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Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 14 Jun 1894, p. 5

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ur levy; f‘illinery. the Season hu. nd for the ICE. RTED. AY Snap inlfifitnl)ll, Chocolates Hun; ind Ru Beriin Arm 'i.,,-) local wheelmen are “In: ot' : ”in; in the C.W.A. meet ft “mum, and it is likely that 4 or " t' than w1l’. gm. They will join the _iar'vy,c'rrvrutrtr hr the century run 3"“? C'fhuurg to Kingston, and take 'me men frum Ihwnce to Montreal. Aryt lt 'ho --.1l WHY '? Creams. Ttth' \\ Li H 'Al, N EWS. A|\ TO AUVERTISERS ("K I' , GROCERS. “HR (:Ctioncry trade is in- :zxaning daily. all " ‘HU IFF' our goods are frv~ll,ttnd we keep H'ri but the best on ', we :ululnCt‘d on account c"nru' but. New Hasentlug , "r., m itt lw- per dozen. xvi-m fur teachers and V " 'tl tho tialt BUS!- ', ol Shnrthmul Institute, NN HT" fur rirculnr. ,l. P. Hauck, pastor of .rugwiwll church, moved [r"lr r' nu Weber St., lately ll, .l‘u'nh Srnebler, St'. l', Nlitlcr has ereeted,at ‘ fw-wy, a large frame ' t" m a storehouse for / _ mmw from the dry. All must be left " this of6ee 1 Saturday noon. The 16% must be lefr not lute Bury. Fetherstonhaugh 'ln- tennis club go to mum-noon to measure rim-e of Berlin's crack . Ivunii club there opens in with a tea and this f (,",tt attractions. I of p-nhy is i-, of the v‘mllwd at "Eden Villa." '~11xI|-_(lnst. » '_il Snider, Pete Sherk Cum loft yesterday for a r.1hv, with friends at. ‘ wus" will be kept on [ " u.» all their return. l,. llr-w Parsonage of the ~11, Waterloo, will be Ft vys when tenders will ' building will be a. ,unrated on corner of li, stivets. vn. Casual Advertises. 1p to noon Wednesday ot' Waterloo has let the um‘ pavement on King r x hiebel's store to uvvry, to the Silica 3m 0f Ingersoll, who r.) build the walk very uul Waterloo Caven- nf which Mr. w. H. President, was very i that the town will 'tt ALCl‘t'S of land for fmm Messrs. John My is expressed by vt' thrs Prev. and Mrs. Hr death of their sth evening, after a In on freight are ttt'ss' places: Lip- ', No. 2'20; Dr. and bi. H. Good, real. Schlute and uw added tele ---ht great nigh-id. ud- B-nis. "l A Vinson: to Montreal will take plsoornexc F11" mwm 1 day, 15th inst. Comm! mi ---Mr. Geo. 1Gaesdlug has greatly improved the from. of his grocery store by the free me of paint. -The general sections of the peace were held on Timothy and Wednesday " Berlin. The grand jury found true bills ageinsc Henry Weir and Adam Bowman for burglary and theft, and reported the geol in good order. Both Weir and Bowman were found guilty and were sentenced to 5 and 7 years respectively in the Kingston peniten- tiary. --County Council will meet for the despatch of business on Tuesday next. We understood last week that in con. sequence of the nomination of candi- dates for the Local Legislature on the 19ch inst. that the Council would meet a week earlier. Two or threemembers of the council are aspirants for parlia- mentary honors and will want who present at the nominations in their res- pective ridings.- --hfr. Jame Glennie of Woolwich who sailed from Montreal 8. short time ago with a shipment of farmers’ fat cattle has cabled home his safe arrival in England and of the disposal of the cattle at an average price of 42 cents per pound. Next Saturday another shipment of 200 head will Jw shipped from Waterloo to London, Eng., in charge of Mr. William who will be ac- companied by E. Cummings and A.W. Devitt. -...A lady will sometimes spend hours selecting dress goods. She is not de. sirous of giving trouble at all Buy there are conflicting claims. There are considerations of durability, of texture, of draping. Priestley's dress fabrics have reached a niche in the popular esteem when conflict ceases to vex. It is enough to get Priestley's black dress goods to feel confident that you have the best. They wear better than any other make. W.crrr:D AT ONcr:.