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Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 15 Mar 1894, p. 6

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F" -. If; mum's FINANGESIZE HON. MR. HARCOUBTS BUD- Toronto, March 6.--Aftor routine, Proximal Treasurer Human made " financial qtatement. After some preliminary oGservatioev, he said that the total receipt» for 1893 were 84,- 2'.tl,9li, which included the maul 'i.'00,000 representing Dominion bonds. These bonds, matured early in 1893 and no": promptly paid by the Domin- ion Government; and taking out 352,- 2.G7, representing him made to munic. ipaiities an account of drainage debenta um, the total reseipus for 1893 amountr td to 8t,0.39,05ct. The drainage de- Lrrsture loam made in H93 ruched the figure of 862,497) and the receipts from they: municipalities from this muru- “in 332,237. The (animus of rewnur which he made lut Will)" was "LUilO,37;', and thin had actually been exceeded to the H.gtertt of 895,466. The first item of receipts, subsidy and “with grant, was u cuunse the sum: mm; yaw. With regard to the 5m: and ltd-“1, the interest on cunwlidutt-d fund mrml, Ilvpending on the popular tion of this province to that of (zodiac. Thi, amount inrrwal each decade, and the amount mentioned was ”and m. tln- u-unun of IS”. Prior to Pi7.", thow- payuu-nh were :ultlHl to the sulr hill}. um appear“! in a lump aum, and they Wt n: ”runny-I1 in irrl, when bv H tfo, lullo' w in “humid, Umught l aluminum-“I tro." f', Il Claim 3 Surplus of “A”. tl “mg: 5.6:" ‘78 aaa' -'""e. _Giutoskiiki' iiiGHaFai; but in .37 a! " sub. " a!” gmy%.@m|â€"43Im m m. obtained hug-gu- m .tb W“, In trr'! $3302.75”; .007, in HUI, $293,151 ,rr, um] in lr'l,"t,ii:..".)l,.', huu- mum 1hr muniripu "l III lr'-s'o.cc.".C,,n'5,",-, ls9f Is"tl, #359,137; IH‘J‘J. S 1‘93, .u:.'.87,00. In tlu. ll th mu 1! " lirortw " 'ttl" to L'iu' tn lrnhaua ”no rt. hm] been a i the "vil, " th: u' iron, "ritiurc.," HI from hunk’ and In I lmr c" Mun“). Last "ic., ch. l, the w": of.82,. placsl to the credit of Thi, was paid along _ awn-Mir- puyuwnln of in, Trust Fund up to July Jun. I, INCA, the humiu {It ‘al'nt them, $398,335“) ruin: out an rv.,,rreeutertt l l-, Inuit!” 'it'l 10.000 in- [n-mliug wtllvuwnl of ,3; ro-m-iH-d as interest on "f7'.t,'t"Jr, tlw largest rt-~ ml yuan pant frnm this H 00 All » rum-PM! F'l, In News oihU forests alone ttt .mml In I‘UJ Yew Ynhc vu- n-wsrv i.Vr. in “hi”, ow to L'01, and He thought. I a umrkml Cl/tl imtitutimm (rum: tlel,ent, , vtluul to “I. nn " \‘I'ur's u tlot' The Ingest single appropriation, was devotmi to the maintenance of public i,uytitationg, and this was now three , times what it '38 20 years Mo, sad 25 lper cent. more than it was 10 years i130. In 1A93 this was now three , times what it was 20 years to, iusd 25 per cent. more than it VII-3510 years ago. In was this service Qat815,095 more than it did five yeah :30 and $70352 more than it did tap yelr'i With regard to the insane, the new Cottage Asylum“ Mimicn furnished acuouunodation for 560 patients, and last year 593 were under treatment in this iwstitutton. The new Orillia Any- lum had accommodation tor 500 pa- tients, and the number under treat. ment last year was 3:33 In theinwm wyluins, during lss7, there were.'),.');).'; inmates: in 's", 3,"“M; in '89, 31,953: in 'OO, 1,187; in 'ol, 4,972; in '92, 4,- "irs.5, and in '93, 4,803, showing an in- ereuu: of Lil“) patients within six years. This state of affairs compelled n constantly inert-Ming expenditure. 