘road destruction,' as your New Dundee correspondent terms it, seems to me a more appropri- me name for the work they are doing --The great sarnitv--htodtreal relay race ogaqioned considerable excite- ment in our little village on Friday last. But we had but a very. short time to view thesport as the man from the west dashed into the village at a. terride speed, the pouch containing the messages was exchanged in a. few sec- code, and the riders going east diner» peered over the hills in an incredibly short time. . . .Election matters are quiet here,but it is easily seep that Mr. Moore will poll 3 large vote here. Mr. Sipes is daily losing ground. "P.P.A." end "Independent? are terms which are not looked upon favorably here even by those who would have voted fur him had the election taken place ten dar. earlier. . Mr. John 1rsnderhnd,the misfortune to have three horses bedly out by e herb wire fence. The home became entangled in the wire aid out then- eelva ooimidembly, -a'tiiy.1hytittted New hub-m. Petersbllrl. 333% Bahama: will hold t Wing at. Rew- dux’s lull wheu.ooune wry able spa-ak- an we expected to Imp new. . . .The English church intends holding u slmvlprry festival. I’mbabl y about the 30th inst. . . nur. Geo.' Muller is said ta open a ieweby and wa'ch ra- pair shop thin week wlu-n the public is requested to eive him a It". Comm AND Goisu.--Thk wife of Mr. Chum. Hurifeld is visiting Mend: at Philipuburg fur a. wetrk or so. . . . Mr. md Mrs. Jnooh For er, Mr. and Mrs Geo Forler,, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dueneh were visiting friends at Tavi stock lust Sunday . . . .The Misses Julia and Cath. Kmhlek were vMting friends at Milverton on Sunday. . . .The fol- lowing were ' isninu here on Sunday : M r. Geo. Manser V.S., Geo. Omnunn, Ed. Spahr, Sun Spain; Mrs. Valentine Berlet of Linwood. Mr and Mrs. John Uttmnnn " 1Gwksville. School Iteport, _ Sen. IV-L Swan , A. Israel. Jun. IV-C'. Swnr ,1). Swarm. ' Jun, Ili-M. Henl yer. M. Amos, L. Wil helm, M. Lsras CW. L. Woous, H Shwtz, Al. Lindsey. Sen. IH-A. Sleck‘n A. Lindsey. Sun. II- E. Thoi.r,,i5swyt,y A.Hngedorn M. Hallmun. El Israel, R, Luutaoy, A, Meyer, G. Wahner. Part II-E. stauffe , J. Swarm Part I-M, ShantzJI. Relliuger. Mr Geo. In ;l’s were visiting, in Woolwich . . . . DST M. Israel " attend. ing grand wedding-ear Heidelberg J. niise HenlGufer was visiting friends in the neighborhood. VILLAGE CocFciuu- Our village fathers were assembled in council the other night. All the members were present. The‘mayor in the chair. The fhst important business was the cow by-law. After auspirited discussion it was 'Resolved,' that in the opinion of this council no ratepayers of this burgh should be allowed to turn on Her M ajesty’s reserved pasture lands more than one cow and that all Cows which do not see fences must be .well hood, winked. The next business was the voting on the 26th. After mnsidcr- ing all the. pros and cons it was unan- imously carried that 'whereas' Mr J. N. Sipes is the nominee of the farmers and laborers of the S. It. of Wale: loo and that this council always sees fit to endolse candidates who are willing to cast votes only for the benefit at the mas-es, we hereby pledge ourselves to use all legitimate means to poll every vote in this burg in favor of the Patron Candidate. _ Dr. Lackner vaccinated 56 in this school last Wednesday.. Sure arms are all the go.. .Mr. H. Lind~ey put a new roof on his barn. . ' .The majumy of our people took in the Camp Meet- ing, and the dedication last Sunday .. . .A political meeting in favor of the Patron Candidate was held in Mannheim last Friday evening. The. platform Was well explained by Me. Sipes and convinced same of the strongest old Reformers that parLyism him its death strugg‘e. No doubt Mannheim will 'oil a. heavy vote for J.N. tiipes.