DES. D. B. 8: G. H. BOWLBY, PHYSXCIANS, SURGEONS. ETC. Dr. D, S. Bowlby, Coroner for the County. De, a, H. Bowlby treats diseases of the new, ashram; and ear. The prcsmrvamon or the natural 115m ts ecialt . p 'ljh7ac, JOST's BLOCK ELMIRA. Nibrogsp cs for pain The new remedy for the pal? teeth. This remedy ts sin); perfectly harmless. D . A. F. BAUMAN . PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND ACCOUCHEUR. oiflee and nssidenco-Two doors north of resi- dence formerly occupied by the late Dr. Walden on Albert street, Waterloo, mm u nu “MWâ€, um...“ h“. Nitrkzms Oxide Gas administered for the pain less extraction of teeth. Also, Vienna Mixture both of which are verfectlv safe. a. u. A. nun/nun, A'AuuuuMA-v- ___ " __ L) ammo University, Licentiate of the Cot- lege of Physicians, Surgeons and Accoucheurs of Ontario. DISEASES OF EYE AND EAR TREATED. omcghNew residence, Albert sweet. Water 100. a short distance north of the late, Dr. Walden's residence. i, VANCAMP, DENTIST, . Office at new residence, corner of Queen 3mg John 'rsyry,stssBerr1i,nt9nh " A t ' Will visit Baden the first Thursday and third Thursday ot each month. LIVERY AND EXCHANGE STABLES. _ . V GEO. SUsgITr, Proprietor. All kinds of conveyances constanin on hand. Charges moderate. Stables in rear of the Cour mercml Hotgl. GiUiriLhi, second Thursday and Friday nudiourth Thursday and Friday of each month Will call at st. Jacobs in going to Elmira. Waterloo Office open verv any. . livery, Salt and Exchange Stables. Irirst-e1asss FE my! good reliable horses. Two and three seatt carriages always in readiness. All culls pro, tly attended to and charges !oderate. (fist: and Livery in rear of the 8immerman Itie. Entrance on King steer, next to Fisolut's butcher: shop. Telephone communication g†Fir; "Gi' "'i"aViUFriTGUG'ue, Wnts tsttrr1oo,Orit., eproseuting the best Stoc _ and Mutual (Mummies doing business in this Pro- vmce. Money loan at lowest current latex D. BUCKBERR an. B. E. BECHTEL. ll V Land Sitieyor, Civil Engipeel‘ and Dpyytrt1tsman, (htduate of the Oxgtarlo School of Practieal Science, and late assistant to the York 'StPggts, T thrttE construction of Pub- lle’Wor an l esub-division of lands in the tlatte, 9i tom. Telephone communication. Special attention-paid to Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Skin Diseases, and to all forms of Chronic Diseases. QMONSNYDRI vnn AAnu, Mi. um, e) Solicitor‘ Notary Public and Conveymcer. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce and Coun'v Solicitor.. Money to loan on Mortgages. T 0mm: - Germania Block (upstairs), Queen reek. Berlin "rt'iGiifiir' o'iiitis'riiiiara, every Monday Tamrsduy afternoon. Otiiee at Dr. Walrus s ore. [GEN I, WIDEMAN i. Issuer of 3 DREW-yea 0mm N L (JEEP-New Insurance Buildings (up-stu KipAstree,t,E,utere,r,ty, _-e-e-M... Nr T t'sflwus, Conveyancer, ete, (Money to loan.) 0mets hours. 9.30 mm. to 5 p.111. Otfiets over Geo. Has mi1ug1s store, \Vulerloo‘ Money to loan on Mortgages at lowest. rates. FREDERICK COLQ‘UHOUN. A, B. MCBRIDE ii7Gveran9sr, etc. - otf1eierUpsttpity in Economical bloek,53 king Street West, Berlin. , 7' - bJairir pr Marriage Licenses. 03109 tusrDrug Store. Waterloo. rUGEBERRkIUGII & BEQHTEL. D BARRIS’I‘ERS AT LAW, Solicitors in all the courts, Notaries and Conveyanoera. Money to lend on Mot‘trzalgm t lowest; rates. 0meo--sG'ourt, House, Berlin. , H. WEBB, M. D., . Coroner County of Waterloo ofiietr-At his residence on Erb street. Telephone communication. "0SEP. 121133ng fi BOWMAN, 1To.vrNcrA1: w may): 1 E. P. OLEMEx-n y. S. Philadelphia. L. D. S. Toronto: W. A. KUMPF, VETERINARY SURGEON can KING, Q: 9.45 CANADIAN BANK Crf'r (C)OMMERCE DEPOSITS OF $1.00 AND UPWARDS RECEIVED, AND CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST ALLOWED_ INTEREST ADDED TO THE PrtiNCiPAL AT THE END or MAY AND NOVEMBER IN EACH YEAR. ___ R. WILKINSON, D.D.s,UD.s, Special Attention given to tho C,eluVsar')ctn or Commercial Paper, and Farmers’ Sales Notes. 7 7 --- _ ---- -- IOLQUHOUN & MCBRIDE, , - Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries and E0. H. HU’rongsox R HETT, ‘OVVLBY & CLEMENT, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. FARMERSI NOTES DISCOUNTED. DRAFTS ISSUED PAYABLE AT ALL POINTS IN CANADA, AND THE PRINCIPAL CITIES IN THE UNITED STATES, GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE, BERMUDA, as. convcsGiaiV, LEX. MILLAR, (LC; HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. CAPITAL (PAID UP) SOt MELLECTG ZéQLsz‘RS REST - '" " - - - - .. JI monoxide" gas and local Mme; thet in less extraction of teeth. MI , ELLANEOUS. w.11. Rowan, M.A.. LL.B., 9. C, mama. MEDALWS'E PA' 930; Emir; tr Eltly attendislfid Il‘ders left at an bis's Hotprilvl‘ 7 Nation of the natural Teeth a OMtpe and Itesidemee--Johs1 strce' HANS BARBEI ODONTmNDER rpposite th VOL. XXXIX.