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Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 3 Feb 1893, p. 4

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l n - esent at tiaT'oTi'irTfYml4Wte' Lion and pre;'" the report of the amilton diocese. In the records (but Bishop Dowling will place upon file at the Vatican will be a complete plan of this diocese. Te will Show the area of the diocese, the position and extent of each parish, the names of the priests, the number and nationality of the ad- herents, the location of all churches, schools, see houses and charitable insti- tutions, and much other information of interest concerning this diocese. -The News says that the new postal arrangements between Berlin and Toronto have gone into effect. A Postal our is attached to the ten o'clock train East and will be on the 7 o'eloek train West in the evening. The great advantage that this gives to business men is that it enable: them to mail-and register if '1e0e"tu'r--"ly. letters on the train that they my not have had ready before the mail cloud at the Post oflice which in upsciully important to those having remittnnm to send that require to be in the city that day. --Bisho Dowling has gone to Rome to L-uusaAGi"Gf,lllliiiii2iht)s1isil,C, ---Tt has been truly said that a. perfect town is that in which you see the farmers patronizing the home merchants, the laborers spending the money they earn with their tradesmen and the farmers and all animated by a spirit that they will not purchase articles abroad if they can be bought at home. The spirit of reciprocity between business men and merchants, tradesmen and laborers, farmers and manufacturers, results every time in making the town a perfect one in which. to do business. (co-auth-av-Eddie Boos who has been ill for some weeks with typhoid fever is much better and will soon be able to resume wore-Miss Strnsser who has been of? duty for twelve weeks is also betterbut her recovery is tedious. WARNiNa,--Ths Town Constable has been instructed by the Mayor to enforee the provisions of the Town by- law prohibiting school children and others from following or riding upon sleighs. The bylaw is a. good one and should be rigidly enforced. ---Two large sleighloads of young people, numbering about twenty-five, drove to New Hamburg on Tuesday evening and surprised Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Winn, They were warmly wel- comed and spent a few hours very pleasantly in amusements of different kinds, returning home early next mormng. ---Ex-Mtsyor Bitzer, of Berlin, was presented with an addren and a. handsrme gold watch on Tuesday evo- ning of last week by prominent bulineu end public men as a mark of. apprecia- tion of his public services. -The K. O. T. M. presented 21r. H. L. Janzen with a handnme badge as a. mark of their high enu- fur " valuable service: in connection with their Society. --Hon. James Young, Quit} left for Florida on Monday to join Mrs. Young who is spending the winter there for her health. Mr. Young expectl to return about the first of April. Elclgllb. LUV "J""" " an two" UH. an“ , should be rigidly enforced. Fr9at o1tr own "T/','1",1fgy l ------_-- (Held over from last Week) min. STATISTICS. -Mr. J, L. Mr. August Bivour died somewhat Kroetsch, division registrar, reports suddenly last Friday from asthma. that during the year ending Dec. 31st, His wife also lies very low. The funer- 1892 there were 123 births, 27 mer- tsl W“ largely attended and the bereav- riages, and 67 deaths in Wollosley ed family have the Sympathy of the Township. g Of the births, " were entire community... .Louis Forler male and 69 female. Ot the deaths, 27 we! surpriled last Friday evening by were male and 40 female. bin many warm friends on the eve of ------_----- his departure for Waterloo where he COUNTY Arroixmnrs. a..... W. A. has taken a position on the CHRONICLE Kribs and R, Jeffrey were appointed SH"... This” Wednesday it wedding “members of Hie Board of Audit; I?. pt1yty visited our village which caused Holwell was),ppointed County Auditor quit? a stir. Mr. Scharlaeh of Berlin on behalf Ofiilie Council and J, N. mu0mvrrUd to Miss Menz of Bamberg. Boos on behalf of the Warden; Hugh A number ot young people.gatlyytd. in McCulloch 1is appointed Trustee of the evening and xi very enjoyable time the Galt Collegiate Institute and Peter was spent. On the way hcuee there Shirk of 13min High School and Adam "3 titl upset and a tumble into the Chanston m? elected Credit; Valley deep snow: . . . Mr. M. Schaub is on the Director, by ' vote of 15 to " over mend, Itiy somewhat lame. . . .Mr. Dr. Vardon. t, A. B. Smith is also better and hopes to 1 - resume work soon. -Tbe best plate to obtain a practi m1 business training in st tho ' Business College which bus I brnmh school of shorthand " Berlin. Write for circular, " COUNTY ;APPOINTHEITS. a..... W. A. Kribs and R, Jaffray were appointed members of hie Board of Audit; F. Holwell was),ppointed County Auditor on behalf ofirhe Council and J, N. Boos on behaif of the Warden; Hugh McCulloch 1is appointed Trustee of the Galt Collegiate Institute and Peter Shirk of Berlin High School and Adam Granstou " elected Credit; Yallsy Director, by ' vote of 15 to " over Dr. Vardon. l: -d number of changes of advertise. ments were handed in too late Eor this week's issue, Advertisers will plane read the note at the bend of this column. .