.diu Mr. Van " pe, a!) 'etrttaps not, but alte1s got her Isth- m‘dqzens M tttytrsyiet. My I mouth ',t,',eg,2', without “know" Thou the president clapped two pudgy hands upnn L'rixton's knees, looked squarely into thixton's' eyes and mid in a. low, measured mono- tone '. "Do with it?" echoed the president. "Why, you donkey, make it your own. Murry the girl. She isu't a beauty, I must admit, but she's re- spectahle and honest, and she'd accept you in a minute." - - "Upon mrword, Buddy,†laughed Brim. "You've been in . es: no long thit even women and, party to you. Miss Fewre never-av me at til in minutes ago.'] " "John Brixton, I’ know of my own knowledge that Ada Fewse has over one-million, dollars --- in good rail. way bonds right In my safe here. .. Nough and, eh l" "Enough money, I should say, for an unmarried twoman who doesn't look M if her tastes were expensive. But what have I to do with it? You "Wonk Julm,†mid thv prvsident, .xfn-r hmmn; Mi»- l’cnsc into her warring“. .. 3an mwnu- one. Any one mi n Th'uxmznl good fellows in New Yoik “mud gin- ll) ymu‘s‘ of his life " «win an imrcductiuu to Miss Feu,t, (Ls i gau- you just now. Go right ahrotl mm’ and taakt. usv ot' it." .. Your,. always las; the f iendly thing, llud1lrw,"' unmarked Urixbun, sinkâ€); um an waxy chair, "butl ‘lun'r quitv umh-rstamd it this time." ““un vhf" said the president, hastily rr-h:htin: a cigar uhich he had Lmi mu hi,, desk when Miss Fewse was ununum'u-d. REM“ .. Weil tlutr), Miss Fewse is joint heir with WWI" her brother -hets only hrntln-r mind you. Old Ben’s estate is mtinmtod by his executors at /i'8,000,ty)t), I (1min know how close that. comm to the truth- -I don't take much stock in what I can't see with my mvu eyes hut this much I do know." Yolk “and 1h t'ptr win-i: nu in J“m\ mt' an i gun, right uhmld mm‘ .. Yours. alwt thinar, 1luddrw," sink“); into a [lun‘r quitv unth- ii Irou't ch I" hastily rr-[ighth " his .1me mad " the! BBIXTGN’S CHOICE , fur John h " . in? many varieties of matri- px'nlnnuh he sides those Which in “mph, and mm of them in: oft â€unit: a yrar or two John Urixtnn. Brian was one inn-higvnt trosws who are inn adapt "I t' y tl Wit Alf†had as a sistt n' lest J" to himself lt le, “It? n MM“ 'ar " on fan: though not 11 lmuy and how u that hf HM 13v†amt-r “as woman. funk het' depart had A dear old ' sister, whom he 'tit young Woman "5le that a man Femsv could not m: whole Howl I tht: “Mule-s: (If 'gt' has heard It follows who are he: had acquired A < who “or? the 11:1: knew him. 12::N’2L1t‘sllliln on sit'ctrv, it must 1w hlr [t H km! curuoumly Ht llt'l’ thtlwt ll H utl" tl tl Ln owning. vlnuiutzum-q \de they H, but ther hr'cilt'mv ho ll tl'; MI Hum. ‘Vvlitl that fur (Ii “NU tll simply llln’l' "', tu'.w u ‘ll \l uit uuhler nur mm In!) ix’ - wcu trying to secure wrongly cor- "Maria'uaid the A' ,lwnrtlyoung mil! respondents. " be sized ordantl' at the blushing As for Brixton, he went straight little wry of Igirl V Iifsidep'do you home and prowled about the house tut-, really and truly Ioed me? i ' I til he found his sister. . _ "Wr mormthan ite, door George,') "Ettie," said he, "you and I have 'u, on tht can t rep I . “I ‘wonld om: C,t,etttefet?ti.iyruadiaitiiG'iii .grt through fi _ undone: ., you)!“: we're brother and sister. Inna; tog harem ." , . _ g' T .141 ,! ask you In ulna-l T", . aid- I “M - â€N†v Mid†want. yontomm it 'll-ttttttid your, ' _ .un‘ , your ~ ", om"? orniaingvom- eyohrovn' any. . kw -.nr. l, ' Flat '“ill WE casing. 