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Waterloo County Chronicle, 14 Sep 1893, p. 5

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at? A “The Waterloo Band played at the Industrial Exhibition on Tuesday. A large number of citizens accompanied _them to Toronto. V goods We have shipments weekly and therefore you can rely on getting fresh -ft is rumored that a company of the 29th Battalion will be formed in town. -The Shirt Factory, Berlin, has room for from fifty to one hundred ad- ditional hands. See the 'rr advt. in an- other column. --hLr. Boomer’s reply to Mr. Dick- enson's letter came to hand too late for this week's issue. It will appear next week. -The rate of assessment in Listowel this year is 20 mills. STEISS tlm, Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The reopy for'changes muse be left not late 'thariTaesday noon. Casual Advertise- meats accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. ' a --Wheat is M) cents a bushel in Waterloo. --Louis Umbach, the Berlin chicken thief, was sentenced to 18 months in -the Central Prison. --The Fall Assizes open at Berlin on Monday, October 9th before Judge .McMahon. -The Berlin Town Council is going to rejuvenate the Town Hall which is sadly in need of it. ---The September monthly cattle market on Tuesday was well attended and a good business was transacted at the shops and stores. --Tuesday, Sept. 19th, is Germania Day at the Western Fair, London. An excursion will be run on that day from Waterloo and Berlin. ---Geo. Carr, a Breslau farm hand, is in Berlin gaol awaiting trial for ars- on. There are five charges against him for setting flre to wood piles. -Hamburgr Independent '. Keep on, Hamburg. You have sent your Bail- ,ifi' to gaol and your Reeve to the Poor 'House. , -ur. P. Zoeger sold his stock of rdWgroods in town to Mr. Henry Doer, ing of Wellesley, who will open out in a few days. _ FOR Fancy Cakes AND ' Biscuits! -During, the Exhibition,Mr. Hubiri, of Berlin, will make Cabinet Photos at 81.50 per doz. Don't fail to get a sit- ting, as this is the cheapest ever given. I .--We have still on hand a large supply of World's Fair Tickets which we will dispose of very cheap at half fare on the 15th and 16th September. Do not forget the place, Waterloo Station. --While it is a good thing to have the streets well watered and the dust laid it is also possible to have too much of a good thing, even in the matter of street watering. -s----Jrfr. Simon Snyder has sold the property lately occupied by Leon Sny- der, merchant tailor, to Mr. J acob Doersam, tobacconist, for the sum of $3,000. --W. H. Jenkins, B.A., science master, has been made principal of the Owen Sound Collegiate institute in place of Mr. Levan, at a salary of £51,500. -A. L. Kumpf, the bookseller, has a full supply of school books. Get your readers, blank books, grammars, arith- metics, copy books and anything you may need in this line at Kumpt's Book, store, Waterloo. -We would direct the attention of our readers to the Fall Millinery Open- ing at; C. Steuernagel’s which takes place on Thursday and Friday, Sept. t21st and 23nd. See his advt. on the first page of this issue. LOCAL NEWS. You will find it to Tour advantage to give wus a call, as we have the 'best assortment to choose drom. TO AUVERTISERS GROCERS. -The High School Literary Society have re organized and elected the fol- lowing officers C--- . Pres-Nr. Mueller. Ist ViturPres.-Mr. Forsyth. 2nd vias-Pres-Miss N. Watson. Seeretary--Mr. Ed. Heist. Sec.Gveu. Com. -Miss M. Connor. Council-Misses Ella Moyer,A. Hardy, E. Snyder :Messrs. A. Pollock, A. Huff. --Aueeioa Sales will soon be com ducted throughout different parts of the County. It pays to advertise these well as on this depends greatly the success of the sale. The \VATER- L00 COUNTY CHRONICLE covers the field by reaching more inhabitants in \Vaterloo County than any other paper published. Leave your orders at the Chronicle office. t f. _ chart-er has been applied for the formation of a company to build an electric street railway from Galt to Berlin. Mr. T. M. Burt, manager of the Berlin and Waterloo Street; Rail, way, is named in the application as one of the charter directors. May success attend the enterprise. "11. A. Huber photographer of Berlin