-Girl to run gewlug machine Apply to Mrs. w, ll. Coggeshtyll, Waterloo Lost-- Lady’s silver watch and chain. Finder will be rewarded by leaving it at Bricker & Diebel's Store.-tt Wowrn IsvrysTysA'rvic.---A splendid opportunity open for a smart, energetic man to make money. Address, Box 332, Waterloo, Ont. M Woor, --1 am prepared to take wool at the highest market price cash, or exchange for woolen goods, of which I have a large stock and variety. Cust- om work in all its branches promptly executed. H. M. Brubacher, Baden WoolenMills. 5t ItosFutr:Ity up sr:.umAsi.--The hap- piest man in theororld today is Lord Rosebery, for he has won the Derby, and has thereby a stronger grip on the Premiership than ever. But he isn't Gliso big a figure as our own Joe Seagram, who has won Canada’s Derby four times in succession. --Toronto Star. Bcrw,L.uurs.-Oa Friday night or Saturday morning an entrance was forced into the oltice of Mr. Jacob Kaufman's factory and an unsuccessful attempt. made to npen the safe. On Saturday or Sunday night burglars gained an entrance intl the factory of Simpson & Company and robbed the till of a small sum of money. Mu. RasTos's LravcRE.--/Ihe lect- ure delivered by Mr. A. H. Benton in the Methodist church on Monday even- ing under the auspices of the ladies' Aid wee fairly well attended. The subject chosen by the lecturer, “Curi- one People and Curiosity" was dealt with in a very able manner and dis, played an amount of research in the various fields of human knowledge that was truly wonderful when we consider that this was the lecturer's "maiden" effort. The lecture conveyed much useful information and was lit up with frequent sallies of wit that kept the audience in great good humor. At the conclusion the speaker was tendered a hearty vote of thanks which he suit- ably wknowledged. C. E. Cosvssrros.-The County Convention of Christian Endeavorers will be held in Waterloo, on Friday, J uue 22nd, commencing nt 2 p. m. in the Presbyterian church. An address -.. , . Lg AL- I)-.. UIIC L IWVJ vv- -â€"_- of welcome will be given by the Rev. John McNair, B. A. The President, Rev. J.C. Stevenson, will then address the meeting followed by a, number of addresaes by County Endeavorers and interspersed with music by the com- bined choirs of the Presbyterian and Methodist churches. A free parlin, meat will be eondngted by B. W. Dillon, M. A. of Toronto: At six o'clock to. will be served in the Meth- odist church to the visiting endeavor- ers. The evening sessionwill he held in the Methodist church when shlo addresses will be given by the Rev. Mr. Rudy of Ayr, 'pNfiritrlt B.A.,ofPr¢ton-.ndR. .Dillon. M. A. An inure-ting fut-mo of a. ovo- vioes in v“ Ill _ . 'ee' Lsipetiwtetn'te. n " i, ")s q the Wat-rho atiiiiiiiiiliiuAia Compcn'y- unwind}; "arutestid lower 'nddreued to that Cu... bearing the To. ronto post and: and omtuining n 8100 bank bill and an hvelope on which was printed with _ n pen “piano ne- 2rtt: in the Globe "and nothing else. e are informed by the Man- ager of the Company that the desired tsclrrtowledgemerft has been made. LAWN b'ocuL.--A grand lawn social will be held at the residence of Mr. N. S. Bowman, Conestogo, Tuesday even- ing, 10th inst. The affair promises to be the event of theieaaon and a. most enjoyable time may be expected. The proceeds will be applied in the payment of a number of improvements made in the Methodist church at that place. A cordial invitation it extended to all. Misusrrm's srArrosrm.-The follow- ing are the ministers stationed on the Galt (liqtrict. according to the hns1 draft made, the Guelph Conference at Goderich ash week :-Galt, John G. Scott: Berli ,John Scott, M. A., (chairman) ; Waterloo, James A. Me- Lochlin M. A. ; PréstonJabez W'ass, Thos. P. Perry ; Hpspeler, W. H. Har- vey, ll, A, ; Elmira, Joseph S. Colling, (Sec'y) New Hamburg,Walter E. Tre- leaven ; Wellesley, F. W. Crowle,B.A., (Linwood.) Miss ymyu,r:rt's L'oNcurRT,--The con- cert given by Miss Detta Ziegler in the Town Hall, Berlin, on Thursday even- ing last, was well patronized by the music loving people of the sister towns The programme was a varied