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Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 1 Mar 1894, p. 8

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yes.." a NEW LINES DRESS-GOODS You want the best, don't you ? Then buy Landreth's tor 3o cts. Sold only at The White Drug Store, Berlin. ' In all the leading shades, The One, _ . _ I Did it ever striheyou than some , . 7 powders are bet. Baklng hmiie . ter 2dktvg,t There are various reasons Some are im, pure and some have stood in stores till they are useless. We make baking powder. . We make it twice a week. We make it of pure material. We make the best, The Other, Our stock was well reduced, and we intend sho wing for Spring an immensity and variety of goods & styles unequalled . by any. DDEBING 31108., Waterloo. The KLDEPFEB t (Ill, N. B: Ottice in Jacob Conrad’s hardware store Scholaas of the? Cangittheir Summon Goal 44 in. Cashmere at 20c per yard, - an all wool Serge at 250 per yard. Just Opened Up. PUBLIQBCHOO - CENTRAL 8030011: best tiditoa Books @193. $23.99!», In the market. lambs, there are a few in the vicinity) . . . .Mr. Wallace has received some-l thing better than lambs, a ‘young‘i daughter....Mr. and Miss Hastingsil of Crosshill were the guests of Mr. Hall on Sunday. . . . Mr. _ Alex. Mont-l gomery has sold his farm Con. 9,; Wellesley, 200 acres, price 87250; con-1 sidering the state of buildings it is a big price. He was looking up a house here. All were occupied, however. . . . On Wednesday a funeral at Knox' cemetery. It was the young daughter of Mr. Dan. Boos, blacksmith of News ton, caused from diphtheria. Much sympathy is expressed in their loss . . . .. Knox pulpit was occupied by another of those brilliant meteors with which the churches of the present day are provided. Rev. Mr. Morrison of Lis. towel taking for his text, Hebrews It sth verse. He has a youthful coun' , tenance which would not give one the impression of the deep and hidden' force which held his large congregation 1in rapt attention throughout his ser» man. The faith of Abraham who as a traveller, revivalist and explorer considered by the magnitude of those M! of the present seem insignificant. By taking the resources at hand the oil stacles to surmount and means which they had of Bccomplishing, it, their mucce'ifs' through faith was most wonders ful. Columbus again was held as an example ot faith. Looking to the Crorsi, all faith all success has the Cross in view. Livingston in his lonely hut in the African forests alone. on his knees was another illustration of that famous faith of prayer and looking to the Cross. . . .Grace churcli pulpit was oo- cupied on Sunday lsy a missionary. . . V Mr. Magwood and sister of Alma are \isiting at Mr. Thos. Magwood's M, ll P. . . . . Mr. Robt. Reid and wife are visiting Mr. Jas. Reid's. . . . Mr. Al) Large of Poole attended Knox in fore- noon. . . . Itev.Mr.Nckillin exchangetl pulpits on Sunday with the Rev, Mt. Morrison of Listowel. . . . Mr. Reid Con. 1’. Mornington, returning, froth church on Sunday, got an upset mio the ditch. . . .The united congregations of the Presbyterians from Crosshilil, Wellesley and Milverton with other Jie nominations filled Knox. aisles and all and well were they repaid John 1vrs face wore big, broad smiles to Nee, sucis a gathering. The pride and hiauty of t'niimlzi tome to