‘60“ l Id 3 MI Jr]! plow. implemel I", I "ruttieV, 'ormq. Donn-.1 hm; mm. ttw ieelmen in ma. M In" om h n» old.t mar M. u' marealy. colt I yMr qt hm madame teen running And them, " growth-m l rennin that 1 Wuer'oo Gr the period xur'luslr.tr In. artment to Toma B My Inning: have Prod. "owed i luile ' 0F ON. prn'n-r ICE. NSE ACT 14th, we; mun "' nut Ice. In) or. SALE- ro tNt h, "ottr PM A " (In: I In" a: two Lots U pen ’5'; ble- renown. "ici, Lots " itruuii M-tm _ V N __,___ w , l _ - ', "'"ee"-Ter"'-r"T" -y I , ‘1 , . l x. ‘ . ' , a, _ . l a. _ :» , 'is,,rit.'f'crrh"ct1,tli L . 1x , , ', w.' t, IIC, b ( ,. f _. l " tgi&" V W, 1’; . I , ' _ V H it; i 2 ' -5 is f. v. â€In -' » 1 I "r . t My 3 F N crtlitiaiiiiEiiiiii Eairakt ,. . r“ " fl a 1; "d i ‘1' ‘ ' - 'iii' w ' "‘5 m l! ' A "I, "tr" ' M?" .V [ _ _ A < .. M, “a“, Eaml, WW gt '.* = ‘1 ' - t "' " = ( ' . u .. . . _."' 'llt'i,'m. ' H g I" ' i), gr “" ' L > * y' il' , w R - ku, . + "W ba 'Me 3 " " BW " - ' . _ " car tr Li. 4-}. ms. â€:4. T, , . - Bl fa.% MRt,M, SMKWMQE: air: " . "llQllSlllliMt - ' . ' “J ' "OWq V "e --;, P ham...“ 'ural 'font torkn, “hm. _ to month 31" md an In an til; “I ' ",.. A _ wood K property: Hrulmchor Hf .uatrtaet " Harlin. " v' M kitch, " in: No.u. -rtN will br I|'lrvhmr. "m"! cash; f to: mum’s; ‘ndur I aml " tho " {ht " hi In. as. "u Kru- ly 33.0. ' 'Fin L Me. I 3:0}, Public n k? SUPPLIES. GUSE and HOTEL ' ' :3 LGens. Na?,kiny1'tyt..eltipy Counterpanes, Marseilles Quilts. m (1mm, comforters, Blankets, Sheetings, Bed Feathers mm "mamas and Cottons. ' It: he PEOPLE‘S POPULAR TRADING PLACE DANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE V0 L. XL.-- NO. THE', BOEHMER co" ï¬rm weather is here and so is our stock of l S! C7 AND waNU,oDS RECEIVED. AND CURRENT RATES OF’ INTEREST _ .r;":n:ST ADDED TO THE PRINCIPAL AT Tr" Humor an All: .~._.;“ .u EACH. VCAR. inâ€: “km,†g..." " the collooflon of commercial PM. “mar! Sues Non;- .. . -.......--.-.- .a__.---.. as Stoves in and look at them. We handle only the No more HOT KITCHENS. GAS STOVES. :sTAaLIsnao 18m FiSID OFFICE, TORONTO. L PAID UP, SIX MILLION DOLLARS This Week We Offer TLEMS : Cash and One Price Only. v my tCT ml GAVI NGS BANK DEPARTMENT ol uu-(l prices everything in WATERLCO BRANCH ,3 was TnANSACTEo. FARMERS' NOTES the,cttuMreD, 3‘: AT ALL POINTS w CANADA, AND THE PRmCIPAL -w s 47:5. GREAT BRITAIN. FRANCE. BERMUDA, ac. WALKS uu'ia-ty M our stock as well as the more View make this the must profitable tA urn-mining in the line of furnishings I , 1' yard 'll .wol- loc 16 l 00 R, GENERAL MANAGER. 30c and Ranges )C )C 1HE 1 Special Sheeting Cotton 1 yd. wide 'i worth Pail: (u 3 Double width 'tiyheeting Cr 200 per Good Blankets worth (s).", (y Best South Down Wool Blankets worth :34 (n , Comforters (a $1.00 each ', Down Quilts worth 863.30 reduced to i.U 05 Counterpanes (a from $1.00 to $7.50 Art Muslin (a ic Tinselzuml Gilt Art Crepons just in irrur. China worth 40c (u 250 per' yard Best quality 11ml Feathers DOc per m of Berlin (Limited.) H. J. GRASETT, MANAGER. $6,000,000 00,000. (ll, 6.“ 20c per ya .TERLOO, -diFi%iiiir, THURSDAY MORNING APRIL 19, 1894. A BUDGET FROM ‘OORRESF PONDENTS AN D OTHER SOURCES. ‘1 All 'he News of the: County and Mun-let eatrertmt nun-nixed and put um nun-active allâ€. ' Mr. J. Clementine“ Doon. is said to be tho possessor of a calf which Gs tire legs, the tifth one being where its tail uhould be. V Mr. George A. Stimon,‘tbe Toronto dehetrure broker, has purbhuod 810: 000 city of Stratford bondts, bearing 4% per cent. interest,snd mutating Novem. ber 15,1915. During 1893 loane- hr Ir, in Hamil- ton nmoumod to 8102,M3/22. Mrs. Mills,aged 107 you ly the oldest resident in El She resides with her so] Bouthwold, Gas costs 81.00 per 1,000 in Galt and $1.35 in