-- Eififibii mng “children’s I 109 King street east, Berlin, LIVERIES. JIARAS, Mannheim P. 0 DENTAL J. 1 l co., , WE -LLS, D. D. s., Dlw'rxsrs, 17aTERLoo, arEur,Trs glance: nu- Waterloo Co auty . MEDICAL LEGAL WATERLOO AND Emmm iiiGi'ster, Solicitor Notary 661M? @165}; {Niamey and Clerk of the Peace Berlin, Marriage Licenses. ' Jacobs. Out. HEIDELBERG, Marr' 'iGieitmr, Notary Public sh haircut. a good sen- Jyrmpp.r?,, always given. Lir mstxly put. I~XSED AEjmTIONEEEt. tA-vyatistacttors guru, .he Itmdelbmg mill of. Teu'k3Wtkprompr atten. sh snake" “less extraction of iv'ale, effectxve and SHOP, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT B. E. WALKER, GENERAL MANAGER. WATERLOO BRANCH ESTABLlarHED ISG‘I 0139? I from LT', to g .nd THE WATERLW MUTUAL any in the world. W 7 7 Your choice of all sound plansq/ assurance ofsred, no other. AGENTS WANTED. Apply now for choice of torritory to FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPOREED IN s863, Capital in Freud; Notes andCash Assets over $260,000. The undersigned begs to tender his {max is to his numerous cus- tomers for their liberal patronage during the past year. and trusts bv close attention to business and moderate prlces to merit a contin- uance Ptieho, same. _ Jrimilllilll ME -1tiFdsh pFjJCirGri, and Lamb as well as all kinds of Sausages kept constantly on hand. JOHN FISCHER, Wtra'eeloo. March 2nd, 1891. WHETE BRICK, BRAIN TILE. A large quantity of the best White Brick on hand, which will be sold cheap for cash new, as we must make room for spring work. EEERCANTILE Incorporated by Act of Ontario Legislature, HEAD OFFICE, ter in stock ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS l, E. Brysfman, M. P., Waterloo. John Shuh, Waterloo. J. H. Webb M. D., Waterloo. Geo. Moore, Waterloo. D. S. Bowlby, M. D., Berlin. Robert Melvin, Guelph. E. W. B. Snider, M. P. P., St. Tm E. W. B. Snider, MZP. P., St. Jacobs. OFFICERS .' E, Bowman, M. P., President. James Lockie, Secretary. Alex, Millar, Solicitor. M. B. Clemens, Inspector It provides a legacy certain instead of a law suit possible. Equality between policy-holders is secured by f “WP-imy in three elasser- The Policy ofthe, Dominion Life is a straight promise to poy--like T a bank draft, almost unconditional. No re- striction on travel oi' occupation. THE Main Life Assupanee Go’y, _ Head Mke, - Waterloo, Ont, Chas. Hendry, Esq., Waterloo. Geo. Randall, Esq., ll John Shah, Esq., " N. Killer. Esq., William Snyder, Esq., " I. D. Bowman, Esq., Berlin. J. L. Wideman, Esq., St. J mobs. J olpa Allohin, Esp., New Hamburg. L E. Bowman, Esq., M. P., Waterloo Allan Bowman, Esq., Preston. P. E. Shantz, Preston, Thomas Gowdy, Esq., Guelph. James Livingstone, Esq., M. P., Baden, Thomas Cowan, Esq., Gait. ' B. Snider Esq., Waterloo. OFFICERS: Charles Hendry, President. George Randall, Vice-President. C. M. Taylor, Secretary. John Killer, Inspector. Messrs. Bowlby 86 Clement, Solicitors BeNia, JAMES TT, and _ TE Drafts Essued on all Principal Points. Authorized Capital $1,000,000. Gov't Deposit at Ottawa $50,000 511%â€?ch Capital $20,000. Paid up Capital l 62 capital, Qt, The Molsons Bank. THOS. IULLIARD, MANAGING DIRECTOR. FIRE INSURANCE GO, HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL GENE £3139 quantity of goodrTile Call and examine", BOARD OF DIRECTORS ADT’T‘AT war THOSE. HILLIARD, ERAL BANKING ausmess H. J, GRASETT, MANAGER, VINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, 2,000,059. Rest,$l,100,000. TRAN SACTED.: JW, M. P., PRESIDENT. 1owcd on sums of Four Dollars m inches inside diame- Managing Director JACOB RESPELER, Manager Waterloo Brunch J, $200,000. t rates on special deposits WATERLOO, ONT. P. H. SIMS, Esp., VICE-PRESIDENT $5,000,000 00,000. l , I E are now prepared to fill orders for th best Scranton Coal in Egg. Stove or Nu size. We would advise all to order now befor: an advance in price takes place. The probab lities are that money will be saved by bookin orders at once. We respectfully solicit For patronage. Orders left at our oltite at the co yard or at J. w. Fear & Co.'s Hardware Ste! will have our careful attention. Te undersigned begs to than): his numer- ous customers and Lhe public in general tgr the very liberal support he has received Since he has opened the City Meat Market in Waterloo and rresptsrsttull7 requests a continu- ance of Bublic favor. He would further an- nounce t at from this time forth he will only sell for CASH- or on thirty days' credit, whereby he will be in imposition to sell at lower prices than hereto- fore. As he only kills the finest butchers’ ani- mals and employs the best workmen, he has constantly on hand the most delicate and his customers will find it, to be to their, interest to call upon him in