Mrs. Steuernagel, who is known as the skilful milliner for many years, takes pains and will deliver you just what you want at comparatively low prices: is complete in all its Plumbing, Gas. and Water Fitting on shortest notice For first class millinery according to the le ad- ing style and of the best quality, go to Best PORTLAND CEMENT, GOLDEN, HYDRAULIC CEMENT and PLASTER PARIS, HOT AIR FURNACES. -= - 200 gloves at 25c tt 35c st 40c tt 04:33sz 0F Sl.00 AND UPWARDS RECEIVED, AND CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST AL'm'JV/E'J. ENTEREST ADDED 70 THE PRINCIPAL AT THE END OF MAY AND cxcvamuzzr: iN EACH YEAR. ll KING STREET EAST Spoclal Athstrtton glven to “w GoiltttMtttt of commercial Paper! and Farsaers’ Sales mates. Ladiest' Cashmere Gloves at nearly half price. We detest misrepresentations, and avoid all quotations that can- not be sustained to the letter. We do not pretend to sell at cost and under, but at a uniform profit, not giving one thing at cost to deceive the public and add 100% to another, about the value of which they are not so well informed. ' BLANKETS, C0hrF0RTERS, QUILTS, SHEEETINGS, CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE STORE BY WHAT IT DOES, RATHER THAN BY WHAT IT SAYS. Milli/nary E 1rillinery! by m: lir tr by It ql%l Ei Bi Bi , t f, tt , v' . y , L' a ', vi , r y, t 4 " F, ' l , . s ti 7 v r, _ r» ti trr LA " y, a A. T . P t , , r" :, i av I " E , (L P. ki g E ' , A - I ' q N I ‘ I , - , " - 15. 'k] . _ I i? _., 'RG-AIU THE Safe Agent for the Celebrated By the carload, and will be sold at GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED DRAFTs ISSUED PAYABLE AT ALL POINTS IN CANADA, AND THE PRINCIPAL CITIES IN THE UNITED STATES, GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE, BERMUDA, tkm ESTABLISHED 1837 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. duPETAL (PAID UP) SEX MJLLHON DOLLARS VOL. XXXIX.--- NO. 40 HARDWARE, STOVE and TINWARE B0EjOfER & co, GREAT CASH and ONE PRICE STORE. [JACOB CONRA C. Steuernagel's, T a . MP N . & ‘ - g... -. k r I ' " ' 3 " Et, $3 - IE, EW. - " tm dh Mt r 'er" a: ' . . Em - - "rr' ttgh ..3 AN 1 we " , " . . nil ip, . . B), tB E lt' Mi ' I s, IR Islay glt, Sl5 2:6“;133 Mt' ig ' p, El *1 " . a. m. " , - 3 ;. . , SE - - - v ' P8 - ll ' E :1 , m tm :1 -r = . EM cl. " - Nit IN M Mi 'gtg lit gr, Fs' =1 " 5:59 'ig MI iM M B" Ri 311 tfl 'il - " " " .3; 1 33. " I: " M ' I' r", ' MI 1:12: girl â€312:? Egg IN, IE K, 51? w, 1 , - z 9. " ttwi, it lt, " Mt if». ' . M ‘ Mit " . .323. a»: his ' . 3 " v,- " titil , 'A' im ' ' %k qtill as ' qliB5 + - =1" l mi“ ' " Itit liit ' 51% * Nit, Mt, qty ' " I " . " V L iiil ; Br' _ Branches and prices as well as quality will be RIGHT. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT B, E. WALKER, GENERAL MANAGER WATERLCO BRANCH PEASE FURNACE every Job guarante 100 15c 200 250 C. f3ireuernagel, prices to defy competition. My stock of 400 extra heavy (line d). . . .25c 500 tr " . . . .350 750 " " " . . .500 Everthing in mitts and kid gloves. King Street, Waterloo H. J, GRASETT, MANAGER, $6,030,000. ' 00,000. BERLIN. WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING OCTOBER 12. 1893. Messrs Ziegler and Burkholder ship- ped several earloads of sheep from the G. T. R. station this week. The council are having another tank put in, in the place of the cistern acres from the Union Hotel. The fair on Monday was fairly at- tended but most of the farmers found their way home before noon, J?oplrers were plentiful and in good demand. Prices were high as much as $5 being paid for young pigs. The Chatham city hand have travel- led this season 1,104 miles by rail and 64 miles by water, making a total of 1,108 miles. Mr. Sol. Laschu.ger, manager of the Elmira Branch of the W. ll. C , and Mr. E.W.B. Snyder, M. P. P, propose leaving Friday for the Northwest with the object of selecting a suitable place