btt,'1'tlr,', on ask for --" 'r EEK-{f 2itFi't ts uric- Mt the pug. j the {meat tl6 a “(It aeamtr rthc retailer mince you to her in order my make a an? Tobacco t plug t plug '. plug l’IlAs‘r. £TREAL. PLUG lye: They 'ointer t Uu-m to the!!! from t Priest. AU.'S CURE es trVo >~~~~r vim-sham) i! tl of an honest stirs" ©© tti tsy hrutP de ttoir--3lii POPULAR H-i the Item mt things, tull. Cir i',rti 'tn' the old short. nwle-y. _i)ut so? ist My?†lunkard'n nth " than to i which Jttllt UH that no i-.Alti- luxury '. mal l, 1H than -Tnl- BOUNTY AND Ill8ffllil'f. ui tg t Q" P" “new PM .‘MIHFP here'. mom I'l If Jter ll' ‘W'dr nr-c F I ‘ mm .‘wc-‘iun No. [Spray- _ -' i i': . In Pvis' a Bylaw and; , -. l' 'rt r.' "w fur Twelve Hundred1 ’ ', 's' __ [t fur the erect/inn of 8; 'r,' â€VIN-'1‘" in the said section. “ r' Mum“ ot' Linc school trustees oil ‘ 'IPO -‘""1"H No. 13 was grar.teu,antr, f' "~-:c::~r Aits instructed to preparel "U"" "“vll'} “y-an to that effect, i T':, '.! â€HUN- appointed at the last!, TV") "I "Hum-i1 to inspect. thebridger ,l. '\'.I.3:;un Suhi‘ifeley's farm reported â€atâ€? iound smut-Of the joists and Pym“ 1n mm] of being replaced and I Sm tltr instamvted the Reeve to have F _ l '1.'iessaey repairs made. i mayâ€; hming yohscrilrd the oath of i “A .the Council went, into a Court of m l8lott “Dd Appeal on the Assm )[entlkolls for the current year with r: Wt“)? Walker in the chtir. uiet: examining the Rolls and hear- Q (i211 {tppesls the Council mun-ad eport:-.., 81mm made the following , the Reeve and P1\nnn:' " ,,,_,) v :vur your: or MM!) and titiltiiioiiiirriie'5ir7ir, u- ~121ng Assessing“ Rolls to: the Mtino, a in? 'xyeitueytl “0.29.0 'ieh mutHi the Assam" moat iutil -- To; iili, ttey,,, ted 'sonata-d the WI. ii talt B. “maria: M10095 Zuhd. . 'ldxt,',t'.t' fhnnombohkn. like; .3â€. myru 3‘ M In an“ Ctid" GLiGi ._- I. irll2, tklines (3100).! an an.» 'Fttttatgttut"trtr. _ . loo Lulu for but. Insuc.) . . In mum. -M r. Slwnk’s new I am is 4; uanr way, the most of the nutcr- is ti,rttr' now and Hm work Li rapid- puVH‘I torarard. The lleixLImrhood hath“ f'rr' right Mud to, Mr. Shank .I .n lt j'lt it, to "H. m? y " " .5\ f,',rmr Court of Rovision Ind ', i,n Mr. Er.ra CPD°FS ot _ , Il ch, " whiting lrlvlldl \ .7 trr' "o'"y to harm that. his _ 'r' nf 1h" “PM and vs hope " ',_Cht. , .mbvi an a r ot ' M In» pwf-rctly m2 "rain. ' will: Hum} our tnnhw on Moses Humpmgvr‘s of Swth A. K. Devitt's of Bruin. S. .f S'rusburg. Cdlers-Eern ("-0. Suhncllwr. E. Lieble', J. Il Littler. wt, pursume that mud kevp his talking machine l; mil .....\ non; the guests (m) trunk we notice! his :rwm ,orashurg,5fr. Dar,. Eby’l .LUH, Wm Spiesman'a of Pree. l srntfer's of Berlin and Hen- I. _wa Patrons had a crowd-{ Int I‘ri-hy evening, and judgn 3.. “my they expressed them- " 4n- mon- determined than' rrr", lirp, Hipes. That i, right . UNI“ how ts the time to work. 'rt I.“ l f u'ruturr'iug and emu-1 t', ul hm! limes, etc. The W 1. to wuwdy the existing, ' ',s 1H mxr power to do it. Last .7 iLs’ t PM: melt that are oot, m1 mu} fun? to the o'd parties ', 'mtruy such "an that will .7. n mwuurr-s tint brvcetit the) ",itrtrtorcy'thvferLtowr1 with l T Hui anumpolies. Uul’ com-l, nu- rulrd the counfry too My and thjrn.ers and labor-; H Reeve and Council ot Wool. " Allll"l Centre I! h Km H slat. was received from rvrury vi the Prosincial h. vriutins,' to tlu, prev- 1.“ in 1litferent coun- " arthntion to the Act In ' accinations. 