future for their: supplies. Meat will be delivered to customers in any part of the town if desired. H. B. DUERING. Meat, all kinds of Fresh Sausages, Summer Sausage, Hams, Side- Pieces and Lard. ALEX. MTLLAR, 2 C., Solicitor J. H. WEBB, M. D, Medical Ref, W. S. HODGINS. Supt. of Agem BITZEB SLATEE TAELGRS Waterloo Saai Yards. COAL I. Seranton Coal 1 W H. RIDDELL, WM. HENDRY, Secretary. Manager. PETER STAUFFER, Licensed Auctioneer, BERLIN. . ONTAEIMD. Farm sales and sales of live stock will re- ceive prompt attention Orders left at this tumyo will be promptly attended to. T. Sherringion, Sales promptly attended to 51nd modestly con- ducted. Orders by mail to ember address or to the " Chronicle, Otfiee Waterloo, will receive immediate atttuWora. hills printed and posted f gequ'u‘egl. _ counts collected. Charges to uit the L s. for theCounties of Waterloo and Wellington, City Meat Market, ) Waterloo Feb. Ist, 1892. Cheap 'Hamess J. STREBEL'S, 1. Cash and Paid-up Values guaranteed on each policy. 2. All dividends belong to and are paid only to policy-holders. 3. Premiums Var able during the month in which they Fall due. 4. Policies are incontestable two years from date of issue. 5. No restriction on travel, resi- dence, or occupati 6. Lapsed policies may nerevh'ed within SIX months after lapse. 7. Death claims paid at once on complmion of 913nm‘ CARD OF THANKS, FORNISHERS, Reserve for security of PolicrHold. ers, December 31st, 1801,...,..,. Imsreaseof1890.......-, Surplus over all Liabllities,Decembcr 31st, 189L.........,....,...., Intweaseover1890.-,,,, Assurances in force, Jan. Ist, 1892, _ $111,934,807 Increase over previous year F . ' . .. 1,224,007 New Assurances written in 1891 .. ' _ ' . 2,601,950 Increase over 1800...... 'rt8rPVV_M. 316,800 Cash Income for 1891........_.,.,..,.. 517.620 Increaseover-1890....w........W 57,762 Cash mud to Policy Holders in 1891. .. 211,607 Increaseover1890...........‘m... 35,456 Assets, December: 31st, 1801. F . . . . . , ' ' .. 1,050.031 Iiusrasasovear1830.,...., ..v.P..Fm. 247,315 TERMS MO THE NEWEST THING DOMINION DEPOSIT, CHOICE Ontario Mutual; if) ALL TENTS With Borders 7 AND UEILINGS Tl) MATCH. THE PRICE IS VERY Low, am 159 h MILL. . It will pay you to go to Day's Bookstore, Guelph, if you want your room done in the latest effects and a moderate price. New goods every week. Song for samples. DAY’S 3()(JEfyNllll, {mum DAY SELLS SHEAR- Economy, Equity, Stability, Progress. [AGREE of Instrumental Music. Organ and Exam. Terms moderate LICENSED A00TI0NEERS Apply at residence. HEAD OFFEL‘IE, . WATERLOO, 0312 Established 1879. Helm Thaw E ERB STREET WATE5tE00. N OW is the time for liberal Conditions of Policies [iss ANNIE R. BEAN, Elmira P. o. II00t1 & HABBICK. HERMES? -AND-- PAPER HANGINGS. ALTA" l x1: LEI. Wm. 8herriurton, , Glenautut mo, WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY, 3, 1893. $100,000. 1,780,775 221,816 55,559 21,493 . I . 4 r ' , W " _ ». , " " B? " - - T J. '§~ . 5 . " fin tl - a: is." tr 5 " lin - , - My. 'a te _ IB, E' IN - " z Bt ik 3:5 5 " gs - " k? E ' a: . _ Bl I . . 'lt ' let . ig Il I 53 " . F tab " - . - IT . t - - " - - ' "~35 " " tip, ' , Mr' Every day this week a grand field day in Mantle: at the Lion of Guelph. They're worth investigation. Over 1,500 marvels of elegance, and cheap. Profits to the lowest notch. era. We have them in great' exquisite effects. We show some rare novelties in Kid Gloves in Laced and Dome fastenings. Try our guaranteed Kid. A full range of Cash. mere Gloves and Gauntlets. (haulMarslral in this Department this week. Largest and choicest stock of Tweeds in the city. Special value from Monday morning till Saturday night. When our cutter, Mr. Seoth, was up street, they used to advertise the, best cutter in the city, we think they were right, but it would not look well for us to say so. Young man, you may not; have a wife and family to keep, but if you are a patriotic Canadian citizen you are looking forward to the time when you will have. Then buy your furnishings at the Lion, save your money and hasten the time of thathappy event. ' This will be a grand eatrrsct We. L A: J r' Liam L)x'<:r 11.1.1sz hundred , 'rd r. h,l' C (“n “H trt wives fr 0le TELL in 51‘ far he said M 55c. The biggest bargain ever ode-3.; " t/sttulpl1 iu the Carpet line. Remember, ,3" Carpets at .350. / I ' \ . - , 1 J, ll, W illiayBl o. _ I A Guelph tgg) E. l BGLLEBT Next week we commence a Special Sale of Grey and Bleaehed Cottons, Cambrics, Lawns and White Goods. Handsome Em- broidcries very Cheap. Fur Caps, Collars, Muffs, Boas, etc, you can buy very cheap, and the people who daily come after having made the rounds sff the trade and buy our Furs, alldmite in saying that we have the.' cheapest and best Furs in the City. is in full move, and Bargains