--Mr. Paul Paqucgnlt, Berlin, re- ceived a. post card on the 19th January from Lnusauue, Hwimrlnd, which "It- tained the date and post rank of Jun. 10th. -The London Bond of Health has decided that there should be I "galar oollection of gin-huge one. I ,rok. The contract was let tor 89500. -The many friends of Mr. Kill" will regret to learn that all hopes of his recovery have men abandon-d In! that he can notlast many 17ka longer. --C)ar genial friend, Mr. Fred Bus, is happy in the poasnsnion of n bouti- fully matched team of black banal. Hus 3‘ mad: Kennedy from Muir 1 l, 0". Ari, 'has been visiting stl )i- and l; W. H. Riddell's “Idea T if _ l! , r. Little of theMolson’s B". Irh. IN “gm“ attTEcled the bachel- or: “all if Stratford on Tuudly 1 mgGr: 1rr"t k.--Mr. J, U. Clemens if u ”whim has been in Waterloo or "r m1- ti:urr, limposing of a bankrupt toc, pr' (e _ Mild? clothing-Mr. L. . Breath-um ‘lsrlin, is on the sick ist--Oivs. iii/son, near Berlin, has etumed {rum a visit to her sister, Mrs . 1Hthtyrc.Wrristom---:hlr. J. W. “n c, ' rloo, spent a few days in ash week-Mr George , Detroit, formerly of Water. k visiting friends in town.--- , who has been the guest of Rumple for Pm?', tire. hes ties of changes mu. be loft " this office not later than Saturday noon. Tho copy for changes must be left not late thaaTaesday noon. Casual Advertise r,spesn-rted up to noon Walnuday LOCAL NEWS. 7b "Ooh. I"; ystnal Mention. Poughkeepsie, New York. Harwood of Toronto, is short time with Miss Annie _,liis.-Mrss. Albert Snyder ‘g'aitiug her parents, Mr. 'ISERS. i.ned to her ST AsDaEiir'sPaEsBrrEerAx CHURCH, BsrtLts..--st. Andrew’s church held its annual business meeting on Monday evening lsvst.--Tlle Rev. Murray Wat, "n, B, A., late of Leamington occu- pied tho pulpit for the last two Salr batl1s.--/1?hsr Rev. James McCaul of Montrnl will fill the same on Sabbath next morning and evening.--The Arr nual Sabbath School entertainment held on Friday evening last was a pro- nounced success in every particular. aN888mW'Pdr"oTMrWttrrd"eTr7rTrrs% on Friday evening last were Miss A. Knoll, Miss Mylius and Mr. Gr. M. Rose/os Berlin. EXCURSION (harmy.--Cxood for thirty days, from Waterloo to Niagara ice bridge. The perm holding this ticket is entitled to one tirst clan passage on foot, or to run after the train across the Grand river, provided the said person’l photograph is tirst taken at W. B. Sherk's Studio. ".-Tak SE. C. C. for coughs, colds, Group. Huber, of Berlin, is a wide awake photo- gmpher. be . Hr, ttii-rata-h.';, . ,1 Mrs. Barber's-ers. Geo. Pecptgrcrt of Ronstadt returned home after three weeks’ stay in Berlin, the guest ct her sister, Mrs. W. Sherlr.--Miss Lam Strausser of Stsbringville is visitlug friends in Berlin. The Misses Cold hem of Toledo, are the guests of Mrs. W. Travers, Berlin.--Miess Nettie Lyons of New York, is the guest) of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hunt, Berlin.- Tho Misses Kerr: of Guelph, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, F, W. Shep- pard, Berlin,---.) Frieda. Heimillor of Gownnstown, is visiting friends in Berlia.-2Ir. J. c. Falls, who has been in the employ of Mr. John Fennel, hrdwsre merchant, Berlin, for four- teen years has secured an excellent position with Messrs Geo. D. Wood k Co, a leading hardware firm in Winni, peg-Mr. Thomas Sherman of the streetcar staff, Waterloo, is " on a. visit to his parents in Strathroy,- Miss Mary Pasmore, Toronto, spent the past week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Hendrr--Miss Iago of Rockwood, spent the past ( week in town visiting her brother, T, ll. Jago Y. B.--Miss H. Springer, 'Berlin, is visiting her sister at Teeum. sch, Michigun.-Mr.W.H. Becker of the Berlin Bookstore attended his brother's wedding at Roseville on Wednesday lesthMr. Fred Doll, representative of the "Comee" Cycse Co. has been canvassing the sister towne-Mrs. Thomas Pearce, Berlin, entertained a number of friends at cards on Friday evening li..-Ifris. De Bus, Berlin, is visiting her daughter Mrs. Albert Pequegnst of Brantford.--), J. Jae. ger, left er Buffalo on Monday last.- Mr. Abram Devitt, who has been visit ing in town for a few months, returned to Buffalo, Monday Josst.--Messsrs, Allan Eby, John and Fred Westmn, were the guests of the Misses Kreasan, Galt, Sunday lsst.--Miss Emma Schondel- mayer, Elmira, is visiting at Mrs, P. Doeringr--hrr. and Mrs. JosephUpton, of Alliston, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. W. J. Mellen.