'r/ls rt.tvived from the ll nu n! his old trade mt not for long he if lL‘Alh'y lev't tn. Mr. J. [ w oiour lac-d cporta 'd mt] cache! of tish an ," mm timv they go .- H --m not td fall in lr~xr:1 that. it is not the bHr ot' them have b,llen A nr' the, village was so f vtw 2."rrd, by falling tlst, he had Iv be tak, dd)" We are pleased :A- to ie, around again , ' tits' visitors from u tr irc,. were unable to f' .. Emluwing morning' ' :, >ny rain Saturday ‘bsxwhwr, wpresentlng rs." Hum Co, place“; 's t 41-1xuiorgmx which, “w Arter's home with llc. I) Christner in [m yam; musicians has "m Mum n tine instru-, 'l I Ir; m Co., of Wood-' .ml~t~ «by that If the) mun tsdir. a cGnge it?r, ...1 Hwn‘ wheels at. a 1:1! \‘HHIII‘ it take a) Why wouid only sell} _Mr. Jun. Bechthold l . I \fwnt Sunday with ' _,,"ihrt Misses tieimoC ' F ,-.. I'm- gllphts oi 31 iss, _ i' My and Monday. too mhlp Count" M v ours Nanci! of the Town. nut at SLJncnbs on Ly,, INâ€, pur- 'ttt from last session, tr chair. ‘ ttaward tcilers m w“ .1. were REPORT. ': We, your committee on roads and bridges on the east side of the Grand _ River, best to reporf that. we tvet a com. mittee of Woolwich Township Council ', on the township line near the farm of LGeorge Schell, And would recommend ‘1 that the sum of 8100 be granted to be Pxpendud on the township line. provid- ing the Council of Woolwich Township grant an equal amount. , The: Aasessoru wisre paid an ful‘ows l --Joseph B. Snyder, 850; Yost o. Strain, 832; William Mung", $57; Isaac Hilborn, 842; Michael Maurer, $34. 1n regardito the circular received from the Secretary of the Provincial Board of Health, the Clerk was in. structed to send out circulars to every head of a family in the Township, call. ing attention to said Act and asking them to hive their children or all per- sons in their care“ vaccinated and that for the convenience of the public the following persons were appointed pub- lic vaccinators for the Township of Woolwich ..---Dr. Grant of Conestoga for Divisions Nos. 1, 2 and 7; Dr. I'. M. Romnsnn of St. Jacobs for Nos. 3 and 'r, Dr. Ullyot of Elmira for No. 4; Dr. W. 0. Robinson of tit. Jacobs for Ail parties not able. to pay for vacci- nating otall present themselves to the doctor of their respective subdivision for vaccination and the several doctors shall give all such persons complying with the law a certificate that the vac- cination has been successful or other- wise for which they shall be entitled to a fee of 25 cents upon presenting a list of all such persons mannered. (Sgd.) US ti., Reeve. The following accounts were paid:-- le Cockshutt Plow Co. for scrapers, $30: Hamilton k Toronto Sewer Pipe Co. for wwer pipes, S21 1.30; William Mower for unloading earload of sewer pipes, ir'4; Absalom Eloy for timber and building culvtsrtit'l4 JO; John S. Miller, repairing scraper, FH.3s; Daniel Good for maulwork in 1803, 5'7; Edward Millard for lighting la at Montrose bridge for six months to lst July, 1.8%, $3.30: David M. ' echer, for cedar timber, 32: total, ie? 7. TheUounitoe appointed " Int. M:- sion of Council to meet u oommittoe. from the Tp, of Waterloo in regard to improving the Townline between mr erluo and Woolwich reported that they found the road in a bad condition and recommended that one hundred dollars be granted an an equivalent to the grant, from Waterloo Tp. The forego. ing report was adopted. _ cedar timber, $2: total, $273; The Council then adjourn , f? meet again at St. Jacobs