is now giving the best offerever given in photographs, For a very short tune he gives his best cabinet photos at. 31.50 per doz. This offer may not last longer than this month so if you want good work, at half price. go to Huber, Berlin‘lns soon as possible. He also enlarges old photos in crayon work very cheap. This is the place now. -The marked improvement within the past month or two in the Berlin Newt, is accounted for by the fact of the "devil" of the office having been found in the attitude of prayer behind the big power press. --Theeustoatreturnsat Berlin for the month of August are as follows _ Value of Free Goods, imported, $49, 124; Dutiable Goods, $12,392 : totsl, $61,916; Amount of duty collected, $3,732.12. -1frs. Detweiler, the beloved wife of Mr D. B. Detweiler,’ traveller fur Messrs. J, Y. Shantz k Son, died Mon- day morning of tumor of the stomach after a painful illness. For some time past 'Mrs. Detweiler was treated at the Galt Hospital but without relief and she returned home only to pass away at her father's residence on Cedar St. Berlin. She leaves three children to mourn her loss. The interment takes place eoday (Thursday) at 1.30 p.m. to the Old Mennonite cemetery. -3fr. Ulysse Manier, an extensive manufacturer from Switzerland, recent- 1y paid a visit to the Pequegnat family with whom he had spent his boyhood days in the old land. Before Mr. Munier returned to his native country, Mr. Paul Pequegnat was determined to show his friend a few of the sights on the American Continent. Conse- quently they started on Aug. 14th from Berlin and visited Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Water, town, Cape Vincent and crossed the St. Lawrence to Kingston. The scene- ry down the St. Lawrence to Montreal fairly delighted the Swiss who had been reared amongst the wor] l renown- ed scenery of the Alps. The old histor- ic city had many features of veal in- terest to the visitors and a pleasant stay of a few days was spent in sight seeing. Thence they left, for Boston and visited the large Waldratn Watch Factory that has in its employ 3000 men. sprringfield, New York and Brooklyn were visited and on Aug. 26th his friend, Ulysse Munier, set sail on the beautiful French boat Tou- raine after having, been right royally entertained by the friends of his boy- hood. 1VANTED.--A blacksmith apprentice at once. One with one or two years' experience preferred. Apply person- ally to BRUBACHER Enos, St. Jacobs. 35-2t. TEACHERS) AssocrATioN.-The Water- loo County Teachers' Association will hold their forty-second semi-annual meeting at the Model School, Berlin, on Thursday and Friday Oct. 12th and 13th, commencing at, 9.30 a. m. A good programme has been arranged for the occasion. The Trustees of the County and other friends of education, are invited to be present at all the sessions. POSTMASTER OrsonssED.---Mr. Wm. Blair, postmaster of Stratford, was summarily dismissed from office last Thursday afternoon and Mr. S. S. FuL ler appointed his successor. M r. Blair was appointed under the Mackenzie administration and held office for over fourteen years. Mr. Fuller is an old resident of Stratford and a son of the late Bishop Fuller of Niagara. No reasons are assigned for the dismissal. FOOT Bar,rc-At the organization of the H. s. Foot Ball Club las) week the following officers were electéd _ Hon. President-Mr. Hodgson, Inspector of High Schools. President-D. Forsyth, B. A. _ lst Vice-hes-A. Buff. 2nd Virre-Pres.-IV. E. Heist. Captain-W. Euler. . Seeretary-Wm. Bryant. Treasurer-A. Pollock. Curator-A. Ruddell. The team will enter for the Hough Cup and they have bright prospects. Bum J3vriNT.---0n Sunday after- noon, Sept. 10ch, the hum of Adam Selvaefev, situated off Evls street, near Snider’s dam, Waterloo, was burnt to the ground. The cause is unknown but, shortly after four o'eioek the whole building was a mass of harness. The contents, consisting of hay, straw, feed, buggies, five pigs and barn utensils, were destroyed. Mr. J.Uffelman had parrot the barn rented. He was fortu- natein having his horse and buggy out during the afternoon, as nothing was saved. His two delivery waggnns and robes succumbed to the flames. The rear of Mr.S'chaefer's dwelling isconsidevab, ly damaged andthescorcliing will neces- sitate some repairing to give it its for. mer appearance. Insurance on the barn is 8100 ID the Berlin Economical, CHAmr'Ti-zn RreAmst;.