Berlin. Vancouver World :--There are 250,. ooo, words in the English lunguage,hut they were insulfieiettt to express the feelings of the Vancouver woman who disdsvered after coming out of church on Sunday that her new bonnet Was adorned with a tag; on which was writ ten, "Reduced to $4 " - Mr. John Halter, farmer, near Bres- lau, had twenty hams Nolan from his smoke house one night last- week. They weighed from 20 to 25 " euch. Mr. Halter so far hum no clue to the thieves. Mrs. Mary Harvie,widow of the late David Harvie, of Beverly.5has taken up her residence in Galt. She is now in her 98th year,having come to this coun- try in 1709,lnndirurin New Yor.k about the.yenr 1800. Although not well for some months, she yet retains much of her strength, and bids fair to reach her 100th year. Mr, Tobias Kolb, near Breslau, was found dead in bed on Monday morning. He was 83 years old and very infirm for many years, being of late totally blind. He was one of the oldest citi. zens of Waterloo County, having come Over from Pennsylvania with his par- ents when a mere boy. , On Friday, two weeks tygo, John, the eight year old son of Mr. Robert Halwke, at Lang’s saw mill. near At- wood, met with a most' frightful acci- dent. While playing in" the mill he stepped into a pool of boiling water at steam heat,' which was escaping from the boiler, and had a. layer of saw dust floating on the top. One leg up to the lame was most terribly: scolded, and what made the scald words was that he wore a woolen stocking. Owing to the depth and extent of the burn blood poi- soning was feared, but happily the dam ger is now past. Mr. Joseph Hanna, of the 8th 30n- ceesion of Elma, was not a little sur- prised one morning last week, while pitching hay down from the mow, to tiud tive big, lusty-looking tramps snug- ly covered up in the mow. On Sunday morning, March 18, Rev. Il., J, Philips, pastor ot, St. Peteru church, Orangeville, announced the banns of marriage between John Doran, Albion township, and Caroline Davis daughter of Thomas Davis, Credit Forks. The wedding day was set for the 5th of April. On the preceding night ayoung man nomad Huutor,who) seemed to be well acquainted with the I femily, called at the Davis’ home-stead, and was heartily welcomed by Miss Davis. He had his horse and buggy with him, and had not been in the house many minutes before he invited the lady to tnke a drive with him. To the surprise of Doran, who woe present st j the time, she readily accepted the offer. On thinking the matter, over he con- cluded that it was A piete of forgetful- ness on her part, snd th t they would return in a few minutes$ut three hours poked nwny and they hat! not returned, nor did they return until long otter midnight. Of course 'iiuloury ws‘s ground, but he said ing and went to bed. He was up , next morn- ing, and hurriedly d ing himself stated tor the station and took the down C. P. R. tmin for Montana, lssy- ing his Intended bride cognate over - med not of the nigh before. Miss Doris sadly repents her soc-pad. with Hunter, but very gummy h " bf hie. . ,‘ orifice' TaniiRU f ' fund-M i/Grii-e'i'tt --A. $1.22 NEWS NUGGETS. rs,is probab- gin County. u Jamey, in l Beawhy is giving his hm t and“ overGulimt. Re is making it high" and putting on new siding. It neon: as though Koo-nth wt" “bin; to pror per a there are two Ptttrtts and I «home hing eteetisd. . . .Miu Minnie Trench hawgone to Humtlton for . luv months' 'star . . . . Mr. M Steer: irho had intended going to Iowa moved to Berlin this week . . . . Mr SJI. Niece, our school teacher ll nan-in boarrhng at I his old place where be had been bond- ing lutlyeur, Mr, Jaa. E li,'. . . .On Tueodny of last week during the terri- ble mow storm Mr, Wm. Bannick And Mr. Vincent Schmuck Ind rather an unpleasant drive toGuelph. They had started hetero the mow . . . . Mr.Vincent Schmuck hnl rented Mr. Sol. WoolnerU house and will shortly move into it. Mr. Woolner is going to Berlin for o time. WEDDING BEus.