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Waterloo County Chronicle, 8 Jun 1893, p. 3

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r 1 never guessed that; the child had found her Romeo until one evening when --girl fashion-we were curled down by the open window of my room. I happened to remark that they said Dr. Downs was going to enlist, For one moment her face and l eck seemed dyed scarlet, then she sat white as mar- ble, a look of terror in her lovely eyes that I never could describe. Her un- accountable show of emotion barely stayed the banter that was on my ton- gue’s end concerning the doetor's atten- tions of late. Dr. Blake Downs was a man of, perhaps, thirty-two years; the support of a widowed mother and in- valid sister ; a man who had been a sort of older brother to us young girls; sometimes escorting one, sometimes an- other, until the, idea had sprung up among us that he was a confirmed bachelor. There were any number of single ladies, near his own age, in the village, who boldly angled for him , but he seemed to fall back to 'the children’ -as he called us-for refuge. Bat now -what did this mean? Just the one ttting, , Tess was in love with him ; and -suddenly remembering a good many things I had only given a passing thought 1oefore--f concluded he was in the same boatc-"O, Tess I” I cried, "what is it ; why didn’t you tell me be- Among our gentlemen friends we both had plenty of heaux, but. of Jovers we had only vaguely dreamed until the Spring of TI, when we were eighteen, l gradually had become aware of a change In Tess. She was sweeter and redder-lipped than ever, at the same time shyer and more absent-mind- ed , and she entirely ceased talking of love in acottage or of love at all. 1 don't know how I came to be so stupid, unless because of my inexperience, but fore 2/'--"What's what " It ain't any- thing, oh dear!" Then she hid her once more blushing face in my lap and began to cry: For once in my life I was quite speechless, so sat pulling, at her curls and waiting for her to get quiet. By and by she looked up, smile ing through her teat's,-reminding, me ot a. ray of sunshine glinting out through an April shower-and said _ "Truly, didn't you guess it before '."- " 'Truly,' I did not," I replied feeling very meek and stupid.--'] thought everyone must see how foolish and hair, py I am ;but oh Molly, are you sure about the enlisting? He hasn't told me, but maybe itis because that, sev- eral times, when be kind of talked around about it, I said, 'dorft, don't mention such ahhingr.'---"And are you really engaged l" I persisted, ignoring her last remarks---")."-"' you kept it from me, Tess Trevor ; that's loyal now, isn't it ?” My quick temper was on hand as usual.~“Now don't have a spell, Molly; it was only last night At we were for surely-formal- I you "know-engaged, though- hough wdve liked each other so long , and that is what I came over this evening to tell, only there seemed no Tess had no fondness for books though she conscientiously kept up in her cliss and wrote astonishingly good compositions ; but she delighted in housework, needle craft and flower cul- ture. On the other hand I had grert literary aspirations and despised the homely duties which my parents, limit. ed income made incubent upon me. "I shall teach school for awhile," I eordid- ed to Tess, "until I can save enough to go abroad and prepare myself for my life work, which shall be authorship, of course. Someday I will bring out a book which will turn the eyes of the reading world at once upon the humble author." Tess would smilingly pat the bit of fancy work that invariably occu- pied her tingers during our tetewtetes, and say: "How I shall love to sit and sew while my 'John' reads to me from the pages of said book, on the front porch of our ilower-bedecked cottage; and how proudly I will say, 'she was my dearest friend , I knew her well.' If -"And will you really be content,” I would gravely and dissxpprovitogly in- quire, "co settle down to the hunidruni duties of a