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Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 11 Jan 1894, p. 4

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£34 It is expected that the Hon. Ed. Blake will leave Canada early in Feb- ruary to xeslme his parliamentary duties in London. In a. letter pnblished in the Globe , with regard to the finanoes of the National Irish Pnrty,he am that the requirements of this you for the payment of members, registration expense, bye elections, . general election fund, prom in Britain, the evicted fund, end the Pt montofolddohh, ,rilltteintrthetotat up to shout I qua-tu- of s million doi, It seems that the friends of the Wil. vim tariff bill are beginning to be un- easy about its fate. The lobby in 1Vashingtou is crowded with all classes of protectionism and combiaevvho are exerting their utmost iutluence in order to defeat the bill. Still it is hoped that in spite of all these influences that can be brought to bear against it that the united strength of the Democratic party will carry its against all opposi-l‘ non. a great fasotie with both political parties. He (hecl last Sunday morning of intlamuration of the lungs, aged 69. years, rut in”; hoepitality mu Thr, death is unnuunced za Wright t'x-M.P., famil as “Kin; of the Gatinead' sented thr. Conty of Ott: the Coustwratist, mtermti Del-$5 t hmnu:|e Mud Chroviole um! Chron we (‘hromvlr (‘hrom- Ir. t'hrorrih. Chron v).- Chroui, le ('hrmvu-Iu- Chroniclc Cheoolv' Cront Chron" ('nrumvh- amt Thu Helm-hum um Chronu-h- and The _ wank!“ T (‘hmuu- Chronic Chronic Uttror, i,. Chum; Chrun if Ctroriicit mum'd is. Mr. in 1.00 (‘ul'V'rv 1 'm from mnv until l accompany unh-r Chronicle and Th, Uhrunh he, and Th Cttro////d "hmrm'lo Chron in‘lv LnHHLul .V.A F.lruira "'r. . St. J scum. . . Brush“: .. V New HMnhun New Pumice. CHEAP READING! THURSDAY. JAN. llth,1s'0l script mus Welle IV yr ' Y Sh i I lm it le, t li, l IN w, I H Ill OUR CLUBBING Alien , J ("Arab-I: Menthol Sunlight ls.cL.F.' ly January Sal» L'oohmet Co. Prints, - “ticker & Diehel. U!!! Chum -lt Ritchie i. Co. Aftvr Tilt- lim 5 Ins-is N Son Perry Huh Pain Killer. Annual men-ting: -North Watery I’M-mun; Mutual Fire Ins. c .cchop crnyuw - W.H.L'ecker J: Co. Your Tal/e, Empire Tea Co, To bizu'annIIH John M. L’und x Cry, January Spy!» Hm-hmer Co. ( hi0!» full! ' (the Patro New Advertisements this week hr} Al., and F'ird..iU EDITORIAL NOTES lips', r’aterloo q" ’Ntl Star " an 11' and The ' and Thr. Chronicle Branch Offices \mm " rm! iw Interest for nearly 30 in“; at last election. His r was proverbial and he wag nun-i4: with both political 'ual nrmngvnv dro- umblvd to HM $1tr patter, MM and HUI Adulrr wn an "prnirrtsti i Th Trq .........H.lll' The Cwimopolitan . V. "'F. 2'25 The mango Judd Farmer-l" Tru- culttvator a: t'ountry -m1\\'0ukl)‘) 'Vt' H.V....275 Hmr'd'i Dairynmn (l/gl,?) 175 l y'o-zuncr)’ M Dairy (Month y 1 75 Th,. "arm 1luu.rp.altyJonihiy1 HO 'l'n ' Toronto Tyckly Nerve 175 Thu ltaily IVortd '.r.r.. .... 3 oo Tru. Daily Mm' T-r- v» _ . .6 00 TM hainUlobo "www. ... ft on Thu lmxly Empire ... "s.r. 6 00 The The l he 'l'hr TI TI , announced of Mr. Alon- ILP., huniliarly known Hum. The wise and pushing,) Abs-1n kin-[m his nuuwundi I iwhu- :hs- publiv. No lw,tter) ‘mu'hm: t1eirtroplrurfthotou n I 1';tttui,o, Wiloe, Woolwich Cr" thauin thevnlunms of the) ,(W 'CO' Cmmxu'u; as their! a In»: ot!ice in thc-se town ( “v rhvn' un- nu] mum Chum-1," nix": orr,ro.. papqr. i DAVID BEAN, Waterloo. Ont "ut-ri-rt “':.l rrNlL'l.K,tit 'ip'"' Jan. 1895. Cas, 1rr lu, 'l‘urrun & 1'troperator Paper Monthly) .. . ,, Wynn-r" Advertiser H Family “an”! & Wcck. Suturuzsy Mail "a. 'wrt, Su'urdrw (Hobo .. v» L,sthts' Hmm- Journal . Licy Muck Journal and "tpitnitttt (AlonthlyL. ". Farmers' Advocate (Hi- Montreal Weekly Wit- Ladim' Journal " cukiy Mail a ous' " "ek I y IV we k l y Pain killer, sion lQl-r Pub‘iq; my warning. rmor‘n Guilty Chronicle. 