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Waterloo County Chronicle, 4 May 1893, p. 6

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Studies in crime are therefore very much in order, and several experts have favored us with their experience and conclusions. Dr. Cesare Lombroso, pro- fessor of "hegal medicine," as it is there called, in the University of Tur- iri, has carefully examined nearly LOCO cases and Gs, given his conelusions with scientific exactness. IL Monou- vrier made a very 'careful study of 44 French Murderers and contrasted their makeup with that of 50 normal men selected at random. Dr. Maudsley’s works on responsibility in mental dis, ease are well known, and almost every one remembers "The Jukes Family," which attracted so mnch attention a few years ago. Dr. Arthur: MacDonald, of the New York Medico-Legal Society, who was last year a delegate to the meeting of the international Society of Criminal Anthropology at Brussels, has adopted many of the views of Dr. Lombroso and added the results of his own studies, the whole making a book of almost painful interest. The conclusions are startling. Perhaps the most startling is the one on which all the experts agree-namely, that all old notions about remorse which have given Dccas- ion for so many fine passages in novels must be abandoned. A normal man who kills in sudden heat may suffer most poignant anguish therefore, but the true murderer does not. If he could, says Dr. Lombroso, he would not be a murderer. When the statisticians a few months ago bluntly stated that the United Sta- tes is the only country in which crime has increased faster than the popula- tion for 20 years, there was a very natural protest. Some say it is the same in Canada, while others name other nations. This much is oertairr- crime has greatly outrun population in this country, while in the civilized world as a whole it has fallen far be hind. In the British Isles espec1aily the percentage of crimes to population has decreased wonderfully. For practical purposes, however, the first important fact is that criminals as a class are physically much inferior to to other people. In families of criminal tendencies scrofula is two or three times as prevalent as in others, and a large percentage even of apparently strong men who commit crime die of consumption, and " siill larger number of heart disease. Dr. Lombroso found that of 79 children under 12 years of age confined in Italian houses of cor- rection, among whom were M) thieves 27 vagabonds, T homicides and three Whose. crime is not stated, the tollorv, ing physicial anomalies were noticed : Thirty had deformed ears, 21 small Pe- treating foreheads, 10 projecting cheek bones 14 promroenrjawc, 5 were cross eyeillxi had fuciul symnwtry. 10 the physiognomy of cretins, o were goit- mus. and D had deformed nrses. On criminal Tendencies Usually go Wllln \Venk Bodies and l‘usonnd MlndnAThe Emu or Meteditr-rncrease of Crime in the [united t5tttteg--Mtt1Htaat Criminals. Sically and morally characters of degm immoral tendencies rot tL- pu Study In Criminology. FEW MURDERERS FEEL REMORSE. THEIR PHYSICAL INFERIORITY Long for the mischievous, Queer little chap, Ignorant. questioning, Held in my lap, Freshman, so tall and wise, Answer me this-- Where is the little boy I used to kiss ? Lost 5 I have lost him, Cheater, my boy-- Pioture book, “on; black; Marb‘le and toy. Storm}. :2 me otuc, Useless they lie. Useless the Why We; {2 Why should I can: 3:) muon, Mothers Hell why, Yes he has gana from me, Leaving ha sign; But thaws another r Callshimseli min6,, tr Handsome and strong of limb, Brilliant is he, Knows things that I know not, Who can it be? Face like the father face, Eyes black as mine, Stepiull of manly grace, Voice masculine, Yes, but the gold of life Has one alloy--- Why does the mother-heart Long for her boy. Close to my heart. Lost ', I have