are scattering into every direction-- Dress goods, lines at half price. Mantle Cloths, lines at hair price. Tweeds, lines at half price. Suitings, lines at half price. Overcoats, as low as $2 each. Underclothing, lines at half price. Winter Caps, lines at half price. Millinery at less than half price. Sealettes, 5 ends at a big bar- gains. Mantles---Stiil further reduc- tions, making by a long way the greatest Mantle Bargains you will find in the trade. Our Mantle sales, owing to the character and price of the goods, are enormous. i, the speed at which winter Dry (rods, Mantles and Furs are mov- ingnut to the tune of reduced prices. Lively action is the spirit all over the house. Our "Great Damaged Linen Sale" has been an immense success. The Linen piles have gone down in fine shape. We have still some very desirable lines which go out at further reduced prices. "& Milu" ORDERED CLOTHING. ORDERED CLOTHING. ORDERED CLOTHING. "iloiik Marsh†Gents' Cents' Gents’ 25 dt 27 T.Ey DRESS GOODS. DRESS GOODS. DRESS GOODS. KID GLOVES. KID GLOVES. KID GLOVES, MANTLES. MANTLES. MANTLES. Carpets. Carpets. Carpets. Furnishings. Furnishings. Furnishings. GUELPH ONT ppsdt? ' 00.. There was a depth of pathos in the dark violet eyes that told Annie very plainly that AuntAmy had a story of her own; and perhaps she might win it from her. She had oftcn wondered why her aunt had never married. She had heard of her many admirers in years past. She knew of more than one now who only waited an encouraging smile to place heart and hand before her. Aunt Amy was veiling her eyes with their beautiful dark lashes when Annie stole quietly to her side, and passing her arms caressingly around the slight form, pressed her blooming cheek to the pale one and whispered .' "Why, you little tease, that I might live an old maid to take care of a very wild little bird that calls me aunty, I suppose. What would such little ones do without an old maid, aunty, T wonder l†“Aunty, tell your" little girl why youLdreams were over years ago." “My dreams of love are sadly o'er," Annie sang gayly, and the merry reply she was going to make was stopped, Annie hardly knew why, by a soft sigh that reached her ear and caused her to raise her eyes to Aunt Amy's face. Although no longer yoiing, it was still very fair to looFupon, and traces of great beauty still repaintd. - - "No, no, aunty; you cannot laugh me of? so; and you are forcing this merry mood. Besides, I heard Dr. Mason say yesterday he truly believed there was never a ‘Gill’ but had her ‘Jack’ waiting somewhere, to 'go up or down the hill' with her, And you answered/Ores; you truly believed it was so. Now, after that, aunty. you cannot deny your Jack, Do tell me 1†"Annie, last evening, when you were worrying and teasing Carl so about that picture, I seemed to be living over these 'bygone days,' you reminded me so much of my own folly. Then I made up my mind to tell you a. little story as a. warning given. But to-day I shrink from unraveling the past. Still perhaps I ought. And so to your pleading I shall not say now. Bat tell me first, did you destroy Richie’s pie- ture or promise to send it buck l" I (Hing some piécxas of wedding cake for trd; girtto mémmv an. writing the names of siiir'r-rt,iQt'tcuiis",'1vi'i,'i'rr number in this afiuir--"ieven young." men to put round each p1eee I have T enough left for another, Aunty, let me fix this for you to dream on I" ' "No," no, love; my dreams of that kind were over long ago." "No, indeed, laid not. Neitherthe one nor the other. It is all 11011981158 in Carl, He ought to have more Conti- dence in me. He ought to know if I loved Richie, I would not have com sented to become his. He is too jealous. A sweet time I shall have if I (no not cure him before I belong to him. The idea of not being allowed to keep a friend's picture I pouted Annie. "Annie, you have made so much of the picture showing it, and declaring it to be the handsomest picture you ever: saw. Yes, my dear, you were almost beyond the bounds of maiden modesty, 1.thinlr, when you pressed the picture of any man other than a. very near and dear relative to your lips, and that in the presence of your betrothed.. I mu sorry to hurt you dear, but»; blushed for you them" a“ "Oh, aunEth only was in fun-just to tease Carl--ivhen he said he {'01le V i ’r I Emmy my. def‘txiixyd Lav [i'j'ii',',i-'1,i,ii,r-,i. "Oh, he d theé saying if I _ (“H An love, T could k a’ddinu "ith flas.hin,e, a C . “Bubtl ofzconscxous po" /, and back this eve a enoqgh.