1m Medical Discovery alum]. m: with MIL-r th M,ui until-um (Hobo T Empire 5 Proprietor, of mlm'rilwrs the _sisu.r.ltas esta'tlish- e rccexpt of sub- away 0:141:11, and will by an itl h and Germ H”: F. Human Aim-rt Svhnurr A., Werner J. L. Weillmuu I. w. Pa, Sheik tho publishers L5 purolivation,, ' “t: W Vout- ”7.19 law rules. '. must always He repre- w Qua, in 'un l’e-qucknnt I J. li. AN ing’ «1 every Thum LIST. in advnnu 'at Water.'oo titanium. on ai; aid i'Liiriiit,",""i'l; $t "We believe there is a strong feeling amongst the people that a man ought not to have his taxes increased because 1teltyi1daahouatxir' pub up n um, orplmhenorchud, or trieein other it)! to add ”the mtlt.hPadrrrmpC ityofkth: oo‘untry. _ Whilst: on one l 30 The matter is being taken up in the ,Province of Ontario in an organized ( way. A form of petition has been pre- pared, asking the Ontario Government for Local Option in Taxation. A copy of this is being sent to every munici- polity, accompanied by a circular which sets forth reasons in favor of the peti- tion. Following is an extract from I the circular: _-- , m. in " LOCAL OPTION IN raxarioN This Ontario has now entered upon 1ts tweutyifth year and for able and economical management and care in the selection of risks stands second to no company doing business in the Do. minion. muny to the energy " the agents and the skill and care of the medical exam- iners and will not fail to be noted by the insuring public as' evidences ofu. safe, progressive pnd 'profit making company. - ' 'in) Th,, mum that the British Govern- bc l ment had mlucvd the lours of labor in the ordnance. deparrtnent to eight Trt. hours a day has been received with lgrout mt’isfnctiun by allythe labor or. 'l‘cigiuiizzttiuns in Britain Ls well as on :3. i this cuntinvnt.‘ For ill. present this , tvducti u) will apply to Home thani'20,.. "” l 000 vmployees who in aldition to the :::ltrunCL-.ssit)li made will continue to ns) M’lceive the: sum: wagesfa. yher,t they I}: l workcd nine hours. This Rating of the "g, Government is all the moe si.,mificant, a. {cumin}; as it did so shorty nfto-r the I ,dcclnmtiun by the same Jovernment ' i that no "sweaters" or middlemen would lget any Government eonpaet6, and' i that all tendering for dovenment sup- plies and work must pay tandard or N union wagon to their workpnple. The f labor organizations regard his step as ', I a preliminary one to the vitual adop. l within before long of eight ,ours as a ( /standaru day's labor in Brtain,'and 1 ii which may be secured withmt strikes I /or legislation. The initiabry step l /taken by the Government wll likely l $15001: be followed by' large ostablish- a :lments or companies tltroug,bsut the l I country, as it will be dittieultto keep t l up a. nine hour's day of labor when the r Hlovernment only exact sigh: hours y lfrum their employees. ,1 I The business of this old and reliable life assurance company during the past year ha: been of a highly satisfsctory character. The new business mitten exceeds three million dollars, making the total in force over seventeen and a half millions. The mortality for the year was low, being only $102,000. These figures bear substptiai testi- l at, tab I 1892. THE ONTA RIO MUTUAL. 230,37l, being a decrsase as compared with m: of £745,124. The , exports to the lhminiun for the year totalled Sl,731,s34, shuwing a. decrease of EUTJDU as cmnparedwith the year min aim si the total t', 399, or 57 her, 1,492 Canada fur amounted in l' ts' n. th The British trule rvturns fur the month of Decomler have just boon issued. The imports from Canada bt‘r According to the Public Accounts the gross debt in 1887 was $273,187,- 626; in 180 J, '?300,0iu,5.?u. The net debt is given in 1887 at 8227,314,r'm, and in 1W3 ct $241,681,039. The gross debt, is the real test, as much that is classed as "tcssets" could not he set " against our debit account. The charges 0n the debt hve year was 