--Eld. N. Detweller left Berlin on the 27th inst., for Penn- sylvania. where he intends to attend 1 the Annual Conference. He expects , to return to Canada in a few weeks.- I Miss Maggie Robertson, of Harrlston, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. Groff, Berlin.-Mrs. R. M. Jeffrey of Chicago is visiting Mr. and Miss L.W. Simonds, Church Street, Berlin.--Miss Osler, of Toronto, is the guest of Miss Seagrom, Waterloo.--liliile in Berlin, Miss MacGillivray and Miss Gaylord, of Toronto, were the guests of Miss A. Jafhar--Tlre Rev. Dr. Jackson, of Galt, was in Berlin on Tuesday last.-- Mrs. Wm. Philip is visiting her son Mr. Geo. o, Philip, Berlin.-Mrs. Byron Stauffer of St. Louis, Mo., who has been spending the past tew months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cairnes of Berlin, returns to her home on Friday next, accompanied by Irtei' sichx, Mrs. Will Stein, who mill. reinuin ., n-nr" =fL"Rivy thou: u ho i From our own Correspondence. Philip-burl. (Crowded out last week) A large quilting party was at Mr. Moses Pfanner'l on Friday evening and all thou present enjoyed themselves groatly in, tyeadizig ripe hghttar?tast_ic. Y. . . Mr. Gldeon HuatmaHieksville, o., who was staying with his uncle Mr. John L. Eidt, for a few weeks, left for his pmental home last week. ' . Mr. John Stto paid a f1yueg visit to Badax, Mich., and safely returned on Friday last, . . .Mr. Jacob Miller is doing a splendid business in the butch. ering line since he has commenced in our village. Be is supplying the Berlin market with choice beef . . . .Great im. provements are being made in the Lutheran Church this week. The ceiling in being boarded forming a. cancave with the walls; the gallery is lowered and the seats raised. Two large chandeliers, to light up the church, have been purchased and will be pinged in their p ces as soon as the othnr work is com leted. The committee intends to, tiptts,ti.r,tslyPt, 8200 in Mr. and Church items. :rl' wood fard, Tru7"r/ri"Prfr8l8'rtr_"iu'o.'trp, shipped to Cobourg . o . llw slu, in or Sunday morning blew down one of the chimneys on the school. Fortunately it was one of the cold air ventilating flues and so does not interfere with the heating of the furnace. ithst Werlpes, day afternoon a team belonging to Mr. Mitchell of Winterbourne, ran away. From Zillax's shed they ran across Arthur Street, slightly damaging the good looks of "several cutters which happened to be on the street. . . .On Tuesday afternoon as Mr. Fred Miller was in the mill, his horses became frightened at the train whistle, broke loose and started up town. No dimage was done as the team was stopped at Mr. Zilliax's hotel. I‘he members of the Presbyterian church held a business meeting at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. P. Christ- mann. After the Various transactions were completed all sat down to a sumptuous supper provided by the ladies of the congregation. . . . Mr. Jno. B. Lein, for some years engaged as wood worker in the Elmira branch of the Waterloo Manufacturing Co., has severed his connection with that shop to take charge of the carriage works formerly conducted by Mr. B G. Wahl, deceased, and lately purchased by Mr. C. Klinelr. We wish him success in his new venture. . . .Mr. Sol. Lnschinger was on a business trip to Strathroy on Tuesday. . . . Mr. August Jansen of Preston called on his brother here, on Monday. . . .Mr. ll, Proctor of Brighton has taken the place of Mr. O. Noecker as accountant in the Traders' Bank here. . . Mr. S. Brnhach- er was off holidaying in Berlin and Baden. The city grocery, in his absence, was in the able :hands of his brother Mr. l, Brubacher. . . .Mr. L J Winn was away visiting friends last \Vednes- day and Thursday. . . .Miss Millard of Winterbourne is visiting at M rs. Howlett’s. . . . Miss Mellis of Glenallen is visiting at Mr. James Nichol’s. . . . Ratz Bros. log yard is one of the busiest spots around the town at present. The large number of hard wood logs purchased by M r. Traveling. er together with the chem bought up fer sliipment, have more than filled the No. 6, W., G. h B. The matter was put into the hands of Detective Day only on Wednesday last, That official soon ferreted out the supposed guilty one, in the person of young Latremoille, who had access to the express car,where he had his news trunk. By shadowing his father the youth was traced to the Falls, and consented to come back ot Canada. He had spent all his money in dens on the American side. Luv unwasca nun/Mun w I8'r.'urb6w 'H"'"'"".' Bmmrs--Mr. Kaufman has all papers signed for a lumber siding on the north side of the track at the station . . . .At a committee meeting of the fire Company, last Saturday eve- ning it was decided to petition the Wilmot Council to levy a special as- sessment for fire protection in Baden. . . . .Services in the Lutheran church next Sunday forenoon will be conduct- ed by the Rev: J: Stirempfelt of Zurich. "2, faii’ra. Falls. Jan. 27.