on Tuesday, the 31%. day of July next, at o o'elock, a. In. C methane-com... “mum (33d ) Joax WALK“; Charmin. Tvoolwieli, Mir 20, 1894." The report of the 000990! Revision aniAppal I'" "doptrr.' V J. L. WinEotAs, Tp. Clerk, Wsu/wich, May 20, 1804. The council mat. at. the Townsship Hal} on Saturday, May 26th, pursuant to adjournment. Members all present. The Revue in the chair. Minutes of prom-(1mg session rend and approved. . Moved by Mr. Mitchell, sec. by Mr, Htser---Thrst 13y Law No, 731 be "mended so as to i, clude the names of Laws Koehler and Daniel Wenger, Esirs, as members of the local Board of Health. instead of Frederic Mayer and Abraham Gehl.--Carried. Moved by.Mr. Mitchell, seconded by Mr. tihoemalrer--Thst the report of the committee on the past. side of the Grand River be received and adopted. --CUrried, Matthias Kline, numment reduced P?"",' m" “WW" on the Fisher fnrm, 8500. 't,tt 33%wa is use. DW. NO. 2. were rumors of 3.: August Puts", entered " owner in. posit: ) stead of Louis Knmp. . "Have vou had) J mob Romans“ wrongfully m and . neighbor, 1’ ed for a bitch, the same trnosterred to "Oh, no," was t to the "lemma!“ of Philip Braden jut been uving al IN use. DIV. NO. 3. '33me 'iiiii , on . 1i"',?yf'" andâ€? IN BLBC. DIV. no. 4. “dequ Ferdinand nub,“ stuck 0511011. I}. "dnt w Mi Moved s'r Mr. McKay, seconded by Mr. Her-moat this council do now resolve themselves into a Court of Re- vision and Appetu.---Carried. The followiég business was tr..nswt- ed by the court _ IN ELECTORAL mvmox NO. 1. William Brandon,useaament leduced $500. icl00, teiiiiiGriii Hun-y Shackle» Isaac Built, dog attack of Roll. John Sally. n w " " Jucob 3*. n '†. " , MAJ IN use". mv. no. 4. Ferdinand halving “not otfRolt. m use. mv. no. 5. Aaron Kiatt, mtg! 82,600 William Atchuotv-nentresdtteed “ulerhm Tots lump tonne". $33 r' Mr. g la at Mo thn to lst d M. 3 ache total, ie? 37. u adjourn , ", n " " Moved by Mr, Ham-y, 5900"de ry Mr, Mitehi.-Thdt this Can! cil low adjourn to meet agiin as am Townr"'ts Hall on S‘tunduy. June 30ch, at 10i o'clock, th. m.--Grtied. l ' '"',a' 1‘. I‘ I» mutt In paid balk» tbrwtruittiu order " the T m- tor the. “MN â€mum via ..-c.T , Womb! Bitnttttry, straw-I and dam-do. #1t60; Jo-tth Wm, digging drtch,‘$2 00 :Pluiliw Km- herom"rrul and My" at bridgeil4.00; John A. Albert, amber and Inhur " bridge. 011.00; H ,,.AVeudtinv. Mina P. pauper! to Pom-110mm, $3.00 ; lb r. mm Helm], pin-nu Inimr and spiltâ€, $9410 ; Moan Kiddo, gravel and d..m age to land, 8l 2 (XY; Allan sr-maker, sewer pipe, 863.00 'i “'04de Hirsch y, wnuaon broken on Bresluu hill, 8t 45. --Carried. ‘f Our0tteen is noble, great and w ire-- ThExulted Pg, ulnar}; d I) e as I o mmon vcs T1); lyrics of T, union. . carl? you mail this verse and no- tice and 25 cents in Bumps or mmwy to WELLS & RICHARDSON Co., Montre- al, you will receive Our How, Can» da'smew monthly tituily paper, for ohe year ; Mao illultntqd hook on "How to make Maps and Rio," and one puck- 319 of Ink Powder; for making 16 02 of best black‘ ink. WMentiou this paper. How to be hoppy when travelling consists in not only “making the best of everything, hut, as her as possible, V ranging one's belongings so that they are most comfortable, writes Isabel A. Mallon in the May Vdiea' Home Jour. nal. one's gloves lmust be whole and nest-looking,but should not be sssunmd tor the first time, and the same law up plies to oneU shoes. It is always desir- able to have a. veil, is