The constitution of the investigating committee was changed from that given in last week's issue and the names of Messrs. Hellman and Rob- son substituted for Messrs. Bernhardt and McTague. The Committee as now constituted is composed of Messrs. Clare (Chairman), of Preston; Hall- man, of Wilmot; Walter, of Wellesley; Wilkins of Galt, and Robson of Ayr. We trust that the whole matter of the management of the Poor House will be thoroughly investigated and il) This question will probably again come to the front. Waterloo Town- ship has again complained, we under- stand, to the Provincial Board of Health, of the contamination of the stream flowing, 'through Waterloo by the refuse run into it from the factories and cattle byres. The Provincial Secretary Mr. P. H. Bryce was here on Monday and examined, under oath, the Chairman and Sanitary Inspector of the WUterloo Board of Health. What the outcome will be we cannét say at present but our citizens need not be surprised if a perpetual injunction is issued to restrain various parties from running the refuse of their factories, into the stream. Should this be the case we cannot afford to put off the) construction of a trunk sewer any long- er as it will then be imperative. The Supreme Court gave judgment on Saturday last allowing the appeal with costs from the Ontario Court of Appeal. This will no doubt end the suit and the County will be compelled to build and maintain the bridge in dispute at New Hamburg and foot the bill of costs of all the litigation. POOR HOUSE INVESTIGATION The policy of the Liberals, at the present juncture, is to foster and en- courage home manufacture, not to 'protreet' it. If you 'protect/ a. child agaitvsdthe free winds of heaven, it may indeed seem to be fat, bat it will only be bloated, sickly and doomed to permature decay. If you 'protect' a manufacturer ngainst the stimulus of healthy competition, you may indeed distress the taxpayers by spoon-feed- ing him at their expense but you will develop a morbid growth of over-pro; duction, combines and strikes which) will in the end ruin the manufacturers themselves. The rate of the tax to be levied on any product, would seem, most happily for the national exche- quer, to be regulated by a very exact mathematical law. F ix the duty at, the rate which will produce the great» est amount of revenue, that IS such as will demand a large amount of impor- tation and bring down prices to the greatest benefit to the consumer'. This simple rule of raising the highest pos- sible revenue from such articles as it is desirable to tax at all, is one which seems to be a mere matter of common honesty in a country which is heavily in debt, and which professes to be guid- ed by the Book which says, Owe no man anything.'-Witness. Although the result of the elections in Germany bids fair to be close, it is be, Iieved that Chancellor Caprivi and his Government will get a majority of about ten for the Army bill, or, at least, a slight medification of it. The result so far: gives 166 ag,ainst the bill, and 150 favoring it, but eighty-one constituencies are still to be heard from. A striking feature of the elec. tions has been the great growth of the Social Democratic party, though this has been largely at the expense of the more moderate reform parties, who have had to give place to more aggres- sive and radical readers. Mr. Blake it seems is at issue with the Irish party and has temporarily retired from the committee of eight which manages the party. The differ- ence is on the Paris fund question. Mr. Matter, at present M. P. P. for Muskoka, has declined to be a earuli- date for the seat at the ensuing Pro, vincial elections. m has been living for some time in Toronto. 