Pro, artained yum-s 'UT): l I sll ' ruck " Glam-o of U L bbe,t Mich p-l of Penn lrIennx con M ortser can 1lglrl Jlfli '"mem' Irtiti. Bait ' WaterloO, Tuesday, Jai ll RENT; am "lr MN. Cull (‘hrk st. in“... 97""; No. 3. â€in: DOBBIN. Mn VILLA“, _ A‘Iilo - - l " OFFICE _4 “was†.h run-(1.“ otsmokCfir HANGE. " ERTY a Waterloo a mum haven'- 'tT. Write will ts ' .21 be GiiG11 "I 33'5" tgsttyiti, nu “aâ€, h. EETING lat Emily “rm Wyeth 3‘. ‘u 'NYE "V'Wido-t. (Ho-Hun}; rn wt - ruwfgwm. t.IHNG, " srn-rloo, up :,..:,:;;IJANU’A RY {‘33 â€may, - 1:»:an pun urn-in. ivljxiuTai' 1;.an - - 'It. 'r' Cor. m H Merlot tern). 114‘ “a? 'n mg.) "artiuii% huh: nu. ld. a Lp.m. mu: 11:3"...3 Hui ul, tttme ""9119- with v9: mus .31 MONDAY, the 15th INST. This Week We '." Complete Stoelr-Talritig in complete in all its Bunches sad prices " well " quality will be RIGHTJ. 7 Plumbing, Gas. and Water Fitting on shortest notice. _"- CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE - ' Begt PORTLAND CEMENT, GOLDEN, HYDRAULIC CEMENT and PLASTER PARIS HOT AIR FURNACES. - Advertise inzthe Waterloo County , Chronicle, hOVEMBCR IN EACH YEAR. Special Attention given to "no ttttttFon of Communal-l Paper. and Farmers' Sale: Nona. .. . _......_...- _ annular-0:0 HMO HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. CAPITAL (PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS It martin will! â€I: 0:933! Remember store closes at 6.15 excepting Thursdays and Saturdays GEVERAL Swarm Bu'smeas TRANSACTED. FARMERS' NOTES DiscoumrED. DRAFYS ISSU:D mums AT ALL :33st w CANADA, AND THE PRINCIPAL c4153 m we Umrao STATES, GREAT BRITAIN. Famed. BERMUDA, as. Safe Agent for the Celebrated PEASE FURNACE every Jots.guamate By the cnrload, and will be sold at prices to defy competition. My nook o THE BOEHMER co" When we will Commence and Continue till the job lots are cleared out. We have laid aside great quantities of goods ot every description including remnants, odd pieces and odd sizes, all of which will be sold at a -tremendous sacrifice. We haven't time to say anything more about this great sale but will get everything in readiness by HARDWARE, STOVE and TINWARE JACOB CONBA 2r SLO') AND UPWARDS RECiIVEO. AND CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST {NTanST ADDED TO THE PRBNCIPAL AT THE IND OF MAY AND After whid? we will hold our Annual VOL. XL-NO. 2 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT B. E. WALKER, GENERAL MANAGER, WATERLCO BRANCH THE Fire Insurance .Co’y. AN N UAL _MEETIN G. SALE, of Berlin (Limited) WATERLOO MUTUAL H. d, GRASETT, MANAGER. "W'A'I'ERLOO 30,000,000. 00,000. r:3 H . I unsh- PERSONAL. Miss Ada Shunt: of Ber- lin is the gu ofMiss Mo;er....Mrs. Lens Moyer d children are visiting friends in P eston . . . . Dalton Mayer has gone to ew Hamburg to learn watchmsking . . . Mr Menno Bricker and-wife span Chrisstmaa " home. . . . Min. Kleeber rof Toronto spent her holidays in th village. . . .Mrs. Wilson of Chamber!) tt _ nt a few weeks st home. Miss Hattie hoemaker of Conestoga was home on l ew Year’s day . . . . Mrs. Lens Moyer, snghter and son were vie ting friends t Berlin last week. . . .