housewife, to drudge until your beauty fades and have no more appreciation, admiration or hire than has the average wife 1"-vCf Romeo were there," she would laughingly re ply. "You know I am not ambitious and handsome like yourself, Molly." Wheth- er she really admired my dark, fiery style as much as she professed or not I never could determine; but if she did it was all owing to the law of contrar- iety. A MEMORIAL BEMINISUENCE. tales high. We wr-re 'ip'"""' in looks and tastes ; pnrlml s', Iltl, Nrt., the strong bond between u,. lll-r features “are not regular, but ulwre was a modest piqurmcy in expression and mannpr which clmrmeri all who met her In fact we considered 'sTess"-short; of Theresa --the village beauty, though scum of the rest of us were more 'dtushy' in our style and obstrusive 1n manner' my most intimate girlhood friend, I remembered how we used to dram) our dreams of the future and build our cas- tles high. We Were 'ip'"""' in looks and tastes ; pnrhwl s', Iltl, "I, the strong FOR o. J. Emma BY VELMA CALD- WELL MELVILLE. As the balmy twilight of Memorial Day fell around me, I laid down the popular journal I had been reading and, leaning baek in my chair, let m) thoughts wander back over the life of one of the writers Whose'vwm de plume adorned its pages. I had known her well from early childhood and s:he was V Thére’shothing likely to be "just as good.” Ills Load )loutlle Dcnnnclauons m) Longer Can-ll For. _ The "tiger evangelist" is gradually losing the rough moral force that made him so sudden a religious factor a few years ago. Formerly he went into a town, pitched his tent, disposed of the lemonade privilege, drew an enormous crowd, got up and said : They're tiny, sugar-coated granules a compound of refined and concentrated vegetable extracts-the smallestin size, the easiest to take, and the cheapest pillyou can buy, for they're guaran- teed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. You pay only for the good you get. "There are probably a fow good' 'pegple preseyt, but I waat to say right here, witly/ a fear of successful contra- diction, thnb the majority 6f you are thieves, liars and hypocrites." __ They're put up in a better way, and they act in a better wayhthan the huge, olriushioned pills. No griping, no vi- olence, no reaction afterward that some- times leaves you worse " than before. In that way they cure pervtanently. Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious At- tacks, and all derangements of the liv- CI', stomach and bowels, are prevented, relieved and cured. Williams' Royal Crown Remedy IS said to be the greatest cure on earth. Guaraas, teed to cure general nervous debility, rheu. matism, neuralgia, paralysis etc. THE TIGER EVANGELIST. That's the way Dr. Pievee's Pleasant Pellets come. And its a more import- ant point than you think. T It keeps them always fresh and reliable, unlike the ordinary pills in cheap wooden and pasteboard boxes. For a time this sur: of evangelistic work had a charming novelty. It was like an Amazon march after the slow and dull drag of the strictly legitimate and therefore tedious (llama. People came long distances and jammed them- selves into a suffocating tent merely to hear '.thernselves denounced as rattle- snakes, venemously striking at all things moral. The innocent girl, tem der of heart and with a soul of purity, heard for the first time that, because she had seen "Hamlet" she was as low as the keeper of a dance house in a river town. The father learned that he was abrute, and the mother was brought to understand that she was permitting her children to drift straiglltway to perdition. But how charmingly unique this was. The local preacher was good and kind; he visited There was so much talk in those days, about love and duty?.',that women sought to hide their bleeding hearts under an assumed cloak of patriotism , but it wore them out none the less, In time quite a. company was organized in our place, under "Captain" Downs, but when I came to bid my father and hro- ther good-by, my