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Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 1 Feb 1894, p. 8

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Mr. Van Jai , MARIO 'tBAT m. lrjulilmilll t Bl]. The N. B: Office in Jacob Conrad's hardware store DBEBING 3fl(llli, Waterloo. The Other, Our stock was well reduced, and we intend sho wing for Spring an immensity and variety of goods & styles unequalled by any. The One, In all the leading shades NEW LINES DRESS-GOODS Baking Pawder! You want the best, don't you ? Then buy Landreth's for 30 cts. Sold only at The White Drug Store, Berlin. Ssranton Coal pure and-., some have stirod in smrdml tirFiiiriiiiaeU. We make Mg powder. I .' We maktsittWiceawtselr.. We make it of pure, material. , ' We make the beat, t 44 in. Cashmere at 20c per yard, an all wool Serge at 25c per yard. best Opened Up. Just 1n the 'e market. _ Baden. Mr Kraus' hostler left suddenly a few days ago, on it being found out that he did a little crooked work in connection with a forgotten blanket Mr. Kraus will not allow anything in that line on his premises. . ' .A fire at the Commercial Hotel on Wednesday night nearly resulted fatally to one of the guests. The timely arrival of some men who broke in the door saved the lady from death by animation. The cause of the fire is unknown....Mr. Peter Lenhsrd spent s few days in St. Clements on business. . . . Farmers are taking advantage of the recent anew- fall. . . .Mrs. Noecker and Mrs. Millet spent Tuesday with friends in New Hamburg. . . .One of our butchers had a dog shut up in his shop which, after chewing two window ashes jumped through a pone. Thoeewho saw the last act soy it was a. black dog. . . .Mr. Joe. Lenhard spent Sundny at Atwood. Mr. J no. Colombo did likewise. . . . Mr. Webster, formerly of Baden, now [ from Knox College, Tordnto, B nt n few days in Baden culling on 't1J2, and officiating at 'y1hyr') services. . . Mr. and‘Mrs. J.M. Miller. spent Suns day in Shingle Town. P . Jt A.Shultz and haily have return . from their trip anti“ .Mr. Miller] of Shingle Tomten1roasarietriidms....ih; Ire sorry to‘ntethu Mr. Mich. Mfr hit-mic 0mm ht Nanny ritettteieFirtet% not“ tutterurotiae . . s'aaiisiia- delivered at the G.T.R. station for shipment. . . .onb B. Peppler, who has been farming near West Montroee for a number of years, is now retiring from that vocation, and is busily en- gaged in making preparations for the erection of a dwelling house at the south end of the village'in Geo. B. Bauman's survey. . . .Mr. John Letson has purchased the residence occupied by Mr, John B, Leia, for the sum of 8946, and will-move in about the lst of March. . . .Mr Wm. Baetz, an El. mira boy, late of Cleveland, Ohio, will, take part in the Musical Society's con- cert to be held on Friday evening of this week . ' . .The last Government re- port of Banks in Canada, Dec. 3lst, 1893, shows The Traders Bank, Cams. da's youngest, to be keeping well apace with other institutions of similar char- acter. Briefly summarized the bank's standing is as follows '.