lost him, Somewhere between achoolhouuq and college, Last he was seem» Lips full of whistling, Curl tangled hair-, Lost , I have )ost him, Would I know where. Lost r. I have Hist him, When did he 0 ! Lightly I claspeg him, How could I know, Out of my dwelling He would depart, Even as I held him (By Jerome Jucquirr E0y'sr-y0' BOY. Id OETRY. rd __ Good H ousekeepin, g tut of SO of 100 ordinary xtionle College at utoly normal phy- Of ll exhibiting Nev, only 6 had much, Of the 57,310 white prisoners, 15,- 932 were foreign born, 12,601 were born of foreign parents and 2,881 had one parent foreign horn, birth and par- entage of all the others unknown. Thus omitting the unknown it appears that 28.}, per cent. of our criminals are for- eign born, and counting parentage it seems that but 433; per cent. are of the native element, while nearly 57 per cent. are of the foreign, After all, the most discouraging class is that of habitual or professional cri- minals, and all the experts recommend desperate measures, several going so far af to advise "sterilization," so that no more shall be born in such families. They are born criminals ; they are bred criminals, says Dr. Lombroso. They find nothing detestable in crime, but make it a trade like any other, or com- mit it with an idea of vengence for in- justice suffered. In Italy in 1878, the recidivists, or habituals, condemned constituted 13 per cent. of all the convictions. In 1882, they hadincreased to 22 per cent. In France there were 10 per cent. in 1826. In 1879 they had increased to 50 per cent. In Belgium in 1860-71 the proportion of recidivists reached 70 per cent. In Prussia from 1871 to 1877 the number of condemned who nad already been once imprisoned rang- ed between 77 and 80 per cent. for men and between 74 and 81 per cent. for women. In the majority of habit- ual criminals the. moral sense seems to be radically defective If not absolutely extinct. A certain criminal said to his comrades in prison, “Even if we were millionaires we would continue our trade." The stock is mdicallv unsound, say the scientists. Let it be cut up root and branch. analyzed indicate that the real Ameri- can-the original white stock-is doing pretty well, thank you. There were, says Agent Frederick H. Wines in bul- letin 352, in the census fear, 82,349 criminals in custody in the United States of whom 57,310 were pure whites, 21,277 negroes and colored, 407 Chluese and 336 of all others. M Another interesting' fact is that while cruelty is common among petty thieves and other small offenders it is very rare among highwaymen, burglars, murderers and others who constitute the aristocracy of crime. A very sin. _ . . gular case occurred recently in Finley- ville, Pa. where burglars entered the house of J. C). McClelland. A baby woke and began to cry, and lest it should causeg the mother to wake up the robber carried the infant to an- other room. There, with hislittle one on his knee, be fed it on bread and milk out of a bowl which his pal procured for: him from the kitchen adjoining, ac- cess to which was had through a win- dow. When the babe had satisfied its hunger, the robbers made a bed for it on the floor. They left it there while they ransacked the house. The little one was found fast asleep in the room under an old coat, with a large bowl of bread and milk by its side. At first view the United States ap- pears to be in a very bad way, but these scientific gentlemen do not find it so, and the last census figures when All criminals or very nearly all, have some religion, but their religion, like all their. mental prowsses, is subject, to a peculiar levity. In fact, instabi- lityi is the one great gemml character- istic of criminals, One kills a man for the sake of aZwOLn-an and then kills the wommin sudden anger or disgust. One in Puis killed a man for otfending his mother, but soon after in a rage threw his mother