-1uxli' for Sip s. Mr. Wm. Strachan and Huber of Baden spent Sundav in town. . . .So also did Mr. and Miss Oman of Top- ping, guests of Mr. R C. Clarke v. S. . . . .Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hammond oil, Wellesley were guests of Mr Snowfall Weir. . . . Mr. Henry Rial is indis-l posed but improving slowly. . . .M r. Wm. Campbell of con. 9 is raising a. barn. . . . Mr. Hugh Scrachan is putting up a large bank barn . . ' . Mr. Donald Jack has a. large silo erected. . . .Mr. Wm. Young, con. 7, Wellesley, has made quite an improvement. around his residence. . . .Tho Methodist Gar- den Party 18 to be held on Wednesday in Mr. Ribter’s orchard. Come all waves and sweethearts A band will enliven all. . . .Are Morniuttton people too well read or/too well posted on current events from a political stand- point that we are ignored entirely in respect of meetings by either of the candidates? Let. us mjoy part of the meat as well a the bone. We will give tair play to all. S. Meyer all! Paris Groen chap, nicely may in boxes. the planning bottles and nus, n rhtttt prion. ' "thm .BoArtts,---Tt become! my pin- ful duty to upon: on the coalition at our roads. The ' from Baa-lam tf Berlin in in I horrid condition. In it thunk“ work thit gins o! tu wtttAtmra"sra. IIIIIIIIIII. Mr. Joseph N. Moyer, Mm w-, and Miss Mayer from new St. C thar. iueo Ime rum-nod home. . . .Mn.Miil- oer of Welarvt Co. but ne'urued home after two wwh’ visiting here. lrr four on” They mm- im-dm‘l for expnrt . . . aciwpligu hwrunm Mid Milita- MU 'wominu vary th‘ck. . . . .A BOW: of peopba from no“ KNIU‘h awe-Ewing I WON Rut Ibrliu. . . . .0109- in this vicinity "a Making we". TM [mm crop win nut he heavy Ind Im'bo'irivi Almost. a hi "e'. . . . so. Jacobs. The St. Jacobi town pie-nie will he held on Friday, June 29th . .Lcut w: ek 4 callondu of chlP, and on Tuetsday a osrtomd of hours in? shipmd frum ths, and». here. . . .Mr. "het Mrs Henry GoI~el of E "wood, vim: the gut-MA of Mrs. M. U. Bownmnnn Sund y. Htev. Ph Wuotur, Mn. Winkler, and Miss Alvina. Rhine] sant. " few My: lmt week in Wnlluca. viruting M, Mr. Fuel Betider's....Mrs. Fred Mam-r. uf Strntf'ml, and Mus Mary Lan'z, M \V-otprloo wore the gum-ls of their sis. ter, Mrs. Wm. 1iotflut, On Sunday .. .. Mrs. Flluinger left on Monday for Southampton, where she will spend a week visiting faiendu. . . .Mr. and Mrs mm. Bruhnchvr m re all Baden (w: r Sunday....Mr. Henry Herr, and his daughter, M r3. Hulwrmehlpf the Cum- dinn settlelunut, Kuwait, were Visiting friends in town this week. New Dundee. Actuul work has begun 0n the, erect- ion of a new school house. Mr. Wun. der thnn the nimnwoik on Tuesday of but week . . . .00 Thursday but Mr. Anthony Wunder was On his way to Dundee seated on a wheelbarrow placed on a had of lumber. His horse. gui- an unexpe3ted jerk throwing him from the Waggon and infrteting serious inter. ml injuries . . . .The Preston junior foot-hull team visited our Village and on Saturday last and defeated our jun- iors by 2 to 0. This is the first defent our boys Gee sustained. . _ ,Our Senior foot-bull te4ttt intends to visit Ayr on Thursday Honing to play a friendlv came with the Shamrocks. . . .Mr. ti. Yundt and Miss A Knuli'man met with an accident on their “my to camp- mvetiug.on Sunday lust. Au they Were passing Another rig on the Berlin mad an ux‘a broke pending the wheel into a feuce corner and In! the top Mu up it is a mystery how the occupnii'u of the buggy “up? Without nwm animus injury. Mr. omit pluckily clung to the horse which dungvvl him it .lmrt distance, We are. glad to henr that new" r was seriously iijuied. . . .M P. Tom Matheson is digging a well for w. ‘S, Bowden. When a depth ot 20 feet l wan reached a strong gnu arose making in im oesdrle for Mr. Matheson' to re. main at the l‘ott-om of the veil. It soon became so tilled that a light. could not be kept burning below about eight