--Capitai, Paid- up, $607,400: Reserve Fund, $75,000; Assets, 84,900,000; Deposits, $3,220,- 000; Circulation, 8600,000. The El- mira branch still continues to increase _ its business, new deposits keep up ai continual flow, and the management '; have every reason to be proud of the success this branch in particular has attained. Four per cent, per annum, compounded half-yearly is the present rate on Savings Bank deposits. . . .Mr. Andrew Weidenhatnmer of Waterloo, left Elmira last Monday morning for Beatrice, Neb., acf'ompanying the re- mains of his brother Henry Weiden- hammer, son of Uhr. Weidenhammer of this place, who while holidaying at his former home succumbed to the dread visitor, Death. The deceased had been suffering for some time from an internal trouble, but the fatal stroke came suddenly at last. The relatives ot the deceased have the sympathy of the entire community. . . .A heavy fall of snow on Monday evening last has had the effect of stimulating business l to a marvellous degree, and everybody is hustling. . . .Mr. Ignatz Martin in- tends retiring from farming and will sell off his farm stock and implements on the 22nd of Feb. 1894 at his prop- erty a couple of miles north from El- mira. H is son Joseph. has rented the farm. . . .'lr1osl Battenburg, for some mnnths past in the employ of Dr. Ull- yot, as telegraph operator and assist- ant in the drug store, absconded hurt Monday evening, taking with him a considerable amount of G.T.R. funds of which company the Dr. had the town agency. He also took a ticket to Chicago. . . .Henry Jung, of Cones. togo, spent'Sunday last with friends in town . . . . Miss :Emma Fear, who has been laid up with an attack of infhurr matory rheumatism, for three or four weeks is now on a fair way towards recovery.. . . .J.R. Bostwick,conductor of the Galt train, is on duty again, after a few days' attack of grippe. Did it ever stiiim you thit .,'. in some hammers are "tIii),),!)),:",' " ter than _ There _ ed lym, tervaniett These , “m5gzd' y.itriet, ream ' Sonic are imia ttPty . ti11tlteirat'rsuireiess. _ i . r. hag: >owder. _ .' at. [coin]: [ n ttmaterial. ' oihete and impure; l ' T . . C. A, IT, . ' . 1 ttf, t ily, inove , b , hen buy Landreth's tor 3o cts. the: Th' rlin. an tl' bd bond "eeeexet=eee=eeeeeete=ee=eezzeeeeeszee- . . e on Tu fe1ti'.tttffrfetirtt_.Pee, ton illinm hair rered at the G.T.R. station for here“ Give him ment. . . .Jacob B. Peppler, who tlt has, hsated been farming near West Montrooe G. Iwrnan, the ' number of yeurs, is now retiring ot tho Dominion] rthat vocation, and is busily en- for t 9 sum of ' 1.lin making tr,rtparttionts for the hotel , yellnppo Continued frail -ii,Tt Page. Koch, Woolwich, of . fughter; - -'_-_- Wattczr-0tt Jan. 18th,1in Bloorrogdal e a. wife of Levi 1',ie,ftt,.'t', Ion. , Brow-On Jan. 24th.in I h Euthopo,the wife of Mona Bidt, . do. tiaarrtm-.On Jun. mu. in Wihntrt, the 'i'?:ti. of (mSchnofot, upon. r xers--0. Jan. f.'Ut in. Shake-po- the 1 wile of Thai. iGl, (NIKE. won't“. _ 6W. 54 Petry,t-a-,AAl8,t1A, on m. Mth,ths wife 1 of Louis Miami“, of u ughtor. le fs.., ' Koqar-01bray.A8th,, th TlAgratErt-.At Hawk-ville, 8srTrea-At Elmin, on n. 29th, the wife of L.P. Snyder. M. r Traders' Bank, of l daughter. , BottzsrAs'--At Wellesley) this wife of Peter thrown, of lb son. ( ikmcvrz-At New Dun , Jan. 25th, the wife of John Soyuz o 1- daughter. 1aAare--.At Bred“. on onday, 22nd ult., , th. wife of John kmm . ion. 'oEyH-At Harlin, on Jan in. the wife of 00. only, whose name i1 peek-go, tho the nam ind being well info wept my substitute il They Le very an al, many con- versions having on place. Rev. Mr. Litt of Berlin l upied the pulpit on Tuesday e"hsningl htttsosus.-Mi Emma ngatha of Glenallan is spend a. week in town, the guest of Miss II isr.