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Waterloo County Chronicle, 5 Oct 1893, p. 4

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The Woolwich Agricultural show takes place to' day (Wednesday). On Tuesday evening the building was lit up giving the town folks a chance to see the exhibit in the show house. The band was in attendance and enlivened the a tuning with some choice musicfor the spectators. Should we be fortun- ate mough to have no rain an immense crowd is expected to day. "iuieirl:gan Eome Lime ago hoping to re- gain his health, expired on Wednesday Mr. Frank Hillborn a very respect- Able young man, who came here from PERSONALS --Mc. John H. Ratz and Fred Weidenhammer left for Toronto Tuesday. John to attend the Medical collrge and Fred the University. We wish them stteeess.--Mr. John Klinck son of Adam Klinck. left for Devitt Nebraska. on Tuesday where we un- derstand be has secured a situation in a store.--!. Fred Vogt of Kalamazoo, Mick, and Mr. Oscar Vogt of Gal: paid their parents a visit on Saturday last-Mrs. August Jansen and sister of Preston, are visiting friends in to wn -ilfr. and Mrs. Frank Strohm and M r. and Mrs. Adam Sippel of Berlin urein town-Mr. Hemy Ziegler of Alsfeld spent a few days with his par- ents. The funeral of Mrs. Wendel Dow- man on Sunday last waslarzwlyattend- ed. Flienus and nequaintavces gather- ed from far and near as deceased was well and favorably known. The remains of John Thompson, son of John Thompson Sh, were bought to town and interred in the Union Ceme- tery. Deceased had been wot king at Niagars for some time. A large num- ber of friends attended the burial. At the tire meeting last Wednesday evening it was decided to Jeane the purchasing of A new steam engine over for the present. At the next munici- pal election it will be left to the rate. payers to give or withhold their assent to the punchase. The Lelies' Aid of St. Paul's Lutheran church have arranged to se. cure chimes for their church. The first of a spries of LhrPe is to he orderr‘d im- mediately and is to be the largest, weighing 2000 lbs. WEDDVsu.-Lvst Thursday there were married uh the residence of the hride’s father, Mr. Peter Stump? and Miss Amanda Yost. Rev. Thomas tu-d the knot. In the evening the band of which Peter is an active member serenaded the happy couple We join in the wish cf their many friends that they may he granted many years of wedded hfe. (E. E. Sheppard. In Turontob'arttrduy Mam] “I way he counted as disloyul or re- ported pb. ignomnv, yet I have been in every Prmincv If the Dominion this your excel tit g Prince E lwm‘d Ialund, nnrl I "m not at all afraid to say that Sir John Thompson is reputed as only nominally Pxeinier and his colleagues are. di ing l.is work in a very desultory way. The party everywhere is feeling the tlsenee of n. real leader; in fact, to put it hrit fly, the party threatens to go to pieces because no large politician and compHent chirftnin has formulated n policy on the Hcrrr'ptravce of which‘ he decides as to the fealtyof his followers. Indrod, what must we think of a Gov- Prlnul'lit that is afraid to appoint lieut- enant governors while three vacancies are in existence, one of them for at least a year and two for many months. Beans and seeds. ' If the above good news proves to be well founded, Canada will enter upon an era of prosperity during the next few years never before experienced in her history, not excepting oven the period of the old Reciprocity Treaty of 1854-1tm6. Wool, Hinder twine, 'Cotton bagging and ties, Load, _ Tin, Iron ore, Coal, Timber, hewn, sawed and manuh tured, Salt, Hemp, Needles, Copper ore, Vegetables, Meats, “amp: Poultry, The Washington correspondent of the Globe intimates that; the Ways and means Committee