'HURSDAY. JUNE 2hh, 1893 @Eiaizrlw @hrnnizls. THE HAMBURG BRIDGE CASE. . SEWERAGE QUESTION EDITORIAL NOTES -Mr. Huber of Berlin makes w specialty Ppho ogmphing wedding groups. Everybody is pleased with the fine work Huber of Berlin, the City Photographer, is cunning out. If you are thinking of having some photo taken, first visit his studio. He’s sure to please you. \__,\,J v, V, who. “My“ won, "ls .mu, u. Ab. 222, dismissing a motion by the plain- tiff for a new trial in an action of libel which was tried with a jury at Berlin and resulted in a verdict for the de- fendant. The alleged libel was con- tained in an article in the Berlin Daily News of the 7th of July, 1892, headed "A Public Disgrace,†and referring to the plaintiff, who was a councillor of the town of Berlin, as an "illiterate, half-baked crank." It also stated that the plaintiff did not seem to know that honesty was the best' policy, even in public matters. The defendant, the editor and proprietor of the newspaper did not plead justification, but the usual statutory defence of "fair com- ment." The court below held that evidence in detail of the truth of the facts commented on was properly ad. mitted at the trial in order that the jury might pass upon the comment. This court held that a great deal of evidence was admitted which was not properly admissible except; under a plea of justification, and therefore allowed the appeal with costs, set aside the verdict with costs, and order.. ed a new trial. King, Q. C., for the appellant. E. F. B. Johnston, Q. C., for the defendant. [ Before Hagarty, C. J. o., Burton Osler and Maclennan, J. J. A. Brown v. Moyer-Judgment on appeal by the plaintiff from an order of the Chancery Divisional court, (Boyd, C, and Robertson, J), 23, O. R. The meeting was in itself an attest- ation of the truth that Canada is one. Protestant and English-speaking men went into ecstacies over a Roman Catholic fellow countryman of French origin. New Brunswickers and Prince Edward Islanders embraced their Ontaio brethren, and the Quebec Rouge clasped hands with the Nova Scotia Grit. Surely a country peopled by partisans, who, forgetful of their many points of difference, can dwell together in unity for as much as two days, is the makings of a nation. So many men, differing in creed, nationality, residence and interest, had no need to supplement by word the national meaning of their acts. A gathering like that at Ottawa is in itself proof of the existence of a national spirit. Partisanship may not be the highest embodiment, it is an embodiment of the idea without which no country can live. Party is not the least among the formative influences that mast be relied upon in the work of upbuilding provin- ces into a nation. The Telegram, an independent Con. servative organ has the. following per- tinent remark with respect. to the re- cent Liberal Convention C--- The Liberal Convention at Ottawa last week was the first Dominion Coll- vention ever held by either party. The number of delegates present was over tut, thousand. The whole convention was one splendid ovation to. the leader of the Liberal party. Every province in the Dominion except British Colum- bia was represented. Among the delegates were Sir Oliver Mowat, Pre- mier of Ontario, Premier Blair, of New Brunswick, Premier Fielding, of Nova Scotia, Premier Peters, of Prince Edward Island, Attorney-General Sif- ton and ‘Mr. Watson, Minister of Agriculture, of Manitoba. In additibn to these there were the ablest men of the party throughout the whole Do, l miniont The platform adopted by the 'party will be found in the very full account given of the convention in the four-page supplement inclosed in this week's issue of the Chronicle. The platform is one that will be able to stand before the Canadian people upon its merits. In clear declarations for freedom of trade were expressions of, confidence in the ability of Canadians to hold their own against the world. l the committee will show a disposition to get to the bottom of things. By an advertisement found in another column of this issue the committee will meet at the Court House, Berlin, next Mon- day July 3rd, at 9 a. m. to proceed with the investigation. Any of our readers who know of the whereabouts of any former inmates that may have evidence to offer will confer. a favor by sending the address of such to Box 353, Waterloo, Ont. THE LIBERAL CONVENTION. GROWTH OF NATlONAL FEELING. Local Legal, . Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it." Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA nu SYRUP tit, tmms,"flyi'rl" 15:33:31.2 Both the method and results when Syrup pf Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever to- duced, pleasing to the taste andPaC< ceptable to the stomach, {prompt in its action and truly bene cial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its manyexccllentqualities commendit to all and have made it the most popular rennedy k.noyn. _ . .