--A very im, portant arrest WES made here last even- ing, the result of some clever work or the part of Chief Detective Day and Assistant Bradley of the Grand Trunk Railway. It seems that up till January 10 a young man of about seventeen sum- mer: named Hyucinthe, alias Samuel Latremoille, had been employed as train news agent on the G. T. R. trains. be- tween Hamilton and Palmerston, and lived with his father, J. Latremoille,at 101 Park street, Hamilton. About the 20th. of the month the agent of the Ontario Mutual Life associition at Clifford, not having received an weep mace for ll package containing 3743 that he had expressed to his compmy at Waterloo on the 10th inst, sent a guery in Search of the package, and lunch to his surprise was told the pack age had not yet reached Waterloo Armed with his express receipts from the Chfford express agent, he went to that oieieial, where he learned that the package had been duly sent on train . . . JA carload of salt wis distributed among the patrons last week. From Our Own Correspondent. WasttiuRton. Mr, Oberholtzer of Philadelphia and his bride spent a few days with friends here. . . . Mr. Josiah Hellman drove six of our German friends to Berlin last Saturday where they took the oath of allegiance to our gracious sovereign the Queen. . . . Hallman's school foot ball club plafol our school boys a. friendly game on Friday last; and succeeded in defeating them by a score of two to nothing. . . . A week from next Wednesdav a mammoth tea. meeting is to be held in connection with the Methodist church. There is to be a good programme given by local and other talent. . . .The farmers are very busy teaming and seem to be taking advantage of the good sleighing. $743 SDI! by an agent at Clln'ord to [he enlarlo lire. Waterluo. noun by nu new- ugenk- Arron and Confession or the tiller. From our own Corrupondcm. Brena“. By. Hallman, editor of the Banner occupied the pulpit in the New Men. nonite Church last Sunday evening. Revival meetings ara still being can tinued,...Mrs. P. Geiger is on the sick list. . . .Miss V. Rosgen, of Preston returned home last Saturday. . . .M r. J. Irsnzott and wife of N. Y, are visit, ing friends here. . . . Mr. Merino Gale of Minnesota ssho spent his holidays here has returned home... .Mr. J. Martin and wife of Iowa returned " me this week . . . .M r. Burnett is now ' do all triads of custom "w- ,1 looked for January . . . .Mr. James McNichbl is doing the country with his chestnut team of roadsters. This is one of the finest teams of its class that your correspon- dent has seen for a. long time. EXPRESS ROBBERY. ELMIRA, cazaui-A few head of the best beeves were sold at from 4} to 4hre per pnnnrl. and a couple of choice animals were mm km 1istti)sir1yriirdtfi?gi': " beasts muld‘ul from 3hlg o E; the 0\'er/\19V1"1fi;;h You. h m1 bonish beasts at from a rl ",- A ., a some of the hardest bulls 21L about 21,1: per pound. m " ' M l ' A C2LvEs,-The few calves offered here to- Jay were of. rather pour quality, and sold at about $5 each, _-ee - 7 _ ILwrs-Very few fat hogs are offered new and prices remain at about 70 per pound. STREET PRICES. Wheat receipts were about 100 bushels of fall at 67 to BBC. Oats sales 200 bushels at 31-b to 33c. And about 3,000 bushels of barley changed hands at 12, to 47V. Peas none. Hay in fair supply and firm at $8 to $10. Straw dull; sold at $6.50 Hogs none offered. Dairy products nothing doing. SHEEP AND LAMBS -The few mutton crit- ters ofiered to-day were brought on farmers' sle_i_ghs, ary) sol) at from $5 to $7Meacl}. Wheat, fall, per bush . . .. . .$0 67 to $0 68 Wheat, red, per bush...... 0 65 0 66 \Vheat,sp1‘ing, per bush... 0 61 0 62 Wheat,gooselperbush......0 57 0 59 Barley......................o 40 048 Oats...................; 32 0 33 Peas........................o 58 0 00 Dressed hogs, per cwt...... 8 25 S 50 Chickens, per pair..........o 50 O 60 Butter, perlb....-..,0z2 024 Eggs,newlaid............ 030 030 Potatoes per bag ........ o 80 0 85 Apples,perbarrel.,........ 1 00 2 00 Hav.timotfv..............800 950 ScmLL.--Nearr Floradale, on Thursday, January 19th, 1893, Lorentz Schill, aged BO years, 2 months, 21 days. MONTREAL. Jan. 30. -There were about 350 head of buecbers' cattle and a few sheep and small calves offered at the East end abbatoir to-day. Trade was rather slow, as the drovers were demanding higher prices than prevailed last week, more especially for rough and inferior stock, as there were not nearly so many of this kind on the mar- ket to-day, while pretty good animals seem- ed inore pler1.i11l than usual. A Dressed hogs, per cwt Chickens, per pair , . . . Butter, perlb.....,.. Eggs, new laid. . . . .. . Potatoes per bag . .. Apples, per barrel . . . . Hay, timotfy . . . . . . . . ' Straw, sheaf . . . . . . . STr:AssER.