'l'iigid emnmny and the highest ethe- iency were aimed at in this: depart- went. The average em! per patienl in 7s American auylums was 8227.'", while here it was $135.71 last year, or Ffl P.t.07 when the amount contributed by paying patient was deducted. The average weekly cost for maintenance fur each patient was $2.00. while this he”: in D; American asylums wu- $l.lll. In the Montreal asylum it Win" $3.12, and in England, over“. long perind of years, it Wu: .?.", 715. Where practicable, supplies were purchned by tender; T During” EH93 they 'tpeut on new huildingq, including the Parliament Building», 5708.117». During the last in, F The total for 189.3 reached the enormou» sum of 877mt39, more than one fifth of the entire year's expendit- ttrd. . During" lrOe Hwy went on 116% buildings, including Um Parliament liuihlings, $708.33 During the last fir" yum- the "xeruliture under this 1mm] was $3,107,0w. during the pro-x ious, five yetus it " T,.iel,t),f's3l. The Mimico cottages cont $535,760, and tho (trillis asylum oust itrrl."i:..'2, while the "xenditur" an the Brock, whilt‘ the l-xlu-inlituru on the Brou4rl '. llll' ihylulll up to the "nd of Int wan-i uh $183,523, and the new Parliament Buildings and the [WW asylums' iiGl (an! up tovLW. l l'wt, .1?l,l00,.50(; l Th,. 3ili- of the old Parhauiot Build-i ingxY \nlnc-rl at $500,000, and '21 I? .-r, m nu, purt of the asylum farm, valued _ n! .~'l.'.li,()'il)V wvrc- set apart to he sold i to form n romtruction fund, hut owing to tlw prmvnt marked depression in tvalestato Milt-s had not been made. Nntxt-I'tlivlr“ the new buildings had Isoer, put up ssithoutborrowingasiugle dollar. The t-xpomliture under the head of Agriculture and Arts was constantly increasing. In 1890 this amounted to $127,900. in "J1 to 'tl.59,53.5, in '92 to slings; and in '93 to $169,571; Many important agricultural problems awaited solution, and no g-xpensu Nllnuid he Nuar"d to advance the inter. as” of the farming population. This lhTartrnent of Agriculture was wanted in INNS and everything ymible would l in- done by the Government toincretvat ':, its usefulness. A number of grants, were made in aid of breeders' associw tions, etc., and important additions had been made to the staff of the Agrieult: ural College. In experimental work 8500 was spent in 1888, while lust year 85611 mm so expended. Thin was ione of the most important features of the institution. The travelling dairy, during the. [not three years, itis lterm of existence, had coat 818,505. The culnge was never so popular as it now was, and with its adjuncts it had been in a high degree instrumental in dimming and populirizing advan 5 twientifie methods. in this relation ithe World's Fair, this province h :taken 3 vez high position and gout 1paredmoat vorably with the ‘whol l Dominion and the Bates of the Amet- csn Union. i The increase in "PPd.P."t in coy)- nection with the Admihutration q! Justice were v noti 10. In 1898 this cost. 'l'i'il7J, mom“: in 1883. The expenditure for ther former yodr wu 8275.245, and Kr the latter 'Moi. ','e,'t'"t,"ftpti'8gt eons. iul you: In 1889 this gunmen ' 8368.186; in '90, 839 ,828; in '9 , “04,690; in '02, $894,134, laid in '9 “A”. And d th-ei nu? , may 9pm-:- 55:39:41 'tti m: The increase in u] 'e, trr'tr, hiiriii?i'i, ther former yodr our robe latter 8380’- ing If cent. in l w" gunmen ' I , " .828; in '9 , not 4.1394, laid in '9 tiv, ' expenditures' in codaection with e World's Fair, etc., had been inman during but year, and railway certifitbten and annuities to the extent of $229,616 had been retired. But the menu; to retire these asrtiiicatm would: materially increase annually dur- ing the next several years. During the next nine