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Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 1 Feb 1894, p. 1

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l d ash, tostort Mid tho t'mud.' ‘K tr.. rental-y; INS. mum; A w will T. r trout. lit-hm y'waske, l aunt}. I weds. tit m ”9w“. Mutual TIC E I!” or Aw itrrt aigt, rgan. Father Tmany. land‘s; "nad nod OI at the "er. "l Ple"° w‘eiri' tour I?! tll “I: " wilt " Sort h nuance 1 Bt., Minn tho is: "3].." _i,i,1,",".ijii4 LADIES Fail JOE Go’y. F} Advertise in the Waterloo . County Chronicle. ll ell-plate in All in Bunches an I ; rice< as well as quality will be RIGHT. Plumbing, Gas. and Water Fitting on shortest notice. MT AIR FURNACES. - - Best PORTLAND CEMENT, I GOLDEN, HYDRAULIC CEMENT and PLASTER PARIS Ittmrttihoidt.hiL CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE More later. ESTABIJSHED I861 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. CLINTAL :PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS PIE ‘_ 7' - - - - - - - - “a Agent for the Celebrated PEASE FURNACE every Job gmnnte THE Ix Itt HARDWARE. STOVE and TINWARE arm: ne carload, and will bss mid at prices to defy competition. __ MyJ VOL. XL.-- NO. 5 the futurr JACOB c""ii.2)1-.ft-ifi'ad) WATERL O " Ill inCN YEAR V‘ 21') ,1 A Y1; "r2--'VED, AND CURRENT RATE?, OF INTEREST Irv BEES? AOLED To THE PRINCIPAL AT THE END OF MAY AND (Ellfl2illllilll It 'vult uur ml and third t-..'.'oe. given to tho Collection of Commeqolal P. 2atca Main. . ' ; ' I " _ T I 'c".. avr'i'F" - ”r I " ‘»,.» TN surrw _ J, - V , ' .. a .42"; FR BR' t " _ “1‘ _ F ."-‘ '7 fl, ”I. ’1. " MIFii'si, , Mt '/'c 1- "v9 . 1.BcBlMlll , It SE g'-a“-’»‘L:~,".mg“ V _ _ (rce, wat-' t 'c, s',-', 7.; a if c. F:"? ". 7, Ii-' . it" .. . 'Fr v" ' [ up . A". _ II V. , C _ V r 7.. " ___' '- ... " ‘3 1. _ V F , ' ' . . . V _ _ “ ' r '. I: _ . _ , ) :' F _ .F P C " ', _ 3N} j ,'. i F ' . l t " F "er _ /, ". "'. E: f r I T . l l F l _ y - - . _ A ttt BOEHMER 00., no Ercq was; TRANSACTED. FARMERS' NOTES ©scoUNTEtr, ”was“ A" A-u. poms IN CANADA. AND THE PRINCIPAL J ..v:;: S A‘is, GREAT BRITAIN Fame; BERMUDA. ac. 91717133 HANK DEPARTMENT l mu]; 11.14% l mm“; has" always been H. principal feature nu- mm- f _.r' many yum km Wt' have never had the proper ' tho-w dt-nt-tits, and an zu‘u increasing trade season "N tl, In gm .. it Lctter space and and our very, best attention. ml thin] " Cs rm" undergoing a thorough renovation and . ulmmt mum-l) occupied for ordered and ready-made lic, tin B. E, V.A_‘/.ER, GENERAL MANACER, P 0h;tit CLOTHING WATERLOO BRANCH ugrr s 1m ator these upper floors are easily reached urac,wtuis in buying we have every confldenee In»! [-lvammt and numb prohtalsle spot to buy 1HE Yum-ally: Q “"5113" of' Berlin (Limited. HOOFLANDS ERB TEA ,rastryaiioor, sir: H. d. GRASETT. MANAGER Swill”. " Ib but l in the USE Fgs 353301700 09.000 WATERLOO, bNTARlIO, [THURSDAY MORNING FEBRUARY 1, 1894. qr, Taautt hm. 'Wo with. treasurer of the aohooV bra-d h 3 Scout. 1ilvttort--Laat Friday even- m'" nxmnmone or peculiar way of testing the [ umilit of ing . large crowd ot young people con- -------m each new teacher. The eeoretery tn gregeted it Mr. John . Ril1girtrter'a m" her et the station with lb Much, nd beautiful new mnuon end gun the Ameeting ofthe, should the teacher thowl will ent occupenu e ,‘house warming.' The wet held on Aid, humility to ride. home on it e in n- evening we: very pleeeently epent.Mr. the edvieebility l aidered eligible for the poei . n. oet Thm‘Lieton the notably violiniet tur. lend adjoining thei societiee keep e goat for tee ing thi en- niehecl meeic in hie me! excellent men- Tho'etep in e wine I damage ot . commute, t e eh ner. Thegethering broke up in the e greetedventeget doee nicely tor initiating e rel - wee