have decided to place the following articles 0n the free list: Prof. Shaw, late of the staff of the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, on the eve of his departure was present,» ed with a number of addresses and valu- able prasencs by the different Christian workers of Kno,x church, in which he “as an active member and an untiring worker. WANTS A REAL LEADER. {Hamming QT lttzttitlt. flags. Bloottttttgdaie, RECIPROCITY. " III Ira he or mum) and strength renewed and of ease and comfort follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as it acts in harmony with nature to effectually cleanse the system when eostive or bilious. For sale in 75c bottles by all leading dvugs gis.s. Oct Names of the best pupils during the month of September: lst Ihsusms.-Robevt Seyler, Charles Ball. 2nd 1hvrsuoN.--yIatMa Fischer, Mary Ann Heymann, Edward Connor, 3rd IhErs1os.-Eugene Heymmm, Ida Ball, Ida Kuutz, Josephine Hirb, Ethelyn Con- nor. A Pleasing: sense of health and strength renewed and IN HYMEN'S BosDs.--Mr Melvin O. Sipes has taken unto himself a wife in the person of Miss Minnie Barclay, youngest daughter of Mr. James litr- lciay of "Blair Athol." They were mar» lried in the Presbyterian Church, Pres- ton,s number of friends being pre' sent to witness the ceremony. After receiving the. congratulate ions of their friends the young couple took the train for Hamilton and Buffalo to enjoy their honey-moon. On their return it is expected they will take up their residence on the farm where Mr. A. Sherk now resides. Mr. Sipes is to be congratulated in winning the hand and heart of so estimable and accomplished a lady and their many friends,,here wish Mr. and Mrs. Sipes "bon voyage" through life. Messrs. W. H. Clemens, A. H. Mc- Nally, J, McNally, A. Hilbornpuul A. W. Hilborn have returned from a week's visit to the 'great Fair" Chicago and all seem greatly_pleased with the trio. Muvveduhy IL. Cowan, sea by Mr. Mrrehell--Tuat this council now mi journ to meet again on Saturday, Oct. 28rh, at10 o'elock a, m. Jacob Shafer, gravel and damage to fiee,1., $5.70; Frank Mow, building culvert, tw, Jacob S. Snider, gravel, ty?. 28; John Dipple, gravel, $1.20;Jolm Wallace, gravel, $3.45; John Frey, gravel and damage, $13.40; J. Frey, one lamb killed by dogs, $2.66; Levi Lich ty, gravel and extra labor, $4.85; Henry Jonas, gravel, 83.10; George Shar , gravel, $4.2]; Ph. Noerber, destroying 2(l)ogs found worrying sheen, 30.00; J. B. Snyder, b cost of railing on Tp. Line, tN 68; Geo. Proudfoot gravel and damage to tield, $6.55; Samuel Block, 120 loads brick bats, Wl,00; John Vogt, gravel and erecting railing, 812. 70; Geo. A. Tilt,3 months' salary as Clerk, $187.. 50; Postmaster at Blair, pasta e, $7.31; M. Bowman, gran. cl, i"i..t?i'r,tClfih. of Health expenses diphtheria at Bloomingdale, 82.09; Jacob Betzuer, taking pauper to poor house, $2.00; Samuel Hilliorn, gravel $3.75; Mich. ael Israel, gravel and damage, $14.65; Geo. Fiseher, gravel, $6.10; Michael Miller, gra- vel and damage to crop, 818.00, Jacob Wer. il, coffin and shell for, John Sixt, $10.00; Wesley Moore, one sheep killed by dogs, $4.66; Charles Kreitzmeiser, plank and tim- ber, $24.24: Engelbert Sehmaltz, gravel and stone, $6.20; Andrew McGregor, labor on Tp. Line, $4.60: Abram Cressman. gravel, $16.40; William Hamilton, gravel and labor $3.88; Eli Shantz. gravel, $6.65; John C. Shaun, gravel and opening gravel pit, $8.35 Wendel J?, Shantz, gravel, plank and pulling stumps, $13.28; Charles John, gravel, $1.60; Crliistian T. Groh, repairing bridge, 82.50; Moses Kinsey, damage; to lane; 810; F.Hyde & Co., 83 9 in, sewer plpe, 829,88; Jos. S. Shantz, plank,spikes and labor,Sll.75;Louis Bitschey, gravel, (C.40. Moved by Mr. McKav amended by Mr. Shoemaktt-Thrst