years this reduction would amount to 8101,000. The grand to railways since Confederation had reached 8i5,959,081. The pay- menu in cash were $1,704,195, and for certificates, 8.5,'?..'U,889; while t! e out- standimg certificates amounted to ffl,- 312,149, spread over a long term of 312,149: spread over a long term of years. Their present value was it92:l,- 091, ard the present value of annuities was iei;3l0,77;5. But as their credit in thei banks of this city WIS 31,535,- 000 apartial award was made last year in connection With the accounts be. tween the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec and the Dominion, and he again placed to their credit the sum of ie,si8,280, which was included in the statements of his prsleaesssors from INS} to '88, and under. an agreement entered into in October, 1888, $714.- o00,0itts were also to be credited to the Province of Ontario as of date July I, 1867, instead of July 1, 18715, and the effect bf this agreement was to strike out the charges made against Ontario for interest on the excess of debt be. tween 1867 and 1573, while they gave up the increased subsidy due under the act oflocl. But in July last it was claimed at Quebec that this agreement was not binding on the Dominion. that it was; ultra virus and contrary to the acts of 187.3 and 18151. The effect of this JiecGion was to restore to Ontario, as an interest bearing asset, the sum of ire,s4ii,:.r9, ttecessittitin,rr, a revision of the adcounts Theur acx-ountant "str muted that this amount would L, re- duced by 31,51 r,000, and that the final Glartte in favor of Ontario would be (cl,3i's'.) which was larger than was l Ut now long It.,'""","",', tS permanently claimed last year. They had so fur at" "W”! by IJr. Sages Catarrh Remedy. ceptetl the partial award of Nov. 2 lasl, , --- vo~ - but the Dominion Government had arr _ WNW?“ Victoria employs four doe-. pealed from it. The provinces were tist'g. iionfideut.tll this an”! would tsot) Dublin, with a population of 350,- Ire, suqtained. Tlse year was begun,”H l _ 1 ll” li with it bank balance in their favor of, Jul), tru',' ' J potce. ii013,ts7, of which $350,000 wa, on DANIEL RITZ, New Hamburg specinldeposit. The total receipts for, Dec. 15 (03, says: I was suffering the N”. were iu,:yol,91 I, and the total I from Dyspepsia, and other troubles. I "xvtdtliture $3,904,6e3. On Dec. :;l I took a few bottles of Shiloh: Vitahzer lust they had on hand in the haul“ and it cured me.Isincerely recommend i-‘l,000,0lG, of which $923,000 was, on _ it, Sold by Simon Snyder, Waterloo. spied deposit. Other assets were, ly. publia 1"1,ildiy'y.landr,.y,y?ty money»; There are 623,062 divorced, persons '.'" crown lands Hales -i!s00,0yr. stand- , living in Germany. mg timber, a perpetual yearly subsidy" , . of ikl, 96,000, and a perpetual yearly" The lampress of llussw’s court dress suhsitiy of $112,000 from the hmnin- is valued at 815,000. ' ion under the act of ISM. If the rail. Tuvm' AtmrxuunxG.--Mim Annette N. wily ci ttifieatm, and annuities were cap Moen, Fountain, Mlnn..sayn: "Ayer‘n Cherry itnlizc§l their present value would .l.'f.'