'énppogg I, M; mdt1'kg i'it 'P", _ - ,V P. " 1t9y.tfc: ' determine that IVAN io molly“, " v , s'% _. ., , F.' ttalll p, , 'rt' Ct,' Whom wwmmmmomwg' '3 'yet ' Cr,, if, _ Liiy,Jit' w atitterr'; . T sri-v. " , «a; , ri, 45'" . an , WWI-s a,,ii'ii1i1itiiii"il, . Si'i" tiqia'i'a" rg' "'itt e ‘ ' ‘ " "Wait a. moment," said Brixton, dropping the letter, seizing his hat and starting for the door. "I'm out-r-you don't know when T'll be in." One of the firm who had overheard the conversation asked his partner whether he supposed Brixton bad been, speculatinglin Wall street and got more accommodation from the Forty- seventh National than his collaterals would werrant, and the partner re- plied that it might not be a bad thing to keep Brixton out of temptation by sending him to South America. to look after a. railway contract which' they had been trying to’secure through cor-‘ respondents. , "Home one on the telephone for you, sir." . "Who is it."' John asked, raising his eyes from a. letter he was leading. _ "Forty-seventh National bank - President Budder," the clerk said. Urixton had been at his ottiee only half an hour the next morning when om- of the clerks shouted '. to lirixtun, and they took her home to dinner with them, ,and the old man made opportunity to sound the praise of John Brixmn am] to tell what fine women Juhn’s mother and sister were, so before the evening was over Miss Fewsn was conscious of a might» wish Fewm was conscious If a mighty wish that some man like John L’rixum would ask Mr to change her name and share. her life and fortune with her. , "Let me sound her about. it. You i may count upon me to do it without. ; lack of proper respect for eitherof you, fand' I'll he: the entire. assets. ot this lhank "gainmt a penny that you may {announce your engagement within a [ week, Then you ll be hand in glove " with a lot oiu, fellowsina business way ' as well no socially, and we want your __ I wp, l'eill'V' do.' 7 "l',uddvr,' said John Brixtnn, rising from his chair, “you've got a heart as _ an ox, a: il ru, neartily obliged to you for your interest in me. You must giVe me time (o think of it, though." "Time to 77 A†eja mlial the presi- ilent tiring his cigar butt at the cuspid- I or with such energy that, he oiershot the. mark and elicited a howl of an- guish from the ltanli's cat as she, mis- took the missivi, for " mouw when she opened her e.rt"s fioiii:a peaceful slum- her. "Thvrvit. wine things trait at tel- low can't uiliu-d to think about. Do )oii stop to think when a trout risw to _\our tlr' Come aim",r to lunch and make up your mind on the way.†( But John lli'ixton wasnt able to :iw decisive, answer over the coffee and cigars. A million dollars in good SrCllt‘iiil'S seeiimil well worth the, tak~’ ing by a man who had worked indus- ti'ionsly for 13m L’Uyearsonly to reach i it salary of $3,1lllt) or i/0,00o, and an appreciative wife thrown in seemed l like Iii) much extia luck, for John's mother and sister had for years warned him that. wives who hold good hur haiiils in proper regard arc as scarce as model husbands. (lrt the other hand, old Ben Fewse's daughter, who looked as much like her father as a woman could look like a. man, would be a str'angecompanion for l a man, who, in spite of much attention I to iiiaterlal things in the way of busi-l’ new, had inherited many fine tastes atul'cwutiments which he had kept in good. usable condition. Whoever he! might marry ought to be fairly com- paiiioiialile to his mother and sister- two women he could not imagine en- joying Miss chse's society. llut while John Brixton went on thinking and wondering and comprome isini; and rejecting his own comptvmim cs old l‘iudtlcr took the case in hand as earnestly us if it were a promising investment for his own bank. He was too good a business man to exceed his _ authority, but he and his wife took Miss chse out driving the very after. , noon that he had made his suggestion than L nu. Yum." furlunv u made, poor buy, uulvw you l, mice a fool of your- self in 3mm: u 51., her money ofvcouno. She doeen't li. ject to nmrryinggjor.