ell home, all feeling very In”), PM“ ground. en er....A few more . otU, e at plenuntreoeptionthey received ever 4 inure-ling would make good +tghing end [ L " . ti-hii.B,ilhpetrurandta home ot Robert neee matting forgot"? .. " tt 8ll',ft ',ttdtLttg, "ddeited by It v p event lint . one we may” heu- Gem‘ 1 all? ttT,. Joe Daren-n5 elem hie tat but deb. dell Ti'l'iliil1; tst-tu',; eeoonddeughterKetleweej Ir, _ T hwy-oedema. _ , eveekhdoeehled durum. Henry that athl- V «Waummlmm.m brtherRov.A.t#mhesod out l 1amttiittht.strott. F lar. the“ WAmplee-nt wee gel '“M‘ud. , TM.. tAir" whet” EWIMWH. we, gang-magnet.» Mttlti' i up 1 The Wellesley oorrtispondent of the Stratford Beacon an: In a to col section in this township We more y treasurer of the school‘ bio-rd h n peculiar way of testing the umilit of each new teacher. The "orlttary " her It the station with a Vuik, nd should the teaches show‘ sum eat humility to ride. home on it o in n- Iidored eligible for the pod . n. t trodeties keep l goat for " th en- dunnbo ot I sandidsO, t I ck does nicely tor initinthg a ral I L er....A tow more . M. l W' wonld make good dishing out! L ueu rushing forabv - .L/.A Russell’s Photograph Called, Well lay, will be open for business tho int four ya of every nth. ‘When Sunday in th I Ist, date will oommenpe on Mondny. H I of- tice, New Htmbutg, Ont. ', _ i Mrs. James Scott, of Woodstock is lying critically ill at her residende as the result of havmg, in mistake, wal- lowed a quantity of spirits of nunnjonia Thursday afternoon. _ l J. F. Moore, treasurer of) the gown- ship of Whitby, abacond d to; the United States on Thursday at. Fulsi- fied by-Iaws and notes with' the name of the reeve on them enabled him to get into the bank fa" between88,000loxnd $9,000. The council repudiated ail re sponsibility for the liability mi the bank on account of the forged ndtes. Living beyond his means is given " the rah-0n for the defalcations. i” 1 Chatham council will aubbit by-laws to the, ratepayers increasing tavern licenses to $500 ; tavern lie uses with- out the necessary accommodatiou,8600; and shop license: to 8550; also tb' by. law to repeal the Uy-law establishing n free library, . John Wright, a. porter a: House, Woodstock, has I On Jan. 18th he asked Prey derson to be relieved from j minutes and he never came} all his personal effects were; foul play is feared, ':, Mrs. b'trtnger, widow of R. Stringer, of‘Simcoe, Orr killed in the Battle Creek 1 acceptrd a cheque from Think Railway Company i meat. The amoaut is not Zhere was a heavy snow all Monday night in Quebec, eastern Mario and the New England states. I The costs in the Londonklection bet. ting case of Trebilcock v. gWalsh now amount-to $3,200, while'nihe amount involved is only 8500. e case is likely to go to the Privy C)uneil. John Hunniford, flour 1teyt, St. Cm Mines, was burned to death Mon day evening while ,iit,i,iiitli,"t,i.i' to extin- guish a. blaze in his bedr . Several Malahide farmers are report ed to have been awindled the tune of 8600 each. Our informs. , states that some weeks ago parties- out around the township selling stove at 369 each. They would not accept ash for the stoves, but would sell oh' time, and four or five farmers signe and agree- ment to [my $69 at a Cert in time, and now tind their names app nded to an sgleement to pay $690. 3 Ail'vrgmrting case of travi v was thrd before his honor udge Finkle this morning when Al t' Pe y, M years of age, residing a I Tlll nhurg, was charged with the ori no in incest, His honor could not tia wordb truth' ciently strong to about: erize his de- testation of the offense. 