hunting t may he of Lodny virus“! M humble >3 Map Iii-{c the C name WW! and _ _ :x‘ he. tobacco it!) the " " coco'. u'vi more for tlt open- tttttt hu 1 work. a mini- int int. y gain. idiltic' b ' educs. y may (1‘ of ft t tarte. F .,-.. ,2. muons , only Ludo-s. some i Ruh- Hugoâ€- “hung other h im. rah!!! that Me Ppof, I his, #th able ould W!) "er Ver In! DI if ilsatrnine ballota and four hours' time were required to elect A Warden for Elgin County. Oxford County Council balloted eighteen times before Aheir chief officer was eligible to “he his seut. The Humilton Herald ny- that now that Andrew Pottulo, the dam Wood- stock journalist, has but: altteted pren- ident of the Weston duiqnen’n unoc- intion he will “write 538668101 milky whey.†l Attrt-d-to-ta--bs mmumamwm or. Dttetd"rtMth.-- no. w‘mm ltr-mt-h. Hmwummuw The Brantford police are after a lashe’s Itsy " "It upon the rich red mysterious individual who persist! inl olive of her cheeses. ' hugging and kissing Brantford girls on l Tony,’ slte replied raituroualr, lyou the streets. A man who kisses a _ are . corker Ind no mistake.’ Brantford girl knowingly deserves tot And the golden barge floated on. 2,0 to jail. ; ’ - - ilsatrnine ballota and four hours', Pttrltef., _.M....-_.__A._A_. yvars: ot we, and was one of the oldest ', Th settlers in the township. l queen The Ontario Government has decid- l and "d in future to make only one quality l turns uf binder twine at the central prison, _ tranc that to be best. Last year's output I I) did not exceed 8100.000 worth, this all th year’s will reach 3300.000 worth. The l 'Tl price last year wns 10 cents a. pound, 3 my h this year it will be lower, proUbly i hand first coat. 7 eves Wm, l'llun'h, a farmor in tho town-l Ill wt" WNL Luther, lot T. con. 3. was) l hlnntally killed last week) " mlu uncovering n. stack of hay. Pr MM lwvn subject to weak spells for , it, r , year past, and it ts supposed: 'l. u ho was taken by one of these while I tt work on top of the stack and fell ii) tht ground. His wife rushed to hiss, lnistance. but he breathed only twnm" an] all was over. He was about 74 ' yvars of my, and was one of the oldest , I I Thr, Municipal World aye that :I‘u- cuuntv uf Wellington house of in- dzhtrv but yc-ar provided for an aver, Lgs- mi ti," iurnates at a cost of 81.28 ,,.,~ “wk, inc-unlitâ€; ill expensea In . .- \Vvllnml humo- uf industry, for an a any uf W) initiates, it cost $1.27 I†urn-k. The farm cunuecml with , r' imm- iri,titution isin a high state .1 Ann ttion, thr, surphh products .1 '1::_fm"\r'u mouth., Inning: sold for The News of the Waterloo County District Gleaned From Exchanges. comm AND msmc'r. 1lr Innis P, Krihs is out mth the ~Xw'rtu~' of hi4 new iourrvdiuic vent. , tire, .1/ r to he devoted to the I _l" irxtvrwst gun-MIN and the cause uni prohibition in particular. Feb. H‘V sth m the thy get for the first NI ur PO vour â€art, pr “w th ll In ttle mun In; man named " Tp, smrin law Woodstock, “as ll ntM'lu Hump mu Imf at Tumulu la [hr-iv annual n l to the: Local -do.nt., and U I" A\\':L toi mummy _ urn othin William Mooney, hf Unslnw, wa, full three mum from the Emma". Hf a .5t, fwd well out up "i trying to Gh a tin rhyu his siNtrrr had dropped in? fall hrnke- his leg. When rho- m-mnd time he struck ' 'uul in'nkf his arm. The ~17qu law-akin: in he was rthrr twp the thinLtinm, two {Mu-[LINN]. Ile mzu' Nun‘- 'l u I' V I‘rtlulilLLL‘N fur the Local who have “09le lmlninatcd rum of Imiustrv, eighteen pr-nt-stir-iv, which l,Irarcvlsi, and (“VINE Wm- thtt [Hum Cor,rrativer,. storm HI on \Vedne‘sdav NN " . I m In: log" 'vh mange; hundas, wasl il Sunday night during) and um: hr. Lsinisl, I run about $17 aomnjewJ siuur. The thief enteredl phys in: to twivvlv tt wininw. "ttvtkinsr, A w» and (inning back 11h frwtf 'ttts and will“ no“ ‘kml fur at the ap ut' tht, Leurralatut'e. Mr. hiul lill‘V manna-r of tho states that the Enter“ “Mario ha HUN and I HI “to fl d Patrick of w ot' Richard n' crushed to to Kaufman's 1mm J, con. .3, was last week of hay. He tht ll ll luv the TI tN' escape an} gas on fault was luckt‘d up hh L'UIII- A wk, and I It) be :ixlaturo. m boi When quiet WnS restored, the House ,lature. l proceeded to vote on the several Fr nmv amendments: to the bill. The first to he up I lw (li~posml of was Mr. Tawney's tnre. l amomluueut, raising the duty on barley "uul the l trnm g0 to l? P'".' Sent†yui on barley "vent- _ malt trn‘m 30 to .r..'