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Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 5 Jan 1893, p. 4

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server.” He states l0“ "Urat the Order excludes st from its prayers. therefore Aking n. way for a Heathen or r on infidel to eat in the capacity of Chaplain.” In the first place he ad- mits in his letter that, the candidate for admission into the Order is asked, "Do you believe in the existence of a Supremeintelligent Being, the Creator and Preserver of the universe?" There fore r n Infidel (much less an Heathen) vould find irimposcsible for him to an wer the question in the ailirnrative, nless he, willfully perjures himself to . 1'3. Order. An infidel therefor nnot act as Chaplain. I think it ill r 1t be out of place to insert lure the opening prayer of our Order, viz., "Almighty and most merciful God! We adore Thee as the Creator of nil e worlds, and the righteous Governor ll being, upon Whom we are deport or life and all its blessings, and twhose favor no human enter ‘inmently prosper. Lift v Thee: O Lord, the _ J 6i1nteuance, and blew a we are together this evening. ll things be done in the spirit of Y and brotherly kindness, and urluhors of love be blessed t; promotion of the best interests Ur ‘beloved Order, [learns O God, yeluut of the stranger, the sick, the cted, the widow and the. cri-lmnS T “Thou seest they may wer in Thy fear and and save us all with no ever- alvation; and to thy great name P glory as it was in the beghr now, and ever shall be, world .” Immediately follows the Prayer." Who then can des. ' Order for using such a. prayer l Our Saviour taught it to his is, and I maintain that no pray uman composition can equal it, Ell’cityand sublimity. The ground it, is every want and longing of an soul. I have endeavored e the objections raises by "Olr :againsb the Order, judging the as awhole, The conspicuous ob, raised are that Oddfellowship , lOuS sect, with a creed, teach. Vation by works. I chum the " ta sect, and not scandidate admission is taught to I 1 . the Order of such individuals with imistie nature, tender sus. ncl pity for the un 6 does all he can 'ings. Did not Saviour’s approv ogh W9 cannot , Christian or m Ear eiriression )er he was "regem aviour gave his Ct actions, when In to his disciples“; d me, I was sick": b , -ad, S4 I, and bigoted sentiments, tenaciouslv to his own pe or owed, the harmony and now prevails among its 11ld soon be ruffled resulting 6 Order if formed of such Observer.” I will now ive side of my subject, Ore pleasant to one who e Order and has experienc- ages both in times of sick» health. It is not a hard 'ke C)ddfcliorcuriy. Elle great Order is the important Jity----that all men are are, therefore, breth- ties of the Order are To visit the sick; (2) ressed; (3) To bury =ducute the Orphan w. And in obed- ip is wt i, Eng 9., _. b Er are veTy CW Ile, states in )18 he Order excludes ieu'f Ki"! Je 1 There is no doubt whatever that l " Observer " can accomplish nothing in attempting to lead a crusade against the Independent Order of Oddfollows. For it can stand the cold,eriticitsm that its enemies may heap up against it. Itmust prosper blast as I believe it is by the Almighty it u fast gaining a foothold all over the world. And today there rises a mighty Amen from this continent from hundreds of widows, and orphans, that have felt its gladiuniv,,chee-ring, sympathetic touch, that its links may encircle the globe. If our opponent " Observer " would try to sail the Atlantic, in a small boat, during anequinoctial storm,his chances would be greater for fame, than in try- ing to retard the good work Oddfellow- ship is doing. Ifit is fame, that our opponent is seeking, or to load'a. move- ment of roform,~I would advise him to enter the political arena, and there l Show his talsrnttr--it he has any. For our country was, perhaps, never more in need of such persons as "Observer ', who must surely be struck with " keennesa of observation, at the gross immoraliniés that have been perpetua- tal of Info. In closing I would 31" 'ltlB.e,"lh'ryrtrnt, pathetic, and cosmo- l politan in its methods. Within its circles, sectionallsm is submerged and nationalities obliterated, I believe it to be duty of all men to do some good in the world. I believe there isa mutualandcorrelativeobligation resting upon each of us to contribute in seme way to the happiness and. welfare of our fellowmen. I believe the indepen- dent Order of Oddfellows, with its