.1Cf, ht" 'Ill', n wtttttUrN1 effect- in curing “will: to seamen entailing at 4I:3.mimggmmignmfnxx£37; per c t. an annual interest charge of‘ they found mm an" taking um preparation. $89,694. While Lust year they re-! ' . . ceived as interest on trust funds nndl New MEXICO annuully) sends out investlments more than $300,000. It auout?.l,000,000,000in ulhon. the c6tiheates and annuities were ml Last year there were in Vienna 316 be capitalized and treated as a preeent suicides and 338 attempta. debt, hep they had a. right .tp’capital- The ”on" you has!!! to Bttht the tire, the [7.6 th s 8300,000 odd at 87,5o0,00o. more sully itiaesxtiatruutted. ThomaneryOu ‘He q! oted freely from the Attorney wanking Aye-"a Bumper-uh torrourbiood GenerUN Whitby speech and gave the abuse. the enter will be the cure. In both amount at present on deposit in the 0““. P!trlylttott" mutual. Be sure banks as:over $1,350,000. The Hut. "yf Aretrutsadno other. plus of asset: ofth deducting all liabil- Little Denmark has thi.rtrseveu div- itierat pmaent payable at the end of l or 098 to every 1000 msrnages. the year was 86,lM,liqJ.l0. rm... h“ In... n-_--|_:l__m Wu He‘then entered into a comparison of the financial position of this province as compared with the Dominion and the other provinces, stating that during this last Parliament they had spent $10,786,431 and that the ordinary rev- enue inoreehnn sutiiced for the ordin- arye ponditure, and added: No one ever xpected thot it would in addition to th many grants to,which I have refer , audios to meet lnrge special olpi expenditures. The supporters of th Otto's Government, in their one ts to justify the immense and grovi g debt of the Dominion, invari- ably int to their large capitol ex- pendi urea, mph on those on public work In their fervor and excitement our e 'tice in " say, "You Retreat- ing but re enne on ordinary revo-' we? _ i 1l?i?"iii?,'iiitii'iii'. :40 r c. 'r_uetyry Com . tim, . it Warn-Evin 3 No woman has, any teal admiration 1' for a man's presence unless a man has P good physrque-legs and arms well ‘fillvd out You cane be 'well-looking' j if you suffer from any of the diseases lcauzs'ed by a disordered liver or impure 3 blood -dyspepsia, biliousness, and i, scrnfulous affections. Dr. Pieree's l Golden Medical Discovery is a medicine (that cures these cases. It's the Only , remedy that's guaranteed to benefit or lcure in every case, or the money re- l fun led. Medical science stamps it i “absolutely potent" as a blood-cleanser, 1 strewth-restorer, and tletslrhuilder. ‘The worst Nasal Catarrh, nd matter I of how long standing, is permanently ":uro-d by Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. trtbtrr1riGtetiyvrtithettls, weE; ai) Jia- oiipitiiG Jiiiilrir- wit? ottmrle.enisr, but)!” wit!' tmpi- vail-Iw in 'tttrat, fusid and mine u immense, nl inenleulnhke. It our forest ire-1m nod hr fir the greater part. at it remains intact, in husbands! and (tgd, " in the future “in theput; inoureelee of small portions of it from time to time we continue to realize the highest prices. ell fear of failing revenue or of bor. rowing will continue to be an impnlp- nble spectre for generations yet to come. We may ooatidentily expect to maintain our prment revenue. while u I have already indreued, our yearly expenditure for reilwey aid and public buildings will be materially reduced. The people of this Province, in the ex- ercise of their sovereign power, will soon be called upon once again to pace verdict upon the financial record of the Administration of my honored friend the leader of this Home. Tried by his record, his every supporter, as well as every friend of honest, efficient and economialgovernment, will hope- fully and eonfidetttly await the result. i Loud applause.) DANIEL RITZ, New Hamburg Dec. 15 (93, says: I was suffering from Dyspepsia. and other troubles. I took a few bottles of Shiloh: Vitahzer and it cured me, I sincere'y rmmmend it. Sold by Simon Snyder, Waterloo. 1y. There are 62,062 divorced, persons iis ing in Germany. Tule AtmrsuurmG.