celebrate the hirthdulpv i of his daughter Miss Knox. ? Heidelberg. I (Iur school was closed on Thursday and Friday oi last week owing to the absence of the teachers, who were in attendance at the Teachers’ County Association in Berlin. . . .Mr. Kreuit- ziger proposes to begin sawing shortly. He has a line harvest of logs in now, and still there's more to follow.' The yards and fields in proximity to the mill are pretty well filled, better“ thin for a number of previous years. m. has secured the services of Mr. t. Metzger, who is well known to people of this vicinity for his log-ribbons, es f3reman....\Ve are always glad to have another business man added to our number of "Seful citizens. We notice that Mr. Geo. Smith. of Carth- age, has decided to locate in our villa? and We entertain the hope that he w ll not only make a financial success pf the tailoring business but will albo prove e valuable addition to our citi- zenship. . . .The Champion Pump Clo. of Hewksvrlle are sinking e well on the farm of Val. Otterbein north pf this village. They have bored over IOU ft. and have not secured an aburid. ant supply of water. . ..Miss Pert ' assistant teacher in our school, \‘ilitgl Wr parents, at their home near Rollin lest Se day and Sunday.. ..0ur until end 'MIkt'J,,e' both pretty well tillisd with male end female pedegogues bu Thursday end Friday of last week . " . Now that e favorable opportunity as arrived for the hervesting of the ice crop, tome of our citizens are bus ly engeged in cutting e hummer supply. The crop is not good when the n shines, the herveetere any because tt e dunpneee that appeere . . . . Our d [ serenaded Mr.:Wm. Schnefer the ot er evening " hie new hope, the ho " formellypooupied by Met J. M. Zita er who he: moved toehrm noun:- t. Clement, . . . . Mr.Kinepel en eyed L dent 1'dTt',t,tre',trt the 11 . almond v... timid a 13th. _ . Rev. Pangaea?“ , .. the head} its. . .'. .' o. " . an” " _ i'iiiiik"it1'iili';ii. I“. Nih' ,yrteG if!" Continued from First Page. Mil. Anderson, of Monitobs, who bss spending a few weeks visiting her £222, Mrs. Thompson, hes gone to Stretbrd to renew some old scqusint- ances there. . . .M r. Stephen Hell is at the liospital in Toronto. Whi e he bu ht: made to feel easier, he has not r send sutfieient strength to un- dergolsn operation. . . ..The Rev. Theo. J. Pirr, B. A., of Ayr, delivered his "WoN's Fsir” lecture to on appreciat‘ ive tet; in the Methodist church on T vesdey evening last. To many it might, seem presumptuous to deliver a lecture on a theme of that kind, after so much bad been written end said a- bout it; but to say thit the Rev. gent, lemad bundled his subject in a. masterly wonder is putting " mild. Mr. Parr’s elocntionary abilities combined with his Urge range of language enables him to miie his theme instructive and int- eresting. . . .The Rev. Mr. Johnson of Chesterfield and Mr. Kennedy of Washington exchanged pulpits on Sun- day lust. hi oyster supper will be served in the siphool room of the church or. Fri- day évening March 9th in aid of the choir; An interesting program will al so btirendered in connection and any. body missing it will miss the treat of the spawn. The music will be given by It' Plattsville Orchestra aided by localitalent. Admission fee only Meta. for all the oysters you can eat. qut, strayed or tstolen.