310, 020,682, the highest in the countryU history, with the exception of the years ICC'",, 1)k'S8 and 1839, which were M‘ithly higher. onted in value to.sosu/'rifit which l.,tve,v,, ' frmn the previous Decem- .r' Cl.5.r:00. The exports to Can, Hm Shaun crw-idur'nlJa decrease, otal fur the vmnlh bring £244,- ur £70,536 L,, " than for Decem- lv\".):3. The um! imports from ja for the year amounted (01:10,- 71, being a dectase as compared 18913 of £745,12%. The , exports l " The , ex ports a. bu; iid, -_- r“? um"), um ttttfd: dE'iiiif,iiii.'it'i'iiii,l McKinley . "ll w'now in firrm, showing that it th measure created to: the exclnli do of America; mm“ V ,tr1tiet millions of n, came back into them by the consciou: ' and i,ntelljsrerjtyxsrent of the Americm , people. When the American people were in the a ny of their great rival t war itsrept 5% lthily in through the I back door and t now sought to take t advantage of ie present commercial l distress to lioldlon to its position in the revenue systemlof the country. The . committee hadlendeax'mured to meet the duty entrusted to them as far he they could by r easing from taxation those "great inte sts on which the in.. dustrial prospe ity and well-being" of the American p ple was most depend- ent. They felt hat they could not be. gin to reform? lus system, built up story on stor until it pierced the clouds, unless J: y boldly and honestly and u.t1selfishly) 'ought to relieve from! taxation the tit fundamental mater- ials of Americiri industry. And so the bill proposeitlito be put upon the free list, tunoogilther materials, these great tletneruariylmateriah, of industry: wool, iron ore, ttl and lumber. He dwelt at great I gth on the advant- ages which wad} result from the free admission of thi' prime articles of ur. dustry. Thispf: ion of his speech as well as that rel t g to the reduction of duties on Ina actured articles, was received with t e oudeet cheers on the Democratic aid d at times the en- thusiasm exten into the galleries, where fully 3, pie were for the i time spellbound the speaker’s e16- t queues. m y analyzed the ! Ithmley . w now in force. , ing with a. system which had grown up through 30 years of progressive Iegisla- tion, or at one proposed stroke of logis- lation to free it of its injustice, and to present a iiidusure corresponding cor- rectly to the demand of the American people. He would not. stop, he said,to inquire. into the causes that brought about the prekent prostration of indust- ry in the country and demoralized ton large extent its active business and, trade. Therd seemed to be some recur- ring cycle in Modern times about such depressions. lBut from Whatever cause it had origiua ed it was at least an em- barrasmientit them in the perform. ance of their uty if for no other reason that it had been' seized upon by the enemies of tariff reform to kindle hos- tility against, that great and beneficent movedient. It, there was ever a. time when the bur on of taxation should be lightened it "is at a. time when men were struggling for the very necesear» ies of life-d time when trade was held in the paralysis of a. commercial crisis. All il rough tho country the en emies of tariff reform are seeking to prejudice its success by an appeal to those whose re wning and whose pow- I er of reasoninJlnre, for the time being, I blunted by perponal suffering and per- , sonal dittress) Protection when ex- l pelled from tlle revenue laws never .' came back into them by the conscious I and intelligeriti‘nssent of the American 1 people. When the American people were in the a. ny of their great (rival t Clf, itrcrept sijalthily in through the i ln introducing al, subject'he said that his committee did not profess deal- r Mr. Wilson, chuirnrn of the Ways and Meanf‘ Paunnitteo, introduced his tariffbill rn the House of Reptesent- Ift_ves oh +mnday. The gnllcties and li bliss of the llome were thmngod. ji't.'