one, con. sisting of solos, male and female quart- ettes and a mi xed doublcquartotte. Miss Dunlop, a young lady just entered on her teens and a pupil of Mr. Harold Jarvis of Detroit sang with fine ex- pression in her rich, contralto voice, “The Lord is mindful of His owa" and in response to an enthusiastic recall she sang "Sleep, my little one, sleep." la the second part she sang a "May _ Song" and "Savior, breathe an evening blessing" in response to an encore. Miss Detta Ziegler who is always a favorite with a Berlin audience sang in er usual charming' style "Cauzouetta" and in response toyt hearty encore sang the old favorite “The last rose of sum. mer." ThehuarttttestT.teiuytehord" and “The Kerry Dance" by the young ladies' quartette,'the Misses Ziegler and Miss Pritchard and Bean, were very effective, the voices blending beautiful- ly and the balance of parts being well preserved. The quartettes by Messrs. Raymo, Shantz, Meyer and Chamber- lain were also very effective and were heartily encored. Mr. Leslie Staebler played a number of selections on the piano in good form and Miss Bowman performed the duties of accompanist in a very satisfactory manner. The programme was concluded with a num- ber of group posings which were done in a very graceful manner by a group of Berlin's fairest daughters and won the hearty plaudits of the audience. A meeting of subscribers to the Hospital was held on Wednesday even- ing of last week, at the Higlf School Hall. Reports were re"ceived from the canvassing committees of the two towns which were of a. highly favorable char- acter. In the absence of Sheriff Springer Mr. Wm. Hendry was asked to preside. The following resolution was passed and the secretary instruct- ed to forward the same to Mr. Seag- Thst the Berlin-Waterloo Hospital Socie- ty st this its first meeting gratefully acknow- ledge the liberal gift‘Of the Gt.eenbuih pro. t'tt m gent; iFiiihG' 'Y.. Seagrnm, FM., tithe Berlin-Waterloo [despite] Trust on the sole condition that the oepital be erected free of debt. The Hospital Society thoroughly feels the obligations under which ithu been placed by Mr. Sugrem by. gift of such magnitude and the cheerful manner in which it has been donated and hereby elects Joseph E.Seagrnm, Kuhn life member of the Board of Trustees. - Carried unnnimoully. The following, trustees were elected for the year 94-5 : Berlin-William Hendry, J .S. Anthes, J .M. Steebler, W.R. Travers,August Lang,A,Mueller, LJ. Breithaupt and John Fennel. Waterloo-Geo. Randall. sen , John Shuh, Jas. Lockie and C. Kumpf. Mr. H.J. Gruett of Waterloo and Mr. C. E. Hoffman of Berlin were elected auditor? ftr the ensuing year vii; iCiiiirii liimctors met aitUr the general meeting of subscribers and elected Mr. Geo, Iyyndtll Prxsaident, Mr. John Fennel Irice-Pretsideat, and A. Mueller Secretary. The Board resolved itself intoa com- mittee to wait upon the County Coun- iiiiTiiGoueit kid from this towards the Hospital. There will be special service in St. Louis’ B. C. churbh here, on Sunday next st. 3 p. m/when his Lordship Bishop Doairtstttend?d try the Rev. Dr. Beau, and r priests, will blots I statue of St. p. Beatles tho eer - -- . _-_.-, ___1 I Mtge of " A1131. Beside! the cen- olnony, fa incl! cry impulsive and interatingrths op, who is widely knownuebo ' . tongued orator ot the Cttholio _ ' pm in Canada willdoliv’ur It!" ft. "ee?.! " Hospital Matters. 5.355 Visit. an all “that Mia Anthea of was?!» attended the wedding of Mian mgtktos Mr. Edwin! Cooper of 7 Guelph oertNeahry the 12th inst. _ . Mr. and Mrs. Ph. NW, Baden, spent. Sunday in town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Niergarth. Mrs. J. Ritz was spending a few days in N ew Hamburg, visiting friends and relatives. The Rev. Gideon P. Macklin and family of Germantown, Ohio, have come to spend a. mind: amongst friends in the Province and will visit the principal places of interest in the Dominion. Mr. Wm, Young, of town, who was unfortunate in breaking his leg, was out; on crutches this week. . Miss Killer, of \Vaterloo, is visiting Miss Nellie Jackson, of Liverpool gt.