†. f. “H nnh “Annie! Why, child, what are you doing with those little parcels? And with such a grave face, too,) On might almost think you were about tr decide the fate of a nation." "Oh, aunty! not quite so had as that. I am only trying to assist Fate, may be, in her decision in the case ofa few dear, dear friends of mine. I am At midnight when the world is wrapped in sleep And silence reigns amid the slurrlit night. I sit and with my heart a vigil keep, And from my window watch the pale moonv lights And Memory busy with the days thnt were. Softens the feelings and suliues the heart. We turn from new, and from the things that are To past associations-once a part of our exis- tence- We wander new uniid The scenes of youth and boyhood and the joy Ot early Jars. The hopes that come unhid. Youths pure desires which time does but alloy. All that we would have been, and what we are Are intermingled when we in odimte O'er Jars departed. Alas! we make, or mar With thought the happiness of this earthly state And straying thus on Fancv‘s airy wings. Among the graves of Memory we see them fraught With tiny fluwecs whose beauty heaven-ward springs, The blossom of some kindly word or thought But growing 'mid the flowers, behold the weed, Where evil left its bitter seed to grow, The offspring of l mean or "ltish deed That lives, the evidence of something low. ' Thus thoughts not Wholly bitter yet not all Of sweetness, mingle in the henrt in strife And yet there is a fascinating Lhmll In conning the events of our past life. The reminiscence of a. moment Ms our mind With kindly thoughts, our souls with tenderness We cherish them and feel our hearts grow kind And softo nod by aspiring gentleness We see now gathered for a momentary while, Life's goodness free from all diversities. Could we but call from life its bitter port; Surroundus with the friends whom faith em doors; Feel in each fleeting hour e'er it depart All that We feel in thus rehearsing years, Could every day perform some useful deed. Utter some word to cheer some lonely soul And make the saerifice of self our only creed. How pleasing then wotddiMert1ory's page unrol1 Such are the thoughts that glad a lonely hour. Such the feelings from which purpose springs, And high resolves and that diviner power Which leads us on to strive for nobler things. “RICHARD" AUNT AMY’S WARNING. FY FRANCES HENSILUV BADEN (By a. Waterloo County Boy.) Ill-GONE DAYS OETRY. srttir-Hiry" indignant, " the picture to hi? ‘2 "Bit he willcome g and be loving ,t,†Arhsie answered Adding, with a smile d not.--" J “A;- Cii,duc. "Oh aunty, how terrible , I think I ghould die if Carl left me so. But of the otheretlxe Jp:1cr1c'ho,1r/'/rl"i""' Fc"" "1'Gi' :lfi‘dryiebild, I should have 'mriittt'ry'Cs'TnCl1t' â€have guessed. C I wore no man's pichzxre. It was the picture of my deargst friend and school-mate, Dollie Dormer, taken in an offieertis dress which sFe wore {when acting my lover in chafades while we wore at school. For a piece of fun she gave ihtoj me to ‘tease my beaux' she patidLiLnd 1riahitauntuanaiaatgti-da One evening after we had been engaged about; six months, Harry entered the parlor unannounced, and found _me reading a letter just received from a dear friend. As he drew near, I made a show of hiding it from him. The spiritiof tantalizing possessed me. I saw he was worried and when he sslred- _ ". "Who is your letter f?†5 Amy y' "A friend," I EDSW(scd in an em- barrassed tone. "The friend whose picture you still wear l" "His voice was so changed-so stern -1 should have been warned of the coming danger. But, no, I was pos- sessed and went on replying .' "Yes, from the same." "f dared not raise my eyes to see the effect of cruel words." "This seemed to reassure him, and for several months we were, ob, so very happy. The demon of jealousy slum bered. But there came a terrible awakening of it, and to me" "Oh, aunty, how could you tell him so? Of course it was not so." "ob, aunty, I could not believe this of you. As bad as I am, I would never wear the likeness of one man, nor ct71y, respond with one, when the promised wife of another." ‘ "Yes, Annie, it was true; theletter was from the friend whose picture I wore." "Nor would I, my dear. But I did almost as badly. I let my lover fear this wrong of me. Nor did I give the begged for explanation, even when he said '. "Amy, these doubts are terrible. You must tell what this man is to you! You must put an end to this affair. Yes to-nighn I must have this promise, or I shall bid you farewell forever." provoking etrisiasis on the East word, but adding directly '. "Oh, never mind it. The one who gave me this will never trouble you, nor be any more to me than now." "I did not believe he could or would do this. My tempter urged:me on to try him a little longer, and so I an- swered only '. "I cannot do it." Taking his hat he left the house without another word. Annie, I have never heard one word from his lips since, I believed he would come next day, but I was disappointed. A week passed and yet he came not. Just then, my cousin, A midtshiparan, came