freslt.lookitut one, even if it is not put on until one is near one's haven. Then, if the face looks a little dusty or the eyes bit tired, the thin tissue or net will hide the im- perfections. In addition to the bag which holds on’s jewels and toilet belonging there is wisdom in having a small bag in which to keeps oue'a ticket,checks,keys and the amount of money that is thought will be necessary. It is never wise to darry more Poney than you ah nolutely need, for a purse, ovetilowing with notes and silver is confusing, and very often small pieces of silver are lost notes are not properly counted,jammed in merely to get them out of sight, and at the end of your journey you cannot understand just hotryourtueeor1nt stands Ham your um brellas strapped together: put them in the rack above you, and if you are going a long distance remme your hat and hang it on the hook pre- pared for it. Your satchel will be quite safe in the was, unleSs it should con- tain very graft valuables, and then it will be wisest to put it just beside you where it can easily Jae seen. It is a great mistake to suppow that a simple tonic gives strength: it only stimulate: the stomach to renewed abtion. To impart real strength. the blood "nut be purltied and en riched. and this can only be done by, such a standaid tuterative as Ann’s Barsapsrultr. Many are idly bbsy. Domitinn was _ "7" - busy, but then it was catching flies.---. Caused Jeremy Taylor. . A Boos TO ttor-timc-thte bottle of Zing. lish Spavin 1.1nimcnt. onmpletely removed a curb from my horse. I take pleswure in recom- A PatrNett mending the remedy. as it acts with myster- ious promptnesu in the removal from homes of hard. son or mUloused lumps blood spaviu. "It Mords splints, curbs. swecgy. Itrert fill-d Surging. Hood's Sam‘ Bold by Ed.M.Deviti. - Markham. Ont Eioquonce whenmt its highest. pitch, leaves little room for reason or refiet> tion . .Hume. . "El Padre" and "La Tnorc'piapeeltsq are the Recognized Standard 10 cunt Cigars. , There was an old Dutchman, a farm- er, thrifty and prosperous, who had been carefully saving for many yeers. Finally he was elected to the Legisla- ture. It was s peculiarly profitable session. There were several railroad charters up for consideration. ' Hans served faithfully, paver broke silence, and always voted; land after the Lgis. lature had adjourned, surprised his friends at home by, layi' g the founder tion of a 810,000 gheuse, while there __ V on, nay-Juana- "i'""'"' ""'"""r"""e" 1 "dat was r; it was yust dis l 31y. . 5ttet ti _ ii,','lltgi. pr wife,‘ q Agents WW ' ahednint up : _ , _ Iiegf'te%'kllrh'Pd=tt'tttttt Mow to Be Happy and “trawl All" [DI-In- Storm. bs a§,$2o,obo bank de- my. tttities and Burning. George Robb, FW'PCL, [ a legacy, Hans?†ll last. ‘ 0 re 1 . "I have little}? y you [page to save i moritha' ulnry of d Elna, oomphoent- nun it no rust dis It my pr wife, GRO, A. Tum. Tp. (Berk. jisTkiiGh, Ont 5, IO and 20 ant Phi Cent Goods. Try It & Convinced. _ r Ottawa, May '29.