--Misa Annette N. Moen, Fountain. Mlnu.,aays 2 “Ayers Cherry Pectoral has had a wonderful "ect in curing my brother's children of a. severe and danger on» cold. n wuipruly tuttonuhuttrhowapmsdilr they found relief after mung this preparation. The ”one: you begin to Bttht the tire, the more easily it h extinguished. The monet- yOu begin taking Ayers Semperilla. for your blood dim. the enter trill be the cure. In both cues, do)” is denaeroue. If not tam. Be sure you get Ayer'u and no other. The inte Prima, Menschikoir paid $60,700 for eight American "other; Malaria is one of the moat insidious Of bulb destroyer-I. _ Bood'l Sal-churn]: mantel-wt. m deadly when and bund- no the ”Item. Paris has nearly one-half of the div- urces granted in all France. Every song Pulp Toni composes is aaid to bring him in $1,200. Loon was}; 'rrrtAaar.--Nrpoleon conquered the world. The toothache conquered 'anoleon. Thar greatest trial is faced with calmness. It is the nuts of life that sting to madness. glue any land the lo- of fortune, The unremitting sick hendnehe he made suicide: Seton nor. Add bil- iomele and unsigned: the most iron tutemtitiattot, goe- It Mote AL}- "p-a- " AAML___A3:_.. n‘, 44- this this“: lr' comm ( fetayrk's Payday curb 'lielhotitam, lush m dating twinge of. neuralgia; T Swif- [pa-den [in and In?” oerrdtymt+ (can and 1m a: bail and not: brties 'Bet-rd light. tbrftheArr, When Jack when Mun Eleanor, He than brings her plenty Ot ff9wers and chuckle bouboms, which Most chum the mud of twenty. And though Mrjack has skinny arms. And legs as thin as pheaattrttk, How could One blame Miss Eleanor, _ Who much admires hm presents' 1',)1k,llt,,'hSk: - was“ ftWiiT-drUiE -"- "1.1m j, u - , 1tt'tmliile,i- "comm T"""""'?,'.',',),'.'.,-,,)','- i M mild-W Asdrtrrediitiiimtttiiiohttthutadtiiittoriiri'iie.t . I J,,, Mum,“ u _'""'"""'""""'""-, {"1“ .pa'r'"vr'='Nuh'st= t i.", A m 1 Ff2C.SSKL"a' 'i't'iiiE, C 51% ' C g Sometvoorthnoyeunngoaptdvty writs resolved togive up thew tionsofabigcity, nodtktakehirrielf toth. amp-rt ofthe Summit! build then-home. Br the-trim of nfevhnndredx ofdollus sndtheas- nuance of n brother, a plot of ground wa- necnred, ands comhrtatNhmttse of five room's: built, allon the-nine floor. As you approached the house a Miss c-, being the daughter of an army officer, inherited the braverv of her good father, and the loneliness of the situation impressed her not, the only defsnce of the little castle, being two dirka, which hung in close prox- imity near the' bed on Which she slept. The weapons, the owner declared,cuuld be effectually used in case of an intrud. er. large tree seemed to lean for support against the roof of the pizza. end gave to 'ut ont-of-door place its unple shade. By way of a small aqua-o hall the parlor was reached, while opposite was the breakHat-eoom, will: its minis tare butler's pantry, quite large enough for a single inmate. ( The bedroom», although small, were charmingly furnished in old mahogany, and the smaller of the two was the author’s sanctum. Three steps down from the dining-room was the kitchen, which had for its contents numerous saucepans, pails, broilers, all the para- phernalia by which a good meal could be. served, while the broad windows al- lowed the sun’s says to flood the floor at all seasons of the year. Stairs and halls were ignominiously discarded,but the windows of the house lent a pictur- esque charm on all sides. The house itself was quite a distance from the village, and was in a lonely out-of-the~ way spot, yet reached by the trades. people in regular rotation each morn mg. . On a. table in the breakfast-room a book of debit and credit could be shown to the visitor or