l SPECIAL (lflllllll .-The Dental offices of Berlin and Waterloo will be closed every Friday afternoon during the hot weather to enable the dentists to take a half holi, day. ---The dwelling of the late Mr. Henry Ferdinand was sold on Satur- day last -by auction. The price paid for it was 81250. One of his sons was the purchaser. To choose from. A call is respectfull solicited. STEISS & GOOD, ao King St, Berlin, Phone AT, --The regular annual meeting of the policy holders of the Ontario Mutual Life Assurance Company will be held in the Town Hall 011 Thursday, May the 25th. -The Guelph fire hall by-law to raise 88000 for the purpose of build- ing a fire hall and improving the market, resulted in the defeat of the measure by 49 of a majority. --The large dam at the German Mills broke away last week by reason of the tremendous quantities of water which fell during the recent rains. No other damage was done. --Our. genial and successful mer- chant tailor, Mr. V. M. Berlet, was awarded the contract for making an official suit for the new constable. -w. Wells k, Son, Dentists, wish to draw their patrons' attention to their change of card in this issue. ‘Their new remedy for painless extrac- tion "O'dontunder" is too well known and popular to need any notice here. Notice of changes must be leftZat this offiee not later than Saturday noon. The eopyYor tshangesCmuse be left not late that1Taesday noon. Casual Advertise, ments accepted up to noon Wednesday of eachjweek. _ -A plate glass front is being put in at the store of J. W. Fear k Co. $26,000 Oranges, Bananas, and Pine Apples, --D, IV. Ram. of Woodstock, has taken a life insurance Policy for --A tam1ery at Listowel of the Breuthaupt Leather Co. took fire on Monday forenoon last. The main building, which contained a heavy stoek of leather in process of manufac- ture, was burnt to the ground. -,-The News says the Directors of the Bonanza Nickel Mining Co. hail a .meeting on Thursday last at Berlin, The shareholders dorft seem to have a bonanza on their investments so far. Still there may be green hills far away. -The liquidatom of the Federal Bank state that in conformity with the act of Parliament authorizing its wind- ing up, on and after J une 7 next the notes of that bank shall be valueless and all claims of any nature against it will be barred. -Mr. Dalton McCarthy will visit Woodstock where a reception will be accorded him, on the 31st of May, .-The Sentinel-Review says that the C. P. R. Chicago flyer, which left Woodstock at 10.10 Monday night, made 113 miles in 118 minutes with six stops. .--About twenty of the eporting fraternity left for Toronto on Tuesday morning to be present at the Spring Meet of the O. J. C. They have every _confidence that Mr. Seagram's "Mar, tello" will be the winner of the Queen's Plate this year. Select Stock --Lt order to give our employees a holiday on Wednesday, 24th inst, we go to press this week a day earlier than usual. The news letters from only a few of our correspondents reached us in time for this week's issue. The others will appear in next issue. If, l (hoeobhs Celebration LOCAL NEWS. WE WILL ALSO HAVE A FOR THE 24th of May TO ADVERTISERS FOR THE CELEBRATED WE HAVE PLACED 0F GROCERS, -Some of the staid old members of Knox Church, Listowel, says an ex- change, were somewhat startled by a solemn "Amen" interred by their choir at the end of the benediction. They shake their heads very doubtfully over such innovations. "It was had enough to hae a kist of whussals skreding i' the kirk on the Lord's day, but its waur and waur to hae sich haverings as this pit upon us." OeEmL--The beatiful Opera "Der F reischuetz V011 Cameran" was given on Monday evening last in the Lieder tafel Hall to a very large and apprecia- tive audience. All the parts were well supported and the society is to be con- gratulated on the sucessful rendering of so charming and diff'1eult an Opera. CoNvgumscENT.