i m The iron schedule will, it is believed, give the committee a. good deal of trou- ble because of the coiiflict of interest between the New England members, who desire free ores and free coal, and the Democrats from the Northern Ala- bama. and Eistern Tersevee, who desire the retention of the duty. TAX INCOMES ABOVE $2500. _ The threatened deficit in the revenue will be met by an income tax, if some of the Democratic members of the House who are urging the proposition are to be believed, The pressure has beeh strong to impose a moderate tax ‘uponincomes above 82500 in preference to putting duties back on tea, coffee or sugar. The Advantage or Singing Over Ollie!- Ae. "oourntietrner"s-Wtsta1ies to be Avoided. Good singing has a. great advantage over other accomplishments. It gives the greatest amount of pleasure to others, and, as a rule, is a never failing source of delight to the singer. It is also an exercise which is so beneficial to the lungs that it has been proved beyond all doubt that many persons with weak chests have been Perma- nently strengthened by a careful and judicious use of the vocal organs. We may here observe that the practice of singing, particularly in the case of young children, should be insisted upon by parents, as, although there may be no evidence of any disease of the lungs in them, yet by the daily practice of The bill which passed the House in the Congress regarding cotton bagging and binding twine made both absolute- ly free of duty, but there has been some opposition to those provisions on the, ground that they were not in halo mony with other parts of the tariffand a. moderate duty may be retained. Block tin will probably be made free of duty, as was unanimously voted by the Ways and Means Committee at the last Congress at the demand of the tin plate manufacturers. CHINA AND SILK. The chinaware schedules will proba- bly be reduced 10 pencent. on the exis- ting sales of 80 per cent. and 55 per cent. The McKinley Bill restored the duty on coverings, which are a large element_in the cost of chinaware, and practically made the increase in duty much greater than the apparent change in the ad valorem rate. Tom Johnson, Ohio, has protested very earnestly against restoring the the sugar duty, and has bad the sup- port of other western members in pre- ferring a moderate income tax to a renewal of the customs duties on the necessaries of life. The exact rate ot the income tax has not been determined, but it will apply to all incomes above the amount named, with certain allowances for house rent and for losses through fire and other causes. It is calculated that an im. mense revenue can be derived from a very small tax upon incomes earned by professional and business men through- out the country, and this will realize the disproportionate burden imposed upon the poor by some of the tariff duties, The adoption of the income tax will practically settle the question of increases in the internal revenue taxes on whiskey, beer and tobacco are likely to beleft untouched. The silt interests may not suffer much of a cut, and the duties may be left at 50 per cent. as und, I' existing laws The duty on tin plate is likely to be reduced 2 and 2-10 cents to 1 cent per pound for the present, with perhaps a reduction after a few years to the free list. COTTON BAGGING AND BINDING TWINE. But it is believed that the. duties will remain substantially the sauna the maximum being forty per cent, and the ad valorem rates below that figure being gradually reduced 5 ps-r cent. SILVER GEES To BE FREE _The provision regarding silver lead ores will be substantially that enacted by the FiftySvcond Congrus that lead ores shall pay ll cents per pound, but that ores in Winch the value of the sil- ver is greater than that of the lead shall be considered silver. ores and ex- empt from duty, Washil gton Nov. l(),--Ter1 days Ot' afortnieht will proluhly as? the new Democratic Tariff Bill given to the public. The policy of a. rename tariff will be pretty closely adhered to in dealing with mw materials and partial, ly manufactuwd aoods Mul ccuusiderahle cuts will be made on tiriisherl pr'oducts, There are reasons for saying that the Democratic memlrers wdl euihody in the bill substantially all "pony" tariff bills which passed the House in the tiitrseeond Congrvss, providing for free wool and reduced duties on woolen goods, free silver ore-s, reduced duties on tin plates, froe cotton bagging and free tin. The wool schedule may be slightly moddied in the definitions of goods. NEW ll. S. TARIFF BILL FORECAST OF THE CONTENTS OF THE MEASURE. Free Won], Free Silver Ores. Free Tin, Free Colum "a=r.trtea, Reductions on Woolen Goods And Tia maEe--oefieter"ry of Reva/mo lo he otrercttt"t' " . Improving an lm‘ome Tax. FOR AMATEUR SINGERS Toronto,Nov. 11.