-- The ladies are told that some of the councillors, amongst them one who eu- couraged them in the charitable works they had undertaken and who furnish- ed them with facts against the keeper, are now stating that the Council should not be led by ladies. The ladies have no desire to lead the Coun- cil , they merely wish to call attention to the fact that proper attention is not given to the inmates of the Poor House, and if the investigation about to be held does not accomplish somel good result, they will continue to work until a reform is brought about.-X. After this meeting of the Committee the keeper was informed of this arrangement, and the Warden told the ladies he would furnish them with an order to he allowed in it at any time they wished to pay such visit. Some Waterloo ladies a short time afterwards got an order and went to the Poor House. They told the keeper on that occasion that they did not wish to in, jure him but wanted a nurse appoint- ed. As a result of this visit they were convinced more strongly than ever' that the management was not what it should be, and that a change ought to be made. After this some ladies from Berlin obtained an order from the Warden, but when they presented themselves at the Poor House the keeper took it upon himself to disre- gard the order, and refused to admit them. The Committee could not see their way (clear to grant this request, but suggested that the ladies might, visit the Poor House at any time they chose to do so. The ladies did not want nor did they ask for this permission, and it was only in pursuance of the Commit- tee's suggestion that they afterwards visited the Poor House. niade. They made no charges what- ever against, the keeper, although they were aware of the rumors which had been circulating regarding his ill-tpeat, ment of and cruelty to the Inmates, but merely asked to have u matron or nurse appointed, offering to pay her themselves until the June meeting of the County Council, during which time it could be seen how the change would work. Having been satisfied for some time past that the Poor House was. not managed as it should be, and that the inmates were not properly looked after whenssick,someof the Indiesof Waterloo and Berlin took themntterin hand tuner, if they could not induce the council to appoint as matron some woman other than the wife of the Keeper. Before taking any steps they consulted same of the leading men of Waterloo and Berlin, who said the idea of such tt change was a good one, and that Mr. Itter should not object, as hisohjection to this step would show that things were not right. Some of these ladies saw the Wavden and having gut per" mission from the chairman. attended one of the meetings of the committee in order to ask for changes in the man- agement which they thought should he THE LADIES AND THE POOR HOUSE. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. -Take H. C. C. for coughs, colds "roup T We jie,(ii,iici,irtj,tiijii,itite Express. . . . . LL’d Express Mail........ Mail........, Lt'd Express Express. . Passenger Passenger, Express. . Mixed .. . ENE ENJOYS Berlin Time Table. GOING EAST. c, OIKG WEST. 2.12 mm. .5145 &.m. 11.10 a.m. .7.09 p.m. .8.02 p.m. 6.10 mm. 8.30 a. m. 9.55 mm. 5.10 mm. 8.42 a.m. Waterloo County Chronicle --Tweeds at 30 cents per yard and upwards, sold by the yard or made up into suits at Leon Snyder's funerals. EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Takes this opportunity of informing the citizens of Berlin and surrounding country that he has commenced the business of Un- tttes and Carriage Making a, Ericka-‘4 Old Stan , Queen St., Berlin. Having ha many years practical experience both in Cars riage Making and Undertaking, he is cer- tain that he will be able to give general satis- faction. All kinds of repairing, painting and trimming done on the shortest notice A full line of COFFINS, GASKETS, ROBES, Eta, Em, kept constantly on hand. Hay. ing no connection with any combination and my prices are not governed