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Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 26 Apr 1894, p. 5

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ooln Styles, Pst l Dolorings, 'els, try, in, B\0' , room alues, y ry-da 1yrd to gr' I else , ETS e are a. If arialy, I M are of tha,', 010ml ,STEISMGOUD, :rtnwnt of rr of war v Ive-t tt an compria'uN folio: rift” x507 _ [he Mark “we. Co.willttive a 881169 ot' "r1tet'tainrnents in the Town Hall, Berlin, t?VPtT night next week. The Marks Bro; are well and fivombly known in Waterloo, where they he played at different times. The com- paay carry nine people headed b in popular comedian, Mr. T. B. 'ILA' Pd will no doubt he Etsemlir It.temb. teed by lovers ot.lttutslaa. out!) from WaterlOO. -- I UT, eeri 'Wl " Chocolates -" is the I ' used The M 1/ WM; h' EWS. rr' PM ”nice Department has L wmimnun M a change in the t' Em: mic»,- money orders. This u ' , mm tln- order the name of mm and makes the order negoti- 1' it bank cheque. The new form mat to the post ottieeaaa rapid- WHY '? liwuymw our goods are ' A ') < iresh,and we keep 1..H.r,}.wrs‘h11t. the best on M Gs been received of the N": at Hidsbury, Alberts, of Lynn‘ which hit Berlin two .-. The x've,tther on their at “r" was warm and the seeding “I commenced about the lat. of A " :vawly finished. Creams. TO AUVERTISERS old ones wéhich they now Have GROCERS. um ket fcctioncry trade is in- ;rcasing daily. mind that "ec.Hasentlug, my, his a large assortment yum , garden seeds, field {nu-Lt Variety of lawn grass Wm- ylm may not get _ to Us and, if we have . Wt' “ill get them for you “HUN Ititttt hm Coumisioners for "r, nle at the Zimmer- -1~ on Saturday but OA'- _ , ..f J. H. Campbell of ur‘ the commissioners, t', saturday next. il m has:. bean scouring an; the past few days min Icwas expected .. svould shortly be re- vl‘J'sI advices are some- 1ng. The prices paid w- put in u Snider v town, ll Ill liult thool football LfI-x‘rh but Saturday M] with the team of mt hr left at. this office mummy noon. The i must be left not late "i. lingual Advertise, tlr m noun Wednesday " ll LOU "irys that the man mt the newspaper', mid return thanks w what the news- mm and don't, say. 1lvrutuetucingr Co. ucml the manufac- ':;;im-s'. They are i- uh- and are xiv- rum'wly telling pen- , what you can do I than often enough y, tin-w is no possi. plum-d upon the wwlsunntion of the an Mummy next. 11in, for using the u wrought beiore uni remanded till bonds for All,000, tl Ill ‘u-nlny brought. fry from Credit into a dam on LT about, two soon. A com- tt ymtorda} to l," rizuvd out up ticrteti This is the title of n val Madame vat ismuod by THE TEMP]. R of H ton, Out., whining thirty tthte gnu"- ot union-l pro!“ to- 99mm At, 'ht “in " Hd Axuxu. tuwuos.-.-The annual ser- mon to the 1.00.1“, Waterloo, com~ memorating the 75th unuii‘ersal'y of the Order in America, was preachbd in the Presbyterian church last Sunday forenuun by the pastor, Rev. John Mc, Nair. The members of Germania Lodge 184, augmented by visitin% bre. thren from Berlin, Elmira and ther points to the number in all of About one hundred assembled in the rooms of Germania Lodge, and marched in a body to the church. The Rev. Mr. Mo Nair after giving a short sketch of the history of Oddfellowship elvrce for his theme the Responsibilities of Brother- hood and delivered an interesting and eloquent discourse. The choir of tho church rendered an anthem in a xery pleasing manner and added to tho in. terest of the occasion. Mrf Gleiser was born on the 11 February, 1815, txtrschweinhy"g, Ewen, emigrated to America in came to Waterloo on the 8th of of the same year where he resid to the time of his death. H married to Anna Catherine Wilke died on the 10th of July 1889. children were the fruit of this mat of whom one died in its infancy. leaves behind him 2 sons and 4 d ters to mourn their loss. The f on Tuesday Lfterpoon was very I attended nod ahowisd the high in which the deceased was held fellow citizens. H. S. Fa'rirvru:irssiii.scr.--.