---Mrs. Mason, the great Chaldean healer and charact- er reader, late of Australia, is nmv at Huethep's Hotel and is‘propm'ed to teach people how to our? themselves at home and to give old and young charts showing them the business they are best fitted for in life and the right way to succeed in business. Valuable acl- vice will also he given the unmarried as to the choice of a. life companion. Charts will be written out from a picture and their marriage adaptation given as well as business ability. Charges moderate. Liberal reductions to families. Consultation free. Oliice hours 10 to 12 a. m, and 2 to S p in, Parlor No. S), Huether’s Hotel. 1t. ANOTHER PIONEER GONE.-C)n Tues- day of last week another of the few Ire- maining pioneers passed away in the person of Jacob B. Erb, who lived about three miles west of Waterloo. The deceased wsa in his 86th year and the immediate cause of death paralysis. Mr. Erb was born two miles north of Bridgeport, He was married to Mary Clemens, daughter of Mr. Jessie Clemens and the union was blessed with ten children, seven of whom sur- vive him. Mrs. Erb died in May of the present year. The funeral on Sun- day afternoon was very largely attend- ed. The remains were interred in the Mennonite Cemetery at Ehy's about two miles west of Waterloo. The de- ceased was widely known throughout the county and had a wide circle of friends and relatives who will mourn his loss. WAyrrrco.-A bright, intelligent boy 15 or 16 years old to learn the printing business. Apply at this oliiee. DEATH or MRS. Camw.-n becomes our sad duty this week to chronicle the death of Mrs. Sanford Carey which oc- curred at the, home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Woodward, at six o'clock on Sunday evening last. She was taken ill with fever: about five weeks ago. The fever had safely passed and her friends were congratulating themselves or. her speedy recovery when an unexpected complication arose last Friday and in spite of medical skill she sank until Sunday evening when shezfell into the "sleep that knows no waking." She was the eld- est daughter of Mr. G. W. Woodward, excise officer, and was in her 29th year. The blow is a severe one for Mr. Carey who only a few months ago was called upon to mourn the loss of his eldest daughter. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'eloek. The remains were interred in Mount Hope Cemetery after which a short and appropriate service was held in the Methodist Church. The bereaved husband and motherless little daughter and the grief-stricken par- ents will, we are sure, have the symp- athy of the entire community in this hour of trial and sad afflietion. Next Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 16th and 17th, anniversary services will be held in connection with St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Waterloo, as follows: On Saturday evening a sermon will be preached at half past seven o'cloek by the Rev. A. Eggers of Auburn , on Sunday morn- ing services will be held at the church when sermons will be preached by the Revs. B. Mueller of Hanover and A, Blunk of Ellice. At, half past two on Sunday afternoon a, mass meeting will be held at the Town Park where ad- dresses will be delivered by different speakers. The Band of the Waterloo Musical Society and the choir: of the church will he present and assist in the services. A silver collection will be taken in aid of the church building fund. At seven o'clock on Sunday evening another service will be held in the church when the Revds. E. Meinhold of Hes- peler and A. Eggers of Auburn will preach. Everyone heartily welcome. For particulars see programmes. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Express Passenger Passenger Express. . Mixed .. . Express. . . . . . Lt'd Express, Mail......... Mail.. ' . . . . .. Lt'd Express Anniversary Serv1ces‘ Berlin Time Table, coma EAST. GOING WEST. 2.12 .9,45 11.10 .7.09 6.10 8.30 9.55 5.10 8.42 8. 