“Something haven't had 8. yesterday. ll - And then I recognized George Thay. er, the son of the old jeweler on the top floor--a boy that his father had worked hard to start in life, but hadn't done so Well as was hoped. He had a place as clerk in a. bank, that would have led to something better, if only he would have kept steady. And old Daniel Thayer was such a good, hard-working man, too. Every one felt sorry for him when they heard that George had gone astray. "Well, I never 1†says T. "What brings you here? What do you want I" I gave a. great start. 1% not natural- ly timid, but there had been burglary on the first floor the week before, and such things upset a lone woman, "Goodness me!" said I, "who are you, and what do you want f" "It's me, Miss Tabby," says a low voice. "And for Heaven’s sake, don’t speak so loud !" I was taken in dressmaking. Then I had two snug little rooms-one to see my customers in, the other where I cooked and ate; and my bed was in a closet under the stairs. And in busy times I had a girl or two to sew for me. Because in those days I had to pay for my old aunt's board at the Retreat, and Jimmr-that's your uncle, the Nevada justice of the peace, my deat--was get- ting his education. And education comes very dear to a young man's rela- tions, I've always found. ing, as I sat by my evening lamp put- ting on some pearl-fringe trimming for a party dress I was making, the door opened softly and a young man entered, without ever so much as "By your leave J' It was a tenement house-I won't deny it-but it was a very respectable one; quite the sort that now-a-days landlords would call a flat. And the street was quiet and decent, though it was not exactly what one would call a first-class neighborhood. But custom was coming in fast, and I was doing pretty well considering, when one even- Because, after all, law or no law, I am not ashamed of it, Why should I be W How can Since in'all evil things I think how you Would soothe therfv-in all happy things I think Bow you would prize them-set to measure true, There is no discord in our perfect link. With thought, faith, hope, with life and " love your own, W7... .._- uuuuAIAAAU u: '"Y Rum, Is life without.'the echo of your foot. So all encompassed by your love am I That my blank ways are trod cotttentedly, And since, my darling, though broad leagues of space Are spread between us, though dim, dull and mute IsTlife without the sunshine of thy face, a 1,'A, up:l.LA»Aux v " - And since, Only the glimmgl? iTiiii, $41311 iii; Crept m to Show your lips were passion pale To lead’the rapture in your half closed eyes, And then those words were spoken, and the rest Was hushed in happy silence on your breast, Morning and daylight swept away the dream, Life clasped her fetters and resumed her sway, Only a. soft, sweet knowledge, like a gleam, Lingered amend each hour: of all the day. And even the bitter ring of the farewell With a gentler note upon the spirit fell. Since that 2triisili" givzli-titlie mystic night thathung _ Tmnced 'mid her stars to listen, when,mine own Those feiv short words arouse from heart to tongue. And as you whispered them life changed to be _ ' Something rapt, glorified, sublime, to me. This soft gloom hung isbo!1t us like a veil. I think that I.arn qcile .alon, RIGHT (Ill WRONG. ydur chose/I ever feel "alone Y' -All the Year Round 3g to eat," sais he; "I a. morsel since this time I'm in hiding, Miss Tabby, BY AMY RANDOLPH OETRS ' A EON Fl. The next five minutes‘seemed an age to me. I don't know what it seemed to poor George Thayer, but it came to an end at last. The men were very decent and respectfui ; they opened the cupboard doors, and looked behind the dresses that bung in the wardrobe 5they searched my little sleeping closet and took a. candle to the dark place behind the kitchen boiler and presently they came out again. "Go ahead, officer, do your duty," says I. "We are no harborers of crimin, als here." "The young woiuan hain't no call to be upset," said the bigger of the /svo men. “A fugitive from justice, rmi'am," says he. "We are led to suppose that he is somewhere in the house, and it is our orders to search until we find him." "Very well," says T. "Don't be seared Eliza; 'taint likely anyone would