. This was lost by b . l " I it vat» ot 120 y/e to 194 hays. jug." l Chairman Wilson followed with an [ft IC I aruendment raising the duty Ott barley " â€In†‘vt'mm it) to 25 per cent. od valorem, rig." i and trlt barley malt from 30 to 35 per 1 take l writ, and resulted in a Vote of 204 lvl‘ UH l y"as' t0 Ill nays. _ pu'rx- l The sugar schedule, repealing the The-r01 bounty and putting refined sugar on .nzunml l [he tree list, was agreed to on a Viva. Ange \uto. It was also agreed that mluun, I thy mw woul schedule should go into â€WW“ i‘llt'lfl J'" Anglia 2, and the, woolly --._e _ l nmnutncturers schedule on December "ul of to Mr. “OnomonnPorl . I atth-tetiotooddt-tNta." ] PoorPerishe had I headache and had never heard of f1tark'ahanaotm, ‘neurdgissodlimPowdu-l; plenum _ J" fkGiii' iii; iipi Al'" '7 andthetrottettr?tre-tttie T merited-id pad-mtintliairmd all fortune! thiir distracting til-hit. Wham- Reta-G- T, ' I1mritthitey tw" ite -ti)tyu,eetttyimtuf ‘Thou art more beautiful, queen of my heart,' he whispered. touching her hand with hia lips. Those wondrou. eyes closed l-nguidly and the long lashe'sluy at not upon the rich red olive of her cheek; _ I) tiisg,' she murmured, 'is there all the world a night so beautiful , The golden barge of the mighty queen ilonted softly do In the beautiful and mysterious river and Cleopatra turned_her glorious eyes from the en- trancing scene to Antony. There is much 'rejnicing in Demo- cratic circles twilight over the sub- stantial victory. During the day all unru- of wild rumours were tsfloating around as to what the result would be, and as to the number of dissatisfied Democrats who were pledged to vote against the bill in its present form Previous to the meeting of the House, the New York and Louisiana delegates conferred, the purpose being to em deavour to have the bill recommitted with instructions to strike out the in- cume tax clause. 2, bill. When the mm on the Internal llt.vimue. bill with the income tax feat- un- attached was announced, it was funml that H Dvtnocrats had voted against it. They were mo,tly from Nv'n' York, NewJersey,and Louisiana. A mutinn to recummit the bill was lost lw a mu- M l03 to 17.3. Amid great .Awitonwnt the final vote od the pas- ~:L;n- of tlw bill was announced at five minutes to six o'clock, and resulted: --1"tsas 201: mys 140. Included mnun; the nvgntivv vote were sixteen Iremocrats aud nnv Populist, namely, Messrs. Bartlett, Cummings, Campbell I l mul rix , Co vert,ricluunuerl tovn,Haines, and Sickel,. of New York; Cadmas, New Jam-y, Sibley, Pennsylvania; Henry. California: Davey, Robertson, and Price, Louisiania; Sperry and Page, Connecticut: and Newlands, Populist. . ll""(\|,(3 nu tllc ""F'""'"""""r AL\1 "no awarded the closest attentién by the entire House and the vast concourse mse-mbled. He was enthusiastically clwervtl at the close of his remarks. Speaker Crisp followed with a. tell- in: speech which WAS well received. It I'vuminul, however, for Mr. Wilson to tlm m" the Home into a Scene that beg, gnu description. At the conclusion of his speech the excitement and en- thusiasrn were tumultuous. Members cast aside all restraint and threw every- thing movable into the air, cheering at the mmc time like maniacs. WtHTt only submitted for the purpose of consuming time. Promptly at 12 o'clock, Mr. Reed, of Maine, amid a wild scene, took the "or tolclose the (Ins-ate for the Republicans. d He was Washington, Fob. 1.