from a balcony and killed On, the other hand, Manouvrier fourth the Weight of the criminal cram inn) Inferior. The horiityntal titttttn- terence of the cranium in criminals is inferior to that observed in ordinary mem The frontal angle also in the case of criminals is comparatively low, In the French assassin it is smaller than in the African negro. Homicides show a. strong development of the osse- ous system while thieves and Violators have weak skeletons. As a. rule as- sassins have a strong physical organiza- tion, but there are some notable excep- tions. Dr. Corre mentions the case of a young woman in Paris who had as- sassinated and robbed several robbers, her favorite instrument being a ham- mer. She was gentle in manner, polite and of an agreeable physique. So far, bad, but what follows is ex- ceedingly encouraging. It was found that physical signs cf criminal tendency were more marked in children than in adults, and that by education, proper restraint, good food and cleanliness they often disappeared entirely. An odd fact is that in Italy criminals are a lit. tle taller than the average, but they vary in height among themselves, high- way robbers and homicides being taller than violators, forgers and thieves. It is noteworthy that the flnger-reach of criminals is inordinately great. SMALL CRANIUMS. Although criminals are taller than normal men, yet the outcome of an ex- tensipe compcison made by Lombroso is that cranium tn" small volume are common, and those of very" large vol- ume are rare among them. Ar. re- gards cranial weight oh-tyu, differ. LOmliro‘so, who examined 21 Italian assassins, found their average weight vi tfhitiiiiitl superior to that of the ordi- nary individual _ STORY OF THE CENSUS, RELIGIOUS AND LAZY Produced from the laxative and nutritious juice of California figs, combined .with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most benticial to the human system, acts gently on the liver kidney and bowels, effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds and headaches, and curing habitual constipation. liipans Tuhules are of great value. What you are sure of, if you use Dr. Sages Catarrh Remedy, is either a perfect and Pet" manmb cure for your Cutarrh, no matter how had your case may be, or $500 in cash. The proprietors of tloe:,",merliei11e promise to pay you the money, if they can't cure you. The Lucknow Sentinel is responsible for the following: A newly married couple recently boarded the train at Ripley. Thegroom was a strapping young fellow with sunburnt face and hands and bear's grease' on his hair, while the bride might have been the "hired girl" on the same farm. They had no sooner taken a seat than he put his right arm around her and be, gan to caress one of her hands. A .voice in the rear of them cried out "spoons I." but the bridegroom gave no sigh. Pretty soon he pulled her head on his shoulder. and there was a. titter in the rear of the car. The head stay- ed right there, however, and Josh got both her hands in his paw. Three or four voices cried out "Oh l" and “Ah !" but it was fully two minutes before he tenderly pushed her away and rose up, looked around and said '. "We are mur- ried." Another titter went around. "We sparked for four yvnrs. She's my violet and I'm her towerin’ oak. We've got 100 miles to go and we are going to spoon every durned rod of it, nn’ if thar’s any critter here who thinks he can’t stand it, he can gee out and walk.” The young man could not remember. Neither could he tell who published it; but it was a fine work, in many large volumes. "Do you ever use them 2” asked the agent. "Certainly-almost every day." "In what line T" . "Oh, I press my trousers with them. They are splendid for that." If a scholar has little money for books, he should expend it mostly for works of reference, and so get a daily return for his outgo. So seems to have thought a young