hurt two poor sewing-women." "A-what l" says I. And even then when I was all screwed up to a point, as you may say, I couldn't help admiring the way that my assistant dropped her work in her lap and stared open-mouthed at the mam “You don't suppose I've got him hid here l" says I. "l must obey orders ma'am," said he, "Is it at/out a dress f" says I. "Be- cause I couldit take no more orders mow-not f it was the queen herself." he, "I beg pardon for disturbing you ma'am," says he. "Bat--" Two men came in. One stood against the door; the other came up to >“Co»me in," say's I. "And don't keep the door open, for there's a. cold draught in the hall, and I'm subject to rheumatism. He had éaten now and drank, and there was alittle more nerve to him, still he started when there came aloud rap-rap at the door. And I really did feel some sort of pride as I looked at him, and saw what aclose imitation of a sewing girl I made up, sitting at the table, with a shaded lamp on it. "If you’re going to make folks think you’re one of my workmen," says I, you’ve got, to live up to it, and not hold a needle as if it was a crowbar. Keep your thimble on yo11rfineer ; that thim- ble makes all the difference between the real and make-believe ! TherelNow! You look something like l†It/s surprising how stupid a man can be about some things, even if he's or- dinarilv bright on others. It was near- ly fifteen minutes before 1 could learn George Thayer bow to run the plain seams on that blue wrapper, as a wow» an would be expected to run 'em. "Don't Wear glasses," says I, "No. body that ain't used to them can wear them without looking suspicious. And don't keep on sewing if anyone comes in. Just lockup, curious like, as if you wanted to know what was going on! Here’s the breadths of blue mer- ino for Miss Carter's wrapper, and here's a needle and thread. Don't hold it that way-who ever saw a seamstress work like that? Here, let me show you I The tlumble-no, of course you don't know how to use it, but what does that signify? You’ve got to wear! it, or you’ll be no sewing girl f" In a minute it all came to me how it could be done. I got him a black stuffed gown that I wore to church of a. Sun, day. I'm a large woman, you see, and he wasn't over-sized, for a man. I put on my new "front" of brown. hair, crimped and frizzy a little as the fash- ion was beginning to come in, over his smooth, black head and fastened it with _ the spring that was warranted never to‘ come out of place. "It's a fugitive frorn'iustriel," says "Bueit'll bi', some one else, pretty soon," said he. "Quick lTbere isn't, an instant to lose." "It's only Jack Larned, the printer's foreman, coming from his work," said I. "He goes up stairs about this time of the evening." "You have girls working for you, haven't you l" "Sometimes, but not now, for--" "Yes, you have," said he quickly, "Get me a gown or something. Let me work for you. I ain't the sort to be hidden in a corner cupboard, or under a bed. But I'm not a large man; if I could get a gown and--" There ways a. footstep on the stair, He started and drgpped his knife. He looked In me with furtive fevered eyes. "But where can I hide you, George?' said I, as I set bread and meat on the table and poured out some of the pitch- er of cold tea that I kept to drink from as I sat at my work. I looked hefplesslv around at my big trunk and the wardrobe that stood in the corner, as perhaps you know as well as I can tell you. And my tongue cleaves to the roof of my mouth with thirst. And I want you to hide me !" "To-hide you, George." He nodded. "I expect they're looking for: me now," said he, with a short, dry laugh. "And they won't be long in tracking me out. It ain’t that I care so much for myself; I've deserved ten years in Sing Sing. But there's father! The disgrace would cling to him forever. It would kill him. You’ll help me, Miss Tabby, won't you f" ‘ Mamma-Did you find your Uncle Tom sick in bed, Arthur? Arthur (aged seven)--; mamma, he was sitting up with his Father Hub, bard wrapper on; an’ he was eating some tea. STOMACH ACHE.