.ti'ii,,t'nhtj)':',/' for two hours and at the close asked to be allowed to fihish his speech on Tuesday. 3 TEE WILSON TARIFF BILL INTRODUCED. "We desire in conclusion to call your attention' to the moderate chameter of the petition WP arc asking our Council to approve', It merely prays that municipalities may have the option of _trliovinrimptrovaents if they wish. Surely ()ntnrio should have the liberty of trying n plan' which C has proved so successful elhrwhere." F l I "Tisiordinaueos of our Northwest Territo 'es aha forbid the taxation of lbuildin s, improvements or personal 'propert ,in any municipality that so decides/ “In British Colunlia, all munici- palities have the pawn.» we are now asking liar. They haw the option of relieving: improvements pzu'tly-m- whol- ly from taxation; and many municipal- ities haw», availed themselves of this power. (so satisfactory has this proved to he, that: the Legislature of British Coluuibih has gone further, and last year passed an Act which prohibits‘ any municipality from assessing im. provements at more than fifty cents on I thedollar, while providing that the land Puf,t be assessed at its full value. "Thtt 1 within ’t duced t other an that the havingze which " nies of . Iv . Ttc-r." punishtd by an Increaseiof taxation. "Let us profit by the'expurience pf other Britiis.h subo)sfttin thus matter. HM gardens. The Manitoba Have found the benefit of this, IIH not go back to the old syst- r/taccount The only pvople ecu no the land speculators. ordinances of our Northwest iet, aim forbid the taxation of S, improvements or persontl ,in any municipality that so [colony gt New Daland has te, last few years greatly re- xution on buildings and on rovements; and the result is colony is now very prosperous, sped the financial disasters 'ttook its neighbors, the colo-' ustralia. ateploo County 0 nronicle, ihursdav, rw of Manitoba expressly for.. 'oxation of improvements on t now sought to take he present commercial on to its position in the of the country. The endeairoured to meet ted to them as far its chinley law had WNW!» 3nd Ely. may: in so; Ali' Ive- detmea 81o... In (a. / much to Chicago liril'ii'i'r,)ljt'i', t,'d.fht.e1,ttirtl,tt an... _ 1t_i1v,rrynisiptGTiitthiaa.siir, Trnat material W that s remedy 1t.eeti,ertithiteeinii..Giii'sTilt, 'eilrta.lettearrtiatottliiGnil'it"r 'af2ti1,trt,,tittgt, “a“ mgsiathiionst palm “my: mo%rsntudhirueruoms _ l of the "axtiibite, uGuari'riiiiii' It fire. , Col. Rice, commanding the Colum- l bian Guards, said toiay that in his op- ' inion the fire at the Manufacturers 3 Building last night was undoubtedly l of incendiary origin. In support of i this he cited the fact that the flames, l were titat seen issuing from the second I story of the Casino, where visitors were not supposed to stray, and where it was scarcely possible that workmen could have carelessly dropped fire, as no workmen had business there. In Col. Rices’s opinion, if dynamite had been used before the fhunes reached the quadriga, the have: could have been effectually stayed. A rough estimate places the loss on the building at about $800,000. Presi- ldent Higinbotham says reports hare greatly exaggerated the value of the exhibits stored in the Manufacturers’ Building. "Even at the most liberal estimate their value will not exceed $2,000,000 and the loss to exhibitors will not be over $200,000, which will be an outside figure. The damage is entirely by water and_smoke, and none - It is not definitely known what caused the fire at the Worldu Fair grounds last night, but the commonly accepted theory among the thousands on the grounds wee that it had been caused by tramps sleeping in the Cus- ino. In all there were 15,000 cases of exhibits stored in the Menufecturers’- Building, as a Bonded warehouse, end all were well packed. The Russian and French exhibits are intact and were right under the heat of the fire on the roof. This is also true of the British exhibits. These will suiely ly suffer from water if they escaped the 1 fire, Chicago, Jan. J.