--Mrs. Fisher of Blenmiller, dang f of Mr. Jacob Weber, spent a w k in town with friends and relati _ . - Mr. Jack Schaefer of Preston nd Mr. and M rs. Emanuel Behm of i terloo spent Sun- day in town.- P :', Anderson, the distinguished phre ologist, is here agtCuL-Mr. A, B. tubach,er attended the annual meeting tl, the Economical Fire Insurance Com ny of Berlin last week as their repr .ntative here.-.- Mr. Isaac Good, wh last fall met with a sad accident to hi eye, is able to be around again. 5 l Its excellence is du to its presenting in the form most ace ptebie and pleas- ant to the taste, ther tubing and truly bemoid properties f a perfect lax- ative . effectually clee sing the system, dispelling colds. head ches and fevers and permanently 2tt constipation. It has given satisfscti n to millions and met with the spprov of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid. neys, Liver and BowJIls without Weak. enmg them and it is pEfectly free from every objectionable su tance. Syrup of Fins is forj sale by all drug- gists in Ne. FtTG,Tiiii' it is menu- factured by the Calif min " Syrup Co. only,ste name . printed on every poohge, sleo the nam , Syrup of Figs, and being well infonixect, you will not swept my substitute . adored. 8t: J bl band " him . tys"p,s..i.1. e on Tu I y evening, vHis Ion illiam has chime of the b nines: berm Give him ME call. . . .M£Jobn Bimi- has, leaned his hotel _ttr' r. M. lmgaaB-At Berlin, on .nI litth,the wit. of tuoruerihe, of u ., hotel ha well-appoin TV iit every: we 'dt cheerfully mmend it true lug public. ' r. Bowman G. Bdwman, the Itsth popular IAdiord at the Dominion hotbl for seve years, tor t ie sum of $420 a. year. the hotel . well-appointl in every pact we up cheerfully amend it trrthe mioi'to-day (ab. lst.).. Revigal Meetings the Evan Assoqiation here still in pa They‘arejeyy su felt man Brings comfort and] tisnda to personal rightly used. The m tar than other: and on less expenditure, l, adapting the world's the needs of physicall the value to health (J laxative principles. remedy, Syrup of Fi tE aHjrsti.sr.ipAiiikCiia'iti"iri'iiiri yrttou,eiuiimseh, any"; Emily, inoved Hamburg, wt nburg, win h of the krill: improvement and enjoyment when Myrwho live bet. joy life more, with , more promptly iibest products to L'being, will attest , the pure liquid "ug,t of Manna 1 tighter. 11in Bloomingdale, "5 Lion. irth Euthopo,tho :11me in -the the wiie of Glover Emma Wmatha. gaweekiu town, lisr.-Mrs. Fisher at of Mr. Jacob rk in town with a. - Mr. Jack still in prSgress. Mal, may con- Jel.. nan» geliml takes - Hoag-The run to.dn w” li ht,but Rye ................ ...... " 055 vi'2",'tlaJ;l'lJA'fl1',1'"lCl,","dtd','ll, Buttarperlb '. ............. on; 020 firmer. There Were 280 on afar. Pri- THE SALES. eff: rang: It',',',', 'ig,', 85.25. weighed -- o an, r on h - we’ hin from 140 to l'l'lhd mhfmrm- 'Sll 'd JOSEPH MM3KTM, in demend for the tmuuttistiigeitt beech Tue-day, Wb. 18.-Auotion tsale of for the Englilh market, and comma term atoek and implements, Walter from 50 to 750 perort over the gum] Brydon, adjoining village of Sunburn, run. Heavy he heg- were in poor " to commence " noon. . mend at lower when, “.50 to'“.80 Thnredny. Wh. .1hrsue of nimble beirut paid My. ,ylgud of our, form, live stock, implements end lur- Btoree and mixed lob mid a eleven” nitnre, being the west belt of lot No, 1 qd84.O, rough soitH.tri' “.25 end in the 6th 0011., eeetern section ot the at.” at " td ”.60. -r. T’p. of Wetualrr. Ball! All: J2ttrdtttt m -M===tee==Mt===e====zeeeeegg- 1ttdtrtttd.nhrtbthe,'_ visi- m e To FARMERS. oe- ul will!