---/rhe home of Mr. Jno. Emery was the scene of s most pleasing event on Tuesday, April 10th, being the marri me of his titer May to Mr. Hy. Banning of Perry Bound, A Urge number of friends and .intiamte acquaintances of both the contracting parties assembled to witness the cere- mony,which Was ably performed by the Rev. Schmidt, pastor of the Evangeli- cal church here. At, or about, 6.30 the bridal party entered th ' well adorned parlor to the music of the wedding march. The bride was assisted by Miss Annie Emery of this place and Miss Emma Griitin of London, while a simi- lar duty for the bridegroom was per- formed by MnAbruhnm Hinderioh end Mr. Gideon Hunischer of this placeAa soon as the newly marrivd couple re- ceived the corurratuutiorttr and well wishes of those present all moved to the dining room, where a gorgeous displny of enables had been set forth to sstlsfy the desires of a ravenous appetite. and no doubt all partook heartily, perhaps a. little more so tllnn they would have had had adoclor not been prcwnt ; at any rate we are plenrei to burn that nothing serious resulted. The guests now returned to the parlanwhere " ' l . I AI ___ U - __ V _ _ . a number of the younger enjoyed them- selves with music, songs and plays of liti‘erent kinds until the Wee sma’ hours were reached. During this time as is customary in Wilmot a number 01 the you. g men of the neighborhood gather- ed together with all the instruments to make tb {arm noise and they did so but; not long, as they soon left with the idea that thev were well paid for their ef. forts. The bride received in numerous lot of valuable and useful presents and it is the wish of all that sha may lone live to enjoy them in her "new home" in Parry Sound,where they intend mov- ing to this week accompanied by the bride's mother. Mr.Wood of Chicago,some time back visited Mr. Daniel Zoeller In the inter- est of the Aermotor Co, of that place. Mr. Z----, has made a large number of sales and we know he will make a great many more an he " handling nothing but the genuine Aermotor manufactur- ed in Chicago. . . . Mr. Babb of Huhera. ville spent Saturday and Sunday visit ing his fraternal friend Mr J, . . . . Mr. and Mrs. Christner spent Sunday in New Dundee.. . . .Aboithere"hello" has become the Ines: way of saluting a friend although you have met them but a very few times. WrmuIsris --A very pretty wedding l took place on Tursday, April 10th, the occasron having been the marriage of Miss Adeline Edt, daughter of Mra.L. Eidt to Mr. William Beiletein of Ban- over. The marriage ceremony was per- formed b Rev. G. F. Brown minted by Rev. E. Wittich of Plattaville, Mme Lizzie Bernstein sister of the groom act- ed as bridesmaid and the groom war " tended by Mr. Walter of Hanover.The wedding celebration took plece at the home of the bride's mother where a sumptuous breakfast was prepared, af- ter partaking of which the young couple received the congratulations of those iresent. Only the immediate relatives were invited and the presents contri- "tuted to the bride were veryghandeome. The more day another eedding occured It the Lutheran church. Rev. J. Long holtz officitsting. The contracting pier- ltiee were Mr. John Forloi' and Min ( Suloma Pbnner,elde" daughter of Mr. 1 George Planner. Mia: Lizzie Berlet _ named the bride while tt you; in ably supported by Mr. en!" orler, i brother pt the groom. After the up ltinl knot“! merely trawl. panned-lain. mine _ _ . lummgypwh "- Willie! fellâ€. Phlllpshurg. sled to know that ell on recovering. . . . .The old Mennonite denomination held