l jg t 'it ' (_1i)ll AItvr:i:rrciIsu,. The wise and pushing nwrclmnr "luh.ss km-lm hi, omeaud uoods “v†l,ei .rt- (In: public No butter uwzmxuf vo,vcliricr, th"peopl"ot'tltr' tos n ships of Wacrrloo, Wilmot, Woolwich ' “'vllwivy rh m in tho-culumm of the WArrutcoo 1'orrcrr Cummu‘u: as there is hanllv a ptst-otlic'e in these town shipw where there are not more Chron, ix " than-411v othee paper'. Allen's Lung HM Cottolene Menthol Plzwtw's Sunlight Snap. N a: I, Emulsiun. Waterloo County Chronicle. Perry mm Pain Killer, Scott"! Hmulsiun Dr Pierwis Golden 1Iediu Notice of Meeting-d. L. Kro§tsch. Fnrmn to Rent J. J, Duly k Co. Crock-ry at tho- “CMIm 1lnl) " . Prtrenoiey---Ptof Jouer. Wture Wt,o---ftouer'r, Berlin. Aucuio" Sdr~ Fl m- Shunâ€. Spring Furi- - J w. Fear & Co. Prtet,tsy'a, S Ipvl'lur Dress Fmbrace. . Sick Hmui‘unw, kc. -Sr‘-rk'u Powders. The Long & Sin-WI -tt'. Davis A: Son. Ayers Ch wry Pretoral. 1iood',, Sumpurnln Cures. Aew's E .rnu‘mnl'u. Huhu'riphun <1 In per mmum in advance $1.50 If hm wt' punt High I‘lu-I- pruning, Englhh and German, in ll It, ttrotrcltrr.s. ' .Adva-rtninx Rum reasonable. and will be made know u on inpulicution. Public gsus--Co'quhoon h McBride. Auction Sale-Christian Shun-IL _ Moriwwe hule--Bowlby & Clement. New Arriosu--ir. M. Berlet. Tuvem & H ottslkeeperU Lieen--Bees- [erpin Duvitt. Chotcest Wall Paper.HA. L Knopf. Notice to Credirortr---d. G. Hunt' Lidia & Misses Gave: k Jmek.ta-- ermker * Diehel. FrPulv, awn-wt Houey,S Mover, Brecht). The Cash Grocery H. A. b'cheuertnan. Prepnlr- for the BuouknG-slt Business [College. For the convenience of subscribers the W ukuludfm NTh Cuitostiq.r:hat, estahliah- ml branchotticvs far the receipt of sate _criptions as follows: _ New Advertisements this wank. A Weekly Newapzwur Putoli,hed every Thurs day morning. Mcriptions as f, Wellesley. . .. Linwood. _ _ ., Hymn. ..‘,.. Ft. Jacobs .. liv'eslan ' _ . _ _ New Hamhur New Handw-~ THAT LABEL ll AGAIN , Below \nur Subscription. V Look at the label on your paper and you will know Just wln-n your present subscription expires If the label is nnsrkvd ljam‘JJ or another period, you will know mm the (Inn: reprewnts the time to whirl. you have paid. We ask each of our «unï¬t! iners to consult the lalml healing his name. and if not marked in advance to remit us prompt- ly . t The price of the WATERLOO COUNTY CHRONICLE is $1.50, in advance only $1. This rule will he strictly ad- hered to. We are often asked to mail receipts fur subscriptions, but such is quite unnecessary. The DAVID BEAN, Proprietor, change ch tt is made in the date on the label is a. receipt to the subscriber Thus a date on the label reads, my, 1}le and a subscrib- er sends SI, when the address is alter- ed to ljau95, being an intimation to the subscriber that his dollar is ac- knowledged and his subseription is paid to the altered date Should In error be made or the date be not changed in conformity with the remit- tanoe, e postcard should be promptly sent notifying the publishers of the feet No Paper wilt be discontinued until ell arrears ere paid. Untof-town subscribers should send remittance by money order which costs only 2 cents, o'e registered letter. Address, 7 DAVID Bun, ' ' Waterloo, Ont. ' sorrow NOTE- T5, *3. Fcrji? Chronicle Branch Oft1ceB. mxusm Lag-unqu- ravnvsxin. MAR. tuk 1891. See that your label reads 1895. The Waterloo County Chronicle is S1.50 a year, but if paid in advance only $1.00. Send along your subscrip- tion at once. Address, DAVID BEAN, . Waterloo, Ont. "olden Medical Discovery I “Maul“. DAVID BEAN, Waterloo. Ont, Chas F. Human Albert Schnurr A. Werner J. l.. Weidman l. W. l), Sherk Leon chuvgnnt J. (i. Wing The Patrons ot Industry in North Oxford met at Woodstock on Subunit.) in secret session, and nominsted Mr, Chas. Horseman of Thamesford on; their candidate, ianpoeibion to Sir O ivel Mow“. The Judic'al Committee of the Privy Council Gve decided that the enact, menu of the, Ontario Iargisluure pro- viding that an antng,u.neur for the bend fit, of his creditors ghoul! take pre- cedence of judgments and executions isa valid enactment. and within tht jurisdiction of the legislature. Thin settles a. matter about, which Canadian courts were unable to “grep, varying' decnsions