--At 2 o'clock this morning the tire on the roof of the M_tsnuNcturer'e Building was extin. guished. _ The WAE'ERLoo Tows Reeve; Geo. Suggitl EcuinA.-.-A. H. ] i, N. - “lung , u. .ILIIISC)’ 3rd Deputy. _ NORTH ri'vsypur:s,---Gep.A. Barrie, Reeve The Deputy Reeve will be elected at the first meeting of the Council. ‘ Avit,--M. Robson, Reeve. GALT. ---Dr, Radford, Reeve: A. McAuslin, lst Deputy; Chas. (um. wings, 2nd Deputy; Jas, A. Scrimger, 3rd Deputy. Hr:sPEriut.--ivm. A. Kribs, Reeve. 1htesios.--Geo, Clare, Reeve; J. Werlich, Deputy. .. HAsiucuaJ-tienato, Merner, Reeve. Brauuus.--J. C. Breibhaupt, Reeve; F. G. Gardiner, lst Deputy; H. Wild. fong, 2nd Deputy; J. R. Eden, 3rd Deputy. I W.drucoo Towxsnw.~J. N. Sims, Ream ; D.M.Shnmnnkcr, lst Deputy; J. F. McKay, 2nd JhTutyrJ. Hagey, Rn]! It..,,..... - ll . ReeveClare of Preston will be elected Warden. yea r hers St,( 'atharines cue Ontario. ., . ' . . . .5783 Prince Edward. .2362 Watcrloo . . . . . . .3757 Brnntford citya.37'27 lhuidas, .,. . . . . .2205 Frontenau(includ. ing Kin awn city) ”Hg. . . .3235 IGldimsnd .. . . . 200t Liyrtlyi.ticrttding none had been ltenMred but the tram ufecturers. Mr. Wilson mapped out a plan of campaign for his party. A very great reduction in the high tarilf laws is -No0lred 'tur. This is. the first time since 1860 that the Demo- eratie party has had the control of the ex-cutive and both legislative branches _,' of the Government. The great debate I will close on January 25th when a. l vote will be taken. . In the Senate it i-will likely be debated for a month. or ( more. Nothing else can come for de- ! bate until the tariff bill is disposed of. Brant (including " _ - A f , . Fire In The World‘s Fair Buildings Extttuoatoteat. The County Council for the current at' will consist of the following mem- Totals {MES-1 16920 12655 The remaining are still Incomplete t [ More l’leMM-ile “guru. County Council. Towx.-Simon Snyder, Suggitt, Peryrty. . Erb, Reéve the Worldu Fair at the commonly ng glue thousands that it had been 3029 l I 52 3068 2557 1248 1332 1700 928 1366 2154 P210 89 2305 1337 l 353 676 ' 's"t-ttriil.uahiii iii-"'" 1y.mserrmsuseuo-r,,s. On ,rit3tteiett,whmum-, thdiwkaitdeotd,. yin-m "9,e,tyepttee,etrgri1e,. Howbetutifnlh night: SdettR1herhlirth.GtiFTiir, No mpbmmmor mek. nor Brash-theme! ham vrsit.f.ttlr.oetstttttr1oi, Mdivim iiit"tiiiiltii'i',,d,i,ttlrt'fdt Thad-anoint]. " fllhi'fll,ffd,'agtti-, For my I always regret the custom of slSdg down the window blinds in the evening, as though there was nothing worth looking at outside. Indeed It may well be doubted which is most deli htful, to start for a holiday which has €99.11 well earned, or to return home from'one which has been thoroughly en- joyed; to find one's self with renewed vigor, with a new store of memories and ideas, back once more by one’s own fireaide,' with one's family, friends and _ books. i mm the iiSiira'TGTi"it12 "S'i'itli!ii1t'?,'ii1't,!iQ'itilr', , Mr, Penrose Clemens, station master ; and telegraph operator at Innerkip, . was calling on friends here. . . .Miss 1 Ella Clemens is home from Toronto, visiting her mother. . . .Mrs. George Erb, North Branch, Mich, was visit- ing at Mr. Samuel Hilborn’s on Satur- day. . . .Mr. and Mrs, I. B. Clemens, Zion, Mrs. Hunter, Mayville, Mich , and Mrs George Clemens, Preston, were vssiting friends here.,, .Miss Lizzie Jacobs and Miss Elma Hoffmnn, Natchez, spent Saturday with friends in this place. . . . Mr. and Mrs,' N. Wit. mer, Brown.City,Mich., spent Wednes. day with Mr. S. Hilbornu, . . . Mr. Frank Moss had quite A bee on Satur- day, inviting his neighbors to help him haul his lambs to Gait for shipping. It looked quite business like. to see so many teams. . . .Mr. John Gehinan has been on the sick list. . . .Quite a num- ber of our citizens took in the meet- ings held in the Methodist ‘church, Preston, by the great revivalist, Mr. Ranton. . . .A nice time was spent on Sunday morning, it being the fihst Sun- day in the New Year for nominating our superintendent and teachers etc., for the Sabbath school. superintendent, Mr. Joe Hilborn; ass. supt, Mr. A. Coons; sec., Miss Ella . Lutz; trees, Miss Laura Hilborn. . . . The lime kiln is in full' blast making our little town look quite cheery and summerlike. . . . Mrs. Henry Gimbel had a few of the ladies in on \Vednesday trying their skill at needle work . . . . Mr. and Mrs. D. Hewitt and daughter were renew- ing old friends here on Sunday. ', Jay. M, itHMu----Patre ' . . . .The Rev. Mrs. _Kennedy who has , been taking care of her mother in Al- pena, Mich., returned home hut week. . ' ' . The elections in Blenheim passed off very quietly, the greatest interest being centered in the contest for the reeveship. _ Although it was expected that Walter Murray would be elected, yet his majority of 213 exceeded the most sanguine .expectationa. . . . We were delighted to hear that, our friend Mr. Josiah Hellman, was elected to the second deputy reeveship by a hand- some majority. Miss Mary Cmssel of Now Hamburg is the guest of Mrs. Josiah Hallman. . . . .Mr. Joseph Oberhnltzer of Mont- gonwry councy, Pennsylvania, is visit- ing friends in Wilmot. . . .Messrs. w. A. Lawrence, J. Millington and Rice are again holding forth in their respect- ive schools . . . .Mr. Andrew Hall was re-elected trustee for the ensuing term. Musings In The Twilight. PHILIPSBURG CHEESE FAcroRs,-The No.ene.who has ever loved mother annual meeting of the Philipsburg or. wife, watery)" daughter, (Win rend cheeso factory was held on Wednesday .rttletrt aa,ton,itshm.en.t and pity St. of huit week. Me-srs. Bobbie and fiihztt',t..y: a f,lrTt.t,i?.'.r.t of “Oman as Cousins, cheesiemakers, gave the follow. "dtleg,'l'l,tt,e, 3”,.“ natural Intimmtioni ing statement '. The total amount of a extra. le f'" “Pity, it dome-mt- pi~r:1,.-i milk received was l.l38,024 lbs. of deadly fuecumtlon and a 11:“.qu ill." which 102,500 llw. cheese was made. In few respects has Inaukmd “laden From this $10,296.58 was realized be- greater advance, than in.tlw relations ing'on an average 10 04 cents Per Ih.of r8.tvrten and women. It ls tyril)le to cheese. The prtroni unaninimously link of 110w women suffer in savage passed a resolution in which they ex Y/e; and f‘W'n among the intellectual pressed themselves as highly pleased Greeks with r'ar"'exceptions, they 1iW'lll with the manner in which the business to have been treated vather, as house, of the past year was conducted. keepers and Playthings, than as the Messrs. Dobhie & Cousins were again angels of home. Family affection plays appointed oheesemakevs for next so.» it. small part in savage life. What a son on the same conditions us last year. life, without love! _ Mr. G. Cousins is to act as salesman How much we suffer from coldness and Mr. J Steiner as treasurer. The and foolish quarrels about trifles: from season for making cheese is to open hasty words thoughtlesstv repeated; May Elst and to close Nov. 10th. from mere miriunderstnn,fi,,,,cr um. SHUT A Lrsx.-Mr. Philip Wolf, re- siding near Hampstead, shot a. lynx about a week "go. The animal has been on exhibition in our village on Monday. It is of a hoary-gray color, a. broad space along the back being blackish brown. It measures 3 ft. in length and weighs 32 lbs. Mr. Wolf says that this is the fourth one he shot but none of the others could touch this out. in size. I Mr. D. Brando has just returned from a short viot to his "son Rev. Brandt of Zurich . . ' . MA. B Schmidt, who was eooftned to her mam with " very severe attack of la grippe, is able to be out again. /t!iiiiifFFiitraoms Freeport. Washington. Philip-shun; ii; sum supp: iGiiririi't - S pof Figs is for sale in 750 heal: by all leading druggista Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will