honiei'rom sen. We irul been almost raised together-inciuraee from child hood-so, during hi visit we were much together. One day, while Walking, we came face to face with Harry. I longed to place my hand in his and explain all. Ibelieve I should have then had not a look of withering scorn met my gaze. That eveningI received a. note requesting the return of his letters and picture. Accompanying it was my own picture, the little keep- sakes I had given him and all the my letters." u few days after I saw by the papers he had sailed for the West Indies. I have never heard of him since. “I suppose the reason I have not been honored with the acquaintance of this young gentleman is his being at «an, probably. Were you ever engaged to him, [Lay Z"; And opening the locket, I displayed a face of wonurous beauty-too deli- cate perhaps to he called a handsome man. The lieutenant's uniform in which the picture was taken caused Harry to start. "Oh, but he will. He could not stay away." "Annie, you are very e0nfhient of your power. So I was once. On, yos boo confident. And for as slightnjoke my loverleft me, never to return. I could not suppose it possible that he would not come the next evening. Years hme passed-seventeen of them ---yet the e/euing to bring him back has never come to me. I am thirty- five now, Annie." "But still'tiyouncr, and beautiful enough to win the love that might. brighten and make happy the years to come, aunty." “M3 dear, no other love: can till my heart. I would not wrong another by bringing to him love so wounded and crushed as mine. Annie, when just your age I won a love which made me supremely happy. I was an only daughter whom the devotion of parents and brothers had somewhat spoiled I fear-s merry, fun-loving girl like yourself, Annie-yet loving with her whole heart the noble, earnest man who sought to make me his. Although there was no time fixed, I felt sure at no very distant day I should be Henry Peyton's wife. "Sinee I was fifteen I had worn constantly around my neck a. chain holding a. locket glven me that birth.. day. When I first knew Henry, he used to tease me about it, once asking, me seriously if it contained thelikeness or hair of some loved one. As serious. ly and truthfully I answered: ‘Both the likeness and hair of one very dear.’ ll "Oh, no, indeed, I can never do that. Bar I can wear yours, too. Besides, it is not an 'old' love. I will let you see now to prove it." "Gentleman or lady i" be'continued; and I saw greater anxiety than he cared)? s_shtstliers I replierh, "oh!1 think you Qvould see a gentleman-young, and handsome be. Sider-if I should show you," "Frequently after this, when we grew more intimate, he would speak of the locket and beg to see it. But I would neither explain or permit him to open it. I had something to tease him with, and girl-like I wanted to keep it. The day he put an engagement ring on my finger, he said: "Now, my darling, you will put away that old love," touching the locket, "and I will give you another to wear.†“A Engaged," . suuuuzsk ACC1DsrNT,--On Monday last while Andrew, youngest son of the fate George Simpson was felling a tree in the bush he did not manage to get oat of the way in time before its fall and had a leit'am1ished so badly that it had to be amputated at the knee/:Much sympathy is expriqsed for the unfortu. mate young man whix in a. moment has become a. cripple for life. . . .The Men- “fsexbddmwzvml Hermes PV By-Law, No. 397, to appoint assess- ors and auditors for the current year was read a. tirst, second, and third time and passed. By-Law, No. 398, to appoint a. Local Board of Health, Medical Health Officer, and Sanitary Inspector for the current year, was read a first, second, and third time and passed. The Ckrk was instructed to order one copy of the Jfunicipol W orld for each member of the council. The Clerk read the minutes of the last session of council for 1892 which weff. adogted. The offer of C. C. Delvin to do all the township printing for one year, both English and German, for $130 was accepted. The returning officer and deputy returning officer were paid six dollars each for holding the municipal election and making their returns. Three dollars were paid for: Lech polling booth. The following persons were appoint. ed assessors for the current year, viz:-- Joseph B. Snyder, for Electoral Diva, Nos. 1 and 7; Yost o. Stroh, for Electoral Div. No. 2; Wm Monger, for Electoral Dirs. Nos. 3 and 6; Isaac Hilbom, for: Electoral Div. No. 4; Michael Maurer, for Electoral Div. No. 5. The members elect of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Nod} Wich met at St. Jacobs on Monduyq the 16th day of Jan. A. D. 1893, at Il o’clock a. m. in accordance with the "Act respecting Municipal Lutitati6ns in ontario." The following