- Mias Sue Eb is spending a few weeks at home. . .. rs. Musselmsn and son of Conestoga F are visiting at S.Moyer's. Miss Devitt pent her holidays at Ber- lin, All the low. at he can†and WW carefully " ‘nu-Inod and put In. thein leaves tits and three small children dead te, to return to her ttsth. erU home in t township of Woolwich. At a late ting of tde Board oi Trade of W stock, it was resolved to usiafthe u pmployed. and a relief committee wn' appointed for that pur- A writ hat served on F. A.C. Field, of Wu own, on behalf of Miss Annie L. Ba .05 Animator towmhip, claiming 83 damage; tor, alleged breach ot,pro ot marriage. The " fendant in“ ntly untried to . Ham- ilton girl. , . From neu- orking lat Satuiidayl Henry Dob ) beiu, when: on tot 3, con. 1 Peel F mhip, sloped with hi. wife’s sister, oung (irl shout. smea- teen. The nu yp-rtiel drovetoDrtsy- ton on basin ' in 3 double carriage. Leaving the . at the Western hotel, they boarded! he tram and All traces of their who bouts ended. Dobber- thein leaves wife and three small children desti te, to return to her ttsth. A farmer 'dr, Woodstock recently lost three co 1 from eating wisps of hay that had u used to put patio green on po toes hurt summer, and had been th wn down in the field, Although, ax to all the bleaching storms since at time, there proved to be enough son left in the bay to cause the dash of the cows. The West oid cheese factorymnve over $11,000 orth of cheese storbd in the dry room, nd the Swetberg Get. ory has over , ,000 worth in storage. The Miller ' sunning Company of Pic- ton, canned a ut six tons of chickens and turkeys t in year, besides an enor- mous quantit of fruit, corn and peas. IhtiErs.-. r. Foster of St. Clements moved onto t e farm of Mr. Joe, Hum- mel. Hum 1 moved to Preswn. The Prine 31 of the ichool Mr, S. Couch of O n Soundlbu' moved Into the house of . F. Shoemsker. ..;'.The Assistant M Clark of Stratford re. turned lent T nrsdey from wedding her holidays " I e. . . .Mr. S. Sherk of Montana in biting binds in thin lo. cality. . . .M ' AStenzel has returned from the W t, hi: health hrving been very much i proved. . . .Mr.Pb.Zeller in getting ti r reedy tobnild on eddi- tion to his tn and to give the, old barn a there h overhauling. . . . Men- ers Wmn .ere running the Shed- dy mills toi tulle-t capacity. They are shipping heir mnnnfactured pro- duct Eat a West nearly every week. . . . . Mr.Bu btt is bnlyphopping every day, l . . Brantford Lrirest fees for 1894 were sold by aucti to Mr. Thomas Elmos, ot Burford, t r $1,790. this is 8200 more than th jfees for 1893. The city of t. Thomas was, on Sat- urthsrvUittsd ith the biggest flood that has taken pl ce them in 20 years. Fortunately I damage was done, We men end! H A. N. Bethel, seo',. Mia. Moerusot1hsrgua, entered up- frho hm â€my math» reed aad our†duties of “new teacher in 90pm bi'h'4ilfirg.rd1't'tttd -sohootinatweetk....Mr.rohtsMo. Fr tr111Wlrl .B.8borkt_m' 1aniteiim.ttrmetstmtehmnmmi1tott t',tttiit,f& 'etit'myirttse.Nrinturv..l1tiital, meet. ',r""1trH? ', mired.- .. ,' trtttinrii1oetii-ittetthi7het1rtdt" 'r . , - f '. MAMM the 41'3â€"! _ é 'lil'tt'iritii :", . _ iiiiitiiiiijjiiiii,."' "t,htc,tts, Fm ;" trtttr thi, " 00'..- " . . and... in 'ttttit m:- amuï¬hplmï¬w Infill-m “opal. tbr tor 1 vines“ \moij f - 'Amwsl. tmera.---" the annual school meeti od this section held on the lsstW [ " " the oldyesr. Mr. John B was elected chir- men sndM ' A. M. Bechtel. see’y. IIIMIVO 'g,'J,etie,t'f, gourme- Poxmm AND OTHER NUGGETS. Min Mary Ann Schiedel of Cale- donia Mich, visited relatives in the village last week . . . .A large concrega- tion attended the U. 