-An anter- tainment will be “given at the High School Hail, Berlin, on Friday evening, May I, 'Ol. The programme will con- sist of a. farce. in one act, translated from the German, entitled, "Thank goodness the table is spread." Piano solos will be given by Miss Killer and tlu'striug quintetc club will give a number of selections. Admission, 25 cents. Procwds to be applied towards paying off the debt on piano. Mr. George Crleiser, one of the old, est and most respected residents of Waterloo died very suddenly last; Sat- urday afternoon of heart failure. He went to the Lutheran church about 2 o'clock with his son Mr. Peter Glelser, to be present at the funeral services of the late Mrs Decher. On his. way thither he complGned of pain ih the chest. Arrived at the church he; was about to sit down in a pew but fell on the Mor. Helping hands at. ‘once mriped him and mnedical man was sent for, who, after a short examination, foundithat the spark of‘life had fy-li, 1htr:ssu1Krrir..- Alias 1Vard, late of Toronto, solicits the patronage of the ladies of Waterloo and vicinity. Res- idence, No. Ir, Erb street. 17-2t what Friday evening two young men engaged a mum at the Zimmer- man House They were shown to their room but were found by one of the ends in another room shortly after. The proprietor being Informed of it, they left. Vpon examination it. was found tlsata trunk had been broken open and a purse stolen and a number of other articles were missing, High Constable Klippert was commaniGted with and arrested a young man in Ber. lin nu Saturday but as he could not be identified he wm set at liberty. Mr. Adam Iberian), an old resi- dent of the town, was stricken with paralysis on Sunday evening and his. mnditinn at present is very precarious. He is about P) years old. w1lvsic.--.1liss, Bella, Ward is pre; pared to give lessons on piano. For terms please call ai, 15 Erb street, Waterloo. 1'r--.2t, six weeks. Before the second issue of the paper a. subscriber in Wodwieh who saw the advt. had negotiated for the Ifurchase of the property. Citcula-, tion counts and Hut, paper that has the largest circulation in the County is the best medium. If-yuu have aqything for sale try a small advt. in the 911mm ICLE. --The value of the CHRONICLE as an advertising rpedium , was well illus Hated a short' time ago. A party near Berlin offered his farm for sale and gave instructions to run"the advt. for be a warning to cooks and housewives to remove the contents of all canned stuffs as soon as the lid in opened, fad not to partake of the contents which have been allowed to remain for a number of hours in the can. ---CUrhs Schmuck, 1430:1311, of GAIL, died Friday morning an t 'enly from poiaoning. m had eaten t?t'tyoed wmstoel the night before the tib hav. ing corroded after owning. This Gould DEATH OF MR GLEISER. “Mel ofthe love-at.” Virdhatiyy, jr who 1Fever] rinse. I Be ruth- rgely 'th of Kur- [841, June K1 up yhis John Hooper of eg,tt,tlt,'ii,,t,t',j,',',,e: man ever grew. up t ith more reverence for a flne women tttn I. Lhnve never lost that reverence; but my idea what constitute. one mu has motel-inl- ly chonguli Fifty can ot observation end refUtstims luv taught no that . women grohT nohl end mm teller- aelfendsllher ,'uitns Instill mm ‘11:: lo . I an be? hog: rob)- timm, for he.“ . p the] . was!!! 0‘s" .. . A. $11lit,",1'l';,l [L. H, Eidt. Pt.Elgin.........................E.Burn (?gegi/r.r/r.r.rj:y.y.y.r).1? Rieder l'ipissing...........‘.............A.Sa.uer West District. .. . .... . . .....D Kreh, P. E. Hambur . . .J.A.Schmidt and S. Finkbeiner r',1Qh'ltJfy.".'rl.".' .........L. H. Wagner NorthFaistHope-.........J.K.SehwUm Ttsviptock............ ......tl.Finkbeiner Sebringville.....................F. Meyer Milverton..........4.........H.Dierlnmm Maitland...............'........E. Becker Zurich..........................D.Brand l)nshwood.........................E.Eby (‘reditou............'............J.H.Lita Alboro..................,.....].K.Deyitt‘ The Rev. Mr. Ahdres, late pastor of St. Paul’s Luthertn church, Berlin, was presented with an illuminated ad- dress, accompanied, by a purse of 8100 in gold as a mark pt the high F esteem in which his thirtieen years services were held. Mr. Andres preached his farewull sermon last Sunday and will move to his new charge in Michigan this week. 