-- Recently, throgigh some cause, the dam, which Itobi8t Hewitt had constructed for the preservation of his Grp, gave way and the ttsh left for wider hunting grounds. Prohibition Party would do well to prohibit ail parties from fishing along his creek now that it has been restocked. The blacksmith business which has beervso long at a standstill will soon he booming again; Mr. Windemberg, formerly of New Dundee, having rent- ed the premises and business. Our "wa,rp,r,ontnaker, Mr. Wm. Gammon is kept very busy tilling orders for new waggons ic. Farmers know where to go to get one of the most substantial waggons ever made. Come and leave your order The severity of last week was not unexpected after the thunderstorm of li'rtlt ulr. The cold spell commenced Tuesday and kept on increasing in sc- verity until it reached a climax Satur- day 'morning: the mercury then making an attempt at retiring within the bull,. It rubbed hard on 20 © helm" zero. ...,Cheese meeting is to be held at Honey Grove Cheese Factory on Saturv day,, March 3rd at 1.30 p. m. for the purpose of deciding whether the fac. tory' will be run as before, or on the "butter fat" system. Mr. D. )chil- lan (the cheese-maker) has promised to be present and test some milk: no that the patrons can better understand how the atrength of the milk is obtained. It will no doubt be an interesting meeting and all who wish to patronize the factory ought to attend, The jobs of hauling milk to the facto/y during the Season of 1894 will also be let. 1ensoxALs,--Miss Uttley of Doon spent last Sunday in Hespeler with her friend Miss Garner. . . . Mr. Thomas Hunt left this village last week for a short visit to the state of Maine . ' . . Mr. Hyslop has returned to Hespeler after paying a short visit with friends in $nreetsville. . . .Mr. Thomas Shaw of this village accepted a position as designer in the Chambby Woollen Mil . He left Hespeler last week. . .. Mr. Alex. Weir has returned to Hes- peler after paying a few days'visit with friends in Bolton. He was called to his home on account of his father’s ill- ness. . . . Miss Vallie”left here last week for her home in Bolton. . ' .Mr. and Mid Fisher of Clinton made a short visit with relatives in Hespeler. They also attended the wedding of Miss Fisher of Vance's Corneis. . . . A num- berlof young people gave a grand sur- prise party last Thursday evening at _theihome of Mr. and Mrs. Unger. We may say they spent a very pleasant time together._ After a number of ganies were played the’ refreshments wed‘e passed aroundss usual and thenall laid fur their homes at an early hour in the; evening. . . .A mu.nber of elderly [noble spen't a very leuant eveniniz . Mr. It. IPeyite.etpmef 309. " {the home of Mr. tl-". Davidson, G hT.t 'g'rt?h,',tid','l'l,1t1l'trttt'.' “hot tths Feb; 17th....The Royal tfrnatrax--4ht Starting, the wife t kBand will give I grind concert ogetttfi,fltatitt',, "gag-t M T In; lie 's hall on "1rriaf,'tuvaitttd. mam , , . 'in untrue, W “9 iri"G', ttl, to Mate that than Karma; 'ttl' 'lttttgi'a,1tpt'jti co rtatirewellattenasdtrreuBis.. nova. Wid-shim/riot m. pe citizens. . _ ' Mr. " 't _'. "w' ', . t ton NoNBi--./rh. . _, T ' I cl irt?bqlttt,ttseyritb,et 1'i'lhi7itiii1ttl'tttTdt m 'iilitiliiriittii'. wr «g _ ',,,'tti.Tttidttt my... il l, .2 E .. " iiEiitiiii' , .; TEE-w FF >lh!-..-e¢3.