'p. church on Sunday evening. Rev. R. Head was no doubt unavoidubly (absent. After waiting patiently for some time the congregation engaged in sang and pray. er and then dismissed. ' . .Mr. Ruff, na- sisted by his two dsuohters, held a goa- pel temperance meeting in the Presby~ terisn church on W'ednelday evening last, Mr [Inf in agent for the Sons of Temperance. Now that we are like- ly y “oeive prohibitory legislation: in t near future, it will be necessary for liquor dealers and temperance lecturers to look for greener pastures " their present businesq’ will be ruined. . . .The committee appointed at the Annual School meeting to examine the school house, made a thorough inspection on Wednesday lest They will shortly is we notices calling a special meeting of the ratepayers 0 consider. their report. "up.“ iih')tV'tbih1uitt, ' ' to an hd will [ " truth! ,tetiitt.....Mib hunk 1.0.0: " MM " oyctervsuppnr in MEL WE. Vedas-thy night. The Manna Late participating. F . . Mr. MWI‘ ha been pub-noted with a lint but! do" wad heir. Patience crowda I" . . ' . Mi, Richard ind Mini Munich Grub-m u Atwood', visited friends hen Bum!" . . . .The phonogr- phio mince" iii the‘ Methodist church was: grand, The stninu ot union hund- and the noun- tad pipiugn were so clear And distinct. It in mlly mur- Vulloul the ingenuity of Jinn. The "mohinerulbd, bunched and oven was: aid to be Able tit pop the qumtiou. Certainly .irl in that tht Rev. Mr. Tonga lung word- of lava nod prnise to it which dutit have touched u tender Ipot for it tell on his neck to embrace him. It it 'ttoo1ttmtepgtun we pro- mise it: bumper honor. As it PX- eeeded our highest expectations. The Rev. Mr. Tonga in nu intertaininent in himself. He kept themadienco in a continuoul happy humor and roar: of laughter. May he noon gm us another so good an "euttsruituiient. . . .Fimur cially the Prmbyterisn ehurish is im- proving. And it u hoped that it will be won clear of ineumhranee. Ant that they In†be enabled to raise a shelter for the poor dumb animals. F ....An. enthusiastic holiness conven- tion was held by the Mennonites at Bethel during the greater part of last week. The attendance throughout was good, able discourses were given by Revs. J. B. Detweiler, Noah Detwiler, Menno Bowman, Henry Goudy and Peter Cober. At the conclusion of the convention a series of revival meetings was arranged for and considerable in. terest is already manifested. . . . Both ot our enterprising merchant firms are doing a lively business . . . . Considerable preparation is being made by the mem- bers of I.0.0.F., for their installation meeting and oyster supper on Wednes- day evening next. We understand the ball is to be neatly decorated, the goat is to have a new suit and is to appear with his whiskers trimmed: Anyhow there is to be a good time for those for- tunate enough to get there. SEBWM' pit, unwin- Min Lida, Bowman-Ty-r. Mr. J .S. Hallmln, Np.' Reeve of Wilmot paid a visit to Honda here on Sundty. . . .Tha Mines Unger ot Hes. paler spent u few ar with their sister Mm. Hilborn Int week. . . . MnPnnna- baker of ‘Wuhington moved into our village on Thundny but. . . .No vacant. hon-en left in our town and everybOdy growing under the HI. A x 1 Mr. G. A. Tilt nod Mr. Hugh Wal- lace have exchanged forms, Mr. Tilt will now hovo the {anymore conven- ient and w. Wallace dill he high and dry when no fresher t-. ad molest him . . . .Mrl. Rainbow tis. Im not. recover- ing from her recent Ittack of Grip is rapidly a her friendlwomu M» Nt see ....The. omen" of the South, 52l1001 here for 1894 are u ‘3follows t Mra.A. H. MoNtulr--3%ptrintaudant. Mr.A.H. McNally-Vioo-Superintendent. Mr. Harry Bowman, Secretory and Lib. trarian. New Dundee LY MORNING _ ' h . V ' T _ ' ' WW7 71'7V7'VF'WVV‘TA' "T-Tr-? _ 7 artW,trWeets w‘ “mic-hut ‘ inn-inmnbopo Mr. Koch It not (,t'1',,'d'dUi' ortttt "tdtMetittit,ttt,j,at'rl, moduli†of