--AH0 o’clock thitr, morning mending roan was st . premium in the Home galleria. Never l before was there such a crowd in and about the House wing. The push In the lobbies leading to the uppor gd- leries exceeded anything ever witnessed at the Capitol. A detail of city police were called for to prevent a panic. It is estimated that fully ten thousand people were mused in the House wing. According to the special order the time set for the closing speeches was noon The hour intervening was devoted toa continuation of the fight inaugurated on Saturday by M r. Luckwmod, of New York, over the barley amendments, which was carried to a successful ter- mination. Several members assisted M r. Lockwood by offering amendments to the barley schedule, among them being Chairman Wilson, with a substi- tute for placir’nrlwy on the free list. All of these am .ndmvnts were lost,nud mwummnnruu‘mm Ion-a In, WASHINGTON NEWS. m. Antony Illl Cleopatra. V151 tn Women screamed lid hinted. but the men fought on. I w J enee, Char. lee Rom, end Sun Po ll were killed, Jones end Powell he ng been shot, while Ron we: stab through the heat with e butcher ails. Welter Jone. end Bill Jonee both serious- ly, it not totally woo the. W 'tkit other! receivegllpligbt 'ttttn “A Sc. Louis, Mo., J an. i'30.--A speciol from Guerdon Ark, 'fill' l Reliable ie. formation was recenvedlyesterday from Alpins, in the weaterniportion of this (Clark) county, annouqcing the killing of three men and the winding of two others during o mele+ " a country dance held at the houaq of J “no: For- bee last Saturday njehi. _ Frenzied by drink, the men indulged first only in profane Image and "tn- cults, but later they me to blows oniong themselves, and. " 1 final ro- Iult, knives and revolvon wen brought into notion. g The P. P. A, Pineal-me. l Toronto, Jan. 314nm Gldbe this morning has a two and5 half colum in. terview with the Rev. if. C. Madill, of Bellwood, Out, the miw president of the Protestant Protective Association. The interview sums t the result of Mr. Madill's remarks follows: The conclusions to which tie two houid in- terview led me are thai the P P A. is founded upon the one 'dea of spoiling the "solid vote" attribuited to the Roar an Catholic Church by; a "solid vote" Protestant. Protestants, it is declared, have been ruled by thelbalance of pow- er which the Roman atholic Church has held. To rid thgnselves of this domination it is neces ry to organize, This is the broad line ipon which the order is formed. The d tails of politics are of minor important tr. It,is nothing to them that they capnot show any) crying grievances. It evil, real, or‘ imaginary, which they eradicate mani-l tests itself to them In many small things, the sum. of whi h is large. The Order thus adjusts itselz to every part of Canada. The plat arm which tits Ontario may not apply to Manitoba, but in the fundamentaliprinciple, when ever a Romanist puts lip his head on a political ticket the P. Ir. A. will knock it down. The order} is unchanged wherever it is established. They do not want the Goverttlnent in their hands, Mr, Madill toldl e. What they WNDC is to have a bodritt men in the Legislatures to vote i Protestant as against Roman Catholic, whenever a question in any degree lielated to church or religion, comes up. lProtestants in Parliament heretofore, it is declared, hiwe been tied to, part so that their allegiance of their poli cal leaders and their church has been n confliet, and they have preferred p ty to religion. The P. P. A. is to cor t this, and to be a balance wheel to rotect the par- ties from an influence hich has pre- vented them from miting out equal rights to all creeds an classes in the‘ Dominion. i', i "Well,we|1 it will ciimax to my Chicago , in jail publishing the who violate the law their properly to imn and the London editor ly " the Anticipation sensation in which he m rtsl figure." _ "I told the gaxmlem ' that ecould not son's me worth I. at; thn I was going to do just what i had pr mined. He explainvd that' he not t e own. er of the buildinz, but nly Acting as agent. When I diam him I would then use the namelof t e owner if he would kindly give, it, e replied that the owner was veriy ill and if ‘ouch a publication were and; it would kill him, and I would have.