-The identification of George Herbert Stokes, the crank who wanted to borrow 220,000 from Sir Oliver Mowat, is now thoroughly established, and it is expected the friends of the mar', who has been re- manded co jail until next Tuesday, will arrive here next Tuesday to look after him. He is George Herbert Stokes, the son of a wealthy broker doing business in New York, who spends the summer in Warreston, N J Stokes is liberally provided for, and when his mother dies he will come into possession of $1,000,000. In vain the banker protested against such hasto. The crowd that had gathered about the disputants said that the member of the institute was right, and the banker after sending for another pair of nether garments surl'en- dered the ink-stained ones amid the laughter of the by-standers. "Now that you have been paid, I hope you have too much delicacy of a gentleman to remain in my trousers. You know they are mine, and I insisn upon their immediate delivery to me. You have no otmfidence in me; I have none in you. My trousers I." Ottawa, Nov. 9,-A letter has been received here re English operations in Canadian hay :-lt is astonishing to see the large quantities of foreign hay about town, but the Canadian takes the palm. If the Canadian shippers would only be particular in shipping, all would be right; butI am sorry to see this trade drifting into the hands of our brokers. Now I would urge one thing, namely, for every bale to be labelled Khsmulian' that the consumer may know the article he is really cont sunning. As it is, Canadian hay sells best, and hundreds of tons of inferior Irish and South American is palmed off as Canadian, whereas, if this trade can be kept distinct from such frauds I am convinced this will be a growing trade tor years, and not many years but what it will be a paying trade. I have heard men who keep and feed a large number of horses the year round say that they would/as soon have Canadian hay as the best English. I have also heard a horse keeper to one of the largest car: riers, who keeps 600 horses, remark that their horses give better of Cana- dian hay than any other at a less cost of one shilling per horse oer week. This shows that shippers should be par- ticular and keep the name Up. I am of opinion thatit would keep itself, up if properly labelled. I have got all our Bristol dealers to advertise it as Canadian. "But sir, I will cheerfully pay for them. Be good enough to give me your card and I will send the money to your hotel." "To my hotel, air, I don't know you. I must instantly have the 30 francs these trousers cost." The member of the institute drew forth the 30 francs and handed them to the banker. Then he said '. A very absent-minded member of the French Institute was reading the news- paper in the casino at Dieppe the other day. He was absorbed in his reading, and with his left hand he unconsciously pushed the files of newspapers on the table Each moment: he sent; them fats ther. from him, Beyond the papers was an inkstand, which at last the moving papers pushed over the side of the table. It fell on the trousers of a Paris, ban- ker who was furious at the accident. The absent-minded man offered his best excuses without. appeasing the banker's wrath, who shrieked that his new trousers were rumed. In conclusion, we would impress up- on students to avoid all eccentlicity of style and contortion of features when singing. The latter may be overcome by practicing in front, of a looking-glass. which will have Je F (feet of correcting all tendencies to such bad habits. "In the choice of a song the shxdom should be guided hy the sentiment con- tnined in the words and the hmmty T,t the music. Due regard, however, must, he paid to the compass and cupabulities of her voice, and she must be careful to avoid all nervous habits, such. as heat- ing time with hmds or feet, moving backward and forward, etc., hut she must acquire an easy and natural atti. tuck.