gentlemen made and subscribed their declaration of Office and Qualification: Daniel S. Snyder, reeve; Aaron Weber, first deputy reeve; Christian S. Weber, second deputy reeve; John Walker, and Leander Bowman, councillors. The reeve, Aaron Weber, and John Walker, were appointed a committee to inspect the bridge at Joseph Broh man's fan] and make arrangeqttyts for building a new bridge if necessary. The frxllowing accounts wen» paid:-- C. C. Delion, balance on printing contract for 1892 52000; Michael Sahel], for sheep killed by dogs. $2.00; Michael Schell, for killing dog found worrying sheep, $5.00; Igaae Martin, for one sheep killed by dogs in 1892, $5.00; John Burnett, for killing dog found worrying sheep, $5.00; Rhodes Letson, forkilling dog fotmdworrying sheep, $5.00; Rhodel Letson, one sheep killed by dogs, 35.00; total $47.00. Noah Bowman of Conestogo and Noah W. Gingrich of St. Jacobs were appointed aiylitoryfor the current year. The reeve, C. S. wesir and Lennder Bowman were appointed acommittw to see after the repairs of the gully bridge at Bruabachear's farm, and also the budge at Peter Shantz’s farm and makn arrangements for new bridges if necessary. The coxincil tildn%jiourned to meet again at St. Jacobs on Tuesday the 14th day of February next at 9 o'eloelr, From Our Own Correspondent. Anfaunt Amy, smiling through the joyhr Iears replied: "FRIEND RICHARD : While looking over my desk a few days since, I can» across the enelosed picture. Thmkiug you have never had so chellent a like. ness. Isend it to you for the lovely girlwhoselove, I trust, will brighten your future years. With sincere wishes for the happiness of both, I am your friend. ANNIE FOSTER. " "Now, auntie, I shall enclose this in a note to Carl, asking him to mail it on his way here this evening." A few months after this, the evening before Annie's wedding, she sat with her head in Aunt Amy's lap. "You are very happy, my darling 7" "Oh auntie, I should be perfectly so bat for one thing--the shadow on your life. You have been the only mother I ever knew and it hurts me to leave you so lonely. Ever since you told me your sorrow I have, prayed Our Father to brighten your' life." "And my Siory eomprted with a. happier ending than I our "Tamed could he, or than I deserr, 'l 'u should alwaysi “You see, dear, now the cost of such a. joke. Now, my child. do not try Carl’s love boo severely.†"Indeed no, nunty. Pless his dear heart, Fil have him back to “1ng ; and there is no time to lose, wither." Annie ran away, to rpturn in fifteen minutes holding the following note for aunty to read .' “Amy, there is an old friend waiting to see you in the parlor, and here is his card,†Annie's father said, entering the sitting room. Ripans Tabules I: for sour stomach With {wild hope, Annie started up to glance at the card and read: "Henry Peyton." "Go, go, aunty ; my prayer is answered. Oh, your hair is all right , and you look, oh, so lovely. Now I never saw your eyes so bright,†Annie said as with lozlut; arms she pushed her aunt out of the room “I have nothing to forgive, Henry , and I have never ceased to love you The fault was all my own. Ihr, how did you find the truth?†Amy said. “From your friend Dollie, now Mrs. Archer. I met her: in St. Louis. She spoke of you and your intimacy, and then told the story of the locket. I could not hide my agitation, and so she learned my story, and then she sent me to you, never to leave again, Amy, until I take you with ma" The next 'day there was a double wedding after which Annie whispered '. "Now my happiness is complete, fox my prayer is answered." Henry Fe) ton hastened forward to clasp the trembling woman to his heart, Ind whispered : Fofgive, oh, my darling, forgive and love me still I†w"iforiiicti Township C Jomt L. WmEn/m, Tp. Clerk, an», WHOLE V 1111191131919, 1979 il, uan the 77 (ii,se1L," "'irTirGrulateiy deappearg, The tjvst dose greatly benefits. 750. W muted by Ed. M. Bcvitt Druggint, Wing! English Spavi : Liniment . removes it Hard," Soft or Calloused Lump; titem a ishcs from horses. Blood Sgavigxs; Curb! Splints, 8weene 't?tt1e1tltt, hifla'8praintat, all Swollen 'fliitiir, oughs. eta Save $51 an‘iumnl CWED IN A Dar.--sout' Amnnmu Rheumatic Cure for Bhemnati irurl Xvuralgia radically curesi 1 to 3 (My; H, v [um upon the system is ren , 2an 1nyy"t,-, It removes at (was. ' cause Moved by Mr. Shoemaker, seconded by Mr, McKay, that the following 5. counts be paid and the Reeve gm his order on the Treasurer for the SN', eral amounts; vizc-Nderiek Shul for 1 sheep killed by dog,y . ward Halter, takin pauper to House, $22.00; Benjamin Snyder, gm on Woolwich Township line, $1003 Christian Brubacher, refund of drain, age tax, $7.36; Geo, A. Tilt, registering births, marriages, and deaths, $13.70; John Miehm, salary as caretaker, broom ere, $12.45; William Shafer, bonus for wire fence, $9.20; H. J. Bowman, P. L. s,, award at New Germany, $8.00. --Carried. " Moved by Mr. Miteheil, seeomfejr17f' Mr. Cowan, that this Council now ads, ioum to meet again at the Township‘ Hall on Saturday, February 4th, at 10 o'clock, a. m.