man of whom an exchange tells a story. - Dr. Lorinbroso was confident he could trace difference in the handwriting of criminals and others. He also insists that there is a distinct physiognomy for each class of criminals, hut other experts do not agree with him. The scientists have done much in agreeing on so many important points, but the, great question is as puzzling as everi namely, what are we going to do about it?" The agent for a new encyclopedia called upon the aforesaid young man, and began to set forth the great merits of the work. "No,', said the young need it. I have an already." "Which one is it 1” enquired the canvasser. Of all forms of-education the purely seientifie seems most unfavorable to crime. Men of science in general take pleasure in their investigation, and their training enables them to see dis- tinctly that a criminal action is not on- ly unjust but illogical and pro6tless. Among poets and artists, who are more dominated by passion, crime is more frequent. The list of noted prisoners includes many physicians, for obvious reasons. As to moral sensibility, out of 780 cases studied by Ferric he found only about 3 per cent. that showed re- pentance or manifested any feeling in reeounting their: deeds. Thompson, out of 410 assassins, did not find one sin, cere case of repentance. Of the lower class criminals, such as pielrpockees and shoplifters, the experts think the face an indication, as shown in characteris- tic groups presented by them. Of burg- lets, forgers and others, which may be called "high class," there is a great dif- ference ofyopinion. They are almost universally lazy-- one reason why they are such poor spell- ers-even when educated. Sexually they are not nearly so developed as one would expect, especially the wom- en. It is not passion which mamas them sin, but mere weakness of will and lack of foresight. There are ex ceptions of course, like the infamous Mnrcliioness of Brimilliers or Patty 1"- _-. in "t ' “mule crimi- bannon, but as a rule on Low, nal has far less Millie impulse than tho honest and energetic worker or well to: do and intelligent woman A few male criminals have shown eirtessrdinary talent, but without exceptian it was rendered of little avail by their uncon- querable levity and lack 'of consistent purposes. her. In the eyes of very religious cri- minals God is a. species of accomplice. According to Lomhroso, 61 per cent. of the violators and 56 per cent. of the assassins frequent churches. Out of 200 assassins Ferri found only one who vow- ed bimself an atheist ; 7 of the others showed exaggerated devotion ; 5 were "strong, in faith. In Italy a. very large proportion of them keep the holy days, rigorously abstaining from meat on Friday. Ripans Tabules cure hives Stood up [01' Their "Illglxls.’ MEN OF SCIENCE HONEST. Useful Books. Syrup of Figs. man, "I don't encyclopedia Waterloo County Chronicle fuzz force TILL THE VALUE IS EXIIAUSTED. Then two or three years in force it is nonforfeitable, even for failure to pay renewal premiums, remaining in The Policy ofthe Dominion Life is a straight promise to pay-like a bank draft, almost unconditional. No re- striction on travel or oeeupatiom Your choice of all sound plansq/ assurance ofered, no other. Equality between policy-holders is secured by insuring in three classes-- abstainers, general and women-giving each in pro.hts the true bee/it ofUs own longevity. The RATES compare favorably with any in the world. - -- - _ _ 72 King St., Canadian Block. Established April I, 1891. Now running by steam power. Fully prepared to all kinds of saw gumming and filing. Skate grinding and grinding edge tools of every description, such as horse clippers, barber's clippers, barber's and tsilov's shears, butcher's meat knives, prin- ter's paper knives etc. JAMES INNES, M. P., CHR. KUMPF Esq, PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT THOS. HILLIARD, MANAGING DIRECTOR. It provides a legacy certain instead of a Jautit gassible. I AGENTS WANTED. Apply now for choice of territory to THOS. HILLIARD BerliniEEEEShnp, THE Dominion Life Assurance (My, Head Office, - Waterloo, Ont. Bicycles changed from the solid and cushion to the latest preumatic tire. Sew- ing machines repaired and guaranteed for one year. Gunsmithing in all its branches. Keys made and fitted to 21!] kinds of locks. Locks repaired. New rolls put on clothes wriugers. In short we repair everything in a mechanical line and guarantee satisfaction All work seat us shall receive our prompt attention. Remember the place, Canadian Block, Berlin. Sign pf the Sewing Machine and Saw. C. L. HENDERSON, 1. Cash and Paid-up Values guaranteed on each policy. 2. All dividends belong to and are paid only to policyholders. 3. No restriction on travel. residence, or occupation. 4. Death claims paid at once on complecion of claim papers. ALEX. MILLAR, Q. C., Solicitor.~......Berlin J. H. WEBB, M. D., Medical Referee.Waterloo W. S. HODGINS. Supt. of Agencies. .VVaterlco Authorized Capital $1,000,000. Gov't Deposit ttt Ottawa $50,000 Salmon-med Capital $257,000. Paul up (inpllul 561.400 KEYOFFICE ATTHE ZIMMERMAN HOUSE, ' Waterloo 11th Oct..1892 Surplus aver all Liabilities, December 31st,T892--..-... 176,301 Increaseover1891,,................ 20,742 The 20-Year SUPERVISORSHIP DISTRIBUTION POLICY now offered embraces all the newest features, and is the best tom: of PROTECTION and INVESTMENT money czm buy. It has no equal. Guaranteed values, attractive options, and liberal conditions. W H. RIDDELL, WM. HENDRY, Assurances in force, Jan. lst, 1893....N6,122,195 Increase over previous year . . . . . ' 1,187,388 New Assurances written in 1892 . ' . . . . 2,M1,000 Inermu_eosrer1891..-.......... 222,050 Cash Income for 18P2......--. 614.951 Immenseover1891.........V........ 67,331 Assets, December 318t, 1892.. ' . . . . . .. .. 2,253,981 Increaseover1891....... .......F.. 291.953 Reserve tor security of Policy-Hold- 13r8....._..,.,..........,........... 2,061,602 DOMINION DEPOSIT, Fconomy, Equity, Stability, Progress. Egg ' T a V, ' _ -- _ e"' d Ontarlo Mutual Life. Sales conducted in English and German, mERiCi?ihnuE Incorporated by Act of Ontario Legislature. Telephone 134P. O. Box 164, Folk TIRE ('Ol'NTY OF “'ATEIILOO. HEAD OFFICE. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: I. E. Bowman, M. P., Waterloo. John Shuh, Waterloo. J. H. Webb M. D., Waterloo. Gee. Moore, Waterloo. D. S. Bcwlby, M. D., Berlin Robert Melvin. Guelph. E. W. B. Snider, M, P. P., St. Jacobs, ' OFFICERS : E, Bowman, M. P., President. James Lockie, Secretary. Alex, Millar, Solicitor. T. A. Gale Inspector. Increase of 1891 new (nu-10m b WATERLOO, on. Estttbustura 1870. CHAS. IL FRfEHLICH, SEF‘IRE INSURANCE CO. LATHE WORK OF ALL KINDS Liberal Condltlons of Pollcles: CAPITAL, $200,000. Licensed Auctioneer Secretary, 0FFICEIIS Managing Director WATERLOO. ONT. Machimst, C, Proprietor. $100,000. Manager 2,061,602 280,827 ['THE undersigned offers tor sale his house 1 and lot, corner of Allan and Mary streets. I Tho house is a. new two story brick building provided with all modern conveniences. The property must be sold tbb' the owner is leaving town. For further particulars apply at the house. . L. C. KLIPPERT, Philip Hohmeier, Has contracted for this space THE WATEBLOO Granite ' Marble Works IF you have lost " loved one and‘ desire to erect a titting tribute of utfuctlon to the memory of the departed Outh Kindly favor us with a call and we shall be pleased to show you specimens and designs in Monuments, Headstones etc. and quote you figures for any style of work either in Granite or marble. First class work guaranteed. Gas. Fitter, Plumber, &e. w E are now prepared to f111 orders for th best Scranton Coal in lihgg, Stove or Nu size. We would advise all to order now befor