-We are pleased to be able to say that Mr. Colquhoun is gradually recovering from his late severe illness. On Saturday last he was able to go out for a shbrt drive around town. His illness has now been of more than seven weeks' dura- tion. It becomes our sad duty this week to chronicle the death of Mrs. C. M. Taylor, wife of Mr. C. M. Taylor of the Waterloo Mutual Eire Insurance Company. She had been an invalid for many years and a short time ago went to Battle Creek, Mich, thinking she might be benefitted by treatment at the Sanitarium of that place. Her condition was not improved, however, and on Saturday afternoon Mr. Taylor was summoned by a telegram to Battle Creek as her condition was most critic- al. He took the first train and arriv- ed there only a few hours before she passed away. The remains were brought to Waterloo on Monday evening and the funeral took place at the residence on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. A short service was held at the Metho- dist Church after which the remains were consigned to their final resting place in Mount Hope Cemetery. OFF FOR CmcAGo.,--A party con- sisting of Mr. D. Buckberrough and Miss Buekberrough of this town, Rev. R. Hobbs of Brantford, Miss Bowman of Blair, and Mrs. J. Ritchie and Miss Taylor of Wingham left on Monday evening to attend the World's Fair: at Chicago. The party will remain for ten days or a fortnight. SONG SERvrcE.--The second annual song service held in the Waterloo Evangelical Church last Sunday even- ing attracted a very large audience. The programme of music taken from the "Palme" was well rendered. An address was delivered by the Pastor in which he explained the nature of Pentecostal Sunday. Besides the choruses given by the choir a solo and a male quartette were also given with thte effect. The collection in aid of the choir fund was a liberal one. --Goods are selling fast at the bank, rupt store of P. Zoeger, Waterloo. -ilfr. J ohn Frey, one of our most wide-awake farmers, living between Bridgeport and Breslzm, delivered at \Vaterloo last Saturday fifty-seven head of fat cattle sold to Messrs. Groff Brothers tor export to the old country market. The combined weight of the 57 head was 78,160 lbs. The cash re- ceived for the lot was a few dollars short; of 334300. We understand that M r. Frey has still 35 head at home for de, livery later on. -IVe are pleased to learn that Mr. Oscar H. Roos who ileft Waterloo last year to take a situation in' Marion, Ohio, has been offered and has accepted a much more lucrative position in the city of Cleveland where he takes charge of astore. He seems to have been a great social favorite at Marion and be, fore he left the members of the "Tally Wag" club banqueted him and made him the recipient of an elegant present to testify their esteem for him. -Mr. George Gillespie, of Shel- bourne, has come to Berlin and will open up a photograph gallery in the Canadian Block, King, St. The prem- ises are being renovated and remodel- led on the lines directed by Mr. Gilles- pie and when completed there will bee gallery in Berlin second to none in the country. Mr. Gillespie is an artist of high order. We notice in the May number of the Canadian Photographic Journal the following : "From George Gillespie, of Shelbourne, we have received some excellent samples of work, the lighting being exceptionally good. One of a pretty child shows Mr. Gillespie to be an artist." The deceased was in her 55th year' and leaves besides her husband, one daughter and five sons. Her daughter Annie is the wife of Mr. Byron Beelr tel of the firm of Buckberrough k Bechtel of this town. The sons are Roland B, Taylor in Grenfell N. w. T. , Addison J. Taylor and Prof. w, H. Taylor of Butte City, Montana; Dr. JohnE. Taylor in Rockland, Penn.; and Charles M. Taylor of Chicago Ill. Mr. Taylor and iamuy will hails the sympathy of a very large circle of friends in their sad bereavement. --Ties,--ewo for a quarter at Leon Snyder’s. Death of Mrs. G. M. Taylor. Mr. A. Sanderson, spent Sunday in town, Mr. A. W. Shefiield, in town this week. The Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor of the Waterloo Presbyterian church, met recently and elected the following offieers: Presi- dent, Miss Scheurman , Vice President Miss A. Young; Treasurer, Miss N. Watson; Rec. Secretary, Mr. Pearson Winn ; Corresponding Secretary, Miss A. B. Young. Convener of the "Look out" com., Miss B. Gregor; Con. of Prayer-meeting 00111., Miss Brough; Con. of Social Com., Mr. A. Howie; The regular C. E. prayer meeting meets every Monday evening at 8 o'clock, the members leading the meetings in turns. Strangers are always cordially wel, corned. The ladies of the Waterloo Presby- terian church are at present very much engaged in doing what they can for others. On the 13th of May the aux- iliary of the Women's Foreign Mission Society sent a huge box of provisions to the inmates of the "Old Ladies Home" of Galt. The Home is a deser- ving institution and the ladies intend sending a second box in the near future. Anyone desiring to help in the good cause will receive the grateful thanks, not only of the Presbyterian ladies, but also of