fra. ternal basis, its methods of relief, its broad and humanizing polity, offers the best field, of all earthborn -stitu- tions to a man desiring to be of some service to his fellows. It ino"lcates a. widening fraternity: it stands as a l shield and bulwark to its members; it teachers the pure lessons of faithful l friendship; it strengthens those higher emotions that sometimes, can dominate our humanity, Our lives are not given to us to be spent in stMshnesr, in soli. tude and in greed. That man lives a noble life who recognizes the claims of humanity, and who stretches out his hand to aid and encourage his brother msn, "In the the world's broad field of . battle, this bivouac of life.” (hldfellow. 1 ship is the sum and essence of earthly wisdom as a humanitarian agency. To n. man recognizing his obligations to his fellows, desiring to perform in the primal duties he owes to those about, this Order presents a field of labor bro-d, catholic, and enduring. It stands for love of humanity, for devo- tion to wife and children and home, for love of liberty, for patriotism, for vital. ized and abounding charity. It is the measure and the pledge of friendship, the simple creed of humanity incarnat- ed and systematized. I have, tried to explain the practical teachings of Odd. fellowship' Columns could be written concerning the order. I cannot see in the face of these facts how "Observer" can still retain his former conceptions l of the O-der. I think I understand what I am writing about when inclosing my letter, I again make the assertion that Oddfellowship is not a religious sect, neither does it teach doctrines contrary to the Christian church, and that its prayers are in full accord with the teachings of the scriptures, and that an "orthodox Christian," can ate- cept the oflice and perform the duties of Chaplain,” a duty I perform with the same reverence, that I bestow upon prayer in the Sanctuary. urge the sphere of his alf'ections. It therefore commends itself alike to the high, the low, the rich, and the poor, as one of the noblest charities the world ever saw. Oddfellowship not only benefits the common cause of philanthrophy but ensures to it members in the hour of adc versity and tribulation a. source of safe. ty and comfort that none can destroy, The ties that bind us together are nev- er surrendered; our claims of brother- hood are only dissolved by death-no, not even death can rend them-they descend to the widow and orphan. The language of our Order is more potent than any strain of eloquence that ever' fell upon the ear. A stranger, penni- less, and friendless, in a foreign land, breathes its tones, and his necessities are relieved, The sick of our Order are not left to the cold hand of public- oharity; they are visited and their wants 'ttPitts/Liu-surrey, the funds they 't1iirhselves have contributed to raise and which, in times of need, they can honorably claim without the humili. ation ofsuing for public or individual relief from which the freeborn mind recoils with disdain. until overwhelmed in insu1frerable want and misery. _ It is a little surprising thawObscrver" did not mention secrecy, but he knew too well that that old worn out cry has been abandoned by the enemies of secret so:ieties. It has been charged against the Order that it is a secret order, and that secrecy is disconsonant with innocence. True it is, that we are in part a, secret order-bat is see- recy a crime? The world itself, the universe, the God of eternal truth, are surrounded with an impenetrable veil that no mortal eye ever pierced, and shall it be denied that these exist be. cause their secrets are not revealed at at our bidding? Shall we pronounce them evil because their operations are hidden from our view and above our comprehension? So far from secrecy being an objection to our Order, we claim it is a recommendation. Odd. fellowship was sometimes spoken re- proachfully by reason of its name, on account of the seeming levity it conveys Touching the name, it may be replied that if not euphonious, that fact is wholly unimportant so long as the " ject in view is honorable and worthy even should such a name not be appro- propri'tte as fully indicative of its pur- pose. An objection of this kind is equally wanting in force, for the reason that fitness in the mere selection of a name is rather the exception than the rule. Taste, caprice, and sometimes even prejudice, determines the choice. That great body of Christians known as Methodists, was so nicknamed by