‘ being a woumn, him has n. heart, but. she has enoaigh character to want I. husband whom aha can respect, and none of the fanny: who have offered theruselves uhus fur has been of that kind." k 'ratur, tail. ii)) W11 'iii' ',i',',iii',i'ij esd 5%: 'i'ii'il, , 'llrrl 'UU' nos l "Mr DEAR Bcrirorut- Perhaps men grow more bashful jcs they grow older. At least I'd ratheriwrite you than tell lou face to foce, thalt the reason 1 hesi- tate to avail myselll of your kind sug- gestion regarding Miss Fewse is that. I am already engaged to a most estim- able young woman) I shall expect you and your wife to dqnce at the wedding, which will be within a month. ' “Has some one failed?†asked Mrs â€udder v 1 " should say sdi--failed to make a fortune. Listen td this: One, of the (lerights of being a financial magnate " growled the old man as he tum theiend from the enve- lope "Can't eat by dinner in peace. Any customer in Mich a hurry must be --xreat Smut!†1 unlined outside. to ' 'attch the hurries. 1t set-med to hi 1 that she sat there alone at least tw nty-four hours, al- though the parlor i lock had ticked off only twenty minutps when Agnes tore herself away frumj Ettie with the res mark that she cutlld not be entirely happy until she hat) reached home and told her mothets Ml about it. President L'udiler' way still at his dinner table that bvening when a let ter was brought ini The servant said a. special nGrsengir had brought it, With instructions tb deliver at Once. As the driu: oi.‘ tinned she changed her mind about {Him She wouldn’t have had the girl 'ith her for worlds, for although the-rel was more happiness in that; earring“) than she had In er be. fore imagined _,e, \mrld contained, there was only Hit ugh for two, and the mere presence of {my one olee even her dearest friend, would hmie entirely spoilodit. Instead of taking her di- rccrly home after (returning from the pleasant country Unes through which he had driven, Jul tt Brixton drove to his own home an l called his sister down to the little arlor, while he re. unlined outside. to 'aLtch the horses. 1t set-med to hi i that she sat there alone at least tw lily-four hours, al- though the parlor i lock had ticked of? only twenty minut'ps when Agnes tore Miss memicJ went driving with John Hrixtmn thit, afternoon, and al- thuugh sM- “as sitry sorry that dear Ettie wasn't with them she enjoyed herself greatly after the manner of busy people whoke special pleasuns come infrequently; Dy why of ply Ertic Brixtun sprang from her c. minkisscd her broth.. er cifusivvly and nurried ull' to dress for a morning cal . "H'm! What :Nvondcrful things‘ you must have Mid on' o-behind my back. Do you summw bu could arrange for us-else, you and I-to take a drive this afternpon‘.†i _ "Yes, but"; I "Exactly. Th ,n find some mouse af er you return f1 um inviting her to find something wl ich wid unavuidubly plzevent your guidg.†"I’ve lo ged t fear: not†1060! Aguo _,t1itti'ii',i:!,t,i,'iii, h _ l up“. Yo are made M' eat: other." V _ "Long 'turs"tyhl Neyer change» yourjniud ' 5 _ _ "Weil, 0n gn‘eral principles she can’t help ‘likin- liyuu. For the rest, unless she, forget.‘ War} thing I say to her, she must think youve, the one supremely perfec mm (m the face of the earth." I V "Never.), Isn’t lie my dearest friend hm't she at: good fund sweet ‘und hand some tts-is she is poorf' ( . ,1 "What does In Mnér think of her?' "Just, what I ink nudiwhat ever} one must. Mm k ows her: The' dam "What does In Uuir think of her?