friend, if one cared to see this methodical system of houw- keeping by which one person could live in a simple and comfortable way for dnehundred and fifty dollars a year, the proof positive lying in the item, which she showed with pride in her daily ledger. In this haven of rest she pursued her literary labors, and reaped the benefit ot that quiet and repose which shone as a bright color from her sweet face-Harper': Week. ly, "All rundown" from the weakening effect, of warm weather. you need a good tonic and blood purifier like Hood's Samparilla. Do not put off taking it. Numerous little ailments. if neguseusd.twill soon break up the system. Take Hood :1 Snrsaparilla now. to expel disease and give you strength and appetite. HOOD'S PILLS are the best family cathartic and liver medicine. Harmless, reliable, sure. Of divorced couples in Germany over 55 per cent have no children. Scotland has fifteen divorces to eiur VETERINARY SURGEON. ry 1,000,000,000 in population. f --- . “very, Sale and Exchange Suble- Rnuxr Is SIX Hocres.-u9ietretetrut Kidner " . . and Bladder ditseatses relieved in six Emir; ify Pir',ttilete 2,rt ttttd Food P,l!.ttle.yeyt'r.. , the "New GREAT Sou-m AMERICAN Kmxu' is] we Bea e fit", mndwusin roadio CURE." This new remedy is Bgreat surprise ode“ 'd T'fllfl ' 1tiui'lf Ir.'. to and cbu and delight to physicinnu on account ot its u- :an era -e. H on '.% very in r.Psr of wading Ilri,',','ll,'ltl"i','l' in relieving pain in the 1'hm/iTdl,'ti 11,"lfi; hmm“ on king "rt bladder, laneys.bo,ck and ever. part ot the next "' era utc or trhotr. uni-gag nrt/it',)',', nangzlor lemma 1'SSitti --Veee - . -_-- -----------r-r-r-----r--t----rt- " n onowaeran napaas R “moat . . immediately. " you wj.utt.q.ure1r,r,xstiOu.t,d. can? Riehard c. Cltu ke, 'tjririir7GriGGGr. "isGiif'irisCBtrtiin'itt", In Austria 14 is the legal age for mrriage for both men and women. from Weak Lungs to Con- sumption. from Depleted Blood to Anaemia, from Dis- eased Blood to Scrofula,from Loss of Flesh to Illness. _- the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, prevents this step from being talqen and restores Health. k" " . - - ""3" .. - ”w”, - 0pm thank“ m é FALL TRADE agar: and whores Health. , Atrtg 8thtiatW2tt,1Nt, m iz: -- Phymcim, moworld over, en- .)"dA'u'lt'ltrlt " a.» 'll'll's"s"dll.""e _ . o,ttct,ttu"%ltrr 'tll ttS: done it. “in ___ Bitikitid iiiuitmiiiiciicaub The Art to! living Simply. Only a Step Etttulsiit1t1t Scotts The Spring Medial-(- Cl""""ll'd', * chRIDI. w am _ GIVM_ IMuo-N WWW “mansion. not laud-Van! n or 15mm 'hhrflU5"rt'llurr't Eiurv,u-.-t-tmtai Mule-Consonant. Law DR. A, P. BAUMAN Pmsxcxuc. Emacs AND Aoooccnluu. OMee and residettee-'rwo doors north of roti- dence formerly occupked by the late Dr. Walden on Albert street. M'irterloo, TiiiifikrrihTrGri7 i'ii"i"t.Btso-sseat Mtttr%S I!“ SMW‘MI. DR. LIMITAGE Pmmcux. SURGEON AND Acoocmcu. 0fftee--En the rooms formerly occupied 17 T. wetls.L D. 8. over Mr. Fisk's "om (Rd _ “germ. Niche ugly Answered " once. Tale ptiueiorGarimtion DRS. D. B. & G. H. BOWLBY. PHYSICIANS. Scum: on. ETC. Dr. D. S. Bowibr, Coroner for the County. Dr G, H. Bowlby was diseases of the nose. throat and ear. f DR. C. T. XGCKER. MEDALLIST OP TO Ro.NTO University. Licentiate of the Col- l?e of Physicians. Surgeom and AccoucheI 0 Ontario. DISEASES or EYE AND EAR Tatum. Office-New residence. Albert street. Water loo. n short distance north of the lam Dr. Walden]; residence. U g ml. mm Public.t3uv¢m. on. . fancy to but.) ofBeebouri". Inltoip. m. Gales-.2 Killer'- Bloek. Wm Special attmstiod M to Catarrh, m and Chronic I)” Will visit Baden tKraus' Hotel), the fttst Thursday and third Thurwiay of each month. Will vi,.it Ill-uln- the Meant! Thumday and Friday and fourth Tbuwday und Friday of each month {Thur-adu- noon. to Friday noon). a Land Surveyor. Civil W! and utrtttampn,flmduattqte the Ontario of Mal Science. AM In» Je,titg", to SWEET? Enei.nerortt1reytyn Pam ot .b- York Engineer on tho omsatNotttin of Pali- Mghi"l ' tTiGortoTiiGtiit"'a I 1li'tiliTiri',t'iiirlsua"ta'h'lerd'lhf'ul In 'lJirrd'gi11y/'Clll'dtg,'/l' mtttttruotTomyttm - ft-..