°'5 Aetyti'eq a is . _'NF- I“! ' "espeter. Poole Kip Ba,i. gm 'ie-r to M vhttirstt setter as tg a 3“. fold. . . .ty" pitttthemhooti-inhtio, will ho held on Sanity,- Much 3rd. . . . .Mr. John . ler kttanda to retire from forming and mom to one ot our odjoining villages. Ha ha rained hi: form to Mi. Doerr of New Hamburg. . . . .Mr. John Niebergnll of Denver, Col., in staring with his brother Conrad for a few weeks. . . .Mr. John Fo'rlor bought Mr. Hy. Forler's home recently occupied by Mr. Jacob Miller. They say John is going to catch I bird before long. Tuesday, March 6.--Sde of farm, stock and implements on the farm of the late W. Pommer, 2 miles north of Wellesley. . .103an men‘s Fridav, March '2.-Sale of stock and implements on John Hilgtrrtner's farm, 2 miles north of New Dundee. Tuesday, March 1.3.--ssle, of stock and implements on the farm of the late J no.. Lautenschlager, 1 mile east of Petersburg. Thursdzy, March 15.--Sale of stock and implements. Jesse Clemens, near Roseville. Friday, March 16..--8ule of stock and implements of Peter Held and William Strum, 1 mile went of Bumbag. A _ yyieesdaryt,ret. 28. -so; of stock and implements of Wm. Trussler,l mile south of Wellealey. ,, Wall Paper Wall Paper. NEW STORE, The largest and best variety in the County. We sell 3 i, per cent. chqaper thtany others, _ - Store and shop Np 9 Queen St., next to Breithaupts's Leather Store, Berlin, Ont, A. VETTER. III‘I'II. scruEoras---tht Fett.M, in Wsterloo,the wife Cyrus W. Schiedel, of I son. Turnip-On Feb. 24, At Haw1usvi1le, the wife of Glover Itmnre, of a daughter. KUcniAs-0n Dec. 23, in Berlin, the wife of Albert Kaufman, of each. GLmsm-On Feb. 16, st New Hamburg, the wife of Geo. Gleiser, of a. son. Scm--0n Feb. 18, "in \lewich, the wife ofJoe. Schemr, of I t)augtiter. Ram-Ah. Feb. 17, in Elmira, the wife of Geo, Mata of A daughter. ' m7r7d7i-'ibi' 1:33.43, in_Wgolw_ich, the Pdints, Oils, 'etc., mixed ready for use, Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly wed. The many, who live bet. ter than others and enjoylife more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced "ta tho rcmedy, Syrup of Figs. wile of Memo Hoffman. of n deughter. Mattrrr-49n Wb. 17, in Woolwich, the wife of Hm P. Martin, of A daughter. Iamcti-Ayn Feb. 15, in Berlin, the wife of W. It. mm. o! “eleven-pound son. Bqtyur--At Pets, N, in Berlin. the wife of Mr. S. Elm. ot . daughter. thTcft Wth 9, " Stunning, the wife oum- Stung. " emu . therantmr-ghtlW. 12, in Wet Noam, “polite“ Nah thrleh, d, . New. Ktinruyrattun.ty. " 9 meow-yr» it!» Its excellence is due to its presenting in tho form 1m tst; acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a. perfect lax- ative l effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds. headaches and fever: and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and mot with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid. neys, Liver and Bowels without weak. ening them and it, is perfectly free from evgry ohjeftiyya'o.lt.tm'ostyly. .. m syrup'ot Figs is for sale by all drug- gist: in 75c. bottles, but it is manu- Gctured b¥ the California Fig Syrup Co. only, w \ose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if otferod. KNOWLEDGE THE SALES- NEW STOCK. can. 5,3. M. n. L wk. M nails. Me. _ mu .4 mmrxo was , l . Wot-l. old-taugh- 2g.'1l'g2t.CJ,Mr1'l'grg"le; . tht-u-v-ot, 3 14mm md. danoo q! the bride’s pom“. item, by the Bsi.7trtuettt,Henry Gremlins-o“. to Run Bohr-tn. 7 Bssowr--Wamar.