his new odhso n he WON] 11.1mm. dt Help 8tkek,Mietsirtrt, I “anaemia tttb en mowed". yen. u you. visiting it Mr. Jacob Swan’- I "lithe, formerly. . , . . . .Nmuim the Pauli-cite ha t1tl ----_-------- um the ma saving Among hm _ i. -P. _ '""rt P., n... . _iitde-totoh.'"rtt"dotms ukel'l Rmn'u Pisotmrr, (Mary. Wdluley,‘ will be open for 'eat.. the first tour day. ohvoq menu When Sundry h the ht, due 311â€:qu 09 Hominy. Hand of- tics, Now Hamburg, Ont. - Owing to the "nigh-tint] of Miss Coffey our "when ware compallnd to bdrm-the for another teacher to till the vacancy. [They senurxsd9tise Lung from Logan; who comes highly recommended . . ' .Slaigbing i; very poor at present. We hope we mil noun get more mow which would improve business consider- ably . . . .La Grippe is somewhat: pre- vnlent in 'our midst. . . .Peter Fleinoln- lmuer from Waterloo, is “pal-dill“ Mew days with friends in mun . . . . Clurleu Achterberg is also on the sick hut. ," Issues-ton. ' The annual meeting of the Morning- Agricultural Society was held in Rats- enpfhu's hell Monday afternoon. . . . Mr, Christian H-unel has sold his prop- erty on William street, lo M r. Dover, of Ellice Township, and intends mov- ine to Stratford, when he has secured a situation in nfurniture factorv. Mr, Dshmer takes possession: on the 11th inst. . . .Tbe elections here on Mondny passed off quietly, only prohibition be. ing voted on. , Fifty four out their ballots in favor of the act and forty six against. In the township of Morning- ton a full vote was polled and resulted in a majority of thirty one in favor of prohibition . . . .The Earl-aers’ Institute will hold a meeting in the Town Hall here on Monday, Jan. 15th. Some practical men from, the O A.C.,Gue ph, will address the meeting. A programme of music, eta, is being arranged for. Farmers will tind it In their interest to attend . . . .The subject debated last Monday eveuing's meeting of the Liter- ary Society was “Resolved, that the Press is more mflaential than the Pmt. form." Mr. Malcolm MaoBeth, of the Bun, spoke in favor of the "irrmstlve, but when the man with the lovely---- started, the press bad a fieroe antagon- ist and the house was taken by storm. Although the press was well champion- ed/the debate was decided in favor of the platform. The horse of Mr. Strome, sewing machine agent, Berlin, while down here last week become lune, nnd he had to' borrow another horse to return. . . .The entertainment held in our school house by the noted ventriloquist, Bader, on the 1st inst, was a success. . . .Mr. Alfred Ellis has a party of Indians from Brantford'in his bush cutting up the timber blown down last spring. . . . Mr. Frank Beatchey has returned from a visit to his sister at Wiarton. ' . . Mr. Louis Butchey of Cleveland Ohio, is also spending a few weeks at home ....air. Joseph Schmuck spent last week at Weisenburg ' . . . Mr. Moses M. Bechtel has returned from a trip to Howick. . ' .Mr. and Mrs. A. Wil-l helm’s mother are just recovering from) a severe attack of la grippe. . . .Mr.; Charles sprung is also improving . . . J Mr. Christian Yonlrey is making er] tensiro repairs to " house. , Siiiidi' GFiiluiGiI chili null-tram and lodged "ttinet the-ttridge theot.-taiataoesihmtuUi . ,ritttitoiniihiotthioueshsed vvnr1s.tyrrtete8ttetft: M. b tirmtutmrtkttedoetitmnd0mdwar iiettndtiuhoettiiMs w'n t,gTatf""?""t"it" unman'udmmgoc “a ge) . . _ ttttttttttltd', p ttttSte,'?:","):",': ans-dad _ " “It,“ " .4 but mama-.993 ..Z°'£“'?