“ big damage suit on my hands. l 1 “The other d y}? mi Mr. S taxi, tt the Comawrcinl “lab, ‘yester "y, "is prominent real e tutu gent "t led up on me and Melanie! th t if I rinted his name in my bitolr a f one w o ren) ed property tn kPrperslof bro els My would have the MW 0 me a d send me tojail. '; Sum? his been a. an im- priaonimEt‘ln Ch _, up rently Plj w t ointic‘ hon " rr etition of hip ndon i il P. time Th5 now-u of his in of l pub ish the namq‘ of the ow an Aenls'rent- ing property for mmo I purp 398 [was brought about th? tin 't fruu an ir- ate real entan- ttt ‘ho w». served with oneart Mr. Sun 'a oire laws of Mali"?- . . 1.. . L, _ Chive†Three Kllled, Two Jan. I tt--Witor Wo-ted. be a d Ilghtfnl {his to wind up ‘names of men by giving over oral pu poses ' laughed leeful- of a fi t-clus )uld be t ecent- I Th5 ish the a'rent. I398 hus an ir- Then the grocer sat down on a kit of mackerel and fanned himself with a patent washboard. Vassar had taken the cake-Detroit Free Press. 1 ' ." ' Th . tantl li tr Jlritlil'ilhir 1118me "G'elillll â€â€˜53?“ 'rv ' Chicago Cold. No, she said, -with a sad wnbble to her flexible voice, it would be of no [IRE as we don't keep a parse. cod. Yes'm. Anything else f Two cents of condemned milk. Anything more, ma’am , A bag of fresh "lt-be sure that it is fresh ! . Yes’m. What's next, _ A pound of desecrated eodfiirh, Yes’m. He wrote glibly deasicated Nothing more ma'tunl Here’s some rite horaeradjt!h just. in, - I want ten pounds of parti'ived sugar, she said, with a business like air. Coughs and Colds-Ut this sens- on when coughs are so prevalent, an effectual remedy, and one easily obtain- ed, is Perry Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer. It is no new rostrum,’ vended by unknown agents, but has stood the test of over fifty years; and those who use the article, internally or externally will connect with it grateful recollec- tions of its worthy inventor. Her tirst order at the groeerb was a crusher, but that good man was used to all sorts of people and could inter- pret Vassar as easily as plain English. Tnurse-jews, and lawn, squared or sided, sawed bunrds, lathe, shingles, McKinley law 81 per m. Wilton bill free, r, IRON ORE --Mi)Kiitler law free, Wil. soribill proposed tret. - She was a Vassar graduate and did not know a little bit about house-keep- ing when she married her hurt bean and and settled down to domestic life. CoAL---McKiuley law 60 cents per tog, Wilson Bill groposed tree. Flows. tooth and disk barrows, har- vesters, tempera, drills, mowers, horse- mkoas, cultivators and threshing much- ines, McKinley law 45 p. 0., Wilson bill proposed tree. POULTRY, Li-McKinley luv 3, Wilson hill ite, . POULTRY, D1rra"D---Mokinley law 5c,l Woo" bill 3c. Ara, ma ANIMALS ~McKinley 13w 2trper cent. Wilson bill 20 percent. WooL--Mck oley law variedueeord. in: to grade, Wilson hill from. Loas--McKtnle, law free, Wilson bill free. _ iper cent, equil to " cent." amt-ud- edlin conning†.30 cent. per iiiiicii ' iiiiiisa' by house 24 p. c. " wk row. but; AND OATIIAL -Mekinle, bor 1olto Me. Wilson Bill proposed 20 per cent ; "mended in committee hrsi. _ sBGaa-MoKinby lay lie, pear dozen W luon bi“ free. _ oawrota-lWsKiti1ey law 250, Wil. aon bill 10c. . V nut AND lrAatitrapyr---,ktus. M law M to 45,0,- Tei, bill proposqd ' Ayers Smaparllla manta. momma-.1;- M. gt't,trt s well-known busines- mu ttt Billsboro. 