-.-.,. .._..- .- .-- iiava Aoiet and three scaled aFrraitu than in rounds. All mul, promptly attended to and 0 moderate. oftios and Livery in rear ot a Zimmerman Heuse. Entrance on King amt next to Fischer's butcher anon. C . ' "Grad u _-- - Lt-ua-, uaTa P22lj. Ont., (datiti.tg has " Mutual Committe- t1'htletr, in thin Moe. Money to low a uncut-rant m - . - Interest allowed on sums of PM: my W. TN "ce,vMih, D. D. 8.. T and upwards in Dun-131's. anwo. THE SAVINGS BANK DF'.PAr:TV.hNT TH','fd"ilif,g,f SURGEON. MILLBANK. Ont.. Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Conan. Toronto. PM! 3m SHOP. “ CITY BAKE l. P. CM. Telephone co.mrmmteation, I B. WEBB M D., . . Comer County of Waterloo. tMBee--At his nddence on Erb street. Telnnhoue communication. Teiephone communication, For the painless Extraction of teeth. Waterloo Nov. Ist 180 NifaL2jd -- JdrTrGUs . “in. OHN L. WIDE” , lunar of int-um I“... Moo-Pout. on». St. Jacobs. On. IVERY AND EXCHANGE STABLI'JS u Geo. Steam. Proprietor. All kinds of conveyances It"htylr on hand. hargcf yodgnne. tstables in mu 0 the Can- “HON SNYDER. but Inn- Noe 'iiLLil " Dru any. Winn. D. Bumnuovun. B. E. Brxamm. no; a. muggy LEX. man. ce, and»?! etc» UcEBENt9U9h9AWJBTF1" EQBEBT _J. BUVVIAN“ gnomunu. W. A. KUMPF, VETERINARY SURGEON MISCELLANEOUS. wvn - .u-uv-v I d ttite.treetemat.Berlin. Il- aim,] and Residertee- Joh street ODONTUNDER. LIVERIES. MEDICAL. DENTAL 'Wu'nuo m m iiiraiGr . . 8otirstor.Fot" mt. Noun but. J. W. oar . Charles N. Rockei In- na saga m wmmommnm Ihounderrsitmed begs to teade hi. than to his numerous Cu mior their liberal patronwe thrill! the p-trear, and tmsuh ole-o attention to businesa In! moderate moon to merit a com,r m ot the name. Mingling, 2T,hty,i, Lamb“ walla! kinds o usage may on hand. 8 k” . JOHN FISCHER WW. Hutch 2nd. 1891. ”Nahum merit}: the . "I. _ jut inuoduoed . new rum) of L" 1,; Imitation {wood which " a, .3 r . "Ira be the burned mm: natural '.lsC.rea, 1 My of White Assn. let gm " MrematomerBaod "(DOD Lnoo " .. {A I 1t,'fghThlr,' t,'it"x f.i"r (m ': 1.; m not t my on: experirtw '., L In gnuuweelorxood work than my L' mug)” you“)! can be. My work rr'vr.'r'v:i A and I T.,"; Iendeevor to do the u on x a? “tumble primacy- to ram; '". (1.. tsittiertopvim me. A: I am n n .'r' I h at putting to work inexpenvn m“. ”W, supervise the work pen-om 1y. I 4" ‘l-A. that this will meet with the lppr‘utm' ' y.". o', customers. I tho desire") (all your attenr'.ot, ', A tltyEltl& mum: ausmtss TRANSACTED.: "ag roll. Lucia for mintina‘and gin other work in my tine taker Uni my residence will receive prom: .. that you for the liberal panda“..- mein thepast. __---, - The Molsons Bank, Ilqitnl,82,tt00,000. tlest,.,)),' which will be done and: and day or roll. Drafts Issued on all Principal Points . CONRAD “on M w Oldest firm of painter, .:. u ,rr, Wutrloo. June I, I“. CITY MEAT MARKET. . . l ”In-Id- «m L w. 1% I, f}? _:'",," "iif"-j'iCiiiigiiEliii a; iiifiriGiGiiGiii Gi;i"ad.i; B.'