†his a great mistake for women who Wiail to become good singers to indulge in the pernicious habit, of tight liming. It Is a matter of fact that nothing can be more injurious to the respiratory organs than to compress them into a more limited space than nature has " ready providl-d for them. The practice of tight lacing makes it utterly impose ibl,e. for the singer to irdrate the lungs to their fullest, extent, which is 1mm lutoly necwxury for the proper (Jeni opment of ths, wire. The Housewife, authority for the foregoing, has the fol- lowing to say concerning the Sc action ofa song : vocal exercises their lungs are Invignr ated and rendered healthier, and many chest complaints which might have tle, veloped in the course of time are thus warded od: IDENTIFIED THE CRANK. He Is a Prospective Millionaire. Canada s May In England, A French Julie. It "is there that the foundations of character suelaid,if laid at all. Yet there is no doubt that the nuuwrous well-meaning organizations for juve- miles, taken in connection with the many and ever-increasing orders, etc., to which parents belong" are rapidly destroying home life and its influence on the family. ONE CASE OF "0vrutcmouuusrc.-- Switzerland manages to get along with 75 medical practitioners to each hun, dred thousand parsnns. Italy has 60, England and Wales 5s', France 39, Germany M?, and Sneden only 12. Meantime we in Ontario have 107, Even after allowance has been made for the larger area. over which the same population is scattered in this Province, it must be apparent that the medical profession is very much over- done in Ontario. RELIEF IN SIX 1Iovtr-Distressing Kid- ney and Bladder: Diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kid- ney Cure. " This lien remedy is a great sur prise and delight on account, of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves re- tention of water and pain in passing it al- most immediately. If you want quick re- lief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by E. M. Drnuaa, Druggist. The Queen’s Scotch journeys cost her $25,000 a year for travelling expenses. Honest toil is essential to restfu slumber. manly thoughtful people. Tr, is to he feared that the multiplication of "str, cieties" and "guides" and "associations" and "circles" arithoutswm'oeeto ielieve the parents'of their duties are not always and altogether beneiheerrt in their general effect. As misappliml aid pauperizes, so the too tempting offer urrelieve parents of duties pecu- liarly theirs tempts to neglect, and after allowing all that these institu- tions claim it must be admuted that they cannot do the work of the home. At the meeting of tha Tumnm Ministerial Association the other, (131V one of the reverend gentlemen m‘vzi!i»il some surprise by the statmnem that he did not build much on organizations for giving to boys and girls the care and training that should be giwn by the parents. That is a. view taken by many thoughtful people. Tr, is to he feared that the multiplication of "str, cieties" and "guides" and "associations" and "circles" arithoutswm'oeeto ielieve the parents'of their duties are not always and altogether beneiheerrt in their general effect. As misapplied It is in a refreshi electovate St; tcsdieetwely puursrt p0l101c'a wror1gr-dodrs when their deeds are laid bare, In the recent elections the De mocmt State of New York ruse ir, revolt against the re-election of a judi t the massacre of policemen in Chicagn, and the peplc rejocbed his Emmy nominee for judge, re-electing, Judge Gary, whose sentence of che Amtrak ists the governor upset. There Is a lesson hére for us in Canada. We had an investrration of many and gnaw, wrongs at Ottawa (Amy-mm 'rti7,0, but with one exception every person found to have boodled public Tn‘qwrty has escaped exemplary punishment, Why I "iaisevdheavw, and as a protest against the nomination by their, party of a tainted judge, enough Democrats voted with the Republicans to