their unnunl confer-boon lost Thurs " and Fridsy in their church at Bers lin. Quite a number of ministers were [ present from 5 distance and quite so nmount of business was tron-acted . . . . Mrs. Btatsifer Stunts, daughter of Mr. Joe. Snyder, removed on Monday lost. to her our home in Wilmot, near Bu- den whi'her she takes very mony wish. es for future oneness and Gppioatss.Bhe will he sodly mi"qred here, hut, “things like that you know umst he, liter a famous victory,". . . .The nine months old daughter of Mr.Joseph Shautz. of Breslsu, passed away Nat Thursday afternoon and Wes buried in Cressmun’s church-yard the following Sutulduy morning. On the same day.Mr.Tohias Ko b who was a resident if the coun- ty for many years, died, and his re mains were interred in the old Merino nite cemetry, Berlin. The bereaved friends have the symthy of it†in this time of trouble. . . .Our school tencher intended the B air P. S Ex liminution lust Siturday and report" a very pleasant and proiiohe time. Mr Aaron Hilborn, the teacher, exhibited some of his methods, and his scholn 9 showed at once by their quick and in» telligent answers the value of these methods and their aptitude in school. The previous Saturday he attended an examination held in S S. No. 19 Van mot. On this occasion the scholars did justice both to themselvr-s and their teacher, Miss Morrison. A consider able number of visitors were present including residents of the section,Miss. es Woods, Meyer and Kumpf of Ber lin and the neighboring teichers. uElmlra. Shipments via G.T R. for week end inc Monday April 16m: A __ 65 cars square timber to Great Blit- nin, via lake And oc-~9.n route from Tor. onto ; 2 cars ilour to Halifax, N. S. ; 3 cars ashes to New York state and 1 to Massachusetts ; 3 cars white brick to Waterloo; 3 cars cattle and 1 our hogs to Montreal ; 1 car dried apples to Bremen, Germany, via N. Y. b'crLDisr.'soTr:sv -II. Dunke k Co. commenced work on the addition to their premises but Monday . . . .\Veber (k EM) are having the front of th Ir block tepaiuttsd and will pinup A Gnd.. rome sign in a few days. . . . M. Weich el is erecting an addition to his already large warehouse. Part of the new P" rt will he used by E, B. Erb. ' . .A stars at renovating the Methodist Church was made last Monday morning when a number of church members aasémbled to arrange scaffolding for the repaint- ing of the interior, ot which Mr. J. I). Reising Ins {he eoutract. Mr, Jacob Foerster will reshirigle the roof as soon us tho material arrives. The young ladies will give an "At 1 Home" in the Musical Society Hall'on Whit Monday evening. . ' .The mem- bers of the S. o. T, spent a very pleas- ant evening at Rev. R. H. Hall's resi dence last Friday, when a "udfrpull" was heartily engaged in . . . . Bishop Bowman, of the Evangeliml Associa- ion, preached here on Sunday afternoon to a crowded house . . . .The Elmira Musical Society is in receipt of a sub- scription of 85 from our former towns- man. Prof. A. S. Vogt of Toronto. . . . Mr. William Mathews, of Peel To hes purchased Mr. Andrew hTich's resi- dence on Church street for $1050. As the former will not move to Elmira for some time, Mr. Feick will remain in his present tymrterwuntil he purchases or builds another residence. . . . M r. Finley, general agent Dominion 8.6: L. Ase’n, and J. M. Kilgore, representing the Globe S. & L., were in town during the week in the interests of their re npeftive companies." N F . . . .The town fadherl no Elving the main um clo-inod up in fimt clans Ityle. The and ind “(use accumulsv ed duringtbe tall 3nd witttee In" been remand and deposited on our park lot " the south end, and at "oet will be made to mud-sly improve the latter daring. “to current lat. In . four you! we all.