ttr-LW No 726 to Hmhle tlwTrustees of the School Section No. 16 to borrow the sum of one thousand dullare be read the first and second time. Moved by M r. Mitchell seconded by Mr. Cowan-Tot By-Laws Nos. 726 Mid 728 he now read the third time time and passed, Move-d by Mr. Shoemaker seconded by Mr. Cowan-Thu, the following ac- counts be paid and the Reeve gram his order on the Treasurer for the several amounts, viz :-- Moved by Mr. Cowan seconded by M r. McKay-That By-an No, 72810 extend the tune for completion of the Gal: and Preston Sum-w, Railway until January 12th, A. D. 1895, be read tl.e titst and second time. _ Minutes “of preceding session read approved. The Council net at. the To nl p Hull on Saturday Sepc. 30cl, pursuant co tadjournment, Members all present. The Rpeve in the chair. Ears and Bowman otiri"texl. Mr, and Mrs. 1Vrlson pun! John Illlllmrn of Mich. Alherr, of Toronto and Mr. Mil horn of Glenallpn, hrotliers of the deceased were here attending the fur,- eral. SICK Lrsr.-ire are glad to say that Mr. Noah Shamz is slightly improv ing.----). Henry “My; iu ahout the svrure.-fu Mrs. A. MeAllisterh; coridi- tion there is no irnpvoretnent.-sWe re. gran to my Hint Mrs, John Kilkpnnwk i, lying program with fer m: We hope she will scan hp nround "ruin. the 37th Waterloo Separate School, “'mcl'lno 'rownutlp Connoll‘ GEO A TILT. Tp. Clerk muir, i, the 30m Rev. Mr. Wehstet, who presided as minister of the Gospel of the Presbyter- ian congregation during the pact sum- mer has returned to Toronto to resume his studies in Knox College of which he is a student. NEARLY A FIRE --What might have proved a disastrous oonfUgration on Sunday evening was averted by the timely notice and prompt action of sev- eral boys prorneruuling the sidewalk fue- ing the residence of Noah Cressman, which had caught fire in the sitting room caused by the bursting of a lamp which had been lighted by the son be, fore going out, the other members of the family being away and the house left vacant for some minutes. The,' table on which the lamp stood was had-l ly charred and a large hols burnt in the carpet, where. the lamp fell. The floor was also badly damaged. Waterloo, Oct. 4th V When the picker room takeslfire let the men came out of it, shut the doors, open the valve to admit a jet of steam from the boiler. This fills the room with steam ; the heat and pressure of steam excludes the air, the supply of oxygen is cut off, and the fire ceases to burn immediately. We often hear of smothering fires, such as in case of oil, varnvsh and such as water will not extinguish. What does such smother- ing mean? Simply excluding or cut- ting off the supply of oxygen. With- out oxygen there is no combustion or at least no flame. I have put such jets into several picker rooms and some of them have been severely tested but never failed in extinguishing the five, In one case just now on my mind the room took fire and the operator had to go down stairs out into the boiler room and climb up on top of the boiler to let on steam. Before he had got that done, the picker room, which was formed of board, only, was burned and all the wool in it, and the wood- work of the picker badly damaged, but the letting on of steam extlnguish- ed the fire and saved the building. This is cheap, simple, and effective. Try it. They do not occur in shoddy mills only. I has e known such fires in cus- tom carding mills while picking pure wool, but such fires are seldom known and more probably arise from matches or other substances which ignite by friction, being in the wool. Shoddy mills run hy steam, always have steam up when the picker is running, and a jet of steam, let into the room, will ex- tinguish fire more effectually than throwingi water] with] pails or other