°‘ Aanmmw--IAst week while Md Fred Weiger and his hired nun wed butchering a. beef, his hired men Wni Strohknrch was rather unlucky. A; iron rod propped against the car-oak often- it we: hung up lost its hold " was brought down by the weight of (In beef, striking Strohknrch a violent blow on the head. It was " firtt thought that the blow might prove fat- nl and medical nid we: at once enn- moned. The patient is now on a. hiir way to recovery. l Aocrmmr,---As Mm. George Sch el. ler and her daughter worn going to be mun-ht lat Saturdny a week theh Ne got scared ot, the tmin out] whi led round short iq the round and w the occupat- heavily on the gro nd. It seems the bone an round Bl m post. This- upoot the bow on " chant-no time broke the ho no Sermon Mmrrnra...-uyar annual m t ing was only fairly attended. Mr. J n Amos vs: reelected truutee. at the born In loose. The anon on “and the mi khed “Jul up duff-t}: WI!“ ..-‘ Ions-ti. II, Mr. Ham Met, village blacksmith has laid " upside-neon and nhop to M r. Kohlnuhrgnicrof Domino. It " Mr. Bauer’a â€(you to try yhn ploueh in. uwdof the human. tor a livelihood and we wish him o-vo-rv puma-I in ttttg mw mop-stint Hits) jovial fwr, witty sayings, and bulky farm will be much min-0d . in our community. . .. We ulna cake-thi- mm of exteudusit 3 hurt, who!†to Mr.Kohlenhrenner sod his wifa. . . . Mr. Dauierl Muck" of Kino" any in hon.» visiting his lawn. . .Mr. H. N. Mill" and wife spent tb tow days Inuit. week in Cult and JtwrservilteMh'tlo in Gait. they attend- ed the. funeral of Mr. MillerU grand- mother, M awn-N. McFMlnne, "nice of the late Rorert Scrilnuur. She had reachad the rive am- of M you“. Miss Lillie Boomer who has been a guest at “Poplar Dell" for the past two weeks returned to her home in London last Monday. . ' . Mrs. Stewart and daughter of St. Msry’s ore the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hosea. . . .Miss Min- nie 1tyte of Atwood who has been spending (her Christmas holidays in town.left for her home this week. . . .’ Miss Clara and Adda Boomer after spending two weeks under the parental roof have returned to their home in Berlin... .Miss Ids Brigg who has has been visiting at her gratutdftrther's Mr. D. Pollock's, left for her home in Drayton on Sunday last, . . . Miss Kidd of Listowel has been engaged to take charge of the junior department of our school tor 1894 . . . .The, Misses Pollock ape the Sunday in Drayton. . . .We wen;L pleased to see the smiling face of our old genial friend, Mr. Ralph MG IGi now of Port Elgin, in our midst du " the festive week. Ralph looks we and reports favorably of the Port. rosshill, Howksville and Linwood a all looking forward to a? good time at he coming 8. s. Convention here, fast and none were prepared for the tartling intelligence. The remains will be taken to Caledon East for bur- ial. The bereaved husband and sor- rowing friends have the heartfelt Yun- pathy of their ugnny friends. Mrs. Hall will be greatly missed having been a. resident of this village for over a quarter of a. century . . . . Miss :Flor- once Armstrong has been ill for several days with la grippe. We wish her speedy recovery. . . .A number of new faces are to be seen in the village and vicinity in the line of new teachers. Mr. Munro has charge of Red Hill, Mr.Helst of Brieker's and Miss J. K. Tier has the junior department in the village. . . .Rev. J. Showers lost his puny through rinthsattnatiou. Their Revereneee do not always have the beet of times. . . . . Rev. Housman occu- pied the Brethren pulpit Sunday even- mg. T ruin , J th...,.Mrs Arthur 'itat {Mme-fed td Berlin to re