“ F I'm NY . no: Id," tyy all: for man-Th1 my '; ' 'St-Silks'! with. . sen-u! Went-hm ':, In ' _ J a L Jrsrrt?ia,:aAyFty+t-ti,t.'Fli' --a-, 'silBtrN', _ 'i"; In: , Broturrua-.There was some inquiry for stacker-a and a few ales were made One lot of 6, averaging 1026 lbs, sold at 3le, and another lot of 10, averaging 1,080 lbs, told at 3Itx Aid.' Crawford is in the mnrket to buy but A dozen loads of stacker: which will average not lose then 1,100 lbs. For this tort from 33.40 to 83.50 would probably be ptcltl. Burcmms’ CxaTr,E.-.The proportion of cattle to total receipts was larger to- day than for several weeks. Offerings were rather more than the market re- quired, and, though there wee fairly good buying, there were at good many left unsold at the close of the dey. Pri- ces were a shade oe. The range wee from 2% to 3 for inferior to medium ; 3 to " for medium to good ; " to " for good to choice, end top price for extra choice picked cattle was 31. Several bulls were sold to-dey for shipment out at from $2 30 to 82.25. 'jrUEEiiE REPORTS. Toronto, Jan. 30.-ireipta at the western cattle market to-day were fair. Thirty-two loads, all sold, came to hand. Last week’s receipts were '. Csttle,907 ; sheep, 803 ; hogs, 1,176. Today’s mar- ket was fairly active, and prices, with the exception of cattle, which we re rath- er easier, Were sustained. The yards were practically bare yesterday, so that to dsy'rs offerings met With a fairly good demsnd. Quotations are: Butter, pound rolls, 22 to Me; large rolls, 212; tub, 20 to 2le ; eggs, new laid, per doz,26c ;dress- ed hogs, per ewt, $6.25 to $6.50. TORONTO STREET MARKET. Jan 30.---To-dsyU receipts of grain were one load of barley and one load of oats. White wheat is quoted at 62e, and at (He, spring at 60c, standard and goose at 59e. Oats are quoted at 38..1.e, barley at 4te for vaulting and 38c to 39c for feed; Pens are quoted at 58 to 58le for common, 60c for mummy and 62c for black eyes. There were about 40 loads of hay in, and pt ices were easier at $8 to $9 for timothy and 86 to 87 for clover, Straw sold at 88 for bundled and $4.50 to $5 for loose. DEPOSIT RECEIPTS Issued. interest psy- able halt-yearly. L. p; sup“, - - Nome discounted. Duns bou ht and mid. Speck! Attention given to the 'l,'g'du',lf of tar. mers‘ nude notes, _ SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT: Deposits of u and upwards received. Inter. wrest allowed from date ot dawn to date of withdrawal, at the rate of FOUR PER CEN T. per annum and com nded halt-yearly. on all ums remaining in 'llln'lfft 30 dun or over. Irnoorporatoi1 by Ant of Put-lumen.) Capital Authorized $1,000,000 Capital Paid-up - - 607.400 Reserve Fund - - 75.000 Deposits .. - - - 3.300.000 Assets - .. - - - 4,796,000 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. WM. BILL. B. S. thatarrw Guelph. President., Geneml Manager.' who rem-in: Tttht til%ris,i Na. bnlkp, for int-rm. _ , Fityptmaer--0a Jun. 26th, 1t thugtt, ”and Walk-Icy, WIS. Mr. Did Emu, "iiil/Giiiih, montUs '" Qua; .Mht Ju. Al0th, hi ttttte. ' , the wiuMirttuitititiiGia Jun. ", Basurarnr--4h, Jan. 17th, an“; Emma Stanton. allot of tho he. a.» "Until. ton, used 78 yam. YtvsoBrarr-ais Wat Zorn, on Jun. 19th, Julia Eliubeth Ynngblut, and 19 yam, 11 months and 18 days. ', Bowzw.umr--.At Peter-burg, on Jai26th, lee son of John 1roltmhrth, aged ll may" I The Traders Bank of (Na. SHIV ELMIRA BRANCH. ttss. . , L'r'" Ima ,sltiiihsitddiiiiQis/1'fi! LIVE STOC‘K. Mm. mmiris Branch. i"?! "dir'. Tawny, Wb. 18.