rocune 'L gromptly for any one $310 wishes try it.' Manufactured only by the 2oth the method and res Its when Syrup of Figsis taken; it i: pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts ently yet promptly on the Kidneys, iiver and Bonds. cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds., hedd. aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Sgrup of Figs is thr. on} remedy o Its kind ever dpm duoed, pleaevwg to the taste an ac- peptablii to the stomach, fPrompt in its action and truly bone cial fn its effects, pregared only from the most healthyan agTeal?.lefubstancess,its Paa,rexcel1yitqualities commendit to an and have made it the most popular reptd.y known. utlr18t.ttllrfjjr,i,mqio ca. A despatch via Paris Tuesday stated mat President Peixoto, of Brazil, had resigned. l Niagara Falls, Ont., Jan. ',)--A man giving his name as T. n. Cannon was arrested last ewnixu on the arriv- al of the. ll p. m. G. T. R. train, on the strength of evidence received from Hamilton, for receiving a large quanti- tyotdiamonds under false pretences. He was locked up in the guol This morning when the police Went to see theiranan he was missing and the cell door open. He must have slipped the lock by means of some concealed skel- eton key, as the door Wits securely locked when the man was put in. No traces of him can at present he found. l " our life he one of toil and suffvr- ing, if thus. world outside be (mid and dreary, what a plmsure to rvturn to the sunshine of happy faces and the warmth of hrsuts we love. and fooliéh quarrels about trifles: from hasty words tlooughtlessly repeated; from mere mjsutylerstantfings: How much would that love which “heareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, Pndureth all things" effect to Smooth away the sorrows of hh, and add to the happiness of home. Home indeed may be a haven of my pose from the storms and pefjla of tho world. But. to 5901111: this \w- must not be content to paw it with good in. tendons, but must make it hright and cheerful. . ‘, I If our life be (mo rrf toil n...) ”.1? - Blood Purifier jii1t,iii,jiiji' icijijitt . at, tit" ai,-, // 31%. s II,ilf,lP),,lPs ERB TEA Ymubuy. '“ 18utrau, Duncan. .7 s,' or wife, sister or daughter, can read without astonishment and pity St. Chrysostom's description of “01mm as "a necessary evil, unnatural temptatirm, a desirable calamity, a domestic pnrilgx deadly fascination and a nuiuLpd ill " We love the ticking of the clock,and the flicker of the fire, like the sound of the cawing of rocks, not for their own sakes, but for their associations. It is a. great truth that when we re- tire into ourselves, We can call up what memu'ies we please. om Erqové l __ "V “our. 1 3 WW our; . home m myozwo 341.. Spring and N Bolo Amis, itu the but The lam Escaped in the USE ', NE“ 205:. a. 2 1fAivuirr.u:rri. is“ hidethu, as a great many of these patterns cannot be duplicated later on. Come Five Of the lovelies‘ pattterns of 500\ pieces Brisker '& hu We have jus opened put m sale PRINTS we ever owned. CHOICE and gd dred Pieces Your out and FSh STEISS&G trot;, Al on ha () t, in In bl, w 31d emu: I)“ hope s Inewm MH" the f Uur Loud puny, pulm- presm. day In the ttttist "r annual [was d, wind t was In M M t', 1.: tras cu CO”) H “on. Shul'l for N coll”! larx. wh coluun, lim'V Tlu. 1M had n 1. cated I night, tinn- r't,'t nomwi W. M ty it a ill frn had A Chocola Meat Il: Exhll mi In“ lnm wrn M the 'sp' w ex ---Mr. Ii. Y. rha. l has written a lrrter Lu J tradiet an itetn [Int app paper immmhnH-l} after stating that hr mu the J date, Mr, Fish says the member of the P.P, A. 5: was brought out and sup chases of the community his purpos‘e as Mayor to duties of his crime witho my portion of the comm pounus_ ll and NW NW they weigl pounds. 'ti n W011] n ll Il WEI MI Cream M My IAN IN Il H GROCER Il h H " IN and Il r1 NN t tlw trcs/ M .\ H ods

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