--on Jan. 14th, June- ttl"" to Marin Waugh, both of Chester- ti . Btrruma---BmtcsrArzrcA.-tht Jan. Nth, neu- mysville, Cuties Burch-uh. of Rocheltor, N.Y., to Psuline Burcttataha, of Eryn-ills. . J ciwrt..L,Kyowrses. --on Feb. Nth, " the midmce of the bride's porenu, by the Rev. E. B. Rogers, Thos. J. Junok, form- erly of Heapeler, to Minnie B. Knowleapf Piitafield, Maine. . mmuz--Dimaucrr.-0n Feb. Oth, t, the Rev. ll Gum of Btratiord, Mr. gem? Iystrifr,tohrittaAgms Detrich,both of South Euthope. Po,rrtm--0mrwar.snrat,--ths Feb. 15th, by the Rev.A.OberUender of Symnu,N. Y " Mr. George Potter of Berlin, to Miss Ob- erlnender, of Symm. _ . t WALLscE--Muerwr.--0n Feb. 2hst, " the rtsiffmyy. of ting bride"; father,b):tl{g 13w. ald MacKay, Ph. 1)., aged 35 years. TAssrm-on Feb. 24, at Hawksvillo, the , infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tanner, , 'sgef2 hours. . HUFELH-On Feb. 23, at Baden, of cancer, A. G. King, M. A., Mina Sun's "B. Mom, of North umfries,to J "l Avts11aee,W.tets loo Township. . M nsLEn--Btty "Em-On Feb.20th,at Elmira, by Rev. H. A. Thomas, Mr. John H. Mil; ler to Miss Maggie Bender, both of Wool: Toe . LccrsHARDz--WrrarrtLsi.---0n Feb. 13th, by the Ree. L. H. Wagner, of Stmtford, Mr. Samuel Luckhardt. of East Zorn to Miss Anna Wilhelm, of North Futhope. BArta:r-MeDoNALD.--0n Feb. 13th, at Brealsn, by Rev. A. Eby, Mr. Albert Bailey, to Miss Clara Isabelm McDonald, bothof Breslau. Harms-Arm-tht Feb. '22, in Gut, Emma Barbara, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Halberstadt, aged 14 year's, ll mos. and 12 days. 1umcE-0n Feb. 16, at Berlin, Gottlieb Bad- ke, in his 87th year. "u.xourrt-On Feb. 15, in Williiumsburg,Hy. Curl, son of Geo. Wanner, aged 3 years, 10 months and 2 days. Runner. - On Feb. 9, in Hay, Elizabeth, daughter of John Rupgel in terloo,and adopted daughter of Hem and Anna Boelker, in her 28th year. Kw.uriAiu'ru,-0n Feb. ll, in Josephsburg, Frederick Kiehnoppel, aged 79 yeah, 5 months and 18 days. )IAI'REBAOII Feb. 14, at Preston, Magda. lena, widow of the late "cob Maul'er, in her 83rd year. LEszsrm--0n Feb. 17, in Berlin, Catharine Lenzner, aged 83 years, 2 months and Irs' days. . Scuitrz-0n Feb. 18, in Berlin, Anna Hele. ne Schultz, aged 10 months and 4 days. S'ruwr:rrzr:R-0n Jan. 30, near Topping, Barbara Schweitzer, in her '20th ymr. OMAN” "On Feb. lt, at the residence of his brother Benjamin thnand,Narth l‘lastht me, Hugh Omand, aged 93 years. )IACKAYVOD Feb. ll, on Iver. Zorra, Pon. J ohn Hofele. FiTmtuirRroi-0n Feb. 20, in Waterloo T'p, Wm. Strokirch, aged about 20 years. Houu:oirm--0n Feb. 2.5, at West Montrose. Mrs. Elizabeth Hollinger, wife of (leorgc Hollinger, aged 86 years. 8 months and " days. T F The Traders Bank of Canada. (Incorporated by Act of Parliament.) Capital Authorized $1,000,000 Capltal Pam-up - - 607 .400 Reserve Fund - - '75,000 Deppsuts - - - - 8,300,000 Assets - - - - - 4,796,000 WM. BELL. H. B. S'mxnn' b Guelph, President., General Manager. Notes discounted. Drafts bou ht and sold. Special attention given to the calection of fur niarts' sale notes. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Deposits of 91 and upwards received. Inter- terest allowed from date of dqwsit to date ot withdrawal. at the rate of FOL R PER CENT. per anmrm and comgounded halt-yearly. on all sums remaining in t 0 bank 30 days or over. DEPOSIT RECEIPTS issued, interest pay- able hatrrearly, L. p. SNYDER. ,Mtn'. Blmira Branch. n BULL rralves, Durham. red color. will be 0 hold at reasonable tigurtss. AARON SHQTZ,_ BLACK Robe in or near Winterbourno. on Friday, Feb. 16th. Finder will be suitablv rewarded. WM. HAMILTON. Winterttourtte, Feb. slat, 1894. TENDERS WANTED. EALED Tanager“ marked as such). ad, j) dressed to I Cream“. New Dundee. . th, will be received up till are o‘clock in afternoon of Seturdey March I . 104. for the ggheht,th't't,e,t'g'let"Ngie,'ii tttf, o. o. an Rrh'2r, 'iii'iil)5'i'iis 2tt'h, to an and or meson wot carpal " ht end vegans, the My tendering to supply .1 Palmer!“ required. l be at the In and and”: one m1. teen "new of heel Ore-man. or Dundee, or " Jones Kmart: A‘WM. The low, est or arm not accepted. '. mun. GRESHAM Sear?“ . New Dundee.” Tenders-I Intititd ‘forléfifififififi _ ' Baum] .1 /iiiiiiii'iiiihiih'ittiiiet ELMIRA BRANCH. 9-4t l, HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO FOR SALE. LOST. ruin-0n Jan Mat, tho-ttfibrils',) "i'h1JS' DEATHS. WLEHOO. 1 "a? my 1..., "a... a..- ...-.-.-.- "r.” _,., Elizabeth I belief 1111115 innocence. terloo i , [sincerely regret that such a report should , 'tuit , have emanated trom what was said and intend- md Anna 3 cdasnjokc. 1 "HUMBLE MRI. 'In the Township of Wellesloy ION", IMO“ III! l2Tti, t806, " 12 o'clock noon, that valuable tum contour in: 150 tore: mom or has. being tttttil at the woswrly utmost-ter- of not No. In the 12th Concession. western 800.. of the Townshm of Wellesley. in the County of Waterloo. Then are about. when. cloned Ind under cum",- Mon. and we Jtgtuatms umber“. Ttterm Y? o URSUANT to the Power of Bole oemtattse4 In. and: Momma oe Pltstgh'1",'t" wind Rumba and Thoma B. In bearing date the uh lat', Jung, Mit. which will be nuanced a cameo! 's,tttetrm ,rinttqotretred for sale by Public Auction” Mr. J. T. WW swimmer.“ BMW: Ho In the village of urged, on Lion and we nuance unmoved. Them In a food house Ind burn on the (uremia. 3nd tho and is well Imam by In In. Tho tum oi: within , miles of Linwood. in . well settl ntsighttorhpo4 and in close proximity to church and school. TERMS or BALE-'rcn JY, cent. in cash on the day of sale to the You m," Solicitors. MM within twenty days thereafter a sum clinician; to mute no one-third ot the purchnae money. and tor the other two-thim" of the purchase money. tho tttttttrt', f0,"it 'IPL',','.",',?,- gage upon t e ‘p y, w t r o wet. payable the yarn after date with interest ALB ireieii.CreUrfr.. '2)iiiiiii,iiiii,itair, will be made known at the time 0 ado. or may be had on application to the undersigned. The above Sale is postponed to take plane at the Court House. Berlin, oqwlonday. AS a rumor has been circulated to the effect that I have accused Christian F. Lichtiof dealing " ham out of our barmwhlch was 'hole, by person or persons unknown on or about t 12th day ot Sept., 18iB. I hereby acknowledge. that I may have mentioned Mr. Lichti's name t.conncction with the ttbove, but merely in Jest.” I had no thought or suspicion that he was the Tum party. and therefore express my holinf in in innocence ed t'ttiotit, Da this 20th day of February. 