its enemies; and that valuable class of citizens known as Quakers, was so call. ed in the first instarrrs a. mark of have turnaa' series , _ Itis our enjoined duty to watch over the conduct of brethren even in their common intercourse with men as well as one another, and to rerx onstrate with those who wander from the pths of rectitude or trespass on the rules of morality. THE undersigned offers for sale his house and lot, corner of Allan and Mary streets. The house is a new two story brick building provided with all modern conveniences. The property must be sold as the owner is leaving town. For further particuhirs apply at the house. . L. C. KLTPPERT, If you want to buy or sell a Farm adr vertise in the Toronto 'Weekly Ma il" That paper reaches 100,000 farmers' homes every week and your advertise ment should meet t" e eye' of some one who wants to purch: se. Advertisements ot this clas are inserted in the Toronto 'Weekly Mail' for Five cents a word for each insertion or Twenty Cents a word for five insertions. Address ‘The Mail- Toronto, Canada. ' Bsrkwell's sure com cure will core any com, wart, bunion Ot' mole. Ripans Tubules : for sour stomach. Itch, cured in 30 minutes by Woolford, Sanitary Lotion. Sold by S. Snyder. Ripans Tabules cure the blues. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAv.-South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism and Nemalgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its actoin upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at, once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 'Me. Wav. ranted by Ed. M. Devitt Druggist, Water. oo. ' The Senate Express Robbery. Sarnia, Dec,2(h--Goornrnent Detec- tire Rogers has goneto Serum to investi. gate the robbery of 87000 from the safe in the oftioe of the Canadian Express Company in that town. The robbers, if there were more than one, made good their escape apparently without leaving any tangible clue. At 12 25 o'clock Me Mahon, after having returned from the 12 o'elock train, for the east locked everythirf' valuable into odice safe, which is an old fashioned key lock affair, and, after locking the front door. went for his mid day meal. Upon his return, at five minutes before 1, '_he found the door of the safe open with a. key stick- ing in the keyhole, and F," 7 000 of cur- rency missing. The key was evidently made by the robber himself from an impression procured in some way from the originrl key to the safe. It is . rather crude affair and is pronounced by a loeksmith not to have been made by:l. mechenl. The robber was evidently will acquainted with the methods and business of the office as it was an unusual thing to have that amount of money in the office, An Ocidfellov} wlio has its parirreriples " heart. Mil-"""-,:-,--',",-,'-; "."'T a assume the aurtude of one of GPMMfl American Indians, hiding behind the bushes, but come boldly to the front and sign his name in full and his resi- dence. Thanking you, Mr, Editor, for your libtralitof, space, I remain ”etc. the third page of the Toronto '. Cn 'r: Mail' is noted for " Want" adver'dsrstenvs. If you want a situation, a mechanic, a business, machinery, lodging, if you have lost or found anything, or if you want to find out where anvone is, advertise in the Toronto 'Daily Muail' and read the ad. vertisements on the third page of that paper. 1118 charge is two cents a word each insertion, or ten cents a word for six insertions. Address 'The Mail Toronto, mama. . . , .Peter Spenler sold his farm for 84500, He bought J. Kine's farm near Poole for 85500, .Wm. James has re- turned from Manitoba, .Hugh Ross is home from Woodstock. . . .0. Gilbert is home from Se, Mary's where has been attending the High school. C. o. F. Carcmvr.--This affair turned outfo be a grand success. Mr. Sim Fax, the great comic singer, brought down the house. The playing by Mrs. Sage and daughter, was en- cored repeatedly. The other numbers on the programme werelikewise well sustained and were much appreciated. The receipts were $85. From Our Own Correspondent. mugs. Mr. J. L. Umbach spent Christmas day at his brother in law's, Mr. Shin. beia's. . ' . Monday was pretty general- ly kept as a. holiday in the village. . . . The Lutherans held their Christmas tree festival last Sunday evening. The new church was comfortably filled, . ' ' Elder Amos Eby, in carrying on pro- tracted meetings in the Mennonite Church, RE. Menno Bowman preach. ed last Thursday evening. . . .Miss Tenny left for her home in