†"fast, what I ink nudgwhat (â€14 one must, ks, k owes her: The' den. girl would have eon snapped up long "g" if she Ludu’b en too ipoor to aw pew properly in he seeing for which she's best. f)rtvd. ', As it is, $041rce'y any young mr-u know i,her nun-p1: those who are ti" t lit to tie er shoes-" 'N huulu 3w 1suppose she thinks hf me Teattntt arbr Love this ', lump. Perhaps men as they grow older. write you than tell It is not usually known that Sir Andrew Oink nuinbexnd among bin pntionu Mr. Parnell, who- consulted him town-dc “I. and of 1887 tot n one-em; Mr: Pnrnollolben sht- ed that In Ind waived- much bandit (mun n Mention sit] STE Andrew’s to in. - And then, brave and demure in her threadbare cloth gown, she happens across a. bargain counter, mortgages her salary for a. month buying impos- sible gauzes, things that won’t :wash nor wear, nor keep one warm; things that must be made over tsti/Gndprink- ling silk and trimmed with Ttshret or ribbon or lace, and then are only fit for a festsl garb. And the young woman knows that she cannot aifo either the 'trimminga' or the 'rmrking,' and she really does not know what she wintld do with the frocks if she could tdrord them. So she lays the fragile, useless, shining games away in erris powder " the bottom of a trunk, and talks some more about her poverty. And her conscience doean't trouble her at all. Why? Oh, Incense the things that she bought were cheap! -Chieago Poet. She will deny herself the pleasure of having that dress which she really needs, though the has the, cloth all ready and waiting, simply because the dressmaker charges so'much. She Will renounce correspondents because sta- tionery and stamps, you know, really run away with a good deal of money. She will make a martyr of herself, and talk about it and gorydn it, until every young man w o knows her (and who isn't old enough to understand) will think what a heroic little thing she is to battle with the odds of pover- ty. That is the way with a woman. She will go without rubbers and economize on ilannels. She will save her down- town luneheons and walk holes in her shoes rather than waste money on car fares. She will launder her handker- chiefs in her ownsroom, rinsing them in thefprmsh basin and pasting them on the mirror to dry. They will be soapy 31nd smelly and horrid, but' she will use them heroically, borne up by the knowledge that she has saved halfn dollar out of the weekly laundry bill. It is told of one industrious ynun: girl that she constantly crocheted or knitted during the minutes her draw- ing teacher was explaining perspective or sharpening her pencil. But this does seem carrying minute-saving very far.--Harper's Bazar. r" F l A woman who wits obliged t t wait breakfast table for a dozen boarders to struggle down, in her waiting moments manufactured yards of a dainty lace, which she found a profitable way of employing the time. Another young WUIJHLII, who daily waited a quarter of an hour for an elderly fnend to go driving, kept a book on the hall table, an I in the, waiting times of one sum- mer managed to do a credihhle amount. of historical reading. Another kept, a novel 'going' in each room of the house, and whenever she waited for dinner managed to read a few chapters of whichever book was handiest. The, only.retvdiog moments of busy Women l was -the time she spent every day put tinglhor baby to sleep, and her book was kept in readiness for the opera- tion. examples rise up to clrnfirrn thze state ment. But something can be done with these odd moments which are so exas- pmeingly uuproductive, In the diligent um: This is undisputuble, because here are those who have used just such minutes, to advantage. Many true When at night.the busy wnman counts up her mud and wasted oppor- tunities, she thinks dvspmringly, ‘If I only had those 0le minutes, in one lump at one thm', how much I "could accomplish which