to begin a. foundry or ralher to remove this branch to the plane selected. The estate of the late John Beattie, of London, is Worth $122,000. His widow gets $3,000 yearly and the fam- ily residence, while the balance goes to three children. Our teaching stair intend taking -ad vantage of the Teachers' Association to beheld at Berlin Thursday and Fri- day. The Rev. Mr. Huff assisted by his two daughters delivered two lectures on temperance in the Methodist church- es last Thursday and Saturday even- ings. The attendance on the last eiren- ing was small though those that were present speak in the highest terms as to Hutr's able way of handling the ques- tion. PErtsoNALs.-Mv. William Baetz regent Saturday and Sunday with his parents in town....Mr. Herman Christmann and Mr, John Bostwick l Robert Young, one of Minto's[coun- ty ot \Vellington] best citizens, is the owner of three beautiful little lakes which he has filled with fish. The fish are almost domesticated, as shown by the following incident, described by the Harriston Tribune: After going a short distance through the swamp Mr. Young gave a peculiar whistle and en- tered the lake which he arrived at, when suddenly the whole water began to move, fish leaping up here and there jumping over his shoulder and perform- ing many feats. Large fish were pick- ed up and held out at arm's length and then dropped back into the water. We were offered A bucket full of them, but could not bear the idea of eating fish which had been educated to perform such strange feats Mr. Somers one of the men at J. ctr. J. Livingston’s flax mill, at, Brussels, narrowly escaped instant death last Friday. He was putting on n belt down stairs, when it caught his cloth- ine and he made four or five rounds with the belt, passing through openings in the iloor, He is badly hurt, but IS expvcled to recon r. N r. Dougal Livingston, who former, ly ran the Dominion Hotel, Hillshurg- has fallen heir to over $50,000 by the death of an uncle in Scotland. One of the most singular and romwn- tic marriages ever llt‘hld of took place Friday morning at Niagara. Falls, when, at the, entrance of the Cave of the Winds clad in the peculiar and pie- turesque garments worn hy those M ho venture there, and wich the water and spray dashing our and and ml them. Mr. Walter S, Stewart, of Pittshurg, Pa., and Miss Blinuie Weller, of Alleg- heny City, Pa., were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Justice Bus. sell, Everything was in apple pie or- der. The Witnesses were there, the ring was slipped on the bride's finger the answers came clear and distinct, and two hearts with but a single thought were there made to beat as one. The bride is young, charming and pret- ty, while the groom is a handsome chap and is reported to be quite weal- thy, \Vm.Reuter, of Weisenbvrg, hurl his foot crushed while at work mu. a thresher Wednesduy, and had to Imm- his foot amputated. Dr. Rolwrts, of Little Germany, performed (he oper- ation. Mr. Leonard Awrey, who for the past six years has been f rmin,e on the old homestea", lot 22, mm. 2, Erin, In partnership with his brother, Wm. John, recently brought Mr. Silas Edwtsrds' farm in the 4th con. of Em- mos», about one mile from the Centre Inn, 100 acres for '6,000. Alt toe, Sum of “no County and District ('nrel’ull) unnumrlzcd and put 1uto mum-live shape. NEWS NUGGETS. BUDGET FROM CORRES PONDENTS AND OTHER S OURCES. Elmira Mr. David Eidt, a former Waterloo Co. boy, came to the serious considtua- tion to better his mode of life and FO has taken to himself an assistant in the person of Miss Wagner of Port Elgin. Dav. surprised his friends by showing himself in his double appearance. The Bell Telephone Co. is at present engaged .in putting up poles and ie the course at a few days our hamlet will be connected with the surroundmg towns and Villages by wire. Mr. James McNicol ls having, great success with his span of roadsters, haw ing secured four red tickets. This is one of the finest teams in the district. --Anothew of the lavdmarks has passed away in the person of Mr. John Thomp- son. . . . .The Harvest Home which was held about a week ago Was a decided success both intellectually and fimmci ally. The recitations of the Rev. Theo. Parr, B, A, of Ayr were very much appreciated. HAPPILY Wriv.