sumo his studies at the High School. watcher) Bros. of this place have t) a large number of shipments of c ttle during the year. They keep Justuntly on hand fresh cows and bef cattle for the local trade. We“ Intro-e; News from this village und surround- ing conntry hnve failed to eppeur in your valuable weekly for the peat few numbers issued, owing to the neglect of your correspondent in reporting, but an 'we have fully recovered from a Merry Xmas and enter upon the dutieo of a New Year we wish to suit". to nuke your paper uninteresting one to its raiders by the torth coming new: troy? these quemn. Hum W"Artm.-..-The Gnnd river endowed its - in the village on Xmu to Inch " extent ttmt it yach- ed the first luttrs of of the but. on the out. side of?» enormou- npooimen of , toga-ho glidintdoyn, l DEATH OP Mas. HAra,,-Ui)n Monday toon the quiet little village was startled t the sudden announcement of the loath of Mm.Jas.Hall. Though suffer- ng for some time past she was not lurk-ville Linwood. tu" Wag Jg1.".'rl, Her/body's At, the tray of mrpeu we hue now in tstitck--satonished at the uriety. the qull ity and astonished on cislly at the wotidee fully low prices. Thrlfk of n! We cut sat you good Brunt-eh Ulsrpe'. 81.00 per " 'Npesrtry, 30c per yd. Flcor oil cloth pr' wide, 28 cu. ' :E3s:1zir,:ratir,. BRIEFS --Mitra Mary Kumpf spent “few days under the pernml roof last week . . . . Miss Lydia Riehert, is visit- iqg her sister Mrs. J. Merriet, at In- zersoll, at present. . . .Misa Melissa Dewitt, spent a. week at home over the holidays. . . ' Mr. Will Carscens is call iqg on friends In Neustadt. ':Rhurrurar.--Ae rrgret to nunounce the death of two old and respected in. habitants, the dee-ed, ff" gamely: long. . . .M r. Dom Snyder, new, 'et the contact for lighting the lump ut the bridge. to Mr. Ed. Hillium for $11.50 for 1 your. . ' . Municipal elee. tions were fairly active in these part.- ou Jan. Ist, ulthough we fniled to get olr man in, still he polled a fair vote under the circumstances as Mr. Dewitt doclined to spend any money for elee, tion purposes and being I bolid prohi- bitioniat he had the majority of the on- his agsinst him. Mrs, Andrew 12aruiry and M rs. Itiehdrd Morrell, Mrs. ngury suffered from Bright’s disease for the last few months, although she w“ under the skilful treatment of Dr. (leikie from Elwin. All medical aid failed ml she passed peaeefully beyond on Dec. the 30a. The remains were interred in the Win tdr boume cemetery, on Jan. 2nd. The Rev. J. Hamilton oondueted the ser vices. She reached a good old 8:» of " yetmr.-Mrs, Richard Morrell had 'ur attack of la grippe 50an timo ago to, which she succumbed on Jan. lst. She attained a ripe old age of 83 years, 10 months. She leaves behind a hus- bsnd and seven children toruoul'.1 their The Sabbath school entertainment on the evening of Doc. 27th. was a grand success. A large program was hsnded to the chairman, Mr. C. D. Bowman, consisting of music by the choir, reeiutions,'truslostuea, (to. by the trahool....Wedding bells nre ringing this Week. more later. MOI-adult. Xmu fussed of? very quietly here as neither of our Sunday schools had any entertainment. A number of the young poople attended Xmas tree festivals at numerous other plums. . . .New Years day wu somewhat enlivened by the election and the plebiscite vote and M r. Chaa.Wilken's home by the arrival of s new boy. I . "iidatuluatrrhim, 3 rlut"iittyioirmt*r worm, Fire. Insurance. t Baprugnting the WED-DING Btap.--0n Wed., Jam M. s. HALLMAN. (Continued ‘on 8th Page.) Astonished a.