18N, at the Village of Wellesley. Berlin, Pets. Mth, 189t are now prepared todo all kinds of work in the line of _ "1'"""ti,?.1tdt,t, Paperhattgit1g and imitati n Gunning. Orders filled in shortest notice and work guaranteed. Orders can be. left at the shop or at Hohmeier & Leitch’s Hardware Store, Waterloo. Shop above Geo. Peppler's blacksmith sho p King Street, - - Waterloo. XFARM hand. A {mung man from 18 to 25 I )‘cn's orage pre erred. Must be atmng and active. Stvndy work by the year at high u-t wage: Write or uppfy personany to g H. L. JANZEN, 't Berlin. Feb. '2.'lh. 1894. Nurseryman. W-e Wy/(,7/ to rent a House in Waterloo or Bcrlm. brick preferred, musthavc tive bedrooms. furnace and bathroom. Write T. A. GALE, Mercantile Fire Ittsuranctcpr,. _ YArum-JUN Vin-let): Yield well. Good tnd IS manly. A limited quantity which will be sold in half bushel lots at 50 cents. Samples may be seen at the Cbrpnlcle Oftice, " pops oeu- selected at random welghed 30 lbs. LEVI B. BOWMAN. - . .. . Wanamaker. St. Jaeobu. Oat. St. Jacobs, Fets.iirtiritiiii, TWO commodiOus houses. 7 rooms each. one on M.ore'.s Avenue, near the f."lttti church. Waterloo. the other on Park St. oth we 'ggep"ed with soft and hard water. Apply no ce _. 4. TO THE PUBLIC. pall on CIA-ll! Inc-m or “tires: Box 183. “its"... _ Wax for customers and into found-Lion on short notice. 6-am J. G. yiidis'ER, 9-11 NY one 'ylttgtumtrhtteta putting In RACK h ”HERB Wonk! do well to amine “or?" an". no): L'lllle tutg,2.'t; are v In er a no a dangerous. NI, humusnmonhls mm." r In: in the County whomnsinc our “has; Weeoaktdkr the In: tuck mandotm woodman. 1hutuefktiritr"rriiiRiaGtCdi . N. HAWKI. "e-u Cmmhiil.'0nt, RED CLOVER BEES Martgagé Sale Renter and Miller the 12tlt of March, I894, atrll a. m. {APOLEON antety, Yield well. Good .nd SEED POTATOES Witness 1alnRullm0iNll. AND com B FOUNDATION King Street, FOR SALE- T0 FARMERS. Boi'uw & CLEMENT, Vendons' Bolieitors, Berlin BOWL-I a (ml-13:331. Vendor's tgo1ieitorrs FOR PURE HONEY TO LET. WANTED. NOTICE. Mr,, ROBT. FREEBORN WINEIEN'AST a C. Watéloo "2L ')"iisiiiii.s-httt DUBDS il? In the matter 9/ Albert Doeriny oftit Township qf Wallaby, in the ( 'outtt, qf Waterloo,.farmer, iusolrent. . -07.uaiii.Gii " the hopr of on. o'clock in the afternoon in the spoqmtment ot Inspectors and Hm iii otdFtioru in rotorenoe to the mm“: iRt may» _ m All pawns claiming w rank upon the my, of the lnnolvem mu-t ttle their r'lunm JiiC" anal-below the Brat day of April um. me which duty] will proceed to dim-ib:;x.~ u", an, bunny: regard to lhosl- Main” Gi; which 1 shall then ttteve had not im- . COWUHOITN & MCBRIDE Scimitar-s tor Trustee. watorfoo, Feb. Wh, 1891. THE In/treg', has rm'vixul ll "u’h to Hell by ublic Auction tr.', Ln' " t man Co’y's tract. in the lmwr h m, of Township of Waterloo, bum-m 'p, “r. 'cro19; Wilmot Town Hue. on FRIDAY, MARCH THE 2l10, 18N, In Waterloo Township. ot Farm, Stock & Implements. at " o'clock sharp, the fuliouing l " -i'his farm conch-us of as new. m m r... of who lshnnd wood bush, and 15 now mm“ mm wheatmnd 'roolhyytartd bum Ln": b'roCui--t blood mm r. horse 6 , earn old,got by Summit: 630an old. I aged horse. I col: milch cows suppowd to be in (A cult. "ealling Htecrr. t? wring t a months old, ll shecp, I sow in pig chickens. - _ ' 1MPtarstr:NTs--1 Brantford Mm single harm-Ha. lumber “ngpn... Btoiurbotst.ihrxy rack Hm) mm Bulky cnmvntor. l fanning mill, 1 2 ox yokes. corn market trox-u' grind” and sniffer. lard was“ an amides. A _ - _ - - "films or SA LE-on In Durrhasv money dus n; balm. erylt " pel "tll _ M “CBBIerlh -fy10 and under, (3.41m 12 months' Credit on approved; 1. cent. " for cash. Pig,. and chir4, JOHN "1lAiAll'rNEIl, Joy. Ml _ i H Proprietor. Waterloo. Fcb.13th, l.