-Auotittn ale of km atook and implements, WAN" Brtdon, adjoining villnge of Stmbum, to commence " noon. . tkt. old.............. Onunqw.............. Foams-moth; ...... Rye B................ Butternut) '.""""' 1lllmira,1hse20, 1893 1lr1g'raCt?.0.i.h.".ccrrrr:'li1ito'gg Fall hast,................. OM 000 1iprinqrlet-......... Mf Mo Turkeys, per lb This is the tturl week of special ser- vices held in the Waterloo Evangelical church conducted by the pastor, the Rev. D. Kreh, assisted by the Rev. J, G. Litt of Berlin. The attendance is quite large and much interest is mani- fested in the services. Wheat made a decided strike down- wards this afternoon, and at the close was quoted at 63le May and Me July, being g of a. cent lower than the clos- ing prices of yestel day. Corn closed at 48le to 38le May and 38'io to 39e July, ', of a cent low'er than yeirterdtxy's closing prices. WHEAT gnu ws‘u. crayon offer, have decided to continue Montreal, Jan. 30.--There was no Ctv1ng tb LIFE SIZE CRAYON POR. material change in the wheat market TRAIT of .yourself with every dozen this morning and up to noon it made cabinets taken at the New Hamburg no pronounced move one way or the Studio. other, the quotations in Chicago being . at that time the same as the .closing This offer remains in force prices yesterday, 64le May arid 653C till further notice. So July. The market was resting, Both . bulls and bears seemed to be lacking come and bring yo.ur new material upon which to inMenee work to an expen- the market in their respective courses. - . But speculators areLnot long in tinding enced Photog something to move he market, and it rapher. isjust a question .whether the bulls or . . bears get their material going first that J'gty 0:.people have availed them the market will rise or fall. From 'l',',,',','," 21163,]: 85°“; 2' I" ngw 305' present indications it will not go far bi tsf m by or "". an a oz- from the present int for some time. Q co. ll' hor t if samelprice M others Corn was fairlv Fneedy and at noon e urge or t ecu nets none. was quoted at 38130 May and 39le ----. July, about the sa e prices as yester- dazjsclosing prices. nnN'T FnDaD'I" The dcputntion is determined that immediate steps should be taken to Be.. cure the remonl of the obnoxious em- bargo. They announced that they had re- ceived tn offioitu sum-once from the Rt. Hon. Herbert Gardiner, president of the Board of Agriculture, that he wu still anxious to remove the em- bargo Ind would do so when he became convinced that the disease did not exilt in Canada. _ 'rf : _ 1'7 "_."..- W"'"'"""." bring “high In 845, but than In. none in an market way which hold up to that tirrre. Springer: no quoted " 825 toW0 i head." "r sc, London, In. ah-air Charles Tap. perct3anadth Hittr0osmmuio-,to.ddr ‘rooaived t deputation from the GIG-gov, Dundoe,Aherdeen Ind N ewcutle oumi. mm] sod harbor bodies to discuss p.attle qettion.' ' _ [ - The spake" sated that they were convinced that Can-dim cattlg were freshen pleura-prystunonia. Reported by Jonathan Uttley.) WATEIWO MARKETS. Wunmoo, Jan. 17th, 1m. n. axial-um. at from 10 trt---lmmioits tnumialtiti a? k 031 999 0 42 10 ANNUAL MEETING. one!