--On Oct. lst, Miss Lizzie Huether, daughter of Mr. Jac. Huether of this village, was united in marriage with M c. John Rueffer. Both the brlde and the groom are very pop- uhtr, and all the residents of our village are highly pleased that they purpose re- maining here. The groom has bought the property of the late Conrad Lung, and aitef considerable expense and lab- orhas made of it a tine and comfort- able home for himself and bride. Mvs.t.seyrer is just recovering from a severe attack of typhoid fever. Miss Emma Eidt, a pupil of our public school has been successful in taking a prize in the penman competi- tion held at Hespeler. LOCAL 1huEFs.--We understand Mr. H. N. Miller has been re-engngea for 1894. He has been with us four years Mr.H. Schmidt one of the first set, Hers of our community, is on the sick list. Mr.George Niebergall, who has been laid up with sickness for some time, has imprm'ed a little. . We: regret to announce the death of Mr. Phi ip Hummell's little son on Sunday mm. Bronchitis; is said to be the cause of death. He was about two years of age. Mud» sympathy is ex» pressed for Mr. and Mrs. Rommel]. PERSONALS-Mr. Geo. ll, Stuart of Grand Rapids, Michigan, is visiting at Mr. Bemis'. . . . Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Bemis have returned to Toronto . . . . Mr. John Turle of Galt, is visiting at home for a few days. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hillborn have gone to Thed. ford. Mr. E. L. Huff, general agent of the Sons of TempPrance' will lecrurein Wtuterhoucne on Thursday evening 12ch inst. He will heaccompanied by a eouple of dunghtms who recite, read and furnish the musicul part of the programme, Admission a. silver collec- tion at the door. the 2nd inst., as Mr.Philip Bichty who lives about a mile, eastrf this place, was approaching his horses, preparatory to hitching into the was',on,one.of them kicked him square in the face, break- ing hisjaw and nose The blood was (liming most profusely when Dr. Pvrsb- erts was called in. He staunched the fluw of blood and set the jaw. Mr, Bichty, is progressing as well as can be expected. A small party met at the residence of Mr. M, Millnrd on the Waning of Friday lust and spent smeml hours in social intercourse. Among the gtr"sts present Were DI". M. \Vilwn Mid Miss Wilson of Pilkingiun and Miss Kata Hullry of EElum, Mus Halley who has won an enviable fame, as an elocutionist was asked to recite and Very kindly responded to the request and gum several svlectinns “liich de. liglirvd nll who lienrrl them. Mr, and M . Jack Hamllton purpose visning Chicagb. They Stnrr, on- the. 13th inst. It is rumors-d that. the Rev. A. M. Hamilton purposes viiirrg the Worid's Fan, On Tuesday a m. the youngest son of Mr, Jacob Raider, a well to do tanner living about three miles North from here, was engaged with the threshing machine his foot caught in the gearing and waq completely severed from the leg. Dr. Roberts was soon on the spot and skillfully amputated the injured limb. The young lad is progrnssing favorably. are home and on the sick list, We wish them a speedy recovery . . . . Mr. William Wei‘hel paid his parents and friends n. short visit on y3ut1dsy. Willie is I ow a re-prvse tative of Sliurley k DiMrich of Gait; mud begins his first trip as a. drummer, this week. We wish him sucrvss _ . . . Mrs Ihmees of Berlin is visiting fvirands in mwn. liloomingdnlo. PAINFUL AccnmTs.