having been given. Mr. Edward Blake represented the Onty Irio Government and Sir Edward Web. star the Dominion Goverdment. Mr. Meredith tot an 01th Monica " oorromtiod annual tbr, the city of Toronto on Sunni", 9nd received the emsgratttlations d the Mayor _ and " dermen. . . Mr. (Hudstoné, Prime Minister of England, has resigned owing unfailing eyesight. It was Only last week that he made a. remarkable speech, deliv- ered with the fire characteristic of the grmd old man, as to to the acceptance by the House of Commons of the amendments made by the House of Lords to the Parish Councils bill. He warned the Lords that in mutilating a bill dealing with the self-government of the people they were arrognting, to themselves a. power which their prerog" atives did not warrant and which might end in their being deprived of it. Having warned them of the danger, he left the solution of this grave question to the voice of the nation to say whether the Peers in no sense repre- senting the people, but being the creat- tion of feudal times, shouAarbitrarily _ interfere with legislation emanating ‘from the Commons, and designed to 1 give the people greater latitude in the management of their own affairs MR. GLADSTONE'S RESXGNA~ TION. Lord Roseberry, who has been choir en to succeed him has the eonfulenoe of the great body of the Liberals, and only a few of the extreme Radicals, Me oppmed to him. M r. Snider has introduced a. bill f0 amend the law of Landlord and Ten, ant. The bill proposes to repeal sub section I otseetion"tt8 andto substitute in lieu thereof the following words '.-r- A landlord shall not distrain for rent on the goods and chattels the property of any person except the ten- aut or person who Is liable forthe rent, although the snipe are found on the premises; hut thih restriction shall not app'y in favor of " person claiming title under or bv virtue of an execution against the tenant, or in favor of any person whose title is derived by pur- chase, gift, transfer, or assignment from the tenant, whether absolute or in trust, or by mortgage or otherwise, nor where goods have been exchanged ble- tweed two tenants or persons by the one borrowing or hiring from the other for the purpose of defeating the claim of or the right of distress by the land- lord, nor shall the' restriction apply where the property is claimed by the wife, husband, daughter, son, daughter _in-iaw or son-in law of the tenant, br. by any other relative of his, in cube such other relative lives on the prem- ises as a member of the tenant's fami- ly. _ l V As will be seen from the foregoing, the object of the bill is to exempt {min seizure for rent any goods on the pram- ises not the property of the tenan which under the law as it now suntan, can not be done. '; '; Hue IIII. Mr. Usringer who for the peat "tr haa been in the employ of Mr. King: hats moved to Baden vhore he hu ceived the poeition ot fireman in tltr. Weiler's luv-mill . . . .Mr. Saulby frirm the neighborhood of Baden nu .'l".'tt, sition which Mr. Gains" had . . . . I r. Semis hats sloo left our t'it1.'y.ht'd and bu located in N. Duattries. . . Great prepsntiom no being Ina-do or the examination to be held in our sch on Sunni-y Much 10th. . . .Mr. J k. .000 of Wilmot' ttaid bi! tlr" Vi.“ to Pine' Hill but Isak. . . .Wr. Re hi Attended an 'tztsminatimt in Phil , i bum “Sn-tardy]. M LANDLORD AND TENANT ACTS To the . ditite of the Chronicle: , Bm,, In your issue of the Chronicle of Feb. 22nd, I noticed on article from the pe of on Elmira correspondent, regs i g the Victor Concert Company. Now is able correspondent, in my ltumtleiopinio!i, is somewhat extrava- ia hial,rernsrks with respect to the opinion} of the majority of the audience, who u it have condumned the first part in mm strong language: If their e "rune ts would not look well in print, and . the extreme modesty of your 'ieorrespoudent, caused him to reflllin from writing about it, it wrre)well if he would practice the same (jelicacy on other'subjects, and perhap. he would smuetnmes omit those sarcastic remarks which are intended to wou'nd the ferlings of his neighbors. Why (lhes the writer not, give his own opinion) which he evidently values highly,ljudging from his bei g so hw. ish in