--TO ttarprnters wl u are uh "ore on the outi'old st Hrumptun may cent, their labors, M their hmuiiWork will not he roquired for use On Friday. Walter McWhurw' the mar layer of Jamel and Elia Will- iams in It"' Middle-mud, ToroutO_Tp , on Drcruucr 14,1893, Ga heen ve- prieved, and for the prrueut at least hvs neck is safe. Owing to the prrsa of Parliamentary and other work Sir John Thompson Inn hem unable to gonna the cue thorrughly and his: not theretore msde any rip " to His Excellency on the petitions preaempd. Thin has heen rp- porud to my judge. who has the power uudermch circumstances Co gram.» nepriew. and such reprieve has been grtutted until tsftee the fall absizes, at which \Vulker is i? he tried. SmLou’s CURE is sold on a gunmntee; ft etiresrirtcipietr Consumption. It is the bout. Cough Cure Only one centn dose; 25e., 500.. and $1.00 per bottle, Sold by Simon Snyder, Waterloo. An eduented voter is one who knows a demagoaue when he sees one.--" veston News. If You Smoke 3 Five cantCigar, In. sut'Upon aning the “Varsity." In Eastern New Mexico 600,000 acres of arid ground have been turntd into farms through irrigation. ' Among the splendid collections of table cloths owned by Queen Victoria is one covered wi h a design of the fieldof Waterloo, with the figures of Wellington and Napoleon faithfully portrayed. Wind up a clock-it goes. Wind up n dsuure-it stops.-illo. A Perfect Care By Hood's Sana- parllla. “It Mords me much pleasure to recommend Hood's Sampmna. My son was turiiettrd with great pain in the joints. accompanied with swelling so bad that he could not get up stairs to bed without crawling on hands and knees. I was very anxious about him, and having rad so much about Bood's Sarsaparma. I deter- mined to try it, and got a half-dozen bottles, tour of which entirely cured him." Mas G. A. Larot, Oshawa, Ontario. _ Hood's Finis let “any. yet promptly turd Many, on the liver and bowels. we. C â€33,515,:va Pains in the Joints iiiGniuittoiGfiahi ,i-atth, [mandati- m, which, ms: "tt?i'titstliT, and Impala! 'spoejtrx"queM'itd. “of!!! NW minatewweah. Plan-adv: mag need It. We. 'qery4tr can It WHO... gay!“ "n "n†Imman- Exec-tum l'uleIM.I!Illl Ann- Walker] Totnrmttt, . from It"... In†"In "Alll'lll, lanhmm ii3,'riiiiii, 'iit,.Ntt',.'trt; heal-Ive Iâ€. W 0 m I" Rggt,t out»? 'tiiCttipthllitif,torAt Il00d'ssgr'ii1'thIrts ii. - ire suris to get Hood's 8arsBparltla. A Respite For MbWherrol. by Inflammatory Swelling It JAMES INNES. M, P,, CHR. KUMPF RSO., PRESIDENT. Vien-Pmcamr: N THOS. HILLIARD. MANAGING Dmmc'rou. THE Dominion Life Assurance My, "and Mfhm, _. Waterloo, Ont. Authorized Cantu] 31,000.00!» Gov‘t Dena-II In - 850.000 Flhitllbul I Hum] "tit, Paid up Cumin! $04400 The Policy qftha Dominion Life is a straight promise to wry-like a bank draft, almost unconditional. Na re- striction on travel or occupation. When two or three years in force it " non-for/kitable, even for failure to " non-for/enable, even for failure to pay renewal premiums, remaining it all force TILL THE VALUE [g EXHAUSTED‘ Equality between poliey-holderst {61 secured by insuring in three claws-- alotaimrrv, general and womerv-giviue I each in profits the true benefit ofita own longevity. I ft provides a legacy certain instead qf a law wit possible. .. V . The IEATES compare favorably with any_in theeyrld, A __ - . »Your choice of all sound plans 0 assurance Aered, no other. madman» us with a an uni we the]! be tttttl show you specimens and deeignsln onumente. Headstones 090.. and quote you thrurxtts for my style ot work either in (it-Mm or marble. , nut chaiwork summed. AGENTS WANTED. Apply now for choice of territory to THOS. HILLIARD MaruutintrlDireetor SIMON SNYDER, Druggist, THE WATEBLUO Emits and Marble Works. New Arrivals Y-lzï¬nimrsl°§"Sâ€"E_Eâ€"§9"A IF you luvs lost slaved one and delire't erect s 1td,"Lt,,'2th" of alienation to th manor! of the psi-tad gum; Brb Street, opposite