cause :1. party revolution in the Nate In Bruoldvn a. had mayor and his as~0o max and his mandates used the City patn‘xnaqe to the injury of the taxpayers. The en- tire brood was cleaned out bv the pies. the ttWirth-et-ttsift/L., instead of lard. "And this is in itself a rea- Bott why "she looketh well" in another sense, for she eats no lard. to cause poor digestion and a Tome complexion. COTTOLENE is much better than lard for all cooking pur- posts, as every one who harried it declares. Have you tried ht . But her ways are not always old ways. In fact she has dis- carded many unsatisfactory old ways. For instance, to-day she is using to the ways of her household." Yes, Solomon is right; that's what the good housekeeper everywhere does, but particularly in Can- ada . "She Looketh Well Waterloo County Chronicle, Thursday, Nov. 28, 1898. N. K._FA1RBANK_& co., For sale everywhere.' Wluingtonv and Ann St... :leetl an augury for good, and "y,' am for svelrssishoms of/he 'te, that the Vnitecl States so effectively punish political trst when their deeds are laid Made only by MONTMAL. th ple (Ute, tt 1n While it also includes all miyovdoruvrrmpmrs of Rural interest, such as the Poultry Yard, Fht - omology, Begercping, Gl'cunlmum and Gran- ary, Veterinary Replies. Farm Questions 'tnd answers, Fireside Reading, Domeszic Economy. and a. summary of the News of the Week. Its MARKET REPORTS are unusually complete,anr1 much attention is paid to the Prospebts of the Crops, as throwing light upon one of the most important of all questions-- Then to Buy and When to Sell. It is liberally Illustrated. and by RECENT ENLARGEMENT, contain: more reading matter than ever before. The sub- scription Price b.8250 Yer year', but we offer a SPECIAL REDUCTION in our Two Subscriptions, in one remittance Six Subscriptions, do do Ten Subscriptions do - General Dry Goods, Men’s andBoys' Ready Made Suits and 0vereoats, Hats and Caps, Ere. KING STREET, Call here for your Wang} Paper, ' Books and Canada’s Best Family Paper ENLARGE!) AND IMPROVED. Contains all the News, _ Many Special Features, Crisp and Pointed Comments, The Most Entertaining Stories The Chelcest Literary Matter, Everything for Everybody, 4 (I) To 1st JANUARY £114 t?T To all NEW SvthxcerWI-s for 1894, paying ia advance mm, WE WILL SEND THE PAPER WEEKLY, from our RECEIPT of the rernittr/rrec, to January lst, 1801, WITHOUT CHARGE. Air? SPEcmEx COPIES FREE. Address LUTHER TUCKER & SON, Publishers, , n Albany, H. Y T It To cf1itj1't" tl 1895-12 phges ieadpng matter Gr?h%t'"l mir Fit) temium 816mm. "WATCH NG THE HEELS G0 R UND" for only $1.00. Kindly invite everybody to call'on them when in Berlin, and examine their stock of Liberal commisions to Agents. A good {giant tor this district is wanna at tmoe-one w 0 will take an interest 1n pushing the Phe and will makes thotpugh canvass or this is. triot. For‘terms and paaticulars address Spectator Printing Gr., Hamilton, Canada DEVOTED Tr; Farm Crops and Processes, Horticulfure and Fruih-prowiur, Live-Stock and Dairying, Weekly PHWQMWS (hsano £5 ihilliun This great paper from now till tst J Almaty 1895r12 P5899 reading mater.' .w..ttlSt-yy119W: Long experience in th e Art. study, and using only the latest im- proved materials and appliances, errablcs me to produce photographs according to the rules ofart. Such photographs po<sess breath oflight- ing and harmony in composition, show the subjects leading and best charactcrs, the best and most corn- plimentary View of the face and figure etc. If you want such a photo and come prepared to pay It reasonable price I can guarantee you perfect satisfaction. [can also supply you with a map of yourself as good and as cheap as any lik- ness taker can take it. THE ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHER BERLIN.ONT. Having made it a 1 study, and using only the] proved materials and ap 1881 THE CULTIVATOR. 