Caledonia last Friday. Her successor here next, year will be Miss Bower, of Perth nlllbauk. . The Rev.0. H. Bridgeman will pveac‘Ja sermon to the children in Grace church next Sunday afternoon. From our ownCorrospondenL, Waterloo, Utlt Oct, 1892, §§§§§W .,-; _ WORKS : PT. smmmm MR 3303.. Luz: am BTB1WtiaBMp _/ TohoaNTig gig; itiitlis ts.; Its purity an it the largest s BEWARE or IMITATIONS THERE IS ONLY L Ripans Tabules are always ready PROPERTY FOR SALE JAMES Fawn Waterloo, Dec. 26th, 1892. It It It It Ripans Tab ules cure scrofula T ABOUT The Washing tg'T "llf'mih,, t2 Anna-nu: 7‘ _ ls, _te', tli3t,?,),ivi,tivfi"iiis," the onevg " most, gentle diuretic kn’ will save you much trouble will bring you comfort and ease will save your clothes and hands does not require washing powders 11 wash in either hard or soft SOAllpii) fabrn: fliiiiiijjjiihtisii ort .d excelience have giv ale in the world nut in tf kattyem WOFFICL‘LAT THE ZIMMERM Ash'., Te have the best assortment . "ifFtEiroJiihii,-EEifae" ""3 t priees/thairtvi11 Philip Gigs i; 39., Sims i, Slom ! lie Youllntend Buying a Stave , OUR STOCK di) IF Yoo Yoo WILL Call on M. Devitt& Co, if you want something cheap in fhritrrr,sgiss, Overcoat/ings,, 1'rJ'nderivear, We have a 11138 of all wool underwear at 81 a set, that is a seller and a line of sealetttoaps at $1.30, the best :in the tee, Give us a call and we will satisfy) yoii all,,., I ' __.---" - - "S2irautey:cLDc)'t Steve 38361:! SIGN RED, WHITE AND BLUE FLAG IS OPPOSITE THE OLD MILL. KING STREET, BERLIN. Ranges, 2:000}: "Stoves, V 7 hndsi)featers IS NOW COMPLETE. fh , .32: a an tiREt a gi gm hd t' ' g Ki i id Mi " - Wiil% r: 2A& 7, a, ME td 'm " M vi 7 .4": " SG Bii' = - ' V a Mi a, Ei,', Mt 4 may: _ w F, c B] IE .c . _ “g gb' an. RES' r: a in: " t : Mr, cm up; q". 1:: Cy if T, r; - , 3 = ' HARDWARE CHAS: H FRGHLICH, No other brand of Tobacco has ever en: joyed such an Immense sale and popuhavitry in the same period as this brand pf Cut Plug and Plug Tobacco. Oldest Cut To/Eatro wamy'ao turcrs in Canada. " 5:37. TA we Ar " , ' " ,7 Bt 22, * I f): _ #5 E! , I Fi' , F.. I El " . ' . ', Mr M 1:} Bt gi ' ' ., - " a A: as g a; CANADIAN BLOCK BERLIN. nominated in Eng Fm?" Gems (hily, 13W. Fear & Co. Cut Plug, 10c. , tb Plug, loc, , Ib Plug, 20c. (CUT PLUG.) Licensed. Auethursgt. Til MONTREAL. (PLUGJ surprise you Want a Stove of any kind, Be better pleased and save money - By dealing with them. '.'f-i:lCa,ts and Caps, ARE DOING A GREAT TRADE IN if Binder Twine and ImplementRepairs THESE DAYS. RH} ')2iT','if,'irv'fr di, co, 'till AND ST0VES Wall Paper, _ Books and General Dry Goods,, Wen's and Boys' Ready Made Suits and Overcoats, _" Hats and Caps, Ete. KING STREET, F ormerly on] Kindly invite everybody to $6.11 on them when in Berlin,' and examine their stock of Stoi‘e. Berlin FOUR hundred acres of band in Michigan 150 acres improved, balance heavy tim- bered with basswood, maple, elm, and M) acres with 085.1912. Iiftll, hvettTd;,sma,1l creek "f1qwing Good workmanship and guaranteed. DEVETT’S CITY _ v. .. ...-H_., mum. cw“. “cums through" it in which are abundance of trout. Within a mile of the Chicago& West Michigan Railway. and eight miles west ot Petoskey. Fine bank barn, best in Charlevoix County. Fine land for wheat, corn and other cereals. Flourishing young orchard, 250 apple trees and 75 plum trees. Two dwellings which will anr wer for three or four years. This property will be sold en Moe or will be divided in 0 two parts One half cash, balance at 6 per cent. Good reasons for selling. Occupant wiShes to retire. A splendid opportunity for a man of limited capital. If not sold the farm will be rented on shores;. For further particulars apply to THE CHRONICLE OFFICE, Waterloo. Ont Smssman d; Hallman BERLIN, EATS Ilill GAPS. H,, A. SIPPEL SAUSTEC SODA Mitts, . G-oves, Braces, Ties, etc, etc, ISIN0LASS Next door to Bowman's Drug FOR SALE (lil Ill) RENT. The City Tailor. FOR CLARIFYING CIDERq SOAP-MAKIN G Call here for your WATERLOO DRUG _FORr East of Market, . BERLIN Stationery, 1- B, Hannah STORE, fit W e have everything in the line of footwear. CALL AND BEE. A pleasure to show Goods. ", Headquarters for Trunks and Valises. New Williams Sewing Machines. Fall Stock in the latest New York, English and Canadian styles arriving daily. Children's Suits, Youth’s Suits, Men’s Suits, children's Overcoats, Youth’s Overcoats, Men’s Overcoats. BANKER? ct'ii'ifiiGc SME, Gents' Furnishings, Stylish Hats, Nobby Caps, Good Fitting Shirts And Collars, and a large stock of Well Selected Ties, Braces, Gloves, Undershirts, Drawers and Socks, BOOT AND SHOE STORE, 1 In endless variety to choose from and inspect. Remember the place, Maple Leaf, (Gait) Racer, Lance, Premier, Keen Edge, The best and incest kind sold cheaper than anyone in the County. HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS and GLASS always right prices. F FUR NACES, PLUMBING and GAS fitting. Sec’y Berlin Organ & Piano Go., L't'd Sole Agent for the County of Waterloo. A large stock _ Par-lor-ard-Liter-y-bas .