. An ' - . w. - ' Iaete Mm p11) " m: " u clock o'tls_ths momintt until 7 o'clock i',', (lit' men lb. to “may my numerou- (-uqnmer ligqucuppon her boy]: so liberal mm m "Ter, 2fp,,T2tJ TiTir'f, to sur-h m. “in“ I being Inn on) we tmy penny“; super vision] lure Bppointod my bmzm-s George mresehttr,wtso kept my books durnng Tim T,",', 939.1381: 3909“»? and f" mm “P to this ttik we 'ygeageftt?,?,Stt,it and um” mg." Ward. “mums 5',)f p: ten 4trtha,',trPd 'tttt includog. m... n: ' ' w. .._ " 'ii'i'gTiititr,,?Fd 'ii'irit,i',tie 282326: t W Iatrg (i'ili1if,tiiii1lh,'il, Ca,,?,?)'?,.', 2." “uneven. A k” I M d but. Jobbine " 'tN'tf,tlet"', encuwd byrpouw: w 1" - - “All.“ 'altar "t2'lll1'liE iirainiiuGa Fiihiii - 1'lli'lu1'lf,'ltJ." one . P. i,k'itBFp,v,tii'i'Rht,ititl,ilrs"r. SOMETHING NEW, MEREETILE " Highest current rater, on Inextrpomtatd try Act of Outario Logan Hun 0m - - Wuhan BOARD OF DIRECTUL‘,» I. E. Bowman, M. P., Water/c, John Shah. Waterloo. J. H, Webb M. D., Waterloo, Geo. Moore, Waterloo. D. S. Bcwlby, M. D., Berlin Robert Melvin, Guelph. A. W. B. Snider, M. P. P., F:. r. when. not: LIL. 1.30 1061.1 p. m ',' B. B Damn; WW. Feb. 15th. 304. . OFFICERS I. E. Bowman. M.P., he d. .Ilmes Lockie, Secreury Alex.5Millu-. Solicitor. T. A (Isle, Inspector -THR- BERLIN REPAIR SHOP. HEAD) OFFICE, MONTREAL cm L mum, FIRE INSURANCE CO CAPITAL, $200,000 riyttetFitiriGiinTis'biii?: 1'» ma» Paper Bansrin'g THE JAN' lib?“ I I We! “Waterloo lr _ 91$ Illu- Mundwi I r Ines" Hag _l!l kinda 1"'iV,l'rili attd'tqterusett, a: (Eni'hi'li Tiier' “IVAN iii Hprieton 'rhile a 'onier; butcher I in" " u tttd to moi}! “a. bu “I tie mm was For gen"rnl m,” s); smelling drwtrnt-axe PM it' m ‘ket-wovrn sum.- M nel fl! dlrk sGdes ot (My, besides nanny mun”. white. Agni“. UL} d [the “me color.' slr-., durable, an in tumm- SPIN»; “mu.” [you inspection of tht ttttrs, it would tm-m tls “we to be worn mar ”and. with tine stripes m "Dom: the new (at): Mt woven so “5 to be hi terutth they arr sum tube pr durability "llw 1. mt ”goth surfacevz, Mum-tn N "nd the pnfvrrm [diode th'lll"\ H":+r u " colon or n “unm- pleaded. Uzhlm. Kin" “ended. “Ruhr: mg the finert " Inguhr Chi-ck~ shown. For expvn-l wool mixturvr are ususlly of with a rum d embroidery, Crt cover cord» tin in bengaluw f: two or tlner c The old bur: Induced WWW girlhood diese generagiuu l a] green,' suuti black. “HI. a} in crosshurwa Bre given HAM two amt}: I04" " well, that n outside <21 “0" white Irirt-ce l Otlwr \1-13 rl _ ed for b}trll.;u!ul ant-fawn of “mm: “like tlo-tr, run- silk, and, “mug: trnmpuv- t Tr dark khaki ", rt.' tigared. ADMIN Moire nth light---'!, our gram]: arellghl ..: and lurlrm deelgne ct Fin" “no to Stay, 'till thin (MM- _ gowns. Po crouburh’li packer. d 1v ly pm In lt / qulule w, stripe. Few tie" gowns, and mppear --T uomist, F, buck Is a ts gray summ ts woum ur For til rm! drr the Bulwogmk‘ model of win" of coatutw+ ih M N XOWSZTM Hurt. tojust cirsr HM fUres “HAVE. 1' "e. fall ', It ls Hum fills pmf» ‘l , " I Gre, wm‘ "t the from! K te, caused ivy Hm _ is cut. Tm um into two fr/rl, t or Mm In ihvhr to I ribbon 1.x folds us, Ir M (in bottom m a “a" of the iy of tle crjnoline h-n Inc bottom of the " with n trurriow t inch tsuits, 01ng belt Uwre le "P" wide caught on of the back up” on We Skit tnt The roswum in the Inn-k an The chm! J: behind, the he! hated, tame: the mu)”, or t m. and Is SILK into A point ui doped to 10110! no its rol:trrg; into runs. Th Ibex plea! in tl aide plrus on 1 A favorite ti Mel It of La” and: under a I _ tnodsticatiou 1'13». The dt but. inahrud of *t off " the _ /i no rm, l iii-gist. I gull”): n [man ION Whether it -to tht Fur th a stxlnsl PETE Ire lt in tt m: lull

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