--Cyirried. GEORGE A, TILT, Township Clerk. A From Our Own Correspondent. Washington. _ Miss Hannah Gable is spending a " pl wet lor, The mus oi gawm..;g . , mmrity are. nt'ten pointed out, bar, no one h w: Mensa! a sulr,rucute. The good a Cl," “use: 121] )ul»l n he the v‘ulaug pox nut mm les x) seievut mam? Tn u-ei llk’lhud by winch superlui'sua' L m he brought to We ngnance of he â€films, and -;ur own fauity 1mm uvrstdreihs 4N things. Thrs mm ot thw., UHXCrk; SXHLPS and ch n1 Russ}; rule, oy the apprm'L-l T (N‘Dljlr‘. The Sunlight Soap Co., Toronto, 0 following prizes every month till, notice, to boys and girls under 16, y in the Province at Ontario, who send greatest number of Sunlight wrappers: 810 ; End, 56 ; 3rd. $3 with. $1; 5th to a Handsome Book. and a pretty pict those who send not less thisn 1’2 "iz: Sfmd $Wappe;51;9 Sunlight a r1i,1ii,ii,iiil Scott Street; formâ€, i7,ia'itythle,' each month and 2i'i'ok'r,iu?iin1iee1,tiot also give full Grie,F.sidstttittfe and I? berof wrappers. Numers’ names will published in the Toronto Mail on‘f Saturday in same month. Moved by Mr, Comm, seco Mr. Mitchell, that AofcBretrs of Hespeler, and J. M, Sanity: Waterloo, be and they are he] pointed a special committee ' the Township Treasurer’s boo the year A. D. 1865 to 1890, i and report to this Council. --.Ctr ,ppointtuent, of “8913? "ieni're'uesirt's, pnmmzémt of Township Hari-ttut township printinr-:tfi'il Moved by Mr. McKay, Mr. Shoemaker, that the is hereby instructed t9; tenders for the towmshit bulk for one year. Taid ceived by the Clerk up the 4th day of February Carried. Moved by Mr. Cowan, secom Mr. Mitchell, that Bylaw No. filled in with the names of Auto: ter, Escr, on the nomination Reeve and Wendell E, Sham/z, w) I)â€: unmivxntimi :4. the Wan :wJJg'HN WW I, sr, _di 3: as \Lm vi mm? J, r/Cs-tirish?,,',,?,,,,'. read the tipst and second time.-tya. Moved by M r. Cowan,- seconded _ Mr. Mitchell, that Rudolph Keith“ be refunded $5.15. being taxes; r'. paid by him.--Chuaied. J, (riy) A “in? u’ PJ‘SSJWNBCL If, 's) 'r'_,, '_'l,r Pl [ amaker, seco m m MAM, Ur By-law No. A: at», Nt w names of 0L Heist, Frederick foyer, Samuel Shuntz, Esqs., as mpmbers of the Lot Board of Henlch, together with t Reeve and Clerk be read the third til and passed. John F. Irts'rrii's,,' Rewvu; William} Oawiig puts Reeve; William] Councillor. ,' _ ," Moved by Mr. Comm, Second Mr. Shoemaker, that Brus, N: to provide for the appoiittmisat ol tors be read the first and mtoiid ---Oarried. Moved by Mr. McKay, Sacond Mr. Mitchell, that By-sz No. provide for the appointment of a Board of Health for A, .D. 18 read the first and second time....- John N. Sipe; Shmmnker, Esa, The Couwcil the Reeve took lowing business Minutes of and approved. - Moved by Mr. Cowan, second Mr. McKay, that Wiliitun l?isk) $2933, being half cost of gray labor on Tp. line. Guelph Ili) to pay an equal irmptv1t.c-aiiii, Th9 Canned deleted for the Tower shop of Waterloo for the year- A. D, 1893, met M Township Hall on Mon. day January lea, pursuant. to samba The following gentleman to the Statutory declaration of qrusliik curion and offiee, namnln- *' Moved by Mr. N1eKat/w Mr Shoemaker, that theReeg Cowan and McKay be a cotii roads and bridges on the 199.3 the Grand river, and the Big Shoemaker and Mmehsllxbe a It fur a. like purpose on the kwex the Grand river. ' ' _ Moved byMr. Comm, sect Mr. Mitchell, that the appli Simeon Brubacher for the cc this Council to open a. road t, m which, be referred to the m on Roads and Bridges on the' of the Grand Rivet'.--puyied, Moved by M r. Mitnbel], sea Mr. (Iowan; that 193%,); mover' to introduce Bit" Monthly Prizes for Boys and Girl! k: with friends in ('ralt. . ' .ASleigh I " 11 Wt _ e tr,', :3, lads, and 13.35%! ll Lierir ,‘* "trl maxi", agrwa‘nle WEE 1 Barn sun D t; m Waterloo Tr. Esme. Hallman. oil being an ml: the Chair ts, "HEW Township Council. appointment of a Luca] h 'r'rhr, A Th 1nnn _ was trausactéd, prvcsxding saw QBntleman subscribed declaration of qarslifr _', namely: _ " Emu Reeve; D. M, , li Dwaty Reeve; :18va Q _ sigt) F uowan, seconded br that By Law No. 55% ‘e appointment- of and“ first and second time; Bone , Auriars piriiiiil' )ughs, etc, Save 8. N? nâ€: , to: 1 tciray, Seconded' b: No. 660 n nintmnm A: ' t lat}, ’23:} Deputy m, ESL}, 3rd Dt) m Mlnchell, Esq-3 thas organizw and the td Cher], viz.'.- sehsio :1 my careual‘ 1mm, I. 1893,: b "611255 " “ dad by Messrs. ttee on ide of Messn lmxttel side i Lent led by Ln the] u me! side