-- Guelph Mercury. Mr, Arthur Pequegnat went to Neustadt and Port Elgin on his bicycle from where he will go to Elmwood to attend the Conference of the German Canadian Baptists. Rev. R. Atkinson, of Berlin, ac- companied by four other clergyman of the county, left this evening for St. John’s, N.B., for the purpose of " tending a. Presbyterian assembly in that province. Mrs. J. E. Seagram,Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. J. Hespeler will leave for a visit to friends at Winnipeg the latter end of this week. Mr. Menno Weber and ' the Misses Weber of Elmira spent 'vi'yttndtsy.U Mr. A.E. Devitt's, town. Mr. Walter W.Walton of Teronto spent Sunday with friends in Waterloo. Mr. Joe Sander and Mrs Isaac Clemens of Preston visited at. Mr. M. Devitt's last Saturday, _ Mrs. John Schmitt of Detroit is visiting friends in town. Mr. Marshall Neill, baggage man on the Elmira, Toronto train, and Mrs. Neill spent Sunday with Geo. Hosea- flug's, Mr. Chas. Ruby will visit Toronto on Friday to absorb some of the fine music to be discoursed at the Massey Musical Festival. Dr, and Mrs. Webb left on Tuesday afternoon for a. week's sojotfrn in Gotham. The Dr, will attend the Life Insurance Medical Directors' Ar sociation. Mr. E. King Dodds of Toronto was in town yesterday, the guest of Joseph E, Seagram, Esq. T Mr. C. A. Winter, the indefatigable l secretary, has at last completed all ar- rangements for the third annual ehoird excursion, and circulars will be sent out this week giving full particulars. The date fixed is Thursday. July 19th, and the place Sarnia. Trains will be run from Elmira, Guelph, Brussels. Wingham, Hespeler and Galt via Har- risburg. Brantford, Goderich, Cayuga via St. Thomas, and Chatham. The number taking part in the grand char, uses this your will fall little short of 2000, led by the magnificsnt band of the Waterloo M. S. There will be com- ‘potitions between mixed choruses of not less than forty nor more than sixty voices and between male'choruses , of not less than sixteen nor more than twenty-four voices. We understand that already five or six choruses have entered for competition. The gathering promises to be the greatest musical and social event ever held in Canada. The Sarnia people have united and are working like Trojans to make ample preparations to welcome and entertain the visiting choirs and their friends. The town and grounds will be beauti- fully decorated and a right royal wel. come given the visitors. Write C. A. Winter, Waterloo, Ont., for circulars stiving full particulars. The hnndmme new church edifice erected by the Evangelical Minion on Weber street, Berhn, will be called Zion church. The dedication will take place on Sunday, 17th inert., when ser- mons will be preached by Bishop Escher in German and by Bishop Bowmen in English. Rev. Nelson Burns and the Rev. A. Tmax were both deposed from the Methodist ministry at the recent ses- diam of the Guelph and Nhgara Con. ference for teaching the doctrine M the infallible guidance of the Spirit as be. mg out of harmony with the teachings of the Methodist Church. i-teh"' 3'. a; qtot Goes Down. l- bmvmk'enonahfo let - Wer ttttnt down, Foe my." kindred W 5.ti'lt,% - down. With I Friaoret,itry The Choirs' Excursion. -it'eéttteimdttq w. O.T. Tr., Corner. Uhurcn items. " QUALITY TERMS PRICE and all musical fpittt needles for all Se . achines and omuttles, partsandre- _ . m pairs, sold by J, L CLEMENS ' (h, BERLIN. Ladies’ Capes and Mantles. Call and see them. SILKS and DRESS GOODS we cannot be beat. We sell that Why do you pay 500 for same goods ? Noted cheap cash store. J ll. CLEMENS ' (Ill, CORSET Ladies' WE HAVE THEM. Dongola, turned, 'with or without tips, at. 81.25, $1.50, $1.75 up to 83.00. Machine sewed at 900 and 8r,00. Have you seen the latest? The Prettiest Shoe in Our Store is the "New York Tie" with cloth top. It must. be seen to be Hr- predated. Voelker Bros., KING- ST-.. - BERLIN. It is our "J uliette," a ladies’ gaicer, but low eat, like an Oxford, with a. patent leather tip. Very stylish. Stanford m..., NowBunburz Petersburg.