---We all know what it is , we acquired a perfect knowledge of the "Perr" in our youth, after a raid on things we were expressly forbidden to touch. Our mother gave us Perry Davis' Pain-killer then, and, strange to say, no other, remedy has been dis- covered to this day to equal it. Old popular price, 25c big new bottle. Griggs (thoughtfully)-Well, old fel- low, you ought to be glad. Brigge-Giad l 1Vhat for?. (higgs--Why, glud that she wasn't bungry.-Harper's Bazar. Briggs-Did she eat anything! Well sir, that girl grabbed the menu, took a lightning glance at it, said she wasm't feeling hungry, and then she ordered-- Crtig.gs-Well, what did she order? Briggs (impressively)-She ordered Clams and bouilon, lobster cutlet, sweet- breads andlpeas, chicken ala Maryland, shrimp salad, biscuit ghee, umraroons, coffee, and a. creme de menthe. Great Scott; ! It cost me $14, Griggs-No thing? posseses blood enriching properties in a remarkable degree. Areyou all run dawn? Take $cott's Emulsion. Almost as Palatable as Milk. Besure and get the genuine. Briggs-f was thinking of Miss Rosebud. I happened to meet her on the avenue yesterday about noon, and having a few cold bones in my pocket and, being Inspired by her new tailor- made gown, T asked her into Del's. Griggs-Did she accept? Brrggs---At first she didn't care for anything, and then she said she believed she did feel a little faint. Say, old man, did you ever take a girl out to lunclrwhen she felt a little faint? Of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver thy Is in Pure Rich Wi6iii', -. Blood; to enrich ‘w Big the blood is like 'ah, putting money out at interest, EMULSION Briggs-Girls are queer things, aren't they ! Gri,egs-very, but what makes you say so? The Wealth of Health , 1time ago, and I have found them tozbe the greatest blessing to me-in facc, I can truly say they are perfectly won- derful. I would not be without, them for more than I can tell. l "Mr.Flook, station master, Grand Trunk Railway, Hamilton, says : "They cured my most severe headaches, which I had for at least three years." Price, 25 cents a box. Sold by all medicine dealers. Prepared only by Scott & Home, Ballerina l A wonderful new combination is R. Stark’s Headache, Neuralgm and Liver ‘Powders; nice to take and perfectly harmless. Mrs. Mary Keats, 88 Main street, Hamilton, says: "For years- in fact all my life-I have been trou, bled with very little good results. A friend recommended your Neuralgia, Headache and Lwer Powders some Yet to this day Chrissy, I oan't clearly make out to my own satisfac- tion whether T did right or wrong ; so 2 And old Daniel Thayer told me, years afterwards, that George had got to be a great man in a colony out some- lwhere in South Africa, and bad remit, ted to the bank the whole amount of his defiturmcies. Now he couldn't have done that, could be if he had been ar- rested, and clapped intojail 1 And it's only our duty isn't it to give every man a chance l is." Three monvths after that tlme there came to me a. black silk that might stand alone for its own richness, and a hat, in a box that was marked “Pan saved I kept him until midnight, and then he slipped out into the darkness, still wearing my gown and shawl. per T All this time George Thayer had been the sewing-girl I meant him to represent. I knew how he must feel, and the moment the big man had closed the door behind him I shot the bolt softly into its place. “That’s nothing," says I. "Of course, as you say, its your business to obey orders. "We are much obliged ma'am," said they, "and we hope we have not incon, venienced you." may as well leave ofrpuzzling, may'nt " ' SCOTT’S "T/tnk God," he answered - ' "You are saved." said I m a whis and Hypbpllosphites Q1ttttst. for Cou,r,ratu1attorr Waterloo County Chronicle, Thursday, I†Sex In (Am-menu Did she eat any DESIRARLF farm of 160 acres, the N. E A 'situated Ir See.36, Townsht. 37. N.5, W._ Centrc Township, Emmet Co. Mich, for sale or exchange on good property in the Colmtyo Waterloo. Tss enty acres clear, balance wel wooded with hasuvood. elm and maple. A good dwelling on property Saw mill only one quarter mile distant. and railroad 3 milusds splendidy:hance ',Arihlilr. to M. S ALLMAN, Headquarters for all kinds of confection ery, Bread, Cakes, etc. Wedding Cakes a specielty J. W. DA V EY. Waterloo, _ Mr-tin" "WM Opposite Seylex“s Hotel new butcher business will be opened on Saturday the 141,11 of October in Waterloo: I invite all inhabitants of Waterloo and viciniLy to call on me on Saturday Mid get your Sunday roasts from me. I keep all kinds of meats and sausages of the best quality. Call mice and you will call again. 