“ ‘hmby no mm mun nth 0000‘ Oman in 'tttdirtiest,??.',')'" , thet 'ittgg brick dwelling, with 8 room And A when attached.” corner of Chm? 3nd atel- Mgmtta.yoppositet Conn-:1 School. stet- loo is otter-ed for 3:10 or will be “chased for A similar pmogerty in Berlin. Further parttou. In: can be tuned a Voelker BM. Shoe More Berlin, 9r from the undersigned A. A. VOELKER, , m Mal-sue: Street. Ball-1m. THE DOMINION Life Assurance Co’y. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. RUSSELL, to suit the tines. The best of work turned out and tsatisfaction guaranteed. If you have a small picture and want it enlarged bring it to us and see our work and prices before going elsewhere. -my best 'work. 7 Proofs cheerfully shown and photos finished prometly on time. Downs of people have smiled them. selves of this great offer and now pos- sess a. fine Family Portrait and a doz- en cabinets for the same price as others charge for the cabneta alone. DONT FORGET In thanking theiu'olio for their lib era! support since they mode the great crayon offer, have decided to continue stivmg tb LIFE SIZE CRAYON POR. TRAIT of :younelf with every dozen tht." taken " the New Hamburg tudio. thoAtti ‘pgo‘ae $56,0th n ,t,ntt,ttit.? e cow, or a4ything you Vishtpaell; tt you went to buy tutythirtg;',idf you hue ioet or Sound anything, inserts small adv't in the WAmLod Coum Cnnomcu. Ad- 1trti,fytsr fp the Chronicle brings yrood results. RUSSELL that I give two positions with Reasonable Prices Photographic Studio, NEW HAMBURG. fill Further Mitt, Elite Photo Studio, HOUSE B000 Next to Post tNloa, '13-MKMI THE New T?C,'iCCiT" A, 'i'i'lii'lt'td'ii,ttiir'il't,?,'i'itiii' Advertise in the . i. l 'At'it'rti'lltttt. Waterloo CQ ill NN M’*»"‘"" H Emfi . Bliyui, "ou?ty t!rlitgg,tltt, . Q 'ti., .Phno andOrsll- Clironi um Ontario. TIRIS Ar'teiatll, sums ot $6 und umltr oaah,and ow t that amounts months' 1ztdit will be given on Approved notes. "rth6rparueuiiiu will be made known " date of we. or in the meantime infurumia m be got. a. ”plum-ion to 002ng 31121193. or to AARON mm.“ sir,irif,ilii,edLr,'feiih,eifeu,ijt rkkTs,n but ft ‘33 tt,e,'t,tAt"11,rftg,yic,k.'Jit't um ' n e p n 'sts, u an Datum iiiiiii.iiiiii, hawk! 1fanning: mill. l " (“V 'rMmt ' CrotgriwutsaW, law home. I kitchen oupboard, 2 kinds muss. 1 wooi box, 1 beam. a mum “an benches. 1 w ter stand. ' water barrels, and othtritieteq too, unmet-0m to mention. _ THERE wil‘l be tsold by Public Auction or. the farm of , Value Bryden. at the Mud Town- shin of Waterloo. said farm admins the Village of Bur-abuzz; on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY I3Tll. 1896, at 1t.o'eiockioon., sharp. by Joseph Mich». Apetioety.ttstttely: - .. -. - lson'el home. 6 years old, l bay mare. 8 yeah old. 1 can 2 men's old. 1 aged mm in foal br Renting horse, 1 grade cow 5 Fears oil due to ve March. 1m cow 7 yvah old due to ealve April. 1 h '?'tt '2yeosrr old. 1 tat ttftifer Bing 2pears old. l Te; rising l 1 In holler dim? , years old. 7 oalvee. rism; 1 Itti old, 10 (the? n lamb. l wethar,1 aw. hens. binder. To mo make. nearly Jltl',y 1 Toronto mower, neu- new,t Wagon am y raked "ttot, Inn-ow, , P. . Shut: plows. 1 disc ban-owmp Mig,,! " per umber. broad tire “If. 1 tr mu turnip oer.itttrnip sen er, 1 My cow r, l Pr not. ' set angle humans. 1 not an: ens, set plough htsrnetel sic-o Itort, It 9w Quinn, 1 tog! but? cid_e_r burgh. AUCTION SALE. lathe nutter qf Walter Bryden. [If/[.2 T ownsh‘q) of Waterlou, in the County of Watettloo, Farmer. host, It cow 3 trains, 1 teel I aim w r?f,fet 3 U,',',NurPe,'.e'd forks. In TERMS '. 