“ hueslmlopu-k second town. in village-tho in a! Elwin. Wobopodndm '. lr will un- {We NI.» - was in} and "tt,'ttt. It,','.'? hrtttyat ttgg . a? that†my hm _atkiiei- A . iiLaiG-.-rt, v. Clement, Esq, attended the Aseizes, it Berlin, this week . . . .The friends of Mina Carrie Tede have recieved I letter from her nnnonncing her “is nrrivnl at Bran- dom Mun. I _The Methodist Ladies Aid Society will be "at home" to the members. ad- herents and friends of the Church, in the Wment mutt rue-dny evening. " . large crowd, my of whom had to! remuin ouhidepll the out- beiug oocu- I wed . . . .Mr. Albert Devin. mu Mo Shovmnker of Wost Monte ac vimh-n friends in town on Sunday . . . .'l he snow thich fell Int TunduUOth inst.) has curly dipappenred. Mr. Devin took .dvantuge of it by mviuinu a number of young people to spend the evening at his house and try the tutfy he had prepared for them, All deck-rad l it excellent. . . . Our sick falkl are re- 3 covering under the cure of our loom] doctor. . Mr. M M, Winn has moved into tl a village, huVinK wanted his farm and him a ttale . . . . Rev. W. C. Ammtrong's re- Rigmumn hn heen accepted by the Preahvcery . . ' . Mr. F. Hilker in tspite of all that medical aid nouId do passed to his long teat on Saturday morning. The remains we": (ukun to Linwood for intentsent. He leaves a wife and A family of ten or twelve children. His bereaved our: hawn the aympurhy of We entire community . . . . Miss Telly Hil- ker has returned from Bohcnygwn, ac- companied hy her sister Mrs, Storey. On Saturday lust Mr. SGroh attend- ed a meeting of the Executive Commit- tee of the Waterloo County Teacliers’ Association. The principal work was to arrange a program for the October meetings . . . . Farmers in this vicinity have begun spring operations on the soil . . . . M r. Christ. Miller occupied tho pulpit at Bethel on Sunday evening in the absence of Re . P. Cuber who is shortly to take charge of the work. . . . Messrs W. S. Bowden A: R. S. Futher have secured the, agency for pumps for spraying fruit trees. Certainly much of our fruit during recent years has not attained tho hlgliest'developinent owing largely to the operation of different iii- sects that infest the trees continuously from the tirst appearanco of the leaf bud to the ripening of the fruit. It is claimed that by two appliCations of a solution prepared for the purpose, the trees ale entirely freed from insects. The spraying is an experiment so far as the farmers of this section are concrru- ed. If rwsulurtguuoessrem-Ntteei; expec- tations, no doulit spraying Will become a general remedy for the exits besetting our iruit trees. . . . Farmers are at a ltiasi to know what to do With their tat mid tle. Many tine animals were Well ted l during the winter and are now in FX l eellent condition. In many sectiulii no [my rs have put in an appearance. The I sales that have mine to our notice are i for very low tigures. What is becoming of the cattle trade? Farmers however, need not despair, Mr. Vanliorne pro- mines ie. a bushel for wheat within 18 mOnths. . . .On Sunday evening Rev. It. Head delivered a practical discourse on “The causes of the hard times.†He dealt with the politician’s reasons. "HighTariff, Free Trade, (iverproduc- tion, Extravagant Government, Party» ism, Combines, the, and showed by comparison of different c untries that neither of these will suffice to acc0unt for our present condition. He. thought it may be summed up in, "DUobe. (hence to G00.