five appliances usually found on the premises. An inch steam pipe, from the boiler into the picker room, with a globe valve outside the room, if promptly attended to, is better in a shoddy mill than the best town fire ap- pliance in the country. Fire in such mills is of very frequent occurrence It cannot be attributed to carelessness or laziness , in fact the steadier a picker is fed the greater the danger of'fit'e. Such fires are from spontaneous combustion and may be expected at any moment while a pick- er 1s runmng. going up, caught fire about 11 o'ch ek and the tlamev, had got complete con- trol before the fire was discovered. The, yire'hrigade were quickly on the spot. and kept the fit'e from spreading to the neighboring buildings. The house belongs to the church property mid the loss is about $500. SOMETHING WORTH KNOW- ING. On Monday night another fire took place. A frame house on Weber street, which formerly occupied the position where the new Evangelical Church is Much sympathy iswfelt, for {he absent nwner who succeeded in the face of great dihiculties in building up the greatest manufacturing business of the kind in the Dominion. a T. ilnlwr's ci, 0 Works Completely dos- lroyrtl. A fire lzrulu- out, shortly :ll'u-r (-lmen o'clock on Ilonrlay forenoon in the At- lantic Gluv “kirk; situated on the out- SAlI'tS of the luwu and laid the whole, mmblishmunl in ruins. Tho factory consisted Hf a largo mitirtlsuiltlhrs,r,with several wings, all three and A half su)viesloigls, built of brick, having the hit st, and mum. impruvetl machinery and large lua 'tities of manufactured goods. The firv, originated in the picker mom of the shnmly department. The lire brigade was summoned and prompt- _ ly respond d hut could not reach the building with the hose, on account of the distance of the hydrant from the factory. The flames made it too hot to get near with the buckets, and the brig- ade was consequently helpless. Mr Huber left on Saturday for a visit to the World's Fair and gave the charge of the factory into the hands of his two brothers. The total loss it is estimat. ed will be between $25,000 and 830,- 000. The Economical of Berlin holds a risk of $3,000 and th number of other companies risks to the amount of $5,000. Forty-five or fifty men are thrown out of employment by the fire. DISASTROUS FIRE 1N IER. LIN. Another shoddy Mill Burnt-d Aumhor Ftrc, linden J. D. MCEACHERX Waterloo County Chronicle JAMES TAYLOR, Auctioneer TERMS OF SALE.-in0 and under, cash ', over that, sum 12 months' credit, on furnishing npprovedjoint, notes. Hay, grain, potatoes and wood, three months' credit. A. B. fl?,yy,yyir2mt,) J. B. Bmummx, 'rExemttovs. X150 50 tons of hay,'600 bushels oats, 300 bush. wheat, a qua" city of gamma. 16 cords beech and mafia and l?, cor S" soft wood, a lotof fioo1s ing. an other articles too mu11e1'0us to men- tion. Household Furniture.- Walnut sideboard, kitchen table, 2cook stoves, parlor stove, din. ing room stove and coal store, churn, 2 bed, steatis,oloClurs horsem. lot of stove pipes.2 wawhiug machines, ber1ches,bcass cider kettle, sugar kettle. Imp'ements. &c.-Lum her wagon, 2 truck wagons. all broad tires. tit buggi; democrat, bob-sleigh. light box slcig ' Bue eye binder, mower, dise-harrow, Daisy cultivator, all neur- ly new, Beaver seed drill, set iron barrows. 2 plows, 2 gang plows, 2 sets team harness, sob single harness, odd collars, hay rack, sulky rake, 4 horsepower and spindles, large cutting box With elevators, grain chopEchunning mill, hlay fork, rake and pulleys, "a Les, forks, shov- e s, &c. _ ___ 7 Farm Stock.