his praises of the iiiii?')'sr, night's concert' despite the opposite opinions, not nully of the majority of the audiendp, but of the villagers generally, who, I hm informed, denounce it as a miserallle fraud. Are the people in all the) other -towns and villages m, hm no! bu misc-â€Aha fraud. Are the people in all â€In other-towns and villages throng Iout the Dominion, where this same epmpmy drew crowded houses, less intielligenL than the inhabitants of It mint? If the first part of the per- forumnlm was of so obnoxious a. nature why dill not the dissatisfied portion leave t e lull after it was over and theirn mission fee would have been refunthid as was stated in the adver- tisemerit. I have attended tour of those concerts and consider myself as competlent to judge in "falters of like nature as any person in Ontario and have bien well planned with the pro- gruumw throughout, in were also all other pbrsons who attended them. But there “My; did and always will ex ist jealous one-side cranks, who neither can lists nor let live. However, the Victor? Concert Co have earned for themselves a. name which can not be oblirerited by the scribbling of an El- mira correspondent. _ i FAIR PLAY. Linwow, Feb. 26, 1894. ', Biennial Beagle-s The new fad of the Ontario Opposit- ion -.ttietmistl Sessions-that is, the meetinl: of the Legislature once in two yesrtr--cwill not appeal to the judg- ment of the electors in its favor. The cloeer the representatives of the people are kept in touch with the Government of the tiny, and the less latitude the latte-r have to substitute their own will unchedked by Ivgislrstivts authority, the nearerlwe keep to the principles of gov- ernmeut by the people and the cloaer keep the administration to their re- spout/ttbility to the Legislature. There is only) one argument in its fnvor--the plea a economy, and that at present cuts but a small tiguro in a Province that tifree from debt and has such vast resources at its command. But if it had become necessary to practise this economy, it would be far better to achieve it by reducing the number of representatives by one-half than to per- mit any government to go unchecked for two years. The Tory idea of es- caping} from the criticism of the pee pln’u representatives by placing the Government. beyond their reach except at long intervals will not work in these ddvanced days-Sarnia Observ- er. _ _ Sir John Thompson has made one of the gayest mistakes of his political car per in icons?! ting to the pardon _of Me- Grvevy and Connolly. Groovy and Connolly. 1H" 'ihtur, by this act, otfietully on- nounckd that Junior, in not blind when denlink with rich and inilaential of- fendcns, He has declared that there is ones‘ltlwr for the 'poor starving. laborer who a mic that hemay live and another and (tt different one tor the wealthy crook [who robe the public by wholesale. Bui the early rnleuse of the Ottawa prisoderu in not wholly due to the fact that t my have both money Ind friends with pull. The main pry that forced open his doors of thejail IV» the know. ledge these men possemed of the inside hintonjy of the Government that jailed them _ Certain ministers dare not drive to d oration than who knowno much thou JLnuterul plunder ind cor- rupti n, and in thie fact it found the princ pal renon for we recommend:- tion which Lord Aberdeen vs: no slow ozoct.‘ . . " _ w Go only hope Glut the notion of thy ' vol-uncut will hi1 ot in object and hat yeurevr and Connally will even yet tell all ttierhmrw.--Nmrs. M Snider tpent. s is. by with nag] he“ Blooming“ thin wick. ' A mm -..Mr. . Juob Own, vii _ working 'uru hub with a m M! Hui- log I!“ â€db“- LI’ letter: 'ttgttgtMra',', I'il,iF,',i'ti',i,i, Jt tll cum- wo vein! or e that - tT',,'21h'l'l,'l'l,'tt8t'2%'lli'atf u Janice in not Blind BUILDING: bl qrWMt lam WI“ in. Jun MM residence do William sweet», corn.- Bowmen, he" been evaded u follows: carpenter work, Abalom er', Florudele; Mn and brick work a. plated-lg, Daniel Stumpf. Elmira; The hinting will be done by Mr. Mus- ser huseit--MesrsWm.Ptiurand W. Dunne“ have purchued Iota from the Rat: estate on the north side of Erb street with the intention of building re-idenoee thereon in the near future --sEx-Coaneillm. Januerett is' prepar- ing to erect a. dwelling on Park street, immedia'ely in the rear of his present premises-hir. L. P. Snyder is asking for iendem tor plastering ha new home on Centre street. CHANGES --Fred Htunbreeht moved into pm of Jacob Fuers er), house on March Int. while Mr. Ignatz Martin and family now occupy lhe dwelling lately oeeupied by Mr. Htunbrecltt,.