---At Waterloo, on Friday eve- ning, Jan. 27th, George Strasser, aged 56 years, 7 mos. and 8 days MCLEAN.--At Waterloo, on Friday, Jan, 27th, 1893, Catherine McLeod, wife of Da gald McLean, in her 65th year. Fall Whcat. , ...cr.. Spring tt ........t. Straight Flour....... Ocean 's 'FF_rF' Middlings..,.. ..FiP. Shorts.......... ..... Bran..........,...,,. Oats mmsqwm..F__._... Peas..,...-,.,, Barley.--.-. Eggs-..--. Butter.......... .Fr» Dried Apples. .. . . . .. Hayperton......... Apples per bushel. . Potatoes per bushel ILyms,.,............. Shoulders per lb. .-. . Lavcl.,............,.. Tallow..‘............ 1irrNusa-Sutrrs--0n the17th ult. in Berlin, Ont., by Eld. H. Goudie, at the bride’s residenee, Bro, John Winger, of Welland Co. Ont. and Sister Catherine Shape of Berlin, Ont. BEcxEn--Si1m.-0n Feb. lst at Rose- ville by the Rev. D. B. Sherk, Mr. Albert Becker of Mannheim to Miss Annie Snyder, of Roseville. RomrER--b'crrosDELyrarER. --on the 24th ult. Nic. B, Heifer, near Florrudale to Julian Schondel'nuyer, of Elmira. Sssmsm-Wrssrrm-On Jan. 25th. at Ber- lin, by Rev. J. B. Bowman, Mr. Nathaniel S. Snyder, of German Mills, to Miss Melinda \Vismer. of Preston, Iucms.--0n the 10th ult., in Now Earn burg, the wife of James Racho of a son. (YNEAL,-Near Yatton, on the 19th ult., the wife of John Thos. C)'Neal, of a. son. }IALL\I.L\'. -0n the 4th um. in Wilmot. the wife of Moses Hallman of a daughter. (lAyre.--On the 5th ult in Wilmot the wife of John Hemp of a. son. SrrussAssr.-0n the 7th ult., in Wilmot the wife of Chr, Steioman of a daughter. fhruILER.--On the 8th 11%., in NewHam- burg the wife of Barney Eichler of a son. K,wyyrasy.-0n the 9th ult, in North Easthope, the wife of Jos. Kaufmaun of a. daughter. KEITH-At Berlin, on the 23rd. ult, the wife of Mr. Geo. R. Keith, of a daughter. From our own Cdrrupnndem. " lace». The Inspector paid a visit to our school on Thursday last, and was well pleased with its progress and order, which is certainly to the credit of the teachers. He did not approve of our inadequate Iahool acne-modation. Last year the average lthndnuoe run 102. We will undoubtedly betrulhrd upon to enlarge our school house snd put in another assistant in the not distant future. . . . Last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Bowman celebrated their silver wedding for particular: of which our reads” are referred to mmther column of this issue. FallWheat,.....,,...... Spring Wheat........... GooseWheae........,.., Bailey.-..... . oats................... Potatoes, perbush.....,. Rye .... rt.......... Flour, per 100 lbs....... Butterr,perlb.-. Eggs,perdoz t.Pt...F.. Chickens, dressed per Ib ' Ducks, H il ll . Geese, u n Ir . Turkey, _ bt " II . 1Gy,perrtop..-. ..mm.. Hides. perl--.-. Sheepskins can}; ..tm.. . Dressed hogs, par 100 lb- Rrrrmt.-0n the '21st ult., near se. Jacobs the wife of H. Hmry Ritter. of a. son, 8siusER.--0n the terbourne, the wde son. Flour. (Roller) Fall wheat. . . . White Wheat Spring Wheat Goose Wheat Bran V. . . . . . . Mlddlings . . . Shorts....... Baxley....... Oats......... gym . . . . . . MARKET REPORTS. Hay-... Straw . . . . . .. Wood per can Eggs per doze Bath“ 7er ivc"ss' Butter rolls. Cheese ...r.er... Potatoes par Lax _ Apple: .._... m_P. Pork m-rs...'.... Lambskin: ...tw.. Felts w........... Hides............ Fine\Vl$l........ Costa! out...... UDWMLlsdlZQaI-n PRICES AT FARMERS' \VAGGONS (Reported by Jonathan Uttley.) Elmira, Jan. 31th, 1893. /heat,..-....-806fto8q00 Twheat-....-. 060 000 Wheat................057 060 I............ ..mm. 035 041 _....................." 057 ...t..mwmm.m....F-..... 028 030 aes,perbush........ ... 010 045 ..r. _.....,.........::" 056 WATERLOO M Ali K ETS . CFELPH KARI-TI. ELMIRA MARKETS VVATERLOO, Jan 31pr .1592 MARRIAGES‘ LITE STOCK, DEATHIS‘ Toronto Jan. 31, 1893, BIRTHS” 22nd ult., near Winter- of Samuel Snyder of a Toronto, Jan. 30. Fo 67to80 68 .065 066 ..061 062 750 030 o80 100 800 31 75 0 IN 0 56 0 52 1200 15 00 1200 0 IO 0 97 035 056 028 010 o 54 175 016 019 007 008 006 010 600 031 065 2 25 70 18 14 00 55 28 63 go 13 10 10 "s I) 65 63 225 060 062 053 052 1200 1500 1200 017 020 009 009 007 011 700 00t 098 850 056 058 " 50 0 66 60 M 58 " 20 50 " 11 The stock is complete and the prices are low, think of it, double witdth, twill sheetings in bleached and unbleached at 196. don't miss them, they mean money in your pocket. IN SHIBTINSS AND CDTTONADES. fif0iill1"iMfl. This week we wish to draw your attention to the above department which is rapidly being filled up with the best stock that we have ever shown. It is certainly very early to talk about Cotton Goods and we would much prefer to sell cold weather goods now, but there has been such a demand for cotton goods that we were compelled to put them into stock. Now that the great cotton combination has ad- vanced prices in nearly all lines it is only to be expected that