the inmates of the Home and the Galt ladies in charge. This is but one and almost the smallest item, the ladies, old and young, of the Presbyterian church are doing "in His Name." Mr. Wm. Hubermeh] of Waterloo, took his departure to Nebraska last week, where he has resumed work. Mr. Erwa Eby left for Rochester, N. Y., last week, where he intends to live in the future. Miss Rachel Coyroy of Waterloo, left for Elmira, last week, for a, few weeks holidays. Mis Bella Simpson was visiting her parents at Floradale, last Sunday. Messrs. H. Meier and Ed. Merkel paid a short visit to friends in town on Monday last. Miss L. Cooper spent the past week in Rockwood, the guest of her cousin, Mr. J ohn Strickland, the G. T, R. agent at that place. Mr. Wm. Weidenhammet. of the Streetsville High School staff and a brother to Mr. A. Weidenhammec of the Central school staff, spent Monday in town. Rev. E. H. Bean of Rodney called upon a number of his friends and rela- tives in Berlin and Waterloo during the past week. He has just returned from Portage (in Fort, Quebec, whith- er he had gone to consign to their final resting place the remains of the partner of his joys and sorrows for two short years and who died on the 7th inst. at Rodney. Mr. and Mrs. Peter] Hamburg, spent a few with friends, this week Mr. James Kerr of N iagara Falls, spent a day in town [mt week visiting friends. He is the inventor of a water. motor, one of which is in operation at the Bauernfreund office and seems to give good satisfaction. News ". "Dr. Charles Kumpf will attend the 24th Queen's Plate races at, Toronto." V Miss M. Engelhardt is visiting friends in Gait, Mr. Charles Boecker, of Milverton, spent Sabbath last with relatives. A new manse-is about being erected for the Rev. Dr. McKay, of (q the Pres, byterian church, Woodstock. The lot south ofthe church grounds has been purchased, and the building is to be completed by October 1st. The whole cost will be in the neighborhood of $4,000. Mr. H. A. Massey, of Toronto, has given $1,000 towards the Epworth Memorial church in Cleveland. This church has cost a quarter of a million and in grandeur is compared to St. Paul's, London, England. Mr. Samuel E. Cork, of the Confed. eration Life staff, Toronto, spent Sun. day at home. Mr. J. G. Mowat, (Moses Oates), of Toronto, editor of the Canadian Magm zine spent Sunday in Berlin. The Revs. D. B. Sherk and C. w. Backus, of Berlin, are attending, as the Canadian delegates, the General Conference of the U. B. Church, held at Hudson, Indiana. The Rev. E. ll. Bean, of Rodney, preached in the Berlin Evangelical Church on Sabbath last. The Rev. Mr. Graeb, well known to many people of Berlin and Waterloo, has been inducted pastor of the Pres, byterian Church, Port Dalhousie. A large number of children received Holy Communion at St. Mary's Catho, lie Church, Berlin, on Sabbath morn-. ing. The services were continued in the afternoon. On both occasions the Personal Mentlon Uhul‘cn items. Linker of New days in town of Toronto, was of Hamilton, Waterloo County Chonicle attendance was Urge and the services impressive. In the evening Father Halter gave a lecture on the subject of "Confession." Elora Express : Monday was anath- er great cattle day in this village. Isaac. Gtvff made a shipment that day of 25 Cars, cmnprising 354 head, which he claims is, fur the number, the finest lot of cattle ever shipped from any point in this section, (will the cuuntry for that matter. He says also that he was well pleased with the crrndrtion in which the farmers marketed these Cattle ", they were well fed and proper- ly finished. On the other hand we may say that we haven't heard of 'a single farmer who has a word to say against Mr. Gvoff. His manner of dealing is honest and square; hence the good opinions expressed in his favor. Me.Cxtwoff's shipment averaged in weight about 1,400 lbs. per head and the amount of money paid out for them was in the neighborhood of $27,000. F- Andrew Mitchell 4 25360 Joseph Sheriff 7 9530 James Glennie 10 13000 Messrs. Gtvoff Bros., of Waterloo, shipped three carlonds, comprising 54 cattle, from Shakespeare for the Eng- lish market; last week. The average price was 5 cents her lb. and the aver- age weight 1400 lbs. Germania Lodge No. 184, I.0.0.F. It is their intention to make a number of changes in the building, notably to put in plate glass, and at'- range the first flat in two neat stores. A large lodge room and others will be arranged for lodge purposes, the large increase in membership and attend- ance lately, making