patriotism forsook me and war took on quite a dieerent ata'- pect. I was with Fess in ten minutes after her strong, handsome lover had placed his last kiss on her lips, but she scarcely seemed to see or hear me. She just hid her face in her hands and hoarsely' whispered over and over ', "He's gone." Even in memory, I dread tolive over the empty, anxious days that made up our existence after that. Together Tess and I went to the post oflice each evening-we only had mail once a day-longing, for yet dreading, news , together we helped to fill boxes for the soldiers ; together we shared our daily duties and oftimes sleepless nights; but she never laughed and rarely smiled. But one day wild excitement took hold of us; a dispatch said that Captain Downs was seriously wounded. Tess and I carried the news to his mother and sister. Amid all their wailing and forboding, Tess sat unmov- ed, a. bright color in her cheeks and an unwonted sparkle in her eye. "I think he will come home," she said, nor would she entertain any other idea. She was all feverish excitement, a state so diff- erent tron: her past hopeless apathy. Sure enough, in a month, her lover ar- rived, minus an arm and much broken in. way to begin."-"Well it beam all! Bless you, my child, you have my con- grratulat'ons." Then T pulled her up and waltzed her about the room until we were both breathless. D _ In Glass w of his popularity. He H‘HDUHHI there (luring a turbulent sensnn, but h.- is nut there nnw. Common sense is ce- turning. The henutiful and lrels'uarr ive eloquence of Moody will ever he eifeetivo, but the rough and tumhle abuse of the “tiger evangelist" is ION. ing‘its force. The dispatches tell us that two of these opigramntatic hullies in a Southern town are now Carrying pistols for each other. Prayer at night and powder at mornin'gi- pyrouteclmics and pistols. They have turned from the Sermon on the Mount, the sublime and holy essence of Christianity, to engage in a street fight. And these are the men who tell young inuthers that they are sending, their, children to hell --Chicago Journal. English Spavin Linimenb remove: all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blem- ishes from horses, Blood Spavius, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring-hone, sttfles, Sprains, all Swollen Threats, Coughs, etc. Save 8430 hy use of one bottle. Warranted by Ed. M. Devin. What is it that, will give a. cold, cure a cold and pay doctor's bill ’l A draught. FOUR hundred acres ot land in Michigan 150 acres improved, balance heavy tim- beratl with basswood, maple, elm, and 40 acres with "cedar. Well watered; small creek flowing through itln which are abundance of trout. Within a mile of the Chieagom West Michigan Railway, and eight miles west of Petoskey. Fine bank barn, best in Charlevoix County. Fine land for wheat, corn and other cereals. Flourishing young orchard, 250 agple trees and 75 plum trees. Two dwellings w ich will ans- wer for three or four years. This property will be sold en bloc or Will be divided into two parts One halt cash. balance at 6 per cent. Good reasons for selling. Occupant wishes to retire. Asplendid opportunity or a TP.rl of limited capital. If not sold the farm will be rented on shares. For further particulars apply to nies." This was awful. w, such blasphemy. That The clever thing to do is to find out people's merits, dle of an hour the sick and preached the gospel of love, but he had not sent his hem-em m the delicious slums. One night a solrerminded Illinois man ran a risk of mob violence. Atent-swash bucklev came to his town, demanded money enough to set up his works, and when the congregation had assembled, he opened his reform warfare hy (1001m- ing : THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE OFFICE, Waterloo, Ont. miThis town is just three miles from hell." tiger evangelist" was at ",i5iuiijiiiiutr; 1il)lmmm8,,4 ipettTrttar7i: What is a waist of time? The mid The “minis mun "That so? We FDR SABE DB IN QBENT. “MI-ingon and Ann Sts., MONTREAL. Juss, mm