1.. sendl all: testimony to the merits of Ayor'l Sampsrllla: “Several mu... can I hurt - In tlm Inky" lnvlmr years tit I hit: my lemme In urrDaritttr a sore w ich led to t2.'lftlt'i {minim were extreme, In? leg. mm t no. to mum. being a so Id sore. which 'elite to ex- tend to other pm at the bod . can: mgrtotm remedies I began muting, and. “an had m an: b99191} fr.PfA', _ -4399. -- 2 "I. "eGdotttem,oarntmaiiri", Fig A9EA't - - SguiiihiihiiuA 'Isn --hicKinley law le, W illon bill magivn " Wading? have the WiIIon Tait bit I. ' The: , "eetiit Oanudn m 1' bl- She Wu From VIII-1'. mag at tu'a'trtit end. "id-re) Nothing to equal either in the Country. We do our own blending and understanding the business are prepared to please you and giva you just what you want. We will be pleased to have you call and test qualities. Orders by Phone or mail promptly attended to. Goods delivered C. O. D. " Devitt's Drug Store INDIA AND CEYLON MOGHA and JAVA COFFEE; Empire Tea Co. Cough Drops. COMPLETE] ' you Catarrh 't This remedy " arms; teed to cure you. Price. 50cm. magma, {than iidiel‘isBié’tS"D:-uf¢" "“istZ’JEa'" Fr. antes. For a 'L'llW%'i gr i'tliiiil"i'iii' saucers Btt1cLA_r?0HPA LASTE Mkt. REES irutieaHitr. ealEttCdFais' 3353 Throat, 'j,ath'il,'r,!i,i,',,t',ii',f,1'ft'i Cough and Anthmn. For Consumption it " no rival- tay can; tttoueryA, nn_d will pun YOU if WZE}.-6;I;I;BERS. .THE mm" 1c.yyj.i..-..,._.._.._......_,.. 6:an Marble Works JUST ARRIVED Egjagï¬ï¬gfwamm They instam F,i'e:l't the New Shortening, instead of lard. And this is in tselfa rea- son why "she looke well" in another sense, for' s e eats no lard to cause poor di tion Ind a worse complexion. Tea COTTOLENE is mitch better than lard for all coking pur- road, as every one w has tried tdeclares. Have y tried it? ways. For instance, to-da-y she' is using Sold by Simon Snyder, Wisterioo, . But her way: are not ‘alway's old ways. In fact she has dia. carded tinny unsatisfactory old to the ways of her homehold." Jgte,h'rt' is right; that’s 2,t e ousehkper ‘evetyw dgea, but particularly in Can- N. K. tNRmiNta co., CECEi1uAcEii1 When you use our famous Well. ' YOUR TABLE Loiike 1L0 H’SACATARRH For sale everywhere. and our celebrated Wellington and And it... MONTREAL. Anbther lot of Made only tr, WILL BE REMEDY. i"iiiir:vij1i7riytg STORE or a Kindly hmuwithncsll ad we Gatt' be gtt'ttl to thew you specimen: 3nd designs in alumna. Hold-bones etc. and quota you new for Any style of wotk abhor In. 6mm or Inn-bk. Amt Mock gnu-Into“. The unassigned - to an- nortnootrtttetrfMmtdtsinLht- wood and man: country “ho-um» Iii-already â€.mmum u- llllirhnl., Tailoring. From now till Xmas we will sell our stock of Dress Goods Cloakings, Flannels Ladies' and Gents' Underclothing, all Wool Blan- kets, &c, at prices that will make them move. Come and see them and ifthey are not ascheap as any in the Countydon't buy. CHEAP DRY GOODS. 1' JAG' .... "315:3 (hide? Jfafii, “was u rnetmorrotthe partedonadl, - -v Happy BOOT AND SHOE Erb Street, opposite Markov; ‘WATERLOO outlands Unusumption Um SHAEFEB BROS. get anything better than iimon Snyder, Druggist, WATERLOO, ONT 1 You Can't FOR| Coughs, Colds ...IO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. AN D Hoarseness. NEW YEAR. WISHES YOU 'ar/utr:":'.,", (ll Go To The . ProSperous FOR and I. . rw' _ T “This as s Itrmtrt- tor gut tet 'IIs; 'It 'pt;tt,t?pettt.'isri't patterns can always be had at Bring your wntche. and clocks want ing repairs to C. J. Altcanan, who will undertake to put them in good running order and guarantee satisfaction. Waterloo, SUITINGS. "Tis not the clothes that make the man," but they held Inspection is invi'ted to the New Lines of 3 The latest invoices include the finmt of America!) and Foreign Fnbrica. "91 The prices are consistent with quality of material ind workmanship. The Star Laundry, Altemari's, the Jeweller/l Wedding Presents. Suitable articles in great variety of The Corner Jewellery Stem WATERLOO, "ui'lgttptstut't" l if: 'soppoaita the Zimmerman House.) TROUSERIIOS "and John Ritzer. I {STORE ALL Merchant Tailor. King St. Wstaerloo. OVERCOATING§ Ont tit {Eda hi