now seems unattain- able? _ These ‘odd minutes,' which we, all lose in our days (ount. up amazingly. Fifteen minutes multiplied by four make an hour. And so many Limes u (by we let slip fifteen minutes! Fifteen minutes waiting for Lhelnzy 0mg to come down to breakfast! Fif- teen for the toupunctual ones to go for a walk or drive! Fifteen minutes waiting, for the luncheon ordiuner bell to ring'. Fifteen minutes waiting dress. maker's pleasure, for the child to come back from an errand, or for the restless baby to go to sleep 1 Kat to speak of the half-hours and hours spent in trams and boats , Said tb duearuged wolfl'tuj “If you had tther trUd, to work by punches, you would know' how hard it is to get aety--thing done that way.' 'I've had to do a. great deal of work undiscudy jug: that. way-by smstetusa,' responded the other Quickly. q had to learn to systemame my odds and ends of time. So I know it can be done.' Mr Aataew m In mmeti. Said to be ,, omnn'x Way. Odd xRM9menttr. 2“ . Even ,t, During the folican wu- tho United sum put 90.1.09,y n it thtrfie'd, of whom 7,780 dug , "AritiFoe dimes. . Iron and " ' _ mot Irtnative tribu: in ttie " a mail c"r, g um m emu m A papa, thritiit Rhonmcuo Cure. hi, fittiifitrl? and ,xtratttti, My one. aâ€... I" t8'fltlff't'2,tg'g,thiti In g'h't,telt and mm on once a can. and no Minimal aim-wean. Tho-Int ',1,e,hPttt,2,.t.tteifrii I 'tttrt" son» and. M. 'Yes, I did,' he answered solemnly. ‘What did you do with him? I asked with a wink at the crowd to be randy. He looked at me -noltsrnnly, q helped elect him to Congreu,’ he said without o smile, and the. howl that went up made me seek shelter in the more“ pl-ce that could be found.' tthe crowd that had gathered gig- gled, and h.. looked more serious than ever. . m was on me once,' he said,- I had a friend once who was dry as a humor- ist, but_not alway dry as a drinker, and when he was full he did foolish things.‘ One of these was to buy a jackass for 8600, and when he sobered up and knew what be had done, he sold him back to the original seller for $400. "Naturally the loss ofahundred made him sore, and he did not like to be twitted about it. One day I saw him on a muhr waiting in front of a store and spoke to him. He was just full enough to be serious. tdon't know tGt I am ptutieultxrly so,’ sail be, seriously. ‘I thought you were in the business.’ 'No, I tsin't.' 'Didn't you buy a. jack for 8500 not long ago t.' - ‘Hellof I said, and he responded with a nod. “You are ajudge of the sort of ani- mal you pr? riding on,_are you? ieir The cleansing, antiseptic and healing qualities of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy are unequalled. It you suffer from constipation, indi- gestion, bilioys attacks, sick or bilious headaches, or any derangement of the liver, etomach or bowels, try these little Pellets. They bring a permanent cure. Instead of shocking and weakening the system with violence, like the ordinary pills, they act in a perfectly easy and natural way. They're the smallest, the easiest to trrke--and the cheapest, for they're guaranteed to gin! satisfac- tion, or your money is returned. Is that what troubles you? Then it's candy and promptly remedied by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant. Pellets. They regu- late the system perfectly. Take one for 'ti gentle laxative or corrective; three for a cathartic. V If he, drinks beer, it is odds um Bel- ! giuun am! “nun-m have contributed to f it the lmrlt-y and th hops, and when he ( has 1:“in mung in Will be the )IISai I ssippi flats pr the gardens of the Autxl- l les that fill tor him his pipe with the comforting tubaccu-b'ir Edwin Arn. I old in Lungman’s Magazine. The curmuts in his dumpling are a minute fun†cl-isaic