muse am \Vell, you Womrsn fainted at mt “as while the as at the nunntide- le 1-(‘mmnml tlwro Waterloo County Chronicle. The DERBY CAPS will be found at; 311.011): 3.0998; ”139119.122! FLrftiTijtutlicpotieidiEftjtTrtrts hGnufiLfturlsd by ds' COUNTY or WArrutLoo, t NOTICE is hereby To WIT 1 , given, that the Court of General Sessions of the Peace, and a1- 80 the County Court of the said County, will be holden at the COURT HOUSE, DOMINION DEPOSIT, At Ten o'clock aan., of which all Jusuees of the Peace, Coroners, Constables. Gaolecs, and all others concerned. are required to take notice and attend to do and perform all duties which appPrtam to than). Economy, Equity, Stability, Progress. THE Ontario Mutual Life. GENERAL SESSIONS Tuesday 13m day of June next Assurances in force, Jan. lst, 1893. . _ 316,122,195 Increase over previous year ...... 1,187,388 New Assurances written in 1892 .. .. . . 2,651,000 Increaseover1891......,........... 222,050 Cash Income for 1892.......-..... 614.951 IncreaseoverlSOl..........1....... 67,331 Assets, December 31st, 1892. . . . . . ' . . . . . 1253.984 Increase over 1891... . . .. .. . .. . . . .. 291,953 Reserve for security of Policy-Hold- ers........,........................ 2,061,602 OFFICERS: ALEX. MILLAR, Q. C., Solicitor. _., . . . . .Berlin J. H. WEBB, M. D., Medical Iteferee.Watucloo W. S. HODGINS. Supt. of Agencies. .Waterlco w H. RIDDELL, WM. HENDRY, Sheriff‘s Office, Berlin May Ist. 1893 Liberal Conditions or Pollcles : 1. Cash and Paidmp Values guaranteed on each policy. 2. All dividends belong to and are paid only to policy-holders. 3. No restriction on travel. residence, or occupation. 4. Death claims paid at once on completion of claim papers. County of Waterloo Surplus over all Liabilities,December 31st, 1892--............ 176.301 Intareaseocer18n,.,.-....... 20,742 The 20-Year SUI’ERVISORSHIP DISTRIBUTION POLICY now offered embraces all the newest features, and IS the best form of PROTECTION and INVESTMENT money can buy. It has no equal. Guaranteed values, attractive options, and liberal conditions. Derby Caps House-painting Paper Hanging MILLER "iriiEIJ'rEIt. Special Notice to Consumers. Are prepared to do Housepainting and Paper Hanging in the best style of the art. Remember: "ihr2is' but that class ma- terial used. SHUF:5bove George Pcppler's blapksmmn shop, King St., Wa- teriod RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY.-ts'outh American Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism iind Neuralgia radically cures in l to 3 days. Its sctoiu upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 750. War ranted by Ed. M. Devitt Druggist, Water. 00. 50 " In any form, forward prepaid. one our elegant HEAD OFFICE, . "ATFML00, ONT, Increase of 1891 IN THE TOWN OF BERLIN, COUNTY COURT. (hiuoo-llhologNihs 5 ll, RITCHIE ' Cl]. Montreal, Can. & London, Eng. ART STUDIESEj FOR A LIMITED TIME OF THE PEACE AND WE WILL ON RFCKII‘T 0F Secretary, Established 1870. mm TRADE MARKS -ON- M. SPRINGER, $100,000. Mana ge Bheriff. 2,061,602 280,827 of Wall Paper, Books and Good workmanship and guaranteed. HATS AND GAPS. Next door to Bowman's Drug Store, Berlin. General Dry Goods,? Men’s and Boys' Ready Made Suits and Overcoats, Hats and Caps, Etc. H. A. SIPPEL, M. Huehncrgard, Grand Central "Block, Berlin County Clerk‘s offiee. 1 Berlin, 23rd Mar, '03 f HARNESS EMPUHIUM! WATERLOU MEAT MARKET. The undersigned begs to tender his thanks to his numerous cus- tomers for their liberal patronage during the past year, and trusts bv close attention to business and moderate prloes to merit a contin- wspctspt_thetsspme. A -- - In fact everything found in a first class shop, constantly on hand. PRICES RIGHT. Henry Maier. Kindly invite everybody to call on them when in Berlin, and examine their stock of THE Municipai Council of the County of Waterloo, will assemble at the Court House at Berlin, on Tuesday the 20th (lay of June next, at 10 o'clock a. m. By Order. ISRAEL o.BowyrAN A m N Am _ County Clerk. -Frusr1 bsee,tork and Lamb as well