40-6m S. SCHNEIDER, ONTARIO MEAT MARKET Linwood, Sept. 20th, 1893. 37-U Before you buy a suit call and examine our stock and get our prices. V. R, BERLET.- The undersigned begs to an- nounce to his many friends in Lin.. wood and surroundmg country that he has added to his already large Custom business aweil as- sorted stock of Tweeds, Worsteds Overcoatings, Trimmings and Gents' Furnishings and is now prepared to furnish a complete outfit at prices that defy compe- L:¢.'-.- tition, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Merehant Tailoring. Phone 124 Empire Tea Co. The people's store for choice Teas, Coffees,' Baking Powder, Co, coa, Cocoanut and Chocolate. Beautiful premiums with every lb. China, Crockery, Glassware, Sil, verware, etc. Large stock, large assortment newest goods and prices right. No better place to buy wedding presents, gifts, pre- sentations, etc. Give us a call. Special inducements. Goods de- livered to any part of Waterloo tree. THE CITY BAKER 'Stl-l-,!:?,,, it'9? . G. CHAMBERS 6 Remember that the 202 STORE King street west Ontario way.w1 IS WHAT YOU .(EOUIRE King St v ...u -uusuu 3/ Are Suffering from Lung Troubles. f? Have Lost Flesh through Illness, Are Threatened with Consumption. ‘L ,“m 0/0"!» I) - H A 3::qu (gig..§.ag_ f? ugh ' Choice Cigars, Tobaccos. C: ers' Sundries, Mouth Orgu Purses, Etc. The ldtest invoices include the finest of American and Foreign Fabrics. The prices are consistent with quality of material and workmanship. SUITINGS, Inspection is invited to the Nes, Lines of ' MidifrTis:? ariii%t'isato, P. S. Beware of Sewing Machine Agents who would belieus. The proof of the pud ing is the eating of it, Try us and he conunccd. "Tis not the clothes that make man," but they help. One of our particular fall and winter, lines is Gumming and Filing all kinds of saws and to this line we pay special attention and guar- antee every saw. We are bound to give satis» faction. Sewing Machines repaired and guar- anteed one year, all makes included. Gun and lock smithing, krY tittirut, etc. Bicycles re- aired and Con ctred th cm the old style to the ['a"t'l'l't', Pneumatic 'i'yrrs/N cw rolls put onlclothes wringers. Scales repaired and adjusted'. New rubber tyres puton carpet sweepers. All kinds of small lathe work and lathe jobbine work promptly and mechanically" executed by power. Estimates given on large Jobs on application. Repairing of all kinds and small manufactur- ing mechanically executed. Remember the place, sign of the Sewing Machine and Saw, 72 King St. "eirrly/iit?yiJiisi.,. 03;“ H 'aNI?EistpN, The RA ris compare favorably with any in the world. Y our choice of all sound plans o assurance floral. no other. AGENTS WANTED. Apply now for choice of territory to THOS. HILLIARD ManamngiDirector 7 Equality between policy-hold secured by insming in three cla abstainers, general and women---: each in pro.hts the true bemejit own longevity. - ""'""t"""r""" When, two or three years in is 'ton:forfeitahle, even for , pay renewal premiums, 72mm ull force TILL THE TAf EXHA USTED. _ It provides a legacy qf a law. gait Possible. King Street, nmr Railway Track, The Policy ofthe Dominion Life is a straight promise to pay-like, a bank draft, almost unconditional. No re- striction on travel or ooeupatiom ml _ . A’ JAMESINNES. M. P., CHR. KUMPFESQ., PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDE N THOS. HILLIARD, MANAGING DIRECTOR. One of our Authorized Capital $1,000.000. Gov't Deposit at Ottawa $50,000 Subsc-rlbed Capital $257,000. Dominion Life Assurance Go’y Head Offke, " Waterloo, Ont. BERLIN iiiirifi SHOP. 