Greece, and his Mum-d ammon or kippervd herring a tckenfou, the beam and rivers of Carl., nda or Norway. Ile "my paryake, it he will, of not: than ripened ui,der tne hot skies of Patna " Rangoon, of cocoa, th .t "food of the Gods,†plucked under the burning blue of the equator. For his usher of bacon the hog express runs dully with 10,000 grunting \ictilusinw Chicago. Dutch or Brittany hens have laid him eggs, and Danish cows grazed the (luxslu; of I'l‘llriuore to proauue Ins cheese nnd butter. .r3ttyaytear.htC_qop.mty. IN A o, has qiits, while the onsn'ge groves of Florida. 'utlot' the Hesperuies chapel: for his use those "golden apples†which dragons used to guard. , His Coffee enuies from where jeivelled humming birds hang in the lowers of Brazil, or purple bntterdies tltuter u- nuid the Jamil mangroves. Gnu! elipperships, racing by night and day Under clouds of cumin, cunvey to him the “R from Chin, or Aseam or frum magma-n Singhulese hills. The sugar which swtvte/s it, was crualnd trom canes that uaved by the Nile or ihe ()rinoco, and the plating of the spoon with which he stirs it was dug for him from Mum.“ or Mumâ€; mints. AMrnUttttihot. I The Congressman was telling stor The Who}. “the Pug. llu lawn: II.- to Spread "tn Table. Witbout being luxurious, the whole globe has played him tseiiiog man to sprrud " table. Russia gavctlm hemp or Indian or South Carolina the cotton, tur m 't cloth winch his wife by: upon it: The eastern ialKles placed there those coudLuwuta and spices which weru once the secret. relishes of the wealthy. Australian downs send him frozen mm ton or cumwd beef, the pmiueu of Amerlca (Led tor hm biscuit and pud- (Jung, nnd if he wt.l eat lruit the, ur- clmds of Tasmania and the palm woods of the West Indies proffer dehc Bow ANENGmsHMAN I rreguluril y. We have seen a man put his finger under a powerful triphammer in motion just to show how he could mantge the machine. Muny other foolish things ore douejunt to "shew off." But most ot the accidents heppen through a care. lessness resulting from familiarity. So long a on opemtor is nfnid of his whine he in not apt to get hurt. IGny human minds are no constituted that they owner. bear a sustained effort in one dimettion--tut is. eunuch be tu. we}. equally on the ole". in regard to o certain continuum. .rtse (out or Careless-cu. Familiarity with danger seems to breed, it not a contempt for it, 'atl utter carelessness. We have seen the "Mo. hawk Dutchman," the celebrated ex- pert with 1 band scroll new, rub the ball of his thumb in dirty grease and then cut the gresse off' with the, rapily running saw as clean as could be done with soap and wster. Itch on human and homes and all animal cured in N minutes b woolford'e Bonita? Lotion. This never his. Bold by Ed. 3 . Devin Drum: - 'Mercy, no 1 My sister is to be war ried and we want them to throw after the carriage. Our own are all new, and it must be an old shoe to bring luck. 'l see,’ tmid the clerk, and he gazed dreamily after her retreating form mut- tering in emphatic monotone ; ‘and the family shoes ranges from 6U to 8U. 'There is no cGrge,' he said as he handed them to her in a neat package. “I suppose you mustlthern for a hanging basket) ‘I will take tt/em all. Thank you so much,' mud she proffered the clerk pay» ment for the refused shoes. she suggested mysteriously. Oh, certainly. Here are a pair of buttoned boots-kid-but quite worn out. Would they do 'f 'What number are they 'f Cwos--small 2's at that. And here is one bronze slipper-W, misses' size.’ ‘But 13 is an unlucky number,' she "idvttxioutsly. A, 'Not itt shées, miss. Alid here is a No. ljnotrbadly worn.' 