'i The ltev.G, A. Sickafoose, Prrsipiry,r Elder of U. B. Church (Liberal), will deliver a. lect_ure on China in the U. B. churqh, Berlin, on Tuesday evening, May Ist. The Rev. D. Kreh, pastor of the Evangelical church, Waterloo, we: ap- pointed Presiding Elder at the meeting of the Conference last week. He will have charge of the West District. The vacancy was caused by the death of the Rev.S.N.Mdyer last year. His place here will be taken by the Rev. w. J. Yaeger at present stationed at Hespeler. T Berlin...-........, Hamilton, v"......,. Waterloo......,,.... Uampden....... ...r. Rainham.......l. O. Morriston........... Blenheim.......,.... Heapoler-.... Niagara......,,....'.. Gsimyboro..........,, Middleton,. . . . ' . ..i, Aruprior, ...... Pembroke .........d. fiolilet,t Lake. . ... .._ . Rockisigrltam. ... . . . . . North 1)istrict........ St. Jacobs........ . ._. Ellnim...-........... Mullace............'. Lisbowel............. Normanby. .........t. Mildmsy,........, Hanover and rlhuwootl Messrs J. WIOrtwein of Zurich and A. Goebel of lHamilton, formerly of Pelham Centre) were deposed from the ministry, and expelled from the Church. Messrs. t Umbach and D. Krch were elected presiding elders. The Conference lil, meet next, yeat"at South Cayuga. he Rev. J.H.Yaggy, agent for North-Western College, ad. dressed the Conference in the interests of the same, and secured a suhscription of $1,000 for the College Endowment Fund. The Rev.C A.Thomas gave an address on the cohdieion of the pub- lishing house. He reported that the Evangelical Association has a. higher circulation of Church periodicals per member than any other denomination in America. South District. The ordination germon by the Pre. siding Bishop on unday morning was one of great eloquence and interest. It was followed by five ordinations, as follows :- Rev.I.K. Devin, Elder, and Messrs. S. Finkbeitter, A, Sauer, G. D. Damn], and E.Beqker, Deacons. The. annual missionary meeting was very successful and requlted in raising over $500. The reports from the sev- eral mmmittees were highly satisfactory and showed general advancement, both in finances and in membership. It was decided to hold the Conference ttext year at Snuth Cayuga. The fol- lowing is the new Bishop Thom'Bowmnn of China chtinnan of the 'tiii,?:':':?,):,', gave Tt opening midi-en. I An enthuamstia mu. aiomu-y meeting as held on Wednep- day night. ThejRev. Messrs. M. kl Wing of Berlin d J. P. Hauch [ South Cayuga, dammed able missionlN ury addressea. The following visitors Were received as tidvisory members I-- Prof S. L. Urntsadh of North-Western College, Naperville, Ill.; Rev. C. A. Thomas, book agent, Cleveland, Ohio, Rev. J. H. Ynggy, Des Moines, Iowa; Editor J. C. H uberger, Cleveland, Uhio; and Rev 1t'l',e,,t.g.'i'd'rt,'e and M.Fiukbiner, Toleklo, Ohio. MessrsJ. Leibold and Amos Y. Haist were licensed to preach,' Bishop Iiimnai chairman of the l opening addreu. The Canada Ca solid Amok] eog‘uppncigg on , “mama ......‘.-. .o....‘n. .................o. .-.........1 I ..~...-~.....---..1 w"'."","""'.'. ...‘....-...-4..... .....,..l........., F................. “v - ----- LIST or" STATIONS. Linux-en items. Inn] Eco-mama. ............J. P, Hauch. .................G.Braun .............W.J.Yaeger ..... ....b'.R.Knechtel J. (L Morlock and I. Meyer ................J.Wilhelm ...............L. Wittich _..............k.H,Bean ...'..........G.D1hutun ...,..,.......M. Clemens ....i......J. W, Hammett pference of the Enn- h wns held " Zurich ”Sunday, Aptil _l9th. ....J. Umbach,P.E. .. ' .....A. Y. Haist . . . .. .H. A. Thomas ..........\I. Maurer . . . .C. yi,Finkbeitter . ......(I. F. Brown ........G. F. Ham. . . ' .TheofGneh,iutd M. L. Wing, P, K . . . .S'. Krupp . .C. Buleuder . .c. J. Kant: J. H. Wagner ing Shoot for Nurses. Anuppmprma “pot- tern" Article, in tddition to the regular monthly issue, in on Dre-I $ttr Summer Sports l and “other, oqlnlly suitable to the time, given information on Trunk: 5nd Trunk Packing. The opening ohspter on £110: “$133", by tho at? of Man; I (are. m in in number» tttl "3K: " tlatt, tre, Jhtat paper. on . In continued , god the 'lluft,'tl'.' 