-0n Monday Philipslmrg, Washington. Wlttterirourtus. Pet o t' sluu ' Rev. Mr. Schultz, being absent to attend the General Synod of the Luth- emu Church, Rev. Mr. Petschke of Heidelburg occupied the pulpit last. Sunday evening. V Ihuros.--h1r. Ed. Hollinger will leave shortly for Fergus where, he has secured a situation . . . . M c. Omnson Snyder and wife, of Watecloo, spent Sunday in town... .Mr. Jno s. Koeh- ler and family, of Erbsville, called upon friends in the village on Sunday.,.. One of the pioneers of our (ounty, Mr. Moses Hochstetter, of Wilmot Tp, near New Hamburg, was in the Village last week. The old gentleman is 80 years old but is quite smart and active yet. - Mrs. John Gubel returned Inst week from Michigan where she bad been spending a month visiting her children at Cairo and St. Joseph. 'Last Saturday, while some boys were playing in a bush near the village, Til- man Beclrner, one of the little fellows, fell from thefeusce over which he was climbing and broke his mum. Mr. Jacob Schmitt son of Mr. Geo. Schmitt, a farmer near this village has gone to Ada, Ohio, where he will at- tend the Normal University there. We wish him success. FOOT BALL-our. boys lined up again with the Wild Cowboys of Peterslmrg and played the return match in Strau- burg. The Cowboys prmed too much for our boys and resulted in a Victory for them by 3 to I. After the game the boys were treated to a supper in the Hotel.-It is reported that our boys will play the Royals of Berlin in Stras- burg next Saturday. Hope you fellows will get your' be) S all together the next time and give a better account of your- selves. 1 Swartz. I I , Jun, IIL-A. Shackle, M. Henhoeffer, M. Wanner. Sen, II.-M. Israel, L. Wilhelm, A. Hage- dorm, T Woods. Jun. IL-M. Amos, E. Shackle, B. Swartz, R. Lindsay, E. Thaler, Hagedorn, E. Israel, C. Kesselring. Part II-M. Swartz, E. Staufrer, Al. Main. S. IL SwArvrz, Teacher. PrutsoNAia.--Mr. Pearce, the School Inspector visited our school the 27th ult . . . . Old man Donnenworth, return- ed from his sojourn to Iowa and Mich. where he spent a few weeks visiting his sons. He Imports thit the crops turn- ed out well in Iowa, and he was well pleased with the country... .Mr. H. Lindsays were visiting in Wushington. . . . .yfr. A Swartzlpent Sunday at our Teacher's mansion. Mr: J. Moyer of Kossuth is on avig. iting tour in Michigan . . . . Mr. James Geiger went to Gnlr‘lmr. week to at- tend the Fair. . . . Mr. Fred Sch-defer shipped a car of tiles to Multon . . . . Mr, J. Schiedel of Berlin was under the parental roof last Sunday. . . .The Creamery has closed for this season and the manager Mr. Louis Steffier has gone to his home new Mildmay.... Miss Lillie Bricker spent last week at home . . . .A car load of grapes arrived here last week for New Germany. . . . Miss Lillie Bricker: is off for a week's holidays. She intends to spend them in Baden . . . .Your reporter arrived home the 5th inst. after a pleasant trip to Grand, South Huron... . Mr. J. A. Anderson of Harrisburg, IV, made a call here en route for the World's Fair. _ On Thursday last, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Doelle died after a. short illness. A brief but 'appropraste service, conducted by the Rev. Buchler was held the next day. The remains were interred in the village cemetery. ....We are pleased to see our friend Mr. Berry back again. He returned lust; Monday from the World's Fair, His health very much improvs-d he is now more able to wield the rod satis- factorily much to the sorrow of the boys. . . .The Farmers' Telpphone lines are, very mm h riapitaled, He 'o John! Where art thou l. . . . Mr. H. Howard from Guelph was visiting his friendsin town on Sunday. . . . Mr. Joe Smulfer, a Modelim from Berlih was at home here:on Sunday . . . . M r. Thomas Bur- netr, and wife from Linwood were the guests of Mr. John Burnett, on Sundav. School report for Sept. Names cf pupils in ordar of merit. Sen. IV.-L. Swartz. Jun. IV.