%l THERE will be mid by Pl', - farm of the lattr John ls the Snider ropd 1 mile (‘u-t of milm west of Berlin, on the following proper! 1 black horw ld, you: ' 1 P w. 11.7“ lblack mnrc ,'s 3cm. 1 gut) t, _-. [mu-ell yearn. l blink Lur»: 1 _"r, coming 3.vtsarr.1 blul‘k ' n21 l 1t'itl posed to be in Call. J trush cm- _ 1 ' heifer in cat 5 fat Hut-r» comm; 2 l ling calves. 10 mvc~. 1 ram. I M.“ _ sign If not eold before. a numln-y Iiampionthrashing may. ir (- n .u er, 1 Lion power with Bulky I g" nearly new. I t on farming mill. l ”impound "calc. 1 hay ful kd In“! iron axlc‘wngon. l iron axle. :5 inc! 1 two scaled curriaue.1 top buggy .'. lncw cutter. I jumper cutter. 1 b l Brant! rd "elf-bittricr, 1 hurfnrn 1 rake, I set-d drilld Gale mm ivicors, 2 gang plows, 4 Yankec tsloxs m, c' ll lscutlicr, l turnip puimm '.' sup P" 1 lav-3e sap barren nvw slough 1w 1 wheelbarrow. .y, feet hum . pub d hie harness; at! viough inn-1.: h 98.: nearly new. 1 string m" , 2 iobes,3 horse blankets, ldu-Iv saw» I iron kettle, 1 pork l-nrrm I colzple set doutthnrees. grain ' 'i", m r'.erowbar. 3 lug (than, -vu...., oh. ins. forks, rakes. mm " I p np Dew.?. cider barrrl- A Nu an lor cook stove. ttrox Mm v, I I.tl l m.” milk can.2 tablo-. I now i m1 k stand, a quantity of putuluv» about an bushels oau. I!) [link-n benches, " _TEitMsOF" SALE All ~1.!1 . TERMS‘OF SALE All der 0mm. over that ammm: on appmved joint notcs o cash on credit amount,» 1 graiywmsh. - 5.16 to commence noon. SATURDAY, MARCH THE 3RD. lug ADAM I.Al"H-1\\( ”LAM! Sitco, LArrr:xto Hum.) ‘K M. LAI‘1‘I-1NrwlLuJ Joy. 3nyrcvt. l Auctioneer. 200 ACRE FARM" BEING lot No. L’ Con. 5. V, u: tc, township ot \le‘ah'y l t my loo. The bulldinsg- nrcgood. a .m. Well fenced. well “Mon-d lvl', . Fpring. good well and young or: 2,": " agood slate ofvultivarmn, T), 11:33.11 ttnished. There an hr an The tum isagood One for Mm tV m [unionists enquire of IL .1 Arn' 3ng on. the place and uhosp l' imam _ ik BETWEEN St. Jacobs and W latter part of January 1:»: [mm it by proving property " Bt. Jacobs. Fob. 8ttst.1884 TUESDAY, mac“ THE mtg, 1394 Partners' attention is directed to tly ye that we are prepared to .-\chan.2‘ buck md tile for tsl1 kinds of wood. PUBLIC SALE. PUBLIC SALE Mitt h Creditors. " lnnolront has mah- un Ahixnmeub use for the ttenettt of his ttil?), A M- ot, Creditor: will be hold " V: ilford'. hm lIss ANNIE BEAN. W ot. Plum and OrgNu Bull BEGHTEL ' f9lli, RUG FOUND. WANTED . Waterloo, Ont, PALS. V d the Toronto” " . 0"” - ,rlit'gAte'.i'l'iiil ‘w, A.fl. no. at up. Imam WOOD. LEVI B. BOW.hlAN Pumptuaket, . Pl. Javobs t tile thcir t lulu)» “I! -» t day of April m Il, 'it cock-d ludpnw i, I”, t to those Cla:',,., mm d we had nt“u~. . “I'DOIJ'H liliv'HMAA TI’JHIHZ, "l, W130. tribe. lwl. y t __ -..Albor¢3"' (In nor (In my“); try' 1%, di, l u ofa, ha od, mu 0m, Prtt 'it'. the It be EOE hm'n HIP!“ In that wn‘hlr thx ci NOTE T The Sales D Stt SAP VOL. X CANA hate 'tu Al ' OJ. . “ acumen: i THE Bpoetar and Farm. u CAPITAL 0:919? Dru CORSE tt

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