02 mm. a.m, p. m. p. m. Waterloo County Chronicle. James Scott, farmer, left Sept. 6th for Calgary. Miss Hayes left, last week on a visit to friends in Lucknow. Joe, Edward and Norman Seagram left last week for Montreal where they will attend McGill University. Mrs. Peter Killer left on Friday Fast for Chicago after a. visit to friends in town. Holand Memer left on Monday for: Naperville, Ill., via Chicago. Miss Carrie Bechtel and Miss B. Bean spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. E. Daniels of Guelph, spent Thursday last at Rev. J. C. Stmx enson's. Bert Ziegler left on Monday for Montreal where he will attend Ila-Gill and Wesley College. Miss Olga Rumpel left on Monday for Tovonto where, she will enter Miss Dupont/s Ladies' School, "Dufferin House.” Bowman Mr. Austin Unger of the Preston National Bank, Detroit, who spent 'a few days under the parental roof last week, has returned to Detroit Mr. Alexander' Dingwnll and \Vlfe, of Wellesley, were visiting friends and relatives in Berlin, on Sunday. Mr. John Ottman and wife, from Hawksville,speut Sunday in town with friends. Mr. J. B. Snider left; last Thursday on a business trip to Montreal and 0t- bawa. day Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell of Bexley, Victoria County, who spent a. week with their parents here, returned home last Saturday. Miss Lou Cooper is visiting friends in Toronto. Rev. and Mrs. Litt, Rev. M. L. Wing, J. Wing, Sr., Rev. L H. Wag- her, Miss Carrie Wegeu1ast, Clayton Wells, Wm. Carthew, Mrs. Dr. Bowl. by, Miss Grace Bowlby, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Breithaupa and Mrs. J. S. Anthes are attending theWorld'sFair. Mr. Benjamin Devitt secretary of the North Watecloo Agricultural So- ciety has been on the sick list since Saturday last but is better and will be able to be out in a few days. Mr. J. Gow of Windsor, District Tn- specLor of Inland Revenue, accompan- ied by Mr. J. B, Powell, Collector of Guelph, made their official visit of in- spection to Waterloo on Friday and Saturday last. The following parties were ticketed for Chicago and the West and left on the flyer' on Monday evening from Ber- lin. J. B. Janzi and wife, Rudolph J anzie and wife, Christian J anzi and wife, Joel J anzi and wife of St.Agatth , Mr.BeckepashhsughterasHLHil]grart- ner and wife and Barney Kreager of New Dundee ; M. Donnenworth and John Bergey"of Mannheim; Mrs. Schaefer of Bridgeport; R. Good, M. Good and J. W. Snyder of Waterloo , Ernst Geschler and Chas. Hans of Heidelberg; Chas. Snyder of New Hamburg, M. Boechtel of Baden and Fred Meyer of Lexington. Miss Fish, sister of Mr. R. Y. Fish, who was taken ill 'with typhoid fever' at Emsdale and taken to the Galt Hos- pital, was if anything a tride better on Tuesday evening though by no means out of danger. No symtoms have man- ifested themselves so far that would preclude a favorable termination of the case. A large audience greeted the Rev: Jno. K. Brubacher at the Methodist Church last Friday evening. The rev- erend gentleman preach a very logical and practical sermon from Ecel. J-ICI, "Let thy garments be always white." On Saturday he left for Markham township accompanied by the Rev. No- ah Stauffer. The Waterloo) Evangelical pulpit will be filled next Sunday morning by the pastor, the Rev D. Kreh, and in the evening by the Rev. W, J. Jaeger of Hespelec, Arrangements have been completed for the General Synod of the Church of England in Canada which opened in Trinity College, Toronto, on \Vednes» day. A large number of delegates l were, received as the guests of the clergy and laity of the diocese of To, ronto. The Synod opened with a ser- vice at St. Alban's Cathedral on the morning of the 13th and the actual business commenced in the afternoon and will continue from day to day until concluded, Luncheon will be prvvicl- ed each day at Trinity College for the delegates. The bishops of Newfound- land, Caledonia, Rupert’s, Moosonee, Athabasca, and Mackenzie River have been summoned by the Primate of Can- ada, Most Rev. the Bishop of Ontario, and are expected to attend. Mrs. (Judge) Millar of Rochester, ' Y , is the quest of Mrs. Israel D. Mr John Foerster. of New Dundee as Visiting" friends in town on Sun Personal Mention U't111rtyt1 items. An Independent Illustrated Monthly Trade Journal, "YS:--- Sewing Machine News "G. A. Wanless is a dealer in Sewing Ma chines at Waterloo, Ont,, Canada, handling one Canadian andrwo American