the matter of more room a necessity. The different com- mittees, having the business of the new building on hand, are working energetically in the matter, and will no doubt make a much desired im- provement in both the inside and out- side appearance of the block. Mr. Isaac C,-roff shipped for the old country market last Saturday seven eacload of cattle. They were purchas- ed from the following parties : Head. lbs. John Frey 57 78160 Simeon Brubacher 23 31350 Jacob Hagey 23 32940 Mr. John Brown also shipped 1 car- load obtained from the following par- ties _ The Waterloo Lodge of the Inde- pendent Order pf Oddfellows recently purchased the business block now oc- cupied by Geo. B. Schneider, (boots and shoes,) from Mr. Absalom Merner for the sum of $3,000. The Waterloo Lodge of Oddfellows is at present in a very flourishing con- dition ; its members are' largely en- thusiasts in lodge work and are con- stantly adding many new and desirable young men to their membership. REPORT. Your committee recommend the fol- lowing work on roads, -sidewa1ks and bridges _ l l. Patching; up King street with gravel and ditching the same where necessary; also putting down a. side- wall; in front10f Peppler's house and along school property up to Mr. Sauer’s place, about twothirds of walk:to be laid new and the balance with old plank 4 ft., 8 in. wide; also on the same street in front of John Kaufrnan's shop to be laid new. COUNCIL CHAMBER, {May 20th, 1893. A special meeting of the Town Council, called by the Mayor, was held on Saturday evening. PRESENT ..-The Mayor in the chair, the Reeve, the Deputy-Reeve and Messrs. Roos, Kaufman, Suggitt, Duer- ing, Alteman, Davey and Kumpf. Mr. I. E. Bowman, chairman of the Park Board Commitee, appeared and asked for a grant to make connection with the works for the purpose of wat- ering the grass in the Park. 2. Ditching Spring and Water streets and putting one culvert and crorsiy on same. - . This miner was, on motion, laid over till the next regular meeting of the Council. The Fire, Light and Water Commit. tee presented a. report recommending covers for the hose reels and the sale of the hand engine. The consideration of the report was laid over until the June session. , 3, Patching Erb street with gravel and ditching the same where necessary; also 4 feet sidewalk on the North Slde of Erb street West and 5 ft., Gn. on on south side of Erb street East; also railing along Seagram's farm. 4. "Sidewalk ou'Nortb side of Will- iam street West and raised a. little along Toerbscker's flotf The Board of Works presented the following 5. Sidewalk on Park street, 4 feet wide and crossing. Culverts to be wr paired and two as Wegenast's lumber yard to be put in new. 6. Road "to be made on Queen street south of Erb street to the station with stone and gravelled; also sidewalk to be put on same, Fat Cattle Shipments TOWN COUNCIL. Head, Yost Elegantly Ornamented Family Sewing machine. All the working parts are made of the best material and case hardened, and the head drops below the table, thus forming a NEAT STAND. I will place it on its merits and ask your careful examination, or challenge comparison with others in any respect. The demand for the"New Home" supports me in the assertion, that after a trial you will be convinced it excels all others. NOT VET.---} will first tell the public about the "New Home" Every "New Home" machine is WARRANTED PERFECT by the Co., and should any part prove defec- tivc it will be duplicated free of charge. Everybody is pleased with the fine work Huber of Berlin, the City Photographer, is turning out. If you are thinking of having some photo taken, first visit his studio. He’s sure to please you. ' J. Sidewalk 4 feet wide to be put on Church street for one block and a short piece he put down on Duke street along Mrs. Martin's place. A. Rocks], Chairman. The report was adopted. The Council then adjourned. --Tweeds at 30 cents per yard and upwards, sold by the yard or made up into suits at Leon Snyder’s Itch, Mange and Scratches of every kind, on human or iusirmusH'hrred in 30 minutes by Woolford’s Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Warranted by Ed. M. Devitt. Drug- gist. _ 7. George and Herbert atrePts to be ditched on both sides when necessary. 8. Peppler’s m enue and Devitt's av- enue to be ditched. --The CA ash Grocery pays the high est cash pr ce for eggs and sells fhrs class groceries at a small margin Terms, Spot Cash.