--_ "-"Carnp-0himneys and Lanterns. The largest and best assortment of' Cooking and Heating Stoves in the County. KING- STREET, - - BERLIN Wishes to inform the people at large that we now have a larger stock than ever of They are Stylish, N obby, Well Made, Well Trimmed, Per- fect Fitting. For Price, Quality and Style Equal to any in the Dominion. Coal Oil by the barrel and gallon, and a complete line of Shelf and Builders' Hardware at JACOB CONE Every Instrument Warranted Five Years, Apply at Factory, or to HYlhlflllfEN&R0SSELL'S, CROSS. COT SAWS, Better Assortment than ever. PEANGS Call and see our "Happy Thought" Range with illuminated oven, also our original wood cook stove, the best in the market. TEE jPt9jPezseihii8? Stoves I Stoves I S, WEBER t WY, m of the Red, White and Blue Flag, fully guaranteed and sold at prices that defy competition We also are carrying a full line of ON EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT F. G. GARDINER, Germania Block, STOVE S, STOVES- THE MARVELOUS E E 2R CCL, T Ct/T Po AND W ATERLOO @RGANS. Everybody invited to can Berlin. School in full operation" 42 Bod King Si... ov_e1‘ I{.__D. Lang}: Cg‘ad out. Evening aaastur-"I'uesdts " day evergng at 7.30. Afternoon day and Minx-Ida! at 4.30. Dsy Ola: 9 a. m. th l p. m. Pupils admitted: Private lessons can be tT,yT,i!, tor, celebrated Smith Premier . y‘pow hare all typewriter uupphe‘ahnen m ptrptaE1bbopity:,t,ci nrmuwnv _ Give him a call and be con Vinced. 4‘ Has received the credit tr7mi the best Art Critics of Toronto for producing the Best Photos Made in Ontart'i. Shark, - Photographer, KAI] Work and Goods Guaranteed This is the season when th question with every lady is a, my, dress, mantle or jacket. "Where can I get the best value for cash? Where can I get the best RSSOX'L ment?" To the above queries We would answer: Smyth Bros. Cheap Cash Store, carry a large stock of novelties in Dress Goods which We sell very cheap. Lovely costume cloths, all colors, 27 inches wide, only 12%c per yard. Handsome tweed suitings, only :50c, 75c and go cents per yard, 54 inches wide. Navy and black serge suitings, very desirable goods, 37%c, 40c and Soc per yard, all wool. A large stock of trimmings to match. qi, In Mantle Cloths we excel] all previous efforts. Our stock is large and more varied in styles and qua. lities, and our prices lower thad ever. Fancy mantlings, 50c, 6ay 75c, 90c and (;7.i2rsau- td, These; prices 'siii1icii"ds1"'de"'rh'iihiii"ix Handsome u Largest circulation of any tu_rfl.e paper in the World. Sglendidly illustrated. Nd "lht'8g'f, man shou d be without it. Eg'lRU% 8e (fur: $1.50 FIX months. Address M i q UBLIsHL-us 861 Broadway. New York. "V Repairing Skillfuly and Promptly attended to. jhittttird jifiiiiiiiiii' iit, I BEG to announce to the people ot Waterloo and vicinity that I have a full a5501tment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, DIAMONDS, SILVERWARE, (be -- _ - .... . -, -...- For information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO. 351 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every gamut. taken out by us is brought before the pu lie by a notice given free or charge In the ARTHUR flliilMilfllhft in great variety kéfn constantly in stock; also all kinds of FRESH GROCERiES can always be procured at his shop. SHORTHAND ACAIY The undersigned will highest market price for IARLEY, - - fl . He also does a retail trade in grains etc. comm: AND mama $TiMi8, special I $3.75 pe Terms Cash ' 0113 Pm. NEWS FROM ST. JACOBS Store, KING ST., BERLIN. 'l-ill-teh"??), $2 air. This line won't last long. SMYTH BROS? The Wholesale and Retail Jeweller. Cold Cheap Cash Store. KING ~., BERLIZ Wm, C. Coo, Princid CHRISTIAN A.;HENRICH‘ " J aootm. WATERLOG, _ iffIssL MESTQNJ’ mus, ARTHUR PEQUEGNAT, -. Cash Western Ontario TINWARE at bottom prices PEAS, admitted at “11ng for. er ypewrit os,iinen an POTATOES, ‘ETG. Waterloo pay the

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