†Rulers do not legis- late for the good of the majority. We do in t treat all men as brothers. We must have faith, not trimplv a general faith, but a higher spemtic faith in Our boys now boast of two new foot- balls. ' . . Nearly all young men of our town are carrying new watches at pre- sent. due to the enterprising spirit of One of our leading citizens. . . .A Galt syndicate has rented the Bechtel mun for tish raising. A quantity, of fry has already been placed in its waters and a hatchery is now being' prepared " the upper end so there will be nothing lack- ing, to carry on one of our lending in- dustries. . . . Mr. A. Kiefhnbbor we un- den-stud has been appointed warden of the premises . . . .The Cinch Beck tirm bu ulna rented the McNally dam in connection with its famous hatchery. Bluir cm My bout of thouunds of fish and expat. more to follow. A num- Ber of fine prairie chicken are racing around our fields " present the proper- ty ot Mr. Geo. "tttsy of Unit. On Su- mdcy some of our citizens endeavorw to catch I pair butdid noouectse.d. . . . The - wade!) he: not iuqu his in- struction- Instantly or people would that the may " they all them, their freedom" . .Kr. onb Eilborn diqord of " driven“ not own. e rho! French boas. Mr. Philip Cn- - wel- so Ito w +t. tfr, It!1t wofllil dnm‘mm owns a I rdififd'it't,tJTdth?dil"dT etratedti't1titu'rl,2'it N up“ “been“ ht wads. Bttermmrntivert bral. . . 4 tft1tt:12gt,t', ,',tP'h,','dt iiiGirreu.PrirmmerP_ri,tieL- 7 13-3-. “animatoh‘ "L.Liiiimputiditeomtrt1r-1'rith- .li J' 4 So now I put away my pen But you may hear from me again. my llnwluvllle Mm â€IldfO Blair. WHOLE NUMBER. JUST RECEIVED, The undersigned offer {RI-mull BA! GAINS on Unrriaqw ranging in pr'c- es from $500 to $15.00. Call and see them. fl, l LANG_ t 00., and dosttoying the industry of ought muking. Pestora were put up last work to announce a meeting to no held in' the old schoolhouse or rstlwr now the town hall-o spurious building, able to hold 200 pecple,on the evening of the 20th of this month when addresses will be given by M In Robinson of Fergus and others On the good work accom- plished by the Patrons of Industry and the Uesnetit derived by the farmers to join them. All are invited to come.. . (Ming to he Iow prices cattle buyers intand to pay for export cattle, some of the most irominentfeed"rs held a meet- ing lust Wick at Mr. Geo. Aameon'e for the purpose of organizing a comp my to ship 'xpo't bullocks . No definite conclusions were arrived at, al though the prevailing stststtment of the meeting WAS to organize. Ar tithe: meeting will he held on the 21st inst., at 2 o'clock pm, in Swami-rs ll,si,, Conestogo. All farmers "reiusuted to attend.. q .To those who fail to read the British markets we would say that deal?“ should he ab'e to [my 5; per lb. live wpight with the prvspnt prices in Great lintain. For example a bullock. I weighing 1500 lbs, drestung GU ,would make 1'00 lbs. beef which sold at llc per lb. would bring too und deducting ( $24 which would covet all commission and shipping expenses (theae tigurs haw been obosined on autho'ir would leave a Inlance of $75. This applies only to well finished animal..- Inferiot animals dress only from .30 to v, . It becomes our and may this week tr chronicle the (hoe-use of nu ul I and est teamed resilient. Mrs. ArH-nr Bstber, who ou Wednesday, April 1 lab, paoied peacefully away "to where beyond theme virieets there is peace.†Although 'he deceased had been in poor health for some time, the was no worse than usual until a. few days previous to her death, “the low at: of tr to 6 per cent Arrangements have been completed to loana large amount of private and Company's Funds on The firtetrt lot of Children’s Town Property N "l'ilj, (itil)')-.',-,;,"?,"','-) faiEtit; , my J' Ciiplltt 5iiiirriilt'ii,)lCsi1 NI 'tttet,-,:' ,gkrr, 'rc, .' _ 'j?ilRtlii.,j,-,tiii] "s)?, 15,}, SIS' ' -.c?,i"i'cii'c1"xi-i'-vlkrl1r5- = iR2,t tiii.'i')ijrjc H? N I jiifCfj"i/ji( w NOTICE- CARRIAGES. Farm Property MONEY T0 LOAN (Continued on 8th Page.) PER CENT. unnum- --AND-- - AT 9045 an?“ Ci)