by the Un- dertaker's Assoeistirmlhe can give you the best the markets .aiford at moderate prices. Kindly give him a trial and be convinced. A first class hearse and _oytiit - furnished for, Calls by day or night, promptly attended, to, Both German and English spoken. Resi dence on Scott Street. Shop & Warerooms at Brieker's 01d Stand, queen Street, My brother was in the employ of Messrs. Wegenast. & Co 21 years and is well and favor, ably known and will do his best to maintain the high reputation this shop has already tUF quire -- “ _"tt.ei-----. H. U. BARLETT Waterloo, April 18th, 1893. My business has increased to such an extent. a being unable to give it my personal super- vision I have appointed my brother George Duering, who kept my books during the past seven years, as book-keeper and cashier and I will endeavor, the best of my ability to satis- eAhe.wirt.1es of my.euiit.0mecs. ' " - - whose support has been so liberal that in order to accommodate them still be Mar. l’wil have my place of businsss open fun 6 o'clock .in the morning until 7 o'clock in the evens Ing. . , ' . ' . WATERLOO MEAT MARKET. Orders thraugh Telephone prom- tly delivered. this-week we start to give away 300 Satin finished Palm leaf fans to every purchaser of I lb ofany priced Tea, Coffee, Baking Powder, &c., we present you, (besides giving you your regular premiums) with one of these fans, as a hot weather souve- nir. Come at once as the supply is limited to 300. l Our Waterloo customers will kindly remember that we have add- ed to our stock a full line of pine spices, Cr Tartar and Baking Soda with which you receive a premium as with our famous Teas and Coff- ees. Give us your next order. You neEd one. A new stock just received, see them, prices lower than ever. Hanging Lamps. Special and to say it is a HUGE SUCCESS is drawing it mild for it exceeds anything l' that have thronged our store from early morn till late at night. have been simpl throughourstorc. Weare,di'entrromagreatmany merchants, we don'tnLO“ you come no ANOTHER, but every statement we make through tlurpapers,i oi the GREAT CORNER STORE. Ladies ifyou have not already called tinue TWENTY - ONE DAYS LONGER. TEA I beg to announce to. my 1111111930113 .e1y? Empire Tea Store., UNDERTAKER And Carriage Maker. Phone 124. Sign of The Big Tea Pot. Teas, Coffees and Pine Spices. Querin's Block, COFFEE FINE $910193. SEVEN DAYS ago to-day we started our Brisker & Diebel't; Great Building Sale. BERLIN . H. B DUERING, BRIO BERLIN Bufc'her Waterloo, June Nth, 1893. Tlrree or four speciall trains will be pro vided so that there will belno overerowd ding and the G4 T. R, will give us hr ough trains from Sbrgtford. FOR twenty acres of good grass on the Water- Joo Park Grounds. Tenders at a price per acre will be received up to Thursday, July 6th next, bathe whole or any part of it. I, E. BOWMAN, Steamer Monarch of Beatly Line will be in Port for inspection Those who wish may take afternoon boat for Detroit and return next day. - Tickéts good for two days and Choirs and friends will spare no pain siting to euterbainpuy party. .__ _ _ Attractions are,~Picnic Lunch, and Tea, in Buy View Park, for which tables will be put up, dishes found sand hot water, Tea, Sugar, Coffee an Milk provided :free of charge. Grand Concert in the arternoon taken part in by over 1000 cheris- ters. The Waterloo Musical Society Band and an evening trip of two hours on the lake. Invitations have been sent to Choirs of all denominations with their friends to partici- pate, . - _ The Second Annual United Choir Excur, sion will be run to Sarnia on All charges must be in writing and signed by the complainant and must be in the hands of Mr. I. D. Bowman, the County Clerk, by the abgve named hour and date. cdruiirfritrntU 'tiJgirtireirTvTth witnesses or oth- er authentic evidence should agpear before ttus ttut mid Special Committee at t is meeting. GEO. A. CLARE. Chairman, Committee Rooms, Berlin. July 22nd, IB. kit mix the Bates. at9o'clock a. m., when any and all ehargd will‘pe fully investigated. . _ _ . T NOTICE IS hereby given to a.