the retail- er will be compelled to ask more for his goods. We are happy to say however that by making con- tracts for large quantities of goods many months ago we will be enab- led to sell goods at very low prices and in many cases lower than they have ever been before. IN GREY AND BiEASEEB fjilrllilli8 We have a most complete assOrt- ment at lower prices than ever, the variety being too great to mention all here. Come and see us when you have a few dollars to spend for cotton goods as we feel confident that we can save you money. The Gun Cash'and One Price Store. BEHMER & co" Peach Bloom Jurors from any known preparation, in that it clnmises the pores of the skin from injurious accumulations, im- parts health to the inner as well as to the outer cuticle, dissolving and removing Pimples, Blackheads, Liver Spots and Blem- ishes, and gradually brings about thattruns- parent state of the skin that makes a. per- feet complexion. Peach Bloom is in demand ahead of all cheap preparations, because it has merit, and because it produces the results we claim for it, Sold by Druggists, price 81.00, or sent on Peach Bloom cm injure the skin. It leaves no trace of th ute after the applicat Peach Bloom d 'receiQtwéf pr'icé by addreséing. V WESTON CHEMICAL CO, 186 Adelaide St, West, Toronto. SOLD BY S. SNYDER, Druggist, Waterloo TOWNSHIP (ll? WATERLW. TENDERS will lv, received by the under signed up to Smu'dn ' February 4th, f0 all the printing rcquired by the Council of thy T?,wr.t,sh.ip of Watcrlo l, hy' (mp may. _ _ . STAPLE DEPART- MENT. Said tenders to comprise the pr Notices and Advertisements, in no Iish and German Languages. De Clftttseps, Overweers of Highways Brlpcing required in connection w he schools. 250 English and 100 G phleta of Proceedings and Bylaw and Auditors' Report in detail. tious required, included. 300 cu Lists 1n pamphlet form, Treas, ment tur1803, in detail. and ova scrlpLion of printing, whatsoeVur this Mut1ieipalicy, for gun yum. Lot 2, qrors, . West tech town-hip of Wellewley 2003c ot which 30a. is hardwood bush and Balancehi: ‘good state of cultivation. Clay mam. Wntgredfuy Lwo sr.ti.r.esLgtsr',"strgsii' . ." .2 'BnF.yrdt" if“: 'rh,,(ta, 'iii's'iisii?liiii'i'i: (ftp .53- t.fi' l It'? - " l ARIEt TaEN, wig? " b'": 2it, , E T se24ij,ii)ii'i'si, "r/sis' _ A Clerk’s Otfice, Blair, Jan. 20th, 1803, FARM FOR SALE. _ihrcrrr_frrplj'5r,li, ',itgy,,iii'f m. (ir, LEON SNYDER, and Furnisher. Tenders for Printing Amiga 44 King Street East Tailor Fall ?loughing requir- plf of 0t " a ham 40xti0 will be sold separately in]. Pueystion can be they: partaculars apply L Amsnoxez _ tatyyy 4171111133 tron EriieFtiTFisip% iatiou BERL IN, ONT tti'ifttlfi1"fi. (l W THE mm CEARM WOMAN Il printing of all truth the Egg Declaration of Lys Schedules. with the Pub- Gorumn Pam- aws of council ty lie HOLE” m the To WN UF BERLIN. that valuable farm composed of the East. Half of tlle Wesr, Half of Lot Number 3 in the gill Ctrlll'es- sion, Western Section of the Township of Wellesley, in the County of Waterloo, contain- ing tlicy acres more or less. There are no buildings on the land. but the soil is excellent, and there are about ten acres of good hardwood bush. The farm is situated in a well settled section and is convenient to good markets. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent on the day of sale, and balance within thirty days there- after, but one-half of the purchase money may remain on mortgage for a term'of years at 6. per cent interest. Crabb'a Patent Fence for the County ot Perth, the celebrated Arab Stallion "Cypress, , the only thorougtrbred Arab Stallion in Cann- da; brown Pony "Maudie," in foal to 'Cypress", a very fine :Esqunma Bitch, 1 top buggy (nearly new),1 cutter, 1 set single Harness. Riding Bridle, Fly-net, string ot Bells, good Buffalo Robe, number of Blankets, lot of stable Supplies, Sultana Coal Sieve (nearly new), Wood Stove lot of Stove Pipes, 2 Cupb'lards, Chest, tiiaiiiiUiiai", Chairs, 1 Counter 10 feet long, 1 Counter with 12 Drawers. Lounge, Bureau, 2 Bedsteads, Bedsprmgs, number ot Pictures, Scales, Step-ladder, lame Spice-mill, barrel of Vinegar, barrel of Lioppcrns, Medicine Press, lot of Drugs, about 500 empty Bottles and Jars, Lot of Surgical Instruments. very tine Meersehaum pipe. tobacco knife, :books including Dr. Gunns family Physician, The Domestic Encyclopedia of Facts. Tho Complete Farrier, Slow Horses made Fast and *Fast Horses made Faster. a. Trreatiselc'of the Horse and his Diseases, Domestic Animals, The Illus- trated Horse Doctor, The Manual of the Barn- yard, The Veterinary Adviser, and Miller valu- able books and receipts. Sale to begin at 1 o’clock sharp. _ Terms Cash Further, particulars may 139 had on applies. tion to It V. Clement, Esq, Barrister &c., Elmira, Messrs W. Mortimer Clark & Gray, gamma, and the undersigned Vendors' Solici- ors. THE next 11mm? of Chty ' . ship Council xii .1 