'ddt'2,',"4 aziat bum 1hrettee' and Daughter In the than» at that“; Inning an at». A Rosalind Party in dun-thud, nad tNutt teitmtimta an t How a! Sun 8nd! tn, 13-9!!- Jr the Atie, a. new IQWM. 9-1 Airmr, the ,Welaorue, welcome, sunny Spring. Richest blessings thou dost bring' Once again; Welcome to thy birds and bowers, To thy budding trees and flowers, An 1 thy aromatic' showers On the plain. _ Miss Ettie Hall of Elmira was the guest of Miss Jennie Burnett for a few days last week ' . . . Miss Annie Shoe- maker who has been visiting at Mr, James Howlett’s intends leaving for Toronto this week. . . .Miss Phrd, our popular music teacher, has left for Elora, where she intends spending a few weeks with friends. . . . Mrs.Menno 'Snyder has been very sick . . . . MA. Hall (Rev.) and Mrs. Howlett of El- mira spent Tuesday with friends here . . . . Miss Mary Watson and Miss J em- ima Glennie left for Hamilton on Sat- urday . . . .We are informed that Mr. Shantz has procured a boat to use on the dam. It will be a. great source of pleasure to those who are fond of boat- ing if the above gentleman intends let. ting it out. . ' .Mr. Simon Shelly who has been learning the butchering in Brantford and Hamilton has re- turned to his native village where he intends plying his trade. He comes with good recommendations and de. serves a liberal patronage. . . .On Wed. nesday, April 18th, the mense was the scene of a very quiet wedding when Miss Eva Cowan of Bloomingdale and Mr. Albert H. Higgins of Michigan were united in marriage by the Rev. A. M. Hamilton. crmed . PA, article in the (Shep Series describes t Girl’s Life and Work at Smith, md is written by a recent and brilliant grad. ttttte. Them in the . very suggestive and entertaining ppm- on. A Grainnurr.Sshool Commencement. N areas u m Employment for women is ably tree. Wham-i0 Dumbo. fuptriyteytunty the NP" ork City Train- Spring-sweet, balmy, joyous spring --is again upon us. We again joyous- ly listen to the sweet music of the sing. ing, birds among the branches and the loss; murmuring of the unbound stream- let. No season of the year is wholly destitute of what IS truly calculated to call forth wonder, love and admiration; in other words, the poetry of the differ- ent seasons is from time to time pre- sented to us in whatever is grand, won- derful and beautiful in nature. But there is 'a peculiar beauty and enchant- meat in this welcome season when the cold blasts give place to the gentler breezes and earth puts on her rich and variegated robe of flowers, leaves and blossoms. Yeti, most heartily we bid thee . . The Delirttmtor for JUNE is called the "Summer N amber," and in a superb issue in every respect, the amount of pucticel and interesting reading matter being largely in. -u---.l TL- “punk G, ' f -11-..- ans... DANDI) vs. Yocsc.--An action brought by George Dando of Galt against Adam Young to recover' the price of erecting a houSe. Defendant claims it wan not built in a workman- like manner and tendered plaintiff 8300 for the job, the contract price being $335. Referred to Local Master. E. J., Beaumont for plaintiff; WN. Milli- can for defendant. , Dnuscu vs. EGG.ur-i-An acuon brought by Miss Dresch of Berlm to recover damages from the defendant for injuries received while lighting, a fire in his hotel in Walkerton with coal oil, he having ordered her to use the oil. Verdict for plaintiff for $600. Bowlby k Clement for plaintiff; D. Robertson for defendant, BULMER vs. McINYRE.-An action for trespass and suing for loss sustained, Bulmer having bought a quantity of timber from a man named Hahn, near Heidelberg. Defendant purchased the same timber later and removed it. It V.Clement for plaintiff; Moss, Barwick k Frank for defendant. The following crises had not been disposed of when we went to press last week : . 