'ers. . G. DUERSAM TROUSERINGS and John Ritzer. IATERLOO, ONT. Merchant Tailor. King St. Waterloo, , 1898 --Page G. dealer in Paid up Capital THE . Cigarettes and Smok, "guns, Pocket Knives, OVERCOATINGS policy-holders is in three olasses-- ears in force it n for failure to r, remaining in woTem--srhing certain instead VAL HE†IS bell $64,400 the its : cigars /sftiidiJis-t b13586 Guests will receiye the best of attention. The 1dtUsy,py,1,'eel, EnthAthe tshuicest liquors and [Guam A i A “Va N... NORTH AMERICAN HOTEL TEACHER of Instrumental Music. Organ and Piano. Terms moderate ll Lnnd Surveyor, Civil Engineer and Draughtsman, Graduate of the Ontario School of Practical Science, and late assistant to the York Typ Engineer on the construction of Pub- lie Works, and the sub-division of lo ads in the suburbs ot Toronto. _ Opposite the Market sq name. An easy shave, a stylish hair-cut, a good sen- 041m, an pxhilirstiug shampoo,, always given. dies' and children’s hair tastilv cut. D Fire and Acmdeut Insurance Aients Waterloo, Ont., representing the best Stoc and Mutual Companies doing business in this Pro Vince. Money to loan at lowest current rates. JACOB BOEHMER, PHOPRIETOR Fy,rssts wi11.pTeiye We Pest a IMON SNYDER, First-class rigs and good reliable horses. Two and three seated carriages always in readiness. All calls promptly attended to and 011313128 moderate. 013106 and Livery in rear of t e Zimmerman House. Entrance on King street, next to Fischer's butcher shon. LIVERY AND EXCHANGE S'I‘ABLES GEO. SUGGITT, Proprietor, All kinds of conveyances constantly on hand. Charges moderate. Stables in rear ot the Com. mercxal Hotel. Will visit Baden (Kraus' Hotel), the first Thursday and third Thursday of each month. Will visit Elmira the second Thursday and Friday and fourth Thuwday and Friday bt each month (Thursday noon, to Friday noon). r" 7 7 -- - -Is,%r,r 0 Marriage Licenses. Office-At his Drug Store, Waterloo. otsioeLeddfittouse, Berlin, I V rs:snierVforaras1agts Licenses, Otflee-Post Office, St. Jacobs. Oat. D. BUCKBERHOUGH. DR. C. T. NCECKER, MEDALLIST Oli' TO RONTO University, Licentiate of the Col. lege of Physicians, Surgeons and Accoucheur of Ontario. DISEASES or EYE AND EAR TREATED. Oftiee-New residence, Albert street. Water loo. a short distance north of the late Dr. Waiden's residence. 'OHN L. VVIDEMAN DR. A. F. BAUMAN _ PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND Accoucnmtm. Off1ce and residence-Two doors north of resi- dence formerly ocnnpied by the late Dr. Walden on Albert street, Waterloo, DRS. D. S. k J. H. BOWLBY. PHYSICIANS. SURGEONS, ETC. Dr. D. S. Bowlby', Coroner for the County. Dr. G, H. Bowlby trPats diseases of the new. throat and ear. off1tee-In the rooms formerly occupied by W. Wells, L, D. S. over Mr. Fish's store (Bell- inger’s). Night calls answered at ottice. Tale} phone communication. OEHLMAN 'S BARBER SHOP, For the painless Extraction of teeth, Waterloo Nov. lst 1893 Special attention 'paid to Catarrh. Asthma and Chronic Diseases. t UCISBERRQUGH (e BEgHTEL, Telephone communication opposite Foundry, Waterloo, Ontario. rru'buc, Conveyancer. etc." H r V "n" (Money to loan.) Office hours. 9. ao n. m. to 5. p. m.", OtBtyys. Killer's Block, Waterloo. Ert,B_E1,iTr,J. BOWMAN, gROYINoIAL - bit1tjir-jisi'taTrk in Economical block.53 King Street West, Berlin. ChFr:esranser, tte -li {brink}; ottidd, Elmira ,evcry Monday and Thursday afternoon. OIfice, at Dr. Wahnsley's store. Livery, Sale and Exchange Stables. Money to loan on Mortgages at lowest rates. FRED! RICK CoLOUHOUN. A. B. MCBRIDE Telephone communication. Ofnee-New Insurance Buildings (up-stairs,) Kin! street, Waterloo. Apply at residence,' . . Coroner County of Waterloo Offtce-At his residence on Erb street. Telephone communication. Solicitors in all the mums. Nannies and 'onvcynncers. Money to lend on Mort rages lowest rates. Otriee-uourt House, Bahia. V LW. H. BOWLBY, M.A., LL.B., Q. c., County Crown Attorney and Clark of th Peace W. A. KUMPF, VETERINARY SURGEON, MISS ANNIE R. BEAN, It. ARMITAGE R. H ETT. OLQUHOUN & MCBRIDE. _ __ Barristers, Solicitors. Notariesand EO.qH. HUTCWSOF LEX. MILLAR, (LC: H. WEBB M. D., ()\VLB Y & CLEMENT Crmverancers, WELLS. L. D. s., C. W WELLS, D. D. S., PHYSICIAN. SURGEON AND ACCOUCHEUR MISCELLANEOUS. CLEMENT. ODONTUNDER. 109 King street east, Berlin, Oftice and Residence-John street LIVERIES. DENTAL MEDICAL. 