0 sentenced the prisoner to three " " imprison- ment in the Provincial PtstsittintUry and to receive 20 lube two weeks from the date of his incur ‘ ration, with an additional 20 ushes t 0 weeks be- fore the, expiration of Ben nee-Wo "i. stock 8enti ml Review, T esday. ' All the In" of Ibo Can yin-cl} carer-ll) null-urinal aid pr attractive nape. T l John M. Mitchell, of he) wl works, had an arm he ly a while at work Monday. li ms to be amputated. . I 1 A BUDGET FRO PONDENTB AN It $.0URG , NEWS NO Venuley the late T. L, who was liaaater, has the Grand a full nettle- stated. mama; "urappeared . trietor Hen- luty a few back. A! left behind :ETS. Cty, "ut "et " 1.80 xterous ved off' , have So many \‘alunblc hints, methods and [suggestions were thrown out, and such a deep earnestness and spirituality characterized the deliberations that we are sure the workers returned to their respective fields of labor encouraged and spiritually invigorated in the noble work of training the youth for Christ. Rev. Mr. Edmunds. wife and daugh- ter of Preston, who were in att’endnnoe at the Convention spent it few days in the vicinity renewing acquaintance. . Mr. Clarence Tye has returueu tn the O. A, C , at Gue‘ph. . . . Mrs. Bellingnl of Hickson, and Miss Edith Tye of Chicago spent a few days with rektivee here this week. . . . Mr. W. Moore snd family have removed to a hm neu- Bright.. . .Mr. W. _ryts paid n firing visit to the pnrentelroof this week. llaysvlllr. (Too [Late for Last Issue.) S. S. Concertos ---A S. S. Conven' tion was held~hrre on Tuesday, when SS. workers and sympathizers from different parts of the Deanery as- sembled to discuss and suggest methods of work and procedure. Delegatd s were in attendance from Gait, Preston, Berlin, Hespeler, Stratford and other places. A morning session for the trans- action of incidental business was held at 10 o'clock a.m. The afternoon ses- sion opened'up with Rev. Rural Dean Ridley in the chair. Thoughtful and iinstructive papers were read by Mrs. I Oliver of Gait, on“Kindergurten meth- ods in the SS."; Mr. C. D. Brown of Haysville on “How can our SS', teach- ing he made more eitectiveP; Mrs. R. C. Tye, Heysville on “The teachers aim" and Mrs. Brookes of Stratford on "Our work for Jesus." M Jae. Wood, of Galt,the veteran 8.8. w rker taught a class prepared by Mr Ci D. Brown, l The papers read refls:ted credit upon those who prepared them, and were prolitie of considerable friendly discus- sion and criticism, which could not fail in producing benetieial results. At the close of the pan. session, all adjourned to the Hall where a' sumptuous and ap- petizing repast had been prepared by the ladies of the parish. After the wants of the inner man had been am. ply supplied all assembled in the church for the evening session. Admirable addresses [delivered by Mr. J. Fennell of Berlin, and Revs Steen, Edmonds, and Ward were interspersed by tselect. ions of music led by the choir. Quest- ions bearing upon S. S. and church work were deposited during the day in o question druwer,and answered by Mr. I Jas. Wood. lbnving secured the aid or th' was.“ lend Manna Lei! They cut the mar tingnlel And helped the poor dumhuni- male up but more help we: nmury to take out the wagon when Dingwoll . and Wm. Meyer and others helped him out BO that hacould start home. . . . The wife of Mr. John Ymtng,tuerehapt tail. or, is dangerously ill. . ' .The wife of lPeter Boremnn presented him with a little daughter on Thursday but it un I fortunately only lived a day. ' . . Mr, Daniel Stueicher purponea to no to new 1 York state this week to look for nno-l ther partner for life. . . . M r. Damer l Milverton, was married to Mrs, Paul, l by the Rev. H. Sanders end will likely movetoMilverton wherehehupurcha‘ d a. nice residence and will take C',l'l'lQl aion of it in the near future. We wish the couple much joy. . . .Tliere are ru. more of more weddings in the near future. . . ,Mr. Christian Zehr ben., has been very sick. His cue in of a v. ry serious nature. . . .Mri. M, and L. Schaub are visiting friends for a. few dnys at Sebringville. . . . M r. Geo. Fuulhaber. and and family from Eist' Saginaw,Mich.,nre here visiting friends. Thev will alno visit friends in Neustadt l /...hlrs. \Vidder and others from Normandy are visiting at Mr. John MillerU. . . .Mr. Philip Messiuger has returned from his holidays and resumed work, Willis-abut. bonito! Iuttttte.t um,‘]§lmn, was mam...