feet, Various mews were employed to absorb the. poium without success. At last a pair of hiacksmith'u bellows were placed at this top and a W"' pipe conn- ected lending to the bottom of the ex- caution. By this means fresh uir wads pumped down and Mr. Minimum was able to proceed. For first class and cheap sum of clothe s, cull M. V. R. Berlet's. Mias Holmes former rem-her in our school is paying her many friends here a short visit on her way from Toronto Modrl On her Louie in Clinton. . . Ali. Y. Fo, E-q., and Dr. Binghnm of Waterloo were in towu'lut Sunday, . Miss Nellie Pollock and Miss Edith Boomer, uccompnnid by Mrs J, B.Poll- och of Toronto visited in Berlin int Sundnymhe guests of the Mines Boom. er. . . . Mr. Chm. Fraser of Berlin mp» plied for Rev. Crawls Inst Sunday at Linwood, Zion 3nd Hnwksville. . . . Quite) number of our citizens spent Sunday in Berlin attending the even- ing services of the Germ-m Methodist church, And also the we“ Mennonite ramp-meeting held in the grove II short dissuade fron Berlin. . . .3111. A.Spnhr is on n visit to her dnughwr Mrs. Y. M. 1TIt,', in Waterloo,.' . . .Miu Bar- ‘barn allock . on the“ " thin ml 1 and but. for t'syil'll'i'dli'G'i hot unit- Mrs. Hugh Rennie of Newton paid the inmatu of Maple Hunt . short vinit on their wny homo in Waterloo. . Mr. and Mn. Robs. Rove. npont. Sand-y with their niece Mm E. Thomas in Bloomingdtle. . . .Tho Hired “ford have ”and an s (In. Iuking top in who won My valued by His- thyat? W» the “of Mr. "F. Bim4ryttena.td, now the Tratege " in we! a! Lin-null and Jttlt ....Il'i_J. B. 1hteteeamet'. :1; mimic. Hill TizatiPaosiit, things would be a t ataudatiti. . . .lezlnd Linwood. WHOLE NUMBER 20.M :Winduw Screens” Screen Doors __'" Folding Damp Stools. 25c each, l l LANG t; 0038 for $1.50. Roller Blinds l , For Totchers " ml at hers at thuI'a-ulrul 'Urmtttemn 1 ul- Irma l'm nrr loot' and Howard b'treet, Toronto lmlIw-Iuollbly (‘nnmlu’n “nun-u (unmwn-lnl school In PPMiuII ttte tttrttits \unr. Ppumai , lu‘uhrn tor r,itmrtterch-rc. lt rite fur mm SUMMER lnr. . . .Beforn doing to pumps no" week two mor" hunt-e in town will hp“ as ONK. .Mr. Mar-ml] of llwlin has ortFrl- ed up a photograph gallery in Fried mom's lull . . . ..\lr. C llviquhuon aun- mined to a surgical npm-utinn for an internrd abscess. lust WW k, wlnm w.» d skillfully and wueesssfullv pstrrorwed by nur local M. Ir, Dr. Mslimlu rn unmist- ed by Dr. Morton, of “‘rllw-va, since which tune he ie much nuwr and his condition we Ml‘e ph-ed to HIV mud: more hopeful-INV. r' W. Crow-la is also somewhat improved. Mr. D. Henrv, bltulutnitb, intends moving to Dorking. . ' . During a ttrun, dear storm last Wtrk, the houw or Mr. John Wuttson,'I'p, (lleak, was "trur k by lightening. Conmidertxlde 1lrtmau,rra Ma, done tn a cliumey um] tho roof. . . . Miss Jennie 1).,wd imam“ lwvéng home for the, summer. Jennie will be much missed. . . .Mr. Hugh Jack sold hit Mn chem-w at. oi' emu, hung a. fraction abnw the “may? price. fume-biog", The happiest man in town this week is Allan Goo" unto whom a son w” born a few days ago. . . .Mr John Ken- zie W18 laid In his but rrstirtur-ra on the 11. inst , after a lingwluu "hm-w of sown weeks. . . ' V. (Irwrlwin was through here on them” hum wuh Lox”: i"sttsufftte lust Moxyhy. INir.ther they caught Anything we cnmmt w). Mr. Abs. HH)’: p'uning' mill Ln arrived Ind will he set In» in a few days. . . :Mr. Solnmnn Hun; r mow-d imo Mr. Bergman's home. Arrangements hive been completed to ban. lugs amount of private and 0".an Funds on stthelow mteot5to6perotmt. SHA W & ELLIOTT. Principah Good quality compiete, To fit any ordinary window, Me ea With hinges complete. NOTICE. Town Property Farm Property MONEY TO LOAN (Continual on Sth Page PER CENT. IRE ---AttD- Burl“. " "huh- te -AT-- 500 each. SESSION " t IO [LIP It

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