M)srkes. ‘WATEBLOO Dycpoptloa delight In It! Phyulclann ondono itt Chef. pain. It! Cook. qxtatt ttt Housowlvoa wolcomo It! All llvo Groom-s cell In j . and 'fhi)rttt" Bills. N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., SHAEFEB BROS. Wellington and Ann Streets. MONTREAL. Blood J'urifier You an buy. SOLD BY Air, Dxucmsm. We â€stalking ulna: a " shares. tag" which will not cause indi. gnion. Those who "know a thing or two" about Cooking (Mu-ion Harland monk I has! of others) Weld of lard. None but the purest, healthiest and cleanest ingredients go to make up Ce. tolene. Lard isn't healthy, and is not always clean. Those who use Cottolerte will be huhhicr and wealthier than those who use lagd-'.Heslthier because they will get "shorter" bread; wealthier because they will get "shorter" grocery bills-for Cdttolene cost: no more than lard and goes twice " fir-so isbut half as expensive. WATERLOO "ONT. ',lllli,a,:'llilt,:e,,, Springand Summer shois'iij"; i::n§"€::{i:::.‘<:1;$:: ’. l FBopszr '. 35mm“ -:The Popular Boot nirfM filter. in the Spring and Fall OOFLANDS ERB TEA Sole 'Agent. it's the best Made only by " USE :2 LADIES I We invite inspection of our beautiful display:of Oxfords, in common sense Opera and Phila. was _ SUITINGS. The latest invoirw: include the finest of American and Foreign Fabrics. _ The prices are eonsist%t with quality of material and workmanship. in all our previous efforts. We were never able to f secure such values, as we have for the Spring Trade. Inspection is invited to the New Linesof Ready-Made Clothing "Tis not the clothes that make the man," but they help, The Ready Made Clothing Business has made wonderful prog- ress the last few years and it is a matter of fact, we have a wonderful output for these goods, and what is doing it, is our Extra Values,which our close buyers are observing daily. We buying for spot cash is great advantage to ourselves, as well as to our customers, who weena deavor to benefit indirectly. Sim Call and See the wonderful bargains at the Waterloo Goal ("ulna nvww. "v .Wr-,,___ -V..,,V _ put-ounce. Orders left at our odes " the co "hi, or" J. W. Pontoon Budwua Mot will hue our careful auntie-a t COAL I Scranton 'Coal I WE KEEP THEM IN STOCK. An elegant stoek of Children's Oxfords just , T received. The latest for Gentlemen is the COLUMBIA)! in Tan and Black. HEADQUARTERS FOR mums AND “mums. We have the Largest and best assorted stock " GREAT MONTREAL BANKRUPT ULQT’rHNG SURE. TR00SEltlMS and ' Mal & HABBICK. ‘-: PURE y. John Ritzer. Merchant Tailor. King St. Waterloo, A WORD TO THE PUELIC. GAIN riirimiu"iihshinuuk Don’t Huger to Buy Your SignfRoxl, White and Blue Pug, King in. Berlin - EB.. RODS. OVERCOATINGS J ULIETTE THE POPULAR BOOT AND SHOE STORE 1000‘ CERES " are now prepared to do all kitnis of work in the line of; Housepainting, Paporhattgimr and imitation Gunning. Orders filhxi in shortest notice 1nd work guaranteed. Orders can be left at the shop or at Hohmeier & Lyitch's Hardware Store, Waterloo. Shop Geo. Peppler‘s yfcktmith than Farmers’ attention is directed to the fact that we are prttved to exchange brick and tile for all kinds of wood. General Dry Goods, Men’s and Boys' Ready lad. Suits and Garcons, Dressman &Hallman BERLIN Kindly invite everybody to call on them when in Berlin, and examine their stock of ISAAC BEUHTEL & SON. Banter and Miller a King Street, Footwear t WANTED Roundups,“ Watérloo Ont WOOD. mum Waterloo, 9i ttiii; s! "