1 ALBERT STREET, LEGAL DENTISTS, WATERLOQ 1irArrmcoo AND ELMIRA Barilister, Solicitor, Notary EAL "Solicitor. Notary Public WATERLOO. O: B. E. BECHTEL. TERS AT LAW INT Th? best place to our, it" is at the Gan; Business College. ' Crale,Ont. Branch, School of Shorthand Success in Business -. ___-__ ........,.. u. m, “nun-mums. My brother was in the employ of Messrs Wegenast & Co 21 years and is Welland favor ably known and will do his best to maintain tht hidgh reputation [his shop has already aw uu'e q Open trom, 6toly. tvm., 1.30 to 6.15 n m n uumg unable [ogivezit my personal super- vision I have appointed my brother George Duering, who kept. my books during the past seven years, as bookkeeper and cashier and I will endeavor the best of my ability to satis- fv the wish»: of nm 'trac,F-es-. I beg to announce to my numerous customers whose' support. has been so liberal that, in order to accommodate them still better, I wi have my place. of businsss open trom 6 o’clock in the mornmg until 7 o’cluck in the even- mg. THE CITY MEAT MARKET Berlin, Ont, Call or write for circulars. Interest allowed on sums of Four Dollars. and upwards in Waterloo, April 18th, 1893, G, Drafts Issued on all Principal Points capital, $2,000,000. Rest, si,t00,imai, The Molsons Bank. - CONRAD HOFFMAN, Oldest firm of painters in Waterloo. Waetrloo, June 1, 1803. HEAD OFFICE. . . “7.1mm BOARD OF DIRECTORS I. E. Bowman, M. P., Waterloo. John Shuh, Waterloo. ' J. H. Webb M. D., Waterloo. Gee. Moore, Waterloo. D. S. Bcwlby, M. D., Berlin Robert Melvin. Guelph. E. W. B. Snider, M. P. P., St. Jan OFFICERS - --'-K> which will be done neatly and quickly by dag or roll. . ontracts for pamting and glazing and other work in my line taker. Orders left my residence will receive promp:, attention thank you for the liberal petuunage accor me in the past. 77 Incorporated by Act MEREETILE I. E. Bowman. M. P., Pnsident James Lockie, Secretary Alex.eMill an Solicitor. T. A Gale, Inspector - 'Pet-'"'"'".' nu lmltaLlOn or;wood which is acknowledged to be the best and most natural imitations, par- ticularly of White Ash, yet given. My customers and patrons know already than, I have carried on business here for tho past 27 years so that my long experience is a better guarantee for good work than that of beginners possibly can be. My work recommends itself and I shall endeavor to do the work at the low est possible prices so as to retain the custom hitherto given mo, As I am not in the habit of pu tring to work inexperienced men but supervise the work personally. I am satistiar that this will meet with the approbation ot my Customers. I also desireto call your attention to IN order to keep pace wit just introduced a new val-1E imitation of:wood which is he t,he,trcstiyi.most' natur THE SAVINGS 'ar Highest current rates 1tr:isisfftpFe"?,""'i"CA1. and Lam well as all kinds of Sausages constantly on hand. JOHN FISCHER “18193100. March 2nd. 1891. __ “NV“, aâ€... moderate prlces to merit a contin- uance ptyle, same. Tho undersigned begs to tender his thartrs to his numerous cus- tomers for their liberal patronage during the past Fear, and trusts bv close attention to business and Waterloo, A WATERLUU MEAT MARKET PETER STAUFFER, l BERLIN. . Farm sales nnd sale ceive prompt. attention TERMS CND Orders loft at this l attended to. House and Sign Painter HOFFICE ATTHE TAM MR WALES mud! County. ( mail will rccuiv PETER SARARAS, Mannheim SOMETHING NEW, “Humid A actiorteea. r HEAD) OFFICE, MONTREAL, GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED.: Licensed Auction! {FOR Till) cot NT! OF " 1' Sales conducted in Englisl Charles N. 7123(3de FIRE INSURANCE CO CAPITAL, $200,000 CHAS. H,, FRCEI} (‘Ondur‘ted in al parts of Wuterlo ry, Charges mommy-e Orders b rem-ivoprompt acttynrion 3-, to call your attention to 'aper Hanging JACOB IIESPELER, Manager Waterloo Branch increased to such an extent nivI'nnh‘b »_»7V ‘ BANK 1saCyrDzomuvzr:ssx this 011100 will be promptly ‘r to do the work at the low :0 as to retain the custom As I am not in the habit r}: inexpgariepced meg but n., 1.30 to 6.15 p. H. B DUEBING ot Ontario Legislature , Licensed Auctioneer, and Paper Hanger, - Ontario V .. St .. uuu mugs .1 nav.e variety It grammg MI. wk 4c, A" .»_A,,1 , . V wi'h “if: time.s , have VVATERLOO, ONT, on special deposits DEPARTMENT, of live st and quickly by the 051311110 and Lamb as St. Jacobs. " glazing and all Orders left at In attention. I wage accorded him-loo County ml (hum! Bu {Cher I IN Imp! >ck will re) 1ceiFt RE