“ t.“ a on tttl",',?.,?,",','"')':",'?-,,')';,',',',',',', oeeetteQtisttirdtrnttt, Minn- 'eerttteyteyttihsit,-t- A meeting ofthe Agricnldhnl Society ya held on Fridey lent. to consider the ndviubility of purely-ins more lend adjoining their present grenade. The-tap in e wine one, and will prove e greet adventege to the ”ditty.” their [meat gmnde are the null for the ever figure-gin; -.etttiMtie....he Mr. Albert Goebel, jeweller is away from town, on a hunting e pedition. . Arrangements, are being wide to erect a new building for the Wilmot Agricul- tnnl Society. A better mode oould not heveboen made and when oompletod New Hamburg will 'have one of the but Exhibitions of the Wines. POULTRY Mom _Mrrrir.-a-The annual meeting of the New Hamburg Poultry Association met at the Queen’s hotel. After the routine business the election of officers took place, resulting as for. lows '--Preiident, L. G. Pequegnat; Vice-President, Robert Puddicombe; Sec-Treat, L. Prime , Directors, John Pletsch, H. Appel, A. Fraser, W. Lin- ton, F, Goebel, C. F. Ernst; Thus. Ster- ling, J, Schuler, J, C. Foxl H. Hein- rich, J. Goetz, Jae. Hamilton, Geo. Groff, J.Lnbinger, R. T. ”Winn ; Audi- tors, R. T. Winn, and . Linton; iTooorarrMesnbertr, Honfgen. S. Me. ner. STOCKS t3orm.--Mr, Henry Ernst bought the stock of Messrs. Appel & Katzenmeier general merchants for 65 cts on the dollar and sold it to Messrs. Goebel & Konig. Mr. Konig intends leaving Bruséel his present home where he keeps hotel and move to our village and will take charge of stock above mentioned . . . . Mr, Henrich (tin smith) of St. Jacobs who bought the stock of the late CGrlee Kraft a. fee weeks ago sold out again to Mr. F.R. Feick, hardware merchant. l ....Mrs. Nurse is at present visiting [friends in Harriston. . . . Miss F. Nurse of Haysville spent Saturday and Sun- day under the parental roof. . . . Miss Lizzie Holtoneofour old teachers spent Saturday and Sunday visiting friends in this vicinity . . . ' Mr. Jackson, Wil, mot Centre teacher, paid his old friend Mr. Babb a ilying visit on Sunday last . . ' .Mrs. Harris who has been for the past few months visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs, Basie leaves on Tuesday for her home in Manitoba. . . .The last threshing of the season, in this neigh. borhood, was done on the farm worked by Messrs. Miller & Nurse on Jan. 22nd. . . .We are pleased to see that our enterprising blacksmith Mr. Huber has found it necessary from the amount of work which he has received to en- gage an assistant. . . . M rs Huber who for the past few weeks has been ill is slowly recovering. Mr. Pearce P. S, r. paid his semi. unnual visit to our school on Thllrsduy last, and was much pleub’d with the ad- vancement. which he'fouipd the pupils to be making, He Watt, also highly pleased ttrknow that. the section had deeidra to erect a new school in 1895 i P. or 1.