'No, of course not, I'didn’t want to buy tiny), but ii you happened to have any that but! been left hare by persons buying new ones. you know,’ she suggested mysteriously. wanes in consequence. Those who throw]: abuse committed in ignorance, may be Irer. 'ntoentlycurcul. Smut your address mm li) cents in stamps for book an diseases peculiar to mun, sent sealed. Address M.\'.LL'HH.\', 24 Macdmmld Ave., 'l'uruuto, Ont, , Lian Mia. Thr \nlue orseaomout Show. ‘Have you uuy secondhand may» enquired a young lady at a Louiaxi. shoe store. 'We don't sell second hand shurs miss,' said the clerk shortly. Yopug, old or middle aged, ll ho tind them selves nervous, weak and exhausted. u ho are broken down from' excess or overwovk, re. I whim; in many of the iollowingsyunptovns: l, Mental tlrtpressiion, pzvnmlure old age. l1|~< of vitality, loss of (urinary, bud (lretgmghnr was of sight, 1»Llpilnlmuuf the heitt (IMH- l sinus, Leek of energy, pain in the kidneys, headaches, pimplrs (m the face and body, itching or peculiar sensation about the tit ro- tum, wnstmg at the organs, IAI/rilu‘». span-ks lit-fort the 1'yer, tv, Irvinâ€; of the 1mm 'm, eyelids and elsewhere, "uthfulneirs, (layouts in themiuc, loss oiuiil puwcl', tcmdcrncv, oi the trcalp and spine, Wonk and flalrhy “.m- cles, (1min: to sleep, failure to he rowed by sleep, ermtstiputiot/, dullness of healing, has of voice, ‘leeire ior solitude, {mutability rd ltmpvr, minke“ eyes. surmumlcd With†m- "Ntumu.rs, only Iookins,r slum, ulc, arr nil Eytsttrattiti8 of nervous uihihty that land m illptmy unless cured. The spring (aw-nu! iurce having lost its tension every function 'Now, Stewrtrt,' said papa turnâ€; to II the youngest, G it 1mm or Luz} l 'lt is not.' 1 'Sure t' ': Wes.' ' ‘Why I' 5 mm... is under (Le table ."---tiu:sday I School Times. l 'rL lou Bee the white mot. on bur . . I . throat Tusked Iraro'dNt ls stmdht Until I)i:mh’s.’ q think. it is Dinah because It is b'mck, Mad just her. tsire' mid Lilian Gertrude looked Currquy and tut', claimed : '1 dou’c think it is Dinah, been»: her vyes are larger and wider,' “you"! other. children might he wait- ing for her to ooum home ; 50' thes. put her out of doors, and drove her oil'. Wttilti rhey were tocing supper a little scratching was him-d and the children, inoklng around, saw " Muck lumen on tl,e wininw "in, trying to get In. 'lt's Dumh ." 'It's the strange kitten !' ‘It is Dinah y ‘erl, cluldren,' said )le, 'urow hit each one tell why Le thinks it is, or hi not, Dinnh.’ ' v.0" I?†[new Uni. Lilil", Geeriatde, Harold and Nun-t had a an err. Ita,h"kittitt humid Dmsh. She WM 'vvry black and turf cunning. Ont- dny,iust New"! 'upper," strangle Muck kitten waHu-d into Hm ho:m-,nud they nll ugh-ml that she [nu-1: gun Away, DR _l)ili)]li.iil, 'ifii,"tiiii!,i, ALL DtuEiEi3CtyT EUREW ilti"iiij theui. " , . . _ ' In, nre (, ; (aebt',art5, l' , li, re. . " _ c, le ' toms : "9 e†Jim 'Y huH a " " t "' Hwy making a ti.stuii,s “2H: ..r ‘terrihh- my, fl'mn MW. Fat inot e'xplssi'n. 'I‘hr srl i. l I the lmmhm‘ cf annuities We "voided Hutirvh x. h The book agent in Illa m‘lxhu r t l we» sarily aids in the progression of mlucw tion. What his ohjuct personally way “my be, or sshether hf‘l'HT think: of " in t a Way makes for or ugaimt Lin This means he employs are hunumhw and their etl'tct IrenetictUl, and for [ltnt reason we honor the book agent. He is doing an incalculable hcneht in when» mg up markets “hose comumpxmn ha: made it possible that standard works should be in the hands of all at u mini, mum of cost. We may laugh if we will at the humorous stones illustrating his persistency, but in his own may ht has done more for the world of todsy than" many men in many professions much more pretentious than his humbl? but honorable etslling.