-L. Stauifer. See. IH"-C). Swarm, E. Wilbelm, D, We hear that Mr: N. E. Ehy, who last spring, made an assignment; of his property, lot No. g, S. R. N., Situated about one mile east of the villngp, has re-purchased the same, and that it is his intention to move back upon the piace this week. and has a very heavy school-the aver “g? attendance for SPpt being 57, T 't Mrs, Kusper Oberer has heer, spending a few weeks in Reed City, Mich. . . . Mrs. J, Clancy. wife of our popuiu Station Agt., is visiting friends and re- ltsirives in Hamilton and Caledonia What makes the owner of lot No, 2 S. R. S, look so happy? Willlnmslmrg. St. Jaeohs Broslnn during the past week. 7 Rev. J. Showers IS at present attend, ing conference. Henry Weber is in the village again. DIsry.-At the ripe old use of forty three, the famous trotting mare “Jipsy Jack" owned by J. Mauser. Her remains were intranet] in the "Fovese" burying ground on Tuesday. As the tree Falls so shall it stand. Rev. D. L. Huff has been engaged in the temperance work in this vicmity during the past week. “Mr. Jas. Peterson came home Satur. day on business. Res). Mr. Huff the temperance lec- turer preached to a large congregation in the Methodist church Sunday even- ing. ti. Fetch and'sister spent Sunday in Listowel. 'The remains -of Mrs. Burt. Melun was interred in the St. Clements, Ce- mgtery on Friday. The Great Northwestern Telegraph Co'y. hme placed a telephone into E. H. Sehiedels' store connecting with the telegraph line at Petersburg. Mrss, ages will hereafter be telephoned to Petersburg and telegraphed from there. We are glad to see the smilirig face of Ed. Gillespie in our midst again. The sacrament was adminisvtered in the Presbyterian Church here on Sure day, Rev. Mr. Panton preached a very appropriate sermon to the commu~ nicants on Friday. On Sunday Rev. J. B, baptized six converts in Creek. Mr. Detwiler has tionally good results in his labors here, _ No services were held in the (Liber- al) U. B. church on Sunday, the min- ister being in attendance at the annual Conference. Miss A. Reid of Lucknow has Mken charge of the millimry work for E, H. Schiedel kr Co. Miss Reid was in charge during last season and gave uni, versal satisfaction. Potatoes in this vicinity are yielding, well this year. In size they are some what ahead of former crops. M r, Jno. Paer has them weighing from 2 to 3 pounds. The Ottman Bros. are having their old homestead renovated with a new porch to make it a. little more conven- ient for their aged mother. Mr. J. M. Weber has eulai‘ged his residence by building a brick addition to his kitchen, It greatly improves ap- peamncesi We11estrw. Mr. Chas Zinkan and wife have rp- turned home agaln from their extended visit tn Kansas, and we are sure they have enjoyed the trip very much. They hnv. brought withthem hersisler, Annie Dodrinu, who intends to stay a. while with them and visit friends, Alot ot our young folks wow to Stratford on Sunday attending Miss- icnary servieeg. Mr. R Kube is having his cellar drain opened and put into hetter shapc for the winter. It will not he long he, fore some one else will be starting when he gots through. Mr. Gen. Doering, has removed his family and household goods to Water- loo today where he has purchased the interest of Peter Zoe,eer and intends to reopen the store larger than Pver. Mr. Chas. Knenler is finishing up thls year's fl-ax crap tc-day having Lad a gnarl crop mud well rotted Furmm‘s- are busy nowadays lifting their pntatoes and roots, both buy; a good crop. At the Toronto twenty mile Bicycle race last Saturday our whvelman, Mr. O. I. Steiss did excvedingly well cap- turing the tenth prize out of 159 com- petitors. He won a vprv handsone smoking case, Value il/O 00. This is a great "scord for our wheselurar1, and an honor to our Village. Mr. A. Davey, RoseViHP. occupied the (Conservative) U. B pulpit on