- Been....,.... Brecht: ...-r.' Toronto...-. We are Leaders in G. A. Wanless, v- A“, thting Machines. Violins, Guitars, Comets, Flutes, Aecordtsonss, Mouth Organs, Strings, Trghtttttl2l,ti'te'fi Tothe . i,ittoiostoete0eadistg iNrttiGdnedosm. ",lt1fll1'dl'lJ'ln',t', or Bttgt ma o,5trd,'l1lldurf1,l'ld1"lur t.:e,utttt2r; 'ie,iihettg'ttf, ' Elven!!! A thshi-irttr . _ hump-Mn. . .' ‘. aoearrrmitPertts" i _ (mutant)? Railway Time Table. Grand Trunk Railwa- GOING EAST. hiiauie, ‘Low, ..... -.-t005 am ..... "ti2t01100 GOINGWIST. A.Mia.M.P.M. .....nm 820100 ..... 2031053 316 ..... 2121110 no ..... 2861124 341 ..... 2341132 '" ..... “our! 868 o...'. 3151305 no Oxfords at 39ets., " mgh, NGEAST. h Act. A.M. A. M. p.14. v.11 ofl 520 t155 - 420 TA) our - 921 - 444 806 Yo -- no - 449 816 an -- on --. 450 320 m 010 955 330 510 an --t005 840 518 854 83012201100 7401140 (Tr 06mm A.M. A.M. that. EU. RI. 1130 no 100 425 01.5 -- 2001053 310 050 354 2121110 no 700 002 2201114 341 722 - 23411:: 348 780 - 24011:: as no ---- 0, 3031305 490 so: - Waterloo. Ladies’ 1 ', _ a ' White ( -riii,,, UNDERWEAR, ", INFANTS' ROBES and all home made and of the best material can be had at CNCER,EI. CEiEER/IU"5r'Ei1 SPORTING -:- GOODS Tennis Goods (Balls and Rackets). Lacrosse Sticks we keep on hand and extensively and sell cheap, Arrowwnnna llammucks and others. Fine assert. meat. Cheaper than ever. ---- - - A, _ ----- ,4 . - n. , nu -1 3,, AA...“ n2... _ .... "u. nnl‘ -WALL 'PAPERS, the Largest Stock, Cheapett in town. See our 10e Papers, and Gilts at 200, with Borders to match. Millinery! Millinery! putatively low prices. Our Spring Minimal; undfancy noveluea are of and American designs and styles. In our show rooms now, We show a, larger vari, town. Orders are taken and filled daily with the g HARDWARE - AND - TINWARE You'll be astonished at the low prices we are selling, wood and oil stoves, home-made tinware, granite ware, white ware and Marge stock of cheap factory tinware. Come to To take fi,hrt,X't ot Local Agnew 'Good open- ing for ng t memon an " commission. Whole or part pime. We are e only growers of both Canadian and American stock. Nur. series " Ridgevllle Ont.: and Rochester. New York. mtritors GiUiGii; at gg,"gft (Sundays excepted.) .Bt quick end w he foe full intor. mation. We went you now. (This Home is a reliable. “004110.003 O A SURE CURE FOR DIPHTHERIA. SINCE an Introduction of Dr. Rich'- Dirh. and: Gun that ton-{No mung, In. bun n lung-d It. It tgt,r,",t, fl, It . 7" gth'l.T PMs “when have 'rieiilii, moth. YiiiGifiirioaFho, t page" that In” ho. mod an new , hr dim-I- um Not. 'iftentlllr, 'ttthoes the m. m M. ..,A!_'“._._ Pet .;:titefeeg,et W. Ho. BECKER & COT, l Wonderful Iligantry. FANCY GOODS STORE; KING ST., WATERLOO MAN WANTED is expressed on every hand at the barge, ASTONISHMENT W. H. Becker & Co's Bookstore. HOHMEIER & LEITCH, Come and be Convinced. C. Steuernagel. ucoy A 19Aro' Miilinh andfancy novelties are of first class English, French KING- ST., :Erm:EUraTi2T.. known BROS CO., Toronto, Ont. table. Inc. Co., Paid Capital walk: 0-" h Rt At bottom Prices, at Waterloo, and be astonished CHILDRENS PINAFORES, show a. larger variety than ever before in this ad dailv with the greatest success and at mm- 18 0N HAND ANY one wawmphdng putting in RACK LINERS would o well to examine PIOVAS'B' “I!“ before purchasing our where. These are very much hudier ind not nearly tro. gunning; Ye allow pegple to we um“, av “may"... 77 - ____ , . them and it not named to remove them u we gunnnwe mstitrfaestiott. Our unlocdcr took the Medal at the World's "tr what I“ comm " tttart,',',',','",', unload". re hare 100 wu- mon ' m fer-Iona in the County who me using roar pn paler} We gondder Lac "Pt t, 'll figfiviwmmw 'iTaDC1317Bfi1dLM: MISS ANNIE BEAN, URL of A. B. - the Toronto can." mum at Music. Wot Leipdc,00rmy TO FARMERS. Wm OIL New Stock of 3c and v; 'rt

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