be belt PETER Saunas, J o: Auctioneer. New Dundee, Jan Slst, 1803, 1LtshiFeirdiielt Wm be Hull, Snturduy. Februa the Effects of the Late J. th Hunsbe r'ger' the, foJlo.wing Valuable propgrby The undersigned will sell by Public tuctior, in the village of New Dundee on wubated the 28th January A. D., 1803. BOWLBY S: CLEMENT. A. LACOURSE, Vendors' Solicitors, Local Master at Berlin. Berlin. Ca pit Waterloo Gas 00m Existing det I, George Davidson, of the Town of Waterloo. in the County of Waterloo. Ontario. Scaretm'v of the Waterloo Gas Uompnny (Ltd), make oath and say that. the foregninz statement is to tho best of my knowmdge, information and belief, correct and true. THE General Annual Meeting of the 2?v'lli,gii ton Mutual Fire Insurance Company WI 1 beheld in the Company's office, Guelph, on néxt, tifib" b'oloik Far, V to receive the report of the Directors. with th Financial Statement for the year. the election ot Directors to tUI the place of those retiring. and other business. By order Sworn before mo at the Town in the County of Waterloo, this 1 1893, Tuesday tho Mth. Qay‘of February Under and by virtue of a power of sale com tained in a mortgage. dated 7th March, 1887, made by Alexander Stocser, as mortgagor, and his Wife to bar her (lower, to the Ontario Mu, tual Life Assurance Company, as mortgagee8, there will be sold_ by public auction at 5’DON< NELLE HOTEL 1n the Village of Elmira, on Monday, February l3th, l893, Waterloo, Jan. 30th, 1803, at 11 o’clock a. m, that farm comfrisinz Lot Number 20 in the 3rd Concession o the Town. ship of Peel in the County of Wellington, containing 151 acres more or less. There are on the farm a brick dwelling house and large bank barn and straw shed. t is mostly clear- ed except some bush (or tire W0 1d. There is a. well at the house and another at the barn and a springl creek runs through part of it,. It is situate about three miles from Elmira in a good farming (30“ng and the farm is a desir- able one and in a. goo state of cultivation. The sale will be made subgect to the claims of cer- tain of the heirs or c iildren ot John O'Brien deeep_spt1,1mtysr his “jun TERMS: 10 per cent. down, further 20 per cent. in thirty days, and if the purchaser de- sires the balance may remain on a first mort- gage of the premises payable by annual instal, mews spread over a term ot years satisfavlory to the purchaser, with interest y-urly on the unpaid principal atli per cent,, Terms in other respects made known at the sale and mum- while may be ascertained on application to Che mortgagees in ths Town of Waterloo or to the undgrsigzuzéu r MrmrT.W -iiai'riiiih Jan., 1893. THOMAS SHERINGTON. ALEXAN Auctioneer Soli‘ Elmira. the M m.--“ ._,, W.-. C.--100 acres. lot 10 COD. A. Township of PiWiugton, 90 acres clearegl and free from stumps; 10 acres of mixed timber; soil, sandy clay loam; land rolling and in a good state ot cultivation; fences and building: in good re- pair; bank barn go by 60; log house with atone addition; watered by well, spring and creeks; 3milea from; north _ _ . . able for stock or grain raising. Situated 1 mile from school and church, ' mile from cheese factory. 2 miles from Jleuallen. 6 from Linwood, 5 from Floradale, 5 from Goldstone station, 9 from Elmira. station and 7 from Dmyton station. B.-Ten acres in Township of Woolwich. all cleared; 24k miles north ot Elmira; soil, sandv loam; 7 acres in fall wheat, good orohturd; brick house 18 by 24 with 6 rooms. Cellar under t1oyseilyrharm _ A .,. . m TmorEs:-One third of purchase money in cash; balance to aunt. purchaser; or will give time for all purchase money providing the moneyto be paid down is secured. Will Lake 100 not" in exchange for the Peel tarm. SOLOMON KAUFMAN, Wmhmwton P. o., on For Sale or Exchange ovico Bet new»: given that the Annual JSiiiii'tii'e Meeting of the sharsltoiders or 1 e Dominion Lift Assurance Company will be held at the Head Cltiictt of the Company in the town of Waterloo, on, on at one o'clock p.111, tor the purnnze of race,”- iast the Annual Reports and Furocial Mate- ments and for the election _ he new of Dlrecwra. ", By order of the Executir 1h . cc THOS. WED, Maugham PM: Ya , Waterloo, Ian. .uth INB, L THF DOMINION Life Assurance Co'y. Guel h 21st January, 1893. WEDNESDAY FEB. 15, 1893 ESSON ANNUAILA'IEET WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE co. Mortgage Sale Blair. Jan. PAW, 1803, Monday, February 13th, 1893, AUCTION SALE. JUDICIAL SALE TOWNSHIP OF PEEL PHONOGRAPHIC SHORTHAND. th 1C en a? any lime C. KUMPF, Commi: NOTICE GEO. MOORE J, H. “TRUE, G. DAVJDSU CHAS. DAVIDSON, Scc'y NOTICE. Oli' FARM IN GEO. DAVIDSON, R Secretary JOSIAH HALLMAN. T Executor, GEO. MOORE E. ': l IN mama ann- , la! trr ’FTvawhip law a)” lo maum‘ GEO: A. TILT. Clerk my the Mo Dir of Tirattui00, t day ot Fab. :sioner, Etc. MILLA. an fl u Caps. " :0 stock at ver: _ purchase wh few speciall ) Honey Cc yard Home "D ward, Heavs