-Matchett genera? purpose team of horses 5 years old, Grey mare 8 years old, bay horse i years old, 7 mile): cows in calf or calves at foot, 0 heifers 2 years old in calf. & number of them Jersey grades, Thoroughbred Shorthorn bull l months old, 8spring calves, 10_Steers 2 yeaqr old, THE undersigned has been instructed by the Executors of the late Owen Obrsrholbmir, to sell by publlc auction. at, his late residence. Guelph Township, nearMosbovough, on argue g'glqck, ths f‘ol_loxying property: Farm Stock, Implements, House- hold Furtp'turts,Etth Exeeutors' Sale on Saturday. Mr. Jos. Sehl has iixed up the top story of his blacksmith shop up a resi- dence, and will move in the Same short- ly. Mr. Joseph Bowman intends opening a butcher shop in our town shortlv if he is successful in procuring a residence and shop. A RVNNAwAr.L-A runaway on Thursday nearly caused the demolish- ing of Mr. Lorentz's plate glass front at the store. Two teams stopping in front of the store became unmanageable owing to a passing train and made a dash for liberty, but happily their free- dom was short for after tearing off two hitching posts the tongue of the car- riage caught tho around and held them fast and further damage svasavoided. A Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75e bottles by all leading druggista Any reliable druggist who may 11crt have it on hand will procure i. promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the on] remedy of its kind ever JY,' duced, pleasrg, to the taste an ao. ceptable to the stomach, Prompt in its action and truly bcnciicial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreemb le substances, its manyixccllpnequalities commendit kiy all and have made it the most popular reP,e.ly k.aoym. T . .,. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER I8th, I893, Mr. F. W. Thomas took charge of the school as principal on Monday in phce of Mr. JennPson who has left. We hope the school will prosper under his management. IQUIVSVILE. IT" .r- I" V: YOAK. No 2 If courteous treatment willl do it; if' the largest assortment will do it; if the it, we are bound to show even greater results for October, for remember: Our ' 30th the method and res its when Syrup of Figs is taken; it i: pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet, promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels. cleanses the sys' tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipatiop. Byryp,c.d Figs is the Our sales last month were the largest by over wahave been in business. illl0NR'i'irri fr/l SWEEP BE, Mr. Fowler left for the World's Fair Cl, ' 13;;me IN GUELPH TOWNSHIP. Well, we have an idea, but we BAN FRANC‘S GO JAL. b) TT8S Y, 3W2; '"N,'A , . . P. . Iii 'is' g , , T ' , t L", i t If, ll? t ill' g. 2 MN Et l a P% a? 'l NE W, L. 'il' . ' ' L" , t , 2 ' r'"11 é: 'iilll illl. ll! . , " , , a, :2 2.2 Ill In a 2" "h , a.aa ' a , 's' 3a is 2% ' l , , , , 't 2 " ' 3 Executor 30-- CE3TR,tCTE.iti'1" J. W,, Fear & Co,,, Gen. Hardware We have the best that are made. NO DOUBT OF IT. How do we amount: far it ? Heating and Gagging Stoves. WW A LOOK Heating Stoves Stoves and Tinware. And now for Cetober. atour will leave you to decide it. We please every time. Our Stock IS now Drop in and talk Stoves. THE LARGEST STORE IN TOWN, 25 per cent of any September that we have had since (hi? Prices are on the Rock. (h? Stoves are the Best Our Sales Are Large. WHY? ment will do it; if the closest prices will do ', for remember: Oar interests are yours. BECAUSE AND Wire Nails, Cut Nails, Glass, Putty, Gas Pipe, Powder, Shctand Shells. Car load Watcr Lime and Portland Cement just now to hand. The best brands II at bcttom pric nything in our lim Swims” Eam‘éware THOROLD are, Headquarters for complete. . Our Prices Are the Lowest. EVERY ONE WMlflhl)mill, Cooking Stoves in all lines, E3iErlt, at our Vr LI ME hcn you want The Red Front

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