as all kinds of Sausages kept constantly on hand. TEAS, COFFEES. RAISINS, SPICES, ETC. Crockett}! and Glassware. Wttbtrloo. March 2nd, 1891. Dressman & Hallman BERLIN County of Waterloo. Diamond Steam Laundry. We do all kinds of laund work in first, class style. Work regularly called for and promptly delivered. A trial solicited. Office t Foundry Street, near King. P. o. Box 44, Berlin, Ont. _ N. .13 Mr. Leon Snyder is our agent} Waterloo. HARNESS, HORSE COLLARS, WHIPS, COMES AND BRUSHES, TRUNKS, VALISES, Formerlv curried on by E. S, Halln GROCERIES. The City Tailor. (successor to Allemang Bros.) Germuuu's Old Stand, WATERLOO BARDON & WEBER, Everything new and choice --Call and see our'---- KING STREET, : Call here for your First class line of NOTICE. JOHN FISCHER, East of Market, Stationery , Proprietors BERLIN, fit Sole Agent; Best Cloth Best make Clothing Best Fitting Clothing Lowest Prices ol Spring have touched the popular fancy. They are in the front rank cverthing that is good. - The single breasted, four button, round cornered, and the square cornerd suits, in Tweeds and Serges are got up very stylish. [ Ni . We believe our Men'sy Youths' and Boys' Suit Dept. to contain more snd better lines, of new goods, in all grades, than any other house this side of Toronto, particularly in the sort that sell at popular prices. I "An Item of importance to Keen Buyers" . We carry a fine and well assorted stock of all the latest styles in Hats, Caps, Ties, etc. at prices that cannot fail to please each and every purchaser. _-c.._ --_-i----- ---- -____- Bring your watchea and clocks want- ing repairs to C. J. Altcman, who will undertake to put them in good running order and guarantee satisfaction. W aterloo, llo You;Intend Buying 8 Steve l.? Stoves ! Stoves I we have the best assortment in the County, and at prices that will a" surprise you.] I: OUR yrTOGK: OF Ranges patterns can always be had at Red White and Blue Flag. Philip Fries & 00., , D'PDSiTS OF $1.00 AND UPWARDS RECEIVED. AND CURRENT RATES OF ALLOWED. INTEREST ADDED To THE PRINCIPAL AT THE END or NOVEMBER IN EACH YEAR, _ CANADIAN BANK OF Speclnl Attention given to the Golutetlon of Commorclal and Farmers' Sales Nous. Alteman's, the Jeweller. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINEas TRANSACTED. FARMERS' NOTES , DRAFTS ISSUED PAYABLE AT ALL POINTS IN CANADA, AND THE I CITIES IN THE UNITED STATES, GREAT BRITAIN. FRANCE. BERMU Wedding Presents. Every Instrument Warranted Five gYears. Apply at Factory, or to Suitable articles in great variety of The Corner Jewellery Store, EQTABLISHED 1867 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. CAPITAL (PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS REST--....---- PIANOS (opposite the Zimmerman House.) 15 NOW COMPLETE. CANADIANtBLOCK, BERLIN, Cook Stoves, S, SAUDER it (W, And Heaters ON EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT. F. G. GARDINER, THE MARVELOUS E E R L Td 2A" DONT FORGET THE SIGN SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT B. E. WALKER, GENERAL MANAGER, WATERLOO BRANCH Sec’y Berlin Organ &CPiaaoTo.,%'t'd AND Ont THE The Star Laundry, Go down to the yard and see the agowggz hand. You will note that they T 'ihm'.,i "iii color. hear from Limoamnrg an ab trih- twypltthlprzpr, than, the ordi _ ‘x‘y ammh Beehtel's Brick and Tie cm as}: i; . Jrrrtdair WEB?) 2.3; to note these advapt.ag.cy and profit, by 103.155: .1192 gguaLfgou don’t tn BEcHTtLe"BkItjk, This is a new business for our town and we have every reason to believe that our efforts will be appreciated and that we will be favored with your work. A trial solicited. otlice: Boehmer's Block, Waterloo,. Cheap Harness J. STREBEL'S, ISAAC BEGHTEL & SW. does all kinds of Laundry work in first class style. Building and Mining, Hello There ! ORGAN S. GUMPTION ZEBB STREET WATERLOO. N ow is the time for H. I GRASETT, MANad WATERLOO, WILL LEAD YOU TO USE IN THE MATTER OF OUR SUITS JUST A LITTLE J. ECEART, Proprietor go

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