-- Jno.P.Schmidt, who has been residing nmr Glennllan for the past, year, re- turned with his family last Tuesday and moved into his residence on Arthur street-Mr. lsuac Musser, late tenant of Mr. Schmidt's house, will occupy temporarily the apartments over W. Wachsmuth's store until his residence is completed-Mr Chr.Ohliger has tak- en the house recently purchased from Mr. Fred Siegner pn King at, Mr. Siegner moving into K. Hergoth' resi- dence on Church st., while Addison Snyder has settled on thefgrm recent ly held by M r. Ohliger. . EwrEG.usursrsC-The Fraser Dra- matic Co played every night last week to attendances of varied numbers. The interest manifested by our villagers was something more than was expect- ed, and the. ta, although not making themselves rich during their stay here, was fairly well patronized, . all. things considered-Mn. J. W. BENGOUGH of Toronto, well known as the editor of "Grip" makes his second appearance in Elmira to-m- rrow (Friday) night, March 9th. The entertainment prom- ises to beat a very interesting kind! consisting of comic songs, humorous and dialectic recitations, burlesque and pathos, interspersed with crayon cari.. zutures of local. Provincial and Domin- ion topics. Admission fee is 35 cents, reserved seats M) cents, and children 25 cents. At the time of writing, (Tuesday noon) about one-third of the reserved seats were already taken. A crowded house will, no doubt, greet Mr. Bengough. Everything is being done to insure a. successful enter taim ment and as nearly all the selections are original up to date and are the work of Mr, Bengough, we can safely predict a grand treat to those who at- tend. Dox’r Miss Pr. l Miss Scott of Elora is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Daniel Ratz--Mr.J.M. Kilgore who has been in Elmira in the interests of the Globe Savings and Loan Co. of Toronto for the past ten days, has gone to Peterborough to look after the Co.'s agency there-Miss Carrie Rau, residing in Listowel for some time back, has returned to town and has opened up adressmaking establishment in Hornberger's bloek-Misa Emma Hasenflug, of Waterloo, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Thos. O'Donnell, Miss J. Sprout spent Sunday last in Glenallan -Mrs. Andrew Maxwell was "at home" to a. few friends last Monday eve- ning. - ___ _ _ tjisvAvrrss.--af r. Geo.C.Bulmer has has had the misfortune to lose by hang- ing in the stall a. very valuable cow for which he was offered 855 but a few days ago. The animal being raised by Mr. Bulmer, was a favorite one and was reserved at the time M his sale of stock when retiring from farminga few years ago. Mr. Bulmer has the sym- pathy of the community in his serious Dunner: or MR. Jon): .‘IULLOY, J. P. --Died at his residence in Peel town- ship, neer Yatton, on the 28th ult., in his 77th year, from the protracted effects of la grippe, Mr. John Mulloy. He was born in the your 1818 in the county of Lough-rd, Ireland. While‘ yet tb led his father and mother with, their smell haul, emigrated to Canede‘ and took up their early abode in the now historic county of York, at that time almost an unbroken forest. After a short stay,_the family removed to West Gwilliemsburg, County of Sim- ooe, where he merried the new aged wife and mother who now survives him. In only life Mr. Malloy worked at the trade of house corpentering. _ About 1850, end After encountering various vicapitudee “Mt. to .pion- oer life, he._with hieiwife end little femily, remand to this. section of the province commonly known so the Oren Bush, when Jbr many you: he took e. veryective pert intheehin oftheloeolity,end,beingpoeeeuai of u'1tt9.?tEt 1ltrtil.ttftiry.r, Itrtt And now I'll put my pen away, To write again tome other day. “an. with In. "t,t'irgiti, In church in Glenallen. He leaves behind him his aged partner in life, five, Sons and one daughter,. well and comfortably provided for. Four of his surviving sons taught school and Mter- wards excelled in the higher learned professions William, Deputy Reeve of the township retains the homestead. Notwitlvuanding the almost impass» able state of the roads, his remains were followed to their last resting pla e in the Elmira Union Cemetery, by a very large number of sorrowing rela- tives and neighbors. The bereaved have the heartfelt sympathy of all who know, them. The Rev. Mr. Hamilton, of Winterbourne, delivered a very im- pressive discourse after the burial in thefresbytetaUn church in Elmira.