-H. A. Scheuer. man. 18-2 mo. -Mr. Huber of Berlin makes a specialty Pphotographing wedding groups. --A large stock of underwear and top shirts at bottom prices, to be cleared out within the next sixty days at Leon Snyder's. . The following provisions incorporated in the hill of the Hon. J. M. Gibson for: the better protection of children empowers municipal councils to pass by-laws to prohibit children from re- maining on the streets at late hours _ (3) Any parent or guardian may be summoned for permitting his child to hnbltually break said bylaw after hav- ing been warned in writing, and may be fined for the first offence $1, without costs, and for the second offence $2, and for a third, or any subsequent offence, 85, 31.-(1) Municipal councils in cities, l towns and incorporated villages shall have power to pass bylaws for the re l gulation of the time after which child-t ren shall not be in the streets at night- fall with out proper guardianship and [ the age or apparent age, of boys and girls respectively, under which they shalt be required to be in their homes [ at the hour, appointed, and such mimi- I cipel council shall in such case cause a bell or bells to be rung at or near the time appointed as a. warning, to be 3 called the "curfew bell," after which I the children so required to be in their homes or off the streets except under) proper control or guardianship or for‘ some unavoidable cause. i (2) Any child so found after the time appointed shall be liable to be warned by any constable or peace officer to go home, and if after such warning the child shall be found loiter- ing on the streets, such child may be taken by such constable to its home. Chicago, May 25.-Thty members of the International Council of the Wo- men's Congress last evening settled the cause of their, differences in regard to the distribution of offices to the various countries. It is decided that England should have the presidency, America. the vice. presidency, France one secretary and England one, and the treasurersbip should go to Finland. Officers were elected as follows _ Lady Aberdeen, pres. ; May Wright Sewall, vice-president ; Mme. Maria Martin, recording secretary ; Eva Mc- Laren, England, corresponding secre- tary ". Bruvness Alexandria Gripenberg, Finland, treasurer. -Take IL C. C. for coughs, colds "roup. DROP HEAD. Ringns TabMes/. tor Iivei; troubles. G. A. WANLESS, DEALER. WATERLOO SPECIAL MENTION. DROP IT I Lady Aberdeen ts President. The Curfew Bell. Notice to Ladies. CNCEt,E1 lower than ever. Come and see the Seamless Hose, guaranteed to stand double the pressure ofany other. Building Hardware of all kinds. Prestons Braided fencing wire is the strongest wire made. Stoves, Plumbing, Gas fitting, &c, We are as ever showing a complete assortment 0 Wall Paper, Shades, Baseballs, Bats, Footballs, Baskets, Hammocks and Lawn Mowers! Sole Agent for the celebrated Pease Furnaces, and every Job guar- anteed. W. H. Becker & Co's Combs and Brushes at Clearing but Prices, also Many Lines of Wall Papers at Clearing out Prices HOT AIR FURNACES. - Sugars have taken a big jump, but not our prices. Having unloaded a car a few weeks prekus totha recent sharp advance which is as yet untouched 2, are prepared to share with our customers the benefit of the fortunate pur- c use. Cr We makea speealty of ful and Garden Seeds of every description in bulk and packages. Business in our Dry Goods and Boot and Shoe department is daily fast increasing. The cause can only be attributed to the inducements we are giving. Dou't tarry. The stock will soon be closed out. It will pay you to examine it and we will be pleased to show you through. Cash aha farm produce “ONLY" will secure for you these goods at ex. ceedingly low prices. All other considerations will be regretfully answered in the negative. SALT. SALT, Arrivals for' this week 1 car salt in barrels; lcar of fine salt in bulk; 1 car of coarse salt in bulk; 1 car Caledonia land plaster; (the best in Canada and the ONLY recommended by the Minister of Agriculture. Headquarters for all kinds of' Farm and Garden Seeds. Fancy Goods Store. King St., Waterloo. Ladies' white skirts, night dresses, chemise, drawers, corset covers, Ladies' and Children's aprons, Babies' robes and skirts, babies' jackets and bootees. You can get ready made clothing consisting of : All home-made, and of the best mater- ial. Also the best lines of Ladies' and Children's corsets. HASENPFLUG’S City Grocer & China Hall. Et. BECK JACOB CONE. 12 King St., East, Berlin. Telephone 150, PURSES VERY CHEAP. For Spring Goods. CROQUET SETS, S- '0liElE2/Eu wers! Garden Hose and Sprinklers W ATERLOO