1894 KI--?. mo, Country Gentleman THE BEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES CLUB RATES FOR1894A Stationery, Formerly carried on by E. B. Hall]: SUBSCRIBE AGENTS WANTED. G. SCHNEUKER THE HAMILTON ----FOR---- BERLIN Speetator East of Market, A ND it a thoroth BERLIN, $4 I0 l5 Capital in Premium Notes andCasb Assets over $260,000. A have opened my photo parlors and am now ready for business. Having spared nei- ther time nor expense in fitting up, I now hasreafirst class studio where customers will find everything in good taste, and style and will receiVe courteous treatment. I hope by doing only the most artistic and realistic work to merit and receive a share of your patronage. Call and inspect prem- ises and samples of work at 61 Kim: st. Grouping and Children’s photos a specialty. All work guaranteed satisfactory. One of our particular fall and winter lines is Gumming and _ Filing all kinds of saws and to this line we pay ipecial attention and guar- antee every saw. i' e are boun.d to give satis- faction. Sewing Machines yepaired and guar- anteed one year. all makes included. Gun and lock smithing, key fitting, etc. Bicycles re- Paired and converted from the old style to the ates: Pneumatic TyreCNew rolls put onlclothes wrinzers. Scales repaired and adjusted. New rubber tyres puton carpet sweepcrs. All kinds of small lathe work a.nd lathe Jobbing work E,ti'gatlr, and mechapieally..oNMsuted by power. emulates given on large jobs on application. Repairing of all kinds andsmall manufactur- ing mechanically executed. Remember the glance, Sign ot the Sewing Machine and Saw, 2 King ‘t. Mist, TeleEhone IM, cup. H. NDERSQN. . _ THE WATERLOU MUTUAL BY special arrangements with the publishers we are enabled to offer the Bublications named below, in connection wiuu e WATER- Loo COUNTY CHRONICLE, at 590mm!) low rates. from now until 1 Jan. 1895, Casi, muss always accompany order. Chronicle and The Ladies' Journal mum $1 25 Chronicle End The Weekly Mail and Farm - - andFireside _rT.1.".rC.r,-..-.-..r'..-.', Chronicle and The Weekly Globe vF___ . . . . . 1 thronicle and The Weekly Empire bw_qe l _ . Ghrrmiele.and The Farmer's Sun (the Pat. (Weekly) I"",:"',,",'"' ..PP.t.._t..m_w.m 175 Chronicle and The Cultivatur & Country qeptlerrysnfi7ryskyl www.'."""-.,... 275 Chronicle and Hoard's Dlirtm.an (Weekly) 1 75 Chronicle and Creamery & Dairy (Mummy 1 75 Chronicle and The Farm JoutsliMonthls') 1 40 Chronicle and The Toronto Weekly News l 76 Household Companion (Monthly)_. A. Chronicle and The Farmers' Advocate (Bi- weekly,.....-.---. Chronicle and The Montreal Weekly Wit- ness .w...trm...wrs..ssr.twwrw...s.e"rsm.. Chronicle and The Cosmopolitan. . _ . . . . _ n. Chronigge and The Orange Judd Farmer Berlin Photo Parolrs. SHEA? BEARING! r ns'papor)---..,, Chronicle and The Patron & Cp-Operator (the Patrons' Paper Monthly). . _ _ .. .. Chronicle and The Western Advertiser. . .. Chroniclg and The Family Herald & Week- WStti--..--s--. Chromcle and The Satumay Mail. . . . . _ "Pr. Chronicle and The Saturday Globe . . . ' . . ' ' Chronicle and The Ladies' Home Journal ' Chronicle and The Live Stock Journal and - tyrtiai%ssrt %di)i/dprietor. P. S. Beware of Sewing Machine Agents who would beiieus. The proof ot the pud ing is the eating ot it, Try us and be convxnced. OFFICERS: ALEX. MILLAR, Q. c., Solicitor.........Ber1in J. H. WEBB, M. 1).. Medium Referrfc.Wn1~erluo W. S. HODGINS. Supt. of Agencies. . Waterloo w H.RIDDELL, WM. HENDRY, 1. Cash and Paid-up Values guaranteed on each policy. 2. All dividends belong to andare paid only to policy holders. 3. No restriction on travel. residence, or occupation. t, Death claims paid at once on completion of claim papers. Surplus over all Liabilities, December 31st, I89?-,.--..-. 176,301 Increaseov0r1891.‘.‘........V..... 20,742 The 20»X’em- S0PErtvrsoRstmo DISTRIBUTION Poucvnow oli’nmd ombryxccs all the newest features. and is thebest term of PROTECTION and INVESTMENT monrf can buy. It has no (Equal. Glmrnhrqu values, attractive options, and liberal conditions. Cash Income for 18P2......-...., . 1horevseoverr1891......-.., Assets, December Mst, 1892. ' . . . .. . . . . Inn-ease over1891....... _'.r_.t._ Reserve for security ot Policy-Hold Assurances in force. Jan. Ist, 1893. . . 516,122,195 Increase over previous year _ . . . .. 1,187,388 New Acsurances written in 1892 .. . . _ . 2.651.000 DOMINION DEPOSIT Ontario Mutual Life. BERLIN hiiiih SHOP. Economy, Equity, Stability, Progress. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPOREED IN 1863. HE public will please take notice that I Chas. Hendry, Esq., Waterloo, Geo. Randall, Esq., " John Shuh, Esq†" William Snyder, Esq.. " I. D. Bowman, Esq., Berlin. J. L. VVideman, Esq., St. Jacobs. John Allchin, Esq., New Hamburg. I. E. Bowman, Esup, M. P., Waterloo Allan Bowman. Esq., Preston. P. E. Shantz. Preston, Thomas Gowdy, Esq., Guelph. James Livingstone, Esq., M. P., Baden, Thomas Cowan, Esq., Gait. S. Snyder Esq., Waterloo. Charles Hendry, President. George Randall, Vice-President. C. M. Taylor, Secretary. John Killer Inspector. Messrs. Bowlby 86 Clement, Solicitors Berlin OUR CLUBBING LIST. Increase of 1891 HEAD OFFICE, . ‘VATEIHADO, ONT Increase over 1891 Telephone, No. 31 leoral Coudtttons BOARD OF DIRECTORS Secreta ry BALL TRADE. Address, Establishml 1t3TI), OFFICERS DAVID BEAN, Waterloo, Ont. ---Pa9,'e G. GILHESPIE or Policies $100,000 2,061,602 280,827 611.951 67,331 2353384 294.053 222, 050 225 130 170 175 175 175 175 175 patterns can always be had at Bring your watchca and clocks want- ing repairs to C. J. Aim-man, who will undertake to put "miin good running order and guarantee satisfactlon. New Mantles and Jackets, Well Made J ackets, Good Fitting Jackets. Cheap Jackets Terms Cash ad (hm Price. Waterloo, Smyth Bros. have just received from Germany, from one of the leading manufacturers a large ship- ment of new and stylish jackets; these garments are perfect in fit and stylish in appearance; they are trimmed with astrachan and beaverized nutria; if you want to buy a good fitting, well made jacket, it will pay you to examine our stock before purchasing. We have just secured the balance of a wholesale stock of new and fashionable dress goods in the lead- ing shades, browns, navy, green and bronze, at less than So cents on the $. These goods are usually retailed at 50c and 6oc per yard; We offer this large consignment at 25c per yard; this line is selling very fast, come at once and secure first choice. No trouble to show goods. Another shipment of new fur hats, the latest styles in soft and stiff hats in black and brown ; The new Exposition is a good seller. NEW) HATS. NEW HATS. SMYTH BROS. A pleasurefgto show Goods. fhnhwim for Trunks and Valisas. New â€Williams Sewing Machines. We have everything in the line. of footwear CALL AND SEE. English and Canadian styles arriving daily, qNl'ir0li) Ptitjitr-2l,,i/r2/2irjrjt,i? BOOT AND SHOE STORE, Alteman's, the Jeweller. Wedding Presents. Cheap Cash Store, Kdng St., Berlin. Suitable articles in great variety of The Corner Jesiiilleey Store, Cheap Cash Store, SMYTH BBGS. Wpposite the Zimiierman House. Better Assortment than ever. Dress Goods. Fall stock in the latest New York, cr. S. CEtCDChfsci:?s, KING ST, BERLIN The Popular Boot & Shoe Store, Oat This is a; new business for our town and we have every reason to believe that our efforts will be appreciated and that we will be favored with your work. A trial solicited. ()ffiee: Boehmer’s Block, T7aterhoo, J. ECHART, The underslgned begs to an- nounce to his many friends in Lin.. wood and surrounding country that he has added to his already large custom business awell as- sorted stock of Tweeds, Worsteds Overcoatings, Trimmings and Gents’ Furnishings and is now prepared to furnish a complete outfit at prices that defy compe- tition. 4 different kinds. Sole Agent for the Canary of Waterloo P. o. Box Iii. 87 Before you buyasuit call and examine our stock and get oar prices. V. R, BERLET. Merehant Tailoring. Linwood, Sept. 20th, 1893. 37-ti A DESIRABLE farm of 160 acres. the N. E {dimmed in Sec. 36, Townshp 37, N.5, W.. Centre Township, Emmet Co. Mich, for sale or exchange on good property '11 the County 0 Waterloo, Twenty acres clear, balance wel wooded with bassirood, elm and maple. A, good dwelling on property Saw mill ugly ope quarter mile distant. and railroad 3 m11es._A spleadidichirnee A1315! to M. S ALLMAN, the best that can be got Toiil'sl)inisloty The Star lady, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Cheap' Harness. J, STREBELS, at the smallest cosh. Everybody that sees it orders one. does all kinds of Laundry work in first class style. Llle Tm :ERB STREET “3111331400 N ow is the time for WATERLOO, A. KERN AGENTS WANTED. Apply to Proprietor. 202 Kim: street west