1tuioet other rights:- ahnuan being! inspirabls by inspiring thoughts and iuthmneee, and a power (argued in the community in which she lives, and per- haps in that use! community which makes 11 the nation to which she be. longs. S e is to me the noblest ,woman who, without more person! ambition or tself-tseeking of any sort, and with a great spirit of helpfulness . toward all the wrong and tsuffering, limits tho field of her work only by her ability and opportunity, making these,nnd not any convention that rules the test of what God meant that she should do. That. a. woman may be all this and yet notlose a particle of the womanly quali- ties essential to the' happiness of home, is a matter of absolute knowledge with the writer." 3 Spring Assizea "cs i.. 1 Wtttteruourne. 4 -CANADA CITIZEN. WEDDING-A pretty wedding took piece here in the Lutheran church on Wednesday efternoon at 2 o'eloek The oceuion' we. the marriage of Miss Emeline Foereter to Mr.LoniI Schmidt, merchant tailor. The ceremony in» performed by Rev. B. Petaehke. Min Mary Four-(er acted a brideem-id and the groom we: ob], guided by Mr. o. J. Skin. The wedding celebration took piece " the bride’s pets. In the even' our band we- preeent and 'd'lal"ll'lil' proceedincl with severe]; eclectic". my enioyed, themselves} an thereem’ been. mites mun Jrerottttqtlt. Clement-peopled” on» 5013-11 tho 'ttIris, c., . = _ - Why do you pay 50c for same goods ? Noted cheap cash store. It is our "Juliette," a ladies' gaiter, but low eat, like an Oxford, with a patent leather tip. Very stylish. The Prettiest Shoe in the Store is the "New" York Tie" with cloth top. It mttst be seen to be ap- preciated. ' Voelker Bros., KING S'I'-.,a - BERLIN- WE HAVE THEM. Dongola, turned, with or without tips, at 81.25, $1.50, $1.75 up to 83.00, Machine sewed at 90c and $1.00. Have you seen the latest? J, L CLEMENS ' 00., BERLIN. Call and see them. _ SILKS and DRESS GOODS we cannot be beat. . We sell that Ulim' Capes _ and Mantles. CORSET Ladies' who use it, and for family sewing it is without a peer. T For sale by and takes the honors. The "New Home" quickly In all parts of the WORLD the "New Home" IS knéwn, and wher- ever it is entered in competition with others, shows its NEW SUPERIORITY J If. CLEMENS ' 00. '. A. WANLESS, Ititaer's. clothingistore, Waterloo 3.11%" We are Leaders in the confidence of INS lcldel berg. Oxfords at 39ets., HOME. ALL imported frdrn Bohemia ever shown, in Waterloo is in ourshow window. in every corner of our Mammoth China Hall; for nine years we have been the leaders in the Crock- ery line . Fancy Colored '_-r'. GLASS GOODS 'i'",::,,",,,",'.:; Re/hembdr that for five cents a'roll g'ou can get a lovely bedroom or kitchen paper. For 20c, 25c and 30c you have a great variety of Gilts to choose from for your parlor. Do not hesitate to see our goods even if you don't buy, IZCASISS CntANITr:WARF. imported direct from be sold CHEAPER than ruck HEAR!) of. Alm a large TORY-MADE TiNWAltF. way below others? prices. My ware I have also nRIIATIA' mmL‘vEn in price. SPECIAL mew 1'on in EAVETRQL‘LH Nu Son SPEC AL menu 'l ION in BM ICTIUM'LH M}. Something I")) in STOVES, c231] and sec. I’LL‘umxn, Gas aryl Water DIT‘I’JN. will be promptly attended to. Leave your orders fur “Mum um; and secure right prices at JACOB CONRAD 'EI Because we told the TRUTH. The finest and largest display of' The variety of wall papers we are showing this year is very large comprising the very latest. That our samples are appreciated ls seen by the quantity that we have already disposed of. _ " _ _ all home made and of the best material can be had at CNICER,Eir. '.CfElCER/IU"5r'E' STILL to the FRONT. INFANTS' HOBBS and iirjilfrrlllliifrlilrjlll] 311,000 ROLLS WALL PAPER"? Ladies' W; H. BECKER & CO'Y, BERLlN- Sparkles and Shines FANCY GOODS STORE, KING ST., WATERLOO When we advertise Tea Sotts at $2.00 a sett we havelthcm to sell at $2.00 and our customers did not hear this familiar sentence: "WE ARE JUST CELT.” We are always in for g ood goo , small proflts, quick returns, and ts/TRUTH. The Largest Wall Paper and Stationery House in the County o, White : UN DERWEA llliMall AND UO.’S BOOKSTORE. Look at Them. THE OLD RELIABLE M424 CHILDRENS PI NAFORES," thc makers will stock of FAV- uwn make tin- if

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