Sun. clay evening. We are glad to learn that Mr. C. Hillgartner, who was seriously ill last week, is now rapidly improving. M c. John Schnarr and Eph. Zinkann went to see the IVorld's Fail", and wail likely return this week. Mr. Chas. F. Ot’fruan has been on the sick list last week with neuralgia. Museum Hahn Je Son, has sold to Josird, Snider 530 lambs‘ They deliv- ered [mm to Mr. Snider's farm at Blcroiniuurdaho, last Thursday. This made quite. a stir in our village there. being, some seventy teams here with lambs. Mr. Anthony Bergess, who has been on the sick lust for several weeks, is im- proving. . . . Miss Clam Heller, who hm helm staying with her siswr, Mrs.Adum Otterbein, of Elkton, Mich., for a long time returned with her mother last week. linwkosvllle Melded berg. New Dundee Crumb“! Detwiler, the Alder had excep- ministerial WHOLE NUMBER, “2015 The above companies are amongst Ielygtstand most popular eompa- mes 1n the world. Rates Law, Call on or write to Representing the Landau and Lancashire, New; British and Mercantilg, PhDBHiX of Bmoklyn, DURHAM CATatrc---fo'ull, 3 yr old, I. Groff, L K.\Ve1)er; 2 yr old, S. Perch, calf, T. Gvoff, J.L.Weloers; Cow, do, do, I. Hilbom; Heifer, 2 yr old, J. Stone, P.Glennie; 1 yr 'sld,I.Hilbro1rn,J'.8tone; calf, LG roff, C.W.Hammond. . rmgo, ll. Walittcrs, j),'. Eby, R. Green- wood: roadster-, F.G.ankner, P.Gvoss; Sing'n,carriage, Ji.Greensvooc], 1rra.Gecl- des, J. Howlet; roadster, Wm O'Neil, Ed Bulmer, C.\V.Parcel; Saddle, Ray Winger, A.Bulmevf Lady driver, Mrs. Lackner k (hc.ookshank. M, S. HALLMAN. Fire Insurance. Doering; 2yr old, P Danie", Jquvc-l]; 3 cell, Wm (hook-shank IX HansEss--Teary vitt, 1.StauffrtJ RM} CrWallaee, Wu, Ficlmi riago, H. Wallace If. IhuDsrmr--Brood mare,H.Doeringl & 2, Wm (yNeil; Foal, do, do, A. Bummer; 1 yr old, H. Zilhax, A. Bush, P. Glennie; 2yr old, Geo Miller l k 2,P.Christnrauu; 3 yr old, do, Jas Howlet, 11.J. Hall V CARruAcE--fo'cood mare, A.Milier,J. B. “Huger, Geo Luckner; Foal, do do, Geo Lackner, P, Glennie; 1 yr old/H. Duering; 2 yr old, P .Aitchinson, A. A: we army or carpi-ts we lune now in stock-astonished ut the rsriery, the qual- ity and astmlished vsiucviully " the wouder- fully low prlces, Think of It! We tvsrCsoll you good Brussels Carpet. $1.00 per bd. Tapestrv, 30e per yd. Floor 011 chm: yard wide, 28 cts. fl, 3. LAN} and n AruiIcvcrUria---lht,od mam, 1 & :2; Wm Schpfer, GJucksnn; Foal, clrs,Wrn Stimson; 1 l " o d, Tobias Wambolclt, Wm Schafer 2 k 3; 2 yr o'd, Geo Wal- lace, Wm Shafer, Wm Busomwox'th; 3 yr old, R.Cxveenwood, Wm Crookshank Geo Geisel. Bo1Dsrmi--Prood mare,H.Doeringl & 2, Wm (YNeil; Foal, do, do, 1o'icrcLE---1Ciuysoy, H..) anzen. HEAVY Dmvcn'y HoRsrsTs, Brand mare, Wm Stimsnu, Jacob S. Meyer; Foal, Graham Jackton, J. S Mayer, J. Bellamy; 1 yr- old, Isaac Deritt 1 k 2, Richard Greenwood. RACES FREE FOR ALL -rr; J.Wralker's Pal “73.11261 HoTErmriEPEr:s-r.y, Zilliax. Ever'ybody's The Woolwie Elmira on Tues Oct. 13rd and ott', a great success. pv'tieularly of for mam! years atrl the exmmns 1n the various r1ep;u"(mm1ts " Ladies' work were exeelint. The. b autiful sivyaelr. er on the second day brought out a very 1mg" number of visitors and the gate receipts we: e of course much larg- er than on other years. Subjoined our readers will find the prize list. TEA)! Eu hi. ti. (Continued on Sth Page.) Woolwiz'q fall Show, M. S. Hallman, London Mutual, lhuyl-'n-llad. MEL V The exhibition was L'i. The show of hve mock, rf horses was the finest rs aud the exhibits in the tmvnts " Ladies' work lj. The. b autiful sivyaelr. Chronicle Office, Waterloo. Prompt at’seqtion given. 1 FallShow hehl at lay and Wednesday, Astonished 3 yr old, C.\V.Par- k, F.frLackper. Lm, draught, I.De, Ieycr: agricultural :Lfer 2 k 3; C'at'- 3. Ehy, R. Green- /reydhl,PacerPoelie 'w; J Jackson T (yDonell, Hy HJemzen xer, P.GI'OSS; ood, lrrcCred- Wm O’Neil, 'J'Dunnell, J