0n farm, 10 ti' cent. ca..!; on day of sale. for t#hrnce, will made know n (m in. (la argue On the Personal property. "il ~unn of? and under. can I. over that mnoum mm: wi be given 12 months on good approved w curly); Pin. fat cattle, trp; "yd gram. cal. - -iuhrafeiifit%?sikd in i (Mm: p%. _ Jos. MICKL'H, ELIAS Human“ . Auctioneer. bums MEYER. Ex _ CASPER Botrr,usu, I St. Clemente, Jan. 26th, 1894 Inpuxuxrs. aux-1 set double harness. l N»: single harness. bells. tisnetar. 1 good palm: trot wmn, l tantrum. 1 open buggy, 1 mum] cutter-.1 wtitelNirrow, l vaulk)~ hay rake. I my ting box, 1 utmip cutter, 1 Patterson bindcr. l mower. 1pm horsepower. 1 culuvamr. 1 hay fork with Rulley and rope. I hay rack. '2 Mung 1 do. new 'q. s A, 2 wooden ban-own] "ar'rt'rige pole, 1115mm, mill, 1 t,zutttier, N grain bum-.1 mop J'lh'lll"k"h"s': spades and hoo-. at number bt large and pmall cGins,tteck.vokus and doublr trees " by we Lomsome can: at: grand i.ietlle, tuig'yl1t,tiig'rl crosscut saw. 1 am. cl on! cider barfeln. 1 box nun-a I Stove goat Ibbe, l d1mer.2 blankctm.t irG.iad and dubs and furniture loo m to mention. - the followi _ Real and Personal propvrty. m: The t'dr,l'%t'fll/l,'ll1 100 acres. moft'orlts, being the W t half 6t lot Fo. lin the pix“ contusion. tern Section, of the 'l'nuxnlup of Wellesle on which is erected a good luk house, 3001 an]: barn with hem-hmry 0m buildings, endid fruit bearing orchard. mm. clenc good mm about 10 acres good hum, about 10 new ral wright, about 18 [torn heed“: down " 2'tr, and "grep, being clort to ,.!?ttqttlt' and urghgs, gay 8. 'ut H miles from Live STOCK-l mare 5 years old. 1 mare 7 YN, old. 1 mare I!) years old, 2 colts rising '?. .u-m otd,2 cows imcalt. 6 yearling cashew fat new. 3 heifers in on". 3 igs 5 months old, 4 p1g.3 mgnths old, I bred ing new: htrei,.1 good dog. girt5iistrFrtaiiG)riia'erbehr thttollowi, .-OF A- VALUABLEKFARM, LIVE STOCK, IMPLEMENTS a FURNITURE. The Waurloo County Chronicle Auctioii F Sales to adverisc these well as on this de . pen ', greatly the success 0 thc sale. “ransom, FEBRUARY I5TH. I894, - ' - mudtiiri'hivi/lnktFuetod .ht E. Hui-3E John-1, tutet)oneer, to sell by public and not: on Public Auction mJ.pyy1tit1ts1Pr,tetetsef ttre " a and to but . Home tn Waterloo of Odo! “and. nmamvt an “I. on Ind ballroom. rite ; T.A.cu.m main!“ lacunnquog‘ "riiiiriiijriiiijci"i' T ,fittitpii1iiirtt,'itt,ii,itl; . unzi- gonna" "itgiftyf:gy,fe,s,tug,tta Winchell M attain-Ilium bovets the field by reaching more' inhabitants in Waterloo county than any other paper publlshed. Leave your orders for i"-,, bills and advertising“ the Chronicle Office. will te, beconducted through out Is,diikrent parts of the county. It pays a FOR SALE. 2)": Hundredfold EXTENSIVE NOTICE. OTICE. iisiiaiiik" --" Sic t B. BHAN'N. Wak‘rloo. Taid Tm: Am. G Vii): sill. lot mm .. aim-o" ' number d double I kettle. 1 barrel cooking -ou ttes, zmvrou. GE" 2'9 35:4 'li' Best PORTLAND GOLDEN. Our wound and tLird will in the future In: “Inn-xx clothing. in oonnecth II!” 38350“ (“1111“ 'e" r More later. in -steinnlliu Bunch» a Plumbing, Gas. and CANADIAN B MOT AIR FURNA1 Al . ON D NOVEMBC Special LNontIon givtw and Farmers' Sales Nous. A GENERAL EANKW DRAFTS ISSULD I CAPITAL xPAlD UP) THE BO Safe Agent for the Celebrasd h the when}, and M's VOL. XL-NO. mum HARDWARE. al tl t'llt lis cr 3103 IN?) Ln: h "newest Local) IN EACH YEAR JACO AVALLL A SAVE“! WAT HEA SIX

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