o, Kumpf u mu :2 mm Sm dew am Ch; registered plan of the said ton n ~er 'ag and excuniing hewesuw (L strip titceet tec. in width extending along the entire western Limit. of and to; num- ber 17 from Herbert St. to Queen Si. (05%th- with the Gas Works and 1111081” bniidinzs and plant constructed thereon, and all mums, pipes meters. leases, rents. revenues. ram. right: of way, franchises, privilegtrs, women“. rights extensions. additions, proporty,daima and " mands of every description and pecans-ed by The Waterloo Gas pomgany (Limitod) within the said Town ot M atep oo in .ptintretism with their Gas works and their human as Va Oom- has been phenomenal, and yet m so very, tiirtii,ertfsii,t?3j, 4%: are now offering in M en's,Youths' and Days' ggfitfigggéé; Caps. We are determined on clearing out the bi 'itiiiei1rlriiitliigii" stock at very close cut prices, to makc mom for oilfiitlgi,tiii,%NlllllIllilBl purchase which we are expecting to amvc Daily. "ls-p.',),"",;' "3717:?! Few menial lines, and there are many when too turitri'ititlitylitit,",tMMMil, Hum-3 Comb towclling (iirscts per yard, Shaker'FlEinggliiig yard Home made Flannel} (a; 20cts per yard, Table tiiliit),ri))sfjfiitgaiimiill yard, Huuy all wool socks, two pair for 25cts, fi‘LHJ for IOCL\L This is the place to buy your Ties, Corrriri.li'ilil'ii,(ti7eii,: ,1] . Window Shades, Lace Curtains and? ALSO Organs and Pianos F30? Pas)!- ANN-.7; TERMS.-0ne tenth at the putt»: may to be paid atvsime of IMO, m balanc- within 30 days there utter. Condiiiom will be made known albums of tsale. _ ' The Waterloo the Works, Plant and Pro- party. UNDER and by virtue of the Power ot Sale contained in a certain Indanture ot Marti- gage which will be produced at the Lime of sale (here will be offered for sale by Public Auction M We Market, Square in the TOWN OF WAT- r. mo“ at 2 o’clock in the afbemoon 0n "iL%TrGssT'ifshiajiua 319%] to CHAS. Faomucn, 'Ne/lg/l x mm Auctioneer. undo" Solicitor; Waterloo. Waterloo, Dated at Waterloo this NI day ot Jam, 1392 NN e will present to each purchaser of Men's, v/aut1sil,%liii, ~35“; Overcoats, Hats or Caps to the amount of one Dollar/ttijt-E 517%: all wool socks or child's under Shirt or Drawers, or -if'i'iri'i',, $1???“ penders for each dollar's worth bought, until fur1theiiiiiii8jMiilliiiN and 1 store. Save Mama? Wc stand upon the threshold of new resolutions with a strong am: bition to urge us on and larger op- portunities to deserve success. While thanking you-the Public- that helped to make'92 what it was we write down better things for'93. The year that is passed shall be a compass to the year that is pass- ing. To accomplish the more ex- cellent thing we promise improve- ments if possible in the merchan- disc service, price and spirit of the store. 1892 was the best of years but we will do better still. The store's safety lies in the constant) persistent progress, and the suc- Curr' of the past is encouraging for. the future. We beg again to thank ' you for your kind patronage dur- 1 ing the year '92 and' shall endea- vor by courtesy and strict attention l to the wants of the trade to in- crease the esteem now held by thisl popular store. Again we invite! you this way for the best tea, cor-i fees, baking powders, cocoa, cocoa-l nut, chocolate &c. Make Money R. D. LANG & CO'S. Empire's Bulletin, Delmanicu Bloek, Course Lionel?) ih'0RTGAOE SALE. -OF-. PREMIUMS WITH ALL. Empire Tea Store, A. G. Chambers, Proprietor, Sign M The Big Tea Pot. L DANDENO, Remember ready made clothing a specialty _ . V _ p%Ti% n " M8iRItfaKa. Make no mistake m the place, the Montreal Jiiiuii,'liigllmilM Bread, Cakes, . Oysters, leight Drinks, "s, Bot Tea and V-- Gms. SIGN RED, WHITE AND BLUE FLAG S, SAUDER t WY, $21.11 and see his choice stock. PAY, ttth February, 1898 Has on hand a new stud: of it For 1898. -SNAP NONBER (yrl"li,_f,),s',: Specia! Red uiseitms, far these KING- STRIET, BERLIN. BY SAVING MONEY. (lt The Past Few Days BY BURT}? Berlin, ma» jutjg (rtsnno & E C BERLIN, Kindly invite everybody to can a them when in Berlin, and, ( examine their stock of "I Gamma} Dry Goods, _ men’s and3oys' Ready Made Suite and 0vereoats, 7 Eat: ctnd Capsjkm beg: m thank his cummorl {or libeau _ _ k. " _ bestowed him since he came Tu Waterloo. m now moved his Shep to his nveremim lrb "reot, next door to the 'oat when he canis- fuliliaee (of Tweedn‘an Worstods, bath of. dome-m and foreign mnmmm. “will be px'opnrod to make up on skint notiutr , "I fyr man and be]: and gamma!“ 'a'i122S'dc'iLGi"lal MED (Ill THAN W0 tsto; Mr s! C)TrCr'fir$i_,-' if? COLi (A? ha; for yr?” J/ =11 Paper, f Books and l 3truioneri Pleasant to take Formerly carried on by E. S, H1 HOU THE BEST REMED: HOARSENEI BRONCEITII ASTHMA __ furnishing new bii KIN Cf SI V. N. Berlet. Waterloo, Ont. , V. M. BERLET AND Him a of Market,, rum??? Sure Cure rRg5k'il:.'" magi BER u A

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