an advance in price takes place. The {rehab lities are that money will be saved bf ookin orders at once. We respeuth1lly so ioit Foe patronage. Orders left at our ottiee at tho co yard or at J. W. Fear 5; Co.’s Hardware Ste: will have our careful attention. Waterloo Goal Yards. in stc FRESH alums can aMays be procured at his shop. COAL ! Scranton Coal 1 COOKING AND mama smvss, NEWS "FROM ST. JACOEE The undersigned will pay the highest market price for He also does a retail trade in grains etc. HARLEY, Erb Street, opposite Marker. PROPERTY FOR SALE SHAEFER BRO S CHRISTIAN A/HENRIGH, 3at variety kept constantly in also all kinds of OATS, HOGG & HABBICK. TINWARE; ---the-- PEAS, WATERLOO. POTATOES, ETC. 51;. 'Tapobs, The new remedy for the painless extraction of teeth. This remedy is simple, effective and perfectly harmless. The preservation of the natural Teeth a specialny. _ Will Visit. Baden the tirst Thursday and third Thursday of each month. E1mlra--The second Thursday and Friday and fourth Thursday and Friday of each month Will cal at St. Jan-abs in going to Elmira. Waterloo ome, open vex-V any. HERBERT J. BOXYMAN. PROVINCIAL Land Surveyor, Civil Ehgineer and Drrxttglrtsman, Graduate of the Ontario School of Prm‘tical Science, and late assistant to the York T'p Engineer on the eotFtruution of Pub- lic Works, and the sutrdisrisibn of lands in the suburbs of Toronto. Lrht?skFif JidGEityr,%GsrTtTisTfdt tie Cyl. lege of Physicians, Surgeons and Accoucheure of Ontario. DISEASES OF EYE AND EAR TREATED. Ottice-New residence, Albert street, Water. loo. a short distance north of the late Dr. Walden's residence. Nitrous bkidi, tras%rfnihis/terer1 for the pain less extraction of teeth. Also, Vienna Mixture both of which are Derieotlv safe. W. It, Henry J. _' Rockel, UGNTBAGTGB rim BUILDER, WATERLOO. " Solicitor. Notary Public and Conveyancer. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce and Coumv Solicitor" Money to loan on Mortgages. omce .- Germania Block (upstairs), Queen rceL. Bcrlm DR. AMUTAGE PHYSICIAN. SURGEON AND Accoucnsvn. Omce-rn the rooms formerly occupied bf W. Wells, L. D. S. over Mr. Fish's store (Bel - inger’s). Night calls answered at ottice. Tele: phone communication. Omrse and residentse-Two doors north of resi- dence formerly occupied by the late Dr. Walden WI Albert street. Waterloo, DRS. D. S. 8: G. H.BOWLBY. PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS. ETC. Dr. D. S. Bowlby, Coroner for the County. Dr, G, H. Bowlby treats diseases of the none, throat and ear. L VANOAMP, DENTIST, . Oniso at new residence, corner of Queen and John Streets. Berlin, Ont. LIVERY AND EXCHANGE STABLES. GEO. SoJsorrv, Proprietor. All kinds ot conveyances constantly on hand. Charges moderate. Stables in rear of the Com. mercml Hotel. D Fire and Accldeut Insurance Aients \Vatcrloo,0nt-., representing the best Stoc - duct Mutual Companies doing business in this Pro- vince. Money to loan at lowest current rates. u LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales Eromptly attended to. Satisfaction gum antee . Orders left at the Rpidolberg mill ot tiee or Sreiss's Hutu] will receive prompt atten tion. German and English spoken Public, Coiiiaisysiieeir, ale; I (Money to ioahJ thfles hours. 9.30 mm. tr) 5 mm. Office ovar Geo. IGirchtiiit'riri otiyrta, Waterloo Special attention paid to Camrrh. Dyspepsia, Skin Diseases, and to all forms of Chronic Diseases. ”4“: ---- .mumwh "mm, ' uuuv, C't?pyeyaneor, etc. . Ottlue-, Upsrairs in Economical block,53 King Street West, Berlin. D. D. S. Philadelphia. L. D. S. Toronto. Nitrogen monoxide gas and local anaesthet- cs for: painless extraction of teeth. a't"b/drirh' JiriUd' EGuva, every Monday and 1;hnrsduy afternoon. Ottici, at Dr. Walmsley's S OTB. -- Opposite the Market square. An easy shave, a stylish haircut, a. cam, an exhilimLing shampoo” alw: dies' and children’s hair tastilv