- Mercury. BECAUSE WE CARRY A G'ooIrB'1?Ot3WA 1 l OUR PRICES ARE THE BEST. consatorour own interests and buy your Makers of Maple Syrup find their supnlies in Pails and Spouts best here, . J. W. Fear lil, Co’y Mr. Walters, who for the past war has, worked the farm of Mr. A. Mont., gomerv has moved to St. Clements. . .'. Mr. George Diebold and Mr. Thus. Huber are busily engaged preparing material for new barns. ' . .We are pleased to see the smiling face of W. Carson once more in our midst. . .. J 08. E, Nurse was visiting friends in this vicinity last week. . . .Mr. John Ballga spent Sunday last with his par- ents in St.Clements. . . .Mr.J.W.Nurse and W.F. Babb spent Saturday in the city. . . .We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Geo. Duench who was taken sud- denly ill last week is recovering. Hardware, PHBENULOGY. the English Phrenoloqiat in shying " Seyler’s Commercial. Hotel, Waterloo, and may be consulted in reference, to PROFESSIONS. _ TRADES, MARRIAGE ADAPTATIOIIS, MENTAL ABILITIES and WHKIIESSES. Oral 1itxammationa, Me, Examina- tions with printed Chart, tioe. Written Charts .tststsordiatr to ear AuctionSales Auction Sales Prof. Jones will soon beconducted through out- "rifferent parts of the county. It pays a_ In all Lines should come Our Way. Hundredfold Bee page 8. lluhcnvllle. "'9rEir"5r'2' ', Stoves, and Ion this de ysucoess o 1tittLl,pilsp" ANNIE PM. FROM House Furnishings THIS :-: WEEK Special NEW SHIRTIN GS. 18 yards good Shirting for i;l : 12.1. yards extra heavy Shining for r“! 1 IO yards P-'l Shining for 1. 16.l yards of Flannelettes for iil : P.?.l yards extra heavy Flaanelettes for 81. 200 Cottonadea for 15c per yard: 250 Cottonwdes for 20c per yard: extra heavy Cottonades worth :1.5e for 250 per yard. t?LANNELETTES. TWEEDS. COTTONADES. A special purchase of Tweed, worth 50c to 60e per yard. The whale will be offered this week at 35e per yard. See this. We have just finished our annual stock taking and as a result have laid an our tables a. pile of Remnants which we will sell regardless of cost Come and get a. bargain. . l REMNANTS. KING ST, BERLIN Terms Cash and One Price. _ 1000 00000 00 1ftsrmees' attention in direcied to the bet that we we prepared to hxchnnge brick and tile (or ail kinds oP,orood". Cheap Cash Store, Bhhil lawman l gsou, . wan-loo. Ont. , Cheap Cash Store, SMYTH BROS. King St., Berlin. WANTED WOOD. Headers FOR AT fl ND Last we told you about our lift? cent Corsets and everyone that has seen them has acknow ledged that there is nothing 1: town that can equal them g' seventy-five cents. We would call your attentio'. to our imported order of ladies' and misses' capes and jackets We feel confident in saying that for richness and beauty of de sign there has never been any- thing in this part of the cout. try that can touch them This Remember in justice to your- self you cannot afford to pasc us by. &itlathu, Week Week STEISS (Jar CC) Notice Chocol Prof. '/ (Hilda mamr slrtutt prh " NS .- TI lutien the H cation nun ovum op"n ll crook tluuv China 11H" not an»: Inch n nwrl S' St anh motit l will i'; the vi than 1' 3ir.A l', and " In: weeks 'n: plead-: the (lewd jud,0. Lu expiratm "Fitz" h; To Js I I NIr " direct yourm'. NW of tarm N C. the St!) me a 51in Cunoxlu 3! â€nity know . u"rCHrtosicLv. imam in th . to advet t " Quay: 34th at 'l . day a Ht-t l addttiru, ‘0 present u " the (Jr-1mm Albert “n! of those Pl ing on Hu- not {org-1‘ xirinlr, Wt takea at U festivit i, + party In“. ing Mr, lr returns n! hm WORLD _ I will exhllm E Bloomingdn [l March lp: M evening, Mm Tuesday. cu Hamburg ' March ll, and beamifu 'u Crea trlwttrs no oth, the HM MI (WM GRO and Ll M "