†whom it may concern that the Special, Committee agpninted by the County Council to investigate c argea against the Reever and against the general management of t 1e "out": or Industry and Refuge of the County ot Waterloo will meet in the Court Rouse, Berlin, on Monday July 3rd, r,' . - Christopher Boehlev-deostued, Pursuant to the Statute in that behalf notice is hereby‘glven that all persons having any claims or demands uporroragainst, the estate of Christopher Hoehler, late of the Town of Wat- erloo, in the County of Waterloo, Gentleman, deceased. who died on or about the 19th day Aprll 1893, are hereby required to send in the particulars of their claims and demands to Claus Koelnan& John. W. Schneider. executors Waterloo, Ontario,, onto the undersigned their Solicitor,.ou or before the 15th day of August next and notice is hereby also glveu that after that day the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties intitled thereto having regard only to the claims“ which the said executors shall l then have notice and that they will not be liable j for the assets or any part, thereof soldistributed to any person of whose debt or claim they, shall I not barge hakpoticp. l PARIS GREEN Mille City Drug Store THURSDAY, JULY 20th, 1893 COUNTY OF WATERLOO. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Tenders Wanted. morn till late at night. have been simply DELIGHTEI) at THE GREAT CORNER STORE GRAND SACRIFICE BUILDING SALE pure article, GEO, THE Kilian“, Chairman Park Board, exceeds anything we ever Secretary. Sarnia must be cleared out - . --- -"'"r"'"'" "V W“ necessary for me to remove to other pram will be undergoing some repairs. I am determ sale for the next sixty days during which time boots and shoes at remarkably low prices for ce and get my low quotations. It will pay you. NEW CARPETS George B. Schneider's, Waterloo Stand,' 13313151", J. U. CLEMENS & GO We claim our firm 11mm.- reputation second to none in the County, and we also feel proud in being ina possitimrtm succeed such an honorable firm as H. Kraut & Sou. We also wish to any right here that we have come to stay and we are not afraid of any compe- tition, as we have in the past been in a. position to hold our own end. The old Motto is still good, "Oproisition is the-Life oi Trade." We are Determined, to put in all the life we can and make this noted establish. ment the Noted Cheap Store. We have lots of good goods cheap. We do not intend to quote prices, as it would be an injustice to our goods, as we do not claim to have. any trashy goods but, we claim, trrnnderstand the buying of goods and expect to make. our money in buying. So-we ask everybody to call an see us and we hope to form a. mutual and beneficiil atrqy1ai11tanorhiur all who give us a share of their trade. Don't forgettho pliute-NoU& Cheap Cash Store, .H. Enema & Son s 01 Stand tummy. ---_ .. __. "FF... .wwbr. Wu, U. ‘4“,me u L.po., on new uumlee, have bought the 1 stock of H. KRANZ & SON,.Rerlin, and decided Co make the County town their pet- manent home. We come not, as strangers to this beautiful and progressive town, but as old town boys, Mr. Clemertrlysviag served his time with Mr. J. A. Buckie, one ofthe best dry goods merchants ofthits town, and Mr. J'earee, his partner, having been in the employ of the old firm of Isaac Hoffman. HE well known hrm ai J, Tstnck of n KRAN7 Ir wag. S1tptry,s ply DELIGHTEDat the \\'ONDERJ“UL BARGAINS we are offermg all "rand I’UFFand “RAG and pretend to do ONE TH I NC, and 'I‘HENAVHEN " is backed by SOLID FACTS-and that accounts for thc GREATSLtGCESS rd, do so for your own good at once, as this great sale will only con- Also another reduction in the l the Inhabitants of Berlin The building at present occupied by “a L... ___.- A _ ’ BOOTS AND SHOES GEORGE B. SCHNEIDER, dreamed of, but the reason is not hard to find Clearing Sale from 150 per yard and up for the next sixty days at and the County of Waterloo LACEwCURTAIN S. BY JULY 15th. P. ZOEGER. CE3CIEC1 and price of balance ofstock which & Go., of New Dundee, have bought the lesided Co make the County town their pet- .Lb. LA“..L.’L.I _»,I _ . . . me having changed hands it me havlug changed hands it will be 'anises while the present building muaed therefore to hold a clearing tel will offer my large stock ot cash. Calland inspect my steel: Waterloo. the hundreds i Ht Lâ€!