cut. Nancy to loan on Mortgages at lowest rates. FREDr RICK CoLQUnoux. A. B. MCBRIDE Ofmua-New Insurance Buildings (up-stains,) I'itrrtritreut, W'aterioo. g IMON SNYDER.1 U BAitit1s'i'Etts AT LAW Solicitors in all tho courts, Notaries and Donsutuuusrs. Money to land on Mortgages lowest, mugs. Otitcer-Court House. Berlin. W. H. BDWLBY. M.A., LLB., Q. C., County Grown Attorney m n "N and Clerk of the Peace fl E0. H. HUTCHISON I - ___ -' tiss'iiFhlirarsuasre Licenses. Otrui-post Office, St. Jacobs, Out. Telephone communication, D. BucrcBErutompr "ottidd-tjouftY%'1ses, Berlin. D Isidir 0 Marriage Licenses. oitlee--At his Drug Stove, Walrerluo. Tele hone communication I H. WEBB M. D., . Coroner County of Waterloo, Ofihse-At bis residence on Erb stcmat. Telephone communication. OHN L. WIDEMA N, E. P. CLEMENT, OSEPH MICKUSJ HEIDELB ERG mm KING. l (1, UCKBERRQUGH ' BECHTEL, ()EHLMAN'S BARBER SHOP OFFICE: YOST'S BLOCK ELMIRA, \OLQUHQUN At MCBRIDE R. C. T. NECKER, MEDALLIST OF TO R. A. F. BAUMAN O\VLBY & CLEMENT R. HETT. LEX. MILL i V V "AGsiuiiurTgGrG'tG'rs, Notaries and Conveyancers.i PHYSICIAN. SURGEON AND Accouc-HEUR WELLS. L. D. s., C. IV WELLS, D. D. S. MISCELLANEOUS. WILKINSON, D.D.S.L.D.S, 109 King street east, Berlin, Offiee and Residence-John street ODONTUNDER. LAR, QLC: LIVERIES. MEDICAL. DENTAL LEGAL WATERLOO AND ELMIRA lsLjr)tor, Solicitor Notary DENTISTS; Solicitor. Notary Public, B. E. BECHTEL. Cut, a. good son- _0.. always given, [ly cut. W 'ATERnoo. TEACHER 5f Instrlimén and Piano. Terms mo Apply at resideneed l GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED.'. Guests will receive the best of attention. The bar supplied with the choiueab liquors and cigars of the best brand. Waterloo, ' House and Sign Painter Exsursion Tickets Good for the first of May until the first Oct. The person holding this, ticket is en- titled to one first class passage on the P. H. W. from Waterloo to Chicago on foot or bicycle or to run after the train through the St. Clair tunnel or to swim across the river if you can, provided said person get his Photo taken before the first of May at Capital, $2,000,000. Rest, $|,100,000. Interest allowed on sums of Four Dollars and upwards in lecry, Sale and Exchange Stables. __' First-class rigs and stood reliable horses. Two and three seated carriages always in readiness. All calls promptly attended to and 01““ng moderate. Office and Livery in rear of t e Zimmerman House. Entrance on King street, next to Fischer's butcher shoD. The Molsons Bank. Drafts Issued on all Principal Points. PETER STAUFFER, Licensed Auctioneer, BERLIN. . oNTMtt0. Farm sales and sales of live stock willre. naive prompt attention TERMS MODERATE- Orders left at this omce will be promptly attended to. fhe?k'sfhiio, Waterloo The Watepluu Jlookglon is putting in one of the heaviest and best assorted stocks of wall papers in this district. He keeps all grades and prices from 2 cents a roll up; No trouble to show goods. hTail NORTH AMERICAN HOTEL. H. (j, 6, mm wnut""' i, L__i(,1jllll?f' PETER SARARAS {ALES .cnndggt ed in Licensed Auctioneer for J ACOB BOEHM ER, PrioenuyroR, THE SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, W Highest current rates on special deposits. SNYDER’S DRUG STORE, _..f-r Charles N. Rockel HEADiOFFiCE, MONTREAL, ' LES conducted in all parts of Waterloo County, Charges moderate. Ordery Pr [will rannivn PTrimrrtm.sp -__ .. Pleasant toatake. opposite Foundry. Waterloo, Ontario, "U -.....,,v.~ IuHuEI‘HLU. will receive prompt attention W. A. KUMPF, VETERINARY SURGEON, MISS ANNIE R. BEAN, THE BEST REMEDY FOR OUGHS, C OLDS, GROUP HOARSENESS BRONCHITIS ASTHMA Waterloo, Ont, Ixxstmméntai Music. Organ Terms moderate JACOB "ESPEEER, Manager Waterloo Branch. AND ALBERT STREET, and Paper Hanger, - .. Ontario 1. Mannheim P WATERLOO, ONT “'nlorloo County Sure Cure.

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