makes. The former is the "Rsymotvl" and the latter are the "NewHome"and"Wheelerk Wilson. "In this assortment he has the material that should satisfy the most exacting customer, as both rotary and reciprocating Machines of the best makes are represented therein, This Speels Taken The Rev. H. S. Hallman will preach in the Berlin Evangelical Church next Sabbath morning and in the evening the Rev. D. Kreh will occupy the pul- pit. Rev. J. W. Hodgins, rector of Sea- forbh, has been appointed Rural Dean of Huron by the Bishop of Huron. The congregation of Oak Street Presbyterian church, Toronto, held a special meeting the other night to consider the question of the Rev. J. M. Cameron. The rev- erend gentleman stated that at a crib, ical time in the history of the church he was asked to sign a bond with oth, er ofiieers for the loan raised on the building, amounting to $28,000. He was told that if he did so, other sigma- tures would follow, and he would only be responsible for about $1,000. Be- lieving the promises made, he signed the, bond, and afterwards found to his sorrow that he had been deceived, and could be held responsible for the whole sum. The directors of the North Waterloo Agricultural Society are sparing no pains to make this year's exhibition, which will be held in the Town Park, Berlin, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 26th, 27th and 28th, the most successful one in the history of the Association. The prize list has been thoroughly revised and enlarged. On Tuesday and Wednesday evenings eor1cevtsrsrillibe/srivenhy the ruagnificent bands of the Berlin and Waterloo Mus- ical Societies. On Wednesday com- mencing at ten o'cloek in the morning speeding contests will take place which will no doubt be well contested. Be- sides the various trotting competitions there will be a bicycle race and a dog race in single harness driven in care. On Thursday the live stock will be judged. Sir G eorge A. Kirkpatrick, Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario will present on this day and will spend some time on the grounds to inspect the exhibits. Prize lists and all infor- l mation from Bum. DEVITT, Secretary- iTl'eEtSth‘l', Waterloo, Ont. Everybody is pleased with the fine work Huber of Berlin, the Ciby Photographer, is turning out. If you are thinking of having some photo taken, first visit his studio. He's tire to please you. J. U. SIEMENS & 00., North Waterloo Exhibt!ioa, NEW YORK, JUNE, I893. THE BERLIN, CNCER,E1 School Re - Opening. W. Il,, Becker & Co/s BERLIN BOOK STORE. Notice to Ladies. In fact we have all the Scholars need for school Climax Scribblers and Noiseless Slates. Arc at their best now and we are wettinv them in dail direct b to y, com growers, in large shipments, "thereby getting cheap express fates" which puts us in a position to sell them cheap; now we won't rsk you a "Row ' Many Baskets School books, School Books, Slates, Slates, Slates, Slates, Scribbling and Exercise Books, The Finest Line at CRAWFORD PEACHES! The moment we get fresh stock in and you can then be your own judge as I buy none but the best and I know the stock will please you. By so doing we think it will be beneficial to both parties concerned,giv- ing you nice fresh fruit at a right price and giving us a chance ofdispos- ing of same quickly and avoid loss that way. In fact we will not take fruit orders that way; but what we do ask of you is to kindly leave your order for DUB DELIVERY Tll CALL (llf YOU Waterloo, Headquarters for all kinds of ennieetion ery,.B.Tad, Cakes, etc. Wedding Cakes a spEéialty SHOW Yoo THE FRUIT GEO. HASENFLUG, CITY BAKER Fancy Goods Store, King St., Waterloo. Ladies' white skirts, night dresses, chemise, drawers, corset covers. Ladies' and Children's aprons, Babies' robes and skirts, babies' jackets and bootees. You can get ready made clothing consisting of : All home-made, and of the best mater- ial. Also the best lines of Ladies' and Children's corsets. City Grocery & China Hall. 12 King St., East, Berlin. Telephone 150 can we send you '?" J. W. DAVEY. Ontario. A two story brick house adjoining the residence of Mr. Fred Colquhoun. For par- Liculars apply to 33, HOUSE TO RENT. RICHARD ROSCHMAN Button Factory, Waterloo.

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