-.A number of mantingn are Arranged for this week when G.P. Mal. llory will address the ‘audl‘vncmn. Let M'verr meeting be well attended and lhmr the present situutuu discus-ml. I Now is the time for {Home and work. ' men to stand toeether shoulder to {shouldkr and prepare for the coming l elections. You are Um majority of the electorn and If you don't see 'lmt your interest is represented there, it's yourown fault. Never mind the cum- bineaterm,they are quite capable- of look- ing out for th emselveu. They hue ha I a long loose” power and well we me awake of the fact that they took ad- vantage otjt, too, A few farmers (not any m name) would tsurely not he a disgrace to our parliament. Our forests 1 are now getting rather small nud wind. mills pumn the water.in our tanks an we are no longer 'hewers of wood and drawers of water} The tinm is now on hand when their voice must he heard on the tloorts of Puriiunwt-r. No lama r are the satiation! with“Wluo» hm Buck " Be up and doing and victory will be outs. I Tdat Main in on the nick list. . . AN, children of Mr.H.8trokfe cw- rapidly re- covering of diphtheria. . . . We noticed a sheriffs notice of me asp,tsitt poated m the villngo. _ New Hamburg. III-horn“ Io; $71....” " GG"riiihirrtcuii; -ee tad: in!» it would injure _ . mm mm“ 'ho.ahtn.ftreelMet (nun-1 is w. new rm mm " st. Phantom-um, Gianna-aduh-gfiwthopurpoae‘ f dimming s join ”.mp3 to ' I. scum. Mr. John Murray had the misfor- tune to fall last Wednesday and injure his; knee to such an extent that he will be obliged to tsirend the greater part of the winter in bed. . m is rumored that the pupils and ex-pupils of our school intend having an entertainment some- time this winter, for the purpose of ob. mining 'tusda to establish 1 library in the school. May success crown their efforts . . . .Mrs. Wm. Collum and her grand daughter Miss Puddicombe of New Hamburg celled upon their friends in this section lest Thursday. . . . . Mr. Gideon Bechtel, who was spending his holidays at the homestead, left again lest 2,i,f'4 for Huron Coun- ty . . .Mr. Gordon owoilwho was on the sick liet for some time past, is re ported better again. . . .Mrs. Howell In, returned from her exuended visit to Brussels lest Seturdey. . . .Miss Mend Sundown was 'tt home' to some of her friends last Thurldey evening. Miss Young of Seaforth and Miss Euston are the guests of Mrs. James Riehmond....5ir, and Mrs. 0. S. Betzner of Brenlau were visiting at her mother): Mrs. Samuel Hallman, Wil. mot on Sunday last....Mr. Josiah Hollman, second deputy of Wilmot spent two days in Berlin lint week at- tending the County Councii. . . .Mr. Stephen Hall who has been lying in a very critical condition so long is we are sorry to say no better. . ' . M r. B B Krupp, has bern elected a director of the South Wmterloo, and North Dumfries Fire Insurance Company for this division . . ' . M r. Isaac Master of Berlin spent last Friday in the neigir borhood, . . . .Mr. I. Shanta Miss M. Brandon and Miss E. Biehn spent Sunday in Straaburg. . . . Mr, Austm Clemens has been confined to the house owing to a sore knee. Mrs. Edwin Kern of Corbetton was the guest of Mr. Sun'l. Hilborn’u last week . . . .Misa L Irvin and Miss N. Fenwick called on Miss Goteleben and Laura Hilliorn . . . . Rev. Mr. Karatedr, Sshettield, is holding meetings this week in the U. B. church here, All are welcome. . . .The Freeport Literary Society was postponed to Saturday, Feb. 3rd,owing to the revival mPetings held in this place. . . . Mrs, H, Gimbel intends spending this week in Pr 3eton. .. . .Mise Mary Shiry has returned home. . . .Mr. and Mrs. P. Deacon were visiting at Mrs. 8hiryU, Sunday. . . . . Mr. and Mrs. Rogers of Galt called on their Freeport friends . . . .A few of the elderly people of this place surprised Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Becker',, last week I fem-rm _ HroNtrac-0" Wrdneodny. jhe i'2tth inst. ts large number of nut-Its I gathered at. the residence of Mr. A. Stout of Mannheim, the amnion being , the marriage of his dauuhtoer L, din to .’ Mr. Wm.' Luutmnschlugpr of Peter . i burg The hrioe iu‘well and fzwornhly g known by A-lnrue circle of {Hands mud 'urqutsintaueea, and the groom is a proa- Perot" fume-r highly Impacted by all who know him, We wish the happy [couple many yours of connuhid him, l his 83mm left for u u,ouutr/i.it2itii, ' friends in Brookviite, Tuvudnsy evening Mr. John Rueffer and his mninhle wth, had “the even ttenor of their way" somewhat disturbed by honing a are“. stumping upon the porch and confusion of voices. On opening the door they found that a few duzg-u villngore'hud taken upon them. selhrts to honor them with a all with- out the formality of in invitation How- Pver all wnra heartily welcome and the evening was spent in gamma and conver- nation. M C. and Mrs. Rueifer etttets t-iined the crowd right royally and when the wagsmall hours drew ("who guests dvpurtml for home well phased with the evening’s entertainment. . . . .Georgie Holmwurth, aged 11 months, died last Friday. lie was the tg0tt of John Holtz- worth, and the family have the sympa- thy of the entire community in their bereavement. mction by’ " of his futhor'a home and concern. Sands, evenincin Trot- bridge. He n once hasten"! to t m teens of the 'Uvaetitton. . . .Miu Mau- tir' Washington. Freeport. WHOLE NUMBER 2031 i. Bp tiii, iauifa'iiGi -__e -.- ', r,)t'tl1'dfii'ifii't,ii"fi . ‘9 Loam and Imam-e, _ lam. mu and mm, The entertainment :ivm; l? the, Methodist 5.5. and choir in Ae 1lu,ic tsl Society's Hall lust Friday eseriiug. was an unqualified, sumo» both in at, tendave and interkrt. Standing mom was at a premium. A long and inter, esting programme 'wux giwn in good form by those participating. The piano solo by Miss A. Chtistrnann, tin- violin solo and encore by Miss (din Snyder of Elnm, and Mrs, D. lim/ trolo with violin obligato by Miss tiny der are worthy of special 1mm! inn. The Cantata, "Queen' \Viuter' coudueted by RV. Clement, was also well delix cred by the scholars and others. Their having the matter in hand are to he congratulated on their success. The net proceeds Irert' about $35 . . . . Rev. RH. Hall will preach a sprmon on the principles of 0ddfellpwship in the Methodist church next Sunday. . . . Farmers and teammate are making good use of the sleigliag we have and large quantities 'of squsre timber, pressed hay, and foordwood are being Fire Insurance. Representing the are visiting friends in town . . . .Mr. Steven Playford has a wry Sewer" at- tack of la grippe ' . ' .M r. Kohl. Petvh spent a few days at home this week. .2 . . Mrslames Grieve M P. was visit, ing frien N here on Sunday. . ' ..1lis, Nancy and Miss Victoria MrUallun. who Spent a few weeks at homo have returned respectively to Halt and Listowel . . . . Miss Frame from Strat- ford is still visitin f friends in this " cinity. . . .Mr. John Knight hm had an attack of la grigppv. ' .A parlor h'lte cial was held at, the hnmp of Mr, John Campbell, 5th Lino. It Mas gut up by the Presbyterian wlmir in aid of the church. All kinds uf grunes were hr dulged in, and r'vaIh-m music was rendered by the chair and Miss Wels. star. . . .The hay packvrs are busy in this neighuovhotrd lull! the price otfered is "on wry tempting: to wlh-rs, . . .Our storekeerwc, M r. Honsl K'P,'.vet', leaves this week fur Erhol and the gum] wish as of mam an with him. fl, ll, LANG_ & 00., Bed Room Suns - - - $1100 Dining-room Exten. Tables 8 5 50 Kitchen Chains - - -; .30 Side Boards - - - - - $10.00 Rocking Chairs - - - S 1.00 These lines togotimr with an immense sum-k of UARPETS AND :GURTAINS A POINTER 60000000ooooooooaooooo¢oz M. S. HALLMAN. for you if ynn {rant to furnisn'your Home Cheap. _ etc, Is at the Cen- -'"-""'"tr.t Business Col. lege, Toronto, 0an an] F--- ,d, Irrtt. Unquesuon-bly Canada' 5 Greatest Com- merciatSchooir, t st _lre I 's ttrt New» mm mm laper. '.cstavs A I are great vqlues BE (Continued Gn 8115' Page.) [ll-Ira offered by

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