-Dontshoe's Maga- zlne. h matters not tlmt tho my“: s', solely in mind his aim â€can: "f gm The politician rnrvi)‘ 20m inn Wm for the mew s.,slo. ot his t'rultHr'x ii. delimily h" may mu: it, it !.H'1,~\:u but priimirily he is in iuiiiiiw h 1- F own euke. The school luau-hm h 11; l calling " thues of 100, for Hm inn tunity it may afford him: of invite: a: to prion-cute his desire .x to mini“ m other place. The minor may "H :d pu lie opinion, but if sump f {puny imp." i251 though not so philanthropic IliUiiiii could be done by him in sum on, sphero for a few hundred dollars mo a year he would not be found in a w. tum. And it is so with all uf llF. t matter how much me "my try in d cek'n ourselves to the c tt irari'. an if Hwy ssich tot suite, hut ulusu a)! have been tttken I trust to lug-kw Cl man. C'ttltuJlIs El x if HM There's Nothing " Like 4 t)h/i"ii's1' No other smoking tobacco vac-ms to have supplied the universal demand for Ct "u, mild, sweet smoke like the "OLD CHUM.†The 1131110 is now a household wwrd and the familiar pack: we has by. Old Chum , Plug. . DOES AWAY WITH source mum RUBBING BAcxthEs BORE HANDS 'ttr. "woke Agni! hul him-anon Ira SOAP out» mum-nous CUT PL1:'ii'Ci., his! MONTREAL Sunlight raft (new: It HI tAptlly in) tht por de Lr, " n. [15 Knox :hurul. burglarirmi m: , church hour, m householt In nu _r,lry and Nothing; , the dining room pane of urlans Hm "he catch. f: Mr. Louis P, l, gprospactus of his Intro, the AJ 'ui'. Itiquor inn-um gm 'ot tsntrprojritiot 'rutrry Sch i- the C issue. l 'nlethm {mission Hm! , Yrepared II..- ‘pmsmnai 1.. ,Howml Hun-t lclaum-s \nll l {if week, inviudm ,thp “Hand hum averagv of 40 In: {per week. The f, “the latter imtit 1m of cultivation, ti during tshailu, u" Young “11.“: neari)ttrsuu. In thp to ths. LHHUI asf which lu- “up {Saucvlmn that h 'in. The hm fa ke slipped Hui ' ithe buvka-t and windless trunk brought to tho- 1 {ribs \wrv frurlx Pr" JV Wm. ("hunk " farmvv m r}: ship of West Luther, lor 7, 'nz_ accidentally ki'iotl 'lu while uncovering a s,'eat " of i ".' hes heen subject tr, “Mk q... over-A year past, and it ls u that he was taken by om» of (Pm ct work on top of the stat) 314 the ground. His wife rush. assistance. but he brmthr-d or/y and all was over He wu- a} :years of am. and was mm (1 1' t" gamers in the township. ful lif lludm teen,; of his The Municipal World ihe county of Wellington dummy last year prmnim} age of 67 inmates at rt '" 6't' lspirt- no now I'M 'ri' rtitcencit Mr. D othr a.“ recent slum sl cost, the mum plum TI , Ut M r. J. his intmw P. Loxllm $0M} of thin} "I! Legislature \\ in hv the Parr- es' will :m will 1w tl I'm-P. and Kay str'r' from H'iv Sundu} t in tlu. "l with oral A young um! Blandfurd Tp, N Biokle, Wood,tr death While- luau 1 mill, Cami cm v The Ontario Government .5 ed in future to “only um- I of binder twine at the commâ€: ' that to he best. Last rarer', did not exceed 8100.000 wnrtl year’s will reach '300.00o worth pricelugt year WM l0 (‘Pllts ( thu year it will be lower, pr Jirst coat. The Emotion-d police up a mysterious individual who I,“ hugging and kissing Brantford the streets. A man who k nutford girl knowingly deal" o tojsil. l _lSixt_v-nine ballots and four, til out. H l The Hamilton Henld uys td but Andrew Punch), the clever1 bck jun-lit, has been elected ht of the Western dsirymen’l ' he will "write his truck - whey." me were required to elect a V r Elgin County. Oxford t ouncil booted eighteen times nit chief officer was eligible 1 Mr. H. ( tll ITltq, Tin Tl IUNTY AND DIST .9 News of the Wa County District Glee; From Exchanges teea+mtrto-txtreuidnetm â€m by 'tmrofArerr'r ll build-Ian“. - I: but M)“ stlas tlt HI IN H al I l slN " TI All" n t"Tr' in ' ll ll “at. d,,T, wand“ - mum tl H Il Wed us ll Il tt a V Fl ll VIt ll Th“ ttA ll ou ti